15a. Bid and Award Notebook OV " C AAIl 6 ALU r .�RCHAR9 . CITY OF CAMPBELL SPECIFICATIONS -FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT For use with the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction, dated July 1994, and by reference therein the City of San Jose Standard Specifications and Standard Details, dated July 1992, and by reference therein the State of California Standard Specifications and. Standard Plans, and the Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates in effect on the date the work is accomplished. BID OPENING: 2:00 P.M. APRIL 22, 2014 City Council Chambers Campbell City Hall 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008-1423 � i OV • CAAjA 41 U r Al • �R � HAR9 • CITY OF CAMPBELL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 08-04B HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT INCLUDING: NOTICE INVITING BIDS, BID PROPOSAL FORMS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPROVED BY: MICHELLE QUINNEY, P.E. CITY ENGINEER APPROVED BY: sb TODD CAPUR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Table of Contents NOTICEINVITING BIDS...................................................................................................................................NIB-1 BIDPROPOSAL FORMS......................................................................................................................................BP-1 FORMALBID PROPOSAL...........................................................................................................................BP-1 BIDSCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..............................................................................................................BP-3 (Continued)BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..........................................................................................BP-4 (Continued)BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..........................................................................................BP-5 (Continued)BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..........................................................................................BP-6 (Continued)BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..........................................................................................BP-7 (Continued)BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES..........................................................................................BP-8 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE SCHEDULE«A...................................................................................................BP-9 ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE`B"...................................................................................................BP-9 ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE"C".................................................................................................BP-10 ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE«D,'..................................................................:..............................BP-10 STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS...................................................................................................BP-12 NONCOLLUSIONAFFIDAVIT..................................................................................................................BP-13 BIDBOND....................................................................................................................................................BP-18 CONTRACTDOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................................CD-1 CONTRACT..................................................................................................................................................CD-1 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE..................................................................................................CD-5 BONDFOR LABOR AND MATERIAL.......................................................................................................CD-6 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD.........................CD-7 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THREE-YEAR ROADWAY MAINTENANCEPERIOD..................................................................................................................CD-8 SPECIALPROVISIONS........................................................................................................................................SP-1 SECTION 1. SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS................................................................................................SP-2 General............................................................................................................................................................SP-2 Special Provisions Section 1—Section 9.........................................................................................................SP-2 SECTION 2. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS................................................................SP-2 General............................................................................................................................................................SP-2 ProposalGuaranty.................7.........................................................................................................................SP-3 Pre-Bid Site Inspection....................................................................................................................................SP-3 MandatoryPre-Bid Meeting............................................................................................................................SP-3 SECTION 3. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT..........................................................................SP-3 DeterminationOf Low Bid..............................................................................................................................SP-3 Pre-Construction Conference...........................................................................................................................SP-4 SECTION 4. BEGINNING OF WORK,TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES.......SP-4 General............................................................................................................................................................SP-4 Timeof Completion.........................................................................................................................................SP-4 LiquidatedDamages........................................................................................................................................SP-4 SECTION5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................SP-4 Licenses...........................................................................................................................................................SP-5 Workers'Compensation...................................................................................................................................SP-5 InsuranceRequirements...................................................................................................................................SP-5 PublicSafety....................................................................................................................................................SP-6 LaborNondiscrimination.................................................................................................................................SP-6 Prompt Pay Enforcement Mechanism..............................................................................................................SP-9 PrevailingWage............................................................................................................................................SP-10 PayrollRecords.............................................................................................................................................SP-10 Claims...............................................................................:............................................................................SP-10 SECTION6. PERMITS....................................................................................................................................SP-13 Table of Contents i GeneralRequirements...................................................................................................................................SP-13 Rightof Entry..........................................................:.....................................................................................SP-13 SECTION 7. PUBLIC UTILITY COORDINATION......................................................................................SP-14 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-14 SECTION 8. MATERIALS AND SUBMITTALS...........................................................................................SP-15 CityFurnished Materials...............................................................................................................................SP-15 MaterialsSubmittal List................................................................................................................................SP-15 AdditionalSubmittals....................................................................................................................................SP-16 Substitutions..................................................................................................................................................SP-17 Specified"Or Equal'Items...........................................................................................................................SP-19 RecordDrawings...........................................................................................................................................SP-19 MaterialsTesting...........................................................................................................................................SP-19 Material Submittal List Table........................................................................................................................SP-19 Material Submittal List Table(Continued)....................................................................................................SP-20 SECTION 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK........................................................................................................SP-21 Descriptionof Work......................................................................................................................................SP-21 Locationof Work:.........................................................................................................................................SP-21 Workby Others.............................................................................................................................................SP-21 SECTION 10. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................................SP-21 10-1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS............................................................................SP-21 Mobilization..................................................................................................................................................SP-21 Orderof Work...............................................................................................................................................SP-22 Progress Schedule/Record Drawings.............................................................................................................SP-22 General Measurement and Payment Requirements........................................................................................SP-22 Hoursof Work..............................................................................................................................................SP-22 24 Hour Contact Number..............................................................................................................................SP-23 Cooperation...................................................................................................................................................SP-23 ProjectCoordination......................................................................................................................................SP-23 UtilityCoordination.......................................................................................................................................SP-23 Obstructions...................................................................................................................................................SP-24 Meetings.....................:..................................................................................................................................SP-24 Advance Public Notification..........................................................................................................................SP-25 Waste Haulers and Recycling Operations......................................................................................................SP-26 TreeTrimming...............................................................................................................................................SP-26 LandscapingObstruction...............................................................................................................................SP-26 Project Appearance and Street Sweeping......................................................................................................SP-27 Staging/Disposal Areas..................................................................................................................................SP-27 Dust/Erosion/Drainage Control.....................................................................................................................SP-28 HaulRoutes...................................................................................................................................................SP-28 Sanitation.......................................................................................................................................................SP-28 FinishingRoadway........................................................................................................................................SP-28 WaterPollution Control................................................................................................................................SP-28 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-29 Record of Existing Surface Conditions..........................................................................................................SP729 Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................................SP-29 10-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................SP-29 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-29 Traffic Control/Management Plan...............................................................................................................SP-30 NoStopping Signs.........................................................................................................................................SP-31 Detours,Temporary Striping,and Barriers...................................................................................................SP-31 Additional Construction Area Signs and Controls.........................................................................................SP-32 Maintenance of Pedestrian Access and Circulation.......................................................................................SP-33 AllowableRoad Closures..............................................................................................................................SP-33 PropertyAccess Requirements......................................................................................................................SP-34 Table of Contents ii DrivewayClosures.........................................................................................................................................SP-34 LaneClosures................................................................................................................................................SP-34 Traffic Control System for Lane Closure.......................................................................................................SP-35 TemporaryPavement Delineation.................................................................................................................SP-36 TrenchPlating Conditions.............................................................................................................................SP-36 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-37 10-3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING LAYOUT AND MONUMENTS......................................................SP-37 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-37 Benchmarks...................................................................................................................................................SP-38 Monuments....................................................................................................................................................SP-38 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-38 10-4 CLEARING,GRUBBING AND REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS...............................................SP-39 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-39 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-42 10-5 EXISTING FACILITIES....................................................................................................................SP-42 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-42 Protect Existing Facilities To Remain...........................................................................................................SP-42 Locationof Existing Facilities.......................................................................................................................SP-43 AdjustFacilities to Grade..............................................................................................................................SP-44 PullBoxes.....................................................................................................................................................SP-45 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-45 10-6 EARTHWORK...................................................................................................................................SP-45 General...........................................................................................................................................................SP-45 RoadwayExcavation.....................................................................................................................................SP-46 SubgradePreparation....................................................................................................................................SP-46 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-47 10-7 DRAINAGE PIPE AND STRUCTURES...........................................................................................SP-47 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-47 Trench Excavation,Bedding and Backfill.....................................................................................................SP-48 