Tract 2940 - 1961 NOTICE .Qf COMPLETION --888 ~ ~2cR~ O c \c~ .3 \__31~~ NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL, as OWNER and MYRON D.. HAw"K the undersigned, as City Engineer caused AuhniviAinn improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said Anbtlivhainn improvements 2Ri-h day of That the said owner is was actually accepted Janu~ry name of the subdivider on the , 19.QL.. for Above space for Recorder T.rr.F.. ST~nt '" C"nrpnr"t: i nn That the nature of title of said city to said subdiviRion i~rnVAmAn~A is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision imprnv~AnT~ are located is situated in the City of c~pbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, and described as follows: Tract No. 2940, Cameo Lane and having the' following address: Dated January 29 , 19....2L. \\\ \. t,. \" "-.\) l \"-\ ~. L. Myron D. Hawk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA } Myron D. Hawk being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice: that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof, and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. \\\ T'\;f'- '0 /1u ,{ said County of California. RESOLUTION NO. / 1-41 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 2940, CAMEO LANE, AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the city Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 2940, Cameo Lane, have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into October 9, 1961, concerning said Tract; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 2940, Cameo Lane, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .~~day of \. J ~---- ----. , 1963, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Peter B. Lico, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone 378-2407 December 3l, 1962 City Council City of Campbell 75 North Central Campbell, California Re: Tract No. 2940 Cameo Lane Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract has been installed, inspected and tested and found acceptable to this District. Upon transfer of title, the system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer By L. E. Weaver Ass't. Civil Engineer LEW:bw CC: LeeStad Corporation December 7. 1962 ~~~lnral :i,::)using -"dnlin1atratlon 30 Van ~e8S Avenue San rranci.co 2, California Gent.l..lIitn~ Th'_~ sub::Uvi~er :)f Trac.t 'lo. 241 ~~, Cml'iuO !,ane. has compl1.rl 'Nitn all the::,'! '\lb"a.tt.~ntB,t the :::1 ty ,:)f Campo!:? 11 sub~iviaion ordinance which includes dedication ?f ~tre9t. ~~d right. of way. There will b~ no ch~rg~s or aasassaents l.,vle,J on t;'he pr~::'ty O'IJl'nf.trs "'Y t.h'~ City!:)! Campbell f..,.c t..'1/;! 1.'1!i':,:ov..ents ~H! cov"tr~1 in t.h.e pla~s ~nj :tpeclfic3ti:>ns. All surfa~e an1 suh-surfacetmprovements, including concret.e curbs, tut.tera and . ldt!twalks, atreet pav1ng. street l19nt1ng, stocro .nd sanitary sewer~ have be~n inetalled an~ are in servl~~ thr~jqh?ut the tr~ct. The subdivider, under. cont:::"l!!ct ....1th the city "t Ca!nlinel t, il!i '=0vered by Bond l"? to! 289603, !nlS'J~l9.nce Inrt"Dln1ty C~any of Noeth An1tr1ca. in the eao\lnt of $21,00Q.00 which 18 lOt'% of the ..~tNat. of ~royemen~s. ShQUld the .~1v1d~r fail ~o compl~t. these imprOYGment8. it be~~es the obligation of the bonding corapany, wnen 80 ordered by tha City Council. It 18 expected that thP.l 1JRpr~n'f;.8 w1l1 be a ccept.e,) f"r' (:f)ntlnu01I8 naaintenance by the City of Campbell in th4 near futu.t-'~. pending final inspection and accept~nce by the Clty Counci 1. Very truly youx., \\t\ \ \ \.","' () j\" ~ L ~on D. Hawk, city i!n91n..r M:)I1:cb I~ t).~{~ (~) S:J~I ------~ DM_r.r 12. 1161 v.tee..'. ~1Oa 4i I'ow:tk aueet _ ftuc:1_ 3~; c:a11ton.1a Pa4u'al JlQaa1at A4ftlraf.,ab'at1oD 10 ....... ....... __ rrucs.aoo 2. Ca1UenlU ...t~_l eva:rBC:'l'1 ftact lit. 2940. ,.. lflIfG r.ae 'l'b..... 1. u> .....tae tlaat. Ule Cit.y couaclJ. of 'the City of ell......11 pu.-1 _l.'tJ.oft Ho. 1231 oa OCtobw 9. 