1265 Burrows Rd. (91-04) ... - I 4-- ~ '. CITY OF CAMPBEll CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL / lJed ~..ks.Jrr ~J ~~ tv Let- I ~ 2- . ~ f.UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. 2. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions" of the '/J. Campbell Municipal Code. T~i) ........"'-'-1\..5 undt..V'jr00I"\c\ !!>e~\lIL.eJ 1-0 hJ, /t'J7Y Process and file a final map. fl'ne.,lu.-u'\.r c..!Au....l<e...\, Nl'.ce\ IPr'"I'l'nc.l. hc..I'1J 3. Furnish a copy of the Preliminary Title Report. If) h.. 4. Request abandonment of property along Hacienda in accordance with Traffic Engineer's final street layout. <V~, (R~1ucstt:4) 5. Dedicate additional right-of-way as required along Hacienda in accordance with Traffic Engineer's final street layout. Q n. n1 a r- 6. Provide a 5' P.U.E. at the back of walk along the Hacienda and Burrows frontage. 10.1 P 5 F- Q 'I "1 a [' 13" c t'\ ~ L tte..r-, 7. Install street improvements on Hacienda and Burrows as directed by the City Engineer: ? a. Execute the agreement to install street improvements. b. Provide plans, pay fees, deposits, and post surety, as requ.ired to obtain an encroachment permit for all work within the public right- of-way. 8. Payment of park land dedication in lieu fees. t01X>'t PC{ I 'J 9. Payment of storm drain area fee. .$ [; '1" 7 ~? v ~ . 10. Provide three copies of grading and drainage plans for review. ? 11. Sewers: Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the West Valley Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. CD c;> n K ~ I ' 12. Water Service: Installation of a water distribution system to serve all I ~_. '7f'/~~(r' lU<:. 41:> ~.,~ ~ -, 1'.L ~'iIZ/UC (1~ to (r~ -4 ~. ~~ ~ ~-()~ ~ ~.~J.~ .~ c.~ ,/LC(~ rtA. )~)~7 r~ ~/ .~ .A1~ .r0 c-r" /'-~ ~;=J. ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Community Development October 6, 1993 Mr. Kenneth E. Sutherland 13053 Ten Oak Way Saratoga, CA 95070 Re: R 93-03 (PM 91-04) Extension of Tentative Map Approval 1265-1271 Burrows Road - APN: 403-16-007,8 Dear Mr. Sutherland: Please be advised that the Community Development Director and the Director of Public Works have extended your previous Tentative Parcel Map approval for a period of one year from August 23, 1993, to August 23, 1994. This Tentative Map Approval is subject to the previous conditions of approval and requires that you file a final map with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. The issue of street right of ways and improvements is currently being reviewed by the City Council. It is anticipated that recommended changes will impact your final map. Please refer to the attached memo dated 9/17/93 and contact Mike Fuller at (408) 866-2158 if you should have any questions. If you should have any questions regarding this process or the conditions of approval, please do not hesitate to contact Tim Haley at (408) 866-2144. Sincerely, I ! ) ,,~Of (4",,,6'.-;. l~ . r * . -':' * n .- 'l V _ ;. <..t.< a 0 E'( l C p...\\\ CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Tim Haley Associate Planner ~ Mike Fuller rt()l ~t'~ Assistant Engineer \ j Date: September 17, 1993 From: Subject: R 93-03 - Extension of Approval of Parcel Map 91-04 1265-1271 Burrows Road - APN 403-16-007,8 ---------------------------------------------------------- The Public Wodes Department is supportive of your request to extend the approval of the above tentative map only if certain items are made clear to the applicant in this approval. These items are as follows: 1) Based on the San Tomas Area Study draft standards, it appears that a 20-foot half- street is all that will be required on Burrows. The tentative map shows 30 feet, which will be necessary only in the area of the bus stop. A transition will then be made from 30 feet to 20 feet south of the bus stop. If these standards are adopted, these changes will be reflected on the final map. 2) Minor changes will also be made in the alignment of the property line along Hacienda A venue. The tentative map shows a 3' strip to be vacated along Hacienda, which is not accurate. It does not show the area which has already been vacated near the northwest comer of the property. Finally, it does not show an area which must be dedicated near the northeast comer of the property. Some of these changes are reflected in a copy of the unapproved parcel map dated September, 1991. Again, these changes will be reflected in the final map. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at X2158. RECEIVED SEP 2 ,I 1993 CITY Of CAMPtH:Lt. PLANNING OEPr <! n:: ~ <( <!f-W -.l UOl.L.U <! ~~~Oi=! ~ <(f-0r<>Z i ;:::NC36~2 ~ gf-<(o<1ln:: -.J !; l.L.gBa:JlD8 W ~ ol.L.~~t5~ !:i ..JoiYo<( U ~ <iz .~Cl..>- 0:: Q~n::(J)~ -" 0f- OCl..::> """'l Zn:: .U<(O CL ~s:~~~u '. <.i c ~ s .- Q,) Z .0 If) ~ ~ N ...( .~ %~ .: =~ ::c ",U, .. !~ . c ~ ~~ ::.2..: ill .u 01 d ~~ ~[6~ ~ 5~ 01 ~ ~ :5 li! u 01 41 ~ CD SI!s ~ ,~w ~ !5~:: : ~llu ! I 5 ~ 5 !!~; ~ !! j~ 0 :a :a 11 - ~ c ;;: 5 5 ~ 5 ~ : ! Q ~ f ~ ~ Q U :: .. ;:: ;: - X ...a ! 5 ~ ~ i 8 E to to - - II e e ~ 5 a ~ ~ ~ j~~::i~; -- ..~ I >.0;,..... _ ~~. ~ j ! _N _ ."':i -o2"Nl:2 .io'~ $:8 qa,~r-! ~ !?!ll 2Q~~ ~ ",I tt:45~ '" ~~ a~ =: " c. I: ..~ ~ is ; =~ 5 !5 g ~=li ! ii~g ~ != c '". ~ ii~ g~ ~;:I ~= =~i ~= "'V'I ... ~~rti<(. a::a:c.Da:: LU~Q)<(Cf) x lD..Jc.!) ....z Uz 50d [E VI z~< ':I!~t;~~ ....~<t(/')lI.. a::Cfl1=140 O(f)oO~ "-":zlS'" LUW<(crca o~~8Cf) Illw &..1<( 1~:!:1z z~"t'3 8 C)uofCf)cr ~~lilo~':l! L5~(T)~~Z a:l CD:M::Z~ ':l!~cig8~ I-....J%Q) I@i~ ..'" ~:~ 1II~~ g~~ ~~~ <r..~ z""VI>- e~: ~!I 511h:t ~~~ ~;e ~~ "'~ . ii~; ~ ~ OttOH S ;~'~~ ~ :a i I ~ a ~30~OB 3,<,IJ.JIV/J,SIO hi 2112." S 'O/~OOOI ---------- ----- qo !Jq o Q r.ECK o "'I "', tn .0 t: ~ ~ C\J ... "- ~(j ~o: O~!!l -.J ci ci ~ ,.., .. ,.., (tl ;z II -~ II ;,') - L'::-: ii1 ............ ..-.--' 1-., Cr- [-I"J-r- J MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: Don Wimberly Date: June 11, 1992 From: Joan Bollier Subject: BURROWS ROAD Here is the information on the Hacienda/Burrows development you requested for the City Manager. We are recommending that the City enter into an agreement to have the street improvements on the east side of Burrows Road, from Hacienda Avenue south approximately 275 feet, installed in conjunction with the development at the southwest corner of Hacienda and Burrows. A development application for the construction of four single family homes on the property located on the southwest corner of Hacienda Avenue and Burrows Road has been approved by the Planning commission and the City Council. As a condition of this approval the developer is required to install half street improvements on both streets. Existing street elevations on Burrows Road will necessitate the removal the asphalt on the east side also and its replacement with temporary pavement which would later have to be removed in order to reconstruct the roadway to the ultimate design grade. This portion of Burrows Road is included in a ClP project, however, it is on the 94/95 unfunded list. constructing full improvements on this side of Burrows Road in conjunction with the west side development will save the cost of installing and removing the temporary pavement, provide for better drainage, and provide a safer roadway for both pedestrians and vehicles plus provide a better quality product than constructing opposite sides at different times. The City Muni Code Section 11.24.070 provides the mechanism for the City to advance the costs and to recover them later when the property is redeveloped. The cost for the east half improvements that the City would be funding is $82,000 (total cost including design, plan check and inspection). One flag lot development on this side of the street is currently being processed. This will provide an immediate recovery of $16,000 of the $82,000 plus reduce maintenance expenses that would have been required on the old roadway. Memo to Don Wimberly Burrows Road Page 2 June 11, 1992 We propose to utilize unappropriated gas tax reserves. Currently that reserve equals $1,073,682. We are proposing a similar project on Virginia Avenue which will cost about $123,000. We haven't done a detailed estimate yet. Virginia Avenue improvements are also on the unfunded ClP list in 95/96. f: Burrows (DR/Multimate) -\ L. r--' I~'J (',. 