TrenchDewatering........................................................................................................................................SP-48 Reinforced Concrete Pipe(RCP)...................................................................................................................SP-49 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe(PVC).....................................................................................................................SP-49 DrainageManholes and Inlets.......................................................................................................................SP-49 Modify Manhole&Adjust to Grade..............................................................................................................SP-50 SDMHCovers...............................................................................................................................................SP-50 Trench Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing..........................................................................................................SP-50 CleaningPipelines.........................................................................................................................................SP-51 Acceptance for Storm Drain System..............................................................................................................SP-51 Measurementand Payment.............................................................................:..............................................SP-51 10-8 CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS.......................................................................................................SP-52 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-52 Pavers............................................................................................................................................................SP-54 AccessibilityRamps......................................................................................................................................SP-54 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Restoration.......................................................................................................SP-54 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-55 10-9 WEDGE GRINDING.........................................................................................................................SP-55 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-55 Measurement and Payment......................................................:.....................................................................SP-57 10-10 FULL-DEPTH REHABILITATION(FDR)..................................................................................SP-58 Description....................................................................................................................................................SP-58 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-58 Construction...........................................................................................................................:......................SP-60 Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................................SP-62 10-11 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT..........................................................................................SP-63 Table of Contents iii General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-63 Measurementand Payment............................................................................................................................SP-65 10-12 TRAFFIC STRIPES,PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS............................................SP-65 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-65 PaintTraffic Stripe and Curbs.......................................................................................................................SP-65 RaisedPavement Markers.............................................................................................................................SP-66 Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe and Pavement Marking....................................................................................SP-66 Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................................SP-67 10-13 SIGNS AND POSTS......................................................................................................................SP-67 General..........................................................................................................................................................SP-67 Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................................SP-68 10-14 TREE PROTECTION AND PRUNING........................................................................................SP-69 Part1—General.............................................................................................................................................SP-69 Part2—Products...........................................................................................................................................SP-69 Part3 -Execution.....................................:....................................................................................................SP-69 Part 4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-70 10-15 IRRIGATION TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING....................................................................SP-71 Part1—General.............................................................................................................................................SP-71 Part2—Products...........................................................................................................................................SP-71 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-71 Part 4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-73 10-16 IRRIGATION.................................................................................................................................SP-73 Part1—General................................................................................................................:............................SP-73 Part2—Products...........................................................................................................................................SP-74 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-77 Part4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-79 10-17 SITE FURNISHINGS....................................................................................................................SP-80 PART1—General.........................................................................................................................................SP-80 Part2—Products...........................................................................................................................................SP-80 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-80 Part4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-80 10-18 LANDSCAPE SOIL PREPARATION...........................................................................................SP-81 Part1 —General.............................................................................................................................................SP-81 Part2—Products.........................:.................................................................................................................SP-82 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-87 Part 4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-90 10-19 PLANTING....................................................................................................................................SP-90 Part1—General......................................................................--..................................................................SP-90 PART2-PRODUCTS..........................................................................................................................................SP-95 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-96 Part 4—Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................................SP-97 10-20 90-DAY PLANT ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE...................................................SP-98 Part1 -General..............................................................................................................................................SP-98 Part2-Products............................................................................................................................................SP-99 Part3—Execution.........................................................................................................................................SP-99 Part 4—Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................SP-102 10-21 METAL AND HARDWARE.......................................................................................................SP-103 Part1—General...........................................................................................................................................SP-103 Part2-Materials.........................................................................................................................................SP-103 Part3 -Execution........................................................................................................................................SP-104 Part 4—Measurement and Payment............................................................................................................SP-105 10-22 3-YEAR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE...............................................SP-105 Part1 —General...........................................................................................................................................SP-105 Part2-Products(Not Used).......................................................................................................................SP-113 Table of Contents iv Part3—Execution.......................................................................................................................................SP-113 Part 4—Measurement and Payment...................................................................................................:........SP-114 10-23 STREET LIGHTING POLES&FIXTURES..............................................................................SP-114 General........................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Preservation of Existing Street Lighting Systems........................................................................................SP-114 Bondingand Grounding..............................................................................................................................SP-114 Disposal of Electrical Equipment................................................................................................................SP-114 LED Street Lighting Fixtures......................................................................................................................SPA 14 PhotoelectricCell..........................................................................:.............................................................SP-114 Street Lighting Standards............................................................................................................................SP-114 Foundations.................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Conduits.......................................................................................................................................................SP-114 ConduitSealer.............................................................................................................................................SP-114 PowerService..............................................................................................................................................SP-114 PullBox.......................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Conduitand Conductor................................................................................................................................8P-114 Inspection.....................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Measurement and Payment..........................................................................................................................SP-114 10-24 FENCE AND CHAIN LINK GATE............................................................................................SP-114 General........................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Measurementand Payment..........................................................................................................................SP-114 10-25 . COORDINATION WITH ADJACENT PROJECTS...................................................................SP-114 General........................................................................................................................................................SP-114 Measurement and Payment..........................................................................................................................SP-114 APPENDIX A Miscellaneous Details and Asphalt Concrete Pavement Thickness Log..............................App A-114 APPENDIX B Construction Workday Calendar..........................................................................................App 13-114 APPENDIX C Best Management Practices for the Construction Industry...................................................App C-114 APPENDIX D City's Storm Water Pollution Control Requirements............................................................App D-114 APPENDIX E Right-of-Entry Form.............................................................................................................App E-114 APPENDIX F Quality Control Plan..............................................................................................................App F-114 APPENDIX G Noise Mitigation Plan..........................................................................................................App G-114 APPENDIX H Waste Management Plan......................................................................................................App H-114 APPENDIX I Environmental Training Plan..................................................................................................App I-114 APPENDIX J Site Recycling Plan................................................................................................................App J-114 APPENDIX K Water Use Tracking.............................................................................................................App K-114 APPENDIX L Construction Equipment Emissions Information..................................................................App L-114 APPENDIX M Interlocking Paving Units..................................................................:................................App M-114 APPENDIX N Debris Recovery Statement and Plan...................................................................................App N-114 Table of Contents v CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT 1. Date of Opening Bids. Notice is hereby given_that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, 70 North First Street, Campbell, CA 95008-1423 until 2:00 PM, April 22, 2014, for the foregoing project. The bids so submitted will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time. 2. Location of Work. The work to be performed is on Hacienda Avenue from Burrows Road to the Winchester Boulevard. 3. Description of Work. This project in general consists of total roadway reconstruction and more specifically includes, but is not limited to, clearing and grubbing of the project site including removal and replacement or relocation of residential improvements (such as fences, mailboxes, concrete curbs, etc), sawcutting and removal of asphalt concrete (AC) and Portland cement concrete (PCC) improvements, miscellaneous demolition and removal, storm drainage installation and modification, earthwork including roadway excavation, embankment fill, and subgrade preparation, Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR), placement of final AC pavement surface, installing AC conforms, installation of PCC sidewalks, driveways, vertical curb and gutter, handicap ramps, driveway conforms, and LED streetlights, bio-infiltration planters, tree trimming, tree removal, root pruning, tree planting, signing and striping including detours, adjusting utility and other appurtenances to grade, and associated traffic control, public notification and coordination processes. Bids are required for the entire work described in the project plans, specifications, and contract documents and must be submitted on the forms contained therein. Time for completion of the work is 160 working days for all work. 4. Contract Documents. Plans showing the character of the work may be seen and purchased at: ARC 1506 Dell Ave Suite B Campbell, CA 950.08 (408) 871-3070 Contract documents may be purchased per the non-refundable amounts shown below. Notice Inviting Bids NIB-1 DOCUMENT PRICE City Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction $ 15.00 Set of Full Size Plans & Specifications $100.00 5. Bid Security. Each bid shall be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent,(10%) of the total bid price payable to the City of Campbell as a guarantee that the bidder, if his bid is accepted, will,execute the Contract and provide the required bonds, certificates of insurance, and endorsements within eight (8)working days of the mailing to the bidder of the Notice of Award. 6. Award of Contract. All terms and conditions contained in the contract documents shall become a part of the Contract. The Contractor agrees to honor the submitted Bid Proposal for a period of 90-calendar days after the opening of the Bid Proposal. It is anticipated that the Director of Public Works will award the contract for this project. 7. Prevailing Rate of Wage. In accordance with Sections 1770 through 1780 inclusive of ' the California Labor Code, the City has obtained from the Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rates of wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed, and it shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor to pay not less than the specified rates to all workers employed in the execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall cause a copy to be posted at the job site. Prevailing rates of wages are on file and available for review by any interested party at the office of the City Clerk. 8. Substitution of Securities. Pursuant to Section 22300 of the California Public Contract Code, the Contractor may request the City to make retention payments directly to an escrow agent or may substitute certain securities for money withheld by the City to ensure performance under the Contract. 9. .Contractor's License. The Contractor shall possess a valid Class "A" General Engineering Contractor License at the time of Contract award. Contractor shall maintain said license throughout the entire project until Notice of Final Acceptance has been issued. Failure to possess the specified license or demonstrate the required experience as specified by these Special Provisions shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the Contract to any bidder not possessing said license at the time of bid and forfeiture of the bid will result. All contractors and subcontractors shall have and maintain a current and valid contractor license of the required classification from the State of California throughout the course of this project. 