1961. aecept1Dg 'the fJ.Dal... ,. the .1ibJ~ U&c:t. A4equt.e qre"Il"u amd laoD4a ha". bee. '1184 to tanre t.be COAatr,,~1_ of Ulproy_ta .t.aol\lClliD9 aUMU (w1tb. appropriate atr..t lipUng). .t.ona aa4 aaalt.uy ......, and. _t.c' tiab:U1ut:1OD ay.ua. ~1oA ~ ut-l1lt.,- ......1CU 1DCl\ld1a9 elact.1:'1c poww, gut ad toel......... 18 ....eel. UpQD aat1afact.ol:y CGItPletJ..oD of palie JJDprOY....U, th1. work v111 _ accept.e4 aDd ......t.1y II&1ata1aN ~ ~ Cit.y. .. area. be1l&9 V1tAJ.n the COQOna. lJ.a1ta of the City of C""pbell ,,111 M a1for4e4 poll~ ;:.and fir. protect.101l 1ty tJae r....ct.ly. C1t.y ~t.a aDd .u'ba9. cU..po..1 _ th. ....... __t' curet. C1q- CORuact.. 81Dcer.ly J'GW:'a, JID.OIf .0._-' ern ..uaa \~H 1GW:. cD By W1111_ G. we8ll, Aa81aUAt. C1t.y ..1ft... CC4 "... Couu\lCt.10Jl Co. At.t:aJ <:barl.. ...t.t'.1. (2) city Manager (,,/, / COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COU NTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Ave. P.O., Box 535 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 ") Ii '" 1./ /'f <::/ ]/I,J.X ' c' ~ ~ ./ I' November 2l, 1961 City of Campbell City Engineer 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, California Re: Tract 2940 Cameo Lane Dear Sir: The underground portion of the sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract has been installed and tested. No work remains that should interfere with paving operations. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman District Manager .<(', -~.. By L. E. Weaver Ass't Civil Engineer LEW:bw '-r / ,l/ (.) /S-L~f!d', ^(.F-C _ .' SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT \ DONALD K. CURRLIN MANAGIlR . COUNall1. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING GEORGE H. PRIME SUPERVISING ENGINEER .v ~J / 70 VVest Rosa Street San Jose 10. California CYpress 9-2031 November ), 1961 1 ^ ~ 'L l- \ file: NC 20 020 Right (}f .Way Dedica ti on _~Tract 29'40') ~aa Corporation City Clerk City of Campbell City Hall Campbell, California Dear Sir: Please be advised that the above applicant has met the right of way requirements of this District. Very truly yours, /I / !:elf /j' / , /. \ (', / / / _ ct{N~A-(. '- ./:~,-:Il--' EmHN Co MEYER .' U' Senior Right of Way Agent EC:rvJ:nm c.c. Eugene Sullivan c.c. Joe Sweany /crt (;;)) S'~/ ...- october 23, 1901 santa Clara County Loard of Supervisors 20 west Rosa ~treet San Jose, california ATTENTION: .U:s. ~ullan, Clerk ])ear ~!I'B < Pallar;.: Boara approval 1.6 hereby requester.i ior the energizing of electroliers in Tract NO. 2940, C~neo Lane, on Hazelwood Avenue LJetween Craig- anu Virgl.nia ;\Venu.~s in the City of Campbell. The l.nstallation COnSl.stb of three, 4,000 lumen incanaescent eJ.ectrolie.cs,v.?OOU poles, anG. lies in the Aquino Park light ing distr ict. ...~nergy ':Obt iE estimatea at $121.00 per year. Approval is also requested for upgrading a~ existing 10,000 lumen incandescent electrolie~ on the south side of campbell lvenue, directly opposite Poplar Avenue to 400 Watt Mercury Vapor. '.rhis installation lies within the Carnpbell lighting district and J.l1volves an energy cost differential of $22.20 per year. Sincerely yours, NYRON D. Hll,IN'K, CITY E:NGIN'€E:-{ By \'iillianl G. Wren, Assistant City Engineer WOW: cb cc: City Manager / RESOLUTION NO. 1233 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL MAP OF TRACT 2940 CAMEO LANE AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council of City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 2940 Cameo Lane for app rova I; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has signed the map that It con forms; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Campbell that said map be and the same Is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and Improvements shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the agreement for Improvements In the said subdivision on behalf of City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of October, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chappell, Llco, Mayne, Rogers, Weitzel NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED Mayor ATTEST City Clerk By V. M. Sheehy, Deputy CJerk ;t:~O (~) c' /ill ~~u~~ SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 14/ California cy press +=\:8\:8 In reply please refer to September 25, 1961 Mr. Myron Hawk Office of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Subject: Tract #2940 Cameo Lane Dear Mr. Hawk: The Public Utility Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented are adequate and satisfactor,y for the instal- lation of this company's