Bardell, Robert (~ /-1 J II' / L.\r{~ .! / .. 1 C ~' ! ) , ' 131 ,.iorne'a \'.'ny Orind-9, ,.)c'nt.er~I\;(E'r ~~~2, 1 f)( C 1'}'0 Cl ty Council city of Campbell Camnl:Jcll, Cal1fo.L"'nle I, ba.n(:\onmont of Ce.EH?Y 0&0 and 0 Dort1on of C ':;:J l"11 A V€l1nue .., Centleme.n: .\.nclonpd 1)lease find a 'l')lat eC:'\ferip,; the internf'ctlc:l 01' C~~,mGen ):~ve:nu('; and Casey Hoa(.~ In. the Cl ty of Campbell. ',.E' I'E'8')ectfu11y request the abe.:'jOorn~€'nt of' t1lO t,}()r'l.lon outlined in reo on the enclosed ara.wine. In return for thif' I);))llrloamen.t, \'ie should l1ke to dedicate t() the City the 811,9(:(;.,<., .,(}).'t1on shc"ir:n. ;,hj.s \-7111 aecomplish t.\TO tb inC's. First, the ti tIc to t:he ,,)l'O')E'1x..ty is not at present very clear, :clinee '\!'-'e ea.ch 1.10. ','.' r'l)l.;t~ t,() tlK' ~)ro ')crty. (rr.(l~ N1l1 clerl:fy bot;h vy tl tIe on>:l your title. "(:(;((11,,11,, casey roe;) is not int. UtlCrJ He C'. street, ':-tr}' -' '1~.~ \'.d.:U. ce this portion bu.clo,: on V,e tn:," !',::>lle. 1.8 met,t.,(-;l' has been ~Jtud1€::;J at f'X'el'[}t Ipn,.'tt', bjr ,;rOLlJ" t:.ity ,;ra.ltJn,;:;c1:'lnr' ~.!f:nartmentt and I run tllU'fi;1 tills D::;etH l'iith thE;il' ;)(i'J!'O', fll. h,,'H3oecl:.fuJ..ly )'ours r ' ( >7'1J(/1(( { v L~~ , . C/7/(/ ?C~(/{ \ _.~._-->--, 7!;, \ \ \ \_--- I I' Mr. Wren: If you place this over your drawing, you will find the area outlined in red, mentionea In Ghe letter. RB ",. !'" :.' r 0 <( 0 0:: (/) 0 I- <( <..9 (/) 0 -1 I d5 ~ <( 0:: <( \ "- -1 I u ~-- - <( 1 I l- I Z ~ I <( (/) I 0 I 25' ~? r--'- , 50' I I - \ 91~2~' _.... N 8c~t43'W _ '- I --y, 7.48 " ~ \ ~ CASEY \ 0' \ \ '" \~ D Land to be granted to City II t L ROA~~_ LAND TO BE GRANTED CITY OF CAMPBELL STREET TO THE FOR PURPOSES Prepared by the Office August, 1960 of the City Engineer Campbell, California 1"= ~ RO\'ICB .ap ~G 0" n'fI'l'IOH TO ADD COftXOtlOVS .~RY TO AQUINO P AU LI..DlDIB'l'KIC'1' OF SAlffA eLl.,. COtllft'f lfOTlCE II HIlDY GIftH tbat the :Board ot &.1"",1809 Qr the Count, of Sa.nta C1&_1 State ot 0&11tom1&, did at a meetlna: of ..1d Board held on the 20th da1 ot Ifovfmtl:.)erl 1961, patu, a "$01\1t108 tl%lna t1me and plaoe tor h.ear1q ot the petition to annex COJ'ltlp.oU$ terrltO;trl to Aqu1no Park L1Pt1nc Dtatr1et of Santa ClaN County ,Which 418t1'10t baa been tonaed pursuant to CAlifornia Streets &I &1p.,. Code, D1vteion 14.. Fart 4, and whicb. 8-.1<1 N'ol\ltlon did .fix Monda.1J the 11th. day ot Decem_Hu', 1961, at the hour ot 10;00 A~ 14.. ot that _Y.. at the ebaabel"$ ot: 8ald Board o.t Sup.rv18o~ in tbe C0'W1tlAdBUn18t:r&tlon Bu1141ns.. 10 W.at Ro.aa. Street.. in the City or san Joae.. County of' Santa 01&., State of Calltornla.. u tlUt t1me and place tor bearing aaiel pet1t10n. And pUNWlLnt to th.e tOHI01ns resQlution a>>ove deacribed" llOTICB IS BlRDY Gtv.a tbat MondAy $ the 11th 4aN of Deces.I' I 1961" at tne hwl" of 10:00 A. lit" of tl'1&tt <1a" at the chaabere of the Boai'd ot 8upervl1ore in the county Administration Building" 'to We.t RON St:reet, in t11e City of' san Joae, County 01 Santa Clara, State ot Calt.tom1a, baa Deem fiud as the time and plaee tor bearin._1d. petit1on" t'be terrtto17 prop-o.." to ...e &Mead. to .414 11lbt1ng dl.'tftet 18 1I0re panlO\lla.J?ll 4eaor1oe4 1n Bxh11>1 t U A" which 1s attached h.~o and made a part hereof by retePence. BY omma OF Till BOARD OF SUPlmrISORS" Dated: XoYeaber 20, 1961~ J'BAN PULLAN, O'1e* ot the Board of ,,) Su.p.rvl~~ ~I ,,/f~-" ''''..# . (/ v~~ .L .... ....... SMW:..b · 11/14/61 CAS.IY 61-1 RESOLUTION FIXING 'rID .AHD PLACE FOR BlARING OP PlTlTION TO A1tDX COlft'IQU0t18 TERRITOR!' TO AQUIlfO PARK LIOlBINQ DIS-rRIC'f OF SAHTA CLARA COt.JNTt r . . . . WHlRBAS.l a petition havlng been tl1ed wlth the Board of Supervisors of the County of santa Clara, State of C&lltoml8" praylns tor the annexation to Aquino Park Lighting Dlstrict of santa Clara County, whioh distriet has been formed pursuant to California Streets & Highways Code" Divislon 14, Part 4: of certain cont1;uou8 territory to said 11iht1ng district, and said petition beins signed by at least twenty-five percent (25~) of the property owners In said territory and representing a.t least twenty-five percent (25~) or the aS8e8sed valuation of the territory proposed to be annexed, and statio; therein the number of owners and the assessed valuation of their property in said certain described territory; IT IS HlRBBY RESOLVED that Monday, the 11th day ot 'December>> 1961" at 10;00 A. M.. of said day, at the chambers of sa.id Board ot Supervisors in the County Administration Building, 70 West Rosa street, in the C1ty of Ban Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of Ca11tornia~ be and the SUle 1s hereby fixed as the t1me and place tor the hearing of sa1d petition, and the Clerk of this BOard 1s hereby directed. to publiah a not1ce in the form required by law and in conformity with this resolution of the tiling of the petition and of the t~e set for the hearing thereon in a newspaper oirculated in the territory in which the distriot is situated, which newspaper sa.ld Board of Supervisors deems moat likely to give notioe to the inhabitants thereof of the proposed annexatIon of territory to said district. The territory which is proposed to be annexed to said district is more particularly deaoribed in Exhibit II All which 1s Casey 01-1 attached bereto and made a part hereof by reference. PAS.SKD AXD AOO''tIJ) by the Board ot supervisors of the County of Santa Clara" state of california, this 20th day of Noveoer, 1961, by the following voter ADS: NOBSl Supervisors, supervisors, Eevin Della 1\1aggiorc II ubbard Mehrkcns 'Weichert' None ABSENT : Superv1sors, l' " ,wne Cb&!rtMt.n or - <>~' ~~ Ad\.