918 Apricot Avenue (1980) MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS Date: '\ I> CITY OF CAMPBEl L (, - , ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLI CANT ,',j r.o "' BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER ~. PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER .. " \ " L{ ! . d- .. . / l \ J ... (. (', ..,..., , ' , .. ,.<c,.\ ,\., \ . ~ '/ :J -.o . } '" JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: j .,.'"' . TRACT NO. ~genda deadl ine ,L i '7 ' ~genda deadl i ne ':::. /.:' . ' I Counci 1 meet i ng ::";'3 hi . ~. ;.:.-- I Agenda deadline for approval Counci 1 meeting ()" Items needed to meet City Council of Final Map: Date Recld Letters: Sanitation District No. 4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) B-{4- ()~ hv pJ..o~ 8-l1 o~ ~ flttbM~ "-''2. (~iw..t ~ 8-14- Final Map (signed and notarized) 7 - 2. -4 ~ fo C. ,C. and R. IS Fees (payable to City): Final Map fi 1 ing Amount 100 B-15-80 J Fee (payable to County) : Recordi ng 7 8-IS-80 . <l-J 0- ClJ Cl 0 "'0 ~ . C'l .... "'0 a. r- eo Q) '- 0 Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: <l-J <l-J ~ 0- e ll::J Tax letter from County Tax Collector 0- E ClJ ex: l+- e Tax Bond III r- >, .... 0- e e Subdivision Guaranty ~ V) u TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P.W. File No. ~(~~) SU~ ~ Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 337~~ 337k6. 3520 3520 3520 Items Prel imJnary Environinental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) , Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name Sc)J..J"J>ENO Co}JST CIJ Address 1~z7 S, BA5C_C)M A-ve, . LM~ / Amount IO() $ 100 Phone 3 It -5(,0 0 Zip 9scc.8 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date February, 1980 TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W . F i 1 e No. Acct. Items 351 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) 365 Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) 351 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 352 318 318 380.1 380. 1 380. 1 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name ~d..wJW Ctru~d7;..u~ Address If-, z I S . -.&~ Aw.. Cr.JJ ' . Amount 100 $ lOa Phone 3,1 - 5Co()() Zip ~5DD5 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. ? ~J Amount Paid ~o<-rJ Received by _ Date ~ - ~-?o . - ~.,.'~' ~.' ,-~~...,--.-..",", .-,~->,'p_.--.. .....~,,-.,--.. - .~~... -'. ..--- .~-. '-. "--'- February, 1980 r '\ CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 elLIOTT I HANDLING HELMS ~< ~cr;ETURN 10_ , j-- , ~, 'CARD ....:...,;._1, Department: Pub 1 i c Horks DIAl .: fiLE CASE II Ii jl ,J December 14, 1982 Sondeno Construction Company, Inc. 1627 S. Bascom Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 .( Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit 81-104, 918 Apricot Way TR 6983 McG( 49) Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works ~())7qkl~--- DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV: cc: Norm Samson Gulf Insurance Company, Bond No. 550201 (enclosed in Sondeno Const. envelope) \. ./ E X C A V A T I 0" PER" I T !t /--/ tJ 'f Pennit No. OOllJJ Sl r' Ref. file "1"Il ~91i~~Dl6f;"} App. dlte I - ~ __ hsue dlte !.-". - \/ / Expires y~ l. / '1'1 .,'. r-, CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLI~ WORKS 75 N, Centrll Avenue Cllnpbe 11. CA. 95008 (408) 378-8141, ext. ZZO APPLICATION ! ;: .., ... ." ." ~ ... ~ I ~ ~ -' A. A. -; Application 11 hereby _de for an Ixc:avation ,.,..it in accordance with c:..pbell Mun1c1lMl Code. Section 11.04. 918 Apricot Way I. "ture of writ: City street & Sidewalk replacement A. LotItton of work: ~ C. Attach three (3) copies of I drawing lhowing the location. .xtent Ind d1_ns1ons of the worlt. TIle drawing Ihall show the relation of the proposed work to ex15ting surface and underground illlProv_nts. Mhen Ip- proved by the City Engineer, Slid drlwing beCClllltS I part of th15 "",it. D. The General Conditions for III permits Ire listed on the reverse side. Specill Provisions for this "rmit Ire l1sted below. FlOure to Ibide by these conditions and prov151ons ..y result in job lhut-down and/or forfeiture of F.1thful Perfo....nce .nd Cash Bonds. (See &eneral Conditions 1 .nd Z.) E. An .ppl1c:ation fee of $25 IIISt .cCDIIPany th15 appl1c:ation. This is llOII-reflll'lClable .nd will be .ppl1ed toward the total "",it fee if the "",it 15 consUllllllted. F. See &eneral Condition 5 regarding cllllPletion Ind acceptance of the work. ... of AppHant Sondeno Construct ion Co., Tnc. T.,ephone: 408-371-5600 Address 1627 S. Bascom Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 *M_ of Contractor Sondeno Construction Co. Tnc. T.,ephone: 408-371-5600 Address 1627 S. Bascom Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 State Contractor License No. 196022 City Business License 110. 