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601 Almarida (1970)
INTER-DEPARTMENTAL, MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: COUNTY ASSESSOR' S "S" APPROVAL NUMBER_ ' PUBLIC WORKS WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RECEIPT CITY Of CAMPBELL CAMF.~ELL, C ALIFORNIA VARIANT INVESTMENT COMPANY NAME 13215 EAST FENN WHITTIER, CALIF. 90602 ADDRESS "S" 70-57 File Sh.Ac (20): FOR Plan Check Fee g Inspec. Fee (Engr) 357-A $1,855.00 Storm Drainage Fee 361-A 5,057.00 Lighting Dist. 359-A 562.00 Map Filing ~ Exam 356-A 77.00 $7,551.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. fUND NUMBER ~HECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 3720 CITIZEN COPY ( CITY OF CAMPBELl RESOLUTION NO. 3639 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CA~PBELL, COU2qTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFOP=NIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIa~ DEED TO ~{AMILTON-VARIANT, A JOINT VENTURE, COMPOSED OF HAMILTON AVENUE INVEST- ~HENT CO., A LTD. PARTNERSHIP, AND VARIANT INVESTMENTS, INC., A CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell did on January 18, 1971, execute an Agreement with Variant Investments, Inc., recorded February 10, 1971, in Book 9215 of Official Records at pages 366 through 371 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; and, WHE. RE.~AS, all conditions o~ said 3'~greement have been satisfied and the City of Campbell wishes to dj.vest itself of the interest in and to the real property described upon said Agreement as Parcel i as shown upon that certain record of survey map filed in Book 243 of Maps at page 2 in said office of said County Recorder; and, ~EREAS, in order for the City of Campbell to divest itself of interest in and to said real property, it must execute a quitclaim deed; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a quitclaim deed to said H~milton-Variant, a joint venture, composed of Hamilton Avenue Investment Co., a Ltd. Partnership, and Variant Investments, Inc., a corporation, of said Parcel I. PASSED A~ND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 14th day of January , 19 74 _, "~E~i Coun3i'i~en: NOES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ATTEST: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor Dorothy Trev~ i.h~tu City Clerk CO~,,,TY SANITATION DISTRICT N~,. ~ OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY To 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 1~68 CAMPBELL, CALIFORHIA, 950o~vGW Telephone 3?8-240? BMH ___------~ Sept g~e~-, -l~JT! INITIAL & DATE. Bank of California 2nd and San Carlos St. San Jose, Ca 95109 Re: Almarida Avenue APN-287-37-017 Bond:~for Variant Investment Attention: Thomas F. Smith Gentlemen: This is to advise you that Varian%Investment Incorporated, has completed the sanitary sewage system for which you are holding the sum of $4,500.00 in lieu of a bond. This is your authorization to release these funds being held in Trust for Sanitation District No. 4 and the City of Campbell. Very truly yours, Stephen Ho Goodman Manager and Engineer By: P.R. Nichols Associate-, Civil Engineer PRN/dd ./ CC City of Campbell 1971 The Bank of California San Joes Office Second and San Carlos San Jose, California 95109 ATTENTION~ Mr. Thomas F. ~lth, Loan Officer Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds for Variant Investments, Inc. "S" 70-57, Northwest Corner Gent leben: This is to advise you that we are in receipt of a Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $26,500.00 and a ~ait~fUl Performance Bond in the amount of $53,000.00, both executed by Variant Investments, Inc. and the United Pacific Insurance Company, Bond Nos. B-651512, dated Jkme 24, 1971. You are hereby authorized to release the $26,500.00 which you had set aside in lieu of a Labor and Materials Bond by letter dated January 20, 1971, and the $53,000.00 which you had set aside in lieu of a Faithful Performance Bond by letter dated January 20, 1971. Should any questions arise, please contact Mr. Cruz $. ~omez at your conv~nience. TO WGW ~_ - BMH _---------' FTC ~ ~FILE ,___----------, INITIAL & DATE Very truly yours, William G. Wren, Director of Public Works ESTIIdATH FOR AUTHORIZATION SAl,.