150 Shelley Ave MEMORANDUM CITE' OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser,Project Planner DATE: 06/03/2010 FROM: Doris C. Quai Hoi, Project Engineer Ed Arango, P.E., Associate Engineer;= / SUBJECT: DRC PRE-APPLICATION Site Address: 150 Shelley Avenue For File No(s): PRE2010-03 Project Description: Tentative Subdivision Map for 5 private lots and one common lot and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of five new homes. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY COMMENTS l. Tentative Map: The applicant shall submit a tentative map for review by the City. 2. Final Map: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the project, the. applicant shall submit a final map for review by the City and recordation, upon approval by the City Council, pay various fees/deposits and submit the map in a digital format acceptable to the City. 3. Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions: Provide copies of CC&Rs for review by the. City prior to recordation of the final map and CC&Rs. 4. Preliminary Title Report: Upon submittal of the final map, the applicant shall provide a current (within the past 6 months) Preliminary Title Report. 5. Rilrht-of-Wav for Public Street Purposes: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall fully complete the process to cause additional right-of-way to be granted in fee for public street purposes along the Shelley Avenue frontage to accommodate 30 foot half street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit the necessary documents for approval by the City Engineer process the submittal with City staff s comments and fully complete the right-of-way process. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the Qty's review and recordation. 6. Public Service Easement and Sidewalk Easement: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall grant a 10 foot public service easement and sidewalk easement on private property contiguous with the public right-of-way along the Shelley Avenue frontage, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City review and recordation. .1:\LandDev\Conditions\Pine\Shelley Ave 150.doe Page 1 of 5 1-2 X 8� �)U �2 OA i 12 l�u� Dial ZI Lv- gp1�s� A PRE2010-03 — 150 Shelley Avenue Pg. 2 of 2 2. Site Layout: Staff has concerns regarding the proposed site layout of the project. The following issues should be addressed prior to a formal submittal: ® Although the project does reflect the pattern of development within the surrounding area, the project site feels crowded and "shoe horned" onto the site. In order to address the crowded feeling, staff recommends a reduction in building sizes and an increase in setbacks that includes interior setbacks (building to building) to setbacks consistent with a standard residential development. ® Provide a five foot landscape setback between the east property line and the twenty foot private access roadway. 3. Elevations: Staff has the following recommendation for the proposed elevations: ® Incorporate the predominant design characteristics (Colonial Revival) of the existing residence into the proposed residences. 4. Privacmpacts: The units along the westerly property line present a significant privacy impact to the adjacent single-family residences given the height of the proposed buildings and the grade differential. Staff strongly recommends that the design be modified to decrease the privacy impacts (i.e., reduce building height, increase setback, step back the upper level portions of the building, etc.) 5. Open Space: Due to the standard residential design of the proposed project, private rear yard open space of between 500 and 750 square feet may be required. 6. Building Code & Fire Code: Please be advised that your fonnal application shall be reviewed against the newly adopted 2010 Building and Fire Codes. Your project, if approved, would be subject to residential fire sprinklers, fire access requirements and conformance to current building construction standards. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (408) 866-2142 or via email at stevep@cityofcampbell.com to discuss these comments. Since ely, Steve Prosser Associate Planner encl: Pre-Application Comment Letter with Enclosures, dated July, 12, 2010. cc: Paul Kermoyan, Planning Manager Bill Bruckart,Building Official . Doris C. Quai Hoi,Project Engineer Ed Arango, Land Development Engineer 2 SOT A cz n LI o Cy 0 - ®4 C-1 •URCH ARO CITY ®F CAMPBELL Community Development Department July 12, 2010 Calhan Brothers Grading and Paving Inc. 420 E.McGlincy Lane Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Pre-application (PRE2010-03) rcl1 .°iv ueg . 71�m Dear Mr. Calhan: Thank you for your submittal of a preliminary application for a development proposal for five detached small lot single family residences located at 150 Shelley Avenue. The proposed development will require approval of a Zone Change from R-M (Multiple Family .Residential) to P-D (Planned Development), a Planned Development Permit, a Tentative Subdivision Map, and other minor discretionary permits, such as a Tree Removal Permit, if necessary. Due to the potential impact of your proposed development on an existing structure with possible historical significance, your preliminary application was reviewed by the Historic Preservation Board at its meeting of June 23, 2010. The consensus of Historic Preservation Board was to not support the demolition of the existing residence due to its historic significance and recommend that the City require the applicant to incorporate the existing residence into the proposed development. Additionally, the Board recommended that the predominant architectural characteristics of the existing residence be incorporated into the design of the proposed additional residences. -As a result of the Historic Preservation Board discussion, it was determined that the existing residence is not secure and is open to the elements. As the condition of thebuilding may, deteriorate due to the lack of weatherproofing, you are required to secure the residence by weatherproofing the structure (board up or replace any broken windows and doors or other openings), secure the perimeter fencing to limit unauthorized entry, and maintain the property's landscaping. Failure to comply would be violations of Campbell Municipal Code Section 6.10.020 (Property Maintenance Regulations) and Section 21.33.130 (Duty to Keep in Good Repair). 