Resolution No. 2009-04 - signedRESOLUTION N0.2009-04 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PERSEVERATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BESTOWING RECOGNITION OF 1888 WHITE OAKS ROAD LOCATED IN THE R-1-6 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENITAL). ZONING DISTRICT FOR PLACEMENT ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES AND AS A OUTSTANDING HISTORIC PROPERTY. APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FILE NO. PLN2009- 71 After notification and public hearing, as specified by law, and after presentation by the Planning Division, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Perseveration Board did find as follows, with respect to PLN2009-71: 1. The property is a designated Landmark on the City of Campbell Historic Resource Inventory, and so therein is recognized and identified by the City of Campbell as a significant property for its architectural integrity, and civic and historic importance; 2. That the property owners of 1888 White Oaks Road have faithfully preserved and maintained the historic integrity of the Landmark known as the Earl and Virginia Young House; 3. That the building and site maintenance described herein have furthered the purpose and intent of the Historic Preservation Ordinance of the City of Campbell and the policies and goals of the Historic Preservation Board; 4. That on January 16, 2009, the Earl and Virginia Young House was listed in the California Register of Historical Resources; 5. That on January 16, 2009, the Earl and Virginia Young House was placed on the National Register of Historic Places (#08001278); 6. That placement on the National Register of Historic Places affords a property the honor of inclusion in the nation's official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation; and, 7. That recognizing the effort and measures taken by the property owners of 1888 White Oaks Road to secure the preservation of this recognized landmark encourages others to follow their example in protecting historic resources. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the Historic Preservation Board further finds and concludes that: 1. That the Earl and Virginia Young House is an excellent example of Tudor Revival architecture; 2. That the preservation and maintenance of the residence performed by the property owners of 1888 White Oaks Road is of a quality and caliber to give good reason for HPB RESOLUTION NO. 2009-04 PLN2009-71 ~ 1888 White Oaks Road -Outstanding Historic Property Page 2 the City of Campbell to recognize it as outstanding; and, 3. That the City of Campbell recognizes the great honor bestowed to the property owners of 1888 White Oaks Road, the Earl and Virginia Young House, of being not only a beloved local Landmark, but also being designated both a state and federal Historic Resource. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Historic Perseveration Board bestows Outstanding Historic Property recognition (PLN2009-71) upon property owned by Rudolf and Joanna Herz located at 1888 White Oaks Road. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27`h day of May, 2009, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Board Members: Blake, Heinzler, Hernandez, Mestrovich and Sheehan NOES: Board Members: None ABSENT: Board Members: None ABSTAIN: Board Members: None APPROVED: ATTEST: Steve Prosser, Jecretary