Museum/Firehouse Info - 2010Campbell historical museum
" & ainsley house foundation.
au~ i o Zoo
July 16, 2010
Hon. Members Historic Preservation Board
City of Campbell
Community Development Department
70 North First Street
Campbell, CA 95008-1423
Subject: Firehouse Enhancement Proposal
Dear Joelle Hernandez and members of the Historic Preservation Board:
On behalf of Firehouse Enhancement Project Committee, the Campbell Historical Museum staff
and the Campbell Historical Museum and Ainsley House Foundation, thank you for the time and
effort each of you have given in reviewing and providing valuable insight with regard to our initial
Firehouse Enhancement concept. Your input, concerns and reactions to our initial concept are
helping us as we make changes and improvements to our new and developing next stage.
Your thoughtful comments and criticism were carefully considered and clearly reflect the concern
you have for Campbell's history and its heritage. We too feel it is important to protect and preserve
Campbell's historic heritage. Our new concept will not only help us toward implementation of the
museum's Strategic Plan, but will be done in a way to protect and preserve the firehouse. We share
with the Historic Preservation Board these same objectives.
Several concerns were expressed by the HPB members at the May 12, 2010 Special Meeting
which we would like to re-visit, acknowledge and address in this letter. The following is a precis
of the HPB's concerns taken from the minutes of the May 12 meeting.
1. There should be more community awareness and public participation.
Indeed, we are in the process of organizing several fundraising events and we have setup a
Facebook page "10,000 Strong" and a website linked to the website. We
will be very visible on several fronts here in Campbell and in neighboring communities in the next
few weeks. These outreach programs will greatly increase community awareness.
P.O. Box 1066, Campbell, CA 95009 ~ (408) 866-2759 ~
Campbell historical museum
~ ainsley house foundation.
Firehouse Enhancement
July 16, 2010
Page 2 of 3
2. The firehouse doors are the character-defining feature.
We agree, our new concept fully acknowledges the firehouse doors and in fact we herald the
doors as an architectural feature by restoring the east facade to its original glory (As was our
intention in the original concept). The doors will be fully visible and any addition/changes will be
on the sides and back of the firehouse.
3. Look at alternative locations for the addition, along Civic Center Drive
or the rear.
Yes, alternative locations for the new museum space and store are part of our new concept. The
north, south and rear areas will work for us, just as you have suggested.
4. "Tt seems you are willing to sacrifice the integrity of the firehouse to
save the museum."
We would be remiss if in any way we were to sacrifice the historical integrity of the city's first
firehouse, and this would be contrary to our intent. We recognize the cultural significance as well
as the historical significance of the firehouse.
The Campbell firehouse will be more visible, better appreciated, and have greater visitation after
our enhancement is completed than it has ever been. Our architect is very aware of the contextual
issues. He is aware of the importance of scale and the architectural and cultural heritage of the
community and existing building patterns.
5. The HPB and some in the public expressed doubt about the store as a viable goal for making
the museum financially independent.
The goal of the Firehouse Enhancement Committee is to implement the Museum Strategic Plan
and provide better facilities for the current children's programs. With this implementation there is
also the opportunity to position the store for enhanced and improved retailing. This will increase
the museums operating revenue, but this is secondary to our goals.
We want the firehouse to continue to be a source of community pride, a focal point and acultural-
architectural landmark for Campbell, that neighboring communities admire.
P.O. Box 1066, Campbell, CA 95009 ~ (408) 866-2759 ~
Campbell historical museum
~ ainsley house foundation.
Firehouse Enhancement
July 16, 2010
Page 3 of 3
We are grateful to you for your passion and dedication to the City of Campbell. Thanks to you,
Campbell has the reputation of the destination place with friendly, historic charm. We look
forward to showing you more developed images of the project, as we get further in our plans and
our fundraising program. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.
.ennedy, Board >`' siden Michael Symons, Ch '
- Ainsley House Foun 'on Firehouse Enhancement Committee
Steve Prosser, Associate Planner
Linda Klemczak, Director of Recreation and Community Services
Karen Lange, Museum Director
P.O. Box 1066, Campbell, CA 95009 ~ (408) 866-2759 ~