~ the BOardOr-guperv180rB ATTEST: J:iAN PULLAN, Clerk of the ~_~rd or ~8ors C7'~~.~--./ ~~-.~ SMW:meb - 11/14/61 0"11 OJ' TD BQAJtI) tJII ItIlDVIaoU OJ' 8Alf1'A CLARA eo-.rr AL'!IlWIG ,. --..aus _ 1U !.-DO FAlE LIIltnH ..,Ilft OP8.A8A CLAltA COUJIft, .. YISW .~ QI.A~..~. WBUAS., a ,.t'lon bavtq ltHa tl1.. wtih ~tu. BoaX'd of S\lP8rn.ao:N to lnel.. g'hin the lbll,a <dIn. Aquino Perk Lllb'lna K.in., ot SIlnt.& Cura COWl', 08n&ln tes-r1 t017 1t1 ..14 "'1'108 JHU'.tle\lJ.a.f'l,y d.eacribed; And aaldBoard. tln41q ,ba, Mld '.wtlol7 ....1-'" 1n Mlei ,.tltlo.n 1. ocmttauoua to 1M '.n1tOI" 1,n Ia1cl bl.-, iiptlns ..t1.t~l.t, aM that none of tbe ..14 terrlto17 ..enNcI in IAtd p8'11;10n lies w1tbln the lilt1t. of an, otbe:c-llptlna 41atnot; !!tat ...ld pe'1 tlon .how_ the nUlb er ot one" or real prope.., ancl ttw .......eel value of real P"pen, in Mld t.P~tGI7 .. "'_.-1_4, and tbat Atd pet1tlon 1. .laned '" .._rI$ ~re..ntl...t l_atone...t~b (1/4) r.4 tIM tota.l ......... valuatlon Qf tM :t"8al propetot, P"POHd to ~. aMeud to al.eS elli.'riet .. ifftown ~1 "'be: lut eq\1A11a. ........nt roll of a1d. co-t" aDd that M14 peilt1on188igned b,aore than. .....f.urth (1/4) ot ._ total nWlber ot~N of real proper", 1ft .uoh district) and. tlU.A.,Aid. Board. of SUjHtrvllQR 414ta Nt)..,.. tn. J.1th ...., of Deo"'1"', 1961, at l(h 00 A. M. flit Mi.4 &1" ... the tt_ t$~ bean. -14 pet1.1<;.I\ MtQI'e thl. BoaN" Iimd. caused notice of Mid M&nqc.o _. >>*llaMd. In a n_pape~ of seneral 01roulat101\ in tbe C~, .tBanta Cla_; aacl.on the 11th -.,. of De.....r, Itbl, t_ dat.. ttBd. tor.- aa14Manha U afore....ld" old BM,f'd of su,evr18GN .t1ne4 an4 .....'11.... tn. .oundartea ot.tel territor1 "alert_41n sa14 petltl0ri, ..,. pNe.4ed. to hear Q_Jectlona to aai4 petlt1.on: and Gald moua tlI~dln& tbat 1 tie tel" tbe Met uteN.' $&14 bilbwa, 11&Bt1na distriot CUe,. 61-1 a. tbe "ern'c.,. propoa_ '0 IN:lnolud4d 'bMNln. 110.# THBRUOHI, . IT BSOLYID b, the Bo&l'd of s....m"N fit the Cmm., or suta Clara, I'.'. of Calitomia, and 1t 1. M"', 'Ordered a. follow.; 'lbat t_t.~r1t"u" .aod'bed,lnaa14 petition lte, and it 18 heH--1 In.lu.d.e4 witbtn tbe l1alta 01 Aquino park Llptlna :Dlat~let or santa Cla.ra COtint,. That a particular d..acrlpt1otl of _1d te.rr1tory d.eaerlbed 1n sa14 petitIQn and iuu.biY annexed 18 aore pa.--t loularl1 deaer1ll>ed in bhllJlt !1AH whlch 18 attia..d hereto and tatile a part bereot 'b, "t..ranee.. PASDD AD AOOP1Jm " the Boa" of Supe1"'V'llion of tl\e Countr ot santa C1..., state Qt calitornia, this 11th <2&J of n-ceuer,. 1961, ., tu tol1oW1q vote; ADS: 10BSt supel'V1aon, sup.maG", s",el"ri..-. l,c\'in i\1 :.\ I 'Welcherf ABS1Dft. ,e;. <R,;~ ~ dtii1ftai1 or h1 _JIll ~mlO" AT'1'.IST: 314M P1.tLLAJt, Cle.. of the ~.rd 01 s~. . 1'Y1,Od "-,,) ,r. ' ,....~.~".,'~~J """~ L=? A -" :: ~:-- '" . WMStub...l1/1jt/61 ~~. " /" i' ~dtl!l :) ~.,.-.~:..:. IDOLUTlON RO. 1042 B lRG A IDOLUTIOlI .AU'1'HOllIZING 1XlCUT10N o BAUIJ .l, AlAMDOIMINT AQUIMIHT 0 ag~t lIAS, ..lIT D. BAlDILL has executed an th City of Campbell in connection with 1 th_ t of hi. property on ea.ey Road, and i &g.e.ins to pay .11 coate of proceedings requlred for I ~ abanoort and closing of certain portlons of pr,perty f~r street pu~.es in or near Cuey Road, 8D~ ' lei, I ~, the said agre~t has been approved i I bYlthe Cit~ .Attorney and the Inginaering Department of ; I .~d City, i ~W, THDUOKI, BI IT USOLVD by the City 1 eo,mcil of ICity of Campbell that the Mayor thereof be an~ he is ~.reby authorized to execute the said agreement , : onl behalf qf .aid Cityo .ASlID AND ADOPTED this 12th day of December, 19160, by tl. followtna vote: AYIS : ~OIS: ABSIIft': Councilmen: Chappell, Lico, Mayne, Rogers, Weitzel Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVKD: ~a~~ ATTUT: ~ - .' er '" q~ i . E:)(h1bi\ f\ . . ROnq or ITIIIT VACKtIC14 N<tnCB IS BIBBY GIVJ.N that punuant to Orcft.nance No. ~39 , being an O~d1nance of Intention Co .acate, 4108e and abandon portions of Camden Averwe and ea.ey a.ad to public streets in the City of CallPb.ll, Callfomia, passed and adepted on the 26th day of Ju.ne t 1961, by th. City Council of laid City. Monday, the 24th day of July, 1961. at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. of 8aid day at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of City of CalQpbell, California, haa been fixed as the tlM and place fox hearing of all peraens interested in the said str.et vacation or objecting thereto. Reference is made to the diagram, plat. map and plan on fila at the office of the City Clark of City of Campbell for more partic'lars. The followiDi is a particular description of the portions of said stre.ts proposed to be vacated: CoQmencingat the point of intersection of the auterly line of' the Old Santa Clara and Los Gat08 Road, 50 feet wide, wi~ the center line of Casey Road, 100 feet W1.de; thanee Noxth 0 011 lut alona the easterly line of said Old Santa Clara and Loe Gato_ ~ad a distance of 149.30 feet to the northweat co~r of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Robert D. and Dorothy L. Bardell, by deed recorded May 27, 1960 in Book 4807, Official ReeoOd_! Page 597, Santa Clara County &ecorda; thence South 89 4;,' Bast along the northerly line of laid parcel of Bardell a distance of 44.26 feet more or 1.... to the point of intersection of said northerly line with an ea.terly line of the right granted by Southam Pacific ao.pany to the County of Santa Clara by deed dated ~vemb.r 9, 1940 and recorded May 16, 1941 in Book 1038, Official Records, Page 386, Santa Clara County Records! 