1210 Camden Avenue S63-63 -- I INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RELEASE FROM: TO~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: If /:/ ~ __5-L. b J ::c. 3 (Subject) ~/~r; &vet"n1~ ( OJ'mer r's Name) / Z/I? ~/'I atf? k (Address of Property) The following conditicns of approval on subje~t property are rccanmended to be complieo with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. _~c eAF?7dt5c~,,~ ~re c>~~ _..__...---._------~._--~_._-~..._-- -- -,._-~~._..__.._-- ._-------_.~'_._.._.~.~.~--~- ,----..--.-- __4.__..._._,____._".__.......___~_____,..~..._.___._..._..4___M __~.A_______-_-.--.-_. CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT /11 l"--- //- 0 rr - ~ --;r-- RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (- Name \ :t~<::d, 19h i /:;;< / tJ @;~~c'&~ ___ /~, C--- I -:a-1, / 'ftc:.- / -~/-. Date Addres~ RECEIVED Dollars ,::::?~/c~r t!.-JC' Cents wjy F~ CHECK ~ I CASH I NO. I FOR c[;/'<~/'J<.//f'/.3.. t!..' -- / CY-//I-l~l/ /t~tt:-~" '.~1.,,:,- ....'-- ...-- .t-I%'b Fund_~___ 7069 ClTY CLERK By GRANT DUD WE, REED and GERALDINE F. SURBBR, husband and wife, and VIRGIL H. and BaTTY C. GREENLEY, husband and wife, hereby grant to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, for street purposes, all that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: \ .'i \,', lX.\trn, . ,L \iJ 1')' \, I . \ . ,~. ". 1.\ \\~l- ~j\Y 'v ~ ~\ U' COMMENCING at a 3/4" iron pipe on the northeasterly line of the right of way formerly of the Almaden Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, distant thereon, N. 450 02' w., 80.91 feet from the most southerly corner of that certain 2.~13 acre tract of land conveyed to Dora I. Finnemore by deed recorded January 30, 1940 in Book 969, at Page 301, Official Records in the office of the Recorder of the County of santa Clara, State of California: THENCE, N. 450 02' W., 83.71 feet along said northeasterly line to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCB, N. 370 32' 58" w., 99.63 feet along the northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded June 14, 1956 in Book 3523, at Page 118, Official Records, aaid County of santa Clara~ THENCE, N. 190 29' E., 18.85 feet along the north-.sterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Monroe R. and Beatrice Edmonds, by deed recorded in BoOk 1322, at Page 5, Official Records, 8aid County of Santa Clara, to a line Which i8 parallel with and 60.00 feet measured at a right angle, northeasterly of the center line of Camden Aven..: THENCE, s. 450 02' E., 92.60 feet along said parallel line to the northwesterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to M. R. Asabez by deed recorded in Book 1659, at Page 389, Official Records, said County of Santa Clara: THENCE, S. 190 29' W., 33.23 feet along said northwesterly line of Aaabez to the Point of Beginning, and containing 0.05 acr.., more or less, and being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 2 T. 8 S. R. 1 w., M.D.B. & H. IN WITNESS WHBRBOP, we have ~ ' 19(,v of (Notary Certificates) &i:... placed our names this 3d day ~/Ac~'&~ Reed Surber rg 1 . Greenley I j3.,~, C. .;j~v ~~>-1LF Betty C Greenley .....__.__C"::::-~~-~:~:;:;~m_m_m__ }u. On thjs.......}9..~~....m.......day of-......~.P..:.~.~.........................m......._...in the year one thousand nine hundred and.___..........~.~~.~?:!.?.~.:............. before me, .......................---~.~E.~.~.::.~.~.~.~....~.~.~.~X........m.....................................................__.___, a Notary Public in and for the......__..................................___. County of-m__..m~~~.~~...~.~~::.~....._____....m..............mm..' State of California, duly commissioned and ~tlorn, personally ap peared....R~~!;L.$.).u.:QsU.:......ge..x:g.ld.i.mLf.......S.JJJ:b.e.t:................ .................Y..ir.g.i.l...H~....G.r.e.e.nle.y....and...B.e..tt.Y-...CA....G:x:e.e.nle-Y..................................... .