ENC2009-00036-;, -: - Print Form r _.~ ~. - ~~,_a c_ ,~~- r?~?f ~3~~ ~-- - 5,3_ fU- .Jx.,;r~ - ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Permit Nom, CITY OF CAMPBELL X-Ref. File DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS :~ r)-~" ~-f ~ '~!= (for working within the public right-of-way) Application Date 70 North First Street ~r-y:;>~,kc rY ~~ IG G Campbell, CA 95008 ,- _ Application Expiration Date ti may, %l r=%~n''-~ Issued APN ~c+~~ ~ll~~- O'~~i Ph. (408) 866-2t 50 Fx. (408) 376-0958 `" ~~ c ~~~ c r ` -~~ /LL Permit Expiration Date ~ 0 LlIT ~ r / ~~-s~-~ 4 l~.~pliLbKdk'~pi sRS3i APPLICATION -Application is hereby made for a Public Works Permit in accordance with Campbell Municipal Code, Section 11.0 ^^n (6j months if the permit is not issued. Application Fee isnon-refundable.) V AD n_ 5-2LllJ1 A, Work Address or Tract No.: ~~~~-i k ~ ? >Sf~SC L~/Z~ ~/~/~/~°~ PlJ!BUC ..~ Utility Trench Location: ~ffs'i~Y S.- P~SCG'~n /' ~~ ~ ..?Ec~ ( N/~ ~~~~~~~ f~t/ B. Nature of Work, ~ fi/C~ .Sr~EG~.CE //v.,5.%~L~~%/C~11/ ~ / SE~t~'iC~ //j/~it~'~~ C. Attach four (4) copies of an engin show Ile re at on oft elp oposed work to ex st ng surface and und)~lundfimprovements YWhen approved Estimate of work. The plans shall by the City Engineer, said plan becomes a part of this permit. D. All work shall conform to the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit, listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shutdown and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Sureties and cash deposits. (See General Permit Conditions 1 and 2.) E. The Contractor must have this permit and approved plans at the site and must notify the Public Works Department at least two days before starting work. Notice must be given to Public Works at least 24 hours before restarting any work. Name of Applicant: San Jose Water Company - Ed Mello, P.E.. Telephone: 408-279-7847 Address: 1265 S. Bascom Avenue, San Jose, CA. 95128 _ _ __ ___ E-Mail Address: Ed_mello@sjwater.com 24-HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER; 408-279-7900 Vr Is this work being done by the property owners at their own residence? ~' YES r NO The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, Its officers, agents, and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit, and they will inform their contractor(s) of the information. Applicant is advised that upon issuance of this permit, property owner, or property owner's successors, shall be responsible fora andf~J damages arising out of the c dition ofyanyy priva~tee impr vents in the public right-of-way. ~~1i ~~ `~ (Applic~ttee) (sign) (Contractor) (Print Name) r ~~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts ~,neciflcally aooroved by the Ins~P~+or prior to cuttino. 2. Pavement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Standard Details Trench Restoration Method "A", unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sentto the Public Works Department before starting work. 4. Per Section 4215 of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excavations until Underground Service Alert (USA) has been notified and the inquiry identification number has been entered hereon. USA Phone: 1-800-227-2600. USA TICKET N0. 5, Prior to any work, the property owner shall execute an Agreement for Private Improvements in the Public Right-of-Way, which shall be recorded. 6. Public Notification Requirements: ~_. ~r - ~7, "tit P C 1 ~~ ; I 1 r Si s'Y1.*~t-r ~F-~tc u rt ~s w i c e: taws 'h'G7!.cf+ ~A i i +~ S i ~l t-i~ S E PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE FOR CURRENT FEES PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE/LABOR & MATERIALS CONSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION FEE APPROVEDFORISSUANCE ~~ - j 5 ~ v.d~v ~ 7ezv'/ AMOUNT S S~ `~ S 5 ~ 2 C-,o Date cr~lu,.n, RECEIPT N~ r tty Engineer Permit Expires 12 Months After Date of Issuance ~~~ ~tti '1/~ `~ GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. A Construction Cash Deposit is required. Charges will. be made against this deposit if there is an emergency call-out, overtime inspection or when City ordered barricading is required. Any such costs in excess ofthe deposit will be blued to the Permittee. 2. A one-year maintenance period and surety are required. Such period will begin on date of written acceptance by the City. 3. Refund orthe cash deposit balance and refund or cancellation of the Faithful Performance Surety will be initiated by the written acceptance of the work by the City. 4. The Permittee must request in writing a final inspection and acceptance of the work upon completion. Acceptance by the City will be made in writing to the Permittee. 