720 Camden Ave. (87-07) REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: SANDY TERPKO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Pl ease ; ssue check p~.~ab1 e to: Economy Lumber Address: Line 1: 720 Camden Avenue Line 2: City: Campbell State: CA Zip: 95008 Description: Ref Deposit/Permit No: 87-240 Exact Amount Payable: 1, 320 . 00 INTEREST EARNED Account Number: 001.00.905.4662 001.05.540.4448 LOCATION: 720 Camden Avenue DATE AND NO. OF RECEIPT: 12-19-88 #1985 PURPOSE: Cash Deposit NJ.-~ Requested by: Mike A. Fuller Approved by: ~ichelle Quinney Title: Assist. EnaineerDate: 6/9/93 Verified by: Title: Title: City Rnqineer Date: 6/9/93 Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is Mail in attached envelope Return to: Public Works (Department) Mike A. Fuller (Name) Other: Rev 11/21/91 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: SANDY TERPKO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Pl ease issue check p~~ab1 e to: Economv Lumber Address: Line 1: 720 Camden Avenue L1 ne 2: Ci ty: Campbell State: CA Zip: 95008 Description: Ref Deposit/Permit No: 87-240 INTEREST EARNED Exact Amount Payable: 500.00 Account Number: 001.00.905.4662 001.05.540.4448 LOCATION: 7?O ('rlmr1pn AvpnllP DATE AND NO. OF RECEIPT: 10/20/87 #15541 PURPOSE: Plan Check Deposit ~} Requested by: Mike A. Fuller Approved by: ~ichelle Quinney Verified by: Title: Assist. Engineer Date: 6/9/93 Title: City Engineer Date: 6/9/93 Title: Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Ma il as i s Mail in attached envelope Return to: Public Works (Department) Mike A. Fuller (Name) Other: Rev 11/21/91 1:, ALLIED ENGINEERING COMPANY .1(i0~ J ( vV\ 7 ,/( ~" -'~ .,/ . ,.... ----.. i . I elf? f \ / ) (f ( ; 1_'~.v'C J /', L.' fj !.> i ( ,I April 13, 1988 File No. 8714 Mr. David Valkenaar Assistant City Engineer City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Street Improvement Plans - Camden Avenue Plat of Right of Way and Description of Right of Way Camden Avenue Economy Lumber Company (S & W Lumber Co.) City of Campbell, California Dear Mr. Valkenaar: Attached are three (3) sets of the corrected plans for the above referred street improvements signed by our office. Attached also is your check set. . Attached are four (4) sets of the Plat of Right of Way and Descr~ption of Right of Way for street dedication of Camden Avenue for your use. Please send us the requirements for the certificate of compliance at the earliest date possible. c.c.--Mr. John Saunders Mr. D. K. Medley Mr. Bruce Johnson RECEIVED APR 12 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING KJI:dg Kenneth J. Iwagaki Lester Ikegami Werner Kahlen Kenneth G. Masunaga Dianne Growitz Allied Engineering Company A Division of IK-GM Consulting Civil Engineers, 3170 Williams Road (408) 241-1960 Consulling Engilwers, Inc. Surveyors & Land Planners San Jose, California 95117 --- L ." .. '" APR 6 \988 MEMO TO: KEN IWAGAKI, , APRIL 5, 1988 ALLIED ENGINEERING FROM" DAVID VALKENAAR SUBJECT: TODAY'S MEETING AT ECONOMY LUMBER 720 CAMDEN AVENUE This memo is to con~irm the 'results o~ our meeting today at 10 a.m. at subJect site. Present at the meeting besides ourselves were; Vern Lamkin, Southern Paci~ic Engineer; Keith Stewart, Southern Pacific Signal Manager; John Saunders, Economy Lumber; Bill Wood~ill, Economy Lumber; Chuck Gomez and Lynn Snyder o~ my o~~ice. The ~ollowing decisions and agreements were made: Allied will ~inish and submit the improvement plans to Gomez for ~inal checkiYlg aYld approval. ~r..,.::lYded.th.r"on .will.berevisions to !iJb.~~ ,th@JiiQ\.Ith@nd..Qf_th.