Camden Ave. 'yV~t/-- ~.j r ~.:- F ,iG-: 5fl'~e-1 Vae-a. -t Ict-... PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ITD + 111 ALMADEN BOU LEVARD . p, O. BOX 15005 . SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95115-0005 . (408) 298.3333 f~ECEJVED" tlUI. 0 [) 1985 July 3, 1985 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 , ~ . I ~ -. ..t.' ',. I ' , ~'{t t /, . . " . ". "'''' ~ 11, " ..:., 11; i I'Ve Re: Proposed abandonment of the portion of Old Camden Avenue, 300':t south of Winchester Blvd., APN 424-41-004, City of Campbell Our File 641 Gentlemen : In response to your recent request, this Company has no objections, and hereby consents, to the abandornnent of the portion of Old Camden Avenue at the subject location as shown in red on the attached drawing, provided the abandoned area be retained as a P. U . E. easement for the protection of the Company's existing facilities. As a condition of this consent, we request that our San Jose Regional Land Department be supplied with a certified copy of the final resolution of abandornnent by the City. Should you have any questions concerning this abandonrrent, please contact Mr. M. Kangarlou of our Land Department, at the letterhead address, telephone extension 401. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, Y /{! s:J ' ^ V1 . '", _ c. 0;'j-lv.,v..<:(' L. E. ENGLUND C Regional Land Supervisor Attachment rROrv. '---' \ \'l.- ~. ~ \\ \ " ~ 0 ~~ ,0 ~ " ~ " \S 0 0 (:) ....... ..... C S Cf\ 0 ...<:::1 ~\J Il " q) "'~ Cf) ~ t- ~ i.Q .. ~ (:) ...... to '" C) '" V) .S" o ~, " S B' f"~ 00 E ~6. 02. ~ I~ tv) I~ I III I \~ '\ ,0 \~ '. '\0 \~ ",t'" ''0 \ ,"=20' , .'" \., r,~ ." "~A "'- f.f. to"- o1(....,t~ C A A1 DE. N AVE. NVe, -L: e.X/S7..! ... 'c\ C\.I N 0 DO ~ '00 'e (, t>- ~ ~ 8. 00 ~ Of L- ~~Q PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF , PROPOSED . . = ABANDONMENT ~ CONTAINS 0.114 AC. EXHIBIT HAil DR. BY ../. P. tit BY MA Y, 1985 . 19 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC STREET VACATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) I, James Penoyer, being first duly sworn, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of American and am over twenty-one years of age. That for and on behalf of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell posted Notice of Public Street Vacation pursuant to Resolution 7218, being a Resolution of Intention to Vacate, passed upon and adopted on the 15th day of July, 1986, by the City Council of said City of Campbell. That said Notices of Vacation of Pub1 ic Street were posted along the 1 ines of a portion of the street where such is proposed to be vacated at not more than three hundred (300) feet and that not less than three (3) such notices were posted, and that said posting was fully completed on the 21st day of July, 1986, and that a copy of said notice is hereto attached, and by reference made a part hereof. r~P~ Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 1986. Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of Ca1 ifornia My commission expires ~ (' JJ., RESOLUTION NO. 7218 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE TO MORRIS ASSOCIATES VIII. WHEREAS, the City of Campbell intends to relocate a portion of Camden Avenue, described in the attached Exhibit A; and WH ERE AS, s u c h rea 1 i g n men t res u 1 t sin ex c e s sri g h t - 0 f - way at various locations; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that such excess rights-of-way be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Coun- cil of the City of Campbell as follows: SECTION ONE: It is the intention of the City Council to vacate to Morris Associates VIII that certain real prop- erty on Camden Avenue, as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. A map showing the areas to be vacated is on file with the City of Campbell in its Public Works Department; SECTION TWO: The vacation is conducted pursuant to Di- vision 9, Part 3, Chapters 3 and 4 of the California Streets and Highways Code; SECTION THREE: A hearing wi 11 be he 1 d at 7: 30 p.m., on August 5 , 1986, to hear evidence regarding the proposed vacation at Campbell City Hall, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PAS SED AND ADO P TED t his 15th day 0 f J u n e , 1 9 8 6 , b y the following vote: ATES: Councilmanbers: Ashworth, Doetsch, Watson, Podgorsek, Koto.vski NOES: CouncilmEmbers: None ABSENT: Councilmanbers: None ,r ATTEST: / /0 /~~ -8-~ ANNE G. COYNE, ity Clerk THF FOF'[GC;e;S 1'",,,T:'iu,,,[,n IS A TRUE AND COR:,lCT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FilE IN THIS OFf ISE. 1 BY DATED , it: . o. #., . .' ---.l.-- "^.-..... ~ UtIIIT A I f All thlt eertii. ....1 propel't1 ,itult.d fn the Ctll 0' c.....n. Couatl 0' S.nu CI.rl, St.t. of c.Uorat. .'cri~.d IS follows: BEGINNING It the fntersecUon of tta. Propos.d wst.rl1 U.. of Culden Avenue with the existing wester11 lfne of CAlden Avenue IS slid ..s&lrI1 lines Ire ShOWl on thAt c.rtAin Plrcel Mp prepAred by letr ud Wri..t. Chil Engineers and Surv.yors, IncorporAted And ft l.d in the offic. of u.. "cor.r of Ua. Counl,1 of SAnti Cl.r. . MIl 10. IllS in ~. S4J of MIps It .....s 11 aad 12. :".\ TH~a .10ng Ilid ..n.rl, Une lAd 10utA.rl, U. I' CIMIa Av... tat follow- ing cours.s And distaac.s: Sou'" 00. 07' 00. MIst. 106.73 fNt. :.\ Souua .. 56' 00. Me". 12.76 f..t. . So6Ith 00. 07' 00. ""'. 23.06 fNt. Soutta II. 55' 00. East, 58.02 fNti to In 'Asterl, co...., t. 1M "Itlrl, ...." I' 'arcel 1 II aM . Nid 'arcel IIIp. lWbCE Iortll 00- 05' 00. EIIt. 1.00 'IIti tHENCE North 43- 42' 21. E15t. Ilong I Hne rldi.l to sltd proposed _5ter1, line 0' ClMen Aven... 28.05 fH' to slid Propos.d ..&erl,U.. of CMden . ~.~i . tHENCE 11~g Ilid Propos.d .U.rl1 Unt of C...." Avenue 01 I curve'to the rtWat conClv. ftOrtIae.st.r.l" &ingent to I If. "'It Mln Morta 4'- U' ... w.st. through I centrAI.lngl. of 21~:JX)' 10., wtlla I rldius of 262.00 f..t. In Irc '."gUa 0' 132.62 ,..t to th. 'O.MY Of IE51_11G. CoAUiaiag II ."1 I' 0.1140 Ie,., .... or 1111. . .,: . . . . ! i I .,. :' .IQa 1/ '/ r \~ \\ t\ ~,., ~ .~. .s Q ,,() ~ . ~ I). .~ ~ ~.,.. .. .- .i ~ , () tI\ ,0 " .... . o g. . " o ... .~ ,8 ~ .... .. . . a 11\ · "a &\j tr). ~.. ~\-- (- \, ,\C; .0 . \\1' \~ '0 \ .. .... ': 1-. ~D' '. . .. .. 58' '1 {)D_~ ". D2. L ND-DS{)'/'6 f ,,t.',' ,. DD " 0 ..~o l, . PROPOSED STREET ~BANDON~ENT PORTION OF ,.\ . EXHIBIT -All D& I' J. '- CIL I' MAr. .., . .' 