362 & 430 Budd Ave. , / " -' CITY OF CAMPBEll MEMORANDUM To: Robert C. Stephens, City Manager Date: October 21, 1980 Subject: DRIVEWAY ACCESS--LANDS OF CARVALHO 490 BUDD AVENUE $-vJ:o ( /7) «Æ G(~ F<om ~~ Elliott, Director of Public ~rks ---------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATION: That ingress and egress be allowed" to proposed Parcel B, as shown on the attached parcel map, across an easement to the easterly driveway on Parcel A. DISCUSSION: The staff has met with Mr. Cliff Underwood, the owner1s engineer, to re- solve the issue of access to the proposed new parcel. An agreement was reached that ingress and egress could be allowed to Parcel B via the existing easterly driveway on Parcel A. This access would be limited to right turns only for both entering and exiting vehicles. BH/le attach. '- ~ \ ~ '~ )( '\\ ~E ~E ~[J EjE §r j: 4¿?¿?ft: ~ /":: 10' ", --' \~~ '" ' . ' '" ~~ Î~ / Ii J.! r Lb --- - ." - c- .,.:-- ~UC./(E/Y \ .......... - -, ~ - ,.---- \ ~ ¡~' 1 - - ~ - \ \ ~ \ \;;:;. ,.~' )le./' ,'-- \ ::-~ \ - \ \-" /' ~ - - - - - - .J ... - -.1 , ,,~ ~, "" PA/?CE¿ 13 ,;4= /(l)tJO ~~,F. t ):t').1r . ~. ') - - -'"-- ','" -,' ---- - ',""" ~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAM:rv ~~ ~-o ADDRESS t-f.3 <:> ~ ./ Q,-y¡. /"L-'- (J fLß.- FOR 2ía(P-'i~ ~~./.t Lea', ,~-<7 " ~~ FUND NUMBER >I':;>Oð ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, 3 J I æ.J 90- /Ll-71-- c;:J....e1fECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 26-80 liAR 26-80 005 ****200.00' ~ 57 oosA ***200.00. N~ 05808 BY f2/L CITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL / / /f{, ;t /)& Ii' :> Ii..- ",. /fJ \i /1 ~I ~~ /1/ :';1 .j t f - ~ "J~ ,,> ~i r-- ': '" 'Ii'" , , ~::'b ~ - ;--- ,"t! ~ ¡ioj r.¡ ;¡ 0 <) ~ ~ .~ ,f ~ \! ~.~ ~" " ~,~ {- ~ .\~ ~'~ ; ¡õ:\\~ <JI)J " Q\ N/~ ~ ~ \ '" "'/'11 : '\ , \0'\:" d ~$ ~ ,y' '" - ' ",~Þ~,¡:~~ti~ -\-~- ~ f ,~ - ,,\ l.!,¡ c-> .:~ .-' \ 0'. ; '~ \ o~ ,.S', S " i :?! f "'" / <::J\/ . I ~¡ ~~I O~/ \ji ¡:: "> ~, ..,,;:' <J' ,; ..{ '-Ji ~ ¡ 11): 0': , ; ø: (\ a ; 1'1; r-; ' i <Ii , I 1"); <XI] ct\ \ ..)' Q\ \1.\ p~'l <:;'-" ~ .-' \~\. '" .... .... ..... <1 \"'I r \, '$ "j G> '-~ . ." 0 -7 " '~ -->J' // C / ~ '0"" / ,/,...~ ~\ c ' r.,':? "" '. 0 I) ("\/ ~'7' ~\ A. q ç-' A " ' 'r 'I" ~\:/ // , It-, ry ,.,..¡-' 01 'J; " ç..,~, Il- OJ " ~ J / ;/ / ..,./ -q' , I") {¡ ,.J . 01:' r " ,/ 6V 'f¡ t.:.° ,'t'l-,. .,\ " - ,./7.~~Il--.,. ,s¡;QT--- / /' / / /' ,/ ,I '-' <7' ~ lI) C", ~ .. <' ~ ~ ~úJ <f'\ "l.r¡ {.) ... . CS) 00 z: . , ,. ..' '\ ~ f.. .....:, ~, ')..0 ~ ú? ~ (, Y IS-.Á.- 374 West Santa Clara Street Il~c ~/'~ ~I? . y~{) l,ie, ~~I V I rClQlA ':;0(; 4QIM~ tro It. 'EEI?//YdS SAN JOSE WATER WORKS San Jose, California 95113 408/279-7808 March 7,1980 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Mr. Jim Penoyer Reference: Abandonment of portion of Budd Avenue at San Tomas Expressway Gentlemen: Please be informed that San Jose Water Works has no objection to the abandonment of a portion of Budd Avenue at San Tomas Express- way and hereby gives its consent, providing that the area in question has been converted into a public utility easement. There should be no construction or any permanent structure and/or planting of any trees within the public utility easement. Ve truly yours, ~ ~. -- G RG SPITZ New Business Manager GS:ss cc: Mr. Clifford N. Underwood Underwood & Associates Civil Engineers & Surveyors 125 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Ci ty of Canpbell Director of Public ">Jerks 75 North Central Avenue Carrpbell, CA. 95008 \tl~c.~\'\ tO 0 (\ \9JralJ f(?> (J v 'N\)\\¥\~ \>'Jß\.~~\t.t.\\\~¡ t.