10. Business License. All contractors and subcontractors working in the City of Campbell must have a valid City of Campbell Business License at the time the Contract is awarded. Business Licenses can be purchased and/or renewed at the Finance Department at 70 N. First Street, Campbell, California. 11. Pre-Bid Site Review. Prospective bidders are required to conduct a review of the project site prior to bid. The purpose of, the site visit is to acquaint the bidders with the site conditions and other local conditions that may affect the performance and costs of the work prior to submitting a proposal. Notice Inviting Bids NIB-2 12. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meetinq. Prospective bidders are required to attend a mandatory pre- bid meeting. This meeting will be held on at 9:30AM, on Thursday, April 10, 2014, at the southwest corner of Hacienda Avenue and Capri Drive. 13. Protect Administration. All questions relative to this project prior to the opening of bids shall be in writing and received a minimum of 5 working days prior to the bid opening date and shall be directed to: City of Campbell Public Works Department 70 North First Street, Campbell, CA 95008-1423 Attention: Fredrick Ho, Senior Civil Engineer Telephone: (408) 866-2156 FAX: (408) 376-0958 CI F CA BELL 1*Anne B e, City Clerk Publish: March 26, April 2, April 9, 2014 Notice Inviting Bids NIB-3 FORMAL BID PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDAAVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT NAME OF BIDDER BUSINESS ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL: The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named.herein; that this proposal is made.without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that the bidder has carefully examined the site and has full knowledge of and understands all the provisions and contents. of this proposal and the documents attached or .referenced hereto, including the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction dated July 1994, and therein referenced the City of San Jose Standard Specifications and Standard Details dated July 1992, . the State of California Standard Specifications and Standard Plans dated May 2006, and the Project Plans and Specifications entitled: "PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT", Bidder accepts all the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including without limitation those in the Notice Inviting Bids and Information to Bidders, dealing with the disposition of the Bid Security. Attached hereto is a certified check or bid bond in the amount of $ as required in the Notice Inviting Bids. This bid will remain open for the period stated in the Information to Bidders: Bidder will enter into an Agreement within the time and in the manner required in the Information to Bidders, and will furnish the insurance certificates, Bond for Faithful Performance, Bond for Labor and Materials, Bond for Faithful Performance of Maintenance Period, and Permits required by the Contract Documents. Bid Proposal BP-1 Bidder has examined copies of all the Contract Documents including the following Addenda (receipt of which is hereby acknowledged): Number Number Number Number Number Number Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents,.the Work, the site, the locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations), and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as Bidder deems necessary. In conformance with current statutory requirements of California Labor Code Section 1860, et seq., the undersigned confirm the following as its certification: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract. The bid shall include all work required to develop, administer and construct the facilities as described throughout the Contract Documents (Plans and Specifications) in its entirety. The Bidder shall be responsible for reviewing the descriptions, and providing a Bid that includes an. understanding of the total project. Bidder agrees to complete the Work required under the Contract Documents (including all Bid Schedules, Subcontractor List, Bidder's General Information, and Non-Collusion Affidavit contained.in these Bid Forms) within the Contract Time specified, and to accept in full payment the Contract Price based on the Lump Sum or Unit Bid Price(s) listed in the Bid Schedule(s). Dated: Bidder: By: (Signature) Bid Proposal BP-2 BID SCHEDULE-OF QUANTITIES for. PROJECT 08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1 Video Survey of Ex. Conditions LS 1 2 Traffic Control LS .1 3 Construction Staking and Layout LS 1 4 Reset Benchmark EA 1 5 Reset Monuments EA 9 Clearing, Grubbing and Removal of 6 Obstructions LS 1 7 Tree Removal and Stump Grinding EA 50 8 Potholing/Exposing Utilities LS 1 Adjust Storm Drain Manholes to 9 Grade EA 14 Adjust Storm Drain Catch Basin to 10 Grade EA 2 11 Adjust Detector Handhole to Grade EA 1 12 Relocate/Adjust Pull Box to Grade EA 2 13 FPQ Roadway Excavation CY 8,471 Class A- 14 0.5'.Thick Subgrade Preparation SF 33,600 15 12" RCP Pipe— Class IV LF 1,372 16 12" PVC Pipe—Schedule 80 LF 49 17 8" PVC Pipe—Schedule 80 LF 2,027 18 6" PVC Pipe—Schedule 80 LF 1,072 Bid Proposal BP-3 1 (Continued) BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES for PROJECT 08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 19 Storm Drain Manhole EA 5 Modify Storm Drain Manhole and 20 Adjust to Grade EA 6 21 Storm Drain Catch Basin EA 19 22 Storm Drain Field Inlet EA 18 23 Storm Drain Overflow Pie EA 53 Trench Sheeting, Shoring and 24 Bracing LF 1600 25 Case A Accessibility Ramp EA 12 Case C— Modified Accessibility 26 Ramp EA 1 Case F— Modified Accessibility 27 Ramp EA 4 28 PCC Sidewalk SF 15,056 29 6" PCC/6"AB Driveway SF 18,390 30 PCC Curb and Gutter LF 1,183 31 PCC Rolled Curb LF 842 32 PCC Courtesy Strip LF 3,696 -33 PCC Edge Band LF 927 34 PCC Curb—Type 1A LF 160 35 Retaining Curb SF 209 36 Pavers SF 464 37 2"Wedge Grind/Conform Grind LF 1,472 Bid Proposal BP-4 (Continued) BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES for PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 38 Street Fine Grading SF 208,820 39 Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR) SF 208,820 Asphalt Concrete—Type A'/2" Max. 40 Medium TON 6,080 41 Detail 2 Striping LF 1,311_ 42 Detail 22 Striping LF 3,147 43 Detail 27B Striping LF 6,246 44 Detail 38 Striping —THERMO LF 1,107 45 Detail 39 Striping LF 3,158 46 Detail 39A Striping LF 958 47 Type IV L Arrow—THERMO EA 11 48 Type IV R Arrow—THERMO EA 1 49 Type VII L Arrow—THERMO EA 2 50 Type VII R Arrow—THERMO EA 5 51 Type VIII Arrow—THEMRO EA 2 Railroad Crossing Symbol - 52 THERMO EA 1 53 STOP Legend EA 18 12" White Limit Line/Crosswalk- 54 THERMO LF 571 � 55 Bike Lane Symbol -THERMO EA 8 Bid Proposal BP-5 (Continued) BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES for PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 56 Bike Lane Arrow—THERMO EA 8 57 Blue Fire Hydrant Marker EA 6 58 Paint Curbs Red LF 22 59 Relocate Signs EA 26 60 Install New Sign Posts EA 26 "BIKE LANE" W/Symbol Sign 61 24" x 18" — R81 EA 6, "BEGIN" Sign 62 12" x5"— R81A EA 2 "END" Sign 63 12" x 5" (Modified)— R81 B EA 2 "ALL WAY" Sign 64 18" x B"—R1-4 EA 4 65 Irrigation LS 1 66 Bench EA 2 67 Landscape Soil Preparation LS 1 68 FPQ Import Topsoil CY 530 69 FPQ Biotreatment Soil CY 759 70 FPQ " Drain Rock r CY 506 71 FPQ Impermeable Liner SF 14,140 72 Tree—24" Box EA 34 Shrubs, Perennials, and Grasses— 73 5 Gallon EA 545 74 Perennials— 1 Gallon EA 85 Bid Proposal BP-6 (Continued) BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES for PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 75 Landscape Boulders EA 51 76 FPQ Bioinfiltration Sod SF 21,155 77 FPQ Mulch SF 7500 78 Root Barrier LF 640 79 Redwood Header LF 60 80 Bay-Friendly Project Sin EA- 0 81 Bay-Friendly Practice Sign EA 3 3-YR Extended Plant Establishment 82 R and Maintenance LS 1 Remove Ex. Streetlight Pole, 83 Fixture & Foundation EA 20 Remove Ex. Streetlight Pole & 84 Fixture EA 2 Remove Ex. Streetlight Fixture on 85 Ex. Wood Pole EA 8 Remove Ex. Streetlight Fixture on 86 Ex. Metal Pole EA 1 Relocate Ex: Streetlight w/ New 87 Foundation EA 14 Furnish & Install New Type 15 88 Streetlight Pole & Fixture EA 26 Furnish & Install New Streetlight 89 Fixture on Ex. Wood Pole EA 3 Furnish & Install New Streetlight 90 Fixture on Ex. Metal Pole EA 38 91 Furnish & Install Streetlight Pull Box EA 55 Furnish & Install 2" Schedule 40 92 PVC Conduit EA 1,636 Bid Proposal BP-7 (Continued) BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES for PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY. PRICE PRICE Furnish & Install 2" Schedule 80 93 PVC Conduit EA 3,631 Install Bioinfiltration Monitoring 94 Station EA 3 95 Relocate Ex. Fence LF 224 96 Relocate Ex. Chain Link Gate EA 1 97 Coordination with Adjacent Projects LS 1 $10,000 $10,000 TOTAL BASE BID BID ITEMS#1-97 Note: (FPQ) indicates final pay quantity per SJSS Section 9-1.015 "Final Pay Quantities" (R) indicates revocable bid items per Section 4-1.03E of SJSS Total Base Bid Written in Words: Bid Proposal BP-8 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE SCHEDULE "A" BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES _ ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE ADJUST WVSD SANITARY SEWER Al MANHOLES TO GRADE EA 9 MODIFY WVSD SANITARY SEWER A2 MANHOLE &ADJUST TO GRADE EA 9 WVSD SANITARY SEWER A3 MANHOLE EA 1 TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES ITEM Al-A3 Total Additive Alternate Schedule A Bid Written in Words: ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE "B" BID SCHEDULE'OF QUANTITIES ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I QUANTITY PRICE PRICE ADJUST AT&T MANHOLE TO B1 GRADE EA 10 TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES ITEM B1 Total Additive Alternate Schedule B Bid Written in Words: Bid Proposal BP-9 ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE "C" BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES ITEM I ESTIMATED J .UNIT TEXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE- PRICE ADJUST SJWC WATER VALVES TO C1 GRADE EA 25 RELOCATE EX. SJWC WATER C2 METER EA 59 RELOCATE EX. SJWC WATER C3 VALVE EA 10 TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES ITEM CI-C3 Total Additive Alternate Schedule C Bid Written in Words: ADDITIVE ATERNATE SCHEDULE "D" BID SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT 1EXTENDED NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE EXTENDED WARRANTY— BOND D1 FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF LS 1 THREE-YEAR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATES ITEM D1 Total Additive Alternate Schedule D Bid Written in Words:- .'Bid Proposal BP-10 Total Base Bid + Total Additive Alternate Schedules (A+ B+C+D) Bid = Total Base Bid + Total Additive Alternate Schedules (A+ B+C+D) Bid Written in Words: See Section 3 of the Special Provisions for the determination of the low bid. Bid Proposal BP-11 STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder shall list the name and address of each subcontractor to whom the Bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work, as required by the provisions in "Designation of Subcontractors" in Section 2-1.15A of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications. WORK TO BE DOLLAR NAME OF ADDRESS OF LICENSE NUMBER& PERFORMED BY VALUE OF SUBCONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR CLASSIFICATION SUBCONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACT SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: Bid Proposal BP-12 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code Section 7106) To the CITY of CAMPBELL, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. In accordance with Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code 7106 the bidder declares that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Note: The above Noncollusion Affidavit is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Noncollusion Affidavit. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution. SIGNATURE OF BIDDER TITLE DATE Bid Proposal BP-13 If the bidder or other interested persons is a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Manager thereof; if a partnership, state the name of the partnership, if one exists, also the names of all the partners comprising the partnership; if any of the partners are individuals, state the first and last name of every individual in full; if any of the partners are corporations, state for each such corporation, the information required above of corporations; if any of the partners are partnerships, state for each such partnership the information required of partners; if the bidder or other interested person is a joint- venture, state the name of the joint venture, also names of all joint ventures comprising information required above of corporations; if any of.the joint venturers are partnerships, state for each such partnership, the information required above of partners; if bidder or other interested persons is an individual, state the first and last names in full. If the bidder is an individual, the bidder's signature shall be placed below; if bidder is an individual, doing business under a fictitious name, the name of'the individual followed by the words "doing business under (insert the fictitious name)" shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the individual; if the bidder is a corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the officer or officers of the corporation, the corporation title, should be placed below the name of the officer and the .corporate seal affixed; if the bidder is a partnership, the legal name of the partnership, if one exists, shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the partnership; if any of the partners are corporations, execution for such partners shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements set forth above for corporations; if any of the partners are partnerships, execution for such partners shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements set forth above for partnership; if bidder is a joint-venture, the legal name of the joint-venture, if one exists, shall be set forth as above for partnerships. If the signature is by an agent other than an officer of a corporation, or member of a partnership or a joint venture, a Power of Attorney must be on file with the City Clerk prior to opening of bids or submitted with the bid; otherwise, the bid may be disregarded as non-responsive. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to contract, and to give the Bond For Faithful Performance and the Contractor's Payment Bond required by the specifications and contract and by law, and to provide all insurance as required by said contract, within eight (8) days after the bidder has received notice from the City that the contract is available for signature by the Contractor, the City may, at its option, determine that the bidder has abandoned his contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the forfeiture of such security accompanying this proposal shall operate and the same shall be the property of the City of Campbell. Bid Proposal BP-14 Accompanying this proposal are the following documents completely filled in by the bidder, incorporated herein by reference: 1. Formal Bid Proposal 2. Bid Schedule of Quantities/ Unit Costs/ Extended Prices 3. Statement of Subcontractors 4. Non-Collusion Affidavit 5. Refer to Section 10-10: Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR) for Contractor qualification and requirements. 6. Refer to Section 10-22: 3-Year Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance, Subsection 1.10 Licensing, for Contractor qualifications and requirements. 7. Bid Proposal Security 8. Cash, a cashier's check made payable to the City, certified check made payable to the City, or Bid Bond executed by a corporate Surety insurer possessing a valid Certificate of Authority issued by the California Department of Insurance, in an amount equal to at least ten percent(10%) of the total bid. The City may, at its option, request additional supplemental information after bid opening. Bidder understands that the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. By my signature on this proposal I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing questionnaire and statements of Public Contract Code Sections 10162, 10232 and 10285.1 are true and correct and that the bidder has complied with the requirements of Section 8103 of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission Regulations (Chapter 5, Title 2 of the California Administrative Code). By my signature on this proposal I further certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and the United States of America, that the Noncollusion Affidavit required by Title 23 United States Code, Section 112 and Public Contract Code Section 7106; and the Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 29 Debarment and Suspension Certification are true and correct. Bid Proposal BP-15 The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this proposal and all accompanying documents are true and correct. Executed on the day of , 20 SIGNATURE OF BIDDER By: Title: Name of Contractor: Address: Telephone: State Contractor License No.: Classification: Expiration Date: NOTE--Signature(s) of bidder(s) must be notarized. Bid Proposal BP-16 BID BOND City of Campbell KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, , as PRINCIPAL, and as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the Principal above named, submitted by said Principal to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, acting by and through the Department of Public Works, for the work described below, for the payment of which sum in lawful money of the United States, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors,jointly and severally, firmly by these present. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas the Principal has submitted the above-mentioned bid to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, as aforesaid, for certain construction specifically described as follows, for which bids are to be opened in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Campbell, California ) 20 . for: PROJECT NO. 