5. Maintain safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and freeaccess to private driveways; bus stops; fire hydrants, and water valves. 6. A Construction Traffic Control Pian and a Construction Schedule are required for all lane closures, detours, and street closures. This plan must be reviewed and approved prior to any lane closures. 7. A Construction Traffic Control Plan shall conform to the Caltrans Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones, dated 1990, available at Caltrans. Traffic control equipment shall include Type II flashing arrow signs if required. 8. Replace as directed by the City Engineer any damaged or removed improvements in accordance with City Standards and Specifications at the sole expense of the Permittee. 9. Sawcut for all PCC or AC removals. All PCC removals shall be to the nearest scoremark and shall be doweled to existing improvements. 10. Prior approval of inspector is required for any work done after normal working hours, on weekends or holidays and may require reimbursement of inspection costs at the current overtime rate. 11. Adequate signing and barricading is required on the job site. Failure to provide such signing and barricading may result in the City's providing signing and barricades and charging the cost (including all labor and materials) against the cash deposit. 12. Compaction testing of subgrade, base rock, and asphalt concrete by Permittee is required unless otherwise stated by the City Engineer. 13. The Contractor or Permittee will have a supervisory representative available for contact on the project at all times during construction. Contractor or Permittee shall provide a phone number at which they can be contacted outside the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 14. No storage of materials or equipment will be allowed near the edge of pavement, the traveled way, or within the shoulderline which would create a hazardous condition to the public. 1 S. This permit shall not be construed as authorization for excavation and grading on private property adJacent to the work or any other work for which a separate permit maybe required, nor does it relieve the Permittee of any obligation to obtain any other permit required by law. 16. This permit does not release the Permittee from any liabilities contained in other agreements or contracts with the City and any other public agency. 17. This permit is not transferable. Work must be performed by the Permittee or his designated agent or contractor as specified thereon. 18. Call back (call out) due to emeregencies regarding this permit shall be at the current overtime rate with a three (3) hour minimum charge per occurrence. 19. Pursuant to Chapter 14.02 of the Campbell Municipal Code, applicant shall not cause to be discharged any material into the municipal storm drain system other than storm water. Applicant shall adhere to the BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES established by the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program. 20. If the public Interest requires a modification of, or a departure from the plans and specifications, the City shall have the authority to require or approve any modification or departure and to specify the manner in which the same is to be made for City-owned or maintained facilities. 21. Permitttee must provide advance notification to all parties that may be affected by the permit activities. Notification shall be reviewed by the City prior to distribution and Include dates of work and a contact name and phone number. Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that all those providing services under the applicant are aware and understand all of the above conditions. Applicant Contractor (Print Name) Date: ,j/ y '2~® Date. J:Reina\Website\Land Dev Forms\Encroachment Permit STATIC form2.pdf Rev. (11/9/05) MAJOR • UTILITY EXCAVATION PERMIT t • ENGINEERING SERVICES ~ ~ DEPARI MENT OF PUBLIC `J'JORKS 1661 Senter Road. Building A San Jose, CA 95112 TEL (408j 975-7455 FAX (4081 971 -4882 UTILITIES SECTION No. W090275 Issue Date March 9, 2009 Expiration Daie 6 months from issue date City Project Number 046000 Thomas Guide Coordinates 873-E3 PERMITTEE: RECEIVES 5JW This Permit is Issued Under the Authority Established by Titlel5, NI N K 1 `~ ~ n d ~ Chapter 15.50, Sections 15.50.100 - 15.50.700 of the San Jose San Jose Water Company _ _ Municipal Code as Amended. All provisions of the Municipal 1265 South Bascom Ave. E(~~GIt~I~ER~NG Code Title 15, Chapter 15.50, Sections 15.50.100 - 15.50.700, San Jose, CA 95128 G~~ ``~~ inclusive, are incorporated into this permit by reference. YOUR ENGR: Edwin Mello (408) 279-7847 YOUR JOB NUMBER: G9-403 PURPOSE: 1) Installation of (1) 4-inch private fire protection LOCATION: S. Bascom Ave., approx. 