- c:i...iVfliWay approach 1;0 be an "alley type.' jlpproach. p.r,Ci..ty....tand~rdti. (You wi 11 pick up the Standard Drawing this a~ternoon.) Also, the concrete portion o~ that driveway approach will end at the painted island in the center of the driveway. Southern Paci~ic (Lamkin) will send to me a clearance letter indicating that their concerns have all been met and that the City can release the permit. City will mark the island and curb locations and elevations to ~acilitate the S.P. signal ~oundation and conduit installation. We will call Stewart as soon as this is done. (Promised to be within two weeks.) Southern Paci~ic agreed that they will install the Camden Avenue gate at about 15-~eet southerly o~ the driveway and at 6-~eet ~roM the ~ace o~ curb. This location avoids the expense o~ relocating the utility pole and will give the required 4-~eet sidewalk clearance in ~ront o~ the crossing gate. =- Allied will ~acilitate obt~ining the Camden Avenue right-o~-way dedication ~rom Economy Lumber to the City. Economy and S.P. are to come to agreement on the limits o~ the driveway easement and execute the easement agreement. Please let me know i~ there were ay,y other pertinant items that sho\.\ld be noted. cc: Lamkin Stewart SauY,ders Wood~ill Gomez Snyder RECEIVED APR 12 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING /~;;:Jt1'r- <71 fait' a5S'~.s,ft7rs ,P7d'rc~/s - ~?J/7?~//cJ6b/? CJt:lk,s~ E~ol7om/f !LI.I?7/;~r c1am?t:?/7!f .4/# "!I/2-CJ/-CJ/~ ~CJ/b MAP CHECK & PLOT BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING p/t/rl 1000.000 1000.000 NE 2 33 7.0 34.520 1034.486 1001.537 H~ .rI J7/~ NE 32 11 20.0 544.820 1495.565 1291.769 SW 25 10 46.0 88.540 1415.438 1254.099 NE 32 11 20.0 157.220 1548.493 1337.853 SE 57 51 22.0 197.080 1443.637 1504.723 SW 32 14 24.0 75.910 1379.431 1464.228 SW 16 7 54.0 60.970 1320.861 14 47.287 SW 28 52 54.0 232.440 1117.332 1335.018 SW 0 43 9.0 303.780 813.576 l33l~205 sw 11 18 38.0 136.690 679.541 1304.397 NW 89 43 0.0 97.540 680.023 1206.858 NE 0 1 33.0 319.560 999.583 1207.002 NW 89 52 60.0 207.000 1000.005 1000.002 sw 27 5 11.5 0.005 1000.000 1000.000 2456.070 DrST TRAVERSED 447447 PRECISION AREA 173916 SF 3.9926 ACRES .', , .... FROM TO BEARING/DELTA LENGTH RADIUS 1 2 NE 2 33 7.0 34 . 520 2 3 NE 32 11 20.0 544.820 3 4 sw 25 10 46.0 88.540 +5 4 5 NE 32 11 20.0 157.220 . . . 5 6 SE 57 51 22.0 197.080 . . +.3 . 6 7 sw 32 14 24.0 75.910 . , . 7 8 sw 16 7 54.0 60.970 . 8 9 sw 28 52 54.0 232.440 .. . 9 10 SW o 43 9.0 303.780 .. +4 10 11 SW 11 18 38.0 136.690 . 11 12 NW 89 43 0.0 97.540 . 12 13 NE 0 1 33.0 319.560 . . 13 1 NW 89 52 60.0 207.000 . . +E . . SCALE 1 = 130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . +.9 . . . . t2 +1 · · · . . . . · · +- 13 . - -- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +10 . . . . . . . . . . + 1.2 · · · +11 DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES BY S & W LUMBER CO., INC. Beginning at a point at the intersection of easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue, 30 feet one half width wide, with the northerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to A & R Leasing Co. by Deed recorded in Book D015, Official Records, page 429, Santa Clara County Records, as said easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue and that certain parcel of land conveyed to A & R Leasing Co. are shown upon the Map of the Record of Survey of A Portion of Camden Avenue, in the City of Campbell, California, recorded in Book 482 of maps, page 11, Santa Clara County Records; Thence leaving the said easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue, N 890 59' 00" W, 5.00 feet to the inter- section thereof with the present easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue, 25 feet one half width wide; Thence along the said present easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue, N 00 01' 00" E, 24.17 feet to the intersection thereof with the southeasterly line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company Right of Way; Thence along the said southeasterly line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company Right of Way, N 320 OS' 20" E, 12.18 feet to the intersection thereof with the proposed easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue; Thence along saig proposed easterly right of way line of Camden Avenue, S 2 . 