870 Camden Avenue PM 74-11 )>- 62 71 53 .Ii ..3 COpy f; ~O,...~ 1 I j j : ~ JJ\.. ''':. b~ln~ ~e.\d ~ ~() {~o..+ ~~~e::. <2,O..~W\Q;~+~ ~ be. o-'oa.,^dOV\~ o.~ "'o~ ~ko"U~ v-~'" IV'P-f> r L c..\J +Dzc.. I J i I I r , l PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ovember 20. 1974 Urandenburg. 6taedler & Moore 690 Saratoga Avenu6 San Jose. CA 95129 At ten tion: Mr. Moore Proposed qu1~clnim of pr~ E eagement, our file 645 Q 74.11.5 Ceo. tlemen: We are now processing a quitclaim in your favor. of nn existing easement which encu~oT8 the parcel of l.snd referred to &a APN- 413-01-8 and 31. When all pert1n&nt information is a8Beu~led. we will forward it to our company officials for approval, wi th our reccrl\.~eIlda tion that the quitclaim be granted. Should you bave any questions regardin~ this matter, please feal free to contact Mr. Charles T. Youn19, of my office, at 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevo!\t'd, Cupertino, CA 95014. or you may telephone hi~ at 2S3-20l0. extension 26. Sincerely. f{~w~ H. C. Weavill Division Land Supervisor CTY ounis Ueh ce: Mr. Mike McDowell c/o Vau~n Shahinian Associates 1287 North Lawrence Station Road Sunnyvale. CA 94086 " Sanla Clara Valle~ Waler Oislricl 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 April 2, 1974 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works City of Ca mpbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Lawrence Versaw Dear Mr. Wren: Reference is made to the tentative parcel map for lands of Brandenburg, Staedler and Moore adjacent to Los Gatos Creek, sent to us for comments or suggestions on March 19. The plat submitted by the developer on February 22, for conveyance of additional right of way to the District as requested in our letter of December 12, 1973, does not contain adequate area to contain the existing channel bank at the southerly end of the 4-foot strip to be granted by our District. The enclosed marked plat shows the top of creek bank and the additional right of way required. A revised plat and description are being prepared by our Real Estate Division and will be sent to the developer for his information when completed. The final right of way (after deed exchanges) is to be shown on the recorded parcel map and all subsequent plans. Questions relative to the corrected plat and dedication procedures may be directed to Mr. Donald Lawrie of our Real Estate Division. The comments contained in our letter of December 12, 1972, concerning adjacent site grading, fencing, etc. I still apply (copy enclosed) . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Mr. William G. Wren -2- April 2, 1974 Any questions regarding our comments exclusive of right of way should be directed to Mr. Eugene Sullivan at extension 257. Sincerely yours, fI1/~n\ e, ~J/ Malcolm E. Burns Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosures: (2) 8-1/2" x 11" letter (1) 8-1/2" x 11" plat cc: Shahinian & Associates (with enclosures) 1287 North Lawrence Station Road Sunnyvale, California 94086 '51 -- , I I I /e1/o:;;Ar~;-dC'c-ks oddd~o"'a/ . Iii 7 ! Slope case",,~,,1- re'fUlr;';'"t I ~' 1:'1 L Po,>> v.JE'S"~r-_~ _ Gr-ovt51l___ J ~ .,z>;J j'f:l ~I I"" -",: 'j r '~'/ . , u ....-1_ ~ I :( IN:~ 1 1'1 ," -"-i A,' '1 ;J I .~ P4/r?c.~ E L "L' J'. I, . ; . ' N /"- ~'\ l' '\ '-0'. I'" ".~ ' '\ l~ /6.685 /c. /'1: / ;.; "/,i?J ":i.. I,' (.~ I ,/ / -, I 0 ~{.<n ,'1/ / V--7); 'Z.J.' ra :, 845;-// 1 , :"'J \1 . '" J.- ~''''89a4.JE ~1i/7~i&5 ......'\... / ~v / '-;;?;;;;"",.....~'<i".--={...~,.. -"'--. ~ ~..J".1.. '\ ' ;:,...... 4/~9-' J"" / / ;/ ., ~ / ' . - iL 'D I .J I", / 'I');' r: -/ h I,,, '. ~~ I 1)1"":\' / N89"43'w ( /.)1 OJ .----r~r-=~ / N ~'/ / ,,' ,-,' I ~ -....... .) J ~ /J ,L/y,:..' (' [L hi. j ).. l rl 0 ")88 /' ".j '~'/I' t\1,'. .i' J~. t !~ . . .:.. 1-' ,,' . 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I...~!,.-~ '""i,f 5 (.;., r: ,/ f') / \\ " , ..... / \. .--. b" (f. ;1 .)t," ~ .'): . ;;-" I; ,\ / .... .."":. -~...~....__~//I/ r)' J~'~ j' '- . :!-/-\ / ........,/ ~ '- ...... '-. ! I . I / fi ;1'- /\., / / , ! /:;::. ......-, /-"")- ~-) , .-...., P.M. 74-11 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF BRANDENBURG, STAEDLER AND MOORE. 870 CAMDEN AVENUE, APN 413-1-8 & 37 1. Final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON MAY 2, 1974 a ~ // . /? /.~/ 'f{~ d~ j // /~_~/!~~ Arthur A. Kee, PI anni ng' Director THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE PBELL ON MAY 2 1974 .'