~G\\' @ February 26,1980 Pacific Telephone 66 VITLLa'J PLACE MENLO PARK, CA. 94025 l~.ttention : Jim Penoyer Dear Hr. Penoyer: This is in reference to a letter from Und~ & Associates regarding the profX)sed vacation of a J:X>rtion of Budd Avenue, Campbell, Santa Clara County, California (a copy of letter and Tentative Parcel Hap attached) . Aerial facilities are located wi thin a portion of the above-mentioned Budd Avenue which facilities must be retained for service to the area. He request the folla.¡ing language be incorporated in any resolution of abandonIT'eI1t of that portion of Budd Avenue to be vacated indicated in red on said parcel rrap. "EXCEPTUIG AND RESERVING THEREFRa,1, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8330 of the Streets and Highways Code, the permanent easement and right at any tir.e or fran time to tine, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, rerrove, and renew sanitary sewers, and stonn drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across any street or part thereof pro¡::osed to be vacated and to con- struct, maintain, operate, replace, renDve, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, condui ts, cables, wires, poles, and other oonvenient structures, equipnent, and fixtures for the operation of telegraphic and telephone lines, for the transportation or distribution of electric energy and for transportation or distribution of water, including access and the right to keep the property free fran inflarrrnable materials, and wood growth, and otherwise protect the sane frcm all hazards, in, upon and over said portion of Budd Avenue to be vacated. " If the above language is included in and made a part of the vacating ordi- nance, we will have no objection to the proposed vacation. Please send -0...0 oopies of the final resolution or ordinance to t1r. T.J. Scully, Right of \'Jay Manager, 66 Willa.¡ Place, r-.'1enlo Park, California 94025. Yours truly, .:J.ð.~~A ~ I.ø.. T. J. Scully r.' Right of Way Manager TJS:frl Attachments cc: Underwood & Associates COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA February 26, 1980 RE Carvalho Parcel Map Budd Avenue APN 405-31-062 RECEIVED FEB 2 7 1~80 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: James Penoyer The District has a 12" sanitary sewer installed within the proposed vacation as indicated on the attached copy of the map. We have no objection to the abandonment as long as a minimum 10-foot easement, 5 feet on either side of the sewer main, is provided. Also, no building structures of any kind can be con- structed over the easement. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman District Manager and Engineer C_)?(¡---(_.( ,t. ,'- (' ¡' (,' ,J' "-..u By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLH: j f encl xc: Nellie Carvalho, 430 Budd Avenue, Campbell 95008 Underwood and Associates, Inc., 125 E. Sunnyoaks, Campbell County of Santa Clara California Transportation Agency 1555 Berger Drive San Jose, California 95112 ft6 February 4, 1980 790/&- Mr. Clifford N. Underwood Underwood & Associates 125 E. Sunnyøais Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Vacation of a portion of Budd Avenue at San Tomas Expressway Dear Mr. Underwood: That portion of Budd Avenue proposed to be vacated as shown on the "Tentative Parcel Map" in the southwest corner of San Tomas and Budd Avenue, is not within the area of interest of the County of Santa Clara. Our on1~ concern is that the driveway providing access to !'Parce1 B' be located westerly of the County's "No-Access" point which is the westerly end of the curb return. Very truly yours, ~fL~ 1/ Project Manager JYT:ai cc: H. Bell s An Equal Opportunity Employer ~ '...,..,..,.r...,",..,.."....¡;o,..~',..'."'.,....'.."1'.'..'...'.""".'..'.""""'.':""'." ' , 71:..1...."',...,..'