Great Gatsby Day - 9/22/1991City Council Item: 15 Category: Consent Calendar Report Date: September 3, 1991 Title: Special Event Permit and Co-SponsorsLip by City--Great Gatsby Day--September 22. 1991 RECOPII~IENDATION 1. Approve Resolution declaring the City of Campbell a co-sponsor of the Campbell's Great Gatsby Day, and 2. Adopt the attached findings regarding the Special Event Permit for this event, and 3. Waive permit fees, and 4. Direct City Staff to provide barricades and security and any other ancillary services that might be required, and 5. Approve issuance of a Special Event Permit subject to listed. conditions. DISCUSSION Background. A request for a Special Event Permit was made by the following applicant: Campbell's Great Gatsby Day Committee P.0. Box 1244 Campbell, CA 95009 (408) 559-1731 Joanna Herz, Event Coordinator The applicant is acting on behalf of several groups that are organizing an event to raise funds for the continued restoration of the Ainsley House and Carriage House. The event is to be held on Sunday, September 22, 1991, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Central Downtown area. The event will include crafts, a display of vintage automobiles, family entertainment, food sales, and a dinner-dance, all to be in the theme of "The Gatsby Days" to reflect the era of the Ainsley House. The applicant submitted extensive detailed plans which were reviewed by all City Departments. The applicant has requested that permit fees for this event be waived. Special Events Permit: Page 2 September 3, 1991 Analysis. The plans submitted by the applicant have been reviewed by all City Departments. Conditions and restrictions are similar to those placed on previous events. The applicant has agreed to follow conditions as set forth by department reviews. If this were not considered a City event, fees would normally be charged to cover City costs, including necessary Police coverage and clean-up by Public Works staff. Sponsorship by the City will allow waiving all fees, which are estimated at $5,000. In addition, the City liability insurance will provide additional coverage for the event, over and above the minimums set by the City. Organizations of other upcoming events--such Octoberfest--would also be required to pay costs, unless the City decides to become a events benefit the Campbell community as a organization or group, staff will return to that the City co-sponsor these events as well. FISCAL IMPACT as the Highland Games and fees to cover full City co-sponsor. Because these whole, and not just one the Council with requests Costs to the City are in staff time to review plans and to provide uniformed Police personnel during the event. Identified costs, exclusive of any emergency responses, are as follows: Costs $5,000 estimated costs of City Staff Revenue Unknown Net Cost Unknown Profits from this event will be used towards restoration of the Ainsley House and Carriage House which is of direct benefit to the City of Campbell. ALTERNATIVES 1. Deny the request. Not recommended. Event will provide direct benefit to the City. 2. Approve the request with the requirement to pay associated costs. Not recommended. Event will provide direct benefit to the C/~~ Prepared by: Approved by: Sgt. Terry Bea dry J es Cost C of Police Approved by: ~~~ ~~ City Manager Attachments: Resolution Findings for Special Event Permit Copies of restrictions/conditions from each department RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AUTHORIZING CO-SPONSORSHIP OF "GREAT GATSBY DAY", SEPTEMBER 22, 1991 WHEREAS, on September 19, 1989, the City Council formally accepted the donation of the Ainsley House and Carriage House to be used as the Campbell Historical Museum; and WHEREAS, the Ainsley House and Carriage House were built in 1926 at the corner of Hamilton and Bascom Avenues, and on November 18, 1990, were moved to the Campbell Civic Center; and WHEREAS, Phase I of the Ainsley House Project has been completed, and it is necessary to raise funds for Phase II in order to continue the restoration; and WHEREAS a Group of Campbell citizens has organized a "Great Gatsby Day" to be held in downtown Campbell on Sunday, September 22, 1991, which will include costumes, vintage automobiles, a parade, box supper, a band, and dancing to music of the era; and WHEREAS, funds raised from the event will be used towards the restoration of the Ainsley House. NOW, THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Campbell hereby authorizes the .City's co-sponsorship, together with the Campbell Historical Museum Association, Campbell Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Campbell Business Association, Campbell Historical Preservation Board, and County Supervisor Rod Diridon, of the Great Gatsby Day event on Sunday, September 22, 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers: NOES: Councilmembers: ABSENT: Councilmembers: APPROVED: Michael F. Kotowski Mayor ATTEST: Barbara Olsasky, City Clerk