001981 *IOTE: The Contractor ..st Ilave . current State Contr.ctor's License .nd City of Clllpbell Buliness License. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ,..,. 1. Street ~Ill not be open cut for lIllCIel"9l"OU11ll iMtallltions. '""1.... cuts _v be .11owe-i for COftftl'Ctinn~ or explor.t1on IIoles. Such cuts ..st lie spec1f1ally l')proved by the I"SllC!Ctor. 2. 'I_nt c:onstrvction or restoration Illall be: ~- - ---V' .. As shown on pllns. b. Existing lection plus 2-inches A.C. with 4-inches A.C. On 12-inches R-78 base rock or 9-inches A.C. held IS a .ini.um section. fflJteC~ Existing chip seals shall be repl.ced to conform with the surrounding pavtlltnt surf.ce. 3. The hours of worlt .re H.1ted to outside the hours of 7-9 .... and 3-6 p... 4, Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civl1 Engineer and bID (2) copils of the cut lheets lent to the PubHc Works Dep.rtllent before starting work. i 5.a, f'1'I'1,mw"""" ""VL""~ I!ld/J.-D.::.,,,I, lA/,J.H.-J.: 0,,(. o.Vo:.4tj . ,<II) ,f",,<p...,~ - zf , 1/ b.']:nJ-ff1I/ North,,;> .3,rw t..t'~ Sf,,-u';/- JI"jhf- /.."., J-btj.c., tlt,,1 is PI?!t,. . I" , ""n"H'f".",~d Jl'VIII~&/. ~ f atlrQf./"..,I'f-.",1y -rft-v ,;u.!-t,.., c).f +hA.+....,...,f-,.7f'./. ./ ~ ~ .., ... ." ... ~ E I f! ~ - ~ IIlTICE IIlST IE GIVEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST 48 HOURS IEFORE IEGINNING WRK. PHONE 378-8141. .Ilt. 220. llece1pt 110. 's 11=-,^& t ~4~ ~# sre;)..()/ Mount S 25.00 S i g-, qOO. (JO , S ).00,0(.1 S &fo/,~iJ PERMIT APPLICATION FEE IOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED PERM IT FEE (3IiI of F. P. bond) 1 j ~, -I 1- IS=-J'I Date gna re to this "",it to hold the City of Clllpbell, its llss frGI .ny cl.1. or dealnd for ges sulting if J/1. I) '''' - I~ ...; / /,/3- g 7 111---- , The ,.".1 t officers, fraa the ACCEPTED / "/ I 1('_ .. ,- i._' 6 E " ERA L CO" D I T I 0 " S 1. A CASH DEPOSIT is required. Charges will be ~de against this deposit if eMergency call-out, overti.e inspection or City ordered barricading is required. (See General Conditions 13and 14.) Ally such costs in excess of the deposit will be billed to the Permittee. 2. A BOND to insure FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE and completion of the work is required. This ~ is refundable upon completion of the work and written acceptance by the City. 3. A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND BOND therefor is required. written acceptance by the City. 4. REFUND of the cash deposit balance and refund or cancellation of the faithful perro,..nce bond will be initiated by the written acceptance of the work by the City. Such period will begin on the date of 5. The Permittee MUST REQUEST IN WRITING a final inspection and acceptance of the work upon co.pletion thereof. Acceptance by the City will be ..de in writing to the Permittee. 6. MAINTAIN safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access to private driveways, fire ~drants and water val ves. 7. Any STREET CLOSING AND DETOURS ~st have prior, specific approval f~ the City Engineer. 8. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the work area shall conform with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook. Copies are available at the permit counter for $2 each. 9. REPLACE IN KIND any clalllged or .--oved existing illlpl'OveMents or planting. 10. SAWCUT for all P.C.C. or A.C. ~vals. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION shall conform with current City of Culpbell Constl"UCtion Standards. 12. Any PAVEMENT STRIPING, MARKING OR LEGENDS that are obliterated by the work shall be replaced. 13. OVERTIME INSPECTION PREMIUM will be charged against the cash deposit for inspection required outside the hours of 8 a .m. to 5 p.m. The rate is $10 per hour with a $10 .ini_ charge per occurrence. 14. Adequate lighted BARRICADING is required on the Job site. Failure to provide such barricading as specified by the City Engineer will result in the City renting such barricades and charging the cost against the cash deposit. 15. Asphalt and/or compaction TESTING, if required by the City Engineer, shall be provided by Pe~ittee. 16. The Contractor or Permittee will have a SUPERVISORY REPRESENTATIVE available for contact on the project at all times during construction. 17. This permit shall be kept at the site of work and must be shown to any authorized representative of the City of Campbell or any law enforcement officer upon demand. 