70 North First Street • Campbell, California 95008-1423 •TEL 408.866.2140 • FAx 408.871.5140 • TDD 408.866.2790 PRE2010-03-150 Shelley Avenue Pg. 2 of 5 Additionally, your pre-application was distributed to the Building Division, the Public Works Department and the County Fire Department. Comments from the Public Works Department and County Fire are enclosed for your review. Lastly, the Planning Division has completed the review of your pre-application and has the following comments regarding your proposal: 1. Entitlement Cost: The current review fees of the necessary entitlements are as follows. Please note that these fees are subject to change and the fees in effect at the time of payment shall be the amount due. • Zone Change: $7,892 • Planned-Development Permit: $8,850 • Tentative Subdivision Map: $8,358 •''=Initial Study: $10,000 deposit • Fire Review Fees: $341 • Tree Removal Permit: $150 first+$50 each subsequent tree (if necessary) 2. Residential Density: The project's residential density is determined by the project site's gross lot size, which includes the public right-of-way to the centerline of Shelley Avenue. Please provide the correct gross lot size and the accurate project density for the site. 3. Park Impact Fee: A park impact fee is due upon development of the site, payable prior to building occupancy. This fee is based on the development density of 6 to 13 units/gr. acre and is currently set at$9,415 per unit. Please note that the park impact fee is subject to change and the fee in effect at the time of payment shall be the amount due. 4. Environmental Review: The proposed project will be subject to environmental review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA). • Initial Study: An initial study will be prepared by planning staff. A formal application will remain incomplete until completion of the initial study. An initial study reviews a project proposal for possible environmental impacts. If the project is found to have possible environmental impacts, that with mitigation would be less than significant, then a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be filed. Mitigation measures will then be incorporated into the condition of approval. If the proposed project is found to have possible environmental impacts that are not able to be resolved by mitigation, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required. All costs incurred for the environmental review will be borne by the applicant. PRE2010-03-150 Shelley A` e Pg. 3 of 5 • Mitigation Monitoring Fee: The Community Development Director may require a deposit of up to $8,000 to cover actual staff time, to ensure compliance with the required mitigation measures and with the conditions of approval. 5. Neighborhood Outreach: It is strongly advised to make contact with the adjacent community. Please explain what outreach you have done, or plan to do, with surrounding property owners and nearby residences. 6. Site Layout: Staff has concerns regarding the proposed site layout of the project. The following issues should be addressed prior to a formal submittal: • Staff strongly suggests that the applicant incorporate the existing residence into the proposed project rather than request demolition. As the existing structure is listed as a potential addition to the City's Historic Resource Inventory List and is an example of a prominent architectural style, staff would not be supportive of any project that required the demolition of the residence. In addition, the demolition of a potential historic structure is considered an impact to the environment that cannot be mitigated, thereby requiring an EIR to be prepared. • Although the project does reflect the pattern of development within the surrounding area, the project site feels crowded and "shoe horned" onto the site. Revisit the proposed number of parcels and configuration of units to create more open space. 7. Elevations: Staff has the following recommendation for the proposed elevations: • Building_ Elevations: Incorporate the predominant design characteristics (Colonial Revival) of the existing residence into the proposed residences. The front doors to the units are shown in a board and batten siding to match the adjacent wall siding. Staff is not supportive of this design and recommends solid wood front doors painted to contrast the building wall color. . 8. Materials/Colors: At formal submittal, please provide a color/material board. 9. Floor Plan: At formal submittal, provide floor plans for all existing and new residences. 10. Privac�Impacts: The units along the westerly property line present a significant privacy impact to the adjacent single-family residences given the height of the proposed buildings and the grade differential. Staff strongly recommends that the design be modified to decrease the privacy impacts (i.e., reduce building height, step back the upper level portions of the building, etc.) PRE2010-03-150 Shelley Avenue Pg. 4 of 5 11. Residential Units: Please provide the following information: • Please provide a full breakdown of the residential units including square footages. A table such as the following should be provided: Residential."I nits. Plan Bedrooms Full Bath Half Bath S .Ft. Quantity BMR 12. Tree Removal Permit: A completed Tree Removal Permit will be required for removal of any protected on-site .trees. A tree removal permit must be accompanied by an Arborist Report prepared by an ISA certified arborist, and a tree removal site plan indicating the location of all protected trees to be removed. 13. Landscaping/Hardscape: A preliminary landscape plan is required showing the type of trees, size of trees, additional ground cover, and planting detail and irrigation details. The landscape plan shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Standards (WELS). The following revisions should be made: • A minimum of 20% of the project site shall be landscaped. • Landscaping (notably trees) along the access drive shall be installed along the western property line. • Upgraded pavement treatment along the proposed drive (e.g., pavers, stamped concrete, etc.) should be used. • All trees shall be a minimum of 24-hich box. 14. On-Site Lighting: On-site lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent properties and directed on site. Submit a detail sheet of any proposed lighting at the time of application submittal. Lighting fixtures shall be of a decorative design to be compatible with the surrounding development and shall incorporate energy saving features. Additionally, lighting along the internal drive should be specified. 15. Open Space: Each individual residence shall include at least 300 square feet of usable private open space consistent with the open space requirements for townhome or condominium projects. Please be advised that during design review of any formal submittal, additional open space may be required based on the development characteristics of the proposed project. 