48 ft. and 82 ft. S/o and (1) 1.5-inch services Apsis Ave. 2) Abandonment of (1) 3/4-inch service ,_ ,,,,~ ,v~;~:_-~~ This permit is valid for work (indicated above and on the attached approved plans) within the City of San Jose right-of--way only. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the 1992 City of San Jose Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Standard Plan Details, attached Standard Conditions, and Special Conditions as appropriate. KEEP A COPY OF THIS PERMIT, PLANS AND ALL CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE WHENEVER WORKING -.___ __ - _. ~..: iw"~^.k!+.s'1~. ~.. ri.vT.9TM.'+Fiaf..u:~.'"R^}~ffi8.i. "..^.:#^.!~`^.wss°4M"..f:'~'.':Yi` a.';~^.w'"'3'xA.~"Jm'.'~.°r..Y.S::i"}"..:..t'-"~~."..iNnS=U<d,3 "F '::YriJd~~ WORKING HOURS: (No traffic lanes may be restricted after working hours.) 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM -Monday through Friday, excluding holidays & weekends. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. This permit is NOT valid until a traffic control plan has been reviewed and approved by the City. The traffic control plan SHALL BE SUBMITTED AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR to construction (Attn: Brent Erkel, Principal Construction Inspector, Fax No: 408-971-4882). 2. Full depth of pavement (AC or PCC) shall be saw cut prior to excavation, except within two feet of any USA markings indicating that facilities may be in the pavement section. 3. Permittee shall contact the City of San Jose Planning Department at (408) 535-3555 for verification of archaeologically sensitive areas within their scope of work area. In the event that Human Remains and/or Cultural Materials are found, all project-related construction should cease within a 100-foot radius. The _~ PERMIT C ,,. N FOLLOWING PAGES ~~ -- -- INSPECTION NOTIFICATION: ~~Z5=7.455-'' SJPD SECONDARY EMPLOYMEN"f UNIT: ~ '_ _., _ 277-4.9,8Q ELECTRICAL EMERGENCIES: 277-5515 I INSPECTOR Pete Burnham 975-7426 l CONTRACTOR REMOVE USA PAINT DOTS ACCEPTED EXPIRED SIGNATURE (W090275) LOGGED OITf: _COI~ffUTER, -BINDER NO. REVISION DATE APPROVAL 1 ' .. 2 ` t...__.........i._.~_.._.~_....._..___.......____ ___.........~...._ .............................................__.............._..._._1~...._......_.....__._...~....---..... UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT: (800) 227-2600 BUS-STOPS: 321-7053 or 321-7054 LIGHT RAIL OPRr3ATI17NS: 546-7608 GKATY ALLEN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Permit No. W090275 Page 2 of 6 March 9, 2009 contractor shall, pursuant to section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, and section of the Public Resources Code of the State of California, notify the Santa Clara County Coroner immediately at (408) 793-1900. 4. If sawcutting and/or excavation of the curb and gutter is required, the entire section (typically 10') of curb and gutter SHALL be removed and replaced; or at least a five foot length shall be removed by sawcutting and replaced as indicated on the attached Curb & Gutter Replacement Detail. The remaining section(s) of curb and gutter shall not be less than five feet in length. 5. Boxes and/or pads SHALL BE installed entirely within or completely outside of the sidewalk, maintain at least 6" between facilities and back of curb. 6. The permittee shall maintain and repair all pavement and sidewalk sections in the City's right-of--way damaged during the installation of the utility's facility. Repairs shall be made according to the most recent City of San Jose Standard Details and Specifications. When requested by the permittee, the inspector will inspect the site prior to starting work and confuzn pre-existing conditions identified/marked by the permittee, the permittee is responsible for the replacement of a_y damaged pavement and sidewalk within the immediate work area. Replacement of damaged pavement and sidewalk shall occur within 48 hours and be coordinated with the City Inspector. 7. If the curb, gutter, and/or sidewalk are altered within a sidewalk and/or sidewalk return at any intersection, due to the installation of the utility's facility, the permittee shall replace the entire curb, gutter, and sidewalk to meet current ADA wheel chair ramp standards and City Standard Specifications. 