1("";: fl'.l ! C!1]J n~ nIt-! H" , --_._'~~ '~- - . -- t I / __ I .J- , . . ~t,:, {, jl +-; I to ..; a - ~ -........-- <- . ' . . , '0 ---+--- - - - pMO"'O,:j ~ --: -~ ~~, . -~~ . - _.: - { .; ~ r - l&J ("1." ~.(;-- > _ __L _ .... CI ~tYrf; Y~n ;.. _.'. 'J ...l...,__ '.. , . - ~! Jf. -I " -1 ; r- a ' it : -. j OJelf:)UOu ) '" o,^ .i(J .. I ... ~ . - --...f. i ,.' ~~ . _ 4 " ~ ~ ! '\ , -, . "1'-- ---+-, _ --L.'-1- - ._-~. c . _. _Ujr' _: U ---1- '. ... - 4.t: ,. '_ a . a - r . ~ : - ~~ -; ~- , ~ . en ..... , fA" "" r (' , I.') o('~ , :y ; >-, -I \~J '....... ,~ ........ J~ \J , -. -: ..[27 a . , - 1--. '. C .. - _.~. - -- 4 en . L -h. ~ , t- - L .- - -/' . c ~ J~L),~~ eA'I ~ i - -.v---:::J I . 2: ("' l -;__ I I r ~ l I I L' J__ I J '~.-Ij[. -b. I U I ~t. , ;{ ~ {?D ~. : ~I wO,lf 1l~n9 \ l...Jf .. -~. ' r I II --~ L ~ ( ~ -, r --- -t :~ ,<0( ( Ji) ...J .' ~, . . . ,- ....... ... 'r' ~ ..... ~ I ~, ~ '.II~ ~ r I ~ r- "'- '- (,- ... Q.l l: ... .., l-+ \ ~, t' \.. \~. , \ ~d rlJ JlH \\('~ . , \, -1 . - -. ~~ .-------- -r= ~ .~ -- . o - ~' ~ . 2 '. "- .,.t. \\ , ;. ~ L C'r'NEORMED COPY': ThIs doc.u~ent has ~~:. ~':jar;:o compared with the ongmal. 5ANT A CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 113139~1 FILED FI.Hi HEGORD AT REQUt:ST OF NO FEE G1 APR 13 II 01 AM · 9Z Rl:CEIV...l'..<'; APR 14 1992 . IEn ineeri~ING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY PubhcWorks, 9 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA VACATING A PORTION OF HACIENDA AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 8245 OFFl G ;,\ ;~_GORDS SANTA CLAHA COUNTY LAURIE KANE RECORDER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, pursuant to the provisions of The Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law, did heretofore, on the 21st day of January, 1992 pass upon and adopt its Resolution of Intention to vacate a certain portion of a Public Street, being Resolution No. 8224; and WHEREAS, Pacific Bell Company has request~d the retention of an easement for facilities located within the area proposed to be vacated WHEREAS, the hour of 7:30 p.m. of this 18th day of February, 1992 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California are the time and place set for hearing all persons interested in or having objections to said proposed vacation: and NOW THEREFORE, The City Council of said City of Campbell finds and determines from the evidence submitted that the portion of Hacienda Avenue, a public street in the City of Campbell, hereinafter described be, and it is hereby, vacated, abandoned and closed to public use as a street and that the portion so vacated is described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. EXCEPTING and reserving therefrom, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8340 of the Street and Highways Code and for the benefit of Pacific Bell, the permanent easement and the right at any time or from time to time to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits, cable, wires, poles and other convenient structures, equipment and fixtures for the operation of telegraphic and telephone lines and other THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND bORRECT COpy Of. THE ORIO,,; \L ON FILE 'N THIS Of'FIC~, ATTE T: BARBARA KEE. CITY CL.,.., CITY F cMIlpetLL, CALIFORNIA, BY: /J -j .~,\~. / ~ r~V:~J LJ Cv,~ :J 11 ,''!L. , I I communication facilities, including access and the right LO keep the property free from inflammable materials and wood growth, and otherwise protect the same from all hazards, in, upon, over and across that portion of Hacienda Avenue described on Exhibit "A" hereto attached. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of February following vote: ,1992 by the AYES: Councilmembers: Kotowski, Conant, Ashworth, Watson, Burr NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: ex: 1m. embers: c. .