27' 07" W, 34.52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 164 square feet or 0.0038 acres. RECEIVED I\PR 12 1988 PUBUC WORKS ENGiNE.E.RiNG ~ ~~ I V~ I....N 11'()1',f.3"E / .J.J.1~' / ~ ~ij: ~ ~ ~.~.. IJ..... \0 ~~ O~I~ i)'/, ~ ~~q ~I~ ~,~ /~ ~I~ I ~~ N .1/'fJ52trE ~ /~/t!' .... ,*J ~ '~Ii NtJ~/(;IJ"E 'r'o, ~ ~4./1'-:. ....~ 4..J ,~ ~ /) 'ptJil7f of B~ '1iJ/l//7. ~ ~~ ~p~ ,~i ~ ;~IIIJ' . "'Sod'" I~ ~ 25 PLA T OF RIGHT OF WAY 45' I .i'J - '.#'.1 .B - ~. ;5S ~ I ~ Scale: /"= .J'IJ' I I~~ b A... 'V v'(\ I. '? ~\ " <-v ..)..v t ~ r :"\ ' ~v~, ~ ~ \J .~\) ~~ ~\~ '/ f<\V G <l.tj- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~}~ ,26' ,90' .~ ~ ~ ai ~ :. :s: ~ ~ S &. VV L U J'yJ 8 E B C [) J SHOB-rJNO AREA TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES BY S.8 W LUMBER CO., INC. RECEI'(ED APR 12 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 4.1I-~8 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBEll, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works April 5, 1988 Mr. John Saunders 720 Camden Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 I ',:" '..: j-t"";" r d_I r~:; /11:, ! 1,"1 I 1-- -rf" ., - - ! VI,::: It' i, I ~'-,-' -- -- - r -. - -.. '--1 . I .,.> I ...,_.....-....--__.~ ___ .i- i I I J,\.',; i ._--.c.-'-'l-- :, -." - ----. --r -- ': Re; Application No. S 87-07 Economy Lumber Co. 720 Camden Avenue ; 'ij'ii" Dear Mr. Saunders I.,,',.:. This is intended to clarify how to satisfy the conditions of approval of your application that were recommended by the Public Works Department.For convenience a copy of those conditions as established by the City Planning Commission is attached. Condition 18 refers to improvement plans for Camden, Winchester. Mr. Gomez of our office is working with Ken Iwagaki of Allied Engineering Company, your consultant. By seperate letter Mr. Gomez will advise Mr. Iwagaki what is required to obtain City approval of the plans. Condition 19 refers to an excavation permit to be issued by the City. Issuance of the permit will occur when the plans refered to above are ready to be signed, plan check and inspection fees have been paid and the Southern Pacific requirements have been met. Condition 20 refers to a permit from Southern Pacific to work in their right of way. This can be satisfied by a clearance letter from Southern Pacific that they have received the necessary easement and any fees and bonding requirements have been met. j ., Condition 21 refers to fencing along the property line co~o~ !' to Economy and Southern Pacific. It has been handled by inclusion 'i' ,';_ on the site plans that the Planning Commission approved and on the ;,:11 : 'I building plans to be erected with the other on-site structures. " I , " Condition 21 refers to a parcel map. We have been advised ~y our attorneYi,after conl$~l,tat~~?,.with youf att.orney, that the : objectives of thiscpnqiti()n',lIl.;ly..,);le met by_t.ne.(:ity~,s. i~suing' cr" certifi,9at~,'~;f ,'complial}ce. . We: flre':prepare;d to 'execute' such':a :i.: .,' ..., ~ertif~c~te upc;m, submtss~~n ~YI y~~r Engi~i7er '~lo~g with a .. proces,sing fee, of~50. 0,0. ..', ".:I'n'.i ',!:, ' . ". , ~ 'J' ..,~. " " ,-. ~ '::;. .L '~: j ,r' ,~=... ~.~ ;'~I:_-::":~~I-" ~...... I I. I' '. I , ~ 1 ' .' '. II' Ii: r-J.r:-j" ; "'',''1,. -. ~.'. .1 d Iii': , -'-';r;',' :.. " ' <_' '1 t i' I I :1 ! t. '. ,. ;;,~"< .~; .~~ 1 i,J J . ( ! .,11" -.,....,.1, . 11 . c, I ::,,::, ..-., 'Ui; J.ii1?~~~i,;?,:~-':f: ~ ~.'.. " . .". -"'."', ;..: ~ ~ ,'\ 'c"" , .' . . ',.. ~i' J '.'.1~-: ....-i..:'...'";..:.