920 Camden Avenue S68-41 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 1) L ~ NAME Z dL~ ~ . 'DDR'" 4:!:;j ~ FO~ :;~?-t<t!c-~;'Z- ?~!O~ ..Pf - ?J' ~"~.J- <-L REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ C (, FUND NUMBER (?_ d y~ () ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 13-69 017 ****380.00 MAR 13-69 66 one ***380.00 9330 ~-zf~7 Ihank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ~s CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY ~()V ( 3 :; GRANT DEED WE, BARRETT LITTLE JR. and MARJORIE A. LITTLE, his wife, do hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, state of California, for street purposes and to became a portion of Camden Avenue, all that certain real property situate within said City and being more particularly described as followst BEGINNING at a point on the east line of Camden Avenue, formerly Old santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, said point also being the north- westerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to BARRETT LITTLE JR. and MARJORIE A. LITTLE, his wife, by that certain Individual Joint Tenancy Deed recorded August 8, 1968 and filed in Book 8219 of Official Records at Page 551 in the office of the County Recorder, ~aid County of Banta Clarai THENCE, along the northerly line of said Little parcel of land, South 890 43' East 5.00 feet to the intersection with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of said Camden Avenuei THENCE, South 100.00 feet along said parallel line to 'the intersection with the southerly line of said Little's parcel of land; 'raENCE, along said southerly line l.'1orth 890 43' vJest 5.00 feet to the intersection with said easterly line of Camden Avenue: THENCE, North 100.00 feet along said easterly line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. BEING a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35 Township 7 South Range 1 west, M.D.B. and M., and containing 500 square feet, more or less. .LLIN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have placed our names this 2 l( ~v ,l , 196~. ( day of , /iI; /J~ -1/ .... .' .11/ l.~P&:./?fr:.. -' t.fo - Barrett Little Jr. I ~7 '/1.7 a/L1~ (I ';;('-:-LL<!~_ MarjoriePA. Little (Notary Certificate) .~ SlATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF f2-i- C ( ~...-a.. ~ SS. ON 4:: c before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public /1d Hi- f-f- L,1-fIL ~ r //'fc" /() I/C- ".q / :L. ~ 6"Q _ ,19~, in and for said State, personally appeared t. I 1-1- It, . , known to me, to be the personS- whose namL ct.A-L subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that Lhe-l executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,,;;::. " ~ . <---_ kW ~~ RALPH KLINDT. Notary Public - Cat. ~ txLfEIL.2.UW - SANTA CLARA CO. E..ax~iJU:UU.IUNXf,W Las Gatas. Calif. Notary Pulfllt"IIPlifr/f1b'r''sai'd'State. ACKNOWLEDGMENT-General-Wolcotts Form 233-Rev. 3-64 ~_...:S:.~~E. -.---------- .."-, ~ "--'-'~',;'~ ':', "0.;' -..' ',"--"'-~--"""""';'--'-----------"---~. .. .. _0 _ .... ._ ._., .... .." n --d ~ ~j c::~ ~j ~ ~1 ~ G ~ ~ "J2 o Z5' ~ ..... ~ ~ .2" > ~ C::E ~J \:)v E (3 n" ~)".\(j; ~ 'v '\ r:t o~ Q-.<(KJ' o. . ~C\.((:) P.:> v~.... ?J'D- #' 7.00' N 890 43' W LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dt': ey ~ Dee)'~68 Ck.By ~AG Dec.) I~ JI:~~Land to be granted to City cw.a::. "o.o~_at SCALE: I ": 20' '._ Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California i i i I ! , /.1'" i CHHj \) \\ \ ~ \\\ ,~ <....;: L~ ~ "''' ~ c, i I ~ ~\ ~ ~ "'{ \\\ \,\ \\ \ \\- \', \ \\ \\'\ ' " \ " "" t ~ .~ ~ .~ \ I ~/" -/sr' .II.c./P I -- ~ , ~ , i \(]\ ! CJd- , , Q (; ~. \\t f'\ u l-l \~~ ~ .... I :<oj ~, ~I ~ 5' ,{; /'Ii I I! / . n y/ t:: I" (' G V I' ~ n: /" 1; fJJ ~ ;,q.. c- CII'/ J',,{. ~~ ..,..~ ~ ) e , ,/ /DtT'.7,"'t:MP -'" - 'RO.Il! I.IN~ ..