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOW, THEREFORE, If the aforesaid Principal is awarded the Contract and, within the time and manner required under the specifications, after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enters into a written Contract, in the prescribed form, in accordance with the bid, and files two bonds, one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials, and files the required insurance policies with the City, all as required by the specifications and the Contract or by law, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the Obligee and judgment is recovered, the Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the Obligee in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals on this day of 20— (Principal) Surety) By By By (Attach Acknowledgment of both Principal's and Surety's signatures) Bid Proposal BP-18 CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF CAMPBELL AND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STRET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT made and concluded in duplicate, this , day of , 20 , by and between hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", and the City of Campbell, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY": ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed,by CITY, and under the conditions expressed in the two (2) bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, the CONTRACTOR agrees with the CITY, at his own proper cost and expense, to do all the work and furnish all plant, labor, services, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, utilities, and materials, except such as are mentioned in the Specifications to be furnished by the CITY, necessary to construct and complete to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, in accordance with this Contract, the Notice Inviting Bids,'the accepted Bid Proposal, the Plans, the Special Provisions, the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction dated July 1994, and by reference therein to the City of San Jose Standard Specifications, the City of San Jose Standard Details, the State Standard Specifications, the State Standard Plans, and the Equipment Rental Rates of the California Department of Transportation and the General Prevailing Wage Rates, each of which documents are on file in the office of the City Clerk and all of which are hereby specifically referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. The work to be done is shown upon the project plans and specifications entitled, "PROJECT NO. 08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", which said project plans, specifications, and referenced specifications are hereby made a part of this Contract. ARTICLE If. The CITY hereby promises and agrees with the CONTRACTOR to employ, and does hereby employ, the CONTRACTOR to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the price aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, and in the manner and upon the conditions herein set forth; and the CITY and the CONTRACTOR, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE III. The CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept the prices indicated in the Contractor's signed proposal as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this Contract; also for all loss or.damage, arising out of the nature of the work Contract Documents CD-1 aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the CITY, and for all risks connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the Plans and Specifications, and the requirements of the Engineer, and also for furnishing the required bonds and insurance, and for doing all other things mentioned, contemplated or embraced in this agreement, and the contract documents. ARTICLE IV. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, the Contractor will be required to secure the payment of worker's compensation to his employees. ARTICLE V. By my signature hereunder, as CONTRACTOR, I certify that I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract. ARTICLE VI. The improvement contemplated in the performance of this Contract is an improvement over which.the CITY shall exercise general supervision. The CITY shall have the right to assume full _ and direct control over this Contract whenever the CITY, at its sole discretion, shall determine that its responsibility to the United States or the State of California so requires. ARTICLE VII. The general prevailing wage rates as heretofore specified and any minimum wage rates indicated in the Special Provisions are hereby specifically referred to and by this reference are made a part of this Contract. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the Bid or Proposal of CONTRACTOR, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said Proposal conflicting herewith. ARTICLE Vill. Contractor and any subcontractors under the Constructor shall comply with Section 1775 of the California Labor Code regarding prevailing wages. ARTICLE IX. Contractor shall be .responsible for complying with the provisions of Section 1776 of the California Labor Code concerning payroll records, as more specifically described in Section 7- 1.01A(3) of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications ARTICLE X. Contractor shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of California Labor Code Sections 1777.5 through 1777.7, inclusive, concerning apprentices, as more specifically described in Section 7-1.01A(5)of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications. Contract Documents CD-2 ARTICLE A. Contractor shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of California Labor Code Sections 1810 through 1815, inclusive, concerning working hours, as more specifically described in Section 7-1.01A(1) of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications. ARTICLE XII. Contractor's attention is directed to Section 7-1.01 E of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications, regarding trench excavation. .ARTICLE XIII. In accordance with Section 8-1.07 of the City of San Jose Standard Specifications, thirty-six hundred dollars ($3,600.00) will be assessed as liquidated damages for each and every calendar day's delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of working days prescribed. Liquidated damages for non-compliance with the requirements in "Hours of Work" under Section 10-1 "General Construction Requirements shall also be assessed as stated in the Special Provisions. The City further agrees that the Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay in completion of the project, when such delay was caused by the failure of the City or the owner of the utility to.move-or relocate such utility facilities as set forth in California Government Code Section 4215. ARTICLE XIV. Contractor shall be responsible for complying with the provisions of California Public Contracts Code Section 7104 regarding trenching and excavations that extend deeper than four (4) feet below the surface. ARTICLE XV. The City of Campbell shall notify Contractor of the receipt of any third-party claim relating to this contract within 30 days of receipt. The City of Campbell may recover its reasonable costs incurred in providing such notification, pursuant to subdivision (c) of Public Contract Code Section 9201. Notwithstanding this notification provision, the City of Campbell reserves its full authority to compromise or otherwise settle any claim relating to this contract at any time. Contract Documents CD-3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these present have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written, and having fully read and understood the terms and conditions of this contract, acknowledge their agreement to be bound thereby. CONTRACTOR BY: BY: (Attach Contractor's Acknowledgment) CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA A Municipal Corporation Todd Capurso, Public Works Director ATTEST: BY: Anne Bybee, City Clerk Contract Documents CD-4 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE We, the undersigned (hereinafter "contractor") and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of , and authorized to transact business in the State of California, as Surety, are obligated to the City of Campbell, (hereinafter "City") a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of California, in the sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment of which sum we obligate ourselves and our successors and assigns, jointly and severally by the following provisions: The condition of this obligation is: Because the obligated Contractor has, on , 20 , entered into written Contract with the City for the Project entitled "PROJECT NO'. .08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", a copy of which is attached and made a part of this bond, for the construction of the Project. Now, therefore, if the Contractor shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents during the original term, and any extensions of the contract which may.be granted by the City, with or without notice to the surety, and if it shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under the contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the City from. all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the City all outlay and expense which the City may incur in making any default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. If any legal action be filed upon this bond, it shall be filed within one year after final payment has been made under the contract"excluding the warranty period, if any, provided for in the contract, and venue shall lie in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and that surety, for value received stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed under it or the specifications accompanying it shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does by this means waive notice of any change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications, and thereby - waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. In witness, contractor and surety have executed this agreement as of , 20 (Contractor) By Title (Surety) By Address of Surety: (Attach Acknowledgements) Surety's Bond Number (Accompany this bond with Attorney-in-fact's (Both Principal's and authority from Surety to execute the bond, Surety's Attorney in Fact) certified to include the date of the bond.) Contract Documents CD-5 BOND FOR LABOR AND MATERIAL We, the undersigned (hereinafter "Principal") and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized to transact business in the State of California, as Surety, are obligated to the City of Campbell (hereinafter "City"), a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of California, in the sum of Dollars ($ for the payment of which sum we obligate ourselves and our successors and assigns, jointly and severally by the following provisions: The condition of this obligation is that the Principal entered, or is about to enter, into a certain written Contract with the City dated , 20 , for the "PROJECT NO. 08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", a true and correct copy of which is presently on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, which said Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Because Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection with the contract, providing that if Principal, or any of its subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, or other supplies, or for any work or labor on the contracted work of any kind, or for amounts due under the unemployment insurance act with respect to any work or labor on this project, the Surety on this bond will pay for the debt, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and also, in case suit is brought upon the bond, a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. Now, therefore, we, , as Principal, AND as Surety, are obligated to the City of Campbell, in the sum of$ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sums will and truly to be made, we the said Principal and Surety bind ourselves, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these provisions. The condition of this obligation is that if Principal, its successors or assigns, or its subcontractor, or subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any labor, materials, or other supplies, used in the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for amounts due under the unemployment insurance act with respect to this work or labor, then the Surety on, this bond will pay for them, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and in case suit is brought upon this bond will also pay a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court. No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensions, addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no forbearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. In witness, the parties have executed this agreement as of , 20 (Principal) By: (Surety) By: Address of Surety: (Attach Acknowledgements) Surety's Bond Number: (Both Principal's and (Accompany this bond with Attorney-in-fact's Surety's Attorney in Fact) authority from Surety to execute the bond certified to include the date of the bond.) Contract Documents CD-6 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD We, the undersigned (hereinafter "Principal") and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized to transact business in the State of California, as Surety, are obligated to the City of Campbell (hereinafter "City"), a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of California, in the sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment of which sum we obligate ourselves and our successors and assigns,jointly and severally by the following provisions: The condition of this obligation is that the Principal entered, or is about to enter, into a certain written Contract with the City dated , 20 "PROJECT NO. 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", for a one-year maintenance period of the work described in said Contract, a true and correct copy of which is presently on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, which said agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. And, the City requires a guarantee from the Principal against defective materials and workmanship in connection with that maintenance. Now, therefore, the Principal agrees that it shall make all repairs or replacements necessary during the period of one-year from the date of acceptance of the contract work, by reason of defective materials or workmanship in connection with the Contract. If those defective materials or workmanship occur within that period, the City shall give the Principal and Surety written notice of that defect within 60 days after discovery. When each replacement is made to the satisfaction of the City, the obligation of the Principal and Surety shall be discharged as to that replacement, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Any repairs or replacements made under this bond shall in like manner be subject to the terms and conditions of it. No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensions, addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no forbearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. (Principal) By: Title: (Surety) By: Address of Surety: (Attach Acknowledgements) Surety's Bond Number: (Accompany this bond with Attorney-in-fact's (Both Principal's and authority from Surety to execute the bond, Surety's Attorney in Fact) certified to include the date of the bond.) Contract Documents CD-7 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THREE-YEAR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD We, the undersigned (hereinafter "Principal") and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of , and authorized to transact business in the State of California, as Surety, are obligated to the City of Campbell (hereinafter "City"), a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of California, in the sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment of which sum we obligate ourselves and our successors and assigns,jointly and severally by the following provisions: The condition of this obligation is that the Principal entered, or is about to enter, into a certain written Contract with the City dated , 20 "PROJECT NO. 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT", for a three-year maintenance period of the work described in said Contract pertaining to the following Sections in the Special Provisions: Section 10-10 "Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR)" and Section 10-11 "Asphalt Concrete Pavement", a true and correct copy of which is presently on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell, which said agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof.- And, the City requires a guarantee from the Principal against defective materials and workmanship in connection with that maintenance. Now, therefore, the Principal agrees that it shall make all repairs or replacements necessary during the period of three-years from the date of acceptance of the contract work, by reason of defective materials or workmanship in connection with the Contract. If those defective materials or workmanship occur within that period, the City shall give the Principal and Surety written notice of that defect within 60 days.after discovery. When each replacement is made to the satisfaction of the City, the obligation of the Principal and Surety shall be discharged as to that replacement, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Any repairs or replacements made under this bond shall in like manner be subject to the terms and conditions of it. No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensions, addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no forbearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. (Principal) By: Title: (Surety) By: Address of Surety: (Attach Acknowledgements) Surety's Bond Number: (Accompany this bond with Attorney-in-fact's (Both Principal's and authority from Surety to execute the bond, Surety's Attorney in Fact) certified to include the date of the bond.) Contract Documents CD-8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT Special Provisions SP=1 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL PROVISIONS . PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SECTION 1. SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS General The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction (CCSS) dated July 1994, and in accordance with the project plans, and the following Special Provisions. Attention is also directed to the City of San Jose Standard Specifications (SJSS) and Standard Details (SJSD) dated July 1992, the State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications (SS) and Standard Plans (SSP) dated May 2006, portions of which are incorporated into the CCSS by reference.- Special Provisions Section 1 —Section 9 Special Provisions Sections 1 — Section 9 shall apply to all elements of the project. Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and all incidentals for doing all the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions Sections 1 —Section 9 shall be deemed included in the price paid for the various other contract bid items and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. SECTION 2. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS General The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions in Section 2, "Proposal Requirements and Conditions," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions for the requirements and conditions which the bidder must observe in the preparation of-and the submission of the bid. The bidder's bond shall conform to the bond form in the Bid book for the project and shall be properly filled out and executed: The bidder's bond form included in that book may be used. In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, a Noncollusion Affidavit is included in the Bid book. Signing the Bid book shall also constitute signature of the Noncollusion Affidavit. The Contractor, sub-recipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of Title 49 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), Part 26 in the award and administration of US DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as the recipient deems appropriate. Each subcontract signed by the bidder must include this assurance. Failure of the bidder to fulfill the requirements of the.Special Provisions for submittals required to be furnished after bid opening, including but not limited to escrowed bid documents, where Special Provisions SP-2 applicable, may subject the bidder to a determination of the bidder's responsibility in the event it is the apparent low bidder on a future public works contracts. Proposal Guaranty The Bidder's Bond shall conform to the bond form included in the Proposal for the project and shall be properly filled out and submitted with the Proposal. Pre-Bid Site Inspection Prospective bidders shall carefully examine the job site. The submission of the bid shall be conclusive evidence that the bidder has investigated and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered, as to character, quality, and scope of work to be performed, the quantity of materials to be furnished, and as to the requirements of the proposals, plans, specifications, and the contract. Attention is directed to Section 2-1.03 of the SJSS. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting Prospective bidders are required to attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting. This meeting will be held on at 9:30AM, on Thursday, April 10, 2014, at the southwest corner of Hacienda Avenue and Capri Drive. Bids for this Project will not be accepted from Contractors that did not attend the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting. Bidders are advised to address all questions relative to this project in writing to: City of Campbell, Public Works Department 70 North First Street, Campbell, CA 95008-1423 Attention: Fredrick Ho, Project Manager Telephone: (408) 866-2156 Fax: (408) 376-0958 SECTION 3. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Determination Of Low Bid All bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's Estimate of Quantities of work to be done. The determination of the low bid will be based upon the total base bid. The City may choose to award any Additive Alternate Bid Items, at the City's sole discretion, at the time of the award. The City reserves the right to award any or all of the Additive Alternate Bid Items. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the contract requirements. The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions in Section 3, "Award and Execution of Contract" of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions for the requirements and conditions concerning award and execution of contract. Bid Protests are to be delivered to the following: City of Campbell, Public Works Department 70 North First Street, Campbell, CA 95008-1423 Attention: Fredrick Ho, Project Manager Telephoner (408) 866-2156 Fax: (408) 376-0958 Special Provisions SP-3 The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid complies with all the requirements prescribed. The contract shall be executed by the successful bidder and shall be returned together,with the contract bonds, to the City so that it is received within 10 days, not including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, after the,bidder has received the contract for execution. Failure to do so shall be just cause for forfeiture of the proposal guaranty. The executed contract documents shall be delivered to the following address: City of Campbell, Department of Public Works—70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008-1423. Pre-Construction Conference A pre-construction conference will be held shortly after the contract award in accordance with "Meetings" subparagraph found in Section 10-1 "General Construction Requirements." The Contractor shall prepare in advance the proposed progress schedule in accordance with Section 8-1.04 "Progress Schedule" of the CCSS and SJSS„ and a traffic control plan in accordance with Section 10-2, "Traffic Control Requirements of these Special Provisions. SECTIONA BEGINNING OF WORK, TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES General Attention is directed to'the provisions in Section 8-1.03 "Beginning of Work", Section 8-1.06 "Time of Completion", and Section 8-1:07, "Liquidated Damages," of the CCSS, SJSS, SS, and these Special Provisions. Time of Completion The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the work to completion before the expiration of 160 WORKING DAYS after the date of the first working day. The time of completion shall include all allowances for mobilization and total completion of all work including final punch list work and final clean-up. Working days shall be as shown on the Construction Workday Calendar contained in Appendix B. Liquidated Damages Time is of the essence for completion of this project. The Contractor shall pay to the City of Campbell the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars ($3,600.00) per day for each and every calendar day's delay in the finishing of the work in excess of working days prescribed above. Liquidated damages shall also be assessed for non-compliance with the requirements stated in "Hours of Work" under Section 10-1, "General Construction Requirements", of these Special Provisions, and Section 10-2, "Traffic Control Requirements." SECTION 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Licenses The Contractor shall possess a valid Class "A" General Engineering Contractor License at the time the Contract is awarded through Contract acceptance (Public Contract Code § 10164). Failure to possess the specified license shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the Contract to any bidder not possessing said license at the time of bid and forfeiture of the bid will result. All contractors and subcontractors shall have and maintain a Special Provisions SP-4 current and valid contractor license of the required classification from the State of California throughout the course of this project. In addition, all contractors and subcontractors working in the City of Campbell must have a valid City of Campbell Business License. Evidence of possession of said licenses must be provided before contract award. Workers' Compensation Attention is directed to Section 7-1.01A(6) "Workers' Compensation," of the SJSS and the following: Before commencing work in the City of Campbell the Contractor must provide the City with a copy of one of the following: 1., Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance; or 2. Certificate of consent to self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR 3. Certificate of exemption from the Workers' Compensation Laws. Insurance Requirements Attention is directed to Section 7-1.22, "Insurance Requirements," of the CCSS. The contractor agrees that they will assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of the work, including safety of all persons and property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. In addition to any other indemnity obligation incorporated herein, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, their agents, officers, attorneys, employees, officials and volunteers, to the fullest extent permitted by law from any and all claims, causes of action, injuries, losses, liabilities, cost (including reasonable defense costs and attorneys' fees) or damages arising out of or related to, or alleged to arise out of or relate to the performance of this contract or any acts or omissions of Contractor, its agents, officers, employees, or anyone rendering services on their behalf, except for any claims, causes of action, injuries, losses, liabilities or damages proximately caused by the active negligence, sole negligence or willful misconduct of City. Notwithstanding any other indemnity provisions imposed under this contract, with respect to any design professional services provided by CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, their officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, losses, damages, costs and.liabilities of every nature, including all costs of defending any claim, caused by, pertaining or relating to, or arising out of, or alleged to have been caused by or arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the Contractor, except for any claims, actions, causes of action, losses, damages or liabilities proximately caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY. CITY shall not be liable for acts of CONTRACTOR in performing services described herein. The foregoing indemnity provisions are intended to fully allocate all risk of liability to third- parties. No other rights of indemnity or contribution shall exist between the parties in law or in equity. The provisions set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Public Safety The following,paragraph is hereby added to Section 7-1.09 "Public Safety," of the CCSS. Special Provisions SP-5 The Contractor shall maintain a safe workplace throughout the job including, but not limited to, maintenance of barricades, maintenance of safe pedestrian walkways and handicap access throughout or around the project site, and maintenance of pavement within the limits of the roadway and driveways with a suitable traffic-bearing surface. The Contractor shall fulfill the requirements of this Section 24 hours per day, seven days a week, including holidays, from the time of the Notice to Proceed is issued until the project is formally accepted. The Contractor shall conform to the City's Storm Water Pollution Control Ordinance_and Best Management Practices (BMP) for the Construction Industry preventing contamination of the City's storm drain system. A copy of the ordinance and the BMP's are included in Appendix C and D. Labor Nondiscrimination Attention is directed to Section 1735 of the Labor Code, which reads as follows: "No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Section 12940 of the. Government Code, and every Contractor for -public works violating this section is subject to all the penalties imposed for a violation of this chapter." Attention is directed to the following "Nondiscrimination Clause" that is required by Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2, California Code of Regulations. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE 1. During the performance of this contract, Contractor and its subcontractors shall not unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age (over 40) or sex. Contractors and subcontractors shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free of such discrimination. Contractors and subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code, Section 12990 et seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of.Regulations, Title 2, Section 7285.0 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code, Section 12990, set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations are incorporated into this contract by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. Contractor and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other agreement. 2. This Contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the contract. STANDARD CALIFORNIA NONDISCRIMINATION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS (GOV. CODE, SECTION 12990) These specifications are applicable to all state Contractors and subcontractors" having a construction contract or subcontract of$5,000, or more. 1. As used in the specifications: Special Provisions SP-6 a. "Administrator" means Administrator, Office of Compliance Programs, California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, or any person to whom the Administrator delegates authority; b.. "Minority" includes: (i) Black (all persons having primary origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa, but not of Hispanic origin); (ii) Hispanic(all persons of primary culture or origin in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central or South America or other Spanish derived culture or origin regardless of race); Asian/Pacific Islander(all persons having primary origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent or the Pacific Islands); and (iv) American Indian/Alaskan Native (all persons having primary origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who. maintain culture identification,through tribal affiliation or community recognition). 2. Whenever the Contractor or any subcontractor subcontracts a portion of the work, it shall physically include in each subcontract of $5,000 or more the nondiscrimination clause in this contract directly or through incorporation by reference. Any subcontract for work involving a construction trade shall also include the Standard California Construction Contract Specifications, either directly or through. incorporation by reference. 3. The Contractor shall implement the specific nondiscrimination standards provided in paragraph 6(a)through (e)of these specifications. 4. Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, nor the failure by a union with whom the Contractor has 'a collective bargaining agreement, to refer either minorities or women, shall excuse the Contractor's obligations under these specifications, Government Code Section 12990, or .the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. 5. In order for the- non-working training hours of apprentices and trainees to be counted, such apprentices and trainees must be employed by the Contractor during the training period, and the Contractor must have made a commitment to employ the apprentices and trainees at the completion of their training, subject to the availability of employment opportunities. Trainees must be trained pursuant to training,programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor or the California Department of Industrial Relations. 6. The Contractor shall take specific actions to implement its nondiscrimination program. The evaluation of the Contractor's compliance with these specifications shall be based upon its effort to achieve maximum results from its actions. The Contractor must be able to demonstrate fully its efforts under steps (a)through (e) below: Special Provisions SP-7 a. Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, intimidation, and coercion at all sites', and at all facilities at which the Contractor's employees are assigned to work. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents, and other on-site supervisory personnel are aware of and carry out the Contractor's obligations to. maintain such a working environment. b. Provide written notification within seven days to the director of DFEH when the union or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement has not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other.information that the union referral process has impeded the Contractor's efforts to meet its obligations. c. Disseminate the Contractor's equal employment opportunity policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training, recruitment and outreach programs and requesting their cooperation in assisting the Contractor to meet its obligations; and by posting the company policy on bulletin boards accessible to all employees at each location where construction work is performed. d. Ensure all personnel making management and employment decisions regarding hiring, assignment, layoff, termination, conditions of work, training, rates of pay or other employment decisions, including all supervisory personnel, superintendents, general foremen, on-site foremen, etc., are aware of the Contractor's equal employment opportunity policy and obligations, and discharge their responsibilities accordingly. e. Ensure that seniority practices, job classifications, work assignments and other personnel practices, do not have a discriminatory effect by continually monitoring all personnel and employment related activities to ensure that the equal employment opportunity policy and the Contractor's obligations under these specifications are being carried out. 7. Contractors are encouraged to participate in voluntary.associations which assist in fulfilling their equal employment opportunity obligations. The efforts of a contractor association, joint contractor-union, contractor-community, or other similar groups of which the Contractor is a member and participant, may be asserted as fulfilling any one or more of its obligations under these specifications provided that the Contractor actively participates in the group, and can provide access to documentation which demonstrates the effectiveness of actions taken on behalf of the Contractor. The obligation to comply, however, is the Contractor's. 8. The Contractor is required to provide equal employment opportunity for all minority groups, both male and female, and all women, both minority and non-minority. Consequently, the Contractor may be in violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code, Section 12990 et seq.) if a particular group is employed in a substantially disparate manner. - 9. Establishment and implementation of a bona fide affirmative action plan pursuant to Section 8104 (b) of this Chapter shall create a rebuttal presumption that a Contractor is in compliance with the requirements of Section 12990 of the Government Code and its implementing regulations. Special Provisions SP-8 10. The Contractor shall not use the nondiscrimination standards to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status or age over 40. 11. The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract with any person or firm decertified from state contracts pursuant to Government Code Section 12990. 12. The Contractor shall carry out such -sanctions and penalties for .violation of these specifications and the nondiscrimination clause, including suspension, termination and cancellation of existing subcontracts as- may be imposed or ordered pursuant to Government Code Section 12990 and its implementing regulations by the awarding . agency. Any Contractor who fails to carry out such sanctions and penalties shall be in violation of these specifications and Government Code Section 12990. 