~ 'l"'~';_~'". CITY OF CAMPBEll Although it is not specifically listed as a condition, it will be necessary to dedicate an additional ten feet along Camden Avenue to accomodate the new improvements to be installed. Ken Iwagaki is aware of, this requirement and is preparing the plat and description. We will prepare the deed for your signature when we get the information from Ken. If you have any questions regarding the street improvement plans please feel free to contact David Valkenaar or Chuck Gomez of this office. Questions regarding the Certificate of Compliance may be directed to the undersigned. Any of us may be reached at 866-2150. Sincerely: James Penoyer xc Ken Iwagaki Bruce Johnson CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works April 5, 1988 Mr. John A. Saunders Economy Lumber Company 720 Camden Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE:720 CAMDEN AVENUE - REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT NO. 87-240 Dear Mr. Saunders: At the end of our meeting today, I promised to get back to you with a comprehensive list of what needs to be done to get your building permit released. I called about 3:45. I missed you, but I did give the' information to Bill Woodfill. Following is that information: For building permit release and issuance, we need: 1. Clearance letters from Sanitation District No. 4 Environmental Health Campbell Union School District Southern Pacific 2. The following items for Engineering Division of Public Works: a faithful performance bond in the amount of $33,000.00 a cash deposit of $1,320.00 (4% of bond amount) a permit fee of $2,310.00 (7% of bond amount) a workers' compensation certificate from applicant (John Saunders) (copy enclosed) a certificate of insurance with additional insured's endorsement from applicant (John Saunders) (copy enclosed) a request from your engineer for issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, along with payment of the $50.00 processing fee the required street dedication for the additional right-of-way in Camden Avenue 3. Payment of Building Divi~ion fees a building permit fee of $1,489.32 a construction tax of $2,189.00 Completion of all items in these three sections will get you the applied. for building permit. CITY OF CAMPBELL John A. Saunders 2 4/5/88 In order to proceed with the offsite work, the Public Works permit will have to be issued. For that we will need two more items. First, we will need the offsite plans completed and signed by the City Engineer. Second, we will need information from the contractor who will perform the offsite work. That information includes the completed Contractors' Information sheet, a workers' comp certificate, and an insurance certificate. If you have questions on any of these items, please feel free to contact me. I will either find the answer or direct you to the right place. Very truly yours, ~J~Vt!!tl~ David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV/le encl. cc: Bill Woodfill G. Gomez ~ J. Penoyer V"' E. Murphy Matteoni, Saxe & Nanda / Lawyers 85:: Nor/II Firs/ ,\'Ired . 3,../ Floor / S(/II ./o.\e, C(/Ii/omi(/ 951/:: / 'J'clCfl//OIl(' (--108) Y7/-fJ.1J / A Pn~/L).\'iolli.ll A.nocidlltJII November 6, 1987 Norl//a/l 1:.', fI.'/(/l/eu/li'. A//(/II Holll'r1 Saxe Murgurel Ecker NWIi/a 'f. Prl1jC\.\"jUJlld ('(J/porUIIII/l Mr. Arthur A. Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 70 No. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Peggy M, Cud('/' RE: Condition of Approval for File No. 587-07 Applicant Saunders, J. Dear Mr. Kee: I represent Economy Lumber which is undertaking an expansion of its operation at 720 Camden Avenue. The applicant has worked for some time with the City of Campbell to achieve this development and is all set to proceed. However, it now finds that, as a condition of approval to proceed with building, the applicant is required to process and file a parcel map to combine the two existing lots. The applicant objects to the processing of such parcel map. It serves no purpose for the applicant in that it is not building over property lines and the current layout affecting any structures on site has existed since 1950. Finally, the applicant has discovered that the process itself costs approximately $4,000. In the alternative, if the City deems it desirable to combine the