HPB Mins 04/28/2010HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers APRIL 28, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, April 28, 2010 to order at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair JoElle Hernandez, Vice Chair Julie Heinzler Joyce Mestrovich Masel Sheehan Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Paul Kermoyan, Planning Manager Steve Prosser, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Mestrovich made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2010. Board Member Heinzler seconded. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Museum: Introduction of possible museum expansion project by representatives of the Museum Foundation. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 28, 2010 Page 2 of 3 Staff introduced Joseph Gutierrez from Architectural Alliance, representing the Museum Foundation, who provided an informational presentation to the Board regarding the proposed Museum expansion. After the presentation, the Board expressed their concern regarding the limited information provided and felt that they were unable to comment on the proposal at this time. Chair Blake requested that this item be continued to the Special Meeting scheduled on May 12, 2010. Chair Blake requested that Mr. Gutierrez provide the Board with additional information and copies of his presentation prior to the next meeting so that the Board would have a longer opportunity for review. The Board thanked Mr. Gutierrez for the presentation but felt that the concept of constructing an addition and the limited information on how the addition may impact the existing structure is still concerning to the Board. OLD BUSINESS 1. Heritage Tree: Discussion on Heritage Tree designations for Historic Preservation Month. Staff presented an update on the Heritage Tree designation process. The Parks and Recreation Commission forwarded a favorable recommendation to the Board for the Redwood tree located at John D. Morgan Park. Staff will be completing a site visit early in May to evaluate a private tree on EI Caminito Way at the City has received a Heritage Tree application. 2. Historic Preservation Month: Discussion on possible Board outreach and education opportunities in conjunction with Historic Preservation Month. After a short discussion, the consensus of the Board is to prepare a Resolution of Appreciation to Mark Sandoval for the work he has done within the City to help preserve historic structures. The Resolution will be presented at the May 26, 2010 Regular Meeting. 3. Historic Resource Inventory List: Continue review of potential additions to the Historic Resource Inventory List. Discussion of Board Member site visits. The Board reviewed the remaining structures listed as potential additions to the Historic Resource Inventory List and directed staff to remove two of the potential additions due to their current condition. Staff will update the City's list accordingly. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS The City has installed the new display cabinet located at the entrance of the Council Chambers in time for Historic Preservation Month. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 28, 2010 Page 3 of 3 CPF Workshop Design Review for Historic Buildings Districts, Sites and Landscapes: Chair Blake provided a short summary of the CPF workshop she and Board Member Mestrovich attended and will provide copies of her notes to the Board. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 4:53 p.m. to a Special Meeting to be held on May 12, 2010, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: Steve Prosser, Associate Planner __ APPROVED BY: ~~Lt~~Z.~,~-~.~ ~ CSL~~ Susan Blake, Chair