16. Utility Connection: New development shall be required to underground all overhead utility lines both in the interior of the lot and along the project's public street frontages, unless otherwise approved by the City Council. PRE2010-03-- 150 Shelley A%'�_:'e Pg. 5 of 5 17. Street Improvements: The project will require a land dedication, in addition to the installation of City curb, gutter, sidewalk, and landscaping improvements along both street frontages (see enclosed Public Works comments). Please do not hesitate to contact me at (408) 866-2142 or via email at stevep@cityofcampbell.com to discuss these comments. Sincerely, i, x Steve Prosser Associate Planner encl: Comments from Public Works, dated 6/3/10 Comments from Fire Department, dated 5/25/10 cc: Paul Kermoyan, Planning Manager Bill Bruckart,Building Official x Ed Arango,Land Development Engineer MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser,Project Planner DATE: 06/03/2010 FROM: Doris C. Quai Iloi, Project Engineer V:' Ed Arango, P.E., Associate Engineer,- SUBJECT: DRC PRE-APPLICATION ' Site Address: 150 Shelley Avenue For File No(s): PRE2010-03 Project Description: Tentative Subdivision Map for 5 private lots and one common lot and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of five new homes. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY COMMENTS 1. Tentative Map: The applicant shall submit a tentative map for review by the City. 2. Final Map: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the project, the applicant shall submit a final map for review by the City and recordation, upon approval by the City Council, pay- various fees/deposits and submit the map in a digital format acceptable to the City. 3. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions: Provide copies of CC&Rs for review by the City prior to recordation of the final map and CC&Rs. 4. Preliminary Title Report: Upon submittal of the final map, the applicant shall provide a current(within the past 6 months) Preliminary Title Report. 5. Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall fully complete the process to cause additional riglit-of way to be granted in fee for public street purposes along the Shelley Avenue frontage to accommodate 30 foot half street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit the necessary documents for approval by the City Engineer process the submittal with City staffs comments and fully complete the right-of-way process. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. 6. Public Service Easement and Sidewalk Easement: Upon recordation of the final map. the applicant shall grant a 10 foot public service easement and sidewalk easement on private property contiguous with the public right-of-way along the Shelley Avenue frontage, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Phi-\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 1 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue 7. Demolition: Prior to recording of the final map the applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and remove any nonconforming structures. 8. Monumentation for Final Map: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall provide a cash deposit for setting all monuments shown on the map. Monuments shall be set per section 20.76.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 9. Soils Report: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, applicant shall provide a soils report prepared by a registered geotechnical or civil engineer. 10. Grading and Drainage Plan: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies based on a ten-year storm frequency, prepare an engineered grading and drainage plan, and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits. Prior to occupancy, the design engineer shall provide written certification that the development has been built per the engineered grading and drainage plans. 11. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee, currently set at$2,385.00.per net acre, which is $1,193.00. 12. Tree Removal(s): To accommodate the required street improvements existing trees shall be removed as part of this project. New trees will be installed to replace the trees removed. 13. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. 14. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer cleanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of- way line. 15. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint. trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 16. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Shelley Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or J:\LandDev\Conditions\Plug\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 2 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. 17. Street Improvements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement, cause plans for public street improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay various fees .and deposits, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the standard public street improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer: a. Show location of all existing utilities within the new and existing public right of way. b. Relocation of all existing utilities including utility boxes, covers, poles, etc. outside of sidewalk area. No utility boxes, covers, etc. will be allowed in the sidewalk area. c. Removal of existing driveway approach and necessary sidewalk, curb and gutter. d. Removal of existing street section to centerline. e. Installation of City approved street trees. f. Installation of City standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA compliant driveway approach. g. Installation of engineered structural pavement section to centerline, as required by the City Engineer. h. Installation of streetlights, conduits, conductors and related facilities in accordance with the City of Campbell's Street Lighting Policies. i. Installation of traffic control, stripes and signs. j. Construction of conforms to existing public and private improvements, as necessary. k. Submit final plans in a digital format acceptable to the City 18. Utility Encroachment Permit: Separate permits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 19. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/permit, at the discretion-of the City Engineer, to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 20. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall.comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding stormwater pollution prevention. Specifically the project must include source control, site design and treatment measures J:\LandDev\Conditions\Plug\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 3 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue to achieve compliance with Provision C.3. of the NPDES Permit. Measures may include, but are not limited to, minimization of impervious surface area, vegetated swales, infiltration areas, and treatment devices. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. Upon submission of the tentative map, the applicant shall calculate and submit to the City the amount of impervious surface created by the development including the types of stormwater controls to be used. The applicant shall submit preliminary sizing and design showing stormwater controls meet the City's requirements. Prior to recordation of the final map: a. The applicant's designer or engineer shall submit the required certification indicating that sizing, selection, and design of treatment BMP's for the project site has been completed to meet the requirements of the City of Campbell's NPDES permit,No. 01-119, Provision C.3. b. The applicant shall sign the "Covenants for the Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities" and submit a Stormwater Management Plan. Prior to occupancy: a. A qualified BMP certifier is required to inspect the stormwater management facilities, submit a complete set of as-built drawings to Public Works Engineering, and certify on these drawings that: 1. The stormwater management facilities were constructed in compliance with the approved plans. 2. The as-built drawings show all pertinent constructed dimensions, elevations, shapes, and materials. 3. All variations in construction from the approved'design plan have been identified, including omissions to and additions from the approved plan. 4. Any changes are in conformance with local, state, or federal regulations. b. The applicant shall provide security for the operation and maintenance of stormwater pollution prevention measures installed or provided as a part of this project. The applicant shall also comply with any other or new conditions as required by the City of Campbell's most current NPDES permit. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 4 of 5 .150 Shelley Avenue ` 21. Occupancy and Building Permit Final: Prior to allowing occupancy and/or final building permit signoff for any and/or all buildings, the applicant shall have the required street improvements and pavement restoration installed and accepted by the City, and the design tD engineer shall submit as-built drawings to the City. 22. Plan Lines: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall provide a plan layout showing the correct distance from the street centerline to the property line, dimensions of sidewalk and other relevant information in the public right of way. 23. Storm Water Inforination: On the preliminary tentative map show the amount, in square footage, of: a. Existing impervious area. b. Proposed impervious area. c. Proposed pervious area. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Plug\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 5 of 5 CLARA FF DEPARTMENT � FIRE �� SANTi A CLARA CO UT Y 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032-1818 COURTESY&SERVICE (408) 378-4010 • (408) 378-9342(fax) •www.sccfd.org Internationally Accredited Agency PLAN REVIEW 10 1244 No. BLDG DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS PERMIT No. Proposed 5-lot Tetative Subdivision map for five new single-family homes, with the largest shown as 2,108 square feet. Comment #1: Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access and water supply as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. Comment #2: Conditions for construction will be provided at time of submittal of construction plans, and will be based upon codes, ordinances, and standards in effect at time of submittal. Comment #3:No fire department conditions or requirements. Approved as submitted. City PLANS SPECS NEW RMDL AS OCCUPANCY CONST,TYPE AppllcantName DATE PAGE CBL ® ❑ E ❑ ❑ Chris Spaulding Architects 5/25/2010 1 OF_—I SEC/FLOOR AREA LOAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Residential Development Design Review NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TENT. MAP ONLY 150 Shelley Av, Campbell TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW C9 20 PSI BY Harding,Doug Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills,Los Gatos,Monte Sereno,Morgan Hill,and Saratoga MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser,Project Planner DATE: 06/03/2010 FROM: Doris C. Quai Hoi,Project Engineer Ed Arango,P.E.,Associate Engineer SUBJECT: DRC PRE-APPLICATION Site Address: 150 Shelley Avenue For File No(s): PRE2010-03 Project Description: Tentative Subdivision Map for 5 private lots and one common lot and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of five new homes. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY COMMENTS 1. Tentative Map: The applicant shall submit a tentative map for review by the City. 2. Final Map: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the project, the applicant shall submit a final map for review by the City and recordation, upon approval by the City Council, pay various fees/deposits and submit the map in a digital format acceptable to the City. 3. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions: Provide copies of CC&Rs for review by the City prior to recordation of the final map and CC&Rs. 4. Preliminary Title Report: Upon submittal of the final map, the applicant shall provide a current(within the past 6 months) Preliminary Title Report. 5.; Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall fully complete the process to cause additional right-of-way to be granted in fee for public street purposes along the Shelley Avenue frontage to accommodate 30 foot half street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit the necessary documents for approval by the City Engineer process the submittal with City staff s comments and fully complete the right-of-way process. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. 6. Public Service Easement and Sidewalk Easement: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall grant a 10 foot public service easement and sidewalk easement on private property contiguous with the public right-of-way along the Shelley Avenue frontage, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 1 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue 7. Demolition: Prior to recording of the final map the applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and remove any nonconforming structures. 8. Monumentation for Final Map: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall provide a cash deposit for setting all monuments shown on the map. Monuments shall be set per section 20.76.