8aid point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South;tO 05' 16" Bast, a distance of 105.93 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said easterly line "dth the northerly line of Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence South 890 43' East a l . . d1stanc. of 79. ~3 feet. 1101:. or 1.s. J to the point of iDce~.~t:ion of Isaid 11Dt:therly liDe with &he ...'el:11 l1ne of ..1'1 parcel Qf Bardell. thence South 0 01' West alona .-let eaJ'erly line of said parcel of Bardell a distaoce of 10 feet, more or !lass CO the point of intersection of said ...'er:1l line ~th the c-5er line of laid ea.e, Road. 100 feet w1~; ?ii North 89 43' West. distance of 68.48 fee' to' the po t of intersection 'with the easterly l1ne of c..cIen Avenue, . f..t wide; thence nordlerly a10l'll the ar:& of a cutve to the right a tangent of which bears North 28 57' 54" West at' said poInt of inters~tiont having a radius of 667000 feet J a central angle of 13 53' 44", an arc ct1ataMe of 161. 76 feet. to the ~1nt of intersection with &he nor:ther:17 line of said pal'cel of Bardell j thence South 89 43' last a distance of 13.27 feet to the POINT or BEGINNING. The following is a particular description of a permanent ....-ent for . torm sewera reserved and excepted from aai d propo$ed abanckmlll8nt: Cc8Dencing at the point of interaecdDn of the easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 50 feet wi"e t with ~ center line of Casey &oad, 100 feet W1de; thence South 89 43' last, alons .aid center line of Casey Road a d1stance of 160 feet to the point of intersection of said center line with the easterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Robert D. and Dorothy Lo Bardell by deed recorded May 27. 1960 in Book 4807, Official Regords, Page 597, Santa Clara County Recorda; thence North 0 01' Eaat along .aid easterly line a distanc8 of 11.03 feet to the true point of beg1DDiD&. thence North 0 01' East along said easterly line of Bardell a dise.nce of 15.00 feet, more or less. to the point of inter8~tion o~ said easterly line of Bardell wiSh the GOEthe"ly line of said easement!. thence South 87 49' 11" West along the .northerly line o~ said easement a distance of 80.'0 feet, more or le8s, to the point of inter.ection of said northeltly line with the easterly line of Camden Avenue, 66 feet wide; !thanee southeasterly along the arc of a cuxve ~ the left haVing a radius of 667 feet, a central anale of 1 2S t 29", a distance of 16.59 feet to the point of intersection of 8aid easterly 11~ with the southerly line of .aid easement; thence North 87 49' 11" Bast along said southerly linea distance of 72.85 feet, more or le8s, to the point of b~lnnlng. DATED: June 26th, 1961 Dorothy Trevethan. City Clerk , , /" .t' '; . 'lkputy 'City' Cl~rk . - 2.- Commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly line of the Old santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 50 feet wide, with the center line of Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence North 00 01' East along the easterly line of said Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road a distance of 149.30 feet to the northwest corner of that certain parcel of land conv(~j:ed to Robert D. cmd Dorothy L. I3at' il, bi deed .J.:'~col'dcd pia} 27, 1960 in Book 4807, Official Records, Page 597, santa Clara County Records; thence SOUtil 890 43' Bast aloug the northerly line of said parcel of Bardell a distance of 44.26 feet, more or less, to the point of j.ntarsection OL 5aid northe.rly line with an easterly li.ne of t.he right gx:'anted by Southern Pacific Company to the County of Santa Clara by .:ieed dat.ed November 9, 1940 and recorded May 16, 1941 in Book I038, Official Records, Page 386, Santa clara County Records, said point being the l'i{UB POU~T OF BEGINr:.ING; thence south 200 05' 16" .i.::ast, a distanc0 of 1()5. 93 fBet, Illor:;; 0.1." less, to tr"c po.Lnt of intersection of said easterly line with the northerly line of Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence South 890 431 lJ:ast a distance of 79.33 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of e;aid northerly line wH:..htha east:erly line of said parcel ot Bat delJ. i thence Sout...'"l 00 ul" \Jest along said easterly line of said pa.rcel of Bardell a dJ,stance of 50 feet more or lees to the point of intersection of said ~XJ(lI)C mootX nra .nutt ''ll1lUa .1OOU\D ~tt J.Ud nJ( HKn ;2(:( ~~ M% ~~YK~ ~ ~ ~ easterly line w~th the center line of sc:d~ case}'~;.o,;ii.l, 100 feet w~ja; t'hence North 89 t) 43 I West a distance of 68.48 feet to the point of intersection with the easterly line of Camden Avenue; 66 feet wide; thence northerly along the arc of a curve to the right, a ""augent of which bears North 280 57' 5cl,,:est at sa,id point of intersection, having a radius of 667.00 feet, a central angle of 130 53' 44": an arc distance of 161. 76 feet, to tl"e point of intersection with the northerly line of said parcel of Bardell; t.."'1ence south 89';) 43 I ~~aflt Ct J.ista.'"1c.e of 1.3.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. " I" 10nd No. 404-FM7763-C Rremium: $20.00 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE KNOW:.. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Richard L. Logan Co. as, Principal, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota and authorized to execute bonds and undertakings as sole Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation of the State of California, in the sum of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/lOO - - - - - - - - Dollars ($ 2,000.00 ) for the payment thereof, well and truly to be made, said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that: Whereas the above bounden principal has entered, or is about to enter, into a certain contract with the City of Campbell, entitled II Agreement Refer to Ordinance No. 260 a true and correct copy of which agreement is presently on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, which said agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden Principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. ( , No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensions addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no fore- bearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this Bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the state of California. J, , Dated this 16th day of March , 19 61 ST. PAUr. ~/:J~~) INS1JRANGE COMPANY /"2,/' ..://~:~~ R~ B.' Rian; Attorney-' -Fact (Attach Acknowledgments ) (Both Principal's and ) (Surety's Attorney in Fact) By I 1 of 1 hit nf C!taltfnmta OIounty of Al ameda }ss CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Form NFZ6X-4 PICA, Oakland. Calif. My COIIII1I1..lolI Balll,.. Ql)n t4is................H~.t..h..........:.,........................day of................~!f:h..................................... in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and.....sJ.~.tY.....Qn~...........before me ......RQ.p.~!~.Jl!..J~9.9.P.~.~...................... Alameda 5 { C lif' 'd' a Notary Public in and {or the County of ..........._.............................._........_ tate 0 a orma, reSl In! therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .........~.!....!!.!....!!9.g.~~........................................ known to me to be the ................President and ......._................................................................................................ known to me to be the Secretary o{ the Corporation that executed the within instrument and the offi. cers who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that sllch Corporation executed the same. 3Jn IIIUnr55 IIIl1rrrnf. I have hereunto set ~y hand and affixed ply ,Official Seal, the day and .'/ / / year in this certificate first above written. 1,1. /1 . l / . ..........m..............I':..;::...C......~.......:...!.........{:;:..:...:::;................ Notary Public In and lor laid County 01 .........~~.~9:~...n....n.......... SUte 01 Calilorni, r: r,~v f:~';T; ::::' Acknowledgment of Attorney-in-Fact. STATE OF CALIF?RNIA. .} COUNTY OF...n..~.~_~~!.~~.~~~n~~~~~.~~_n.......m... 55.: On this.........16:t.n..n_.mday of.....-.~~nm.._m..n_...n......n.....19...?~_., before me, a Notary Public, within and for the said County and State, personally appeared -nn........m....~.!...~-~...X~!~_m......_....._.m....nm....n..n.._.....m.__m.......n, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company thereto as Surety, and his own name as Attorney-in-Fact. 15001 11.57 10M Ed. 3.56 CALIF. "") '/1 ...' It'.. . ./ (,. . '.""./ .............................-/.:0:..J.:2.7.J.c:~L.n___j<.;..t:.7....l:... ,. ..t...... .... ._...._rJrilOJlMA ~.. L Notary Public. My Commission Expires________..........__.__n.~n~~!..~~~::......_..__. Bond No. 4~-FM7163-C Premium: Included in BOND FOR LABOR AND MATERIAL Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Richard L. Logan Co. , as Principal, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insux;.ance Company incorporated under the laws of the state of Minnesota and authorized to execute bonds and undertaking as sole Surety, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto any and all materialmen, per sorts, comparties or corporations furnishing materials, provis- ions, provender or other supplies used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be executed or per- formed under the contract hereinafter mentioned, and all person, companies or corporations renting or hiring teams, or implements or machinery, for or contributing to said work to be done, and all persons who perform work or labor upon the same, and all persons who supply both work and materials, and whose claim has not been paid by the contractor, company, or corporations in the just and full sum of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/IOO - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars ($ 2.000.00 ) for payment whereof, well and truly to be made, said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that~ Whereas the above bounden Principal has entered, or is about to enter, into a certain contract with the City of Campbell, entitled"Agreement Refer to Ordinance No. 260 " a true and correct copy of which agreement is presently on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, which said agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden Principal or said Principal's subcontractors, fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, provided that any and all claims hereunder shall be filed and proceedings had' in connection therewith as required by the provisions of Sections 4200 to 4208, inclusive, of the Government Code of the State of California, and any amendments thereof; PROVIDED, ALSO, that in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee shall be awarded by the court to the prevailing party in said suit, said attorney's fee to be fixed as costs in said suit, and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. No prepayment or delay in payment and no change, extension, addition, or alteration of any provision of said contract or in 1 of 2 ,'';'~ ;\+ .