ENC2009-00015k~, ~ ~lJfly ?;Z,jPM r ~f; Guy n~:~ E' ~-itiC Co. No. ~19G P. 1 Cf'1 ~ OF CAIvfYHEL,1. -dC12pACI1MENT PERMIT fermi ~ ~ ~~, ~ "'~ ~'., DEPT, OF PUI~LIC WORKS (for working within the public X-Ref. 1"ile 7l1 North first 5t. tight-Uf-way) Campbell, CA y5008 ~ ~ / Li Application Tate (408) 36fi-2150 Issued ~ C~ 1 Application Expiration 17ate 1~ax (4U8) 37(i-11958 ( C Permit Expiration llate ~t J E'% APN ~~„~~j ~' J APPLTCA'T'tON -Application is hereby made for a Public 1Vorks Permit in accordance with Campbell Municipal Code, Section tri .~04. (Application expires itt six (ci) monihs if the permit is nor issued. Application F~eIe/. its npn- fundable. ~ ~~- A, 11tod_ address or tract # W • t,;r •jt','~~-/-11 ~~ / ~,' ~~ Utility trench location 13. Nature. of ivork ~`'~' -] C. At[ech four (4) copies of an engineered p]an showing the location and extent of the work, and fp t Ocopies of die preliminary~Engineer's )3slimatc of work. ~TYte plans shall show the relation of the proposed work to exis[ing surfitce and underground improvem ts. When approved by [he City l=.ng;neer, said plan becomes a par[ of lids perrtrit, G- All work shall conform to the City of Campbell Standard Specifica[ions end De[ails for Public 'Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listca un the reverse side; and the- Special Previsions fpr this permit, listed below, Failure [o abide by [here. condi[ians and provisions may rusutt in job slmtdowti andlor forfeiture of 1=ai[hful Performance Sure[ies and cssh fleposits. (See Genersl Permit Conditions I and 2.) ^ E. The Caniracdur must have this permit and approved plans a[ the site and must notify the [ uhlic Worla Gcpartment at (east iwo days before srbrting work. N6~e~ must he given to P is Vyarkg at Icast 24 hours bef c res rung any work W ~ Y~ \ ~ ~ Q Nameoi'Applicant' ~./ 'Telephone ~ "' ~ " ~ / N ~~ tint name) Addressr ~~~_. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY TELE];HUNE I~lA. ~ C°"' iA ~ Z ~ > V E-Msil Address L-Owti ~ ~ rn ~ 15 [his wort: bein done tr the o e t t h i i ~ ` Q (~. ~, g y pr p r y o mers a t e r own res dcncC? Ycs o ~ The ApplicanUPer;ninee hereby+agrees by afFxing their signature [u [leis permit to hold the City pf Campbell, its officers, agents and employees fret,, safe and hann~css from any claim or demand for damages resulting fram the work covered by this permit. '1`hc ApplicanUPcrmittte hereby act:nowlCdgF, that they have- read and underswnd both the. fram and beck of this permit, and they wit] inform their conu•aaar(s) of the infortna[ion. Applicant is advised tha[ u n suss ~ ..of ibis permit, property owner, pr property o er's successors, shalt 6e respo sthtc fpr any and all damages arising ou[ of t~te'cbCidi[iuu of any pr~a~t~iy~ive nts in the public right-Rf-yva~. /~ ! (Applicant Fermit[ee) (sign} r/ Dalc Conlraclor (Prin[ Name) T pate _l. So-ee[ shall na[ be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cutslYl$y be allowrd forconnections or explora[ion holes. Such cu[s t~ 'mss 1S~1fkCall>' sort ved by~te Insnectoi ariar to cut[ine. _2. pavement tray be cut for underground installations and must be. restated in accordance with the Standard Details Trench Restoration MelYtad "A", milcss otherwise approved by Ingptctpr. _3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Tsnginccr and two (2j cppics pf the cu[ sheets sent to [he public Works Departmcm before staring work" a. Pcr Scotian 4215 Of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excava[ians until Underground Service Alert (U5A) has been no[ified aad the inquiry identitieation number hss been entcrCd hereon. USA Phont 1-500-227-2b00. USA TICICE,T NU. _,___5. prior to any work, the pmpeny owner shalt c:ccutc an Agreement for private Improvements in the Public Right-of-Way, whleh shall be recorded. _(i. Public: Nolifica[iau R~uire.men[s: L ~7. ~.t"1l !1A Ck71 Ul_. .d_a _. Jc.e h ..,,L .7 ,. a n ~ s ~ . . ............... ,,.,..,..,, ~.:,~L,,uV,~i.c:~'Vrt~.VKt[clVl r•nra - v~ 4wti,{+~--~~ At~'IOUNT R~C~tPTNO. i~HRhiCT APPLICATION Fe}? w S 8 rj (j„' FLAN CH13Ck DflPOS1T ~ SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL FERFORMANCE/LABOR d± MA'TPRIALS ~ CONSTRUCTION CASH ABPdSIT $ PLAN CHL+C'IC & fNSP6CCtpN I'f?$ S d -•- -" APFROVEL7 FOR ISSUANCE_ --"--" """ "~ [-/ cs _.".~~ Pear CityBngin.ecr ~17are Permit Expires 12 Months Af[er Date of Issuance (`. at ,t 1. i1 ~, „ t 1 ~ ~ ~ ., i4t'~' ~ l~, ~~ ~ ` ~ n '4~ ul ~q61 - ._ ~- .r ~..~ ~.- w w.~. .-..~- - .--.~ ._.- .-..~ ~_ ~~' (/' ~:s~ py ,rte. ~~~ a:~ -~ --~ ~. ~'