~u...._....n.U...___...n......_.._.....h____.____________....._nnud...._.......___n_.___...._....n..__._.........__.....__....._h______n_n............................... known to me to be the person.S..whose name...S...aren.m..subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that....the...Y.executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in thL....m..........................C ounty oj......S.an.t.a....C.l.a.t.:.&l..........._.............the day and year in this certificate first above written. ff'irJcf.rlh7l,0< ~'"''-j CAROL ANNE GEARY .~~~~;;.;~~;~:.:.:~~.~~~.~~~::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::..:::~~:~;..~i:::..:....::.$.:~.i1i~::::g:~:~:r:~::::::::::::=:::::::: Cowdery'. Form No. 32-Acknowledgment-General. .M f' .. t:. j 30 1964 State of California. (c. c. Sec. 1189) 31>319 My Commission Expires.... ~.!.lQmmls.s.IQJl.J.X.P.lrJ1.S.. JUUL.__o.___... county .,--:/,. c:-. / . / /" ,-~A:. ". .. /(';<.{,e.- . 0 ~T-'ci:'~{l'<-l : /, f' <-. II I Liw L9-rr.;Z/1 J SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING CIVIC CENTER 20 WEST HEDDING STREET SAN JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA January 9, 1964 Mr. Myron Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Subject: Route 17 Freeway-San Tomas Interchange Dear Myron: This reply is in regard to your request for future requirements of the Route 17 Freeway-San Tomas inter- change, as it affects the Surber-Greenley zoning application mentioned in your letter dated January 3, 1964. It is suggested that the normal 30' Camden Avenue requirement with no access restrictions would be sufficient to preserve a right of way that will allow the State of California to build an adequate interchange when funds become available. Attached herewith is a portion of a copy of the Division of Highways drawing 2850.0G9A which shows in red pencil those lines necessary for protection of right of way for the future interchange modifications. It appears that the Lockhart parcel will have to be purchased when development is considered. Dedication to the City as outlined together with the present County owned parcels will protect the necessary right of way for future State construction at this location. If we can be of further assistance in this matter, do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, ~ '-T~c:--~,~____._._ '. JAMES T. POTT Acting Director JTP:JLC:nc 1, t l'\ Attachment PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Date JANUARY 22. lq64 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO IISI1 APPROVAL OF PLANS OF SURBER" GRE~NLEY (IISII 1963-63) . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Warehouse & Office Building TO BE LOCATED AT: 1210 Camden Avenue COND IT IONS: L Conformance with Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code, including: a. Dedication to 120 foot plan line on Camden Avenue b. Street Improvements, including curb" gutter and paving throughout frontage on Camden Avenue. c. Faithful Performance Bond in amount of $2.500.00 d. Storm Drain Fee In amount of $275.00 / I I / ,:'-'. c::~, ,-00\ '''--.- Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 21st DAY OF JANUARY. 1964 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: /' .L' amson, Secretary Description of property at 135 Camden Avenue... Camobell, California on 1dhich Application for "s" Approval is being filed by Reed Surber and Virgil H. Gt"een1ey "Beginning :at a 3/4" iron pipe set on the Northeastern line of the right of way of the Almaden Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, distant thereon North 450 02'W'est 164.62 feet from the point of inter!ection thereof with the Southeastern line of the 20 acre tract described in the Deed from I. p. Seal to W. Finnemore... dated and recorded July 11, 19l2 in Book 390 of Deeds, page 7, Santa Clara Cotmty Records; running thenee along the Northeastern line of said