..',.,"..."""f'1 ",:,".r"",. ".j'~" ~;, ';.', ~';~'(" ,,' ~),¡, "'-""::._""""';""" , '-'"" ,;S-' ~ "--'--"-' ,\ ,¡ ~750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY '~AN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 .;:::: '--.- /'~~~ 'r:~ , .f{'ó> . -j~~ ,þú~ <¡ /&, ~,~ ~~ ~Vl' (YO , ~4',;('/ro~ ~ ,f¡ Iý d.'fJ1 File: 9265-3 January 31, 1980 Mr. Clifford N. Underwood Underwood & Associates 125 East S~nnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Underwood: Subject: Carvalho Tentative Parcel Map The Santa Clara Valley Water District will not oppose the vacation of a portion of the old Budd Avenue right of way at San Tomas Expressway, with the following stipulations: 1) That easement rights over the area shown as "Area to be deeded back to SCVWD" on the referenced Tentative Parcel Map be dedicated to this District prior to transfer of fee title over this area to Mrs. Carvalho. 2) That the City of Campbell impose on Parcel B of the referenced map, as a condition of development, the requirement that the developer install a fence or wall between the remainder of Parcel B and the area of Parcel B to be deeded to this District in easement. I hope that this letter will provide the information which your letter of January 25 requested. Sincerely, c)~ Gj¡'\lAL SiGNED BY Donald A. Lawrie Chief Real Estate Agent Real Estate Division cc: L~r. Bill Helms Engineering Manager Public Works Department Ci ty of Campbell Campbell, California 95008 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PAOIFIO GAS AND ELEOTRIO COMPANY + 111 ALMADEN BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95198. (408) 298-3333 February 12, 1980 Mr. Clifford N. Underwood Underwood Associates 125 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Proposed Abandonment of a portion of Budd Avenue, west of San Tomas Expressway; our file 641 Dear Mr. Underwood: In response to your recent request, this Company has no objections, and hereby consents, to the abandonment of the portion of Budd Avenue at the subject location as shown outlined in red on the attached drawing; provided the area marked in green be retained as a Public Utility Easement. To initiate formal abandonment proceedings, please submit the original of this letter, together with the attachment, to the City of Campbell within 90 days of the above date. Failure to file within this period will invalidate this letter. Additional letters of consent will be required from the other utility companies serving your area. As a condition of this consent, we request that our San Jose Division Land Department be supplied with a certified copy of the final resolution of abandonment by the City. Should you have any questions concerning this abandonment, please contact Mr. Fasha Eskandari, of our Land Department, at the letterhead address, telephone extension 449. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, J,1. ~ Division Land Supervisor Attachment ->-- .... - ~ .---- \..::.;.......y ---- \¡-- ~ ~ ("\\ -- --+1 ) ~ " "0' (ý .0 " \ " .J ./'-"- ~~ ;p p, F; ~.. ~- z:; z: £1~ b~ \ !() i II \ \ If \ \ \ \ \ ) '- y\ lil '{ 1.., ¡ '\. . , -- :--::" \ \ ' \ ' I \ !' --\ - I- , -- ( ',-~ r'- !" ...Á ~ ~~- /- .. ", .', ", -,/ \: ' ~, ' ,\ :\ (\~ '~ ~' "" ~- \ \ j \ -- ,- .- ~ ~ ~ ('-,- (¡) ) -' ~ " ~ " -',:' .. / /' / / " " ~~ .~ ,..,i,.X ",.~;..