ENC2009-00002CIT1''bA C,4?ylPB~L;L DEFT: OF PiJBL1G WORI~C5 70North Fast-St, Campbell, CA 9'50(38 {R08)866-1150. I'ax (40$} 37k-098 ENCRI~ACT~IuIENT F~rT (for wariarig wxttum tizaputlic rigEu-of-ways Issued ~ ~ ~~ t'etmit Ezprnton Date 1 ~~ ~ V ~` ~~``~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ pZ Appl2e~tian Date 4~ Appli`c(2ti~on,,F.xpiraticm 'Date ~ I ~~ D RPPLIGA3'301~i - App6ctition is }iueby tttade for a l~ttlic tEtorks permit in mccar~nce: aRth Carttpbeit tkt#titicipai. ~'+ode $ei:iibn 3l .tj4. ~qs- eiryn~t'i~ months if thtr'pettitiitis'ttgti>ssited, Apr¢Hcatiotr Feeicnrm-etfEtttlabk:j _ 1 ~. ~. Iftitity a. ~rati>r<:~f;o~!~ ' Slo ~v ~, Attar f~tr {4j co{;iiiX°t1~•au lxtgiuctrF`k ~iwirY s~trivitig; thc'tdEios.~`-extent of dte:woxk,.anci'foar t4~ mgt of ~I;'rx p~ra&m~tj~ ~isiietr s 1~stmate of uiclrk: 'Elie puns sha3r chow afitr remticin 6f the pfeaptastd work t9 existiiag st3t€a~ea~t} q~tcf~girouiid i~Jgpmvemertts when aggrovect by Else City Emgjneer, sail plsn bupmes a- parii0f ttris ~m'rtrit. 17.. AI} vubrk shxll'cC~Ct'nf Oa..dte Gitg of fatppbe}1 Stassdzrd S3r~aiti$~iiaas azrd Detaita for Pttbtia Worka:Corisa'tt~iott: t6c Fcnrstl Permit Conditiotts.kisttci ~1 K1p reverse sidt; sad~tfin,$paaitf !'rovtsioxs~~or this pcrrait; hated bctow< Faittm m abide by thcs~ cotcr}itions ahd prt~te#ops ~tpty ttscttt is job shutdown bttdtor foE€~tti of f'aithful.Peifor~Jy4-k'~..Su~ties•a~J crib.. deposiu. (See Gcuz•,#aPPerrhit.t.onditioiu 7 and 2) E:'T7te Conn a~eg~=~tsve tp~tttit srtd approved plans at i}ta site and must ttotify t3ic P'i+bFc Works Depattment at kcrst.fwt days bei"oip statmig,wfidk. I+ktticc must be givcii'Zlf<:t'hsb~"~'ar#Cist 24 hrnus bcfor'c restarting airy wtxk: ~ ~Q A Q'~ /~ Adatiu:Qf App ,._ ~ ~~ . TekGphcme '[vU` I Z~~ 3~~ 3 ~i~ Y/ Adticess 1p9o~ ~1• L~ ~-1ft3UR EMERGENCY TELEPNC3hiE NO.: ~ ` `'rJ E:-lvt~k his- _.:. _- - . __ - , _ .. la dts work hoing i~tee b; ttie property rnvners at their owo ~iES'iiE3enea? Yea- •~~Na TKo Atpp.H hereby agrcas.by affixing their si~atare tra thfs-permit ~ tititi the ZSty of t ampbett, its offu:us, agen~ and ompirzyees fnx, safe and harrilieSS €i'ont oily claim tN demand for dsrnage.S resuttiag frorq t3te wok ed':by t~# permt. Tie ilppiittanill?esnfttoce hereby acknmvlcdges titatthcy have'read' anH u»dc+stantAboth [firr {rant and track of this pertntt. and they wild irtfbrm FFittr aontractar{s} ctf tl infortnatittit A~t is advisetb that ttpbn . x of this proputy ¢+ trr propdrty owntr & SttCtx55or5, shall be lc fcx amy grid alt darratges arisingcwts~`tl~~'co~iuon,ot y priuate i votttEnts in itu public ' L-of-way: T 1Z 31 v S a~tad . .: , . fapP`Pesrniitec) fsi'gi`ij ~ t3attr ... , . - ac-pr (Fkint Nine) L?ate t. StraClf s~.~ltbd.