parcels, cannot the City proceed under a City initiated lot merger to simply remove the common boundary line? I have not reviewed the City of Campbell IS ordinance on lot mergers, but other cities have a procedure of notifying the property owner who may request a hearing; and, if merger is determined appropriate, the city records a notice of merger. There is no need for a parcel map. NEM:sd cc: John Saunders to consider this if it desires merger. I ask the City of Campbell approach as inexpensive and efficien :U~~L/ C~.': W7 ~ rrO-......1 A TTI~\\N I II I, '.' YDJ'. '1987 "j C lTV C rC- [;;:.:,;',",:~ b :':L~ uL A 1'1 NIN[; Dt:I:JA,!Tt.~ leNT ~!p Matteoni, Saxe & Nandaj Lawyers 852 North First Strect · 3rd Floor / San Josc. California 95112 / Telephone (408) 971-6411 December 2l, 1987 RECEIVED DEe 221987 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING A Professional Association Norman E. Matteoni* Allan Robert Saxe Margaret Ecker Nanda . Professional Corporation Peggy M. Cocker Mr. William Seligmann City Attorney City of Campbell 20370 Town Center Lane, #245 Cupertino, CA 95014 RE: Economy Lumber Parcel Map Requirement Dear Mr. Seligmann: On December 4, 1987, James Penoyer of the City of Campbell Publ ic Works Department responded to a recent letter of mine on behalf of Economy Lumber which seeks to expand its operation at 720 Camden Avenue. As a condition of File No. S87-07, the applicant is required to process and file a parcel map to combine two existing lots {in fact, some of the existing improvements straddle a lot line). James Penoyer suggested that I contact you to determine if there is a simpler way to effect a merger of the lots other than a parcel map which would require an additional expense for $1,000.00 to the applicant to formalize something that already exist in fact, that is, that the two parcels support one use. Recognize that the parcels are not substandard in size. I have asked my clients to give me a description of the two lots. It appeared from the maps my clients gave me that they may be a part of a subdivision. But, the deeded description is a meets and bounds description (see enclosed). Thus, it appears to me, since the properties were created by deed, the property owner could record a merger of the lots by deed. I ask your review of this position. It appears to me that the Public Works staff is sympathetic to the clients' position. Mr. William Seligmann December 2l, 1987 Page Two If we cannot find some simple way to resolve the matter, I would like to have the issue reconsidered in that the property under its past use and the planned expansion really has to operate as one. There would be no danger that the properties would be sold off separately, because that would destroy the effective use of the property. NEM:sd Encl. <~. cc: Art Kee, Planning Director James Penoyer, Engineering Technician John Saunders D. K:; l"~dley f;u~rin tenden t if'. ':'C. Ballance Ass t. Superin tenden t R. J. Svoboda 1707 Division Mechanical Officer SOl.lthern Pacific k. D. Walker Divi8ion Engineer R. V. Hernandez As.t. Division Engineer K. B. Derr Office Engineer Transportation Company Wood Street, Oakland, CA. 94607 (415) B9~-7470 February 29, ~9BB ~ ~ . ~ C- fh-.jJ {/C/ File: GMO-79l25-3 Mr. Kenneth J. Iwagaki ALLIED ENGINEERING co. 3170 Wi~~iams Road San Jose, Ca. - 95~~7 RECEIVED MAR 4 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGiNEERING Dear Mr. Iwagaki: SUBJECi': Driveway Access - Economy Lumber - CAMBELL Refers to your ~etter of February 5, ~9BB, concerning subject and, more specifically, request for review and comment on proposed street easement .to Ci ty . . You state that the proposed development on southwest corner has been halted and that City feels that the entire intersection IllAY be changed. You attached a Xerox of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company drawing showing the inter- section high~ighted in pink with a note that states "No longer