¡;,"""","'"',",, . """\""""';~" ~~/ ~1~// ,~ // c-'/ ~//1 ~'~//'I j/ r':]zJ. C. I/f, 'A ' ~J 10-5344 Exhibit "A" All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Lot 4 as shown on that certain Map entitled Map of the property of E.N. Parr, which Map was filed for record on August 19,1897 in Book "I" of Maps, at page 75, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Lot 4 in the centerline of Budd Avenue; thence along the Westerly line of said Lot 4, South 12° 30' East 120.32 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation, by deed recorded June 2, 1960 in Book 4812 of Official Records, page 268; thence running along the Northerly line of said parcel North 87° 44' 45" East 214.24 feet to an angle point therein; thence along a Westerly line of said parcel North 12° 30' West 43.64 feet to the most Southerly corner of Parcel E as said parcel is shown on the Record of Survey San Tomas Expressway, filed for record on April 13, 1964 in Book 176 of Maps, at page 52; thence along the Southwesterly line of said Parcel E and its Northwesterly prolongation North 39° 39' 35" West 93 feet more or less to a point in the centerline of Budd Avenue; thence along said centerline South 88° 40' 59" West 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. ß ~ p r ~ ~,-- --', ~\ Ii I D¿ ~ lln ' J\~ 'JUN 1 9 F379 ¡ CITY OF L. r=LANNINC D\;..r~""'-'" / / / -.S' -?--v .)-0 ~-9 J' " , scALE: / ~ 30 / // / / / /V~ / -J~~ \) ì /þ<.-i'" , ø O~Þ- / 1\ f2-t- \.- ".. ~- -- - - - - - ~+ --<> f~ .rJ' "z- "'Y.,¡.... I 'I f, 0 I'}. '1.0 r-l~B - - - - .- - - -- -- <1 ~, :: ?'O'; $"3 L. ;;- 6 -1l..¡. 08 ~ s:.il3 ORIGINAL P()PP A V.e. (40 FEET WIDE) 0 ' " S 88 40~, W /74,9/ --l~ ,.J\:\) . ~ :-. ~~~. t: ::~ ,.'; ~ . '-:, ".. , .JOfE CAI?VA.LflO PARCEL /76 M ~2. P. o. 8. :'.¡ ':\ PAR. CEL E} 176 M ~~2 <) ',' 0... r /)~~) ---~ F,"I ¿. " 5/1 I:. j (i 7) ,I' 'cr' " . i~' - I MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To Pub 1 i c \-Jor'ks Department Fire Department Date: 10/31/80 From Planning Department Subject: UP 79- 17 430 Budd Ave - m - --- ---------------------------------------- --- ----,,-- At its regularly scheduled meeting of October 27,1980 the City Council ratified UP 79-17 and approved PM 79-6. The applicable Resolution and parcel map is attached for your records. Ifèthere are any questions concerning this application, feel free to contact the Planning Department. RESOLUTION NO. 1917 After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of Ms. Nellie Carvalho for approval of ð minor subdivision and a use permit to allow future development of the ,resu1ting single-family lot located on property known as 430 Budd Avenue in an Interim (Low Density Residential) Zoning District, as per application filed in the Office of the Planning Di'rector on June 19t 1979 and after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed (Up 79-17). . After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Commission did find as follows: That the establishmentt maintenance, and operation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, or be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. /- Based on the above findings, the Planning Commission does hereby grant the requested use permit subject to the following cðnditions: 1. Approval of tentative parcel map for 430 Budd Avenue (PM 79-6). The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet all conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell and Laws of the State of California. The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 1980 by the following roll call vote: ".~ AYES: Commissioners: Pack, Meyer, Kasolas, Kotowski, Campos NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Dickson, Fairbanks ::--- APPROVED: Daniel Campos Chairman ATTEST: Arthur A. Kee Secretary 1.1 ; ) . . - - '""'" III & ~ú . ~ , ~ 4'~ \ - ~. ----~ 4s. --- I -- ____m___--- _o__m-- r ~- ,~ ('i~ ~ ~,~. ~~~ ~ ~ Iv ' ~e!:: \:; ,~ ~~~ ~ ~ Q.. ~"~,, - ""~ ~ "'!:~, ,~ ~~~~~~.~ i' a .~ ~ ~ ~ f \ .. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\1 ¡ ~~~'"~:-..:.. )0 ~'-> ð ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ J~ ~ ,~\:;\:; ~. '-':~~~ ~:... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ù~ L I i L ~ ~ ~ ¡ ~ ¡ ¡ ~ . ~ it ~o ~} ~ ~ ~ !H ¡ ~ t ~ ~ ~ t tn )~ ! t 11 t ~ t ~ ~~!.1~~ ) ~ ~ t ,~ . ~ ~ j 111if1Í11 ~ ~,~ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ ~ , . .~" "' -\\ a, \~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ..... ,~aa---.~ t . 1 I~ ~ '~' - 0' ::::-- 1 ~¿ {\ I , ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ -- -- <-"'" "~, ",,< - IIUDD .. ¡¡ ..: t.; .... ~ I ... . '.~ ~ .; - . ' ),1 ... ..- !'. ~ ";C . - -- ~ .J 1:- , , l;t I..: - . ~ ~ ...- - " ....... ç,' ---".~------ ;'-- ~ t ¡::¡ ... i1f :;. a::. . '.' ., " W4l00 ~ , . ., -:.~ ,.:ot .. . . to": ~"_._---- . ' lI#y I:;; 0' (; " t: .. &. ~~ .... ~ .. k. - -=:~=.V~ . '--., ..... :.... " ~ I .' ~:. ~ 't .... -= ~ ~ ~ -.- ~ Z ~ .., " ._- "" 'Z -,JIf': uiH" .. ~ PI , ~ t:. -C ... ..1"'" -~~. .._.n_-"" I ~ & I ~ \ ~, I .\t; ~-- .- "-'r"---------- " ; ~ a;. = fO '" .. ' . & '" c::. ~ ,.,. . - -- . '" ., u. u " ., ...-.u % .. ""-'-.' .,. ..: I:;' t _..- C II . t p' 'p" _. ',Q ~ ~ on . '" . -liV- . ". r .. ""-""~*'" ...- ... . '.. . "IJ... t" L e. '" ~ ~ \ ~~ t . . : It" \. . ,.. .. . , ... "I.. . :1 +'741. . .. "" \ '" \ Ii. r.¡ I~ II;. -- I~ r.:: .... ~ "!-c '." o( I!' t' F. ..... t% "," ~~ II' P t;: . : --- .----- ~ _u-.- . . .. ¡ ~:. l~-------_. " 1 ~ r-.... I\.t ~ '&& ~ , -/ ---- ( , . ~ ,. . 1(701 ' '" ,~ t: ;~ ----- .01. "";' t: :.. 'L~ "r ~ ". I~ . , '^":'-c:.--~-.- .. -. ,.' ~ UP 7 'i. 17 ,~ ,~ .. '-. ~. .. -.---------- ...... ... ... -- ---------- I~ .. ------.-.. .. ft~ ~ 8 Ð ~ .. - - .' . - -. ..-. . .. .. It ~ I. I I I , ----------- = -- i ! ... ! .' I .;. ! . ~ . I \ I 120.\0 .., , 1-', i) Planning Commission Resolution ~o. 1917 ratified by the City Council of the City of Campbell on October 27, 1980, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgoysek, Hanmler None None NOES: ABSE~T: Councilmen: Councilmen: APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer, Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk 1H,. ,O',LG'-:;:G /fJ:;.Tf,I .'.';. ~!T I;, A It,'ve: AND CO,'FJECT c;~'" OF 1H¿ (,\R,liìNAl ON fie' " ';)é. ¡, E. :~:=;~"~ DATED / (.) - ) 'J' - g () . /' '. ,/Y;.~'1<-- f¡/~: Slîk~ Gl ~ t.,~-,. ~'~ . / ¡ CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Arthur A. Kee, Planning Director Date: A~~ \ ) \ 0( 8 'D From: Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works Subject: Tentative Parcel Map, Lands of C-<:1rva \ ~ 0 APN 4 05 - "3 I - ~ L ------------------------------- ---------. This office recommends approval of the map on condition that the final map shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. JOSEPH ELL IOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bi 11 M. Helms Engineering Manager BMH:ah (j~~ (JY ~------ 1( Sf: ION . , :~,'i;.I;T CODE / ' J/Pr /~,</ -' Y e K- S n 1< s( I 7 ) b'?L161~}3 CiTY OF CAMFC,- -'- 75 NO,nH CENTRAL ^VENUE CJ\~~PE'.::_'.. C.<\ 95008 ¡'.} ;"..; I.T T,:;: r-::Q",.=.':;¡ -,":'¡, i ~. CA:.',P8EIJ. "- r. '-' c.:., ',.- ¡'\.'I'~'i;_:._;> Jr tlìi:¡ ðf ~ RECEIVED F 360 P~c: 1156 RESOLUT I ON NO. 5804 JUL R 1980 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING' ¡i!,' ¡i ,-,:.J. " ,r¡ r .j 20l\rl 01- BEING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C!TY OF CAMPBELL COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA on'I"::,L !(:::(;Cf~()S STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VAèATING A PORTION OF THA:Ì;:~ ..~:,i;'\~(',!H~n CERTAIN PUBLIC STREET KNOWN AS BUDD AVENUE RCo-. ". 