18. No MATERIAL STORAGE will be allowed near the edge of pavl!lllent, the traveled way. or within the shoulder line which would create a hazardous condition to the motorin9 public. 19. This permit shall not be construed as authorization for excavation and grading on private property adja- cent to the work or any other work for which a separate pennit ..y be required, nor does it relieve the Permittee of any Obligation to obtain any other pennit required by law. 20. The Pennittee shall RELOCATE, at his sole expense, the work authorized by tIlh pel"ll1t. in tile event future illpl'Ovement of the road necessitates such relocation. 21. All necessary ROAD REPAIRS resulting f~ the pennit work shall be ..de fn accordance with Cfty Standards and Specifications at the sole expense of the Permittee. 22. This permit does NOT RELEASE the Pennittee f~ any liabilities contained 1n other agretllleflts of contracts with the City or any other public agency. 23. This permit is NOT TRANSFERABLE. Work I\IIst be perforNd by the Pe""ittee or his designated agent or con- tractor as specified hereon. 24. TRENCH SAFETY has not been ctlecked and is NOT IMPLIED with this peNit. For -Pe~it to Excavate- call: State of California Division of Industrial Safety Departlent of Industrial Relations (408-277-1260) 02-02-80 .~. , . p . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 ':'172 Jj72 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 352'1 3521 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.SO/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name ~?'"' ~-----d Address I b ';). 7 4, ~~ ~ ? ---< Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date Amount I I i I I I I- I ~ (, b I ' C;-V ~o-c.rv $ f (, I r s-V ~ 7/- 5~ GHJ Cl ~&1 01 January, 1981 . . P . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 72 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 3521 3521 Name Address Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL --- ~ ~ )~Zip ~ /6 ">7 4- FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date >? c;. ffi- ; -/'.;J- --%/ Amount I I I I I I .;< ~ +-- $ I ~'I-~6C1() q, ~ ocr Phone JanuarY'i 1981 , .."" ,. . ~ DONALD C. URFER Civil and Structural Engineer 911 CENTER STREET SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA 95060 <.tOS) 425-0373 \ ...~ ... <9 t . ~~ 80~; ~ <::u, ~\o\etET 'PC~ c.u r&.e. ~~C &U""\E~ - \AJ SS,.. S \ 0 e 0 F .... r=>> -;i!. \ (..0'" ~ \J Ei t-J U-=:. ~~ - AP2.\Gc-r M..........,O e.. - ~Cl~~ : l. l' ~-r~T\O~\t-J6- c.Oe...':c....,o~ ~\\\). c::..\~'Y O~ ~M Pl.EL.L.. n <: ~EJ.,.O ~IC. \~4" P~. l-~). Z. -5 -rp.""t\C tw 'f\J (i. e.u toJ s. pee M "-.)Oe.T,", ~ ~QV\'" ~\\~ 5.74. '3S O~~'"T= \'\JrE. t-,)oe.Tl-\ l.-\t-J6 O~ · A~c..o,.. fA~t-.Joe.', '1. N~"-~ ~o '5~uJ6L~ ~E'T 4-Y1,... ~S1!''' ~ w o..lfLOS CCN~S1'2..'-'to..1 e f12.o M -rHE: Oa\(:r~ ""t'Oi> F~e. cF c=::.vf2, &. C:::\""t''1' of ~Mf'B-.-u... e~1A foo'<.~e."-- e~~ Pl~ ~ BENCH MARK:- SW ~\,)~ ~~~""e..N a.ASGeM ~ ARi..\~ ~. _ \C)"3.z.G.t.o ~4S "A~E FINISHED CUTI OFFSET STATION GRADE ELEVATION GRADE FILL REMARKS Ai 5J,.74~ 1 ~ Z. ZG, \ ~ Z. is> ~t":)o~ To 'i: F:C. " ~..co \ ~Z#2.~ I~Z.l:$ <:tj ~ .\ '\ ~+Z~ i<3Z.3l \<?z.3'Z. r:tj~ " \I " ~.J,.~ \ C}Z.. 'Z..~ 1 C:;Z.4D FolL " 1\ ~..7t5 \ <1Z.. 32 1<32..47 FO~ It U -r+-~ \ ~Z.34 \ C1Z.54 ~~;e. I' " 1+\3~ \ '1Z.A~ \ c;Z.';A FO~ II . CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 HELMS ~:) DIAZ '- ,/ ~ -~_._. - CASE Department~ub 1 i c Works February 18, 1981 .-..-. .-,....---.- i: Wright Construction 4695 Regina Way Campbell, CA. 95008 Subject: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No. 80-267, Tract 6983 Location: 918 Apricot Way Maintenance Bond Amount: $500.00 Gentlemen: We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accord- ingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful per- formance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works / ,11 (,;{' > v DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: N. Samson, P.W. Inspector Sond Co.: Western Surety Co. Bond No.: Cal.L&P-04-22605 Suspense-l yr. E X C A V A T ION PER M I T ;12;q CT G 7 'J -~ fUr. -- ,~1 ,i , ~ (,+_yo -/r-[(D f'-/c?-?l ...., CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008 (40B) 378-8141, ext. 220 APPLICATION Permit No. Ref. f11e App. date Issue date Expires E ~ ~ ..., ... Vl Vl ;: ~ ... ~ ..., o ~ ~ z '" ..., -' ... ... "" Application is hereby ..de for an excavation permit in accordance with CllIlpbeH 'ricipal A. Location of work: 9/$ Jl~r'('o -I- W';() C~~L,<?I( B. Nature of work: I Y1 ~J~ If 5+0 r WI.. cdr-"- I vl a. {e: ;:t 5 /o-Icvo.. Is 'J Code, Section 11.04. 