HPB Resolution No. 28Resolution No. 28 WHEREAS, Boardmember Donella Prince has served with the WHEREAS, A, Historic Preservation Board from August 1991 through January 1993; WHEREAS, during Boardmember Prince's membership on the Historic Preservation Board she reviewed development proposals and the Historic Preservation Ordinance; WHEREAS , Boardmember Prince has served faithfully and impartially at regular and special meetings of the Historic Preservation Board; WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Board recognizes the excellent and dedicated service that Donella Prince has rendered the Board during her term; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell expresses its sincerest appreciation for the numerous hours of service by Boardmember Prince, and that we as a Board, are fortunate to have had the honor of serving the Community with her. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of March 1993, by acclamation. Boardmember Laura Taylor-Moore Boardmember Joanna Herz Boardmember Sue King Boardmember Ruth Gass