right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, North 450 02' West 92.6 fe~t to a 3/4" iron pipe; thence North 190 29' l':ast 185.77 fe""t to a. 3/4" iron pipe; thence South 890 42' East. 88.5 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe; thence South 190 29' 'West 254.74 feet to the point of beginning. Containing approximately 0.423 acres and being situate in the North- .'lest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 8 South Range 1 West, l-i.D.B. & lti. EXCEPTING THER8FROM so much thereof as described in the Deed from Monroe R. Edmonds and Beatrice Edmonds, husband and wife, to the State of California, dated April 25. 1956 and recorded Juae 14, 1956 in Book 3523 of Offieial Records. page lIB. as follows: Commencing at the most 5outher1y corner of that certain parcel or land conveyed to Monroe R. Edmonds, et~ux, by Deed recorded December 4, 1945 in Book 1322 at page 5, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the South\'lesterly line thereof, North 440 3B' 36",~eBt, 92.60 fe",t to the Westerly line of saic pa~cel; tnence along last said line North 190 52' 24" J::;ast, 14.38 feet; thence South 370 09' 3411 East, 99.63 f~~t to the point of crnmneneement. Containing 0.014 of an acre, more or leea. The bearings and dista.ncee used in the libove descripeioA ar~ on the California Co.rdinat~ System, Zone 3." "'.'.,',' "/,, ''"I,'' . .' . "">'/'~ . . ''-;' '. . - , . . . ' . . . . " / ~. -h I ( -...J 'T. " ~ :J .... ...... >< ~.' ('\ ~ \. f)-, ":"1.'. .l;- -; ~- <: 1'J · '= 1\;. ,.( rt- X __ <: i f'... '(.~ ~. ~.' t " <::t'l ~, .'~ / '"" ...... ....... :--'17, c....-. ~^(l I' 1~t4 . .JCvt:.q 5' June 15, 1965 JIr. ...a surber 1210 CUl4en Avenue CalDpbell, california Dear Sirl In referenc. to our recent. d1.c:u...1on. r89U' DCJ your reque.t. for a ..41aa open1D9 through the pa t..d .tripe. in front. of your propert.y at. 1210 CUl4en ~nue, pl.... be adv1.ea that. I have con.1der.d the requ .t and fe.l obl1Ve4 t.o deny it.. It. would appear, fr_ lIlY ob.ervat.1on., that. open1Dg' 1ft th1. 10cat.1on would 1rl41c:at.. the City' 8 aanct. n of a hazardous and oft.-t.J.aes iIIpos.1ble moveaent. scros large vol... of thro\l9b traff1o. The proxia1ty of the 819nal1zed int..rsect1on t.o t.he we.t. Gef'Ja. furth..~ arv-aent a ain.t th18 open1DCJ in that u ...t.-bound veh1ol. 4e.ir1 acc.s. t.o your property du'1nC) b19b-voluae periods -.:Mald conceivably bloc::k traffic 80 as to bac::k up throuC)h tile s1vnal . Thes. points, r89retfully, would appear t.o j st1fy ay denial of your r.que.t.,and I Bl\l8t. _..t. that the next a.a11able ..41an open1n9 to the ..st. OIl Clladen Av ue be con.1dered t.urn-around aoces. t.o the propert.y in .st1on. Sincerely your., Wi111aa G. "en, Act.1n9 Cit.y JInCJ 1<<IWu:b CC I Police Chief ;;7 .---- /' t , . V A{ ; ~ r:(.~~/" 5"" June 15, 1965 JIr. Ba" surber 1210 Cul4en Avenue C81DplMall, C&l1fonia Dear aJ.r I It c:an be as.~, tw:'ther, 'that. the reeerve right. of way can be considered a. pr1ftu dz'1vewa t.o the propert.1es lDvolve4 dur1.ng' the 1nt.erim per actual con81:ruct1on of tJae et:reet. '1'l\at constru be accalllpl1shecl by the atate and/or Co1mt.y a,enc1 part of the ult.1Ut.e lIOdern1aat1on of the c....n Bout.e 17 int.erchange. is In reference ~ the california D1v1.1on of sketch shoving a proposed realignment. of the acee bet.ween CUlden Avenue an4 Ca.ey ..4 a4jacent. to Route 17 freeway, the follow.1n9 point of lnformat offered a Any application for 1N1ldin9 pera1t., u.e which concern. t.ho.. properties front1Dg Caladen A: the north side betwen JUzk Ditch and the Route 1 may be proce...4 by t.h1s office will 1Ilvolve a re that the real19Ded r19ht. of way be reSU'Vea for street construction only. It will not. be the 1nt. office to requJ.re any such construction as a cond a bu1ld~ application. t etc., \Ie on on ramp which .t.r...nt ure t of this ion of Sincerely yours, W1l11aa 0. wren, Acting Cit.y BR91n "I cb cc. Plann1.ng' Director