HPB Resolution No. 11HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD RESOLUTION N0. 11 WHEREAS , DENNIS L. WARDELL has rendered outstanding assistance and service to the Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell in his capacity as Historical Resources Coordinator from January 1981 to September 1983; and WHEREAS, DENNIS L. WARDELL.has contributed immensely to the Historic Preservation Program by preparing the Historic Preservation Ordinance and: advising the Board on matters related to historic preservation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE` IT RESOLVED that the Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell wishes to express i its sincerest appreciation to DENNI~ -for a job well done. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day o£ October 1983 by the following vote: AYES : Boardmembers : Chwers , P,'iil ler , Gough., Hebaxd NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: Burns