195 N. Bascom (1962) {l1/ ',.-- fR" l l , /".& / ;~ (:wi' (:>) :2 () CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVWUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNiA Date lalilllA'V 3. 1~2 CONDITIONS ATTAC'~ED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF 1M JOSE WATER ""'KS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Wall Field ~ Pu.p Station t TO BE LOCATED AT: ru, of 195 North San ........Loa Catot !.oad. . C.....II. Call forn'a COND lilONS: I. S"J eet to all requl'eMltta of Santa C I.r. County Flood Control D'atrlct. 2. Che I n I' nk f.nc. to be I.ndscaped w'th I vy or oth.... aultabl. cov.r... on ..at.rly front.... S. The,. .r. to b. no r.f lect I ng surfaces. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell M~tnicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval gkanted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva 1. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. . 9RANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEI;T1NG HELD ON THE 2nd DAY OF JANUARY. 1962 w. L. MORSER, D!RECTOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~._; / .74~ By I "'-' A ~ .i~ i ~ Application Noo 234426 EXHIBIT A '" All that certain real property situate in the City of Campb 11, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as fo lows: PARCEL ONE BEGINNING at a point in the center line of San Jose-Loa Gat s Road, also being the dividing line between Sections 25 and 6, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, Distant tiE reon North 1022. 4 feet from the common corner for Sections 25, 26, 35 and 26, of said Township 7 South, Range 1 West, said point of beginnin also being the Northeasterly corner of that certain 40.69 a re tract of land described in the Deed from Geo. W. Gardner to Emma A. Brynteson, dated March 2, 1901, recorded March 2, 1901 i Book 239 of Deeds, page 298, Santa Clara County Records; th nee from said point of beginning North along the said center Ii e of San Jose-Los Gatos Road, also being the dividing iine be een said Sections 25 and 26 for a distance of 143.88 feet; the ce leaving said last mentioned line and running North 890 521 est and parallel with the Northerly line of said 40.69 acre tra t for a distance of 418.50 feet and the true point of begtnni g of the tract of land to be described; thence from said true po nt of beginning continuing North 890 52' West and parallel wit the Northerly line of said 40.69 acre tract for a distance of 7 1.12 feet to a point in the center line of Los Gatos Creek (new hannel); thence running up the center line of the Los Gatos Creek fo the two following courses and distances: South 480 45' Weat 85.80 feet and South 750 45' West 45.27 feet to the Northernmost corner of that certain 0.238 acre tract of land described as Parcel One in the Deed from Ivan Kucich et ux, to the State of California, dated March 22, 1956 and recorded August 20, 1956 in Book 3583 of Official Records, page 165, Santa Clara County Records; thence South 60 23' 22" East along the Northeasterly line of said 0.238 acre tract for a distance of 74.61 feet to the Easternmost corner thereof in the Northerly line of said 40.69 acre tract abo e referred to; thence South 890 52' East along said last men ioned line 839.12 feet to a point which bears South (along a lin which is parallel with the said center line of San Jose-Los Gato Road) from the said true point of beginning; thence North along 1aid last mentioned parallel line for a distance of 143.88 feet Ito the true point of beginning, and being a portion of the South ~/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof, described in the Deed \.., " B . " Application No. 234426 from Ivan Kucich and Dins Kucich, his wife, to San Jose W. Works, s California corporation, dated October 18, 1961 an October 18, 1961 in Book 5332 of Official Records, page 19 follows: ' BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the Northerly line of that certain 40.69 acre tract of land described in the Deed fromGeo. W. ardner to Emma A. Brynteson, recorded March 2, 1901 in Book 239 0 Deeds, page 298, Records of Santa Clara County, distant along sai Northerly line North 890 52' West 1076.90 feet from the center line of the San Jose-Los Gatos Road (said center line being also the dividing line between Sections 25 and 26, Township 7 S tb Range 1 West, MeDoBo & Me); thence continuina along said Northerly line North 890 52' West 180.00 feet to an iron pi the Easternmost corner of that certain 00238 acre parcel of land described as Parcel One in the Deed from Ivan Kusich et UX, to the State of California and recorded in Book 3583 of Offici 1 Records, page 165, records of Santa Clara County; thence al og the Northeasterly line of said 0.238 acre tract North 70 54' 30" West 76.81 feet to the Northernmost corner thereof;. thence orth 750 45' East 44.71 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 480 4 ' East 85.80 feet to an iron pipe in the center line of the L s Gatos Creek (new channel); thence South 890 52' East 209.98 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 410 33' West 191.86 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.841 acres, and being a part of t e South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 7 So th Range 1 West, M.D.B. & M., as surveyed in August, 1961 by H ot Engineering Co. and record Map is to be filed. PARCEL TWO A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENI' for ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of public utilities, appurtena t to the above described Parcel One, over a strip of land 20. 0 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is described as \f , .~ r. c Application No. 234426 follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of San Jose-Los Gat 8 Road, also being the dividing line between Sections 25 ana 6, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, distant thereon North 1022. 4 feet from the common corner for Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 f said Township 7 South. Range 1 West, said point of beginnin also being the Northeasterly corner of that certain 40.69 a re tract of land described in the Deed from Geo. W. Gardner to Emma A. Brynteson, dated March 2, 1901, recorded March 2, 1901 n Book 239 of Deeds, page 298, Santa Clara County Records; th ace from said point of beginning North along the said center 11 e of San Jose-Los Gatos Road, also being the dividi~g line be een said Sections 25 and 26 for a distance of 143.88 feet and t e true point of beginning of the easement to be describedj th Dce from said true point of beginning North 890 52' West and pa 8lle1 with the Northerly line of said 40.69 acre tract for a dist nce of 418.50 feet and the terminus of said easement.