'II"'_D I' ,..I OI'aCI . ,... el" ,,'..Irl. r"v~.u.. CALif""" ...... .1110.0110 ' ,--,. ....00.......' COId'- 0.114 AC. ~ " (" NOTICE OF VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Resolution No. 7218, being a Resolution of Intention to vacate a certain portion of that. certain street known as Camden Avenue to public use, being a public street within the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, passed and adopted on the 15th day of July, 1986 by the City Council of the City of Campbell, and that the 5th day of August, 1986, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day, at the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, has been set as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in said vacation or having objections thereto. Reference is hereby made to the description, together with the map thereof, which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell at City Hall, for further particulars. ( NOTICE OF VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Resolution No. 7218, being a Resolution of Intention to vacate a certain portion of that certain street known as Camden Avenue to public use, being a public street within the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, passed and adopted on the 15th day of July, 1986 by the City Council of the City of Campbell, and that the 5th day of August, 1986, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day, at the City Council Chamber at city Hall, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, has been set as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in said vacation or having objections thereto. Reference is hereby made to the description, together with the map thereof, which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of campbell at City Hall, for further particulars. r CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Anne Coyne, City Clerk Bill Helms, Acting Director of Public works Date: June 23, 1986 From: Bill Seligmann, Acting City Attorney Noticing vacation on Camden Avenue to Morris Associates VIII -------------------- Subject: -------------------------------------- On ~J,y--15, 1986, August 5, 1986 to Associates VIII. to be met. These the City Council will be voting to set a hearing for vacate and deed a portion of Camden Avenue to Morris Prior to both hearings, certain notice provisions need provisions are summarized as follows: A. publication of Resolution of Intent If the City has any prescribed manner for the publication and posting of resolutions, the Resolution of Intent should be published and posted in that fashion. B. publication of Notice in the Absence of Manner for Publishing Resolution In the absence of any prescribed manner for publishing and posting the resolutions of necessity, notices of both hearings should be published in the Mercury for "at least two successive weeks prior to the hearing." The notices should include: (1) the date, (2) hour, and (3) place of the hearing. This should be done prior to both the hearing on the Resolution of Intent and the Resolution of Vacation. A description of the property should be included. C. posting of Notice of Resolution of Vacation At least two weeks prior to the hearing on the Vacation, at least three (3) notices should be line of the streetway proposed to be vacated. not be more than 300 feet apart. Resolution of posted along the The notices should The notices shall state: (1) the day, (2) hour, and (3) place of the hearing; and shall refer to the fact that the City Council has adopted a Resolution of Intention to vacate and transfer the public right-of-way. The notice shall also include a description of the property, including the street's lawful, official, or common name. A map is sufficient for these purposes. D. Copies of Resolutions I have attached copies of the Resolutions for your review. jbso .---' TO BE RECORDED WITHOUT FEE SECTION 6103 GO' T IMENT CODE AT THE REQUEST OF d, ( OF CAMPBELL J)K N5377~i~~, __ r ;.. T ;-.~ . . -_ 1- "'~o ~ ;~-:ITY OF CAMPBElC i U North First Street "- t2mpbell, California 9sooe Resolution No. 7035 c~~~. Sfl) 2 L :~~ 'i ,=q Ie: t: I '-' l. -- ,... ;" _' J ,,' . ....' ", .- BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIt OF CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, srrATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF A PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE ,..{ c.- .. .- ""'1 WHEREAS, the City of Campbell adopts the following findings of fact: ~ '0 P ~ ron t~ l\:j <::> w WHEREAS, the Cit:y of Campbell seeks to realign a portion of Camden Avenue, described in the attached Exhibit A, to facilitate greater traffic safety; and (1) Certain necessary property, described in the attached Exhibit B, is presently devoted to public use as a public right-of-way forming part of Camden Avenue; (2) Certain substitute property described in the attached Exhibit C, is necessary to pro- perly implement the proposed realignment of Camden ]\,venue; (3) The City of Campbell has agreed in writing to exchange the necessary property for said sub- stitute property with the owner of said substitute property; (4) The substitute property will be held for the same public use as the necessary property was held; (5) The public interest and necessity requires the proposed project in order to improve traffic safety and the public health and welfare; (6) The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible ,..i th the greatest public good and the least private injury; (7) The City of Campbell has used reasonable diligenge to locate the present owners of the nec- essary property, by searching the records of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara, and the San Jose Telephone Book, but were unable to locate any such owners; r , J 4 G UPA6E2204 (8) The City of Campbell is authorized pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Civil Procedure to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire the substitute and necessary properties for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell to acquire by eminent domain that certain necessary property described in Exhibit B in accordance with Title 7, Chapter 3, Sections 1240.050 and 1240.110 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, in order to exchange said necessary property for certain sub- stitute property described in Exhibit C for the purpose of realigning a public right-of-way, in accordance with Sections 1240.120 and 1240.320 of the California Code of Civil Pro- cedure. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 1985, by the following vote: NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Kotowski, Doetsch, Podgorsek, Ashworth Counc i lmen: None AYES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: 4 ,...,., ~~~-rv4/ MAYO R JOHN J. ASHWORTH ATTEST: I~g~ A~NE G. COYNE, Ci Y Clerk ~ (" l? /1 f'(8 j Public Works .....-..-........~.." . 'ANDL"'G n,' . -fi:.c~~iJ :._..----.~... ,~ ! t".~_. .___L;L~---- ~__ '. (.-1..,: {.Ii ~_________F ----..L, f' -, l i .