'S: ~.?..y' C. Attach three (3) copies of a drawing showing the locotion. extent and dimensions of the work. The drawing shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground i~rovements. When ap- proved by the City Engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. D. The General Conditions for all permits are liste~ on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this permit are listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions ..y result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Perfonlance and Cash Bonds. (See General Conditions 1 and 2.) E. An application fee of $25 must accompany this application. This is non-refundable and will be applied toward the total permit fee if the permit is consummated. ...., F. See General Condition 5 regarding completion and acceptance of the work. Clh--+ Wr'ikJ Address ;253 LUr&t^- 'U d CCJ-./VL'", be. // *Name of Contractor W"... 'I L-t + Con., jv V c. -I I ~ Address "'It, 95 ReCi/l'ft1... WCL';j {}~f'b~1/ / ( State Contractor license No. ~ '/ J IS'S City Business License No. " 1-e-~/ *NOTE: The Contractor must have a current State Contractor's License and City of campbelf Business License. Name of Applicant Telephone : I 377 - '1/'I7-! Telephone: 379, 9833 /~ SPECI\L PROVISIONS 1. Street :;hall not be ooen cut for underoround installations. l1ininun cuts II\lIV !le a11o\~~: fer connpr.~;nn~ or exploration holes. Such cuts must be soecifically ~~proved by the In;~cct~r. 2. Pavement construction or restoration shall be: ~. As shown on plans. ./' b. Existing section plus 2-inches A.C. with 4-inches A.C. on 12-inches R-78 base rock or 9-inches A.C. held as a ~inimum section. c. Note - Existing chip seals shall be replaced to conform with the surrounding pavement surface. 3. The hours of work are liait,ed to outside the hours of 7.g .... .nd 3-6 p... 4, Work to be staked by a licensed land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and tIIIO (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work. 5. ;(11 /')....( ({e-f ,:-, fVlb/rc t<.(W J.0{)11 be GL TZ:-- ~ ~ ..., ... Vl Vl ;: ~ ... t:; -' l l3 NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. PHONE 378-8141. ext. 220. ,,-/ o ~ .. ~ - ..., lWount Receipt 110. 's :fI"7t.j 0 7/ ,/'v!-.1'1 w~J C!iH--_J. idJ~ ~'J~- f/~/f'() It. 7Cj~ f? I',f. _./~ '-</~ PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $ 25.00 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMAN~E $ '2 f?{20' 00 CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED $ I' ()CJ. 00 PERMIT FEE (31,% of F.P~_~nd, less $25) ~ /J /J $ <-{ ~"OO Approved for issUanCe'y~ ~1/;Jl ~ o ty ngineer f. , I g-- -- ( g--t;f-o Date ....; The Permittee hereby agrees by affixing his signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and employees fee, safe and harmless from any clai~ or demand for damages resulting from the work cover by thf s rmi. ~ J / ACCEPTED ~ f - / C/- 50 . . p ~~ Da~ -r~~-r;;:;,~M ~/~/~df? r-t-;P G ENE R A L CON 0 I T ION 5 1. A CASH DEPOSIT is required. Charges will be made against this deposit if emergency call-out. overtime inspection or City ordered barricading is required. (See General Conditionsl3and 14.) Any such costs in excess of the deposit will be billed to the Permittee. 2. A BOND to insure FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE and completion of the work is required. This bond is refundable upon completion of the work and written acceptance by the City. 3. A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND BOND therefor is required. written acceptance by the City. 4. REFUND of the cash depOSit balance and refund or cancellation of the faithful performance bond will be initiated by the written acceptance of the work by the City. Such periOd will begin on the date of 5. The Permittee MUST REQUEST IN WRITING a final inspection and acceptance of the work upon completion thereof. Acceptance by the City will be made in writin~ to the Permittee. 6. MAINTAI~ safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access to private driveways. fire hydrants and water valves. 7. Any STREET CLOSING AND DETOURS must have prior. specific approval from the City Engineer. 8. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the work area shall conform with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook. Copies are available at the permit counter for $2 each. 9, REPLACE IN KIND any damaged or removed existing improvements or planting. 10. SAWCUT for all P.C.C, or A.C. removals. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION shall conform with current City of Campbell Construction Standards. 12. Any PAVEMENT STRIPING. MARKING OR LEGENDS that are obliterated by the work shall be replaced. 13. OVERilME INSPECTION PREMIUM will be charged against the cash deposit for inspection required outside the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The rate is $10 per hour with a SlO minimum charge per occurrence. 14. Adequate lighted BARRICADING is required on the Job site. Failure to provide such barricading as specified by the City Engineer will result in the City renting such barricades and charging the cost against the cash depOSit. 15. Asphalt and/or compaction TESTING, if required by the City Engineer. shall be provided by Permittee. 16. The Contractor or Permittee will have a SUPERVISORY REPRESENTATIVE available for contact on the prOject at all times during construction. 17. This permit shall be kept at the site of work and must be shown to anv authorized representative of the City of Campbell or any law enforcement officer upon demand. IE. No M~TERIAL STORAGE will be allowed near the edge of pavement. the traveled way. or within the shoulder line which would create a hazardous condition to the motoring public. 19. This permit shall not be construed as authorization for excavation and grading on private property adja- cent to the work or any other work for which a separate permit may be required. nor does it relieve the Permittee of any obligation to obtain any other permit required by law. 20. The Permittee shall RELOCATE, at his sole expense, the work authorized by this pennit, in the event future improvement of the road necessitates such relocation. 21. All necessary ROAD REPAIRS resulting from the permit work shill be ..de in accordance with City Standards and Specifications at the sole expense of the Permittee. 22. This permit does NOT RELEASE the Permittee from any liabilities contained in other agreements of contracts with the City or any other public agency. 23. This permit is NOT TRANSFERABLE. Work .ust be performed by the Permittee or his designated agent Or con- tractor as specified hereon. 24. TRENCH SAFETY has not been checked and is NOT IMPLIED with this permit. For -Permit to Excavate- call: State of California Division of Industrial Safet~ Department of Industrial Relations (408-277-1260) 02-02-80 P . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 "''372 3372 3373 3373 3373 337,19- 3371ff. 3520 3520 3520 Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.SO/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL , .----. -' Name U)~J ~~~~~ Address Lit. f~- ~~ L-UCj /(~ () - 02-6 Amount I I I ! 1- r- I L/ J-. d() ) o-c:J ell) $ / C/ 5- ~ OCJ Phone -:; 7 C; -cf ? 33 Zip c;: 5dGJ/ , FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 77'S Amount Pa i d 4!l? / 7'-s- ~J Received by ~~ Date Y~~tJ- PD February, 1980 ( CITY OF CAMIJIJELL Department: Pu b 1 i c Wo r ks Ell/on -ILHANDlING I ~- HELMS I~ RETURN TO_ )1 D'SOpry D'AZ 'J. --"-"'-_ Ii ff 1V '5E 3 _;:. .._.... r CASE I . -----. - I' - 'i I, 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 April 17,1981 Mr. Gerald Marozick Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA. 95030 Re: Campbell Municipal Lighting District Energizing of Electroliers. Dear Mr. Marozick: Two new street lights have been installed at the following locations, and in both cases the electrical contractor was Howard Electric. Please energize the lights at your earliest convenience and add them to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. Luminaire Location 90-w., L. P. S. South side of Budd Ave. at California St. 3 5-w ., L. P . S . South side of Apricot Ave. 450 feet west of South Bascom Ave. (Tract No. 6983) Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter, and if you have any questions, please call the undersigned. Very truly yours, JIM PENOYER Engineering Tech. I LYNN M. SNYDER Engineering Aide II LMS:a enc. ~ ~FEDOMETER STOP f ~~~:TL ~(- CONTRACT ~ j). ~ DIA_ ( PAGE NO. ~~ :3 / -/ () '/ DATE LJL-/~ -- $1/ 9/2 ~tt-~ L LOCA TION -::;P h 9 ? ~ , WEATHER TEMP. MIN. MAX. ea-~< 7~-.4' ;?.?/5 ~ ~~A'j&U / - ~5.0 ./,/5 S2!:407fl ~~ ~~kJ~/ ./ZD MBF WORKING DAY NO. SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED " -- ~ .. ;1,. <.,,~ -... " ~ I, , ~.. ..~ ~<? % C /,,,::::> 6/ '" ^ /:~ /'ov Ld)1 1~1 J ! - iljl - II \Jl \ . . :n I~ ~ .tIt'"A': & L ""'/"lJ' _ ! '. ' m~ ~. ~ 1 il i-~~I \f\ \f\ I Ii!' I ~-\ ,0 ,~.I I '. ,:Qj I I I t . '^~ ~~ i~ r'-^ ~m =~ ~ ~- :: '11f ~/({I #~ i \//tt~ II. .~ 0. /" .y . N ~ 0. / to.; ~ ~>~~ '" / :-,"",,-~.