HPB Resolution No. 26RESOLUTION NO. 26 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, RECOMMENDING THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN HISTORIC DESIGNATION OF THE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 1228 HARRIET AVENUE, AS AN HISTORIC LANDMARK IN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL; AND, A CITY-INITIATED ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY) TO R-1-H (SINGLE-FAMILY/HISTORIC OVERLAY) ZONING DISTRICT. APPLICATION OF MRS. LOUISE STEELE. (HPB 90-06/ZC 90-11). After notification and residence located at 1 the Planning Director, Preservation Board did historic values worthy findings: Public Hearing as specified by law for the 228 Harriet Avenue, and after presentation by proponents and opponents, the Historic determine that the home has significant of preservation, as noted in the following 1. The house was built circa 1905. 2. The house retains the flavor of an early twentieth century ranch house. 3. The house was home to Harriet Martin, after whom Harriet Avenue was named. The Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council enact the Ordinance attached hereto making effective the recommended changes to the Zoning Map as required for Historic Designation, and designate the home as an Historic Landmark in the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28th day of November 1990, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Gass, King, Herz NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: Burns, Moore