~rl F~IrpR. ~ EITIM&TE' OF DIRECT COlT ITEM~ CGC ~OCATION BUDGET ITEM NO, BUDGET AMOUNT $ AMOUNT (DOLLARS ONLY) SrQn. J TOTAl. R/E HANHOURS: OI URO F~ANT TO E[ REMOVED OR ABANDONED UG GAS TRANS dAJ#T* · MAINTENANC~ · OPE~, NT AUTHORIZED AND/OR REMOVi CHECK LIST LP~/.t,T. l# TE#TIM4 ,~P~/J.T. APPL. #0. TREE TRIM. INS CITY OR C~ ~AMIT NIWAY P[bIT L~ ~JNI P[~IT CHECK LIlT Ri6NT OF WAY OVEN 30% YIELD STRENGTH TEST PAYEbIK#T-- SQ. FT. M~ DAYS KPORT R~QUIRED PROGErSS MEPO41T COORS (AC(:T'G. ONLY) NET AMOUNT OlVtSI0# OR 0RIG. OFF'ICI GlEN !r RAL OFFIC[ .-.T, ¢', her" LoW .K!NGSBUR¥ ' APP~OYED BY DATE O[SCRIPTIOhl GM BY' CH, APRD, TABLE OF CHANGES I I II I I ~ PACIFIC GAS AND ELEERIC COMPANY 1~/~' SAN FRANCISC©, CALIFORNIA , ,, i .. i ............ ~ I I I BILL OF IdATERrAL DRAWING L I 5'1" 5UPERSEDEE, SUPERSEDED BY SHEET NO. SHEE'T~ ~ p iisi I I ~..~.t~t~ _~ .~. ~ "~ tit it F[ll-I t t t i-il I i * ?- U / ~ / / //, 0 .-t 0 / / PALO ALTO NEWPORT 8EACH W.A. WAHLER & ASSOCIATES 1023 CORPORATION WAY, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94303 · (415) 968-6250 January 5, 1971 Project 0560A TELEX 34-8321 Mr. DeVarian Variant Investments Inc. 4500 Campus Drive, Suite 216 Newport Beach, California 92660 Subject: Proposed Apartment Project Almarida Drive and David Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. DeVarian: In accordance with your request and verbal authorization of December 30, 1970, we have performed an "R'~value test on a sample of subgrade material. -The results of the test indicate that an "R"-value of~6 should be used for pavement design purposes. It has been our plemsure to Be Of'continuing service to you. Please call us ~f you have any questions. JFR:FB;rn Very truly yours, (~. WA_.~ER & AS~IATES Principal enclosUre _ SAMPLE NO. 1 EP 1;~'-2 ' LOCAII -- SA},~PLE O£SCRIPTIOH Dark brown clayey SILT EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0100 2.0 9O , I ~ o.~ g [ 30 0 '0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 !.4 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE (FEET) :SPECIMEN NO. I 2 3 EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 454 290 215 EXPANSION DIAL (0.0001 inch) 0 0 0 EXPANSION PRESSURE (psf) 0 0 0 RESISTANCE VALUE "R" 17.2 MO~STUR~ CONTENT AT TES~ (~) 12.8 13.5 14.4 DRY DENSITY AT TEST (pcf) 123,7 121.7 120,1 "R"-VALUE AT 300 psi EXUDATION PRESSURE= ~ ____ , PALO ALTO · NEWPORT 8EJCH · CALIF. U3:)O~. -~ ~uu uuu auu 4uu auu ZUU 1UU I t II I / ~ / '/ / / / / , / / / / / / CONDITIONS: Section 93i. 6,1 of the Campbell Jqunicipal Code reads as follows: An), approval granted uncle.'_,' this section shu. ll expire one hunt]red eJ.g!-,.t), (!80) days after the d~tc: upon which such approval was granted, unle~::~ an extension for such approval is obtained by n~akJ.~g written applic~l_Jc, r~ for same to the ..... PJr. r~4,,{x._,.,,o Cm~mission at lea~[, fifteen (15) c. ays~ - prier tc the exEiration daze of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the exF, iration d,:ze of any approval, until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provid: :'. for in this Chapter. GRAN'I'E~) BY THE CITY OF CA?IPBELL PLANNING HELD ON Tile ~i!~_ DAY OF ..... :~,~:L'.~rM:.er_.,. By: "S" 7 0.- 57 ?rc, t',erty to be fenced and la~:dscaped as :ndicated and ak- added in ,:pr d,, -- ~ u on pla:~s. Landscape plan ~ndicating. type of plant material, location of hose bibs o.~.~ spr, inkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approva3, of the Pi. arming Di?ecto? at time of qoplica+icn for building permit. ' 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $4,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of pamklng area within three (3) months of completion of construction,or applicant may file written agreement to complete landsca~;n~ fencing and stz~ipi~g of parking area prior to finel building department clearance. 