HPB Resolution No. 31Resolution No. 31 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, after notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application filed by Pete and Ida Yerkovich to designate the residence at 69 Alice Avenue as an Historic Landmark and after testimony by proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. The house is reflective of the housing style for the City of Campbell during the early 1920s. 2. The home retains unique architectural features such as original windows and the roof which enhance the value of the home from an aesthetic and historical standpoint. 3. The architectural style is a good example of a Spanish Colonial Revival architecture. Based upon the above findings, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the Planning Commission and City Council take action to designate the residence at 69 Alice Avenue as an Historic Landmark in the City of Campbell, California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of May, 1995, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Gass, Herz, Lonac NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: King, Taylor-Moore ABSTENTION: Boardmembers: None APPROVED: Joanna Herz, Chair ATTEST: Gloria Sciara, Planner I