//'---- ! I__L If l--J -/1 Gentlemen: The City of Campbell has been asked to abandon the southerly end of Camden Avenue. The area being considered is shown on the attached sketch. This part of Camden Avenue became unnecessary when San Tomas Expressway was constructed. We are inviting comments from all the public utilities before taking any official action on the request. Your early response would be appreciated so that we can handle this matter in a timely fashion. Sincere ly, Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Jim Penoyer Engineering Technician Attachment Gi 11 Cable ATTN: Gary Azevedo 1302 N. Fourth St. San Jose, CA 95112 JP:dc Pacific Telephone ATTN: Mr. T. J. Scully 2 N. Second Street, Rm. 675 San Jose, CA 95113 County Sanitation District No.4 ATTN: Mr. Robert Moehle 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Mr. O. Oimoen, Area Manager PG&E 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 ATTN: Land Dept. . !Ij~ f J -,'ff gj~ " I...i~ "1loV'> ...... it 't=ii;l" Ie -: ~,., . ,- ~fe G "' i~ I ,) @IO 1Il~ \J Vl " ).. " -.I ~ ~ 0: J: IJJ ~ ~ In IJJ .:r :-> I.J :z 0 ~ vi ---. L r I <i>. o. <r. @v ca~ C:)~ ~~ ~~ C)'.) ~~ ~ * I ~I , I I ", e !: \ ~t'~ ~ N .,,, NN ..~ /~ I- -.J I."! ~ 0.. ~ (.. ;05 j: ~:E' ;'!'. J~"" j o Uu k tJ ~ ~t <t:(...J' ~. lI') O:lu '04 ~r~"'~1 ~Q.~ . ....,...J:;. ':N ;~.:: '~ ,.. ~ ; : \6 l:jzr,"; ,>(- , , l~ ~ I~ :t I'~ Ii ~lt;; I ~ I~ ~I \. ~,.... ~," ~~ " <J~ ~I .J <.) "- ~ ~ uJ uJ ex:. u.. .., , t l;. .~.;z- --1' ~\ , :: q ;: r !; ." I- ::! 0..: l * I uJ r- ? o ex:. ( ,~ \ \ \ \ ~...... ....~~ .............~~ ....... ~ .............. ..... '11:>' Iv ...... .............. ............ ...... ~OItI:>'J ............. ~'. ..................... ) ( I CITY OF CAMPBELL / y:: /--' . .. . ?JI"/~ ..G~~:~) -. 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 - ~'- ~ Department: Pub 1 i c Works --~--' V i{J;-~~~~ ~;~~/ July 1, 1985 Mr. Edward J. Hahamian 1211 Park Avenue, Suite 212 San Jose, CA 95126 RE: CAMDEN AVENUE ABANDONMENT TO PERRY Dear Ed: We have run into legal problems with the vacation of Camden Avenue that we expect to add significantly to the cost to your client and the time required to complete the proceedings. We have been advised by Ticor Title Insurance Company that there is no record that indi- cates the City has clear title to the street. Without such a record the City could not pass a clear title to the street through an aban- donment proceeding. Consequently, we must first pursue eminent domain proceedings to acquire the street before we can initiate an abandonment. We are currently gathering information to determine the cost and time involved for your client to pursue this matter. When we have a reasonable estimate, we will advise you. Sincerely, Joseph Ell i ott Director of Publ ic Works James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le r r EDWARD J. HAHAMfAN CIVIL ENGINEER NO. 13,318 1211 PARK AVENUE SUIT~ 21 2 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95126 (408) 279.2954 May 17, 1985 Mr. Joseph Elliot City Engineer City Hall Campbell, Ca. Subject: Request to Abandon/Revert a portion of Camden Avenue at San Tomas Expressway, for Ronald Perry Dear Sir: Ronald.Perry, owner of APN 413-01-046 has requested that I prepare. improvement plans for the culdesac at the south end of Camden Avenue which plans I have submitted to your staff today. I have also been requested by him to petition the City of Campbell for reversion/ abandonment of that portion of the public right of way of Camden Avenue no longer needed for public thoroughfare. Enclosed is a plat that shows the proposed abandonments and reversions. Please inform me of the steps the owner needs to make in addition to installation of improvements to commence the proceedings. Enclosure. Very truly yours, , 4-J Jd-J~ RECEIVED MAY 2 0 1885 P: " :..... , \~:j;<r\-j tl,,). ';.: " .;1 ~ d RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing vacation of a portion of Camden Avenue. DISCUSSION: In 1984 an application to redevelop the old Camden Lumber Yard at 743 Camden Avenue with a research and development complex was ap- proved by the Planning Commission and City Council. A portion of the review process of that application was an environmental impact report discussing, among other things, the vehicular traffic impact on the surrounding streets and the roadway improvements necessary to mitigate that impact. In January of 1985 an agreement was entered into between the City and Morris Associates, developers of the research and development project, which provided for construction of street improvements including a traffic signal at the in- tersection of Old Camden Avenue and Winchester Boulevard, and the realignment of street improvements along the Camden Avenue frontage of the development. The current configuration of Camden Avenue at this location transitions from a north-south direction to an east-west direction and back to a north-south direction through two right-angle turns. The proposed relocation of the street revises those right-angle turns to a reverse curve. This alignment relocation has been in place for some time along the frontage of the Woolworth development on the opposite side of Camden Avenue. The intent of the' subject vacation is to align the westerly side of the street to reflect the new alignment along the Woolworth frontage. Because of the configuration of the property immediately east of the research and development project, it will be necessary to retain a temporary access easement across the corner of the property that is proposed for vacation. This temporary access easement would remain in effect until redevelopment occurs on that easterly property. This abandonment has been discussed with the abutting property owner, Mr. Cash. The procedure used for this vacation is a summary proceeding that allows the vacation to move ahead at this time with the reservation of the entire vacated area as an easement for underground utilities. The staff will have additional display material for the Council meeting, should there be any questions regarding this item. . COST: -0- . IIIRE~AN:D II\' PUBLIC WORKS AGI:NDA June 4, 1985 .,. [ RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VACATING A PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE . WHEREAS, the City of Campbell intends to relocate Camden Avenue by realigning it, using reverse curves in place of right-angle turns; and WHEREAS, such realignment results in excess right-of-way at various locations; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that such excess rights-of-way be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell as follows: SECTION ONE: That it elects to proceed in accordance with the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 4, of the Streets and Highways Code; SECTION TWO: That the City Council does hereby summarily vacate that portion of Camden Avenue described in attached Exhibit IAI; SECTION THREE: That such vacation is subject to the reservation of an easement for public utilities across the parcel being vacated; SECTION FOUR: That such vacation is subject to the reservation of a temporary access easement for ingress and egress to the par- cel labeled "Lands of Cash" on the aforesaid parcel map. Such temporary easement is reserved over and across so much of the parcel being vacated that lies southeasterly of a line that begins at the northwesterly corner of said Cash parcel and bears North 210 221 4]'1 East; such easement shall be tenninated by the City Council upon their finding that it is no longer needed. SECTION FIVE: That the City Clerk is Airected to record a certi- fied copy of this resolution in aforesaid office of the County Recorder; ,. r SECTION SIX: That from and after the date the resolution is recorded, aforesaid portion vacated no longer constitutes a public right-of-way. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1985, by the following vote: day of AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: Anne G. Coyne, City Clerk ~ r EXHIB IT A All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of Caliornia described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue with the existing westerly line of Camden Avenue as said westerly lines are shown on that certain parcel map prepared by Keir and Wright, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Incorporated and filed in the office of the Recorder Df the County of Santa Clara on May 10, 1985 in Book 543 of Maps at pages 11 and 12. THENCE along said westerly line and southerly line of Camden Avenue the follow- ing courses and distances: South 000 07' 00" West, 106.73 feet; South 380 56' 00" West. 12.76 feet; South 000 071 00" West. 23.06 feet; South 890 55' 00" East. 58.02 feet; to an easterly corner in the easterly boundary of Parcell as shown on said Parcel Map; THENCE North 000 05' 00" East. 8.00 feet; THENCE North 430 421 21" East. along a line radial to said proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue, 28.05 feet to said proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue; THENCE along said proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue on a curve to the ri ght concave northeasterly. tangent to a 1 ine that bears North 460 17' 39" West. through a central angle of 290 DO' 10". with a radius of 262.00 feet, an arc length of 132.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area of 0.1140 acres more or less. ~ \ \ '\., 'to ~ \\ \ ,\ ~ 0 ~~ 0 ~ l'- ~ l'- \S () Q (J ........ ..... a s: V) 0 ...<J \9 ~~ II t-.. q) . M)~ Cf) ~ ~ ~ ..~ C) ...... t, C:J t'C\ C) '" (/") 21 ~ I~ tv) I~ tR CJ .., " S B' '7 00 E ~8. 02 \~ '~ \0 \ \~ '0 \ \\1' \t"" C> \ '\~ ~ ...3" L /"=20' , .'" ~ ,,9 ' t-e,\ ~ ~</.. "",Yo ~*~...\~ C A A1 DE ^' AVE. NUE. ~ LX/ST ~ 'c\ C\.I NO Co 5 '00 'E (, t>- " ~ B. 00 of ~Q~ \,.t>. PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF ,....-, PROPOSED L-.I = ABANDONMENT CONTAINS 0.//4 AC. EXHIBIT "All DR. BY j ? CK.BY .,. MA Y, 1985 , 19 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA T J ;0'; --;C~1I04 ) lJ 0-- (jy i"'{{..J ;WJ( o.-/,ff.J' Resolu,tion No. 6981 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING A PRIOR RESOLUTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE. WHEREAS, the City of Campbell previously voted to vacate a portion of Camden Avenue described in the attached Exhibit Ai and WHEREAS, the city Council now believes that the aforementioned vacation plan would produce inequitable resultsi NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell to rescind resolution number 6973, as voted on by the City Council on June 4, 1985. 18th day of June PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Kotowski, Podgorsek, Ashworth NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Doetsch APPROVED: ~~~/ ~.'-"'" .c:.d0 r May,~' John J. Ashworth ATTEST: ~of!~k THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT I~ " TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINA: ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: A~JNE G. COYNE, C.:TY C:Fj':'" W' 0 <AM''''', ','ALlF\ ':'~', ' BY . _....~ DATED_ 0. -.;2 1-ll.I:::W>.._ ~ EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell. County of Santa Clara, State of Caliornia described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the propDsed westerly line of Camden Avenue with the existing westerly line of Camden Avenue as said westerly lines are shown on that certain parcel map prepared by Keir and Wright, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Incorporated and filed in the office of the Recorder Df the CDunty of Santa Clara on May 10, 1985 in BDOk 543 of Maps at pages 11 and 12. THENCE along said westerly line and southerly line of Camden Avenue the follow- ing courses and distances: South 000 07' DO" West, 106.73 feet; South 380 561 DO" West. 12.76 feet; South 000 07' DO" West. 23.06 feet; South 890 551 DO" East. 58.02 feet; tD an easterly corner in the easterly boundary of Parcell as shown on said Paree 1 Map; THENCE North 000 05' DO" East, 8.00 feet; THENCE North 430 421 21" East, along a line radial to said proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue, 28.05 feet to said proposed westerly line of Camden Avenue; THENCE along said propDsed westerly line of Camden Avenue on a curve to the right concave nDrtheasterly, tangent to a line that bears NDrth 460 171 39" West, through a central angle of 290 001 10", with a radius of 262.00 feet, an arc length of 132.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an ~rea Df 0.1140 acres more or less. ,. \ \'l.- ~. ~ ,\ \ " \. . 0 ~~ ,0 ~ " ~ " \9 () 0 CJ ........ ..... c s Cf\ 0 ...<:::1 ~~ CI ,.... C() . "'~ Cf') I"Q \:) t"\ '" T I , 23- ! j-- c .. " 5 8' 7~ 00 E ~ 8.02. \ ~ l~ tv) l~ I III \~ 'f ,0 \~ ,0 ,\1" '. t'" '0 \ /"=20' , '" '\. rl~ ',,- ..~ 't "- ~. t,y. ., f. of. 01(" ..,t ~ C A ^1 DE ^, AveNue 1- e.X/ST ~ 'c\ C\.I L N 0 Co 5 '00 'E f C- " ~ \\ 8, 00 ~ {) ~~Q L- PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CJ PROPOSED = AIANDONMENT CONTAINS 0.114 AC. EXHIBIT "A" DR, BY ../. ,p, tK.BY ,. MA Y , I9B5 . 19 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER CAMPBELL, CAI.IFORNIA CITY OF CAMIJIIELL 1.'i~~,,',lo~'.r~,.HA. NDLI~~~ L ~--U~'1 .0 H:' I.'" ' ,. i '1" -- 1--'1-'. --------.,.- I ':, " C'D . _..n .._---~..- ;~~=-'--- I ,c ~j ,..) ct. ~ (>~.. j .p ( ,. ! .. .~_...... . 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 008 (408) 378.8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works :'(/) - ~p \~5f>- " l -,-,-~~. June 8, 1981 Pacific Gas & Electric Company 111 Almaden Boulevard San Jose, CA 95198 Attention: Perrie E. Arens, Jr. Division Land Supervisor SUBJECT: ABANDONMENT OF PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE YOUR FILE NO. 641 Gentlemen: In response to your letter of April 23, 1981, enclosed is a certified copy of Resolution No. 6110 vacating a portion of Camden Avenue for your files. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works by Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide CMCIle enc 1. 1 I ... RESOLUTI ON NO. 6110 BEING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VACATING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC STREET KNOWN AS CAMDEN AVENUE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, pursuant to the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chap- ters 1, 2 and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, did heretofore, on the 27th day of April, 1981, pass upon and adopt its Reso- lution of Intention to vacate a certain portion of Camden Avenue, a public street in the City of Campbell, being Resolution No. 6078; and, WHEREAS, the hour of 8:00 p.m. of this 26th day of May, 1981, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, are the time and place set for hearing all persons interested in or having objections to said proposed vacation; and, WHEREAS, at the said hearing all evidence for and against was presented by persons interested in said proposed vacation; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of said City of Campbell finds and determines from the evidence submitted that the portion of Camden Avenue, a public street in the City of Campbell, hereinafter described, be, and it is hereby, vacated, abandoned and closed to public uses, and that the portion of said Camden Avenue is more particularly described as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at a northwest corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded November 20, 1980, and filed in Book F 741 at Official Records at paqe 298 in the office of the County Recorder. County of Santa Clara. State of California; THENCE. alonq a westerly line of said parcel of land South 00 01 I 0011 West 120.00 feet to a southwest corner of said parcel of land; THENCE. alonq a southerly line of said parcel of land South 890 43' 0011 East 1.41 feet to a northwest corner of Parcel B as said Parcel B is shown upon that certain Parcel Map recorded April 24, 1975, and filed in Book 354 of Maps at page 50 in said office of the County Recorder; THENCE, along a westerly line of said Parcel B the following courses and distances: from a tangent bearing South 30 421 2911 East along the arc of a curve that is concave easterly and has a radius of 667.00 feet, through a central angle of 40 111 5811 a distance of 48.89 feet to a non tangent line; South 200 051 0011 E 86.83 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel B; THENCE, along the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of said Parcel B North 890 43' 00" West 11.89 feet to a point on a nontangent curve that is concave southwesterly and has a radius of 44.00 feet; THENCE, from a tangent bearing North 100 041 06" West northerly and northwesterly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 410 28149" a distance of 31.85 feet to its point of reverse curvature with a curve that is concave northeasterly and has a radius of 30.00 feet; THENCE, northwesterly and northerly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 510 331 55" a distance of 27.00 feet to its point of tangency with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Camden Avenue, as said Camden Avenue is shown on aforesaid Parcel Map; THENCE, along said parallel line North 00 011 00" East 199.87 feet to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of a northerly line of first men- tioned parcel of land. THENCE, along last mentioned prolongation South 890 431 00" East 3.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.046 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 35, T. 7 S., R. 1 W., M. D. B. &~1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 26th day of May , 1981, AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer, Paul, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ATTEST: Ralph Doetsch, Sr., Mayor Phyllis o. Acker, City Cl erk THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT 15 "TI~tJ~ AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGIN" ON FILE IN THIS OFf'ICE, YU IS O. AC:<'P? CITY CLERK C - ,'-LL; C"""/J'i,." ~ /'" ' / . Cl~iC. 7 ,? /" ~ RESOLUTION NO. 6078 BEING A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO VACATE A CERTAIN PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS CAMDEN AVENUE, BEING A PUBLIC STREET WITHIN SAID CITY, AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE OF THE HEARING THEREON AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell has submitted a report to this City Council stating that a certain portion of Camden Avenue, hereinafter described, is unnecessary for present and/or prospective public street purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell finds and determines that said certain portion of Camden Avenue, a public street in the City of Campbell, a map and description of which portion are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, is not necessary for present or for prospec- tive public street purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell finds and determines that it is in the best interest and for the betterment of the general wel- fare of the citizens of the City of Campbell and of the public at large that said portion of Camden Avenue be vacated; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby elect to proceed in accordance with the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section One: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Campbell to vacate, abandon and close to public use that certain portion of Camden Avenue, being a public street in said City, a map and description of which portion are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, reference to which map and description is hereby made for further particulars. Section Two: Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1981, at the hour of 8:00 o'c1ock p.m. of said day, in the City Council Chamber at the City Hall, at 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, is hereby set as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or having objections to said proposed vacation. ~ Section Three: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DIRECTED that a copy of this Resolution of Intention be forthwith published twice, once each week for two successive weeks, which latter publication shall be made not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, in the Campbell Press, a newspaper of general circulation, and that Notices of Public Street Vacation be posted conspicuously along the lines of the street or part thereof proposed to be vacated at least ten (10) , days prior to the date set for the hearing thereon. Such notices shall be posted not more than three hundred (300) feet apart, but at least three (3) such notices shall be posted for each portion. Such notices shall state the passage of the Resolution of Intention and an- nounce the time and the place of the hearing on the proposed vacation. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 27th day of 1981, by the following vote: April AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: . f / //" ~---=--?::y.~ '/'/ / /. '. '-', ,'. ,:"--:...I"~ '1- '_~ '\?-r~_~.../ R:lph -~etsch s' Mayor , r. ATTEST: / . .///> , //' /" . I "f; / /./ / .// / (-(" A::>:>// Phyllis o. Acker Ci ty C1 erk THE FORrGOtl.lG INS-,~'JMLNT IS A iRVE: t,r~D conri:CT COPY 0:: THE Or~IGINAL ON FILE IN lHi2; orTICE. ;M'[lOLl:,C'\~:~ ~~A~/ DATED ~)-~j~/ RECEIVED \ JUL 1 7 1981 PUBLlC}WRliS PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COM~~I~ J}2J + 111 ALMADEN BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95198. (408) 298-3333 ~-S~ July 15, 1981 jYl-& j~ City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Mr. Gomez Abandonment of a portion of Camden Avenue at Dell Avenue, City of Campbell Our File 641 Gentlemen: This Company has no objections and hereby consents, to the abandonment of 01 a portion of Camden Avenue as shown in red on the attached drawing. , p,ll" As a condition of this consent, we request that our San Jose Division ~ l>~~f: Land Department be supplied with a certified copy of the final resolution ~.CA of abandonment by the City. Should you have any questions concerning this abandonment, please contact Mr. Charles Byrne, of our Land Department, at this address, telephone extension 449. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, --/:J f tDu.'.tAL> S^ P. E. Arens, Jr. Division Land Supervisor Attachments F 3.00' .s 8~. +3' 00" E 33,00,' 30,00 DELL ~\ ~UJ~ t.o . . .. ~'''I U E ~ ~~ ~ .... C! 2<:(..... "!.() ...J~ ",,,,, LUv~ ':i- > <:(1/) ~ <{~o 0 Z r- () <(~ Z I/)~ I" C IJ) LoU ...J 0 o 0-1 ~ )- 0 .c .....J z ~ ~~ U"-J - --7. ,," I i ~ ~ I I i ,~ ~ :<J ~ \ I ,. ~ I ~ i~ ~. R=44.00' ]/ A=.....1.8'+9" La 3\.&5' L_ J J ~ ~ n I,' PROPOSED Cl = ABANDONMENT ' CONTAINS 0, 004Gt AC. EXHIBIT "A~ ~. o. ~. ;", :." I'" H",' .: . ;:) r",. r" I ':1' I (J. ~(4 F: C:: . ;~:. {:! fJ () . o <I) ~ to ~, I.",.' 589. "'3' 00" E - . . , ~R = 667.00' A=....l\'S8/1 \lJ ,... L. +8.89' :::. .:~ :::- :... ::: : : :....: -.. .... :.. :.. . . . ... r.. /: .::.. ;.. . . .. .. B K. 364 tvi r; (;. ~.:; {) PAP.CEL. Po ., ~ f PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA 1" - ...... SCALE: I" = 50' DATE: 3-81 DR. BY: L.M,,S. CK.BY: J,P' J~ AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC STREET VACATION State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara) I , ('INN M. 5N'IOER , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That I am a citizen of the United State of America and am over twenty-one years of age; That for and on behalf of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell I posted Notice of Public Street pursuant to Resolution No. 6078, being a Resolution of Inten- tion to vacate, passed upon and adopted on the 27th day of April, 1981, by the City Council of said City of Campbell; That said Notices of Vacation of Public Street were posted along the lines of a portion of the street where such is proposed to be vacated at not more than three hundred (300) feet and that not less than three (3) such notices were posted, and that said posting was fully completed on the ~~ day of ~"Y , 1981, and that a copy of said notice is hereto attached, and by reference made a part hereof. ~A.~~ Subscribed and sworn before me thi s It./ day of '77ztu.L 1981. r rj,~~ /n, e,A/V Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California My Commission expires C9('~..J J , 19 83 OFFICIAL SEAL gs~ 1, CHARLENE M CASE ~,:J ,)"' ,,':;,.' NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~"'.,..('.i.,::\,.;:./' <',I\I\IT', n ~ II ';~Y.,/" ~,d '." LA:"i COU,in' J!.V'c~-v~=~~,.~~~,',fT~'l,__e~::)j~o~, OCl 1, E83 I, NOTICE OF VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Resolution No. 6078, being a Resolution of Intention to vacate certain portions of that certain street known as Camden Avenue to public use, being a public street within the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, passed upon and adopted on the 27th day of April, 1981, by the City Council of the City of Campbell, and that the 26th day of May, 1981, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. of said day, at the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, have been set as the time and the place for hearing all persons interested in said vacation or having objections thereto. Reference is hereby made to the description, together with the map thereof, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell at City Hall, for further particulars. Da ted: 7Jt tlj 8 , 1891 -/~/~ ct) (l~bt-) / C /C v City Clerk ". ,"-'" ........,.....--..'........'---......-..' . "'". ,--".." .., ,,,.. .,,"'-'" "..,.....- ,....... ,..-".-..-. ' PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE BEGINNING at a northwest corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded November 20, 1980, and filed in Book F 741 of Official Records at page 298 in the office of the County Re- corder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along a westerly line of said parcel of land South 00 01' 00" ~'Jest 120.00 feet to a southwest corner of said parcel of land; THENCE, along a southerly line of said parcel of land South 890 43' 00" East 1.41 feet to a northwest corner of Parcel B as said Parcel B is shown upon that certain Parcel Map recorded April 24, 1975, and filed in Book 354 of Maps at page 50 in said office of the County Recorder; THENCE, along a westerly line of said Parcel B the following courses and distances: from a tangent bearing South 30 42' 29" East along the arc of a curve that is concave easterly and has a radius of 667.00 feet, through a central angle of 40 11' 58" a distance of 48.89 feet to a nontangent line; South 200 05' 00" E 86.83 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel B; THENCE, along the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of said Parcel B North 890 43' 00" West 11.89 feet to a point on a nontangent curve that is concave southwesterly and has a radius of 44.00 feet; THENCE, from a tangent bearing North 100 04' 06" West northerly and north- westerly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 410 28' 49" a distance of 31.85 feet to its point of reverse curvature with a curve that is concave northeasterly and has a radius of 30.00 feet; THENCE, northwesterly and northerly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 510 33' 55" a distance of 27.00 feet to its point of tangency with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Camden Avenue, as said Camden Avenue is shown on aforesaid Parcel Map; THENCE, along said parallel line North 00 01' DO" East 199.87 feet to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of a northerly line of first mentioned parcel of land; ... THENCE, along last mentioned prolongation South 890 431 00" East 3.00 to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.046 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Section 35, T. 7S., R. 1 W., M. D. B. &M. DELL ~ a! '2) 2 :5 ~ LU \J~ > oe{ V') <( ~ 0 21- <toe{ Z V') \D lU 0 IJ) -JO o 0 oJ ~ )-0 ..c -J:Z <(~<( V""""'" PROPOSED c::J = ABANDONMENT CONTAINS O.04G:!:AC. EXHIBIT HAlt 3.00' .s 8,0 43' 00" e: 33.00' 30,00' (J> U> . .to- r> - - 0 r> 0 <.ll . : :3 01 _ ':\ E~ }{. F:: "r,~i. i (). ~::. I::: (:: . ;~:. i:J (:) ~ g o ~ '<I) I'- GO 0\ C\ 1.41' S 89. 