5. Landscaping shall be maintained in accopda~ce with the approved landscape plan. 6. Trash container(,,;) to be located in areas approved by the fire depa~tment. Said conta~.ners to be provided with enclosures con- sisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six-foot high soJ. id wa.l.l or fence a~]d having six-foot self-clo,,';ing, gates. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the followlng conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Sectfon 9].10.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. PZans sub~f, tted to the building department for plan chc:ck shall indicate clearly the location of all connection, s fo~-' underground utilities inc3. uding water, sewer,, eleciric, telephone and televJs;on cables, etc .... Sign application to be submitted in accordance with p::'ovis.~.ons of the sign ordinance for ali sign's. No sign to be installed until, application is approved and permit {ssued by the buliding department. -' E. · Afl fire extinguisbe,,~s shell be installed in fire exti:~gulsher cabinets. On-site water mains and fire hydrants shall be installed as directed by the fire department. Process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. Dedicate to 60 foot might-of-way o.~ Almar~da Dr~ve frontage and to 120 foot plan }.ine right-of-way on Hamilton Avenue f~on~al3e' i. Con:;truct o~e-bal~ street improvc:~:ent~ on A].ma~id~, Drive Pa, y storm dr. aSnage fee J.l~ the c',r.:ou;'~t of $5,057. '"S"70-57 - page two The ce~rports located on the sot~therly and westerly property lines shall comply with Ordinance ~'equirements. Carports shall be 20 feet itt ].ength and have 9 foot clea~?ance between supporting columns. Supporting columns shall be located 5 feet from property lines . c. Parking stalls shall be provided with bumper guards. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or O~dJnances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not here~.n specified. SJ S35~G ?,0 LEGAL All that certain real property sltuata in the County of Santa Clara, Stere of (:al ifc~rnia~ dcscr~b,.:d as follows: Tit&T POP,'FIOi~ of the South O:'m-Half of the ,k)rt( ...... i. · ' ' '' "'~ tee Base and ileridi~n, ~¢ ', ., , that ,.~.., ¢,:~n tract, of ]and cc, nvayed to the Deed from ,.I, ...1~ Tr~queiro et ux~ ~o Lloyd V. Gardner et ux, dated Hay 2, recorded iiar-'t.n 3, 193j in [Soak 9Y¢3, F, aSe 27 of Official Santa Clara County Rec3rds; with -'~- ' ~., t.~ ... Northerly line of tWanue~ as s~id line was establi-l~ ' ' ,-. Gardner, a w[Jow to City of Ca¢gbell~ a muni,z~p,~]' ~'~c.r,,ur<:tJcn, ---'~ ......... ~ page. 3PO of Off:icial Records~ Santa Clar:~ County Reco¢'ds; thence, frora said paine of uegfnn' ' inq,. South 89~ .5~1~ 52'~ East along ~i;e sa[el ',~ ,~e,r for a ,,o ~,.rly line of tiamilton t' of 222,0,3 fee~'.x~re or less~ to a point in th:. ~<~;:.,i:er'ly ]i~,:.t c.,f that certain O,103 acre tract of laird cc)nveyed ~n the [;¢<::d frcx'~ of 8ffic~al Records, Santa Clara County [-,::.co~:..~; 0~103p.,~r,,~ ,, tract fo~ a alstance;' of 2.00 feet to the '"',*, corn~tr the r~:of; thence. ~¢uttn~- *zgq~ ,..,::~ 52~' East elon.g the i~o; ' fly said 0 103 ;.,ere ~csct for a d~stz, nco of ~1~02 ¢..,. westerly ~.:o~'~,~" of tt~et certain tract of 1)r,d otnv:%'c:.'~ in heed f~'vr:', Emil,/ L, Gardner', a widow~ to John Brc:~m,-i' a corpou;~t~on, dated June 12, }96! in 2cok 52;~7, p~ge 592 of Official Cecord:-;~ o,..;.,.,: Clara County thence ~iorth O* 32~ 1~{'.~' kCest alon9 fha 'r/esterly line of lar, d d i s ~' ,:: ', r,.:: o f 1 I r ':, · ,' cc~f;ain tract of: land conveyed in the D,~'-,d frgm Emil'/ ~ Official Records, S~nta Clara Cc)uniT Records; thence South 89° 27* J;?~ dc:st along t:':~: Southerly J Jne land so conveyed in said last F:ent:ioned Dc:ed to the City cf C':,',',' ,.1 i,_, ,_.). for the roi iowinH courses a[ld 5ou~ho'-~ ~7~ 12" ' ~ R'~ theace ,:,lon~ an afc of a curve Lo the ]eft~ frae a tm gent v~hicn bc,,3:s ;!orth 0~ ""~ " ' , · t;,rough ~ O:r~t'ral ~n~:jl- of ':" ~ 3:'~' ]0' , , for en arc d~stm~ca COn'/C:}'.t:ti j;'~ ~flT'. t~ ..... ~ ~1 ' thence q,~,~i-, 0~ ~'* ~. '~ ~ ' id last: m:)nti ' '