valid project; abandoned per City of Campbe~~ 1~-~-B7". If this is in fact the case, then we cannot comment on the proposed street easement until such time as a final design is adopted by the City. Would request that you have the City advise us as to the status of this matter. i'he proposed ~ocation of the crossing gate for your driveway exit is proper~y shown on your drawing. This crossing gate installation, however, cannot be insta~~ed unti~ the City insta~~ation is confirmed and under construction. This is because your signa~ insta~~ation is supp~emental to the City insta~~ation and cannot be insta~~ed by itse~f as it is current~y designed. Your drawing a~so indicates a concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk insta~lation across the entire Southern Pacific i'ransportation Company property and track. This is not a~~owable,as al~ such insta~lations (including your proposed driveway curbing) commonly terminate at a lO-foot clearance from the edge of rai~ (measured to right ang~es from track) on each side of track. The sidewa~k then is norma~~y A.C. pavement from one side of the track to the other and, of course, conforming to top of track e~evation. Your drawing is herewith returned with red markings indicating the clear area. The driveway curbing should be redesigned so that it wi~~ not encroach into the lO-foot c~ear area in advance of the driveway entrance into the proposed street easement. A possib~e a~ternative configuration is sketched onto your drawing in green. Mr. Kenneth J. Iwagaki February 29, 1988 Page Two Please review this matter and furnish a sketch of the area you desire to lease from us, for your purposes, so that we may determine if satisfactory to process for a lease. Should you have any questions regarding this matter. kindly contact Mr. Vern Lamkin of my staff at (415) 891-7470. Yours truly. ERR (Signed) K. 8. 0 Enc. / D. K. Medley cc - Mr. Dave Valkenaar ,/< City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, Ca. - 95008 '---- ',---. CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866.2100 Department: Planning July 30, 1987 S & W Lumber Co. 720 Camden Ave. , Campbell, CA 95008 Mr. Bruce Johnson 80 Alice Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: OUR FILE NO.: S 87-07 SITE ADDRESS: 72~ Camden Ave. APPLICANT: S & W Lumber Co. Conditions attached t~ .S. approval of the above-referenced project are attached as Exhibit! A - Conditions of Approval. Sect'ion 21.42.090 of t:he Campbell Municipal Code provides t:hat any approval grant1ed under t:his section shall expire one (l) year aft\er t'he date upon which such approval was granted, unless an ext1ension or reinstat~ement is approved. Approval is effective ten (10) days aft'er decision of approval of t'he Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON: July 28, 1987. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AA~/2. w,~ SECRETARY ld/lj AtJtachment;: Conditlions of Approval ~.::,~.. ;l.~'J!:~~';;:\..u..';f ,"., :i... CONDITIONS OF APPROVA~ FILE' S 87-07 SITE ADDRESS: 720 CAMDEN AVE. APPLICANT: SAUNDER, J. PC MTG DATE: 7-28-87 - The applicant is hereby notified, as part, of t:his applicat:ion, that' he/She is required to meet: the following condit:ions in accordance wit:h the Ordinances of t,he City of Campbell and the Laws of tlhe Stat'e of California. Additionally, the applicant is hereby not:ified thatl he/She is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of t'he City of Campbell and the Stat'e of California which pertain to this development, and are not herein specified. 1. Revised elevat'ions and/or sit'e plan addressing concerns as indicatied in the Staff Report: of July 28, 1987, too be submitted t'o the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of t\he Architectural Advisor pr ior to application for a bUilding permit. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicat ing type and size of plant matier ial, and locat:ion of irrigat'ion syst1em tlO be submitted co tihe Planning Department and approved by the Site and Archit1ect:ural Review Conunitt,ee and Planning Commission pr ior to issuance of a building permit:. 4. Fencing plan indicat'ing locatiion and design details of fencing too be submitted to t:he Planning Department: and approved by the Site and Archit;ectural Review Committee and the Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Applicant to eit'her (1) post a faithful performance bond in t:he amount' of $5,000.00 to insure landscaping, fencing, and st:riping of parking areas wit'hin 3 months of complet'ion of const:ruction; or (2) file written agreement' t!O complete landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas. Bond or agreement; t:o be filed with t,he Planning Department prior t'o applicat1ion for a building permit'. 6. Applicant to submit a plan t10 t:he Planning Department., prior t;o installatiion of PG&E utility (t'ransformer) boxes, indicat'ing tihe location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of t'he Planning Direct'or. 7. All mechanical equipment on roofs and all ut'ility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 8. Building occupancy will not' be allowed unt'il public improvements are installed. 9. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapt1er 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided wit:h appropriat:e concretle curbs or bumper guards. 10. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVA, FILE I S 87-07 SITE ADDRESS: 720 CAMDEN AVE. APPLICANT: SAUNDER, J. PC MTG DATE: 7-28-87 PAGE 2. '--~ 11. Plans submitted to the Building DepartlDlentl for plan check shall indicat:e clearly the 10catJion of all connections for underground ut'ilities including wat!er, sewer, elect'ric, tlE!lephone and tJelevision cables, et'c. 12. Sign appHcatJion t.o be submitt!ed in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs'. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Department:s (Sect'ion 21.68.030 of t1he Campbell Municipal Code). 13. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code st'ipulat!es t:hatl any' contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, web garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of tlhe Cit'y of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement, applies to all single-family dwellings, mult:iple apartment, unit1s, bo all commercial, business, indust'rial, manufacturing, and const'ruct:ion establ i shment's . 14. Trash container (s) of a size and quant'ity necessary t'o serve tlhe development' shall be located in area (s) approved by t:he Fire DepartmentJ. Unless otherwise not:ed, enclosure (s) shall consist: of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures t.o be const!ructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent: t:o t:he tirash enclosure area t'o service tlhese containers. 15. Applicant' shall comply with all appropriate Stlclt,e and City requirements for the handicapped. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 16. Retaining walls at: property lines are limit:ed to a height: of 15 inches if construcbed of wood. FIRE DEPARTMENT 17. Roofing mater ia18 shall meet! the requirements for a Class C roof covering or a special purpose roof per U.B.C. requirementJs. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 18. Install t,empotary improvements. in Camden/Winchest'er shown on Allied Engineering Company Drawing No. 8714 dated 4-29-87, as modified by tJhe City Engineer. 19. Obtain an excavation permit', pay fees, and post' suretty for all work in t!he public right:-of-way. . CONDITIONS OF APPROVI'-....._/ :LE t SITE ADDRESS: 720 CAMDEN AVE. APPLICANT: SAUNDER, J. PC MTG DATE: 7-28-87 PAGE 3. S 87-07 "-/ 20. Obtain permitls froll Southern Pacific Transport:at,ion Company for all work in t'heir righti-of-way. 21. Install fencing along ~he property line common t~ SPTC. 22. Process and file a parcel map to combine tlhe two 10t1S. LOUIS t1. LARSON.INC. CIVIL AND 1RAFFIC ENGINEERING '. ~ " ... 