43' 00" E ~R = (,(,7.00' . lJ. = 40 II' 58" F L = +8.89' w b o o . o 2: :-..:. :-.. .... :.. : ..- .. ..-. .... : ......: -.. .... :.. :.. . . . ... :-. :: .... :..- .... ..... ...... \I' ~ o. o u\. %" (t\ ($I IS' '($1 IP. f:~ 1-\:. :~ Ei .4 1\.:1 PG. !SO f.": P.. FI.. C. r:: L f.~: R=44.00' J A=+I.2.8'49" ./ L= 31.85' L_ PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA ~ SCALE: I" = 50' DATE: 3-81 OR. BY: L. M.S. CK. BY: J. P. :l5S.;IS00 / j (c) (2015.5 C.C.P. Thll L. ce Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp ,~ -;~~J PROOF OF PUBLlCATlON STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I am a citizen of the l1nited States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer or the ~r O ,I ~ III r * l~ ~.1 JI ,0 , ~ ~~. l- 00 '-to County of Santa Clara l\ ~jJ ~(),"'>._ PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF CAMPBELL PRESS r: 1'1; .., t-. l i:~'f l' ~~,~~::: Hammer. Chamberlin PlXlgol8ek. D08IIdI . Signature ,NOES:~:None N f\BSENT:' Council",-n: one. . . . Al'PROVEO:' " . . :;:,,~~, Sr: ." ATTEST: "; IsI Phyllis O. Acker". City Cleft. Pub.: lilt, 131t1 *'CP 19 ] - - ,,' ., ." . ....-.: RESOLUTION NO.lJJ7I SectiOll'One: _... the BEING A RESOLUTION OF irlWlCion of;....aw~ 01 INTEIIITION OF THE CITY the CWbf~ to yllCl8te. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF " ~,8l1<!., ~~~ic CA,M, P~LL, COUNTY OF ',." '1*\'Nt'~r"-';"'" of" - SANTA CLARA, STATE., Of: h. ,~A~, being a pub- CALIFORNIA, TO VACATE A' ticstreetinsaidCitY',.map/!lld CERTAIN PORTION OF THAT dlls!:ription of which portion CERTAIN STREEl'"' KNOWN, are on file in the.office of the AS CAMDEN A VENU E, City Clerk ohhe CitY OfC8mp- BEING 'A' PUBLIC STREET bell, at CitY Hall, 75 North Cen'- WITHIN' SAID. ClTY, , AND tral, Avenu~. Campbell.. Califof" SETTING,A TIM~AND PLACE niB,reference,towhiCh ma~, Of THE HEARING THEREON and description is herelilymade ANDGIVlt./G NOTICE THER&- for further particulars. , 'OF" . SeqtiqP TWO: ~ce is .,'WH~S,. tfie Superin- hereby given thatTuesday, the . ~tbfStlllElt$ of the City 26th day of May, 1981, at the otCampbell hessubmitted.a hour of 8:00 o'clock p.rn, of 'report ,'to' tnisCity Council said day, in the City Council stating' that a certain portion of Chamber at the City Hall, at 75 Camden Avenue, hereinafter North Central Avenue, Camp- described, is unnecessary for bell, California,Jshereby set. as present and/or prospective the time al1j'J p~e for hearing public street purposes; and, all "ersonsirlttlre$t8d in or' WHEREAS,the City Coun-having obj~to ~'pro- cd oUhe City of CampbelHinds posed vacation. '. ' and determines that said car. Section :;Three:,tT. IS tain pOrtion of Camrlen Aye. , HEREBY ORDEREDA~D 01- nue: a public street in the CItY f RE~ED that a copy of this Re-' of Campbell, a map"nd solution of Intention be forth, deScription of Which portjon .. ~th ' publ~hedtwi~, once are on .flle in the officeoOhe,) 8ach W88l< 'ft)I' tV<<J'IlicceaiYe' City Cl4lrk.ofthe City of eat.lP' ,', weeks, WhiCh latter pi,lQlication bell, at City Hall. 75 N.orthCen- {sh811 be macle,ilot ltisshi'l ten tTal Avenue, Campb/lll, Califor-; (101 (jays prior to the date of nia,iS, no, t nee, essary fbr,PlIt" t,~,',' tile h~,' ,in the Campbell sent or for, prospective -publiC": Press. a newspaper of gene,al streetpurj:Joses; aOd, ," ,', ,.,. ','.,' j, circulation, and that Notices of .' WJ:I,EREAS.=", '.,'.' '. ' - ~" Public Street Vacation be ciloHhltCltv Of. posted confiPjouously alon d'det," . ...............................'.. , ......, ,e"'.... of'...,.~, . -, .....__9-- an ' em1Ines ""..'n'" M.'.... '" ..~ ft...... ll~ ",,_. or part. best interest and for the better- i ~f ~ to be ~~ ,nent of t~rg.eneral' welfare of ' atte8St ten 1101i:fays prior to the eltizens of the City of the date set. for the hearing Campbell Jlnd of the p,ublic at thereOn. Such notices shall be large thet'!leicf tJortibf:l of Carn,- ~. not more than three deh Avenue be vacated;, and, hundred (~) feet apart, but at . WHEREAS, the CItY Coun- least three (3) such notices cil of the City of Campbell does shall, be posted for each por- herebY etec;Lto proceed kl' tion. Suc;h notices shell state ,eccor~~}thitproYislonstl1epassege of the':ResoIution - of Oivisi lItrt 3, Chaptehll of Intention and II1nounce ttle . " 2. theS.-.. and ;, time and the place of the ~ Gt "'" S&ate of hearing on the proposed V8C8- Caftfomill;, tion. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COI,tNCIL OF THE CITY oPCA~.,. ..,;~s., ; Of\- DA1NAS' "'. .") .., 10950 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino, California, a newspaper of general circulation, printed every Wednesday in the city of Cupertino, California, County of Santa Clara, and published in city of Campbell, California, County of Santa Clara; and which newspaper has been adjudged a news- paper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, Case Number 84048; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than non-pareil), has been .published in each regular and entire issue' of said news- paper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: r.i!:', J all in the year 19 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Cuperlino. ('alifol'nia. this PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY )p) + 111 ALMADEN BOU LE~8,J\'l?,.. S,,~~ t.~E, I; ,"u,_ I ,,, fli".. -"-'''''''''' ,'/""-' '. .,....,.., ~..-,',."T-.... "",'.',.,'".",1 .." , :/ "-"-,. . J'~L ,iA{) , ' . -Ur, C A F ,O~, I A .'; I ; 'ed~E;: 95198 . (408) 298-3333 i,r::<-'':!VE~ ". l!;: i..~ \. '., ' ~) April 23, 1981 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 , :;. c.,\.~~ [.,.'--...- . -"~q-. ' , , ,; i ('__I , -, I ~'>~~\..,.(....,;, , "'," f'" ."" PUB;.., ;i\.,I1< . Ell-IN ,.' ~.JG ' Lt. "..,_.,.''""