~~-.._.._ =-o-oc==-=c.OC7!". .' _'__, If~ ' .(~. . '; tt~. '\ {, ~~V ~ , I \ ;~ ' '1 , . I ' ! "7 ! . j ~ I. I'" , ... U I . i ~ .---- ~ ---'/ I .. I I / ' l./;~ ,,-1 ,,~. /? I (-/:1' i It .' Il: I i9 .- i 1J I I .. i IE I .. u i . , I , _----I .~ ~ f I I i I , ; I ---1-1. .. \ ; ! I I "'N ~jT -~q /)) ~ >v" 1;"1 /Y. '0\ I ......../' ! . /// I ,- .. ... ----....- ~ ~~~ ~G1 r ~ I J..N-a ~ .L:"~ ~ -a::j d N'c' ~ -- /~ V\ D . I E ~ 1< )> ! ~ :m iO ~- I ~ I I i , ~ 171:,'l;q I ~.('t I /\N I cd II .~~ I ~'/1 "~Vl'~~ .. 2l c/, (d)"!") .L ('4 ~ V'Y' . j..'?-I )t;3 J,..f1::; Fit ~ M G~ (1_q ') PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY -+- 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (40E) 2=5-9450 ,. .1.- :, fRecfl'lED f[Cr fi l~r80 PUBLIC \'/oarcs ENGINEU! NG . 0 ctober 8, 1980 . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Publi c \<larks 75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract 6983, Apricot E/O Uninn Ave., Campbell . Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. If you have any questions, please call Mr. T. J. Me Andrews 225-9450, ext. 245 Sincerely, fl.,:'-:, -~. '" <;-:: ,- (f/ ,~v L/~C'6;'e,..z:--- J. IV. Roberts District Electric Superintendent PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY :;:,:':?~'~ - , 6402 SANTA TERESA aOULEV,~RD . SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (..OS) 225-H50 CORRECTION OF OUR LETTER DATED 9/12/80 RcC~ , f;"1 V .5[p " ! tJ J. t. RU8L fIV!' Ie/V' l:I'/ IVl:~ Uit/($' RING September 15, 1980 ~r. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works ]5 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 6983, Apricot Avenue Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Mr. Terry McAndrews at 225-9450, ext. 253. Sincerely, .~.-.;;. . >/> . '-', " - . /.,;-> (,;. ,,"" . .,', ,(--- L,," v -'-' "'.... "-Jf~ J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent cc: PT&T Donald C. Urfer (Civil) Marketing Rep (D. High) File @ Pacific Telephpne 1531 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 September 10, 1980 ~~c ~II- S('~ V~ .A 16' () ~I6Z/~ <96'0 (?/,t~#-O~ ~,f>/,t~~S' Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95Q08 RE: Tract No. 6983 Dear Mr. Elliott; We have no objection to the P.S.E.'s as shown on the attached map. P. S .E. 's do not, however, consti.tute "an easement acceptable to the utility" as described in our Rule 16. I.C. 2b. It may therefore be advantageous for the developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such a Right-of-Way will be made directly wi.th the developer. Yours very truly, J~ T.:F. Schlink Engineering Manager cc: Donald C. Urfer Sanla Clara Valley Waler Dislrid G rt(c Mt:. G, (1-i) FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 (08-10-77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 August 22, 1980 '\ , State of califOrnia Di vision of Real Estate 185 Berry Street, Room 5816 San Francisco, California 94107 '~. 0(; Gentlemen: California Land Title Co ocated within the Cit of to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. Ii(] The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1 % flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any yeaL) D The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1% flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments"., .' D A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the CiLy of CC11UJ:1Lell Public Works Department cc: California Land Title Coupany Public Works Department . City of Campbell Sincerely yours, ORfGIN.AL SlG;',;-D BY W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division COpy ..1> .J,I<O- J' (., q2 '5 p- RESOLUTION NO. 5903 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6983, APRICOT AVENUE WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6983, Apricot Avenue, for approval; WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map con- forms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved, and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on behalf of the publ ic in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 25th day of 1980, by the following vote: Allgllc:t AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk ,..11 c~, ( 4 <:2.t ) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY June 5, 1980 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS R ~C CITY OF MONTE SERENO ~ 1:/ CITY OF SAN JOSE 4;; II ~liY OF SANTA CLARA ~ :CITY OF SARATOGA Ju.