~ r}:1 ~~ said plans and specifications agreed to between the Principal and the City, and no forebearance on the part of the City, shall operateto release the Surety from liability on this bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the state of California. .. { . , ... r-e Dated this 16th. day of March , 19 61 RICHARD L. LOGAN CO. (PRINCIPAL) J:::~, Ie! /'~," R. . Logan, Pres ent By By ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (SURETY).., / J / ,/ 7 ,. ./ . "" ~v./: ". .; /" .. ~1 , ;9". "..::.,( /t: ~? R..~..' Riat.l;,/Attorney-in-Fact By' ,- .\, (Attached Acknowledgments- ) (Both Principal's and ) (Surety's Attorney in Fact) 2 of 2 &talr nf C!taltfnrnta atnunty nf Alameda }ss CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Form NF26X-4 PICA, Oakland, CalU. My Comml..'olI Bapl,.. Ql)n t4ts.............--.!.~.~.~.................__..............__day of........__.................~E.~~.......................... in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and....~.!.~~.Y.:...9.P:~...........hefore me .....~~~~!..~...~.~.....9.??..:p.~E....................... a Notary Public in and for the County of ....;~.!~~~~..................._........_ State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .....~.!....~.!....~9..s.~.~............................................ known to me to be the ................President and ......._........__....__................__.............................................................. known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and the offi. cers who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. lIn 'lfUnrss 'lf4rrrnf. I have hereunto set ~ hand and aJ!ixed /DY Official Seal, the day and I year in this certificate first above written. / ' /. i .'.1 ,v i ' I l " . ..I..,V" ...............................!....::.~.-->...L.....::..(....h....:jt:::.__::................ N otarr Public In and lor ..id County 01 ......__~~.~~.~~.............__....... Stale 01 Calilorni. Acknowledgment of Attorney-in-Fact. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. } Qe:r.... (;ounty of San .1<n.o.cisco 88. : COUNTY OF.......................... ...... .... .................... .....__....... .............. On this......l6th.m.......day of..-h..Har.ob..___.m....h__hh..h.h_..h...19_..6~.., before me, a Notary Public, within and for the said County and State, personally appeared ....mmh.m...RLBA...R.yAB...m..__hmm........m......................................, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company thereto as Surety, and his own name as Attorney-in-Fact. 15001 11.57 10M Ed. 3.56 CALIF. ~~ " 4", ,-'? ' -..........._h .1 ~..jlUA...._.{;:L&:..,/i.................. IIOJt.IlA C&..,J........(6 Notary Public. My Commission Expires.m.................._n.~..~~~..~?.~.~............ .lJl.l.l.lII.l.l.l ftU.8 ~......, .... IlIUS ....... 111.. tlau ,_day of .,1 lMO, by aacl ____ ~ D. lIar..i1 _a. ~y L. .....11. hu wife, 131...._ .y, 0#....., C&11....la. ""eJaafteJ' ",'ured .. .. .._.. ... ... CIft' 01' ~ a _1..1 oerpwauoa of __ etate .f ca1J.'-Dia Mnl1u't.u ..f....4 _ .. "'Cl'ft'ilt .D'IDI...., ..,...... ....... .... ........ .... ....1....1 11'_ .1_.... e.- 1It..i._ .f Clft 111 ..... .. .....u . 81d.141Dt ......~ ..._ crrr u ~ . .....1.. -.i_ .......... _ t:IMa .........., ....... of 014 __ Clua -LH ...... _.. _ ..efe.ue4 _ "~11T tea A...... ... ea..,. Mad, ... ..........11' ttIIat. ....iIl ......1 of 1... ......ibM 111 tlaat. eenaiA ...... ., ....y fOZ' Roll...t ....11, r....... JuM 6, lMI 1a ... 121 of ... at. P_ 18, Of'JAial .....da of ~a Cl.-a COtIItt.y, .... ....f..... ~ va.11 deti_. .. ..... to lINt a.u..h4, cutaia 1aa4, 1ut.al1 01' .... t.o .. .....11M ..naJa _11. ....rcwl1ill.1.ta at. ""ia t.iIIe vitia.ta u.. ......MCt ...... ... PM" .. .... t.o lie ...... ~ ,..da 1'.1atJ.... ... tile ~ of ai4 ....Z'GV'...at.., 811 ia ........... wtttb t.lae teJ:IIa ..u1M4 .......la. .. _11 .. ..... ....1t.lou of .,..,onl .terted at .'_1119 "D~f' '...loa _t:...... OIl tihlly I, 1161, BOW t.bue..... rr u ..WIY ~. __ u4 ItHw. .... ............ Mnto .. fo11owa, to vita (1) 0_..1...... to i.a1t.1ah .........t .............. .. ...., ponJ.oa ., ~ ......t... lY1Dt vl....t.a ~ ..naJa ,-_1 9rant.eeI to th. Coaftt.y ., sant.a Cl... by _t:.Il.Z'a ...111. C~l' J aay . . ......'1... lty ... re.....d tlay 1', 1941 11& ... 10J8, Of.f181&1 ......, .... 1'6.. _U Clu. COlIIRy ....... ..., 18 .&.U1:108. t:IuI 1I01It;he1'1J' 50 I..t. 01 t1M pr-.1... IJ'~ w1't1l1D the ..... Of CUey _.,1" .... wi.., Ud (2) own.u....... w bear all ......... U"la1lll ..t .f ... ~dIR...t pl'ocee41Df.. (l) ~ "Jr.. t.o 00IIYey, 01: ca... .. :be ~., U ..14 CrI'Y, for euM't PUPO".' aft al''' ~ 1... a1oll9 t\1Ile frOll'ta9tt of 149.30 IMt. _ ~__Il AftDU ..X'eq\llred t.. ....1_ aft .1.......... width f. Mld .tnet. ., .1ny-.1a (66)...... ~ .,.... to _... ......t,1.. o' 4M4 for: a.Lel dedicat.lon .... .......tat.1on.. (4) OW......... to pay U> CIft. tIPOA ....1.1:1_ of ~I"t. ....-41a9., 101: th. _.. of abu40aed .....rty t.b. -.at. of OM lDIr&4nd. 0011u. (,$100.. 00) . (5) 01IDU ap''' t.o coaat.nact... wt...1ft 81x (6) _~ aft.r ~ .f a _11(11... pual., aDd at. 1'10 ....... i:o ern, ....dud. fin n.reul .1dawalk, CNrb, ,.t.t.... ... "v'..Ilt. .. 1'....Jz.. "t,liMeD ..t.~ an4 .~. ..1at'.1a9 pa.l.... wlt1lia 'tIM ar.. of _410a1:108. (6) 0'I8l8U ap-.. t.o .... 1IUIt.&11at.J.oa, at. 1'10 ........ W ern, .f OIl. ."...rd .1.cUollar: wlt.h "'~0.4 81rCN1t. .. 1'4tt1t'Iued by C1t.y "'1_1'.. (7) ()1!flt;BU -.r.. to .... "..uI1.t.1oft .f one 11re bydraat. if nqu.1I'ect _ tile ru. au... .f Clft ... 4....1' ORe ........ _1Mt.)" Pl". :Doll.... (Sl'l.. 00) .. li....yeu ....tal fer tay_..~ if 18.~.11e4. (8) 0MfDS..,..- to -... __1-.1 of ....nv_..-t plaa abow- 1D9 prOJPG..d )NIt11e _rcw....~.. lao111tiRlJ 1oeat:1oa of .lacuol1er ... fire hy__to. Said plan 1. t.o .. .......... 1Ity City........". ...10&' to ~ of -.t.Retion of "lie ...........0 I_a. (9) 0MID8 ...... ~ depoa1t. or .... t.o __ .....104.. 1_ .1.. ---1n9 anel i~l.. "'., ......y Dollar. ('70.00) .. pZ'fW1de4 1a City ~11 ....1.t.1oft lfO. MI. A ___ !'or ~ .....". ---- allall aft ~ .lJN.....y tit.. ~ .....t.. (10) 14aU...... to ...... ......... 01 . hJ.Ult1l1 ........... ... aa4 . Ldor ... ____1&J....... __ 1a .. ..... o. .,.. ....... Dol1u'. ($2,....00) U iuu'e ......l1at.ioa .f eUMt. illlWGV...ua. ........... to .... .......... wlt1l itlU.. .--.. .....t.. (11) 0..... wU.1 at. _1. t...... _ ODDaiINt.10D u tlM ..... DriraJ.a JMpNit. .... "- ........ ......y DOl1u. ($HO. 80) , ill _~ "1~ tit)' enacrl1 _1..1_ Be. 921. (12) ~., ap'_ __ P". . ~ ......<<.. to ~ crrr .. 1IIliat...... aa4 UN of a .... .."... _1.t.189 1a tile ......1)" fifty left of tile .....ert)", ad vidala t.M 1IotIa4e ., euey _4, uti for tile ~... ... _18___ .1 aay aM all ~ ....1...... .. a441t...... to ea14 .... ........ .......11y r.n1'.... k. ... ......... rNlgelC1JRlat., ... (13) ........... toe _ue ... nw1.1_ .. .cI41t.... ~ ..14 .... ~ 1M .... at. no ...... 'to C%ft, ... (14).__ ..... U ___ .. "..1." ....... .... ...._ut.i8a .f _, .... (11) 01..A_...... to ht1ft""''' CXW .. _lM...... ~. .f -..1& ~ .. ........t.loa of ....1.' n..1I'11R1..t.. iacl.din9 1eI1I1 ......ipt.laa ... plat.. (l') It. b ~ .,re.. 'tMt. ~IU ..11 iat.r:r1\1fy ... .... 1uuIIle.. t:M e1~ of CIIIIM11, 'tJae C1t.y CfNDe11 ad t:lle e1t~y _Uta. aa4 ~ ...1.... u41- ...1oyeea of CLey of ":I1'./e11 fnII "1' nlt.., cla.... .. f_.... t.o per_ ... pI'~y aunalae4 or ulai8J la ~ ~1ea .f .. writ ... 'to aay aet.a, .s.a..... .. _1.... .f VJUI"., 'tbeu of.1ou., _u, ...lor-. or eoau...... (17) .18 ......1.1D~ ahall b1a4 .... .......... 8\ItC....... ... ...1.... of i:M pafty ~. D 1111'_ _...., _Lei CIft )au ..... 1-.. - .. .. ......... ...~ ..., 10 JIayoI" ... Cit:y Clerk ~ cluJ.y ___i.... _ ...801.... .. ... Cl~J' co.el1. ... MJ.cI ..... 1Iaft Mnwlto ...... 'tJaejz _. t.o .. aff1D4 ..... day .... year fuat. ...... ..i_t.e. Clft or CMltULL t , AP.aono A8 'to ,.... MaJW .,....1l A. _1_ ~ ct..,- At:....,. Cit.y ct_k "-j Q1.MIM . / } /[ ~ cfL /tel. i/ )c:/,~Ja.( di.l-l_ D. ~.' '. (-... , . l' '-_.c. <;...~...... .<~ ...:.-...~.. . _....t.,.f . \-. . <""..... '::'., c c:- \..... '}' ; _. -...-"-'" ,... - I _._._..___Cotmtyof 0.. this ~ th illu:+- day 01 L:~.Q.!llllb~______.._i" the year one thousand "ine hundred a"d..~.._._.__._.........._._ befor, me -.li.eX .l<..- T, . -q .Q~~ NIP bl" .. J 1 h . ___ _ ______.........._.._.........m...._.._...., a 0 ary u ~c us anu or t e_ County of_.GJ:lntXlL_.G.Q.S.t.a.._..__..mm__.._.._, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, per SOtlal/ y ap peared._._B..o.b.e.r..t..._D.!_...13ar.1Le..ll_Ji1l1 d Dcrbth L Bardell -..-----.-.-...- ----.-.---.-QX----.---..----------....----.-.-.-.----..."'--"..'-" STATE OF CAUFORNIA. Contra GOstB _Ju I --..-----.----..-- /mQUJff to me to be the person S .whose fW~ S ar~scribe;;;~~~th~n iflSl~;;;;;;' and acknowledged 10 me that~eLexecuted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have ht!reunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the____....__.._..__C ounty of _C.o.ntr..a..._G.c..S.t.fL_......_.__.the day and year in this certificate first abO'"ue written. f .'1" // 7" ~/ ...~~ _.__._..__.._..__~f n.~9.~~_~..J:.~...2:g_~.~.........:_(l.t.1:f~-..-m.o.\..:..-~-.1!i:.::'~:.. Notary Public in and for the<U......_.._....__.........._CO~ty oL_g..QD.tr..~__c;._Q.~.t~.._.__.h__ fC."~~ r;.089) No, 3Z-~:led....cnt-Gellera1. My Commission Expires.m._.J..yJ:.Y.mJ_9..J.._....1.3?0.~__........_.m State of California. APPIDAVr.r OF POSTtlfC NOTtCR OF STl\EET VACATION STATE OF CALIFORlU:~ ) COunty of santa Clara ) 5S. Myron O. Hawk, being first duly sworn,deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the United states ana over the age of twenty-one year as ; That at the instance of and actinq as the Superintendent of streets of the City of Campbell, he posted Notice of Street Vacation pursuant to Ord1nance of Intention No. 339 adopted by the City Council of said City on June 26, 1961, on and near both portions of streets proposed fo.t' vacation by said ordinance of Intent1on, at not more 'than 300 feet apart on each street 80 posted, and not lass than three in all; That said posting was fully completed on the 30th day of JUne, 1961; That a copy of said notice i8 hereto attached, marked ".lEXh1b1t An, and by reference made a part hereof. ~~~.