....0., Abandonment of Portion of Camden Avenue, Santa Clara County; Our File 641 Dear Mr. Elliott: In response to your letter of March 27, 1981, this Company has no objections and hereby consents to the abandonment of that portion of Camden Avenue as shown in red on the attached copy of your drawing. As a condition of this consent, we request that our San Jose Division Land Department be supplied with a certified copy of the final resolution of abandonment by the City. Should you have any questions concerning this abandonment, please contact Mr. C. Earl Nelson, of this office, on telephone extension 401. Sincerely, ~ &.(}U'IJ/.~A. Perrie E. Arens, Jr~' Division Land Supervisor Attachment COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 R.f:;::;;rlili .... - .-" f::. . I1.PR ~ f'\ '-! " ,) 198 /,." I \.~o :., '.,'\ ' EN ,"' ~: tI I'); <.lR.!trf' .tv" t~{~/'f F'"" "':' '/'.') ;f/':/Q SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA '."..,/~ 7'~- 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 April 10, 1981 '~ J ,_ "') l'ASe:: - ! J RE Proposed Street Abandonment Portion of Camden Avenue City of Campbell J f t:::jI'~' / i ""'-... II '." -- I I" '..,. .,.,..,,,......, ',' '7'" """""'t """"., I' '''';,,:,..;,...~ Attention: Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide Regarding the proposed abandonment, this Sanitation District has no requirement for an easement. Our sanitary trunk sewer is located as shown on map. We do not anticipate any additional sewer this area. .\1).' )~ '\ the attached l r"~~,~y~~~~,>':' . installation in Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman District Manager and Engineer !1J .~1t&JtL By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/jf ~~ ~;:)~ /?F/ ~~ April 3, 1981 Ilccc. J/PR 'Vel) ~ PIiOL L" 1981 f" '.' "t/!l,ryI1~!v1J1(1t l 'JPC:'" "fJ?IAI S h, "/v(J / .' -:'~::"- '-- "'.." ,', ' < ,-; '.'" : ,0, --'-~.~ .:.nkL--".,! , W.z~ '-- ""~ /~ SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 West Santa C lara Street San Jose. California 95196 4 0 8 / 27'9 - 7 8 0 8 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 .I ,I ,1' Attention: Mrs. Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide Reference: Abandonment of a portion of Camden Avenue Dear Mr. Elliott: Please be informed that San Jose Water Works has no objections to the above-referenced abandonment and as indicated on the attached plat marked Exhibit A. By this letter San Jose Water Works consents to the abandonment and will not require any utility easements. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to call. ~rygard~.. ~7~ -/GEO~ . New Business Manager GS :jb Attachment '?' ~o,oo' DELL ~ ~~ ~o Q!~ ~ 0 2:5~ ~ 2 UJ v ~ > <CV) < ~o z~ <1:<( Z V) \!) LU oV> ...)0 a o...J ~ >",0 .:: ....J z < ~ <( u~ ....:- PROPOSED c:J = ABANDONMENT CONTAINS O.O<4-Gt AC. ,.- - ..~~ EXHIBIT II AU 33.00' ~. o. ~. -i s r:~. F ''/"-4. I O. R. Pi?:. :2. 98 ~ g o . o .." ,.. C) c\ ! '.4-1' S 89. ....,' 00" E :-..:. :'.. .... :'. : .., .. ..-. .... : :....: -'. .... :.. :.. . . . '" r. :: :', :.... . '" .... . . . .. .. BK. 3f;4 tv1 PG. !SO PARCEL B , " '&' R=#.OO' J/\" 'c:9. A= 4'. U....,..-, L.c 31.85' ". " L_ PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA ... SCALE: I" = 50' DATE: 3-81 DR. BY: L.M,S. CK. BY: J. P. i~F- ,- ..'---..-..--=*=,..----,--'..----- - ,..--------,------..----.--,-......:..------..-- ~ ------..:.------------- -,---- ,---- ,----- ~~------------_..,~._- ,-,-,-_..,,--- ..,,-,---,,--_....__._-,-- 6iHCable - City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE-~ t.E/J/ q>~: " t ,", "p [)'- IT? f P. .t. 198Jt'-.- 'lJ811C . : f,~~ lNCJ,,~ON/(S j. /' ' 1!tC Gill Cable A division of Gill Industries " .ftrth Fourth Street ~Aa:O~o:se. Calil~rnia 95112; 1(408)998-7333-..... l",.. " ',O.Jl$Q":! .. ...; d April 1, 1981 \.--' RE: Abandonment of a portion of Camden Ave. i-_,.. I f H-15-2~-'<"~,",,.l. ATTN: Mrs. Charlene M. Case Dear Mrs. Case; Gill Cable, grants your request to abandon the portion of Camden Ave. as indicated on the attached. If you have any further questions please contact me at 998-7333, ext. 241. ~. Gary T. Azev Engineering Manager GTA:ddr Enclosure 1" ~ EXHIBIT "All I 133.00'- DELL rao.oo~ ~~ ~o ~'8 ~ 0 25~ ~2 LU v~ ':{, > ..;{ V) <(r-o Zr- <l:<( Z V) \.!) LU Q I./) -.JO C o-.J ~ >- 0 ..c:: -J Z <(~<( (J'-" 3.00' S 8'. ...3' 00" E <b. O. ~. s ~{. F: .l'~I' f (). ~::. F) (::. ?:):3 ~ 8 o . o IV) ,... C) ; r 1.+1' S 89. ...3' 00" E ~R = 661.00' F A= 40 11'5S11 W r,' L" +8.89' bf 0" R=44.00' J/ A=....'.l.8'49" L." SI. 65' L_ ......... PROPOSED ........ = ABANDONMENT " CONTAINS O.04G:!: AC. :-..:. :-.. .... :.. : ..- .. ..-. .... : :....: -.. .... :.. :.. . . . ... .. e. .. . . .. .. .. ... .... .... . ...... r~ r{. :3[:;4 lv't r-:.: (;. ~:; {) f:: A \:t.. (: E. L F.:;' PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA SCALE: I" = 50' DATE: 3-81 DR. BY: L.M..s. CK. BY: J. P. PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ]P)@~IE + 325 SARATOGA Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 AvfNU-E . LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 95030 . (408) 354-3122 t !:I:!CI,- . /~ ~~ / ~.>~~"""";Y:'-'/ ; eCIV :'t7~' -..- --~'Cli$i2.'-; If; -fir )_ C /)1 PUlI1 /"'7; lit, ..Ie J~j - '. q'6'/4'e~'OR,f.i 'EII/IIO S W, B. STEPHENS. JR. WEST VALLEY AREA MANAGER March 30, 1981 -'--.--. Attn: Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of your March 27,1981 concerning the proposed street abandonment of a portion of Camden Avenue. We are forwarding this to our Land Department and advising them of your necessity of having the necessary information no later than April 15, 1981. We are asking them to advise you direct and advise us of the re- sults by carbon copy of their letter in order to expedite matters. Sincerely, 7~-r~ ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 l;:~'~~;;-"'" '.', ,;;~CLlNd' I--",i t'.'-H--EL-/"" ~ ",~::;::,,, CA. Fe . \i v "..1, j : '- .. ~,~ " . I ., . ..... _._,\ I ". ! I j----' ,..-! D:AZ i j---~. Department: Pub 1 i c Works March 27, 1981 CA~L I -.----.! ..- _"__" I ]~~-+ San Jose Water Works 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA. 95113 Subject: Proposed Street Abandonment Portion of Camden Avenue ().}.MJ ~f;u~ tb rT"r q;.u.,~ ~"....e 'SD#-c.f Gentlemen: The City of Campbell is currently in the process of abandoning a portion of Camden Avenue described in the enclosed plat and descrip- tion. It is our proposal to reserve and except from the abandonment the easements necessary to provide for the necessary utilities. It is imperative that we have all the necessary information concerning the existence and location of utilities at your earliest convenience, or not later than April 15,1981. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works by CHARLENE M. CASE Administrative Aide CMC/a enc. (2) ,.