HPB Resolution No. 24RESOLUTION NO. 24 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL RECOMMENDING PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN HISTORIC DESIGNATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 112 SOUTH SECOND STREET; AND, A CITY-INITIATED ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1-6 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO R-1-6-H (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL/HISTORIC OVERLAY), APPLICATION OF MRS. AUDREE TUTTLE, ZC 90-10 (HPB 90-05) . After notification and Public Hearing as specified by law on property located at 112 South Second Street, and after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the Historic Preservation Board did determine that the property has significant historic values worthy of preservation as noted in the following findings: 1. The J. C. Ainsley/Gordon and Alice Ainsley House is currently listed on the Campbell Historic Resources Survey and is recognized as a potentially historic site. 2. The home is in very good condition and retains its original design. 3. The home is architecturally significant and exemplifies the Victorian Queen Anne style. 4. The home was constructed in approximately in 1895, and its ownership by a leading Campbell family contributes to the historical resources of Campbell. 5. Designation of the second J. C. Ainsley/Gordon and Alice Ainsley House will emphasize the importance of Historic Preservation in the community. The Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council enact the Ordinance attached hereto making effective the recommended changes to the Zoning Map as required for Historic Designation, and designate the property as an Historic Landmark. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22th day of August 1990, by the following roll call vote: AYES: BOARDMEMBERS: Gass, Burns, Johnson, Herz NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: None ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: King APPROVED: Joanna Herz, Chairman ATTEST: Steve Piasecki, Secretary