~V U CORPORATED AREA , 0 . v /980 PUB: !. [1Y(;hV~I~ORI(S . ,f/IY(j 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Proposed Projects Other Apricot Avenue (Sondeno) APNs 413-43-136 & -137 Attent~on: Jim Penoyer With regard to this tentative map, the District will require a public sanitary sewer system extended within this complex. We are requesting that the engineer send us a copy of the grading plan and site plan of the buildings indicating drive- way locations. We will then advise them of our requirements. The following will be required by this District prior to recording a map: Frontage Fee Acreage Fee 8% plan check fee 100% performance cost. None None and inspection deposit; bond, based on the estimated construction Prior to issuance of a connection permit on each residential unit approximately $125.00 will be due. Rates are effective until July 1, 1980. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman District M~.nia.{' er. an.d. Engineer \ '. fL {", \ (, " \;\ t~\- .}< r '. ~.l~ BY~bert L. Moehle Engineering Services cc: Sondeno Construction Company 1627 S. Bascom Avenue, Campbell Donald C. Urfer 911 Center Street, Santa Cruz 95060 i! D'tAWlNII HUM.'" ) \; F / ..:: of} - ") U 'Y ~ \' \.J :> ,I{] ,J ~ rJ I, , -- .r' " ., ~ l~ 1- , ~ ~ -' .1 I V. C ~ \ j :> - Ii '-'1 ~ r-. ~ J r '" I~ ~ ~ .~ '2 \- ;. I 4: .J <t ~~ J r -, -- \S I,' ,-I v, , .. <[ <t <1 '2 ;;, J ~ \1 I-j VI I \0 oj ~ -- (: I r'( cJ .\.. -I- t- ~ Ol l/j V-I .-t I ;;;;-- co '--r ! \ ~ ~. 1 L-____-.---J \ " i I r~ \11\ " I I i,i &-_~_. _ ____ :; ~ >__ _.---J 1.:11,. '/';l \J1_ \9u\ t:1 \~ " ::> cr-<l) ui-f --9 Vi to :, :1 ., il , :1 ~J / 'liJ () o ~;- In + r<) l ,\ I I i iiQ Il ~~ '3f----- '1~ \J)'~ \/'\ 1m ~ I , I, I r----------~--,.~----- (\l I \ ~ l~-- --/11 L__- ---~! I' I) !1 " (') II // I~- I i~ I \(1 I B I I ~I( I I . I ! \ i) L:@ t~_: --.1 ... .... U':" " C"y,..,? . - ~-------,._-----_.__.. \11 - ~ ~~ (if' .tI1' 9 'L ~/! :S't< , i .5~/G.> s 'I II __J --L..... -- .:--.-----....:.---\ \ -~- ______Jl " , j CI/ .------------. . I (--~/ \ ( ') ilu 4t- ~--- L99S ="\:..[Yf~- t:- ,_yn.' /~_.-v ---y----'.......----- ,-. 'f ~__ ,.. -X;'C'('1 31"(1 . If '0 I \J ?lC~ f"'?013e) (~t'''L.aq ~"~.5" ) _.j__J--- 0"'YIBq /"r')IOZ-7~U.I"T/,,("I)I;;:7 ~(Ylqtw'07 '";l~r'IC; 1S>,-OS'bJ V"-'3 '5-:,....4 S :;"7::,- (l~(V'j'/~1 rSrI,) "'" \",).",>~" V DI I.IJ c CD I ~ - _ 41 :.J ~- kJ r~--'-~' . - ,..,,+.~ I ' Ii (1._ " I f" " .--' i " i -~---- -",'..1&~~ :T'1f''; ",C'L,#' \.. "1-:_.... -'\ ,f . ~', .~ ..'.~ . ~O( ~' : .... ;....----+.:--~-f ;-' '~..J:-- '7I?f<:'17 7('/ ,"Iftol,_ , I I : I I I , ~' 1-' :s <I I i i ~ '>- 01 ~ (,nlm zi -l,O;O t- (!l'~i~ ~ ~:"~~ ~I ~ , J o Hj,ll I", '" . ~> "'''' ~a: :I: "'\ -~ >- Z <( [L :); o __ u < u ~ ~ ~ ti~ l1JU \ ~ 3 . \~ o!!! z~ <(~ lJ)"- <( Z (:l ~ U lJ.. U <( 0. ]Tnr\\: , 11;.1' 'I~i . 5:h z ~tl~l;t: 0'1011 " "..n '< II'" -<"". ,. V)lola u 0 D;V'l h I ,,': r ,., ;-J''''r;;;~j7 11'>' Z'{,11 OJ!.>#. .l'1.,j: ..,-(,~ '<~I... :'//-'":f ?-\ ..., t , ~. .,.(.~. "~:;St> :r:rvl _ ___ #-\ r'?tU'.N_(LLOf.1 Jr','JI--' ("<1-;11;-1 n~ \-;::;;Yf~N (0 :'>3f-'''.',%, ('7\",' -~/ :;~;;:;.';::::.: ~:;5~1~. ,- . ,sr;;.-;;:'Z .rtt'2 :31'Z (, )", 11./-.,', < -~--....-..._'-' . .J~ 0: < ~ '" a < "- . o ~ ~ ~ '" z o "'- > '" ;<; "' Ii' ~ ~ I ~ lu ,_Lgl i.I:1 I~ I ; <- , , +---,- U~ I~ ur~ . ~ -t- . " ;- o > '" _ a: 15 ~ ~ ~ I I I~ , n , .~ --P/('#- : ~ H H { . ,()~ ~ ~#..tP~ . '~;~tJ~/'(E p: -~ ,q t8 7 1980 PUBLIC I ENGINf,'!Ot!l(S I;.R/NG 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Planning Date: February 7, 1980 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Sondeno Construction Company , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a 12-unit TO BE LOCATED AT 918 and 934 condominium proiect Apricot Avenue CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 5th DAY OF February , 19 80 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: u?~~ tf4,vc) ARTHUR A. KEE, SECRETARY cc:~c Works Department Fire Department David Austin Smith, AlA 55 Oak Court Danvil1e, CA 94526 w-'_~.'~~......~....~'_ ;.." ,---~\<_..,... ~.. __....:....~~... ::..... :":'-.4:_:~." ........~.~A.~ ,,'''',.-... ......~ .--!;;"'i...~.~._.. ~ "-. ..... - ,'':' ,- ....... e e CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 80-3 Application of: Sondeno Construction Page 1 n/a* Revised elevations to be approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor. 1 Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. 2 Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. 3 Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to application for building permit. 4 Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. 