HPB Mins 05/12/2010 Special MeetingHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers MAY 12, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board Special Meeting of Wednesday, May 12, 2010 to order at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair JoElle Hernandez, Vice Chair Masel Sheehan Julie Heinzler Joyce Mestrovich Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Paul Kermoyan, Planning Manager Steve Prosser, Associate Planner Karen Lange, Senior Museum Specialist Elected Officials Present: Jane P. Kennedy, Council Member APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Sheehan made a motion to approve of the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2010. Board Member Mestrovich seconded. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS None. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes May 12, 2010 Paae 2 of 5 NEW BUSINESS 1. Museum: Continued discussion of possible museum expansion project by representatives of the Museum Foundation. Associate Planner Prosser introduced Item 1 as a continuation of a previous discussion regarding conceptual plans for the expansion of the Museum. Prosser introduced Karen Lange, Museum Director, to speak on this item. Director Lange introduced members of the Museum Foundation in attendance and reminded the Board that the enhancement and expansion of the Museum was included as part of the updated Museum Strategic Plan approved by City Council. The enhancement project has museum staff support and will resolve many current challenges faced by the museum due to lack of space and limited visual presence. The conceptual plan would provide a clear and prominent entrance to the museum, more exhibit space, and updated offices for the staff. Lange felt that this would be a great project and ended by explaining to the Board that there is precedence for allowing "thoughtful" additions to historic structures. Lange then introduced the former Museum Curator Gloria Chun Hoo to speak. Hoo thanked the Board for their time and consideration regarding this matter and stressed that this project is still just in the conceptual stages and that there is a long way to go. Hoo announced that the first fundraising event (Ferraris & Firefighters, Red Hot Day in Campbell) for the Firehouse Enhancement Project will be held on August 29, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in front of the Ainsley House Museum and passed out flyers to the Board. Hoo explained that that the enhancement project is a benefit to not only the museum but to the City as it will allow an expansion of exhibit space. Hoo concluded by again thanking the Board for their consideration and applauding the Museum Foundation for their efforts to date, but with the understanding that more needs to be done. Chair Blake opened the discussion to public comment and asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak on this item. Ms. Sally Howe spoke regarding the enhancement project. Ms. Howe expressed that she was quite pleased about what she had heard about the project, especially about expanding the exhibit space, but she did not think that a store is what the museum needs and previous attempts to generate money for the museum through a store were unsuccessful. Museum Foundation Member Michael Symons spoke that although the store expansion was important, adding more exhibit space is a bigger priority. Symons explained that a professional fundraiser is on board who is very sensitive to what is going on in Campbell. Mr. Bob Alderete then spoke and explained that as a former Planning Commissioner he sat through the Museum Strategic Plan meetings. Alderete expressed concern regarding the lack of public notice for this discussion and questioned why more Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes May 12, 2010 Page 3 of 5 public participation wasn't included. Alderete explained that although the drawings are conceptual, the proposed expansion would significantly alter the appearance and feeling of the structure. Alderete said he understood that the museum had to balance the need for review against the changes to the structure but questioned whether it was appropriate to cannibalize the existing structure in order to generate revenue. Alderete again expressed concern that the public did not know about this meeting and strongly recommended more public input. Chair Blake explained that this meeting was informational only and no decision would be made. Mr. Stan Atkin then spoke. Atkin said that more information was needed and that the drawings are misleading. Atkin explained that the drawings were provided to the Board for reference only. After determining that no other members of the public desired to speak regarding this issue, Chair Blake requested that the Board provide comment. Board Member Heinzler thanked the Foundation for bringing this item in front of the Board. Heinzler agreed that the Museum needs to draw more attention to it, but the proposed expansion was not the way to do it. Heinzler explained that the Secretary of Interior Standards for additions to historic structures strongly discourage modifications to character defining features and the Firehouse doors are the character defining feature for the building. Heinzler recommended that Board look at alternatives for the placement of an addition to the building, specifically looking at the street side along Civic Center and the rear of the building. Heinzler stated she would not support the conceptual plan as it is out of scale, will feel massive and will not allow the public to see through to the doors as presented. Heinzler concluded recommending the Foundation look at the other areas of the property to expand. Vice Chair Hernandez said she understood the time and energy spent by the Foundation and appreciates the objective of self-sufficiency expressed by the Museum. Hernandez also stated that adding a structure to the front of the Firehouse would adversely impact the design and character defining features of the structure, as described by the Secretary of Interior Standards regarding additions to historic structures, by covering the historic function of the building. Hernandez stressed that any building in front of the Firehouse doors would be a problem. Hernandez recommended that the Foundation think differently by looking at alternative locations for the addition and the use of a more complimentary design and choice of materials. This is the first building owned by the City of Campbell and more citizen input is needed. Hernandez posed a question to the Foundation regarding whether or not they considered buying the adjacent residential structure to facilitate expansion. Hernandez concluded by stating that she does not support the expansion project as proposed. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes May 12, 2010 Paae 4 of 5 Board Member Mestrovich sympathized with the Foundation. regarding the need for more exhibit space but expressed her agreement with previous Board Member's comments and explained that she had a problem with covering the Firehouse doors. Board Member Sheehan spoke explaining her support of the museum in the past, but more information is needed regarding the proposed expansion. Sheehan agreed that more public participation is needed and expressed reluctance to comment and she felt that the Foundation did not provide enough information. Chair Blake presented the following comments, My comments reflect my goal in seeing the best possible outcome for protecting this building. I am pleased to see that you are proposing to protect and restore the Firehouse east fagade with functional doors, lighting and signage. The Firehouse doors are very significant character defining features. Along with the Secretary of Interior's Standards and the State's Certified Local Government Policies, The Historic Preservation Board follows our cities, Downtown Development Plans and Goals including: Goal LU-4: Historic Design: To promote and assist in the restoration and protection of historic Character and elements that embodies the Downtown and characterizes it as a unique place and- StrategyiLU-4/1.a: Historic Design: The historic character of the Downtown shall be preserved through the protection and restoration of its historic buildings and landmarks. The staff report presented to Council in a Study Session on Feb. 2, 2010, indicated, and I quote: "Although the building is deemed historic due to its original use as the City's first Fire House and City Hall, it does not retain any real architectural significance." Just as a little bit of history here; the Santa Clara County Historic Heritage Commission presented the Campbell Historic Museum building with the County Award of Excellence in Historic Preservation in 1985. Architectural style is one of many criteria used in determining significance. The Firehouse Museum has considerable cultural significance. It is, to put it simply, a "This is us" building. The Historic Preservation Board's purpose is to encourage the preservation of existing culturally and historically significant structures as well as landmark features on structures and sites and, to retain the established building patterns and architectural and cultural heritage of the community. Keeping this in mind, my difficulty with your proposal is that when I attempt to follow it out to it's conclusion,-- there just isn't one, and I don't have anything but questions and concerns to work with. While I commend you for wanting to restore the Firehouse doors, I can't support this proposal-it has too many compromises and----- it seems like you are willing to sacrifice the integrity of the Firehouse in order to save the Museum. It may not achieve your goal of making the Museum financially independent. I would like to suggest that you take some small steps back. Reconsider your initial proposal to just relocate and expand the store. You may end up with new Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes May 12, 2010 Paae 5 of 5 perspectives. You might want to consider placing a green house type addition on the north facing fapade that would focus on your retail needs. You could use part of your current proposed plan (the removal of the existing addition on the north) and using the `penetration' on the original wall for the new entry from the store to the main museum. You may also want to consider completely redesigning the south side where toilets, archive storage and collection office/work room are currently located. You might consider rethinking the entire interior space, without the current conditions. Chair Blake thanked those in attendance for the information and moved onto Item #2. 2. 43 N. Harrison Avenue: Public Hearing to consider the application of Mr. Steve Nelson for a Use Permit and Site and Architectural Review Permit fora 824 square foot second story addition creating a residential apartment attached to an existing 1,279 square foot single-story commercial building (J.C. Ainsley Corporation Headquarters Building) currently listed as a Historic Resource on the Historic Resource Inventory list on property owned by the Ainsley Plaza, LLC located at 43 N. Harrison Avenue in the C-3-S (Central Business District) Zoning District. After presentations by both city staff and the project designer, Chair Blake opened the Hearing to public comment. The project applicant thanked the Board for their time and consideration regarding this applicant and was very interested in obtaining their comments and recommendations. Public Comment was received by one citizen who recommended against visible changes to such a prominent historic building in the Downtown. Chair Blake Closed the Public Hearing. After discussing the importance of the visual appeal of the historic structure as one of the first historic buildings viewed as one enters the downtown from the east, Chair Blake requested a Motion. Vice-Chair Hernandez made a motion to recommend to the Planning Commission approval of the Change of Use with a requirement to modify the addition of the proposed living unit to a single-story addition to the rear of existing structure. Board Member Mestrovich seconded. Approved 5-0. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26, 2010. PREPARED BY: / `-- Steve Prosser, Associate Planner APPROVED BY: - ~~U,,Q.~~~a c 1-~.~= ~^ Susan Blake, Chair