Resolution No. 2009-03RESOLUTION N0.2009-03 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BESTOWING HERITAGE TREE DESIGNATION (PLN2009-70) UPON A 40-INCH IN DIAMETER, 100 YEAR OLD VALLEY OAK TREE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY ROBERT AND PAULETTE ROSEBERRY LOCATED AT 1395 MUNRO AVENUE 1N A R-1-9 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. APPLICATION OF CITY OF CAMPBELL. FILE NO. PLN2009-70. After notification and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the City of Campbell Planning Division, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows with respect to application PLN2009-70: 1. This 40-inch diameter, over 100-year-old Valley Oak tree is on the Historic Preservation Board Tree Survey, which was completed in 2002. 2. This 40-inch diameter, over 100-year-old Valley Oak tree represents an outstanding specimen of a desirable species. 3. This 40-inch diameter, over 100-year-old Valley Oak tree is one of significant age and/or girth in the City of Campbell. 4. This 40-inch diameter, over 100-year-old Valley Oak has historical heritage of the City of Campbell. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the Historic Preservation Board further finds and concludes that: 1. The Tree is unique and important to the Community; and 2. No substantial evidence has been presented from which a reasonable argument could be made that shows that the Heritage Tree Designation will have a significant adverse impact on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Historic Preservation Board bestows Heritage Tree Designation (PLN2009-70) upon a 40-inch diameter, over 100-year-old Valley Oak tree on property owned by Robert and Paulette Roseberry located at 1395 Munro Avenue. Historic Preservation Board Resolution No. 2009-03 PLN2009-70 - 1395 Munro Avenue -Heritage Tree Designation Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of May, 2009, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Blake, Heinzler, Hernandez, Mestrovich and Sheehan NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: None ABSTAIN: Boardmembers: None APPROVED: Jo e Hernandez, Chair ATTEST: Steve L. Prosser, Secretary