~ Myron D. Hawk, Superintendent of Streets Subscr ioed:Jed ftIOrn ~</~fore :6~1DUY~ ' Notary Publ ic in and for the County of santa Clara, state of California W, L"MORSER N:r J;;c,'mrnj~~;W] J;.x,pi'$J Mcdi .tI( J~" " DESCRIPTION OF LAND PROPOSED '1'0 BE ANNEXED TO' THE AQUINO PARK LIGHTING DISTRICT BARDELL PARCEL All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California being more particularly descrLbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the center line of Casey Road distant thereon Easterly S. 890 431 00" E. 25.00 feet from the intersection of said center line of Casey Road with the center line of Camden Avenue as shown on that certain R,3cord of Survey for Robert Bardell, recorded June 6, 1960 in Book 121 of Maps, Page 18, Official Records of said Santa Clara County, said point of beginning being also the Southwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed in the deed from Theodore Musler, et ux, to A. C. Vrana, et we, recorded in Book 1366, of deeds, Page 402, Official Records, of said Santa Clara Cou.ntYi THENCE, from said point of beginning N. 00 011 00" E. 149.30 feet; THENCE, S. 890 431 00" E. 160.00 feet; THENCE, S. 00 011 0011 W. 149.30 feeti THENCE, N. 890 431 00" W. 160.00 feet to the point of beginning. ~ EXHIBI'( A description: t1~ checked: /k.9'!-<.J .. . 'J <'- C '.' (': . , L, ~;. ;.. j J '.,'''' ..,. ',Ii.' ,.. . ':.. ,'''''\ -:: ';~ -...., ~..~... ...:.0 (2['H 1./ (7 .,..;,/ .'" (~' .;r'/ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ~ Office of the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOWARD R. WEICHERT, 1ST DISTRICT SAM P. DELLA MAGGIORE, 2ND DISTRICT ED. R. LEVIN, 3RD DISTRICT, CHAIRMAN RALPH H. MEHRKENS, 4TH DISTRICT WESLEY L. HUBBARD, 5TH DISTRICT JEAN PULLAN, CLERK Dr THE BOARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 70 WEST ROSA STREET. SAN JOSE 10. CALIFORN IA December 14, 1961 Mr. William G. Wren As si stant Engine e r City of Campbell 75 North Campbell Ave. Campbell, California Dear Mr. Wren: This is to advise that the annexation of Casey 61-1 to the Aquino Park Lighting District has been completed as of December 11, 1961. This annexation will appear on the 1962-63 tax rolls, and lighting service may begin on July 1, 1962 if installation of lights is complete. Very truly yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -~ (~:~~ CMrs. Jean Pullan, Clerk ---- . of the Board of SuperVIsors JP:bs RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA .--.7 A /1 ,t-A.LC S ! /i /. ( Date /~ - 2.-1) frf'~. Name &-'1.~e.of_ Addres~ RECEIVED DO~~I CHECK CASH F~~~ . ~ (~J- . FU~~~~ 5005 Thank you, ~~. B _~ v CITY CLER:K RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL Dollars _ ~'~.'l ,- C/ t.Y J CHECK i-~CASH " ,)~j FOR '/'lJ~r ;,' {f;:l / <J --.;,. .-< &tJ ~ 0" '.,--- ? I ~ I ''1'}1'-4 ~ /,tct.rl. Fur.d __. 5063 By Thank you, 0:JItA~::~L II / CITY CLERK DEED OF ABANDONMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, does hereby abandon all interest in and grant to ROBERT D. BARDELL and DOROTHY L. BARDELL, husband and wife, as joint tenants, all that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 50 feet wide, with the center line of Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence North 00 01' East along the easterly line of said Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos P< ad a distance of 149.30 feet to the northwest corner of that . t.;'f Lain parcel of land conveyed to Robert D. and Dorothy L. Bardell, by deed recorded May 27, 1960 in Book 4807, Official Records, Pave 597, Santa Clara County Records; thence South 890 43' East dlong the northerly line of said parcel of Bardell a distance of 44.26 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said northerly line with an easterly line of the right granted by Suut.hern Pacific Company to the County of Santa Clara by deed dated ~ovember 9, 1940 and recorded May 16, 1941 in Book 1038, Official Records, Page 386, Santa Clara County Records; thence South 200 05' 16" r::ast, a distance of 105.93 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said easterly line with the northerly line of Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence South 890 43' East a distance of 79.33 feet, more or less, to the point. of intersection of said northerly 1 ine wi th the aa.c;ter ly line of said parcel of Bardell; thence South OC 01' West along said easterly line of said parcel of Bardell a distance of 50 feet more or less to the point of intersection of said easterly line with the center line of said Casey Road, 100 feet wide; thence North 890 43' West a distance of 160 feet to the point. of beginning. Excepting therefrom an easement, for ~orm sewer purposes, 15 feet wide; said easement being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 50 feet wide, with the center line of Casey Road, 100 feet widei thence South 890 43' East, along said center line of Casey Road a distance of 160 feet to the point of intersection of said center line with the easterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Robert D. and Dorothy L. Bardell by deed recorded May 27, 1960 in Book 4807, Official Records, Page 597, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 00 011 East along said easterly line a distance of 11.03 feet to the true point of beginning: thence North 00 011 East along said easterly line of Bardell a distance of 15.00 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said easterly line of Bardell with the northerly line of said easement; thence South 870 49' 11" West along the northerly line of said easement a distance of 80.50 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said northerly line with the easterly line of Camden Avenue, 66 feet wide: thence southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 667 feet, a central angle of 1" 251 29", a distance of 16.59 feet to the point of intersection of said easterly line with the sout.herly line of said easement; thence North 870 491 11" East along said southerly line a distance of 72.85 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mayor Joseph A. Bonacina City Attorney City Clerk (Notary Certificate) -..