Budd Ave. (PM 75-15) Job No. 275135 EJ ..: =._c --).-.1 ~---- . SANDIS AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS I 812 CASTRO STREET MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. 94040 415/969.0127 December 31,1975 Mr. Al Woolworth Woolworth Construction Co., Inc. P. O. Box 1399 Los Gatos, California 95030 Dear Al: As you know, the City of Campbell was attempting to officially abandon 6-feet of Budd Avenue in front of your four lots. The attempt was brought before the City Council twice and essentially failed both times due to neighborhood citizen protest. The question now arises as to whether or not you prefer to keep the street improvements to a narrow substandard street section as designed, with no "on-street" parking, or to widen the street to normal standards and provide "on-street" parking. If you prefer to leave the design as is, you will have to allow for the required number of vehicles to be parked "on-site". The City of Campbell also needs to discuss with you the various bonding requirements, construction inspection fees, and storm drainage fees. It would be appreciated if you would contact Mr. Larry Versaw of the Public Works Department to answer any questions he may have. As soon as you have paid the necessary Sanitation District fees, let us know so that we can get the Improvement Plans signed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Wishing you and the company a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Very truly yours, ~~ JMH:js cc: Mr. Larry Versaw "\ D" dC-:J~ V ~~(ý ,&V) (þ -t' . August 26, 1975 'I; " Sandis and Associates 812 Castro Street Mountain View, CA. 94040 P. M. 75- 15 '------------ Woolworth Construct' ' Dca r Sirs: Please be advised that the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell, on August 21, 1975, approved your tentative parcel map for the lands of Woolworth Construction subject to: the final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approved and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. If there are any further questions concerning this matter, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR ¿¿~;Z~ RICHARD L. SCHNEIDER Planner I RLS:3n1 cc: Woolworth Const. Co. lPublic Works Dept. ! I San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~ric~ 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 June 16, 1975 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Wren: Reference is made to the tentative map for Woolworth Construction Company sent with your transmittal of June 5. Proposed land use change would not directly affect any District facility. Si n.ce rely Y ours '.~ ... ' _...Þ 1/ 1J;1/ ~~./¿1¿/¿r-¡z ..~{!jAJ£.1,,- EU9g-;~. Sullivan Supervisor, Permits Section Design Coordination Division AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .,¡ "If( 'ß OFTIIJ: FAlH'IDI is S;\XTA CLeUL\ \'.\LLE) I" . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 - June 5,1975 CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy City Engineer Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Tentative Subdivision Map of: Lands of Woolworth_- Construction CO~"}£~.A.P.N. 405,...33-8, 9, and 10. The enclbsed Tentative Subdivision Map has been filed with the City Engineer for approval. A copy is being' sent to " you for the purpose of obtaining any comments or suggestions you may have Witll respect to it. ' Your cornments or suggestions p:r:ior to June 23, 1975 will be greatly appreciated. This map will be acted upon by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of July 3þ 1975. Very truly yours 1 WILLIAM G. WREN 1 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~/~ By Ronald L. Cheek 1 Assistant Civil Engineer LCV:dn Enclosure NOTE: IF COþÆ...MEN'I'S OR SUGGESTIONS ARE NOT RECEIVED PR¡OR TO THE ABOVE-MENTIONED DATE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED NO COMMENTS AFÅ’ FORTHCOMING. CITY ENGINEER FILE copy