1985-1986CITY COUNCIL b'ITG: 5/6/86 AiIVISCRY OC~-~iISSIQVS AMID OQ-+A4ITI'EFrS Historic Preservation City ~'lanager's Office -Report dated May 6, 1986. Task Force -Report to City Council Planning Carmissioner Jay Perrine appeared before the Council on behalf of the Historic Preservation Task Force to present their report and recarrnendation. Discussion followed regarding Recarrr~endation #1 to create a Historic Advisory Cormzittee and Rearnn~endation #3 to fill the vacancies of the Historic Preservation Board with a Civic Improvement Cocnnissioner(s). Harold Gass, 1069 Denver Drive, Campbell, appeared before the Council to recam~end that the existing ordinance be changed to allow the Historic Preservation Board to perform more duties. Ron Christ, 1110 Shadle Drive, Campbell, appeared before the Council on behalf of the Task Force, and suggested that Item #3 be eliminated as a recarmendation if the City CouncilmemUers had concerns about Civic Improve- ment Crnmissioners filling the Vacancies on the Historic Preservation Board. M/S: Podgorsek, Doetsch - to delete Recam~endation #3 from the Task Force report and refer the revised report to the Historic Preservation Board, Civic Improvement Curmission and Planning Comrnission. Following discussion, it Was determined that there was no reason to refer the Task Force report to the various conmissions; thus, Oounci7m~riber Podgorsek and Vice Mayor Doetsch withdrew his motion and second. M/S: Watson, Doetsch -that the City Council approve the report fraTn the Historic Preservation Task Force with the deletion of Recornnendation #3 which suggests that the City Council fill the vacancies on the Historic Preservation Board with members of the Civic Improvement Carmission. Motion adopted by a 4-1-0 Vote, CounciLnecntier Podgorsek Voting "No'". MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: Historic Preservation Task Force Date: May 15, 1986 From: Michael F. Kotowski, Mayor Subject: Task Force Service I would like to thank you for serving on the Historic Preservation Task Force for the last several months. The City Council has approved specific Task Force recommendations, and we look forward to their implementation under the guidance of the Civic Improvement Commission and Historic Preservation Board. Again, thank you for your time and efforts. n ~ ~, r „~ ;~ ~, , ~ / Michael F. Kotowski /bso MEMORANDUM To: Historic Preservation Task Force Date: May 15, 1986 From: Jay Perrine, Chairman Subject: Task Force Recommendations CITY OF CAMPBELL As you know, I presented the recommendations of the Historic Preservation Task Force to the City Council at their May 6 meeting. A copy of the final report is attached. The City Council approved our recommendations, with the exception of #3, regarding filling vacant seats on the Historic Preservation Board. The balance of the Task Force's recommendations, including the suggested public awareness program and identificatian/outreach efforts met with Council approval. Councilmembers noted, however, that they would be very concerned about establishing a historic landmark desig- nation against a property owner's will. I understand that at upcoming meetings the Civic Improvement Commission and the Historic Preservation Board will discuss the scheduling of joint sessions, to begin to carry out Task Force recommendations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Task Force members for their time and input. JP/bso MEMORANDUM To: HISTORIC PRESERVATION TASK FORCE Date From: TIT4 HALEY, PLANNER II Subject: HISTORIC PRESERVATION TASK FORCE C~'A•SITTEE Organizational P~leeting October 17, 1985 CITY OF CAMPBELL SEPTEP•'~ER 24, 1985 At its meeting of July 2, 1985 the City Council took action to form an Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Task Force Committee upon the request of the Civic Improvement Commission. The Committee's task, as identified by the Civic Improvement Commission, includes the following goals: 1. To develop a recommended policy statement regarding historic preservation. 2. To review the current Historic Preservation Ordinance. 3. To develop a plan for preparation of a public information brochure. 4. To develop a method of recognition for rehabilitation efforts within the community. The Committee is comprised of two City Council members, two Civic Improvement Commission members, two Historic Preservation Board members, and two Planning Commissioners. You have been appointed as a member of this Committee. In an attempt to find a time which is convenient for the Committee members, Staff is recommending that the Committee have an organizational meeting on THURSDAY, OCTOBERI~, 1985 at 7:30 P.P•t. IN THE AIx`1INISTRATIVE WING CONFERENCE ROOP~1 across from the Council Chambers. This meeting should allow the Committee an opportunity to appoint a Chairperson and to identify its goals. If you are unable to attend this meeting, or if you have any questions regarding this meeting, please do not hesitate to call me at 866-2140. TJH:ld cc: Peggy Coats Barbara Lee