8. Completely remove all cabinets, splice boxes, concrete pads and/or foundations for all facilities to be abandoned; replace all improvements such as asphalt paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, irrigation systems and/or irrigation systems and/or landscaping. 9. When pushing or tunneling, backfill with City of San Jose approved Controlled Density Fill (CDF). 10. Cable installed within public right-of--way shall be placed in conduit. Direct buried cable is not permitted. 11. The depth of service line(s), at the flow of the gutter, shall be not less than 24 inches. 12. Three days before the start of construction, the permittee and the contractor(s) shall attend apre-construction meeting with City staff. The contractor shall be prepared to present the proposed construction schedule, the names of suppliers for PCC and AC, the number of crews committed to the project and the name and phone number of a local contact in case of an emergency and, the contractor shall provide proof of possession of a City of San Jose business license. 13. Whenever excavation (trench wall) is between 6" and 24" of the lip of gutter, replace at least a 1 "depth of existing AC. between the excavation area and the lip of gutter. Remove existing AC. by grinding to the lip of gutter. Whenever excavation is within 6" of the lip of gutter, remove and replace the entire depth of AC. between the trench wall and the lip of gutter. 14. Locations for all above ground structures (cabinets, pedestals, etc.) shall be coordinated with the City inspector. 15. Any new retaining walls shall be constructed with reinforced concrete unless approved by the City. Contractor shall submit details to the City for approval prior to construction. 16. Mark trench/excavation location(s) in existing streets with Paint dots and the letter "W" AFTER final surface restoration. 17. This permit is NOT VALID for any excavation that will be solely for the use of other utility companies. Other utility companies must obtain a separate Utility Excavation Permit for the installation (and removal) of their facilities beyond the limits of the joint (occupied) trench. 18. Trench restoration shall be in accordance with the attached City of San Jose TRENCH BACKFILL AND SURFACE RESTORATION METHODS details. Permit No. W090275 Page 3 of 6 March 9, 2009 ~. 19. Provide a slurry seal or chip seal in accordance with the City of San Jose STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (SECTION 37) for the following area: Within scope of work area. STANDARD_CONDITIONS (Except as modified above): This permit is valid for six months from the above date of issuance. If the work is not completed and/or fmal inspection is not requested (by the permittee) prior to the expiration of the permit, the City may renew the permit for six months. The applicable renewal fee will be billed to the permittee. This permit is not valid for work in Public Service Easements, Public Utility Easements, or on Private Property. Contact the Planning Department for any permits or approvals of work proposed in these areas. Paint markings (i.e. USA, etc.) associated with this permit shall be removed by permittee as soon as trench backfill restoration is completed. The work site is to be maintained in a safe.condition at all times. Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.08, 7-1.09 and 7-1.12 of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications regarding public safety, convenience and responsibility for damage. The City of San Jose Municipal Code and the California State Fish and Game Code prohibit contractors from disposing dirt & other debris into public storm drain system. Construction equipment andlor materials SHALL NOT be parked, stored, or stockpiled in public right of way; except within designated work areas during regular work hours. If a feasible storage area cannot be identified, the City will consider specific requests submitted by the permittee/contractor. No tree within the public right-of--way may be removed or trimmed without prior written authorization from the Department of Transportation. Call (408) 277-4373. if a street has been recently chip sealed, the surface of the new trench or pothole shall also be chip sealed to match existing in texture and appearance. Excess chip seal material shall be removed within 24 hours after it is placed. To protect sanitary sewer laterals, contractor shall locate the cleanout and mark the lateral before excavating or boring. NOTIFICATIONS This permit is only valid when the party to whom the permit has been issued obtains an identification number from Underground Service Alert (USA). Government code 4210.1. No excavation may commence before such identification number is obtained. City of San Jose will mark all City owned