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 9. Soils Report: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, applicant shall provide a soils report prepared by a registered geotechnical or civil engineer. 10. Grading and Draina eg Plan: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies based on a ten-year storm frequency, prepare an engineered grading and drainage plan, and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits. Prior to occupancy, the design engineer shall provide written certification that the development has been built per the engineered grading and drainage plans. 11. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee, currently set at$2,385.00 per net acre, which is $1,193.00. 12. Tree Removal(s): To accommodate the required street improvements existing trees shall be removed as part of this project. New trees will be installed to replace the trees removed. 13. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. 14. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer ceanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of- way line. 15. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 16. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Shelley Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 2 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. 17. Street Improvements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement;'cause plans for public street improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay various fees and deposits, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the standard public street improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer: a. Show location of all existing utilities within the new and existing public right of way. b. Relocation of all existing utilities including utility boxes, covers, poles, etc. outside of sidewalk area. No utility boxes, covers, etc. will be allowed in the sidewalk area. c. Removal of existing driveway approach and necessary sidewalk, curb and gutter. d. Removal of+existing street section to centerline. e. Installation of City approved street trees. f. Installation of City standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA compliant driveway approach. g. Installation of engineered structural pavement section to centerline, as required by the City Engineer. h. Installation of streetlights, conduits, conductors and related facilities in accordance with the City of Campbell's Street Lighting Policies. i. Installation of traffic control, stripes and signs. j. Construction of conforms to existing public and private improvements, as necessary. k. Submit final plans in a digital format acceptable to the City 18. Utility Encroachment Permit: Separate permits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 19. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/permit, at the discretion of the City Engineer, to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 20. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding stormwater pollution prevention. Specifically the project must include source control, site design and treatment measures J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doe Page 3 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue to achieve compliance with Provision C.3. of the NPDES Permit. Measures may include, but are not limited to, minimization of impervious surface area, vegetated swales, infiltration areas, and treatment devices. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. Upon submission of the tentative map, the applicant shall calculate and submit to the City the amount of impervious surface created by the development including the types of stormwater controls to be used. The applicant shall submit preliminary sizing and design showing stormwater controls meet the City's requirements. Prior to recordation of the final map: a. The applicant's designer or engineer shall submit the required certification indicating that sizing, selection, and design of treatment BMP's for the project site has been completed to meet the requirements of the City of Campbell's NPDES permit,No. 01-119, Provision C.3. b. The applicant shall sign the-"Covenants for the Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities" and submit a Stormwater Management Plan. Prior to occupancy: a. A qualified BMP certifier is required to inspect the stormwater management facilities, submit a complete set of as-built drawings to Public Works Engineering, and certify on these drawings that: 1. The stormwater management facilities were constructed in compliance with the approved plans. 2. The as-built drawings show all pertinent constructed dimensions, elevations, shapes, and materials. 3. All variations in construction from the approved design plan have been identified, including omissions to and additions from the approved plan. 4. Any changes are in conformance with local, state, or federal regulations. b. The applicant shall provide security for the operation and maintenance of stormwater pollution prevention measures installed or provided as a part of this project. The applicant shall also comply with any other or new conditions as required by the City of Campbell's most current NPDES permit. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 4 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue 21. Occupancy and Building Permit Final: Prior to allowing occupancy and/or final building permit signoff for any and/or all buildings, the applicant shall have the required street improvements and pavement restoration installed and accepted by the City, and the design engineer shall submit as-built drawings to the City. 22. Plan Lines: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall provide a plan layout showing the correct distance from the street centerline to the property line, dimensions of sidewalk and other relevant information in the public right of way. 23. Storm Water Information: On the preliminary tentative map show the amount, in square footage, of: a. Existing impervious area. b. Proposed impervious area. c. Proposed pervious area. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 5 of 5 12 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser,Project Planner DATE: 06/03/2010 FROM: Doris C. Quai Hoi,Project Engineerw Ed Arango, P.E.,Associate Engineer SUBJECT: DRC PRE-APPLICATION Site Address: 150 Shelley Avenue For File No(s): PRE2010-03 Project Description: Tentative Subdivision Map for 5 private lots and one common lot and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of five new homes. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. Tentative Map: The applicant shall submit a tentative map for review by the City. 2. Final Map: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the project, the applicant shall submit a final map for review by the City and recordation, upon approval by the City Council, pay various fees/deposits and submit the map in a digital format acceptable to the City. "SQn-deminium. Plan: Prior to building , occupancy; the applicant shall submit a on minium Plan and submit the map in a digital format acceptable to the City. 4. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions: Provide copies of CC&Rs for review by the City prior to recordation of the final map and CC&Rs. 5. Preliminary Title Report: Upon submittal of the final map, the applicant shall provide a current(within the past 6 months) Preliminary Title Report. 6. RiVht-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall fully complete the process to cause additional right-of-way to be granted in fee for public street purposes along the Shelley Avenue frontage to accommodate 30 foot half street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall submit the necessary documents for approval by the City Engineer process the submittal with City staff s comments and fully complete the right-of-way process. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. 7. Public Service Easement and Sidewalk Easement: Upon recordation of the final map, the applicant shall grant a 10 foot public service easement and sidewalk easement on private property contiguous with the public right-of-way along the Shelley Avenue frontage, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The applicant shall cause all documents to be J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 1 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue prepared by a registered civil engineer/land surveyor, as necessary, for the City's review and recordation. 8. Demolition: Prior to recording of the final map the applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and remove any nonconforming structures. 9. Monumentation for Final Map: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall provide a cash deposit for setting all monuments shown on the map. Monuments shall be set per section 20.76.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 10. Soils Report: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, applicant shall provide a soils report prepared by a registered geotechnical or civil engineer. 11. Grading and Drainage Plan: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall conduct hydrology studies based on a ten-year storm frequency, prepare an engineered grading and drainage plan, and pay fees required to obtain necessary grading permits. Prior to occupancy, the design engineer shall provide written certification that the development has been built per the engineered grading and drainage plans. 12. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee, currently set at$2,385.00 per net acre, which is $1,193.00. 13. Tree Removal(s): To accommodate the required street improvements existing trees shall be removed as part of this project. New trees will be installed to replace the trees removed. 14. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. nder roundin eet Frontage Utilities: All overhead utility lines along the project's p lic street ontages shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Ca bell funicipal Code. Applicant shall comply with all utility applications, plan subm' a , permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. In lieu of imme to undergrounding of the, public street frontage, the applicant may elect to exec to agreement to participate in an underground utility program, should the City es blish s ch a program within the next 7 years. The owner shall post required security (� �p�. ith the City insure participation in the underground utility program. 16. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer cleanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of- way line. 17. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doe Page 2 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 18. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Shelley Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. - 19. Street Improvements: Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall execute a street improvement agreement, cause plans for public street improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay various fees and deposits, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the standard public street improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer: a. Show location of all existing utilities within the new and existing public right of way. b. Relocation of all existing utilities including utility boxes, covers, poles, etc. outside of sidewalk area. No utility boxes, covers, etc. will be allowed in the sidewalk area. c. Removal of existing driveway approach and necessary sidewalk, curb and gutter. d. Removal of existing street section to centerline. e. Installation of City approved street trees. f. Installation of City standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA compliant driveway approach. g. Installation of engineered structural pavement section to centerline, as required by the City Engineer. �'1 Tt�tal]at7nn �,f nw,ha�t (`nn(`rPtP n�Pr?-:-o-� r ' 1 i. Installation of streetlights, conduits, conductors and related facilities in accordance with the City of Campbell's Street Lighting Policies. j. Installation of traffic control, stripes and signs. k. Construction of conforms to existing public and private improvements, as necessary. 1. Submit final plans in a digital format acceptable to the City 20. Utility Encroachment Permit: Separate permits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall J:\LandDev\Conditions\Plug\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 3 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 21. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/permit, at the discretion of the City Engineer, to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 22. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding stormwater pollution prevention. Specifically the project must include source control, site design and treatment measures to achieve compliance with Provision C.3. of the NPDES Permit. Measures may include, but are not limited to, minimization of impervious surface area, vegetated swales, infiltration areas, and treatment devices. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. Upon submission of the tentative map, the applicant shall calculate and submit to the City the amount of impervious surface created by the development including the types of stormwater controls to be used. The applicant shall submit preliminary sizing and design showing stormwater controls meet the City's requirements. Prior to recordation of the final map: a. The applicant's designer or engineer shall submit the required certification indicating that sizing, selection, and design of treatment BMP's for the project site has been completed to meet the requirements of the City of Campbell's NPDES permit,No. 01-119, Provision C.3. b. The applicant shall sign the "Covenants for the Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities" and submit a Stormwater Management Plan. Prior to occupancy: a. A qualified BMP certifier is required to inspect the stormwater management facilities, submit a complete set of as-built drawings to Public Works Engineering, and certify on these drawings that: J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doe Page 4 of 5 150 Shelley Avenue 1. The stormwater management facilities were constructed in compliance with the approved plans. 2. The as-built drawings show all pertinent constructed dimensions, elevations, shapes, and materials. 3. All variations in construction from the approved design plan have been identified, including omissions to and additions from the approved plan. 4. Any changes are in conformance with local, state, or federal regulations. b. The applicant shall provide security for the operation and maintenance of stormwater pollution prevention measures installed or provided as a part of this project. The applicant shall also comply with any other or new conditions as required by the City of Campbell's most current NPDES permit. 23. Occupancy and Building Permit Final: Prior to allowing occupancy and/or final building permit signoff for any and/or all buildings, the applicant shall have the required street improvements and pavement restoration installed and accepted by the City, and the design engineer shall submit as-built drawings to the City. 24. Plan Lines: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall provide a plan layout showing the correct distance from the street centerline to the property line, dimensions of sidewalk and other relevant information in the public right of way. 25. Storm Water Information: On the preliminary tentative map show the amount, in square footage, of: a. Existing impervious area. b. Proposed impervious area. c. Proposed pervious area. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Shelley Ave 150.doc Page 5 of 5 * a� 4 IMF � � 1 p 1 T .. Y s� Ap Alf , i Koo n z 1. •-- "Rif ,r _ • - ' Apr..t • * •► s f.► .rf _ � � � L 10% ��R Maw- � YI Y Y'�. _.,and Development Information ;t Prepared by: DQH Date: 6/3/2010 Address: 150 Shelly Avenue Lot size: 21,782 (SF) If this project is part of a larger development(new subdivision,new townhomes)or commercial development, skip A through D. A. Existing building area(SF): B. Proposed addition area(SF): C. Total area w/addition(A+B): D. Percent increase(B/A): (if less than 50%, stop research) Tract or Parcel Map(circle one): Date recorded: (Tract#or book&page) Any found records of Storm Drain Area fee previously paid? Yes ❑ (provide info below) No ❑ (Fee initiated for residential subdivisions --> 8/15/55; all developments 4 5/16/60) Date paid (file# &address or LID#) Storm Drain Area fee: 0.5 X 2385.00 = $1193.00 (area in acres) (fee/acre) Any found records of building permits in last five years?Yes ❑ (provide info below)No Was permit issued? Yes ❑ (provide info below)No ❑ Nature of Work: Permit Number: Within STANP? Yes ❑ No ® (check one) STANP Requirements: Curb ❑ Gutter❑ Sidewalk❑ Rolled curb ❑ None ❑ NA❑ Existing improvements present? Curb❑ Gutter ❑ Sidewalk ❑ (check all that apply) Sidewalk dimension(BOW to FOW): 5'6" (adjacent) Park strip dimension(FOW to BOC): None Driveway dimension(s): 11' D/W ADA compliant? Yes ❑ No Street light info: JP ❑ older pole® galvanized pole ❑ Water meter and sewer cleanout info: SCO at edge of pavement Street ROW half width(CL to PL): 30' Date that street had been resurfaced: Electrical panel relocation? Yes ® No ❑ NA ❑ Electrical Service is across the street so undergounding will be required. Provide details and attach pictures (8.5xl1), assessors map (11xl7) and aerial map (8.5 x 11): J:\LandDev\Land Develop Information Sheets\Shelley Ave 150.doc , O F F I C E O F C O U N T Y A S S E S S O R S A N T A C L A R A C O U N T Y , C A L I F R N I A TR.N0.7071 TR.N°07983 4 o TR. NO. 9670 BOOK 38 TR.N°8202 TRACT N-7386 TR.N-7113 SHELLEY TOWNHOMES 39 � o 05Hil t2E-r t�TABLES�- " r.. -AVENUE 414 a0 0 T1Z;N0.9299RQS587//B -5-9AM ST ANTHONY'S PLACE 170.66/L 95.44 -'- n //z 132' 105 79.76 77 180.81 59.57 " 350.90 Om 16 R 4L, -60--1 F--,�-- 4-9-a I 47� .�i 4697 ,,,o- 93 e a 6o n1 �h I LOT 1m a 6s4�r � �:46> > H .: 8 I^ 19 w Ir X. J,130 SFm 23 170.85CL :vI-13� Io ,.;88 133 I'°�e `4«1 406� SO' 140.88 --- II -- �265�� 6i09 1r 9 oL�3'�_�_____ 1>Z -i IM1 - a I,y, x,l ��' 46 ss 2 29 LOT g 9,& 452 X 2 94 62 2 20 raw I 2 9 70.76 rl 1 '64 _4 405 SF h 63 m m "�l 11.92-9g.82-- 5416��6---14u'4 Q 3 66 ; m 2 34 Ie �� 7S m N�,�- 4� 95 1o" h 0� -- •____n vI 3 e� a,3 21 ab ..IOTr -- �! a0s vl 39 a1n 44 3'.32.aos sF�N m48 0 m 17 a'83 J64 �� 28 IOn•.J m. - s2s7�'" � w 1.62 AC. NET a -@$• '�1 9 487�q w M 59.92 t`1�1� Y 6506 I�z'� 2.57 F 7•c' 0� -@S.Z4-- x., 3D 'e 53167-�-` '%° ul QIn 43 4 n 4, > 9 h 4 22 ".1m 1a 271� I �6S�e h ti M �a 62 6x n � _ 9n� LOT 48 0335 fro 386; 7 ---- Q'', 'M 80 ro -�--- 2 �d3 9 It031- -196--196- • v 5 POPE `i0 140.68 � -- - I �4Q76 7 122.ss 22.33 24 24 -gg 214 21s 66 se Ip,0 7 172,71 1q � 0 5 23 iO 6 26 8 LOT-41 LOT 5• r3B /40 l--T---L. w or, �!1! g, 16 4470 / CT a 6�201-20-�25 I •m 1. .3650 r39. 57A2 I 5242 1^_-_ I'"�L� - 9 Q� 9 8 0 85w -----HIS o�---- N1r >a ml Sri 36 Im 3zsw ry 7 ia98 = n 61 �5 �� 6 a2a-4 I�� 05 .91��g2 .68m169m a4 90:42 i� 90� 6x� 61�841s2.75 sF12,4s6ps _ _ _ _ - 7 - Q v 30' 140.89 5." �649.12 ." ••• .l.tl uo9C 44.68 531,77217.92 / u 12 PCL•A.• 4.18 AC. NET i I.32AC. NET D1h 0) -------- � � 01 49 M1 11 PCL.B o PCL. 8 50 mi PCL.C ryo0p9y J!/✓ M y E In 140.88 1 �Cb Q am e 70 PCL.C,N;� �-----zo7.az --- 'b c 4 Q�. 140.69.�--••• -•• 1025.15 yry ypl 220.01 ••• 594.70 •.. '•. J �951 xB••• y xno�•J54/ 42 K 86 u I - 3 x 4 �5 6 LOT I 0.54AC. 6 TRACT N°6611 220 r P a 57 V' h a0 m ^ 87 2.25 AC. NET ;yb � � � FJ S93.51 �� 263.47 '' �*\1 O, 9G ...60 m S6.02 ...6B68 ... ... ... 3 4 I \� m 80 -J�78 77 176 III" 75 P1n zz737 , TRACT NO. 9299 96 aim_ NI o1 �o P s4- ° 0.43 A. /:' G�� LOT AREA SITUS 0 2„ Ioti� / 4� N PGj -SHELLEY AVE- O 79 �I 6o IMm 9Zo° �/6606 m PCL. D 58 ryo ►h 1 1,898 SF 120 m /ere re/B I6 747 ` �6 2 1,898 SF 122 WHITE OAKS COURT 34 156.22 3 1,852 SF 724 6 S -99.88 -- 329.68'' 4 2,455 SF 126 z / /7 531 `a 0 ti / 5 2,649 SF 128 39715 2.47 A C. h 6 7,816 SF (N/A) ~ - 70 oI 71 0l 72 73 �I� 46 �6,\4j J7�2` 29 11 j 10 j 9 0j 8 I a 2 73 _•� 71 I •70.16 130.eS � let c 210 i95.04 PCL. 8 60 Q / N N� -I113.01---i �m 1� 0o a PCL.1m 8 m ' A 1 0' / LAWRENCE E. 5T 42 Codastr l mat for asse 0.29AC. 10.23AC. ' p• 11s I 9so5 .3.80 / Compiled under R.