~rJ~ Barbara Kee, City Clerk None ATTEST: APPROVED~ ~ ~~ Donald R. ~".f, Mayor THE FOREQOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT copy OF THE OR'GINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE, ATTEST; BARBARA KEE, CITY CLERI\, CI OF CAMPBEcLL, CALIFORNIA, I c~"\ (~ \...., ) EXHIBIT "A" PROR)SED S'IREET VACATIOO HA~ AVENUE All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California described as follavs: Begirming at the northwest comer of IDt 1 as shcMn on that certain map of Rinconada Gardens, Tract No. 89, a copy of which map was filed on May 29, 1939 in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, in Book 3 of MalE at page 59; '!hence North 6059'10" East, along the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of said IDt 1 a distance of 10.00 feet; 'Ihence North 83000'50" East, parallel to the centerline of Hacienda Avenue and distant therefrom 30 feet, as said avenue is shown on said map of Tract No. 89 a distance of 33.00 feet; '!hence North 88021' 40" East a distance of 107.31 feet to a point on the southerly line of Hacienda Avenue ( 40' feet from centerline ) as shCMIl on said map of Tract No. 89; 'Ihence South 83000'50" West, a distance of 139.84 feet to the Point of Begirming: Containing an area of 0.0198 acres, more or less. RESERVING, for the benefit of Pacific Bell, an easement up:>n, over and under the aOOve descri.bed parcel. THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS I>. TPUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGIN'L ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: 81>.RBI>.RI>. I<f~E, CITY CLERl(, CI OF C~ MP8lLL, CALIFORNIA. :~~ ] I ----- <( o z u.1 ------ 8UR~ o vv s --.. ROAD~ ~ ul > <!j // :: 40 \1-G? S at>-\) \}'J s ~ ~\)\Z\ZO 001 0~ ?- \ AO -........ ill ~ ~<t u 0 <{ ,~ :Xo G III ~ <<> z ~?~ I 30 "'\Rp...C\ LO\ 1 59 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMLNT IS A .,.~~ AN8 COf'RECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL (;N FILE IN THIS OFFlel ATTES"'!': BARBARA KfE. CITY ClER.K. C~Y OF CbMPAElL, CAliFORNIA. ~. '.~~~V'\ ~~.::x,\ C,,-\{,\ L\el..iL I I..J~ \ --.J ' ,J ~"'j .3 211Cil- ' '-- '- l-'-t ~o P. O. B, N ~ 0 5 9' 10" W i PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF IiACIENDA AVE-NUE. EXHIBIT "A~' PROPOSED ~ = ABANDONMENT CONTAINS O,OI98AC. DR. BY J, P. CK. BY J A ~ I 19 9 2 19 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 3111 (408) 286-4555 950 S, BASCOM AVENUE. SAN JOSE, CA 95128 Civil Engineering Land Planning September 11, 1991 Land Surveying City of Campbell 75 No. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Attn.: Jim Penoyer Dept. of Public Works Re: Our Job #3101 - Hacienda & Burrows City File S 91-07 - Ray Souther Dear Jim: Attached find the following: (1) Five copies of the Parcel Map (2) One copy of the computer calculations (3) One copy of the title report If you recall, I directed a letter, dated August 6th (see attached), to Don Wimberly in which I requested the vacation/abandonment of a portion of Hacienda Avenue (City requirement to reduce width) and also to eliminate the "Future Avenue Line" and "Building Line" that is shown on Tract No. 89. I assume you office can "handle" these matters? Please let me know when the "Check Sheet" is ready. Very truly yours, ~f? M ~ Bob McDermott cc: Ray Souther ~" CONDmONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. M 91-08 (S 91-07) SITE ADDRESS: 1265-1271 Burrows Road APPLICANT: Kurt Anderson PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 10, 1991 The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that he/ she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California. The lead department with which at the applicant will work is identified on each condition. Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that he/ she is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not herein specified. Modified September 10, 1 YYl SITE AND BUILDING DESIGN: 1. Approved Project: Approval is granted to construct four single-family homes. The building designs shall substantially conform to the project exhibits listed below, except as may be modified by the Conditions of Approval. (Planning) A. Site Plan prepared by Andarch and Associates, dated July 18, 1991. (Planning) B. Building elevations and floor plan prepared by Andarch and Associates, dated July 18, 1991. (Planning) LANDSCAPING AND FENCING 2. Landscape Plan: Landscaping plan indicating the protection of existing trees and the installation of (15 Gallon) trees for screening of two-story elements and 24 inch box street trees to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of Building Permits. (Planning) 3. Fencing: Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. (Planning) 4. Performance Bond: Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $6,000 to ensure landscaping, and fencing, of completion of construction; or (2) file a written agreement to complete landscaping, and fencing. Bond or agreement to be filed prior to application for a building permit. (Planning) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. M 91-08 (S 91-07) SITE ADDRESS: 1265-1271 Burrows Road APPLICANT: Kurt Anderson PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 10, 1991 page two PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/UTILITIES 5. Utility Boxes and Back-Flow Preventers: Applicant to submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes and S.J. Water back-flow preventers, indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the Planning Director. (Planning) 6. Building Occupancy: Building occupancy will not be allowed until pubic improvements are installed. 7. Parking: All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. PUBLIC SAFETY/WELFARE 8. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (Public Works) 9. Utility Connections: Plans submitted to the Building Division for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. (Building) 10. Garbage Collection: Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, and all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. (Fire) 11. Noise Levels: Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise element of the Campbell General Plan. (Building) 12. Park Dedication Fee: Applicant to pay Park Dedication In-lieu Fee of $9,096 (2 new units at $4,548 each). (Public Works) CONDmONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. M 91-08 (S 91-07) SITE ADDRESS: 1265-1271 Burrows Road APPLICANT: Kurt Anderson PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 10, 1991 page three 13. Property Maintenance: The property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property (Section 11.201 & 11.414, 1985 Ed. Uniform Fire Code). (Fire) 14. Retaining Walls: Retaining walls at property lines are limited to a height of 15 inches if constructed of wood. (Building) 15. Grading Permits: Provide three sets of grading and drainage plans for review by City Engineer. Plans to include relationship to all adjacent property and structures. (Public Works) 16. Parcel Map: Process and file a parcel map. Lot # 2 to be adjusted to provide a minimum 11,000 square foot area exclusive of driveway. (Public Works) 17. Dedication: Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen Hacienda Avenue as directed by City Engineer. (Public Works) 18. Street Improvements: Install street improvement across frontage on Hacienda A venue and Burrows Road intersection including bus stop per Santa Clara County Transportation Agency Standards, as directed by City Engineer. (Public Works) 19. Encroachment Permit: Provide plans, pay fees and post surety required to obtain an encroachment permit for all work within the public right-of-way. (Public Works) 20. Storm Drain Fee: Pay storm drain area fee of $2,025 (1.08 acres at $1,875/ acre). (Public Works) 21. Grading and Drainage Fee: Submit five copies of the grading and drainage plan for the City Engineer's review showing the relationship to adjacent properties. (Public Works) 22. Intersections: Modify Hacienda/Burrows intersection as directed by the City Engineer. (Public Works) CONDmONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. M 91-08 (S 91-07) SITE ADDRESS: 1265-1271 Burrows Road APPLICANT: Kurt Anderson PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 10, 1991 page four 23. Fire Hydrant: Fire access road 20' wide 13'6" clear height to back of house, or as an alternative: approved 13-D sprinkler system. (Fire) 24. Street Improvements: Install/modify existing improvements west of property to transition to new street improvements as directed by the City Engineer. (Public Works) 25. Project Phasing: Project approval is valid for 24 months from August 2, 1991 and is approved in 3 phases. Phase I (1-9 months) allows the construction of new residences on lots 1 and 2; Phase IT (9-15 months) allows the construction of a residence on lot 3, and Phase III (15-24 months) allows the construction of a new residence on lot 4. In the event that Phases IT and ITI of the project are not initiated in the specified time schedule, the applicant will be responsible for repainting the existing residences and relandscaping the front yard areas of lots 3 and 4 within 3 months of the completion of Phase I ~ .'..~. f' ~, j~ ~ ) M 91-08 - 1265-1271 Burrows Applicant: K. Anderson filE ~ ., "-;'. .~ ~. s ~. ~: I:: ;.: :: ;.J \~fI f.. " ~ ii ...... ~ !It a' \~ ..,. ~ ~4 !~~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" d , . -- ENDA AVENUE "ACt It...,..,.,. ,.,., ..,,, ~ ....... lIS &4 ,...---, \ \ \=w---=\ \ 1 \ _.1 ~-- a ~ o c I o c ! . ':~ .. ~--1 ~W; \ \ r----::.-; I ....., _ GIll I I .~..... , 'I .... r- CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 .RECEIViD AU G ::? lG)QI} '., ...j J!ublic Worb/El1jlrtijfili'lna Department: Planning August 26, 1991 Mr. Raymond G. Souther P.O. Box 15039 San Jose, CA 95115-0039 Re: Approval of Tentative Parcel Map (PM 91-04) 1265-1271 Burrows Road APN: 403-16-007, 8 Dear Mr. Souther: The Planning Director and Public Works Director have approved the above referenced Tentative Parcel Map, based upon the mandatory finding that this Tentative Parcel Map together with the provisions for its design and improvement is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Campbell. The final map shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. This approval is subject to the attached conditions approved and is valid for two (2) years from approval date of August 23, 1991. ~ Steve Pias cki Director of Planning Don Wimberly Director of Public W ks cc: Bob McDermott Jennings-McDermott-Heiss Inc. 950 S. Bascom Avenue, Ste. 3111 San Jose, CA 95128 Michelle Quinney, Public Works Department Gregg Berryman, Fire Department CITY OF CAMPBELL " CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 2. Process and file a final map. 3. Furnish a copy of the Preliminary Title Report. 4. Request abandonment of property along Hacienda in accordance with Traffic Engineer's final street layout. 5. Dedicate additional right-of-way as required along Hacienda in accordance with Traffic Engineer's final street layout. 6. Provide a 5' P.ll.E. at the back of walk along the Hacienda and Burrows frontage. 7. Install street improvements on Hacienda and Burrows as directed by the City Engineer: a. Execute the agreement to install street improvements. b. Provide plans, pay fees, deposits, and post surety, as required to obtain an encroachment permit for all work within the public right- of-way. 8. Payment of park land dedication in lieu fees. 9. Payment of storm drain area fee. 10. Provide three copies of grading and drainage plans for review. 11. Sewers: Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the West Valley Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 12. Water Service: Installation of a water distribution system to serve all CITY OF CAMPBEll -2- lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. FIRE DEPARTMENT 13. Proposed residential structures on lot 2 will require sprinkling due to fire access requirements. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 14. Prior to recordation of final map, applicant to submit and have approved a tree protection plan for the retained trees on site. 15. Existing wood building (lot 2), trailer (lot 1, 2, 4) and rear one story stucco house (lot 3) to be removed prior to final map approval. JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 3111 (408) 286-4555 950 S, BASCOM AVENUE. SAN JOSE, CA 95128 Civil Engineering Land Planning August 6, 1991 Land Surveying ~iECiiVSD City of Campbell 75 No. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 '! tl ! '"I ',' A"'minllfraflol'f Attn.: Don Winberly, C.E. Director of Public Works RE: Our Job #3101 - 4 Lot Subdivision Hacienda & Burrows Ray Souther, Developer Don: Attached find one copy of the approved Tentative Map for subject property which indicates a proposed width from the existing centerline to property line of 37 feet, which is the width proposed by your Traffic Engineer. I also attach a copy of Tract No. 89, the subdivision that originally dedicated a 40 foot width within Allendale Avenue, now Hacienda Avenue. We are requesting your office abandon and/or vacate (legal proceedure?) the 3 foot strip of land, also highlighted on said approved Tentative Map. We also have an additional concern regarding the "Future Avenue Line" and "Building Line", both as shown on said map of Tract No. 89. Both "Lines" were dedicated by the owners as indicated within the Owners Statement. They have no public value and would appreciate your responding to us for the proper proceedure for their elimination. I have discussed these matters with Jim Penoyer, who is familiar with our request and if more information is needed, please call. Regards, ~~) tvtC() Bob McDermott cc: Ray Souther I~Jl Parkmanr Avenue San Jose, Calilorllla 9~ 128 ...... PACIFIC.....lIBELL" A PacifIc TelesIs Company May 29, 1991 CITY OF CAMPBElL RJBLIC ~ 70 NORIH FIRST S'lREEl' CAMPBElL, CALIF. 95008 a.CI'VID JUN 3 \991 Public WorkI/IMt....rittl RE: 1265-1271 BURR.CI-lS ROAD Dear Sir: We have no objection to the Public utility Easements (P.U.E.jP.S.E.) as sl1cM1 on the subject tract/parcel map. However, P.U.E.'s do not oonsti'b.rt:e an easement acceptable to Pacific Bell. It may therefore be advantageous for the property CMner to grant our Catpmy an easement for a portion of the telepxme facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such an easement will be made directly with the property owner. 'lhe above mentioned Project is ICX2ted within the Pacific Bell service area ani tel~ service will be proved in accordance with our rates, rules ani regulations. OUr engineering plans call for providing service to this site when service is required. If you should have any questions, please call me on (408) 491-8134. Sincerely, l.~' Design EZgineer South Bay Loop Engineering ex::: JElmINGS-KDEHDIT-HEISS, INC. RAYlOID G. saJIHER-aiNER CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 February 2, 1990 . P' I "';" '''', "....,...". , '1'"...,;~'1~' I. ''Ii;,' '. '. ... ~. ~ - --. :- :' ':... . .... :' ~' ' ' '-' , - . ~ ... , . t ~ - . -~~ , .. ' ",~"-:: 1 '. "':. .,: :"". .. ii' ",-(,~" :-,... i ' , I oj(- ~ (Jtutu: 12:1 , i .--~.. ~ '.,' .. .. ..'.~,.... .. -"....... . ..,. . 'Y -..-...-- .. r' I I ' -'; ,...._~ " 1 \: .-. ~_. -'-'--'._'_ "'4... ..' __._~ Department: Public Works JHM, Inc. 925 Regent Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95110 ATTN: Bob McDermott SUBJECT: HACIENDA & BURROWS (Your Job #3101) Dear Bob: In order to consider your proposal for dedication of public right-of-way along Hacienda Avenue near the intersection of Burrows Road we will need more information. A more comprehensive plan which shows how the proposed right-of-way will work with the existing conditions in the area and also how the proposed right- of-way will work with future dedications in the area will allow us to evaluate your proposal. 'Of particular concern is how your proposal can be integrated with the Hacienda Court development, the parcels adjacent to your corner parcel, and the Maggio Court development, both in the interim and ultimate stages of right-of-way acquisition. These areas have been highlighted on the attached plan. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached at 866-2150. Since'rely: ~ Michelle Quinney Associate Engineer Attachment MQ:HAC1.A