facilities except non-pressurized sanitary and storm sewers. Permittee shall verify all existing locations of City of San Jose non-pressurized underground facilities. NOTIFY THE CITY INSPECTOR AT (408) 975-7455 (when working in the public right-of--way): - 24 hours prior to the start of construction. - 24 hours prior to resuming work after l or more working days off the job-site. - As soon as possible if rescheduling or canceling work (after the 24-hour notice has been given). - 24 hours prior to completion of the last item of work, request "final inspection"(final surface restoration). WORK INSTALLED WITHOUT NOTIFICATION MAY BE REJECTED. The permittee is required to notify the residents within the planned construction area per the approved plan. The permittee shall inform the City of San Jose Construction Inspector at the time the notifications are mailed or distributed. Notify the occupants in accordance with the approved Communications Plan. Construction shall be phased to cause the least impact to residents and businesses. Maintain property and driveway access at all times. Notify City of San Jose Communications at FAX (408) 277-2289 at least 24 hours in advance of any routine detours or closures previously approved by the City. In the event of and emergency or urgent closure, call (408) 277-8995. Permit No. W090275 Page 4 of 6 March 9, 2009 The Permittee shat! obtain, as necessary, all permits within other jurisdictions such as: - City of Campbell - San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Plant for discharging water into the storm or sanitary sewer system Notify SCVTA/LRT Operations 48 hours prior to construction at bus stops or other Transportation Authority facilities: - Bus stops - (408) 321-7054 TRAFFIC CONTROL This permit is not valid until a complete traffic control plan has been reviewed by the City. The traffic control plan shall be submitted to the City at least 3 days prior to start of construction. All traffic controls shall conform to Section 12 of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications, the Special Conditions of this Permit, the latest CALTRANS Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones", and California Joint Utility Traffic Control Committee's "Work Area Protection and Traffic Control Manual". All work shall be planned and carried out to cause the least possible inconvenience to the public. / If applicable, install "Tow-Away" or "No Parking, No Stopping" signs at least 24 hours in advance of starting work. The messages on the signs shall include the dates and times of the required prohibition. A permit must be obtained from the Department of Transportation (408) 535-3850 or (408) 975-3722). / Construction equipment shall be parked in a manner, which produces the least hindrance to the traveling public. Equipment will not be allowed to park in the City right-of--way after working hours. / Complete closure of a traffic lane is not indicated on the plans submitted and is not permitted; t2' minimum width lane(s) shall be maintained adjacent to the work area(s). / Provide for safe passage of pedestrians within the vicinity of the work areas. / Two flaggers are required whenever one lane, 14' minimum width, is utilized for two directional traffic. / Provide an arrow board for EACH lane reduction required on S. Bascom Ave. NOT more than one traffic lane in the same direction shall be closed at the same time. / A minimum of TWO reserve police officers must be scheduled for work within 100 feet of a signalized intersection within the project limits. / Maintain at least one lane, 12' minimum width, in each direction for vehicular use; or two flaggers are required whenever one lane, 14' minimum width, is utilized for two directional traffic. / Minimum traffic lane widths of 12' SHALL be maintained adjacent to work area(s). / If any work is to be scheduled at night or on weekends, submit proposed days and hours of work to the City at least 2 days prior to work. Maintain a minimum 3' wide walkway around excavations in the sidewalk azea. After working hours, cover the excavated area with 1 1/8" plywood stabilized with temporary Asphalt Concrete (AC) around the edges, or backfill and install 2" of temporary AC to provide safe and comfortable passage. At no time shall pedestrians be diverted onto a portion of the street used for vehicular traffic. Bore pit(s), potholes, trenches and other excavations shall be backfilled or steel plated to accommodate use of the right of way after working hours or when the excavation is left unattended. Steel plates in vehicular traveled way and bike lanes on all major streets shall be