electric distribution facilities. Sincerely, C.E. GINOCHIO DISTIUCT MANAGER l HS:cb cc: TPT&T Co., San Jose, Attn: Plant Engineer Valley Title Co., 38 North First, San Jose George S. Nolte, 4317 El Camino Real, Santa Clara J. tJ[ ~.;>) /1 17 , t-<,J'I' c::1 . I ,-","'- ;.y SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL...... ,,,-~-,.;'" AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT DONALD K. CURRLIN MANAGER. COUN.aL COUNTY AOMINISTRATION BUILOING GEORGE H. PRIME SUPERVISING ENGINEER 70 West Rosa Street San Jose 10. California CYpress 9-2031 October 4, 1961 Mr. George S. Nolte 4317 El Camino Real Santo Clara, Callfornla f!le: Permits N C Zone San Tomas Creek W/lyof V1rgln1a Ave. N/ly of Hazlewood Ave. /c/9): ~. ~ / /1 ~/ r;1et'-?7/ '7d(;,9 ~O(j C&tLJ: /6 1l1// Z 6'( ar.~ cia Ie itlfftv Attention: Mr. Robert C. Falconi Dear Sir: Re: Tract 2940 Cameo Lane Outfall Permit The Improvement Plans for the subject subdivision have been re- vised 88 per the District's letter of September 19, 1961 for Items 1, 2 and 3, and as such are in conformance with the applicable sections of Flood Control Ordinance 59-1, this letter 1s your official encroach- ment permit to construct the outfall according to the typical Storm Drain Outfall DetaU. Kindly notify the District's Inspection Depart- ment, c/o Robert Jarratt, 24 hours in advance of construction. Item 4 of said letter referring to the dedication of San Tomas Creek adjacent to the property has to date never been complied with. As explained to you during our telephone conversation, it is a stan- dard policy of molt of the cities to request that the District send a letter to them stating that all Flood Control requirements have been complied with prior to recordation of the final map. The District does not know if the Clty of Campbell is requiring such a letter at present, but it appears from a telephone conversaUon with one of the City Engineers, that they thought that the channel dedication to the District had already been taken care of by your office. COpy George J. Nolte -2- ()ctober 4, 1961 Pleas. prepare a written legal description for the channel right of way on vellum and send it along with the legal property owner or owners name to the District office. Also have the Title Company send a letter to our office insuring that the property 1s free and clear from encumbrances and wUl remain so for a per10d of two weeks from the Monday closeat to the date of the letter. Very truly yours, GEORGE H. PRIME Supervising Engineer EUGENE H. SULLIVAN '!ttrlj! Asalaumt Civil Engineer GHP:EHS:nm c . c . City of Campbell Attn: Myron Hawks ./ c . c . Robert Jarratt c.c. Edwin C. Meyer f~ oCtJ3! THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Sunnyvale. September 26. 1961 Mr. Carl J. Mortensen City Engineer City of Campbell 4l North Central Avenue Campbell. California Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on ...._.....___ the final copies of the map for Cameo Lane, Tract No. ~ have be~'71c.1) examined by this office. The easements are adequate an tisfacto _____/ to this company. Very truly yours, ~ .c-. /7'1 ( . . "./-- ) ( / '-"'-.,. < '.. -"-- f..dJistrict Plant Engineer / 494 South Bernardo Avenue Sunnyvale. California ,,.~' COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY ,:~~ ". If" )~ '1 r\l 100 East Sunnyoaks Ave. P.O. Box 535 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 September 21, 1961 City Council City of Campbell 'i 5 North Central Campbell, California Re: Tract No. 2940 Cameo Lane Gentlemen.: The plans for the sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract have been approved and a copy is on file in this office. All fees due this District in conjunction with this development have been paid. A bond in the amount of $5,200. has been posted to insure completion of the sanitary sewers. Upon satisfactory completion, the sanitary sewerage system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman District Manager By /P~~~r.)- f_..___' LeRoy E. Weaver Assistant Civil Engineer LEW/ds CC: City Engineer George Nolte ~,~ S'nkS C3) <C GEORGE S. NOLTE, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. 