Bucknam Ave. (TR4521) .r-- / . 'lJ'ViVf..JU ~, """""t,""",.",\, 0.... ""'I',',,~' ~,L Boof<.8817 PAGt:682 I't~" ..;..;! ¡' "~ v¡-'l~'ri '-""" I 7::; NO¡'HH CENTf~AL AVE. ~':"Mr>D..i:l~L..\ CALIFORNIA 95008 NOTICE OF COMPI,ETION ,<, c RO'J,< 8817,,:71:i'~ ßg2 /"Þ;~C_, '?'" ,;'~~i.! tø /~tv11.!. A:-~~'t.;'i""~&..t~, ,'; " .I ~ ,. ;::, ,,¡ 0' , "L, -'. ',; ! I I , NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL OWNER and William G. Wren as (j ';, , ;:: lì~) 'èC' ( ~-.,TJïY l"r~ =:; :3,' ',:-¡ the undersigned, as City Engineer caused Above S ace for Recorder subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements ~as actuall:y accepted on the, , ,', ' , ",' ¡ .',',,';" ,"~6,th" 'day 0'£ Jàriùary" ',' ',;',i9'7'0':~ ' That the name of the Subdivider for NO FEE ",', " , ',," sa'id owner is Tietsort Construction Company, Inc. ';'"i':.. ,~~,::: " '" ,'" ,).. :, ,,' '",'" ..\ """,:,:",:, ,',:":, ,"'- :, ~,:, That the"'natur'e of title of said city to ~"',,'!;,' ,:,';".,-said."'subdiVision':iJuprovements,,c, ,"-'::>"'is"thåt ""',;'".,,", ",:,,'.""',':',",', ,.c' "', ,"of ,owner in fee simple, and, the na.'11es' and 'addresses . ,..,' , of' all oWÍ1~rs of said 'property 'are: ' NAME ADDRESS " City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvß~ents are located is situated in the City of CillTIpbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: Tract No. 4521 L-~ and having the following address: Dated January 27 , 192.2.-. / JI '¡j i" i¿ " -L~~, Þ il1!i4.1:, ~ '\ . ,Ll1~l1 ~lllam G. Wren Y ( 1 of 2 c.:J..ty En9i.Deer STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CIARA SSe I. William G. wren. being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice I that I have read the foregoing notice" :and know the con- tents thereof; and the facts therein stated' re knowledge. G. WI:., City &ng 1nee.r Subscribed and sworn to before me this í>~';i' -"<" day of :1;/ ,','tAil i.U / :1 , 19...&.::... / ' / ! ;' ,'1,/" -~" /' 1,-' Æd '" f..L í{ 1..' /,/c -;i.!â Æ.("ä?" [' Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, state of California CI-íÞ.FLE'\JF q p,n"",,~ " , ..," " ", ' "1 V l" hI' !\Iy CvlJilJ'--:, v' '..'" " ,'1I Ie , .. --""Üo ()Clu!.C[' I, 1969' 1'1;t1 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2617 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 452l A1TD AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 452l, for approval; WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney¡ as to form which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has signed the map that it conforms; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of 19~, by the following vote: April AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hyde, Rogers NOES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Smeed ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ~r;1~::;, """/,, /'¿'~;!'<AC.- William S. Smeed Mayor ATTES-T: £/, Z'2 /1 .£;",-/ ,. '\, ,,'I --;,' " - ,:;~ç.{.-ç~ ,-y(, ~",¿~~,4:-r'L--' ( Do~thy Trevethan V City Clerk "t,.. <;' I ~ ' " COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 . 4 1969 City Council City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: Tract No. 4521 Gentlemen: The improvement plans cf the sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract have been approved and a copy is on file in this office. A bond in the amount of $ 3. 5'ib. 00 to insure completion of construction and payment of fees due this District has been posted. This District will inspect the construction of the sanitary sewers and, upon satisfactory completion, the system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very imly yours, GR:j stephen R. Goodman Manager and Engineer ~~4-V~ AIr p By Glerm Ritz Assistant Civil Engineer RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME -;:::;A~:';"l-¿ tx...~a '---k--:'~~ ,ßr . ADDRESS /d- ~t: a '!¡!:~ A/, ~v/ /~ -- i/ FOR 4ft ~ ðX/ I!y )3 ¡/~ If j. ::: ~~ .J t ,1/ :<, L//C ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO? FUND NUMBER / 1(,6:3 0" CHECK 0 WJrIf6Qe~R o~ WWZ,~16.00 DA THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. APß 16-69 APR 16-69 66 0O6C **1,731.00 61¡ oo6A ***lI90.00 9632 ~s CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy ~,¡- - ( ,~1JO '?