countersunk flush with adjacent grade to provide a smooth transition . Adjoining plates shall be tack- welded where the plates meet. Steel plates located outside the vehicular traveled way and on minor streets shall be held in place by placing temporary asphalt around all edges. All steel plates shall have anon-skid surface. All portions of critical striping and markings, such as crosswalks, limit lines, and Railroad Crossing messages, and portions of centerlines, bike lanes, and other lane striping over one-hundred (100) feet, shall be temporarily installed with tabs, reflective tape, or roadway paint, or permanently installed within twenty-four (24) hours of removal. For short-term situations where the installation of all other permanent striping and markings not listed as critical will be delayed for over seven (7) days and up to one month, temporary reflective tabs, reflective tape, or roadway paint shall be utilized. For long-term situations where the installation of all other permanent striping and mazkings not listed as critical will be delayed for over thirty (30) days, roadway paint shall be applied and maintained until permanent striping and markings are installed for all striping and markings devices. Water based paint is acceptable. Pelmit No. W090275 Page 5 of 6 1Vlarch 9, 2009 All traffic striping and pavement markings shall be immediately restored and/or repainted if removed during permitees' excavation or trenching process. Temporary striping or reflectors shall be used during construction. Permanent striping and pavement markings must be completed no later than 72 hours after completion of any street work. Once all of the project work affecting the street is completed, all permanent markings shall be applied within seven (7) days in accordance to City Standards and Specifications for all striping and markings devices. TRENCH EXCAVATION BACKFILL AND SURFACE RESTORATION All longitudinal trenches shall be located as shown on the attached plans. Saw-cut through all PCC (curb, gutter, sidewalk, etc.) to be removed. Remove to the nearest mechanical joint or score marks. Remove and replace complete squares and score new sidewalks to match existing. When trenching within the sidewalk, remove and replace a strip of concrete at least 3' wide (it shall extend to the next score mark). Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be constructed in accordance with the most recent City of San Jose Standard Specifications and Details. In areas where the sidewalk has been constructed partially with granite or decorative tiles, the permittee shall place all splice boxes at grade and within the un-tiled area. All new pull boxes placed by permittee shall be located within 4.5 feet of the face of curb and shall match the existing surface in texture and appearance. if a PCC street section is encountered, notify the City inspector immediately. When trenching is within a PCC street section, the following steps must be taken: - Saw cut neatly through the existing PCC section. - Backfill trench in accordance with City of San Jose -Method A. - To resurface the trench, the contractor shall first dowel into the existing PCC section and than pour the new PCC in accordance with City standard specifications. - If the existing PCC section is covered with A.C pavement, the contractor shall match the existing AC section minus 1" from the surface, grind 6" wide area on each side of the trench, l" deep and then repave. - Rockwheel trenching is not permitted in PCC paved streets. - Route trenches around concrete bus pads. No excavation is permitted within a PCC bus pad. POTHOLES AND ALL TRENCHES OVER 6" WIDE -shall be backfilled and the surface restored in accordance with the 1992 City of San Jose Standard Specifications and either Method A or Method B as required (see attached trench backfill & surface restoration methods detail), and the following: - saw cut trench walls and potholes to the bottom of existing AC - grind existing AC a minimum of 1" deep, at least 6" beyond each side of the trench walls, and if trench is within l2" of lip of gutter, then grind to lip of gutter; or - saw cut and replace existing AC at least 6" beyond the side of the trench walls ROCKWHEEL OR NARROW TRENCHES 6" WIDE OR LESS If utilized for this project, the equipment shall have a mounted water tank, an attached conveyor belt and shall be in good working condition at all times. Water supply to the rockwheel and for cleaning the street, when necessary, shall be maintained and immediately available. The beginning and end of a narrow trench shall be sawcut vertically. The backfill material for narrow or rockwheel