Almarida, David/Hamilton (1971)Febz'~ar~ 26, 1971 Pacific Gas & Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California ATTENTION: Mr. R. W. Gaebel, District Marketing Supervisor Dear Mr. Gaebel= I am in receipt of your letter of February 23 regarding the overhead pole line on the northwest corner of Hamilton and Almarida Avenues in Campbell. Please be advised that the City of Campbell has no objection to the relocation of the existing pole on the frontage of the proposed commercial development. It is understood, of course, that permission will not be granted for the installation of any additional poles to service this development. Please contact me if you should have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your cooperation. Very tnlly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH=cc PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTi:tIC COMPANY ~~ '-~ 86 SOUTH THIRD STREET · SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 · (408) 298-3333 February 23, 1971 Mr. William Helms City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Helms: This will confirmyour recent conversation with Mr. Karl Wrzesien of this office regarding the overhead pole line on the northwest corner of Hamilton Avenue and Almarida Avenue in Campbell. Enclosed is a copy of our block map indicating the overhead pole line in question. Due to the street improvements on Hamilton Avenue, this pole would have to be set back behind the new curb. Because the pole line has to be set back for street improvements, it is our understanding that this entire line would be required to be placed underground. May we please have your comments on this as soon as possible so we may proceed with our engineering for this project. Sincerely, R. W. Gaebel District Marketing Supervisor Eric. ///