1103 E. E1 Camino Real Sunnyvale, California Sept. 19, 1961 Job No. 774-60 COST ESTIMATE FOR BOND AMOUNT TRACT NO. 2940 - CAMEO LANE Street Work 54,060 sq.ft. Grading within R/W $0.045 ./ $2,432.70 34,530 sq.ft. 6" Base Rock 0.10 r/ 3,453.00 34,530 sq.ft. 2i" Asphaltic Pavement o .l2 v 4,l43.60 .:. -i: , 692 In.ft. Vertical Curb & Gutter 1 .70 v ' 2,876.40 4,230 sq.ft. 6" Cushion under C&G o .09 v 380.70 7,756 sq.ft. Sidewalk 0.35 v 2,714.60 7,756 sq.ft. 3" Cushion under S/W o . 06 v 465.36 4 ea. City Monuments 40 .00 v- 160.00 2 ea. Street Sign (combination) 45.00./ 90.00 3 ea. E1ectro1iers 320.00 II' 960.00 28 ea. Street Trees B . 00 ,/ 224.00 17,900.36 storm Sewers v'540 In .ft. vl05 1n.ft. \./' 2 ea. vr 2 ea. sanitary Sewers 130 1n.ft. 643 In.ft. 668 In.ft. 4 ea. 1 ea. - ,1 ) ":r, ,) 12" RCP ,)4) -I /:/~'- Yj 15" CMP storm MH's Catch Basins 4.25"' 4.35 v 260.00Y 140.00 v 2,295.00 456.75 520.00 280.00 3,551.76 ~~~~~ 11 f6JC. 30_1 ~ -:7;15":2 I I / 1I,~,fJD 3 . 50 ~ 455.00 ~:~g d~ i:~~~:~g 260.00 1,040.00 20.00~ 20.00 4,604.60 4" CIP Laterals 4" VCP Laterals 6" VC P Sanitary ME: , s Taps to exist. sanit. line TOTAL $26,056.71 d f)~ ~ 1/) C)o--o FP ~, ~ 11 _ g~ ~~; -d4t~~~ I~ ;.'-~~- ~: ~9S5 x/76500 == '3,7.90;(58 6*: ;14 x /7(~CJO - 1080.. 00 -;fI:;cf~~ 1/ 7t3CJr~o 5"4J it: j;/';;CP @) ;'i;1,s-' = /755~CJt} ItJ5 (t, /S CffP @ 4,;?S; = 446, 2S ;2 ~ '#11 @ mac" ~ - 4Go", co 2.eeL CB @- /5S;~ ::= ~_ ~510, co pi,f:=!wa,z5----- <"~_ ~1.fZsP, I -"'~~P.oo / ~-' , / x~ _ ~ 41 Dp-o -4F < 74. JL, (/;:.,;'P ~ afcf~) # S7~.,a;J <. -- 6~ '6f4~ /~.@ ~95,iPg u1ft1 1-1-71 (;2) ..._--~ September 18, 1961 Planning Commission City of Campbell 75 NortJ'1 Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: Attached is a proposed utility layout for Tract No. 2940 showing electric poles 1.,);:;ated. in the new street right of way. In accordance with Section 9133 of the Municipal CoO-e, yO;.l.... .:.:ons idl-::~:-2tior. as to the rei~uirement for rear lot easements is hereby requested. It is noted that all existing utility poles in the areas surrounding the subject tract are within the street rights of way. Proposed electroliers would be installed on the utility poles on Craig ',venue and Louise Conrt if the requirement for rear lot easements is waived. Very truly yours, MYRON D. HAv,'K, CITY ENGINEER ( ,:\.1- K \- '\ By Killiam G. wren, Assistant City Engineer ~'JGtJ : cb Enclosure 1 SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 14/ California cy press +~~8~8 In reply please refer to September 8, 1961 Director of Public Works 571 Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California Subject: Tract #2940 Cameo Lane Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of our proposed plan for the extension of electric service to this subdivision for your files. Sincerely, C . E. GINOCHIO DISTRICT MANAGER B HS:cb cc: TPT&T Co., San Jose, Attn: .I.D. McClellan D' I /V~/&1- '( ,\ !(.~/"e+. ,! , / -~t ,...",1':..-' 1.....'....,,' .' ....,. /~ ,. ... <11 / I "'1 ' ~. ,.~; {/(Z~/.(:''rJ~~ January 3, 1960 MEMO TO: Planning COIIIDi88ion PROM: City Engineer ,..~~' - \..., /' SUBJECT: Tentative SUbdivision map of Leap Construction Comoany suggested conditions of approval for the subject map are as follows: 1. Construction of improvements in accordance with the City Standards and the requirements of the campbell Municipal Code, including a. All main line utilities and services b. sanitary sewerage system c. storm drainage system d. Pavement e. vertical curb and gutter f. Sidewalk g. Electroliers and wiring curcuit h. street sign posts i. Fire Hydrants j . Street trees k. Monuments 2. storm drainage deposit as required by City of Campbell. 3 . A property line radius of 43 feet to be required on the cul-de-sac streets to permit a turning radius of 33 feet. It is noted that there is a conflict with existing property lines at the intersection of the north property line of the most westerly cul-de-sac and outside of the border of sub- division. This tract is~not within the City of Campbell but is within proposed Annexation 1960-15. Myron D. Hawk, City Engineer By William G. Wren, Engineer WGW: cb RECEIPT 19_- ,; 7':'--". . /-.. '.,,'~'~_,.,I,' r;' l ',. l' CITY OF" CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIF'ORNIA Date~ ./y ~ N'~~ G-r Addr~-<r -<7 V.7 fLtJ -~~~~~~. RECEIVED Do lars CHECK 5440 ov Thank you, ... ~ CAMPBELL By . CITY CLERK