5 Applicant to either (I) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5.000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written a~reement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. n/a* Applicant to submit limiting the use of office use, use, and a letter, satisfactory to the City Attorney the property to: square feet of square feet of speculative industrial square feet of warehouse use. 6 All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 7 Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. *N/A - Not applicable to this application. _ , ' ,,: ~l. ".. ~ -, -. ...'-. ~'"~-''''~--''''.,- 4_ . .. ...~ ... ,"..: ~ ".1. . .. c? o CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 80-3 Application of: Sondeno Construction Page 2 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell and Laws of the State of California. A All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) E Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the city of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment,units, to all commercial, business, Industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. F Trash contalner(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located In area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure{s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City require- ments for the handicapped. H Noise levels for the Interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as Indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. ~"':"...........,....;"I""".~~..-.r-_.a:.,..................:;,."':;"'~:.,....;.;....-..,~....'~~~~' ~... u,.....;.. ...........v ''':''.<.~~'''' '.. ...:... ~'. -..........." .."_.... . - ~'.A....~,..~~,..__..._.... >""'....,:.-", ...... <., ..."" "_", \ ..~ 'i...~.'., 1<. I' e CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 80-3 Application of: Sondeno Construction Page 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT I. Provide a fire alarm system for all buildings. Sec. 1082 State Housing Law. J. Provide an on-site fire hydrant system. K. Provide 12A-10BC" fire extinguisher's. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT L. Provide a copy of the preliminary title report. M. Process and file a tract map. N. Dedicate right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline. o. Obtain an excavation permit for the work in the public right-of-way. P. Enter into an agreement and post surety bond for future street improvements on Apricot Avenue. The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. _.- -..--...... - _.. ...~.- - -~.-._._----- - (~ (") I L r- .... -.--,.. A.V[ 'I' ...,' Ii 0 ~ I~ ~ " : . . .... "?RiCCI; f..,'! ..., r ,.. ... ". '1r: __ ~ r., '.. ~ ~ . .... ;r:~ - ~ ~. . ;: l;=-=-----.;;:o~ ~ I"~. 'I~~:'/";' .. i .. 1- o! ~ ,( J-J -- l" ~ ~ t.-- "'0.,,-, 6 ~ ~ i .. ... ~ . ~ -\ I~ 5 KO-3 .. .. ~ -"l . . ~ I~ ,;.;: $ :,".j l ";-,,T VALLE~ DRIVE ' \1) o c ... r J: . ~ it ~ o $ r j -ffi- J MEETING DATE--FEB. 5" APPLICANT 5oIVDEN(,) C.CJNSI. C/). ADDRESS ~/8 ~ 934- APR1C1J'T AVE. PLANNING NO. 6 80-3 A. P . N . 4/.:3 - 4-..3 - I 3(;; ~ J .3 7 TYPE OF DEV. 12-UtV1T Cf") t-J nD. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS ~rocess and file a TRAC...:-r map ~rovide copy of Preliminary Title Report )(:yay Stonn Drainage Area Fee 1f.S')<, 5+' QJ;". ;. *1'1 ~ Koedicate right of way '"1b 30' FRDm ~ Enter into agreement and post surety to construct street improvements and pay plan exam. and const. inspection fee now Enter into an agreement and post surety to construct street improvements and participate in a local improvement district in the future ...p., ovide -gi"adillg dlld arainaae plOll ~, Obtain excavation permit and post surety ~m;rgp+o "'eeif5mgRt, -E+R- ~efer to Traffic ~TE: Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. F'?Qvi 9...(; Fi 1 Q j f .::~,~ ,,' i'~ 42 ! I ~ .~~ l I:? , 'l~ II'" I L.J i'- ',,4; > I ' 4: ' f /l ~r- L Q T . --- ~-~;' ! -- i . /.::;; t? "- ::; f . (~? <,(.r - ./ /~ , "'- '1 ,.-" H Ij ;, -' Jk f'( ~;Il lY Ll ~ - \l: F'''' -:....~~.I .,:1,---,'; .".1 ?)( :' -;,. t ,:5{) c -.' c'~ ,~ .")1 52 i:/ " . ~: -' rf:' cc "'-;....'1 il .:7'r o L L I ~ /,n ., \, 1.....' j ..,.r ~) ,f', /<-1 {L5" .~ . ~ r'W'"j l !~O I p Ct. V' W 'i " /: ,1 I; If, I I! ,7 I; -.' "',-- --ij 110 'OJ - ~:'c l l\ 1'. {(4 0' '''j ,. ~-;. OJ "'-; r- '\r" -::c- i\~ I;'":.' ;:: j I' . ' I. L-f;l ~.~I. ~:' I- I I ~c.; ',', :? U R, 0 ;Ii r- ~, ,,' 'I' , I' ii Ii j(l '15 /<. ...".3 ,/,'" 1 -r I , ,t, s 2~;,,7' .~''''':f --.. ... -jIi. 'S ~ p", ",1\ 2~:[j /4/ ~, ,~ ':::: .\,i./, 3R .." 4/ :d ) / L r l~'(;:;; ,r I.~ o c. ,;.i " ,,' l SOU 1 ~,~ F 'I. c, I' U' :J ,., 'I ... ;. 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