861 Camden Avenue S63-15 URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION APPLI CATI ON FOR liS" APPROVAL 31m. 20. 19-'L In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of The Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (insert or attach legal description.) Attached description ot property located at 861 Cam4en Avenue, Campbell, Calif. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers In considering his application) 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ 15,000.00 4.. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plana and elevations of proposed Improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one retured to appl icant. /~/ . / ~"ct (~~___ Signature 0 Applicant Filed in the Office of ~~rban~elo~t oepart",:n~ ~ '/ I p ~. SECC~'...J ./ "'-z(d~,< 200 Crietich Lane Address of Applicant Campbell, Ci ty California State RS7-5660 Telephone DESCRIPTIon 011' PROPl;;H'fY LOC.~TBD AT 861 CiilID.l::l'r AVENUEt Ci\LI'13E:r..IJ~ CAI.H'UHUA BEGINNING at a point in the center line of \iJhite Oaks Avenue~ as' sa.id Avenue existed on Augus'l; 14~ 1946l} (forrile::dy old Sa.nta Clc:.rac,", Los Gatos Road) said point being South 00 050 East 458Q08 feet from a ;/4 inch iron pipe set at an angle in said center line of said road; said point of begi~~ing being also on the ~asterly pro= longation of the Southerly line of the parcel of land conveyed. by Harry Fa Evans, at ux, to Russell Bo Sa~gent~ JrO$ by Deed dated March 9~ 19460 recorded March 11~ 1946 in Book ~ Official necorda~ page ~ Recorderus Serial no", Lt.03l971} Records of Santa Clara. County; ~hence along the center line of said road South 90 050 East 65 fect to a point; ~e leaving said road and running at ri~ht angles to the center line of said road ~o~th~~~C_~asL 150 feet to-a point; thence at right angles and parallel to the cen=ter line of W'ni te Oaks Avenue North 00 05 Q \vest 65 fee"1:; to the Southwest corner of the forementioned Sargent parcel; thence North ~90 550 East alov~ the Southerly line thereof~ and its Easterly prolongation, 150 feet to tha point of beginning0 tmd being a part of the 11074 acre tract of land conveyed by Robert Dunn9 at UX~ to Harry Fm Evans by Deed recorded November 19 1919 in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, Sate of California 'i\ ~b ~ v V .. \\ \ i i' . , , '1'\' cY \. , , l" \ , " RESOLUTION NO. 1378 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF WALKER AGREEMENT, WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of City of Campbel I by ROBERT Ro WALKER a proposed agreement in comp]i..nc~ \'1ith I'SII Approval conditions, and, WHEREAS, the City En9ine~r has recommended its execution and the City Attorney has approved the same. NOW, THERE FORE, BE 1 T RESOLVED by the City Counc i I that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of City of Campbell. PASSED AND P,DOPTED this 11th day of September, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen; Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, Weitzel, Llco NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ) /. . ~) --~/::<~ . '; ,~ Peter B. Lico, Mayor ATTEST: ._~j", / / -__'~'~' ,.- ~~ It ~ <.::" ~w'(. ~ L--~,," Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk t( ~~ CITY or CAMPBELL, 'CALlIOUIA 75 NOIl'rtt CIR'l'IAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALlPOUIA tis" APPROVAL 1."ItE A'nACBID PLANS, SUBMITrED BY 1\0811.T WAL1(D., POI. "s" APftOVAL. WDE APPROVED AT A UCULAll MDTDfG OF TIlE CAMPBELL PLANNING CCHIlSSION HiLD ON '1'H 7th DAY or JULY, 1959, SUBJECT TO 'l'IIE lOLLOIfIHG CO_InOHS: 1. 'lbe dev.loper to enter into a writt.n aar....nt with the City of Camtbell cODvering such _tter. .. the latter may require. sa1d agre.....t to :l.nclucle the following: A. 'lb. developer dedicate and fully improve a at.aDdard :Lndustrial balf stre.t fronUna th:Ls property .a 800D .a the Clty Council decld.. it i. f...1ble to do so. CAMPBELL PLADING COMMISSION . ,'\ ~, BY "dO'. ' / ')~ .../,- if:" .~.../,,- DorothytJ:evetbaD. City Clerk-Secretary July'. 1959 CITY COUNCIL "d -' / I r { Dorothy ,~v.than. July 13; ,1959 T-~---- / City Clerk eta '\i \ '.1 CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE 1 \~\I ,'1, , 'de , II S" APPROVAL THE ATTACHED PLANS, SUBMITTED BY ROBERT ll. WALKER, FOR "s" APPROVAL, WERE APPROVED AT A REGtJLA.R MEETING OF THE CAMPBELL PLANNING C<lMISSlON HELD ON THE 19th I>>.Y OF MAY, 1959, SUBJECT TO THE P'OL'lmING CONDITIONS: 1. The developer to enter into a written agreement with the the City Council covering such matters as the latter may require. Said agreement to include the following: a. The developer dedicate and fully improve a standard industrial half street fronting this property as soon as the City Council decides it is feasible to do so. CAMPBEIJ.. PLANNING CCJotMISSION By: CITY COUNCIL / By:' "., --;/ ~rothyi~tvethan, City Clerk Date:-} U/Ji V I ! / ...'.' 'i / / I II. : ~., ........... .-... . ... '~I j i CONDITIONS o~ APPROVAL ATTACHED TO PLANS OF R. R. WALKER JR. FOR APPROVAL OF OMMSRCIAL 8UILDING TO SE LOCATED AT 861 CAMDEN AVENUE AS REQUIRED Y C~'8ELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY1171962: i 1[. I Applicant to agree to enter into a local improvement district for the installation of water mains. ~~ ~~