<::,.....--. . 7iJI II; .kJ ~ ;:5~,af ;-..t ~ /2!hu s-:) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CDURAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: June 18, 1968 CONDITIONS ATTACIIED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF _"--_ _ ~rrett Little, ~ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Auto Body Shop TO BE LOCATED. AT: 920 Camden AVenue CONDITIONS: conditions attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such CJpproval is obtained by maki.ng 'Hi tten application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY nIE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~I{vlISSION AT A REGULAR MEETE:C; IIELD ON TilE -If.th---- DAY OF -June, lQ68 CITY OF CAtvlPBELL PLANNING COrvl~!ISSION cc: Enlineering D.pt.~- //1 ~ Brf1;rlix~~iin~cretary GERALD P. SCOTT 1. Property to he fenced and landscaped as indir-ted on plans. 2. Landscape plan inu~cating type of plant mateLLal) location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final buildilig department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wallar fence shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 5. Split shake roof not permitted. Construction to be Class "B" roof with materi~l subject to approval of city staff. 6. Topography map to be presented for staff approval and if necessary, the rear of this property shall be filled in to a level grade and a retainer wall to be constructed to Building Official specifications. 7. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 8. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal. Code. . 9. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 10. Sign application to be submitted In accordance with provisions "S'I 68-41 Barrett Little, Jr. Page Two. of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approvel} and permit issued by the building department< 11. Applicant to enter into agreement for street improvements on Camden Avenue. 12. Applicant to dcdicate to 60 foot right of way all Camdcn Avenue. )3. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $380.00. The applicant is notifjed that he shall co;nply with all applicable Codes or Ordin::mces of the Ci ty of Campbell which nertain to this I" - ----"-.-.----------".. I I --_.__._--~_._,.._,.._- -. _. _ '_h. ,,~ _ .... __,,__... _""'0 ..... _.. "._, _. .'.. VALLEY TITLE COMPANY _x SAN JO,..E - 292"7150 ~A NORTH FIRST STREET PALO Al.TO - J26-7ftc);' _ till; RAMONA STlnET WESTGATE - 3790422 _"'960 HAMILTON AVENUE CUPERTINO - 253.71130 _IOIIJ S. SAAATOGA"SUNNYVALE: 1'10. WEST VALLEY - 243.42119 - 3215 <;T!:VENS CREEK BLVD.. SAN JOSE WILLOW GLEN - 297"824'" - 10811 LINCOLN AVENUE. SAN JOSE SUNNYVALE - 24!l"0240 _247 SO MATHILDA AVE. Application No. ALUM ROCK - 2~le!lOO _ 3103 ALUM I'IOCK AVENUE: MOUNTAIN VIEW. 9118.4"'27 _liD!! CASTRO STAEET 132977-A #' PRELIMINARY REPORT for a policy of title insurance to be issued by Security Title Insurance Company NO LIABILITY HEREUNDER V A Ll E Y TI T lEe 0 M PAN Y . a corporation, hereby reports that title to the land hereinafter described is on April 29, 1968 at 8:00 a. m. vested in: BARRETT LITTLE JR. , a married man as his sole and separate property SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1966-1967 a lien, but not yet due or payable. 