HPB Resolution No. 33Resolution No. 33 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, The Certified Local Government Program is a national program designed to encourage the direct participation of a local government in the identification, registration, and preservation of historic properties located within the jurisdiction of the local government; and, WHEREAS, The City of Campbell is seeking to become certified under the Certified Local Government program created by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and coordinated by the California Office of Historic Preservation; and WHEREAS, The requirements of all Certified Local Governments in California include that the local preservation commission have at least two members that meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for professionals in historic preservation as published in the September 29, 1983 issue of the Federal Register as part of the larger Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation; and; WHEREAS, the Historic Preservation Board for the City of Campbell is currently appointed by the members of the City Council; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Historic Preservation Boazd recommends that the City Council approve a resolution which states the City Council shall seek to ensure that at least two members of the Historic Preservation Boazd meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for professionals in historic preservation whenever possible and shall, at any time the board does not contain at least two members that meet said qualifications, direct staff to inform the California Office of Historic Preservation of attempts made to fill the positions with qualified members and explain the reasons this could not be accomplished. PAS AND ~gPTED this 22"d day of November 2000. Chairperson David Lazson Vice Chair Susan Blake Boardmember Joanna Herz Boardmember Laura Taylor Moore Boardmember David McFarland