& "' "' '-' Effective Roll Year • 1 1 � 'e' f' .S' Xr rwr r- - r 1 �. � ,.` r—r.aa•.:a_� , i '�L< • -.L ti �l YYl+yx. .( /�}.j'M.y 1 � � n�� �j y�e�,L v R $ -j5i jpy .. �T'1 qp�► '� ,h y.'� !'H,�'�' ;[{�rI+5+4 !�'.� 'y #> ) ,Y� �Fa-4. �" ��f 'c•�.{�/+t sir �,�.�.' y ti`.. z r�r•;.�''�s ` .'� ",�°•.�, .. �§�•w� �+ .r� `,1 ~1 '� •.'1t, I,�'� �`' � �i f' +2''�.�i aa�{`• '' .-`,`r-.R �H. �`y�k{N' a�� e�� Vic•; r .� 4c � �' ` � t l 3�`3•-�7-. so ~ .o•-." r_v�. y �� ,�<'ti+x ..*.'. --- � � �`%' '.�'. � • ,fix` ,,. � �- M4•N+�•YS _ 150 Shelley Avenue 6/3/2010 Photos by DQH • h _ V 'fir' � �ti �rrc�e dye i 4 � ' West View sco �" DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET v` r ° PRE-APPLICATION *VF1 A%V Distribution: May 20, 2010 Presentation: May 25, 2010 Completeness: June 1, 2010 Conditions: June 8, 2010 ROUTE TO: X Fire Department X Building Division X Traffic Engineer PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Pre-application for a Zone Change from R-M to P-D, a Tentative Subdivision Map for the creation of five private lots and one common lot, and a Planned Development Permit to allow the construction of five new homes. File No.: PRE2010-03 APN: 414-40-032 Applicant: Calhan Brothers Grading & Paving, Inc. Property Owner: Calhan Brothers Grading & Paving, Inc. Project Address: 150 Shelley Avenue Zoning: R-M (Multiple Family Residential) General Plan Designation: Low to Med. Density Residential (6-13 units/gr. acre) PROJECT PLANNER: Steve Prosser DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with.your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial Comments No Comments �\ Additional information/revisions (see attached) PROJECT DESCRIPTION — 150 Shelley Avenue The proposed PD development at 150 Shelley Avenue will consist of 5 detached single-family residences with 2-car garages. The new homes will range in size from 1697 to 2108 square feet of living area(50.5%to 65.5%FAR). The adjacent parcels are all similar PD developments of single-family detached or townhouse-style homes with a FAR range of 44.5%to 99% (living area). The proposed homes should fit compatibly in the existing neighborhood context. COMPARISON OF NEIGHBORING FLOOR AREAS AND F.A.R. RATIOS FLOORAFTA5 DO NOT INCLUDE GARAGES.P.D.PROPERTIES 5HOWN HAVE 2-CAR GARAGE5,TYPICAL. #196 #198 #174 #172 #140 #138 #54 #82 #66 #68 #2 1 G #2 1 4 1 658 5F 1 658 5F 1976 5F 1976 SF LOT#4 1390 5F 1390 5F 1727 5F 1727 5F 197 5F 1971 5F 75%FAR 75%FAR 44.5% 44G 5 1722.5 5F 1321 5F 1321 5F #125 #1 2G 51%FAR 5 1%FAR 93.5%FAR 93.5%FAR 80%FAR 73%FAR FAR FAR 63%FAR LOT#5 71%FAR 71%FAR 1920 5F 1920 5F 1699.E 5F 72.5%FAR 78%FAR #86 #50 50.5%FAR 1390 5F 1390 5F 54.5%FAR 48.5%FAR #176 #170 #88 #78 #2 1 2 1 976 5F 1 976 5F 1 390 5F 1926 5F #194 56%FAR 56%FAR 53.5%FAR 1300 5F 75%FAR 1658 5F LOT#3 #136 #1 24 49.5%FAR, 59.5%FAR 2107.5 5F 1321 SF #90 86%FAR 681 SF #2 I 0 CG5.5%FAR 9 I%FAR 1390 SF #76 1727 SF #192 #178 #168 44%FAR 1390 SF 100%FAR 1926 SF 1658 SF 976 SF 1976 5F #134 60%FAR 80%FAR 89.5%FAR 53.5% 53.5% 1321 5F LOT#2 77.5%FAR #1 22 #62 . #208 FAR FAR 2044 5F 1681 5F #74 1727 5F #190 63%FAR (E)HOUSE 1 281 5F 99%FAR 1926 5F 1658 5F #1 32 91%FAR 80%FAR 89.57 FAR 1321 5F 62.5%FAR #180 #166 77.5%FAR #120 (NOT P.D.) #GO #188 1976 SF 1976 SF #72 1727 5F #206 1658 SF LOT#I #130 681 SF 1281 SF 19 6 SF 89.5%FAR 59%FAR 'L5 FAR 2 107.5 SF 1360 SF 9 %FAR 99%FAR 6 I%FAP. 62.5%FAR 55%FAR 97%FAR SHELLEY AVENUE i.... t 23 I.89' 1\ '.....\ j DRAWINGS PREPARED BY a7.a ' t i CHRIS SPAULDING 0 <, 46.25' ° i 54.75' , t , % — ARCHITECT-0 � _ 4 2 \ % I ;I-.— —— —.— .., .__.� �•_.� i 801 CANEELI STREEC SMEE BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710 I —— I (510)527-5997 FAX(S]O)527-5999 -- -- 15'-1 I _ , 4 I I 2ao LOTS 4'_3 o o PLAN C I _ I I o POR FI I PLAN A-I ' I I LOT 3 LOT 2 I LOT I - (MIRROR) PLAN A-2 PLAN A-.I 5T�T DRIVEWAY I 121.9 DEDICATION W 3�3, 3-6. T, o a I I I o W j I ': i I I I I I ; J PIORC s-14' I PORCH I PORO I J Revlsloas BY I I W L — I ---- ---- I I I L b LOT 4 In PLAN 15 C�I I OR �N DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY m DRIVEWAY Q 5-0' - - . - It - I PRELIMINARY SEI I I �p I I DESIGN REVIEW SET ( I - i PLAN CIEECK SEC I I I PERMIT SEC DRIVE4yA•( I I - I CONSTRUC'CION SEC TURNING ,.. AREA - 20'WIDE ROAD a o I I I I —— —— 231.59' --J SITE PLAN 1/811= 11-011 Z o" "s 10 15 zo 25 W � N O ` / U .°to w` �. is ( \ W r ❑ LL, 2pj I a��Pa-m .lztv7es 5 'yefA4 ` �7J� era yY ' LOT 4 LOT 5 PROJECT DATA \ ,a 1—I PROJECT DESCRIPTION:NEW PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WITH(5)2-5TORY f10U5E5 4 10 STREET DEDICATION(900.5 5Q.FT.) A U Aeica�N° yt i lu 1 1 I I p I PROJECT ADDRE55: 150 5MELLEY AVENUE =., APN.414-40-032 ................. GR055 LOT SIZE:20,881.7 SQ FT. � VICINITY MAP 5TREET5CAPE LOOKING SOUTH AREA DATA LOT I LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT I LOT 51ZE 3,835.2 3,239.8 3,206.5 2,727.9 3,359.8 h BUILDING ARFA5 DATE: 4-27-10rta e I 15T FLOOR 949.5 900.5 949.5 735 766.E ME 2NDFLOOR 1,158 1,143.5 1,158 987.8 942 SCALE' A5 NormLOT 5 _ 5HELLEY GARAGE 455 449 455 4323 446.3DRAWN: E/D2�S:::IAVE TOTAL 2,562.5 2,493 2,562.5 2,155.1 2,145.9 JOB: CADiOUN 511FI I FY DRIVEWAY F.A.R. 66.8% 76.9% 79.9% 79% 63.9% SHEET �������� PORGNES 40 90.25 40 420.25 38.5 LOT COVERAGE 5TREETSCAPE LOOKING WEST STRUCTURAL 1,444.5 1,439.8 1,444.5 1,587.5 1,251.4 1 IMPERVIOUS 552 515 515 130 760 1 TOTAL 1,996.5 1,954.5 1,959.5 1.717.5 1 2,011.4 OF 2 SFBiECS DRAVMGS PREPARED BY CLAYnIr.ROOFING CMUS SPAULDING 0 10 5 20 25 -ARCHITECT- Hill n7_ CC BOI CAM MMSTRIffr SOME 5TLIC0051DING BERKELEY CALIFORNTA 94710 ® � Ley � � ® ® ® I "' �!m (510)527-5997 FAX(510)527-5999 .......... .... ......... ........... . .................... .... go IL ........... ........— — ---------- ........... M�m MI ......... NORTH ELEVATION (5HELLEY AVENUE) WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION (ACCESS RD ELEV) COMPOSITION 5MINGLf ROOFING REVISIONS HCI?JWWrAL SIDING � � .- ® � � --�..:. FM ._.. .�. .� __. .:. HARDIPPIANK � ® -� ® .... 1 �^' z PREIRAINARYSEr ......... ............... ... ................ ................................... . ........ ........ ......... TDJ DESIGNREVIEWS]rr ® ®. ® ® I (L PLAN CHECK sLrr [z]LED PERbffrSIrr CONsmucnON SHr ..... .... ......................... ......................... ........... ... ................w......... .. ................. 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