2. Rights conveyed by John Goldsworthy, et aI, to San Jose Water Company, a corporation, by Deed dated September 30, 1869 and recorded May 25, 1870 in Book 18 of Deeds, page 88, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 3. Easements and water rights, as granted by George W. Page, et ux, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, a water conservation district, by instrument dated December 17, 1935 and recorded January 16, 1936 in Book 757 of Official Records, page 183, Santa Clara County Records, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 4. The right and privilege of erecting, maintaining and using, for the transmission and distribution of electricity, and for all purposes connected therewith, a single line of poles and such wires as second party shall from time to time suspend therefrom, an all necessary and proper guys, cross-arms and braces and other fixtures for use in connection therewith, and also a right of way therefor as granted by Geo. W. Page, et ux, to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation, by instrument dated June 1, 1939 and recorded July 28, 1939 in Book 944 of Official Records, page 204, Santa Clara County Records, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 5. An easement for storm sewer purposes along Southerly 10 feet of the herein described premises, as granted by Anthony Messineo, et ux, to City Title Insurance Company, a California corporation, by instrument dated June 14, 1957 and recorded (Cont'd on next paqe) BLC/hk 132977-A Page 2 December 5, 1957 in Book 3953 of Official Records, page 332, Santa Clara County Records. 6. Deed of Trust dated Aprilll, 1966 and recorded April 13, 1966 in Book 7345 of Official Records, page 429, executed by Barrett Little, Jr., a married m~, as his separate property, as Trustor to Valley Title Company, a corporation, as Trustee and Carl Marchese, as Beneficiary to secure payment of $16,500.00 and other sums as therein provided. 7. Deed of Trust dated Aprilll, 1966 and recorded April 13, 1966 in Book 7345 of Official Records, page 430, executed by Barrett Little, Jr., a married man, as Trustor to Valley Title Company, a corporation, as Trustee and Paul Hayes Rossetti, as Beneficiary to secure payment of $637.41 and other sums as therein provid'ed. NOTE 1: Taxes for the fiscal year 1965-1966 have been paid. Receipt No. 413-1-6. Code area 10-013. (Assessed with other property) First installment $491. 03 $491.103 Second installment .. NOTE 2: This Report includes a report on Municipal Taxes and Liens of the City of Campbell. NOT E 3: The premises 11e within the bounds. of County Sanitation District No.4. DESCRIPTION All that certain.parcel of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: . ,J ~.~. (Cont'd on next paqe) " l32977-A Page 3 BEGlliNING at a point on the East line of the Old Santa Clara & Los Gatos Road, distant thereon 400 feet North from the point of intersection of the East line of the Old Santa Clara & Los Gatos Road with the center line of the Casey Road; thence running North am along the East-line of the Old Santa Clara & Los Gatos Road 100.00 feet; thence running S. 89043' E. and parallel with ,. the center line of the Casey Road, 220 feet; thence running South and IRrallel with the East line of the Old Santa Clara & Los Gatos Road 100.00 feet to a 3/4" pipe; thence running N. 89043' W. and parallel with the center line of the Casey Road, 220 feet to the point of beq1nn1nq. Being a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35 Township 7 Southt Ranqe 1 West, M. D. B. &M. '--'7 ~\: I \ \1 I I \ I I I" ; I : I ' I '/ <l I I t \~ \i. ~ ". /\ .~ /~ \\. - \'.' ~ ~l \ /V)/~ 0' ~I to) ! "i ) I J ;.> " <1/3-/ i};~ C'..-L" Y.3 ---.......- ~ \ .' ~ .;.~, d' t .", " , 'f ' J! ~) .l' ....- .....A r ~\ I I ;J ~ *' ,. ~ ,cO ,~ ..,J ~~ I I ( / .' '. ~~t 'a" 1lt e~~' '6 "6 oJ ~ .~\ .,. '" ~ t>. . .~ fA -:.. do , -:;.-c:os;.6J6J<l Ai '0 C). s:, "!! \ o/! OJ _ ... ~~~"6'.. .v~~~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ t ~ ~ . e p <l '~ ~ '\ "'& 1%....~~~ ~ :;7; ~ ~ : ~ l(,<E,;,*~~ ~~ 5 '"t> t ~ t. "'~~~[)\ ~<)~'j\~ ~ to ~~ ~ t-c....~~t ","'~~"" ~~~ \ (:\ If' c:n ~ Q z ~ w.'-i. i ~. I ~ c..) , '" ~ ~ \!) " ~.. (~ -'. ~ .,l ~ >iJ ~ /'\ ,. -, ~'j) '0 oJ'I o ~ ~ , @ { '7 \J w 0:- ~ \J \- J o ex. ...... "'- ....... ...... ....... .......