trenches (6" or less) shall consist of a Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) mix conforming to Section 90 of the 1992 CSJ Standard Specifications. The proposed mix design shall be submitted to the City for approval five (5) working days before use within the public right of way. Portland cement shall be Type II Modified, and the content shall not be less than 376 pounds per cubic yard. The proposed mix design shall achieve, within two (2) hours, a minimum penetration strength of 200 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM C403. During construction for field quality control the PCC mix shall reach minimum penetration strength of 400 psi as determined by a pocket penetrometer. The proposed mix design shall be able to support motorcycle and/or bicycle traffic within two hours. The mix shall also achieve 2000 psi compressive strength within twenty-eight (28) days when tested in accordance with ASTM C39. Hand vibrator(s) shall be used to consolidate the PCC backfill material. Concrete backfill shall be placed flush with the surrounding pavement. Grind the top of the trench a minimum 18" wide by 1" deep and place surface AC per City Specifications. Trench surface restoration shall be completed within five (5) days from the date of the backfill placement. Sand is permitted as a pipe shade (4"max.) only and not as a backfill material. Permit No. W090275 Page 6 of 6 March 9 2009 The permittee is obligated under this permit to maintain and repair all pavement and sidewalk sections in the City's right-of--way damaged due to the installation of the above described facilities without time limitation. Repairs shall be made according to the most recent City of San Jose Standard Details and Specifications. Replace all improvements such as asphalt paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, electrical facilities, irrigation systems or landscaping damaged in the performance of the work. When requested by the permittee, the inspector will inspect the site prior to starting work and confirm pre-existing conditions identified/marked by the permittee or the contractor, otherwise, the permittee/contractor is responsible for the replacement of damaged City facilities within the immediate work area. Replacement of damaged electrical and irrigation systems shall occur within 48 hours and be coordinated with the City Inspector. Long sweeping bends shall not be used when making a 90-degree turn. Work within the end-of-returns of each street corner or within cul-de-sacs shall be coordinated with the City inspector. DIRECTIONAL DRILLING OR BORING -The permittee%ontractor shall obtain approval from the City before the start of any directional boring operation. If these methods are utilized, all utility crossings in the proposed bore alignment shall be potholed and exposed to verify depth prior to commencing with the boring operation. Potholes shall then remain open until the bore has passed the exposed utility to verify that no damage has occurred. The locations for directional boring equipment shall be approved in advance by the City inspector. All new conduits shall be placed between 18" and 48" deep in sidewalk areas, and between 24" and 48" deep in street areas. Horizontal alignment of the new conduit shall be straight and no deviation of more than 6" will be accepted unless revised permit drawings have been submitted and approved by the City. Contractor shall mark the approved horizontal alignment before beginning boring operations. Contractor shall mark the progress and depth of the bore at 20' intervals by applying a paint dot to the ground in the same color scheme as used for Underground Service Alert. Deviations from the approved plans shall be corrected immediately to get the bore back to the approved alignment and depth. PROTECTION OF CITY-OWNED FACILITIES If City facilities (electrical, water, storm or sanitary sewer, etc.) are accidentally damaged, immediately notify the City inspector or their supervisor. If determined to be the contractor's fault, employ the appropriate licensed contractor to make repairs at no cost to the City. Temporary repau•s to damaged facilities shall be made immediately. Final repairs shall be made as soon as possible, but no later than three days from the date of damage. City Survey Monuments shall be preserved. In the event that a City Monument is lost to construction activities, the Permittee shall, at the Permittee's sole expense, be responsible for its re-establishment and the filing of a Corner Record with the County's Surveyor's Office. For more information about City Survey Monuments, contact Patty Cannon/Survey Section, (408) 975-7380. CITY OF SAN JOSE. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. ENGINEERING SERVICES. UTILITIES SECTION TRENCH BACKFILL & SURFACE RESTORATION METHODS OPTI NOTES BELOW) ppTION #1: (SEE ON ~2: , METHOD A OR " (SAW CU17 p.2 DE ~ ND) Mw ~ POT HOLES wHra+. oasnND ~ u• surrFAg ~c ifAL ~ '" ~~ ~°'~ Mw b) MINOR 5T. TRENCHES MW ° cJ MINOR ST. CROSSINGS c e G ~ LATERAL TRENCHES ~ ~ ~ ~, ,.,_ ,.. - -_ - BACKFILL _ _ _ ~ - ~' mwweooM '~ . -- ® DB1611Y flLL -- ~ - - - 6n0.1CTURAL 9ACItl9LL ~ - • _ _ . CZMS OACCAEGA7E eAR 6' T~1JT IS REQUIRED. NOD GIN BE ERHER: OPnOlV #t: FIAT DEPTH A.CREMOVAL ~ ~~~_• PIPE & BEDDING Y ~ „~ - '~dr SWD Pr~Mlii~ OPTION #2: 1.I• MIN DEEP GRINOWC . w ~ is ~~ OPTION #1: OR OPTION ~2: METHOD B (SAW CUT) (1.2' DEEP GRIND) I N .~ ~9~G1~ ~' I N '~ LONCTTUDINAL TRENCHES Y r "~" ~ s°~~ • MN • ~.x s~ACe ^c • ""~+ • ~~il~' ~ ON MINOR STREETS *~ 705TRiG ~ w ws -n.. w E ~ AG er mu.e /I,C T it' CA8 111 C6A55 III "~~ °A~ AGGREGATE BASE u' ~' - - - - MQi BACM~Iu ~ • ,~~a~ s• r~ur ~ RE4UI~, AND Gw eE Ern-~R: *~ PIPE & BEDDING +' `"~" mo OPnON #1: FULL DEPIN A.C REMOVAI t . OR ~~t%. ~ ~~ I s~WD PERAtlTtED OPnON #2: 7.2' MIN DEEP GRINDING '' ~~:,; I,•~<ry METHOD C ~ BACM~ILL FOR USE 1N DIRT AREAS OUTSIDE THE Mw ~m ~ a ~ PAVED TRAVELLED WAY {LANDSCAPED ARFAS, PARK.STRIPS, ETC.) ~- ~;,~ " ~ . • r~ ~• ~~~~~~' ' ,~~ -~ PIPE & BEDDING a r ,~a - ~~: A) SA1t CUT FULL gPTH OF EXISTIIOi AC BEF~ EXCAV ATION (SEE OPTION'1 ai OPT[ON'2l.. JACKtIAllF3tING PERl4TTED ONLY FOR EM3ir£MCT REPAIRS. B! itflEYER THE iAENCFI EDGE 1 S ]O TNT N 12' ff THE LI P g GUTTER, REMOVE ANO REPLACE THE EMI RE gP1H OF AC BETIEEN THE iIENCH WILL AND 1HE U P OF CUTTER Cf itfMEYER TH~iRENCII EDGE IS LESS THAN 24' FR@I THE UP OF GUTTER, GRID A MUNIMM OF• 1.2' DEEP FROM THE UP DF TIE GUTTER T01? BE70N0 THE FAR TRENCH ~ . ' SIRIFACE AC. WILL PLACE TfE l.2 D1 MATCH EXI5RNG SYiFACE SEAL (CAPE-SEAL, SLURRY-SEAL, ETC.) A RNIMUM 12' FRON~TRENCH PALL AFTER PLACID, FINAL AC L[FT. REV. 5/13/08 BY L. RUIZ - QTY OF SMI ~, OEPARTMEM OF PUBLIC WORKS; E~1dGUO~ING SERVICeS, llTlLil'16 SEI:710N . .NARROW/ ROCKWHEEL TRENCH DETAILS - • DETAIL, #1 FOR TRENCH CONSTRUCTION 24" OR MORE FROM MI DaSi1NG TRENCH +~ ~ x oe.-ryK to ~r a wos . 9'MN 7yt1 .. Mt7O{ fltS7y1C ~~ • E LNG ~`,~~ Pao( Pwt ' ;~,:r~ ;. • ~~ , mn • pYq . am : r =t tr wy oyr - ,:Wi1Be 4. ~'~- . mn ~t_ ~EOAL ft L: 4'~ MOCFlLL P~~ -µ ~~- •~-~. lI' SUIEAOi K 9bYL gE SNrD '4• A1A7C ~ ~ . "1~AOLTYPEA RPEStMDE f~l . (1Y19 DETA.II, #2 FOR TRENCH CONSTRUCTION WITHIN 24" OF nN EXI571NG •TRENCH NATOI B]STING- ~ R7R TRENGi6 tts tffAN SlRFAO 55iL - r, ~MHXr, yedDVE wLL rAVeaevr >scna~l w~w 1Y MPI ~ GJNOWG (IY1~ a,ln • .PTO 24' .•- !~~ 1VRH COMICREIE e~aawti T?r sty i...~i_f. r yY-~ ~l 1.2.9Jrr1O; K 9N11 BE . ",NEDRIµT(PE A - SPECIAL CASES - - ~ - - . ~ - u~ rmnc Trw ~ irx~ ~~ ~ r x,24• Ilia m~1C >rw ~ E PIOt -*'~';~~ trfallo~ ,:cslai~e;a~csdif~~~ - EXtS~G PW ---~=`~~?? ~g~s*-~t~~ . . ~,: I *~~ -3. ,. ~.. ~.'~ ,, t2• SURFA~ K 41ML yE OF 7FE UP OF G11Itkt SPECLFTCATIONS ~ ~ . -• THE RACKET LL MATERIAL FOR NARROM 'iREPE:FES SHALL CONSS 5T OF A PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE t PCC1 •Mi X CONFDRMtl MG TO T(E 1942 C1 TY OF SAN J09E (CSJ1 'STANDARD SPEC] FI GAn was: SECTf oN 40. THE PROPOSED. Mb X SHAC,L BE SUBMtl TTEO ' TO THE ENOi MEER FOR APPROVAL FI VE (51 1gRKI NO DAYS BEFORE USE MI THIN THE PUBLIC Rf 6MT OF W-Y. PORTLAND ~ CEi~E?(T SMALL BE TYPE I 1 MOD1 Fl ED. ANO THE CONTENT SHALL NOT BE LEBB TFNN S76 LBS/CT. Ti1E PROPOSEp HI X OESI GN SHALL ACHIEVE. W THI N TYO f 2f HOURS, A MO N1 MUM PENET1k4T1 ON S7pENDTH OF 2M PSI MEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE 1d TN ASTM C403. DURI N6 CDNSTRUCTI Wr. FDR FIELD OUALi TY CONTROL. THE PCC M4 X SHALT. REACH A M NI MUM PENETRATi ON STRENGTH OF '400 PSI AS OETERMI NED BY A POCKET .PENETROMETER THE PRDPQSED Mi X ~Si GN SHALL 8E ABLE TO SUPPORT MOTORCYCLE AND/OR BICYCLE TRAFFIC Vi THIN TND MDURS, THE M X SMALL ALSO ACHlEVE,2N0 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRETOTM MITHiN TIiEN?Y-EI GHT t 281 DAYS, 4AiEN TESTED I N ACCORDANE YI TH ASTM C]4. . • NAND VIBRATOR(S) SHALL BE USED TD CIDATE THE PCC BACKFILL MATERIAL. - . PCC MATERIAL sM.LL RE PLACED FLUSH TO THE suFP'i(cE~ TIE ExisnND sniEEr. • REMOVE ONE t 1. ~ 1 MOH. MI NI MUM. PCC RACKET LL BT GR7 MCI NG( AC PAVE 70 MATCH ' EXI Sn NO SURFACE SEAL (CAPE-SEAt.. SL.Ui(RY-SEAL. ETC.1 A MINIMUM OF 12'•FRDM TRENCH MALL AFTER PLACING FINAL AC LIFT. ~ - • TREND( Sl1FACE REST~taT1 ON SHALL BE COMPLETED 1d TFU N FJ VE' (9 GAYS FROM THE DATE OF RACKET LL PLACElENT. aim 1n L•\Ufiiities-PDFdoclrockwhl 10-18-07.dgn