Historic House Tour - 1991MEMORANDUM Patti Leach To: Museum Director Gloria Sciara~~ From: Plantler I List of haLSes for May tour Subject: March 7, 1991 Date: Please review the following list of houses four the Historic Preservation Board's May House Tours: CITY OF CAMPBELL 1) 1888 Whiteoaks Read - Young-Sartorette House - built in 1928. 2) 84 N.. Third Street - J. C. Ainsley House - built in 1870's. 3) 140 S. Peter Drive - Galindo (~xaz-Leigh Haase - built iY1 1896. 4) 599 El Patio Drive - F. M. Righter House - built in 1896. 5) 227 Alice Avenue - Ralph & Maud Hyde House - built in 1917. 6) 61 Catalpa Lane - E. R. Kennedy House - built in 1930. Should any changes need to be made, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 2143. Z3~ar~k you. c:hpbtour/p9 lb CAMPBELL HISTORICAL MUSEUM ASSOCIATION To West Valley Citizens Interested in the history of Campbell February, 27, 1991 The Campbell Historical Museum Association and the City of Campbell Historical Pres- ervation Board will sponsor an Historic House Tour and Boutique on Saturday, May 25, 1991 from noon to 5:00 P.M. Earnings from this event will support the renovation of the Ainsley House to become the site of the new Campbell Historical Museum. The historic houses will be: 1. The Young house, 1888 White Oaks Road, Campbell -Ruda and Joanna Hera 2. The IIrst Ainsley house, 84 N. Third Street, Campbell -Barry Shilman and Susan Blake 3. The Righter house, 599 El Patio Drive, Campbell - W. Graham and Jane Wood 4. The Hyde house, 227 Alice Avenue, Campbell -Rick and Jackie Costanza 5. The Kennedy house, 61 Catalpa Lane, Campbell -Court & Jeanette Watson 6. The Leigh-Gallindo house, 140 S. Peter Drive in San Jose - Hilles Podesta The Boutique will be at the Young house, with many contributed items for sale. We have seen some of the beautiful, wonderful things that your people create, and we want to ask if your group would care to contribute items to be sold at the Boutique. We are also asking for any useable, saleable "white elephant" type things such as jewelry, dishes, pictures, etc. Any thing small enough to handle easily would be acceptable. During the last fund-rasiser for the Ainsley House project we heard from several groups, "If we had known in time, we could have sent boutique items for you to sell." This time we are asking well ahead of time for that kind of support from you, and we are thank- ing you in advance for any help you can give us with this worthy undertaking. We are set up to receive these donations at the Stine home, at 1186 Holmes Avenue in Campbell. For further information or pickup, please call Helen Stine at (408) 3773805. If there is no answer, please leave a message on the machine and we will call back as soon as possible. Sincerely, Helen Stine and Gerry Hicks, co-chairpersons of the Boutique Committee I ~: ~ Y ~A=~ ^3 :'SY r {~ .~~:..~ .vim ~ ~.~ . ;'' f_ _ ~ :. ~ _, ~_~ ~~ . 3` a r , &.. in the sponsored by the i ! , - -% ~ . x , -"i `: ie i t i s e,~i i `+. ~ 9.7 i a. ti.i ~~i-• ! ~ .._.,.. A ,. - = i ~ s -_a ..~ ~,... ~.. a 1 ..: .; a 1 4 a. , 4 .: ',; L ;. 71 .,r .r 1. +4-: a. ° 9- t-] V ~X \./ a....11 .~ 1- e \ ., `.,ti and the t ~_ ~ -_ -i .29)~_f :.. , :.i !'~'~3 ,.}/ 1)LLit-. lJ 4f/1 f ,t 8'. S.f iSt - - ~ ... .. , . 1 •: < _.. .... A,... 2 i i. l !. `\J . ~ i..'9•.f .. 1 a L~ J 3~ 1 *. f l-1. 3. 3. a J : 7 't,. \ i ! .. ~ a..i-r~ at THE EARL YOUNG -HERZ HOUSE on White Oaks Avenue THE LEIGH-GALLINDO HOUSE on Peter Drive, San Jose' THE FIItST AINSLEY HOUSE on Third Street THE HYDE HOUSE on Alice Avenue THE RIGHTER HOUSE on El Patio Avenue THE KENNEDY-WATSON HOUSE on Catalpa Lane You are invited to show period items in the houses. = Docents in costume conduct visitors & ezplain the history. Refreshments served at the Leigh-Gallindo house. • Boutique provided by service clubs at the Earl Young Herz house. Visitors may be photographed with classic cars at several boosts. ~ .:_ - , - : - _ a :~ ~, ~ - anon-proft supporting the Ainsley House restoration. I4ilY HLSi~tiCAL K~ 1~t g-~rrnav-y, M~IY 25, 1991 -12:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. SIX ll'XISFS IN 7QR 1) 1888 ~.ite Oaks Road - Ruth and Joanna Herz (559-1731) BC41t1Qlle 2) 84 N. Third Street -Barry Shilman aryl Susan Blake (866-0942) Ainsley family history arri it~ns -ticket booth 3) 140 S. Peter Drive -Hiles Podesta (377-7700) Refr+e~shments 4) 599 El Patio Drive - W. CYaham arr3 Jane Wood (378-5749) Trades people on old houses 5) 227 Alice Avenue -Rick and Jackie Costanzo (379-6190) Hyde family and cannexy display -ticket booth 6) 61 Catalpa Lane - Courtland and Jeanette Watson (378-7367) Museum History and Information TICt~'I'S - $ 8.00 - IN ADVANCE 10.00 - AT ~ DOOR