HPB Resolution No. 17RESOLUTION N0. 17 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application filed by Susan Blake to designate the residence located on property known as 84 N. Third Street, Campbell, California, as an Historic Landmark; and after presentation by Planning Staff, and after testimony by proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. HPB 89-01. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. This residence reflects special architectural elements indicative of a Queen Anne Cottage Style Architecture significant to the community's history. 2. This residence is associated with J.C. Ainsley, a pioneer of the fruit and canning industry in the Santa Clara Valley and was his residence in his early years in Campbell; and, 3. This structure embodies distinctive characteristics of a Queen Anne Cottage Style with its building materials, design and architectural details. Based on the above findings, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the Planning Commission and City Council take action to designate the residence and property known as 84 N. Third Street as an Historic Landmark in the City of Campbell, California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of January, 1989, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Ruth Gass, Jack Burns, Sue King, Joanna Herz, Barbara Johnson NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: None APPROVED: Sue King, Chairperson ATTEST: Tim J. Haley, Planner II