HPB Resolution No. 05RESOLUTION N0. 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr. Rudolph Herz fora landmark designation to be applied to the residence located on property known as 14301 S. Bascom Avenue, referred to as the Earl Young house, as per the application filed in the Office of Planning Department on March 16, 1981, and after presentation by the Planning Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. (HPL 81-1) After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the Citv's cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history. 2. It embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period, or method of construction, or is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship. 3. It is representative of the notable work of a builder, designer, or architect. Based on the above findings, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the structure located on property known as 14301 S. Bascom, commonly referred to as the Earl Young house, be designated as a historic landmark. The Board further determines that the proposed moving of the house from it's current location to another portion of the same property will not be inconsistent with this proposed historical designation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of April, 1981 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Overhouse, Kern, Hebard NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: None APPROVED: Don Hebard, Chairman ATTEST: Philip J. Stafford, Principal Planner