~eSn cuE~for utldergraudd'insaklacions: Miusrimtn ants brr+aliawed rtor connact;ons ure~ptc&Sdors hates: Snccli~ufs s,~y be ,{yap~provett by ~ fittsrreCtor odor to CuUin£. _, . ~., PravesiaY 19e a~K far'unl3e~orrud kietaltatiut3 >ztid ttntst be restored in acndr~lance with tile. Standard Details Trench R Q,.,® ,,...~, ..,a.. u~..., ,.. ,,~ ...•f~....... ~~. Work. tp tx etakcA by a Iicensed Land Surveyor or Civi! F.ttgineer and iwo {'Z) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Pubiic Works DepaYtrdetit bafine starziag work. ,4, Per S~'~S-of~the Oovetttmenx. Ctzfic ffsiS pfirtut is not valid fUt exL~vadatYS trrttfi t3tt~-~tnd Scr63ce Atcrt (iJSA}' fins ~t nodficd`a~d the i~tsuy rdetttaiiCation number%has, bopn dcttcrsrd hereon. USJ4 Phony 2-8t70-X2"1-~t~6U. ` U~1a T'3C1CL`i"fii0. `,S. Prior tasny rrrork, the ptrapcrty owacr shall cx:~^titeaa Agreemr+:t4i for Private lmpnavemenu in {fie T`utli. P.ight-:,f-`eYny, wbicE3 shatl'be rte. , ~k. Pnblic 1~i$catit~it t~ziyuuemenis; _7. ~~tsti~ tF~OR~i~E .~t j~U`F~R C'-[1Rt~~td"t' YF~S PB~t~tiT ~t~F11C~•TIE3ld t Pt..nly c~ecx D~srr 313F1'Y FA3T`f'i~L,laC3RN1.~iiV~81LAB01~ do tv1AT3"slttAl..S GONSTRt3C1't4N CASH DEPOSIT FC,Ata CHE~IC BE.Iiwfil'fiCTI~N ~ AAPRovE~ PDT I35tlAt`~L*::... ~ ~ 1~ IL Atwl4}t31~t'i" RECEIP"f 6l0 s: 3~ ~_ ~~~_ il~~/~ M I LLBR ~ O~t CT, fi ~'~ •~ 27 Z~~ ~. ~ $ ~ ~ ~ Ord N ~ b~ ~ b~yt~~F _2 _T_, ~' y~>w,. o ~ r U ~ NYBROO tt~. ~- ~ ___T,_ 42 a r. DR. y w 3-tl 382 3/4 2 ~- ~ ' ~~ ~O ~ ~~S ~ imp ~ u '~ ~ ~ ' N w d 1 T 1 T .L T. 1 T 1 T 1 .r N5 ~ 634 ., Q 6~ W ~ P ~~~~ f n ~Z++ ~ ~ ~" ~ [n CT. {tG tZ~ S's. 1 ~~ 4t-t9~o14+3-49 ~^i8 ,~qry ,r~~ . I gp...,,,Z'r-~.~ ' Zo 19 7B ~ 7q ~z t a ~ ,~ $ ~ ~ r ~ ~ t ~ ~~ a i{~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 510 ~ ~ta'v''Oai a~ ~- ~ L~~7 ~ ~ ~ ~~ N QM '' ~,sN ~ i ~' ~°~. 1 ~ PPROV CO~~~ ~ N. 4i1~ - ' 1~ 590 Gi a..j:~ ~# ~~~ R/~`~1 ~7 ~2 a P blic Woric~ '~ rmit N °~~"`~" Contractor must hays these plans on the /ob sl-s duNny ooeslrueNbs~ CITY OF CAMPBELL r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTME~I`T 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 PHONE (408) 866-2150 FAX (408) 376-0958 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: Joseph T. Mannina, Jr. Joanne D'Ambrosia COMPANY: DATE: Pacific Gas and Electric 1/13/09 FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1-408-725-3333 4 PHONE NUMBER: SENDER'S EMAIL: 1-408-725-3325 joanned@cityofcatnpbelLcom RE: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: Encroachment Permit - 506 Kenneth Ave PM#30681635 ^URGENT ^FOR REVIEW ^PLEASE COMMENT ^ PLEASE REPLY^ PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Our inspector has issued the following permit The hard copy will be mailed to your today. Joanne D'Ambrosia Office Specialist Public Works Department Ph. 408-866-2701 Fax 408-376-0958