885 No, San Antonio Road . Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 949-1124 September 7, 1984 Mr. Jeffrey Morris Morris Management Company 3000 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Re: Winchester - Camden RR Crossing. Dear Jeff: A field meeting was held at the Winchester - Camden intersection on September 7, 1984. Mr. Vern Lampkin represented the Southern Pacific Transportation Company. Joe Elliott, Bill Helms and Keith Manley represented the city of Campbell. John Saunders and Bill Woodfill represented Economy Lumber Company. I was also present at the meeting. Vern Lampkin presented a print of our revised intersection photoplan to Economy Lumber Company. He pointed out that this plan had not yet been approved by the railroad management, but that it represented a way to provide Economy Lumber Company with an adequate driveway if they were willing to pay for an easement or lease from the railroad for the land that the driveway would encroach upon, for the flashers and gates and for a fence extending northerly along the railroad right-of-way line that would prevent people from driving around the gates. Otherwise, the railroad would take steps to restrict their access to Camden Avenue to only the width of their existing street frontage. John Saunders asked Vern Lampkin for a rough estimate of the cost of the work described above, which Vern agreed to provide. Vern Lampkin stated that he would start preparation of his own crossing protection plan, using the geometric layout from the photo plan that we had prepared but perhaps making some changes to crossing gate post locations. His plan would then be used by the signal engineers to prepare the cost estimates. He stated that he would try to have his plan in the hands of the signal engineers in about two weeks, if other work does not interfere. The crossing protection plan would be for the complete inter- section, but could be modified if Economy Lumber decides not to participate. Very truly yours, LOUIS H. LARSON, INC. ~~ Louis H. Larson ..-------- ECONOMY LUMBER COMPANY .fumkA. - .MdL~ 720 CAMDEN AVENUE . CAMPBELL, CALIF. 95008 378-5231 May 7, 1984 Arthur Kee City of Campbell Planning Department Dear Arthur Kee: Please find enclosed a copy of the most recent correspondence from Southern Pacific. As you can see, Southern Pacific needs further information from the city before action can be taken on Economy Lumber Company's request for access rights. We are asking your help to formulate an answer to the Southern Pacific so as to expedite this matter. ~~ y~:r your consideration, a:h:-:. Saunders u: "/1/ /' ,. /7 '..>>" //~(~"~/ /}.'-'::..A~-;:t- ,~~ .,' (, .> .: '/" ' - William A. Woodfill ~ ~,,: ~7~~~ ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT ML CONT'i,v,S /\ND OllOTfdlONS M:E CONT 1N\;U,J[ Uf'ON :;TRIKE~" lOCKOUTS .__.\R SHORTACES AND OTHER CAlISES BEYONf: OUR CONTROL ~outhern Pacific Transportation Company 1707 Wood Street. Oakland, California 94607 . (415) 891-7456 .J.T. HALL ....aIONAI.. ENGINKIlR K.B.DERR "S.T. REGIONAL. ItNOINEI!:R D. T. WICKERSHAM REGIONAL MOP'W MANAQER R. V. HERNANDEZ REGIONAL MOFW MANAGER IN REPLV PLEASE HEFER TO May 1, 1984 925348/32 Mro John Saunders ECONOMY LUMBER CO. 720 Camden Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Saunders: 95008 Refers to your letter of April 18, regarding possible future realignment of the Camden Avenue crossing of the railroad tracks. This proposal may effect an access encroachment by your firm on our property. We have not been furnished any preliminary or final plans for the crossing configuration. Until such time as the City fur- nishes us with plans for this project, feel that any negotiations for access rights would be premature. Therefore, am holding your request in abeyance until this matter progresses. Yours truly, J. T. Hall Regional Engineer By vj{ 13, [){Vl K. B. Derr Asst. Regional Engineer