195 N. Bascom (1960) , ,f fj~ ~- '\. CORDlTIOlIS ATTACHED TO "s" APl'llOVAL or PLUS OF IVAN mCICH .,. 106 OIT APAB.1'MINT BUILJ)11fG & 4 OPrICIS TO BE J..OC:A.TID ON SAN .JOSE-LOS CATOS R.GlD AS API'llO'lED BY PLARNING CCHlISSION AT It. ltIGULAR. MEETING HELD JULY 5, 1960. APlROVAL GRANTED SUBJ'EC'l' TO CmcPLIANCE WITH THE FOLt.WING SICTIClfS or ORDIMNCE 1260. 1. Sections: 9129, 9129.1, 9135. 9136. 9137, 9138 (Inst- allation of improvements to be deferred until adjacent properties are 80 improved and ailed for by City Council). 9140 @ $765 per acre or $170 per lot. 9144. 2. All ingress and ear... &DUst be made by means of access road 8S shown. 3. STOP sign must be erected at exit. 4. Fire hydrant to be placed half way between San Jose- Los Gatos Road and Creek. CAMPBELL PLANNING CCHlISSION , ) By :"~!v~iYD/Ada~~ ;~/o<.~ty ci~;A-ci.rk 'i '5 I~ 1(4 July 21, 1960 Mr . Ivan Kucich , -J- 499 Maxine -Bueat ~tJ L/ ~'R~a Cl~a, California !5l(n~i.{/t1 e Dear Mr. Kucich: SUBJECT: Aqreeaent Relative to Development Enclosed are three (3) copies each of an Agreement and a Grant Deed to be executed by you and Mrs. Kucich, by the Santa Clara Investment Corporation, and then by the City of Campbell. Please execute the original and one copy of each of the documents in the presence of a notary public and return them to this office. The third copy of each may be retained for your files. Your attention is directed to paragraph (4) which stipulates a contribution to the Stor.m Drain Deposit Fund in the amount of $2,770 in accordance with Ordinance #260. A check for this amount should accompany the above documents.. Attention is further directed to paragraph (5) of the Agreement in Which the installation of a fire hydrant is called for. This is in conformance with condition #4 of the Planping Commission's conditions of approval and is to be placed approx~ately half way between San Jose-Los Gauos Road and the creek. Upon receipt of the executed documents and check, this office will recommend to the Building Inspector that a building permit be issued. Very truly your s, CARL J. MORTENSEN CITY ENGINEER WOW: cb Enclosure. 6 cc: Building Inspector vJ.RttJ By William G. wren Engineer t} 71;, JtA~ J " , " . - J J' RESOLUTION NO. 1124 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO BDCUTI NJRDMINT WITH IVAN KUCICHo WHEREAS, IVAN K.UCICH haa preaented to the City Council an agreement In accordaace with tiS" aone approval conditions, and, .WHEREAS, the said agreement provides for dedkat n of certain land for street improvements, and, WHEREAS, the said agreement has been approved aa to form by the City Attorney, NOW, TH&.RII'OIl, BB IT RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of City of Campbell, and, , I BI IT ruKl'HlR USOLVlD that the deed of dedicatiQn be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Clerk ia directed to record or cauae the same to be recorded. Councilmen: Chappell. Lico, Hayne. Rogers, Weitzel NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APP ROVED: /K ,J ~~d) ATTEST: \1~~.~~ ./ ,/..,..; /1 (pi l ell If I' c-- ,..) April 28, 1961 san Jose Water Works 374 west Santa Clara street San Jose 3, California ATTENTION: Mr. Rines Dear Sir: Enclosed is a sketch showing future ~provements concerning the Ivan Kucich develop- ment on San Jose-Los Gatos Road opposite Ridgeley Dr i ve. It is noted that the plot plan we have on file shows a 30-ft. driveway into the area. This is in excess of the max~um double driveway approach (19') allowed by City of Campbell Standards. Therefore, it might be assumed that two, lO-ft. driveway approaches would be allowed to serve this 30-ft. access. Very truly yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEER By William G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WGW: cb Enclosure 1 " /.... .>..:!"" .. "Application No. 201507 Page 4 EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follow BEGINNING at an iron pipe driven in the center line of the San and Los Gatos Road and on the Section line betweea Sections 25 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, and being distant North 15. 