'I'; ~ F 360 p~~: 456 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, pursuant to the provisions of Division 9, 'Part 3, Chap- ters 1,2 and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, did heretofore, on the 28th day of April, 1980, pass upon and adopt its Resolution of Intention to vacate certain portions of Budd Avenue, a publ ic street in the City of Campbell, being Resolution No. 5792; and, WHEREAS, the hour of 8:00 p.m. of this 27th day of May, 1980, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, are the time and place set for hearing all persons interested in or having ob- Jections to said proposed vacation; and, WHEREAS, at the said hearing all evidence for and against was presented by persons interested in said proposed vacation; and~ WHEREAS, the City Council of said City of Campbell finds from the evidence submitted that the portions of Budd Avenue, in the City of Campbell, hereinafter described, be, and it is abandoned and closed to public uses, and that the portions of are more particularly described as follows: and determines a public street hereby, vacated, said Budd Avenue All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of Parcel E as said parcel is shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on April 13, 1964, in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, in Book 176 of Maps at page 52, said corner being also a point in the southerly line of Budd Avenue (40 feet wide) as shown on said map; THENCE South 88040159" West, along said southerly line of Budd Avenue, a distance of 174.91' feet to the northwesterly corner of the Jose Carvalho parcel, as shown on said map, said corner being also a point on the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 2 of Tract No. 763, Fenley Park Sub- division, a map of which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on July 11, 1950, in Book 28 at page 50; THENCE North 11033140" West along the northerly prolongation of the line common to said Lot No.2 and the Carvalho parcel, a distance of 8.44 feet; F 360 ?~!:: 457 THENCE North 68°12'20!' East, 109.10 feet; THENCE South 21°47'40" East, 20.02 feet; THENCE along the arc of a curve, concave southerly, tangent to a line that bears North 69°3611r East, with a radius of 53 feet, through a central angle of 70°44'081" an arc length of 65.43 feet, to a point of tangency with the northwesterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of said Parcel E; THENCE South 39°39135" East, along said northwesterly prolongation, a distance of 13.40 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING an area of 0.106 acres, more or less. RESERViNG THEREFROM unto the City of Campbell a public service easement thereon for the purpose described upon Section 8330 of the Streets and High- ways Code of the State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following vote: 27th of May , 1980, by the AYES: Counc i I men: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counci lmen: None ABSENT: Counc i lmen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk , ,'--<r,-\. . ¡, '" , " \.J " - -'. .', Phyllis O. Acker ,. THE FOREGOING INSTWIJM"'" Ia .. R ,: AND CORRECT COpy Of! ~ OM~" - . , ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. , . .' ~: (;.k ' '" ¡;,' r., ATTEST: PHYLLIS O. ACKltA,O1T'f, êI...,,(. ,,'. '" : <..) . ::' ??:;J;' ~ .~ ~¥è({uL DATED ~5 - )- f' -- ~ ¡) r~ """ ---~. - ---- "'~I"- I-V- ........,.""'" .....--- -"-1 F 360 P!GE 458 J .' * 'j C AL E : I -;.:; 0 " " / " ..r ""9""V >0 ~ "'9'J' / // " ,,- /S~ /..Jt-~<j ') ,/ þ< ~í- , ~ 0(.1>- ./"'l?v t'..- .,./'" lf2.- ~- - - - - - - ~+ .<0 f>~ .rJ' 7- ""Y.)- - . . \-. "'\~ " ...~ :.', ~ ~' :'. ", 0 . .,... ~ ", ,", <:: ',:" <- ~,: ...:, - - - '- - - - - - - - - : ,.. .~ PAR. C£ L £} l7ó M 5"2. V' -=:\- -- J'. . :.ø~ - <" L \ ..¥ . '-1'", ¿ ~ Z- OO PAR.CE I. P. 0, 8. ~',! ';:'~ ~~ PROPOSED STREET ABANDONMENT PORTION OF BUDD AVf.~UE. EXHIBIT HAil OR. BY J. P. MAY. 1980 PROPOSED II:J:: ~~~.!Ip~~~_EN_T. A ~ PREPARED BY THE OFFICE Of THE C:.!TY ENGI~EER r'.AMPAFI L CALIFORNIA