Þ~ d< 'v\~~ {ò\ ~(û ~. 01(. d1' \\ D'~' Ò~ , .o.~f.r¿þ \,..o.~ \..of ~'/ <:t> ,+-' Bue K NAM ~ N 89,0 ';>3' 4ð' E- AVENU E \ i ~ LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dy. By LeV 5e pt ) '9G8 Ck. t3c?M5ept.')I~ SCAL-E: I" = 10' _Land tç be granted to City Con+~"'. ~.'ðe. e.q.fl,% Prepared by the Office of t.. ~tt,' , Engl ne.r, Campbell, CoIUol"'.. . August 23, 1968 Mr. G. L. Standish 1215 Lennon Way San Jose, California SUBJECT: Existing Aerial Telephone Line on Virginia, Tract No. 4521 Dear Mr. Standish: One of our requirements concerning subject Tract ~o. 4521 is that the existing aerial teleph~n€line on the west side of Virginia Avenue must either be installed underground throughout the subdivision frontage or relocated to the east side of Virginia Avenue. We will withhold approval of the subdivision map and improvement plans until we receive clearance from the Pacific Telephone Company that this issue has been satisfactorily provided for. This matter ~las been brought to the attention of your engineer and to the Telephone Company and they are awaiting your action. Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions concerning this matter. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER <:,\~ t', \ I By Cruz S. Gamez, Civil Engineer, Jr. CSG: carn cc: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph ATTN: Mr. Alfred T. Haller ~ f. ¡r-f THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY San Jose, August 13, 1968 Mr. William Wren City Engineer 75 North Central Avenue City of Campbell Campbell, California Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as sho\m on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 4521 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company. Very truly yours, , /} /} '-,t) I J ' Ot-V'-'~f_-J T'-, Senior Engineer PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC / .j;, ~iL/g "-".. ~l (j¿/ ~~ COMPANY IPJ CGr ~ IE + 10900 No. Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 253-2010 August 13, 1968 Mr. Wi Iii am G. Wren Acting Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 4521 Dear lV\r. Wren: The Public uti fity Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording. are adequate and satis- factory for the instal lation of this company's gas ana electric distribution facilities. ff1Ä J. J. Fisher District Electric Superintendent ~t ~,i\, , \ \' T.S. 68-2 Conditions division of G. Meyer) located at the regular 1968. attached to approval of tentative sub- L. Standish Companies, rnc. (Property of on the west side of South Virginia Avenue Planning Commission meeting of April 15, 1. Sanitary sewer service to be provided by Santa Clara County Sanitation District #4. 2 . Water service to be provided by San Jose Water Works. 3. Adjacent parcel shown as property of Peter J. Messa to be included within limits of sub- division. 4. Southerly 52 feet of adjacent parcel shown as property of City of Campbell to be included within limits of subdivision. 5. Southerly one-half of easterly prolongation of Bucknam Avenue to be constructed from Virginia Avenue to existing Bucknam Avenue terminus. 6. Compliance with Article IX, Chapter I, Part I of the Campbell Municipal Code. City of Campbell Planning Commission l_, ] , ') .'" / ,'~ ,// R. V. Hogan, Planning Director Commission action ratified by City Council on April 22, 1968 /7 --<£--- ,/ ,J-/),/ \ -/ ---'-/~,- -' , ( , / ',- , I / c.--- t/,c cp,~, " f,'",-"/,,l, DOrothy 1)'eve th an, City (/ ClerK STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1968 TS 68-2' Application of G. L. Standish Companies, Inc. for approval of subdivision of the lands of Meyer located on the west side of South Virginia Avenue between Hacienda and the proposed exten- sion of Bucknam Avenue. The proposal for subdivision of this property as submitted by . the applicant does not include the propetty to the north owned by the City of Campbell which was purchased for the purpose of extending Bucknam Avenue. The City Engineer has, however, submitted a proposal which would include a portion of the City owned property and provide for the extension of Bucknam Avenue through to Virginia. This matter will be discussed further at the Planning Commission meeting.