--") j. ..... / ).;, \-c 14 126't(~cV ((S' BEFORE THE BOUNDARIES COHMISSION OF THE COillJTY OF SANTA CURA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Dr THE MA.TTER OF THE PROPOSAL FOR THE ANNEXATION ENTITLED Cas., 61-1 to Aquino PI( I.i&hting Diat. BY - DA TEPee. 18 1961 The Boundaries Commission of the County of Santa Clara does hereby report to the proponents of the above-entitled annexation, as follows: 1. Defini~ss al'ld certainty of proposed boundaries. X Definite and certain. Indefinite and/or uncertain in following respects: 2. Non-c011formance of boundaries with lines of as;:,essment or ovvnership. X Conforms to lines of assessment or ownership. Fails to conform to lines of assessment and/or ownership in following respects: 3. ~reation.of islands or corridors of unincorporated territory. X Does not create islands or corridors of unincorporated territory. Creates islands and/or corridors of unincorporated territory in following respects. 4. Other defec ts in or observations as to proposed boundaries. APPROVED AND Santa Clara, vote : A YES : NOES: ABSENT: ADO~TED by the Boundaries Commission of the County of State of California, this by the following ,-.,...,.,-,0 .. .,;t;~ \j\. d~ ATv::;J2 ~ .. _'-" ~ Chairman of the B01mdaries Commission Levin, NONE NONE Secretary of the 'Boundaries Commission ~ \ : \ I \, ! o < I, o ::r: if) o ~ , <f l') en , \ "......-. \ \ cf5 <:1 "- cr: <I: _J U <r: f-. z <I: (fi t h \ \ 66.-- , \ I I " 1327' 2Ji90 43' E 3: --0' 6 = 1025' 29" 6=1305344' 1 ' R=6670C' oiR=667qO L = 161 7( ,(/)I L = 16.59 . 7933....1 I ~ .S89043TE----; i -l-r' ~ -2396' ~_ S87<<'491i'W80.50' I '0 O. I ~1500' lD 0 -....1103' ~lt - - , .\ " \ -., 1'1- ('. 1-/ C (' CASEY ROAD .. . _. 1.. o ....J .. 25' o 50 ... t t~\'r~~J Area of abandonment MAP SHOWJNG AR.EA OF ABANDONMENT OF INTEREST BY CITY OF CAMPBELL Prepared by the OffIce of the City Engineer October, !960 Ccmp':Jeli, Ccllforn a ~ I I I t"= ; 50' --+ ---- I IN ) 4f/?icJ fr,frc Ct.IU)ITI0l18 A'l'TACHID TO "8" AfIJlOVAL or SIGML OIL C(ItfANY ,. laVICE STATION TO III L()CATD ON CA.MDEN A VIlIJI. AfIJlOVID SUBJICT TO CGlPLJANCE WITH caDI.NCB '260 I SaIOHS: 9129.1, 9136, 9137. 9138. 9139 if 1IIprove- ment. are installed at this tllDe. 9140 t 9141. No cSed1catlon or quitclaim to be _de. Owner will be gratllte4 11080.. to US8 land within City property not required for fubJre wi_ingof CaII<Iea Avenue. em. Deputy City Clerk / '1/c-. c! ,,,: I) I. (Cir}o t. .Yf.._~. /~ ../~ PIQ/1 of i (A r. (J' tit C" J -Ie.f' vP ~ "" , ') lCCiI(l,C '/ , I \ . ?-IJ1f I";>Z .;::?) f' ""-7:eYdt t '. ~ .' ~ ..;.J/f1 . .. ;: . rT' . ) C"")cL'! Ie // t;( (1 f .! .. If ff ,.,111/ ~ "yZ<:, ~" \. ~ t:x. fJ< . .,/ I . .flbY? ~ ' ~ {t .~~rl{ ~ (,,,of;; 9kl y1 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION Application for "s" Zone Approval June 21. 19~ In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article L~ of The Campbell MUnicipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal description.) The following described real property, situate, lying and being in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easterly line of the old Santa Clara and Los Gatos road with the center line of the Casey road; thence running north and along the easterly line of said old Santa Clara and Los Gatos road 150 feet; thence running south 89043' east 160 feet to a 1 inch pipe; thence south running 150 feet to a point in the center line of Casey road; thence running north 89043' west and along the center line of said Casey road 160 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of the S. W. 1/4 of Section 35 in T.7.S.R.l. West., M.D.B.M. 2. The nature and purpOS<i! of the proposed impl:ovements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Plan- ning Commission and other City Officers in considering his application.) Service Station purposes. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ i.J,ddO. tJ /) Filed in Office of City Clerk 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by Planning Commission, and two returned to applicanto SIGNAL OIL COMPANY ~i~~r:; Applicant P. o. Box 278 Address of Applicant Alameda, California City State Lakehurst 2-7130 Telephone ---"'.__..,.~: ->.:....;.;.;.,. GEORGE S. NOLTE Consulting Civil Engineer 4317 Xl Camino Real Santa Clara, California June.24, 1960 Job No. 646-60 DESCRIPTION OF 0.2455 ACRE PORTION OF VRANA PROPERTY AT CASEY ROAD & CAMDEN AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA All that certain real property situate in the City ot Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginnlng at a point on the oenterline of Casey Road distant thereon Easterly S.89043'OO"E. 25.00 feet from the intersection of said centerline of Casey Road with the center- line of Camden Avenue as shown on that certain Record of Survey for Robert Bardell, recorded June 6, 1960 in Book 121 ot Mapa at Page 18 Official Records of saId Santa Clara CoudCy, said point of beginning being also the Southwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed in the deed from Theodore Musler, et. ux., to A. C. Vrana, et. ux., reoorded in Book 1366 of Deeds at Page 402 Offioial Records of said Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning N.ooOl'OO"E. 149.30 feet; thence S.Sgo43'OO"E. 44.26 feet; thence S.20005'16"E. 159.26 feet to the said centerline of Casey Road; thence N.89043'00"W. 99.00 feet to the point of beginning. Being all of that 0.2455 acre parcel of land as shown and delineated upon the above said Record of Survey for Robert Bardell.