9 chains from the corner of Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, TOWDShip 7 South. Range 1 West, said point of beginning being also the No theast corner of the 40.69 acre tract leeded by Geo. W. Gardner to Ao Brynteson, by Deed of March 2, 1901 and running thence along t center line of said roaq and said Section line between said Se 25 and 26, North 2.18 chains; thence leaving said road and Sec line and running parallel to the North line of said above ment 40.69 acre tract and along the center line between 2 rows of f trees, North 890 52' West 11.57 chains to the center line of t Gatos Creek (new channel); thence up the center line of said C South 48 3/40 West 1.30 chains and South 75 3/40 Weit 5.34 cha the Northwest corner of the above mentioned 40.69 acre tract; along the North line of said 40.69 acre tract South 890 52' Ea 23.73 chains to the place of beginning. Containing approximat acres and being a part of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 0 Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West. Courses True. Var 160 53' East. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tract of land: Beginning for reference at the most Westerly corner of that 4.34 acre tract of land described as Parcel Two in the Deed to Jose h Guardino recorded May 16, 1923 in Book 26 at page 591, Offici 1 Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the property line common to the lands, now or formerly, of said Guardino and of John Brynteson South 890 06' 56" East 92.11 feet to the true point of commencement; thence continuing along said common property li e South 890 06' 56" East 216.45 feet; thence North 70 08' 26" West 74.61 feet to the property line common to the lands, now or formerly of aid Guardino and of the Ainsley Corporation; thence along last sa d line South 760 58' 04" West 216.03 feet; thence South 80 33' 28" E st 22.22 feet to the true point of commencement. Containing app oximately 0.238 of an acre. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tract of lan~: I Commencing at the most Westerly corner of that 4.34 acre tract of land B , ~'~ . ~. Application Ito. 20150' '~'\'- Page 5 described as Parcel Two in the Deed to Jos.aph Guardino recorde May 16, 1923 in Book 26 at page 597, Official Records of Santa Cla a County; thence along the property line common to the lands now or fo rly of said Guardino and of John Brynteson South 890 06' 56" laat 2.11 feet; thence North 80 33' 28" West 22.22 feet to the property ine Com.Dn to the lands, now or formerly of said Guardino and of AiDsl.y Corporation; thence along last said line South 760 58' 04" West 9l.l4 feet to the true point of COBDencement. Containing approximately 0.023 of an acre. ,t~' I'J .". ~;....' l~ ....P;,;J -<: 7~ /9~;; ,'." '\ --- ". .... ...-. ~ ',~--r" - ':.: :. :d'.,CJ' ..' ,',' ..'t," '1 \ ":.~, ',", '~ ~.;.:' f~,. Iii II " I- i I; Ii II Ii :; iI , I i ;1 - ,I I~ I, ;1\: . . i ! I I oS QI ~) r0 ~y ~o:HjJ II ~ ~ ,I ,/" I S. ?~.. ", /.'%~tO~ /j~ --~:-::~~-/-;----:~~- I ~ s ~ ~o _ <-s-: _ / "" , " . -"'.". '" '-v / "2/<'W ~ "A /> ,+- '0;: Oil ~/ . --..". -0'; ---;V. .,'-tYd4 '-or' 7'.._ ..,. /J't:, _ ~.; I \.: '~F\2.I~' '.' 1 ,', " , ","'~?-\"(~~, s, BS>oS.zE 2373c:W I ~ Il/" / ~.-<:, ...?/-o ~ c"',f2-.; Ie. I)! I'" alP" ';:':'".;. ~" - +<:>..,. f:. v r)C III' 1"1 ,j .". ,+ - " ~ rJ ' (00", n' < / >>, '0' -2 "J OA _ AD, "I I .. ~\VC'/ &~ "'-?v ~ <JII~ 6?- I" c: "" G\{ I" dCo'P~ 'l-' 1 ~ v 0' '11 'I', ", , > ill ~ I i 2~~il 25 ----..- - ------~-- -- -- L/9/'.1:D8ELL AVE 351 I 30 PTI"/. /';c .c) /~7 /, V V. ~_" /..<~ .---.. L:: 0 <:) ~ (? "'/: 7"" 7 c:;' k' / /.-1/ ~, -,--. T '-' C -. ....::<.c ". ......'. " \::..:., v. This ;" 'Dota.~ ollhe Icmd, bUI ,;" CODlpiIedlnr oitl/om,aU"" only hOlD data _.... _by offialaJ_ds. CALIFORNIA PACIFIC nTLE INSQRANCE CO.. 16 N. FIRST sr.. SAN JOSE. CALIF. R E'C E i P T CITY OF CAMPBELL . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date ~~ Y7 19CL , Name ~~ ~.~~.~ Add,,,,, ~~~ ' RECEIVED Dollars Cents r: $ r-:~ ;;:!, "7 7tJ ~ V17o\ ~ CHoCK / IC.BH :&!" \ ~ FOR~ J_~ - ( ~2-(.... - /JI? ~ - ~ () 2-..Lv Ad 7~'&VJ' ~ ~ r~ / ~ h~L 'LU =j Fund. Thank you, ..' 5166 By'9J p~ ~ CTTY CLERIC ,flttl? /( () C) c- J; ~/l Ji}se - L>s G~~s ~cI ------. J~c7S/ :/ Jlorffl })1?//17 ..---- ~& ?J;! ?k/J ;{/v, f /#;// I 11 A(1's I jtJ,/Y I/L/o ;;..-L ~; J' f I of Y / 5~, ;! c~ ~C/r /?;z; J-t;l 2- /3 t/ :;LOA ;l.CJ Z-- ~ III/a I 1/1 /01f' X JL/~ (incllJ) ~ /5"7; 5""3" t;' /S?,5JC. . 2. . ~' \J U, k-/-/ .- 3.t Ac, ..... X' J 7 ~/ .J rv{.l ", \ ~ .......- ..,..., , ---., ,. ,/ . " , ~ "j!., J ~,61- )< #7~'j-:; II :'A/'7~'f f\ J)e/t?5j'T