13. The Contractor shall designate a responsible official to monitor all employment related activity to ensure that the company equal employment opportunity policy is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be required by OCP and to keep records. Records shall at least include for each employee the name, address, telephone numbers, construction trade, union affiliation of any, employee identification number when assigned, social security number, race, sex, status, (e.g., mechanic, apprentice trainee, helper, or laborer), dates of changes in status, hours worked per week in the indicated trade, rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records shall be maintained in any easily understandable and retrievable form; however, to the degree that existing records satisfy this requirement, Contractors shall not be required to maintain separate records. NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 12935(a) and 12990(d), Government Code. References: Section 12990, Government Code. Prompt Pay Enforcement Mechanism The Project Manager will contact project DBE subcontractors to verify they are being paid promptly on City projects per the City's "prompt payment provision" of the contract. Any violation of this section shall cause disciplinary action and shall subject the prime contractor to a penalty, payable to the subcontractor, of 2% of the amount due per month for every month that the payment is not made. Prevailing Wage Attention is directed to Section 7-1.01A(2) of the SJSS entitled "Prevailing Wage", and as determined/published by the Department of Industrial Relations for the state of California — as indicated in the following website: http://www.dir.ca..qov/disr/pwd/index.htm If the published wage rate does not refer to a predetermined wage rate to be paid after the expiration date, said published rate of wage shall be in effect for the life of this contract. If the published wage rate refers to a predetermined wage rate to become effective upon expiration of the published wage rate and the predetermined wage rate is on file with the Department of Industrial Relations, such predetermined wage rate shall become effective on the date following the expiration date and shall apply to this contract in the same manner as if it had been published in said publication. If the predetermined wage rate refers to one or more additional expiration dates with additional predetermined wage rates, which expiration dates occur during the life of the contract, each successive predetermined wage rate shall apply to this contract on the date following the expiration date of the previous wage rate. If the last of such -Special Provisions SP-9 predetermined wage rate expires during the life of this contract, such wage rate shall apply to the balance of the contract. Payroll Records The contractor shall comply with Section 7-1.01A(3) "Payroll Records" of the SJSS. Section 7.101A(3) "Payroll Records", Subdivision (b), Sub-section (2) shall be amended.to read as follows: A certified copy of all payroll records enumerated in subdivision (a) shall be made available for inspection or furnished upon request to the Division of„Labor Standards Enforcement and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations. Certified payroll records shall be submitted weekly for the life of the project to a representative of the body awarding the contract. Claims The Contractor shall submit written statement of all claims arising under or by virtue of the contract so that the Engineer receives the written approval or statement of claims no later than close of business of the thirtieth (30th) day after receiving the proposed final estimate. If the thirtieth (30th) day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then receipt of the written approval or statement of claims by the Engineer shall not be later than close of business of the next business day. No claim will be considered that was not included in the written statement or claims, nor will any claim be allowed as to which a notice or protest is required under the provisions in City of San Jose Standard Specifications Section 4-1.03, "Changes" and "Time of Completion," Section 4, "Liquidated Damages," Section 5-1.116, "Differing Site Conditions," Section 8-1.10, "Utilities and Non-Highway Facilities," and Section 9-1.04, "Notice of Potential Claim," unless the Contractor has complied with the notice or protest requirements in those sections. Claims filed by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of said claims. If additional information or details are required by the . Engineer to determine the basis and amount of the claims, the Contractor shall furnish additional information or details so that the additional information or details are received by the Engineer no later than the fifteenth (15th) day after receipt of the written request from the Engineer. If the fifteenth (15th) day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then receipt of the information or details by the Engineer shall not be later than close of business of the next business day. Failure to submit the information and details to the Engineer within the time specified will be sufficient cause for denying the claim. The Contractor shall keep full and complete records of the costs and additional time incurred for any work for which a claim for additional compensation is made. The Engineer or any designated claim investigator or auditor shall have access to those records and any other records as may be required by the Engineer to determine the facts or contentions involved in the claims. Failure to permit access to those records shall be sufficient cause for denying the claims. Claims submitted'by the Contractor shall be accompanied by a notarized certificate containing the following language: Under the penalty of law for perjury or falsification and with specific reference to the California False Claims Act, Government Code Section 12650 et. seq., the undersigned, Special Provisions SP-10 (Name) (Title) (Company) hereby certifies that the claim for the additional compensation and time, if any, made herein for the work on this contract is a true statement of the actual costs incurred and time sought, and is fully documented and supported under the contract between parties. Dated /s/ State of California ) ss. County of ) Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day of 20 Signature of Notary Public (Notary Sea[) Failure to submit the notarized certificate will be sufficient cause for denying the claim. Any claim for overhead type expenses or costs, in addition to being certified as stated above, shall be supported by an audit report of an independent Certified Public Accountant. Any claim for overhead shall also be subject to audit by the City at its discretion. Any costs or expenses incurred by the City in reviewing or auditing any claims that are not supported by the Contractor's cost accounting or other records shall be deemed to be damages incurred by the City within the meaning of the California False Claims Act.. The Engineer will make the final determination of any claim which remains in dispute after completion of the claim review. The contractor may be allowed to make a presentation in support of those claims. Upon final determination of the claims, the. Engineer will then make and issue the Engineer's final estimate in writing and within 30 days thereafter the City will pay the entire sum, if any, found due thereon. That final estimate shall be conclusive and binding against both parties to the contract on all questions relating to the amount of work done and the compensation payable therefore, except as otherwise provided in Sections 9-1.03C, "Records," and 9-1.09, "Clerical Errors" of the Standard Specifications (SS) dated May 2006. Special Provisions SP-11 SECTION 6. PERMITS General Requirements The Contractor shall, comply with Section 7-1.04 "Permits and Licenses" "of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. The following permits will be required for this project: • Right of Entry Right of Entry The City is obtaining right-of-entry permits from all property owners adjacent to the project to allow the Contractor to enter private properties to conform the new driveway surfaces to the existing driveways, to remove and replace improvements as needed, and to grade to provide proper drainage and meet new sidewalk grades. The Contractor will be allowed to encroach upon private property only to the extent necessary to perform conform work necessary and as shown on the Plans and specified herein. The Contractor shall fulfill all conditions stated on these permits. The Contractor shall meet to discuss conform work on private property with each individual property owner at least two weeks in advance of performing such work. The Contractor shall also be required to notify in writing each resident two (2) working days prior to working on private property. Additionally, the Contractor shall verbally notify the resident immediately prior to beginning any work on private property. Any and all damage done by the Contractor to existing private improvements that are to remain on the property shall be repaired by the Contractor to pre-existing condition. The Contractor shall keep all driveways open and accessible at all times except as specified under Section 10-2, "Traffic Control — Driveway Closures." The Contractor shall obtain a copy of each Right of Entry prior to meeting with the property owner to discuss the conform work. A copy of each Right-of-Entry will be provided to the Contractor by the City upon request. The standard form of the Right of Entry is included in Appendix E -"PERMITS". Any additional permits necessary to complete the work required by the Plans, Standard Specifications, -and Special Provisions shall be obtained by the Contractor at his sole expense within ten (10)working days after award of the contract for this project. Any delays due to the Contractor's negligence in obtaining the required permits or complying with required conditions shall be the Contractor's responsibility and no additional days or compensation shall be allowed. Payment for the cost of obtaining and complying with the conditions of Section 6 — "PERMITS" shall be considered included in the price of various contract items and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Special Provisions SP-12 SECTION 7. PUBLIC UTILITY COORDINATION General All relocations of apparent or discovered utility lines (e.g., AT&T, San Jose Water Company (SJWC), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Comcast, West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD), Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), etc., shall be accomplished'by the forces of the appropriate utilities. The Contractor shall notify the appropriate utility at least 48 hours in advance of working in the vicinity of any associated utilities in the project area. Existing utilities are shown on the plans for general informational purposes only and locations shown are approximate only. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the location of all existing utilities prior to the commencement of any construction activity (e.g., excavation, clearing and grubbing and trenching), which may damage any existing utilities. Furthermore, the Contractor shall protect and assume liability for all existing or newly installed utility structures and lines from damage by his forces during the construction period (from Notice to Proceed until final acceptance). If utility lines are discovered in the way of the Contractor's operation, the Contractor shall immediately contact the appropriate utility and the Engineer. The Contractor shall only be granted additional time for any delay caused by the utility and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. Contractor must allow adequate time and access for AT&T, PG&E, Comcast, WVSD and SJWC to reconnect affected service laterals and rewrap their utilities as necessary. All exposed existing (or new) telephone, cable, gas, water, sewer, electricity or other public utility facilities shall receive an envelope of 12" (in all directions) of sand (or other material as required by the utility) surrounding said utility(s)within the backfill area unless otherwise specified on the Plans or within the Special Provisions. This envelope shall be placed by the Contractor. All payments for said envelope shall be considered as included in the price paid for other items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Prior to forming the curb and gutter, the 'Contractor shall coordinate with San Jose Water Company (SJWC), Chester Churchill, at (408) 279-7831 and shall allocate sufficient time and space for SJWC to install new water meter boxes. Coordination of this work, and all other work regarding utilities, shall be considered as included in other contract items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. Attention is directed to subsection "Work by Others," under Special Provision Section 9, "Description of Work" and to subsection "Cooperation," under Special Provision Section 10-1, "General Construction Requirements." Payment for locating all existing underground and above-ground utilities (including City electrical conduit and conductors) and their protection shall be considered as, included in the price paid for other items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Special Provisions SP-13 SECTION 8. MATERIALS AND SUBMITTALS City Furnished Materials Temporary "No Stopping" signs shall be provided by the City for the Contractor's use on this project. Materials Submittal List The materials proposed by the Contractor to be used on this contract shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer, prior to the pre-construction conference. Contractor shall submit four (4) copies of each submittal for approval by the Engineer. Submittals and support information shall be separated and clearly labeled when submitted to the Engineer for approval. The list supplied is intended to be comprehensive, but no claim for its completeness is implied and submittal of the complete list will not relieve the Contractor of supplying all the information needed or of complying with any of the other requirements of the specifications. Revised lists may be issued and items may be.added to the list supplied. Manufacturer's specifications shall be supplied along with submittal list for all applicable products on the list. Certificates of Compliance shall be submitted in accordance with Section 6-1.07A, "Certificates of Compliance", of the. Standard Specifications including the individual material specification of these Special Provisions. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any item that does not fulfill the requirements of these Special Provisions and the Standard Specifications. ALL submittals shall contain: 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions, including identification of revision or resubmittals. 2. The Project title and number. 3. Contractor identification, names of subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturers. 4. Specification Section number(s) and Bid Item(s)which pertain. 5. Applicable standards, such as ASTM, Federal, or State Specification numbers. Certified test results indicating performance 'of materials/products with regard to Specification requirements. 6. An 5"x 3" blank space for Contractor and Engineer stamps. 7. The Contractor's stamp shall be required and shall be initialed or signed, certifying the review of submittals and verification of products, field construction criteria, and coordination of the information within the submittal and the project plans and specifications. 8. Shipping and transportation cost of each submittal item. 9. Proof of sale for all paid items that indicates location of purchase. The General Contractor shall be required to review and approve all submittals and provide them stamped and signed as evidence thereof, prior to submitting to the Engineer for review. Submittals which are not-stamped and signed by the General Contractor will be rejected. Submittals shall be numbered consecutively. Special Provisions SP-14 The. preparation of plans, drawings, and necessary documents, as required by the following submittal lists, shall be considered as part of the requirements of other items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any item that does not fulfill the requirements of these plans, Special Provisions and the Standard Specifications. The Engineer reserves the right to require additional submittals from the Contractor that are not specifically identified in the Materials Submittal List Table below. If so requested, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with FOUR(4) copies of any additional submittal. Additional Submittals The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following at least two working days before the pre-construction conference: 1. Construction Schedule 2. Traffic Control Plan 3. Materials Submittals 4. Storm Water Pollution / Erosion Control Plan 5. Notice to Residents (Draft Form) 6.. Copy of Dark Sky certification for street lighting fixtures 7. Copy of Energy Star 2009 compliance for street lighting fixtures 8. Quality Control Plan (See Appendix F) 9. Noise Mitigation Plan (See Appendix G) 10. Waste Management Plan (See Appendix H) 11. Environmental Training Plan (See Appendix 1) 12. Site Recycling Plan (See Appendix J) 13. Water Use Tracking Chart(See Appendix K) 14. Regional Materials Chart(See Appendix L) 15. Construction Equipment Emissions Information (See Appendix M) 16. Debris Recovery Statement and Plan (See Appendix N) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following no more than 10 working days following the Master coordination meeting: 17. Master Schedule (See Coordination with Adjacent Projects Section) 18. Master Traffic Control (See Coordination with Adjacent Projects Section) The City reserves the right to delay the issuance of the Notice to Proceed unless all submittals listed above are received and processed by the Engineer. Any exceptions or rejected submittals will be remedied and resubmitted for the Engineer's review prior to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Payment for compliance with Section 8 "MATERIALS" shall be deemed included in the various other items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. Substitutions a. General - Requests for changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction required by Contract Documents proposed by the Special Provisions SP-15 Contractor after award of the Contract are considered "requests for substitutions". The following,are not considered substitutions: Revisions to Contract Documents requested by the City. Specified options of products and construction .methods included in Contract Documents. Compliance with governing regulations and orders issued by governing authorities. b. Submittal - Requests for substitution will be considered only if received within 10 calendar days from the date of award. Requests received after this period may be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the City. Each request for substitution shall be prepared and presented to the City in accordance with the procedures for submittals and shall be submitted on the request form as included in Appendix B. The following additional information shall be provided. 1. An explanation of the advantages to the City for accepting the substitution. 2. A comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those specified. 3. A list of changes or.modifications needed to other parts of the work and to construction performed by the City and separate Contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. 4. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the Construction Schedule compared to the Construction Schedule without acceptance of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall contract time. 5. Cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any, in the Contract Sum. 6. Certification that the substitution is equal to or better in every respect to that required by Contract Documents, and that it will perform adequately in application indicated. Include Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time extensions, that may be necessary because of the substitution's failure to perform adequately. C. Substitution Conditions -The Contractor's substitution request will be considered by the City when the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the City; otherwise, requests will be returned without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. Extensive revisions to Contract Documents are not required. Special Provisions = SP-16 Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of Contract Documents. The request is timely, fully documented and properly submitted. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the specified Contract Time. The request may not be considered if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure of the Contractor to pursue the work promptly or coordinate activities properly. A substantial advantage is offered the City, in terms of cost, time, energy conservation or other considerations of merit, after deducting offsetting responsibilities the City may be required to bear. Additional responsibilities for the City may include additional compensation to the Consulting Engineer/Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by the City or separate contractors, and similar considerations. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a regulatory agency, and the requested substitution can be approved.- The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials, and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the compatibility. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials, and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can provide the required warranty. d. Unacceptable Substitution Conditions - The Contractor's submittal and City's acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples that do not comply with the Contract Documents does not constitute a valid request for substitution, nor does it constitute acceptance of a substitution. e. City's Action - The City will notify the Contractor of acceptance or rejection of the proposed substitution within 28 calendar days of receipt. If a decision on use of a substitute cannot be made within these time limits, the product originally specified shall be used. f. Time Extension - No extension of contract time will be allowed through failure of the Contractor to either transmit requests for substitution sufficiently in advance of the work, or on account of processing time outside the time limits noted above. Should the originally specified materials not be available within the specified contract time due to the negligence of the Contractor to order and obtain such materials, the Contractor shall be Special Provisions SP-17 responsible to provide, install and maintain a temporary "equal" material as approved by the City, and shall replace such temporary material with the required product upon availability. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, maintenance, and removal of the temporary product and the installation of the specified product, including an extended one year warranty to cover the final product installed. Sufficient funds to cover the purchase and installation of the specified product will be withheld from monies due the Contractor until such work has been completed.and accepted by the City. Specified "Or Equal" Items Wherever catalog numbers and specific brands of trade names followed by the designation "or equal' are used in conjunction with a designated material, product, item, or service mentioned in these specifications, they are used to establish the standards of quality and utility required. "Or equal" proposals will be subject to acceptance by the City. Record Drawings The Contractor shall mark all project conditions, locations, configurations, and any other changes or deviations, which may vary from the plans represented on the Original Contract Documents including buried or concealed construction and utility features which are revealed during the course of construction. The Contractor shall keep and maintain the said records and submit a monthly updated set of'Record Drawings to the Engineer. Progress payments may be withheld until the Contractor submits the monthly updated Record Drawing to the Engineer. A set of Final Record Drawings shall be delivered to the Engineer and approved by the Engineer prior to final progress payment. Final Record Drawings shall comply with requirements set forth by Section 5-1.04A"Record Drawings" in the SJSS. Materials Testing Materials testing shall conform to Section 6-3 "Testing", Section 90 — Portland Cement Concrete, and .Section 39 — Asphalt Concrete of the 1992 SJSS. Contractor shall allow sufficient time for test results to be conducted and reviewed prior to continuing with the work, which maybe affected by any,test results. Special Provisions SP-18 CITY OF CAMPBELL Material Submittal List Table PROJECT 08-0413: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUIRED SUBMITTAL MANUFACTURER/ DESCRIPTION MIX DESIGN/ PRODUCER CERT. OF PRODUCT PRODUCT INSTALLATION COMPLIANCE SAMPLE CUT-SHEETS INFORMATION ASPHALT CONCRETE—TYPE A 3/4" MAX. X X MEDIUM TRAFFIC PAINT AND THERMOPLASTIC X MATERIAL PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE— X X CLASS A—SIX SACK MIX—3000 PSI, 28-DAY PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE— X X . HIGH EARLY STRENGTH —3500 PSI, WITHIN 48 H RS CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE X X CLASS III AGGREGATE BASE X X EPDXY X REINFORCING STEEL X X ELECTRICAL SUBMITTALS: Luminaire/Electroliers (include Isolux diagrams) X X Street Light Pole X X Street Light Lighting Fixtures X X Pull boxes X X Fuse holders X X Lighting Conductors X X Conduits & Fittings X X Ground Rod X X Special Provisions SP-19 CITY OF CAMPBELL Material Submittal List Table (Continued) PROJECT 08-04B: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUIRED SUBMITTAL MANUFACTURER/ DESCRIPTION MIX DESIGN/ PRODUCER CERT. OF PRODUCT PRODUCT INSTALLATION COMPLIANCE SAMPLE CUT-SHEETS INFORMATION Bond Wire X X PRE CAST CONCRETE INLET X X PVC PIPE —SCHEDULE 80 X X FILTER FABRIC X 12" RCP CLASS IV PIPE X DRAINAGE INLET, FRAME AND COVER X UNISTRUT SIGN POST X TOP SOIL X SOIL AMENDMENT X FERTILIZER X MULCH X PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE X SIGNS X X CHAIN LINK FENCE/GATE WITH PLASTIC X X SLATS REMARKS Special Provisions ' SP-20 SECTION 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Description of Work This project in general consists of total roadway reconstruction and more specifically includes, but is not limited to, clearing and grubbing of the project site including removal and replacement or relocation of residential improvements (such as fences, mailboxes, concrete curbs, etc), sawcutting and removal of asphalt concrete (AC) and Portland cement concrete (PCC) improvements, miscellaneous demolition and removal, storm drainage installation and modification, earthwork including roadway excavation, embankment fill, and subgrade preparation, Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR),. placement of final AC pavement surface, installing AC conforms, installation of PCC sidewalks, driveways, vertical curb and gutter, handicap ramps, driveway conforms, and LED streetlights, bio-infiltration planters, tree trimming, tree removal, root pruning, tree planting, signing and striping including detours, adjusting utility and other appurtenances to grade, and associated traffic control, public notification and coordination processes. - Location of Work: The work to be performed is on Hacienda Avenue from Burrows Road to the Winchester Boulevard. Work by Others Major utility relocation work is scheduled to be completed prior to the Notice to Proceed for this project. Upon completion of the utility relocation work, a set of schematic plans will be provided to the Contractor indicating the approximate new location of the utility facilities. The Contractor shall verify the exact location of utilities in the field prior to commencing any construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all newly relocated utilities and existing utilities to remain. Adjustment of utility facilities to grade, and the installation of water meters, relocation of water service laterals, sanitary sewer cleanouts, and other minor utility work may be completed at the same time or subsequent to the Contractor's work on various portions of the project. The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with others doing work near or at the site of work and shall be prepared to adjust their construction schedule in order to allow such work by others to be performed in a timely manner. It shall be understood that the nature of the work is such that the presence and activities of others in or near the site work cannot be precisely anticipated and it shall be understood also that the Contractor must have flexibility in the schedule to accommodate unexpected activities of others at the site of work. Attention is directed to subsection, "Cooperation," under Section 10-1, "General Construction Requirements." SECTION 10. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS 10-1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Mobilization Mobilization shall not be separately paid for but shall be considered as included in the payments. for other items of work. This shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor and Special Provisions SP-21 materials, including tools, equipment and incidentals, and for performing all of the work involved in placing, removing, storing, maintaining, moving to new locations, replacing and disposing of equipment and materials .as specified in the.CCSS, SJSS, SJSD, SS, SSP and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Order of Work Order of work shall conform to the provisions in Section 5-1.05, "Order of Work" of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. At least ten (10) working days before any work is started, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a computerized construction schedule for the work, listing the-dates on which individual areas or blocks are to be subject to project related work and the extent of impact caused by the work. -Additionally, Contractor shall submit any request .for approval for special traffic consideration including :but not limited to lane closures, etc. The Contractor shall thenceforth adhere diligently to said written schedule in the prosecution of the work. In preparing, the construction schedule, the Contractor shall review, coordinate and -allocate sufficient time frames to accommodate utility company activities, and/or any permitting or material lead-time activities. The Engineer shall approve the order of work prior to the Contractor beginning construction. Progress Schedule/Record Drawings Attention is directed to Section 8-1.04, "Progress Schedule," of the CCSS. Contractor shall submit updated progress schedules and record drawings to the Engineer as a condition of approval for the monthly progress payments. General Measurement and Payment Requirements Attention is-directed to Section 9, "Measurement and Payment" of the CCSS. The Contractor shall submit in all field quantities completed to date for payment with each monthly pay estimate. The Contractor shall provide, in writing, who from their team will be responsible for field measuring quantities with the City's representative. Upon completion of a contract bid item, the Contractor's representative shall field measure the final quantities with the City's representative. This agreed upon amount will be considered final and no re-measuring of these field quantities will be allowed without the approval of the City. All supporting documentation required for payment of an item, shall be submitted' by the Contractor within 30 days following the work. Documentation submitted more than 30 days after the work was completed will not be paid and the cost of this work shall be borne by the Contractor. Hours of Work Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, or specified in these Special Provisions, the hours of work for this project are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. The work hours will be strictly enforced. The Engineer has full authority to enforce the working hours and completely shut down the construction operations beyond the hours of work specified. Should the provisions of this section not be met, liquidated damages of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for every 60 minute time period (or portion thereof) beyond the hours of work allowable shall be withheld from moneys due to the Contractor. Special Provisions SP-22 The notice shall include an agenda for the meeting and shall be on company letterhead. The City will provide the mailing list for the notification and will complete the mailing. Items to be discussed at the community meeting include: 1. `Construction Schedule - 2. Construction Methods 3. Access,During Construction 4. Notification Process 5. Potential Detours 6. Impacts to Residents„ 7. Questions and Answers See Coordination with Adjacent Projects Section for additional meeting requirements. Advance Public Notification Two weeks prior to beginning any work in an area, the Contractor shall deliver written notice to all adjoining residents, businesses and tenants within a 500-foot radius of the project limits, residents with Hacienda Avenue as their sole access and other applicable parties listed below. Notices shall be given for general construction activity in an area as well as specific activities that will, in any way, inconvenience the resident/property owner/tenant or affect their operations or access to their property. Such notices shall include the expected date for start of construction, a general description of the construction activity to take place, expected duration of the activity, and.the name, address, and contact number of the Contractor's superintendent and of the City's Project Engineer. A follow-up notice shall be distributed two working days prior to the construction activity. A sample of such notices shall be provided to the Engineer for approval two working days-before the pre-construction conference. Delays in performing the work will require distribution of updated notices if required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also give written notice to residents for any driveway closures or anticipated service disruptions. The Contractor shall coordinate all such disruptions with the appropriate utility, property owner/resident, and the City. Notice shall be given 48 hours in-advance and specify the duration of the disruption of any utilities, and the temporary closure of access to any driveway. Such notice will comply .with the requirements for closure of driveway access as specified under Special Provision Section 10-2, "Traffic Control Requirements." Prior to the clear and grub operations and removal of existing improvements (fencing, walkway, landscaping, etc.) in the right-of-way or on private property, Contractor shall provide adjacent residents with a minimum two (2) working day written notification. Contractor shall work with property owners to preserve improvements where feasible. Advance notice is also required prior to beginning any conform work on private.property. Such noticing shall comply with the requirements for Right of Entry as specified under Special Provision Section 6 - "Permits". The Contractor shall contact and coordinate the work with the following parties. Two-week notification shall also be given to each of the following parties prior to the start of the project: • Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency—Steve Newgren —(408) 952-4106- 0 West Valley Collection and Recycling, LLC. —(408)283-8500 Special Provisions SP-25 U:S. Postal Service, Ramon Sanchez— Post Master—(408) 378-5780 • City of Campbell Police Department_(408) 866-2121 • Santa Clara County Fire Department—(408) 378-4010 • AT&T— Laura Wendover—(408)493-8770 - • PG&E—Serina Oliver—(408) 725-2146 .. • . SJWC— Charles Kemp—(408) 279-7864 • WVSD—Jonathan Lee—(408) 364-1821 Lack of proper advance notification and coordination shall result in the work being shut down. All costs associated with the stoppage and re-start of work shall be borne by the Contractor. Waste Haulers and Recycling Operations The Contractor shall not impair or impede waste hauler and recycling-operationsscheduled to be conducted within the project area. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine which waste hauler and recycling operators are scheduled to operate within the project area, and to develop a project schedule that will not impair or impede the waste hauler or recycling operations. Otherwise, .the Contractor must coordinate. directly with the waste haulers and recyclers to agree on a temporary collection site outside of the project area for the particular properties that are not accessible. The Contractor must notify all property owners of their temporary collection site and make sure that they are using the correct location. The Contractor shall inform all residents not to leave yard waste on the street until the scheduled pick-up day. Any and all notifications to be delivered to residents shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to distribution. If the yard waste is left on the streets, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to remove or arrange for proper removal of the items at no additional cost to the City. Payment for compliance with all the requirements for coordinating waste haulers and recycling operations 'shall be deemed included in'the various contract items and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Tree Trimming If existing trees or shrubs, including median island planting, and private trees, encroach into the public right-of-way and threaten to obstruct the Contractor's operation, the Contractor shall request permission to trim existing trees or shrubs, at least five (5)working days prior to the date of scheduled tree trimming. All tree and shrub trimming must have prior approval of the Engineer and shall be performed by a Contractor possessing a C-27 or a D-49 license. All costs for tree or shrub trimming and proper disposal shall be borne by the Contractor. A special notice pertaining to the tree trimming shall be delivered to the adjacent home or business at least two working days before the tree is trimmed. The notice shall be reviewed and approved by.the Engineer before delivery. Landscapinq Obstruction In the event that there are landscaping obstructions such as ivy, lawn, juniper branches, grass, or other encroaching.vegetation, the Contractor shall trim or prune,such obstruction only to the extent necessary to conduct the installation of concrete improvements in the public right-of-way. Landscaping or other improvements outside the limits of work shall be protected by the Contractor and shall be replaced in kind if the Contractor's operations damage the existing improvements., If the Contractor fails to comply in providing the necessary replacement as defined, the Engineer may elect to have the City or contract forces perform all these duties Special Provisions SP-26 deducting all the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due, or to become due, to the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibilities to perform these duties. Protect Appearance and Street Sweeping The Contractor shall maintain a neat appearance to the work site. Debris developed during construction shall be disposed of concurrently with its generation. Stockpiling of debris or construction materials shall not be allowed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Streets in and around the construction area shall be swept daily and immediately following all cold planing, grinding, sandblasting, rock-wheeling, grading, trucking operations and other construction activity that leaves dirt or debris in the roadway. The Contractor shall sweep the street with a power pick-up broom immediately prior to the paving operations. The Contractor shall keep a power sweeper on the job at all times and it shall be used to keep the streets free of loose or tracked material from the Contractor's operations. Should the Contractor fail to perform these duties, the Engineer, at the Engineer's sole discretion, may elect to have the City, .or contract forces, perform the duties, deducting the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due, or to become due, to the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibility to perform these duties. Personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall not be parked in the neighborhood or on -the traveled way unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. When entering or leaving roadways carrying public traffic, the Contractor's equipment, whether empty or loaded, shall in all cases yield to public traffic and shall travel in the normal direction of travel. Staging/Disposal Areas The Contractor shall survey the area for construction staging. Staging areas shall not be located in a residential area. The following requirements shall apply to the contractor's staging area: • The staging areas will be located on an existing asphalt or concrete surface area. No staging area will be allowed on undeveloped lots. • The staging area will be included in the Contractor's SWPPP • The staging area will not be located in an environmentally or culturally sensitive area and/or impact water resources (rivers, streams, bays, inlets, lakes, drainage sloughs). • The staging area will not be located in a regulatory floodway or within the base floodplain (100-year). • The staging area will not affect access to properties or roadways. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer before staging equipment or storing materials in the public right-of-way or on City property. In addition, the Contractor shall provide proof of an agreement when using private property for staging, if requested by the Engineer. All debris shall be hauled off and disposed of the same working day in which the material was generated. Special Provisions SP-27 The Preparation Manual and other references for performing water pollution control work are available from the Department's Construction Storm Water and Water Pollution Control web site at: http://www.dot.ca.qov/hq/construc/stormwater/stormwaterl.htm Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved in compliance with the plans, specifications and Special Provisions Section .10-1, "General Construction Requirements", except as indicated below under"Record of Existing Surface Conditions," shall be deemed included in the price paid for other contract items and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor.. Record of Existing Surface Conditions The Contractor shall submit digital video recordings of the entire job site prior to construction, for the purpose of providing a record of existing surface conditions. These recordings shall provide a view of the entire project including beyond the City right-of-way to the property conform and showing a clear picture of existing improvements within the project area. These recordings shall provide an audio commentary describing all significant existing damaged area, cracks, settlements, deficiencies and any other conditions which should be documented as pre-existing in order to avoid a mistaken future claim. The Contractor shall submit these recordings labeled with the location, date and time the recordings were made including a written log indicating the location (by station and address)and description of any existing defects or irregularities in the project area. The recordings shall be recorded no earlier than five (5) working days before the commencement of work. Upon acceptance by the Engineer, these tapes shall become the property of the-City. If the Contractor plans to drive sheeting for any excavation work, the Contractor shall also record and inspect nearby houses and businesses prior to driving the sheeting. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals for doing all work complete in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and this Special Provisions Section 10-1, "General Construction Requirements - Record of Existing Surface Conditions," shall be. included in the lump sum price paid for: VIDEO SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS (LUMP SUM) BID ITEM #1 10-2 TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS General Traffic control shall conform to the provisions of Section 12 "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices" of the CCSS, the California Manual on.Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and these Special Provisions. Nothing in these Special Provisions shall be construed as relieving the Contractor from the responsibilities specified in Section 7-1.09, "Public Safety" of the CCSS and of these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary traffic control devices to ensure safe pedestrian and vehicular access through and around the job site. Warning signs shall be installed at locations in accordance with the MUTCD for Streets and Highways — Part 6:, Special Provisions SP729 Temporary Traffic Control 2010". Contractor shall'fulfill the requirements of this section, 24 hours per day, seven days a week, including holidays,, from the time the Notice to Proceed is issued until the project is formally accepted. The Contractor shall maintain a drivable asphalt concrete surface at all times. Unless otherwise approved by the City engineer, a period not to exceed twenty working days shall be allowed between the removal of existing asphalt concrete and the placement of the proposed asphalt concrete. The Contractor shall maintain a safe workplace throughout the job including, but not limited to, providing all flaggers, safety equipment, flashing arrow boards, changeable message signs (minimum of two), traffic control devices; maintenance of barricades, safe pedestrian passages along sidewalks, maintenance of handicap access throughout the project site where applicable and maintenance of pavement within the limits of the roadway and driveways with a suitable traffic bearing surface. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two (2) competent and qualified flaggers dedicated solely to directing traffic into and, out of driveways and cross-streets and/or across the construction area as deemed necessary by the Engineer to ensure safe traffic control during construction operations. Flaggers shall be equipped with all equipment necessary to properly direct and control traffic. The Contractor shall fulfill the requirements of this section, 24 hours per day, seven days a week, including holidays, from the time the Notice to Proceed is issued until the project is formally accepted. Should the Contractor fail to perform these duties, the Engineer, at the Engineer's sole discretion, may elect to have City, or contract forces, perform the duties, deducting the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due,,or to become due, to .the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibility to perform these duties. Traffic Control /Management Plan A traffic control plan shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer a minimum of five (5), working days prior to any work commencing on the project. The traffic control plan shall be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer prior to any work commencing on the project. All traffic plans shall be prepared in accordance with the State of California Department of Transportation "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways — Part 6: Temporary Traffic Control 2010", Section 12 "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices" of the CCSS, SS, and these Special Provisions. Updated or additional traffic control plans may be required as the'project proceeds. Traffic control plans must be submitted 5 working days in advance of any proposed-lane closure for review by the engineer. All lane closure requests shall comply with the lane closure charts in Appendix A, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. A separate traffic control/management plan shall be required for any pavement drop-off between adjacent lanes. The traffic control/management plan must be submitted 10 working days in advance of any proposed lane closure for review by the engineer. . All lane closure requests must be approved by the engineer.. Asphalt overlay pavement that will be opened to traffic shall be separated from'adjacent lanes by installing portable lane delineators with reflective sleeves or Special Provisions SP-30 fluorescent traffic cones. Contractor shall continuously maintain the delineators. Fluorescent. traffic cones and portable delineators shall conform to Section -12 of the SJSS. Fluorescent traffic cones or portable delineators shall be placed on a 1 1/2 foot width of the lane open to traffic along the side,adjacent to the overlaid pavement section.,Warning shall be installed at locations in accordance with State of California Department of Transportation "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways— Part 6: Temporary Traffic Control . 2010". Should the Contractor fail to perform the requirements of the traffic control/management plan for pavement drop-off between adjacent lanes, the Engineer may elect to have the City or contract forces perform these requirements, deducting the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due, or to become due, to the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibility to perform these requirements. No Stopping Signs Prior to the start of work.which requires parking restriction, the Contractor shall request approval to post and maintain temporary "No Stopping" signs on each street where the operations will take place. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to post "No Stopping" signs in areas where the Contractor's work will require restricted parking. The City will provide signs for the Contractor's use. To be enforceable, the signs must be posted not less than 48 hours prior to the start of the work at a maximum spacing of 60 feet. The signs must clearly show the date(s) and hours of the parking prohibition, as well as.the date and time the signs were posted. If.the work is not performed during the timeframe as on the "No Stopping" signs, the work will be rescheduled with at least five (5)working days advance notice. The Contractor shall perform all re-posting of"No Stopping" signs and re-notification of businesses, tenants, and residents as a result of his failure to meet the posted schedule. . Any delays caused by' failure of the Contractor to adhere to the approved schedule will be at the Contractor's sole expense. No additional compensation will be allowed for costs resulting from said delays. The Contractor shall remove the "No Stopping" signs immediately when they are no longer needed for use in the respective area of the project. The Contractor shall notify the Campbell Police Department directly after posting, and immediately upon removal of the said signs at (408) 866-2121. During the morning of each scheduled work day, the Contractor shall be responsible for calling the City of Campbell's Police.Dispatch to tow cars, if necessary. The Contractor shall have available for the Community Services Officer(CSO) responding to the call photo documentation of the "No Stopping" signs being posted - if the signs were removed or vandalized the previous night. Detours, Temporary Striping, and Barriers Any approved detours or barriers, signing and striping necessary to complete the construction of the project shall be provided, installed, maintained, and removed by the Contractor at his expense. Temporary striping and markers shall conform to Section 84-3.05A of the SJSS. No painted temporary striping or markings,will be allowed unless the temporary markings will be entirely covered by the permanent markings. All. detour, road closure, and other temporary traffic signs shall be professional quality metal signs with minimum 4" letters. Hand lettered signs on plywood or other materials shall not be used on the project. Special Provisions SP-31 Notify the City of Campbell Police Department daily at (408) 866-2101 of street or lane closures or.detours within the roadway prior to setting up and upon removal of traffic control devices. ,Additional Construction Area Signs and Controls In addition to the requirements of the Manual of Traffic Controls for Maintenance and Construction Work Zones, the following traffic controls will be required. These additional requirements in no way relieve the Contractor from his obligation to comply with the standards set forth in that manual. • "Road Construction Ahead (type C-18) — Expect Delays" signs shall be placed on all public road approaches to the project site. • "End Construction" (type C-13) signs shall be placed at all public road exits from the project site. These signs shall be.posted prior to work commencing, shall be maintained for the duration of the construction, and shall be removed once construction is complete. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating existing poles on which to mount these signs, or shall provide temporary stands or poles on which to place the required signs. The Engineer shall approve the method of attachment to existing poles prior to sign installation. No sign shall be mounted on decorative street light poles unless the Contractor can clearly show that the mounting method will not damage the finish on the poles. All traffic control signs shall be prefabricated commercial grade. The Contractor shall provide, install and maintain two metal construction signs, including temporary sign posts that read as follows: Hacienda Ave Green Street Improvement Under Construction 2014 to 2015 Expect Traffic Delays Your Cooperation Is Appreciated For More Information Call: City of Campbell (408) 866 2150 Engineer shall approve final sign before fabrication. Lettering shall be.a minimum of four inches (4") tall and shall be black lettering on an orange background, as specified by the Engineer. Both lettering and background shall be made of engineering grade reflective sheeting. Metal sign panel shall be 0.080" thick. The signs shall be placed at the project limits, and shall have a vertical clearance of 7 feet when erected as directed by the Engineer. Signs and posts shall be maintained throughout the Construction of the project. Dates shall be updated immediately should they change. Contractor shall remove all signs and posts upon completion of the project, and the area is to be returned to its pre-construction condition. The Contractor,shall also provide, install and maintain one metal Acknowledgment of Credit sign including temporary sign posts that reads the following: .Hacienda Ave Green Street Improvement For Special Provisions SP-32 The City of Campbell Financed Under: The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84, Chapter 2); Community Design Transportation Grant; and Capital Improvement Project Reserves Administered By: California State Department 'of Water Resources; Valley Transportation Authority(VTA); and the City of Campbell Contractor: Sign shall panel shall be approximately 4' to 8' in length by 3' to 5' in height. Exact sign panel size shall be determined by the Contractor and sign manufacturer, and approved by the Engineer prior to fabrication. Lettering shall be blue in color (Blue No. 15102 in federal color standard No. 595) on a white background. Both lettering and background shall be made of engineering grade reflective sheeting. Metal sign panel shall be 0.080" thick. Sign panel shall also include the appropriate. California State Department of Water Resources logo, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) logo and City of Campbell logo. The sign shall be placed at a location as directed by the Engineer, and shall have a vertical clearance of 7 feet when erected. Sign and post shall be maintained throughout the Construction of the project. Contractor shall remove sign and posts upon completion of the project and the area is to be returned to its pre- construction condition. Upon completion of the work, the signs and posts shall be removed and disposed of outside the public right of way in conformance with the provisions in Section.74.13 of the SS. Maintenance of Pedestrian Access and Circulation Safe pedestrian access and circulation that is fully wheelchair accessible.shalI be maintained by the Contractor through or around the project area. All walkways, pedestrian crossings, ramps and other pedestrian facilities removed or blocked by the Contractor's operations shall be replaced with temporary facilities including proper signage unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Pedestrian access at each individual project site may be diverted for a maximum of five (5) calendar days. Drop off from existing improvements to excavated areas shall be temporarily ramped. Ramps shall be maintained at 12:1 or flatter with compacted sub-grade or base rock material until final improvements are installed. Allowable Road Closures The Contractor shall be allowed to close Hacienda Avenue between Burrows Road and Winchester Boulevard to all but local traffic upon approval of a traffic control plan showing how detours for traffic will be implemented and maintained and how local traffic access will be handled. Contractor must maintain access at all times for emergency vehicles and local residents. Detours for through traffic must be appropriately signed to divert traffic to adjacent collector streets (Burrows Road, Virginia Avenue). All detours must be maintained by the Contractor: Special Provisions o SP-33 The Contractor shall notify City Communications at (408) 866-2101 prior to implementation of any and all road detours and road closures and again immediately following the,removal of the road detour or road closure. All traffic control provisions shall be strictly enforced. Any liquidated damages assessed for violation of the allowable road closures listed above may be withheld from progress payments due to the Contractor. Property Access Requirements The Contractor shall maintain property access to all residences and businesses at all times unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Upon approval by the Engineer, access to certain properties may be temporarily closed if all of the following conditions can be met: a. No options exist to maintain property access and complete the project. b. Contractor has discussed the closure with the business owner in person. C. Business owners has been notified, in writing, at least eight(8) calendar days in advance of the time and length of closure. d. Businesses owners have been reminded of the closure, in writing, at least two (2) working days prior to the actual closure. Contractor has. provided business with a contractor name and number to call with questions regarding the closure. Driveway Closures Access to all residential properties must be maintained at all times, except for necessary closure of driveways for installation or replacement.' Driveway closures for the purpose of_constructing concrete driveway aprons and conforms shall be limited to a single two calendar-day period for each driveway. During driveway closure, Contractor shall provide affected residents with on street parking immediately adjacent to their property. Prior to the closure of any driveway, the Contractor shall notify the property owners or resident three times of such closure. Written closure notices shall be given to the resident and property owner 5-working days in advance of scheduled work. Another written closure notice shall be given. to 24-hours. in advance of the 'scheduled work. A final verbal notice and confirmation of the driveway closure dates shall be given to the resident and property owner a minimum of one hour prior to the scheduled closure. The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable care and make every effort to-ensure access to the property as specified herein. Only one closure per driveway shall be allowed, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer in writing. Lane Closures . Requests for lane closures shall be made a minimum of ten working days prior to the proposed closure. Once the lane closure has been approved by the City, the Contractor shall post, .a minimum of 5-working days in advance of the proposed lane closure changeable message board signs at the limits of each closure. These changeable message board signs shall also be used on the day of the actual closure. The changeable message board signs shall indicate the days & hours of the proposed lane closure and the type of work being done during that lane closure. Special,Provisions SP-34 Flashing arrow signs shall be used for all lane closures. The Contractor shall check with the Engineer to confirm any lane closure restrictions that may be in effect before closing any lanes. The Contractor shall leave the streets open to traffic until just prior to starting the work, and will provide all barricades, signs and traffic control measures necessary to protect the work. No work that interferes with public traffic shall be performed prior to 8:30 AM or after 5:00 PM, except as otherwise approved by the Engineer. All traffic lanes shall be open to traffic between, the hours of 5:00 PM and 8:30 AM. A minimum of one paved, or surfaced traffic lanes and one paved bicycle lane, not less than fifteen (15) feet wide (10 foot wide for the traveled vehicle lane and 5 feet wide for the bicycle lane), shall be open for use by public traffic in each direction of travel. Traffic may not be routed over unpaved roadways unless authorized by the Engineer. . In addition, the full width of the traveled way on each street shall be open for public use on Saturdays and Sundays (except for those streets approved by the Engineer for weekend work), on designated legal holidays, and when construction operations are not actively in progress. Designated legal holidays are: January 1, the third Monday in February, the last Monday in May, July 4th, the first Monday in September, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, and December 25th. When a designated holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be a designated legal holiday. When a designated holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a designated legal holiday. Deviations from the requirements of this section concerning hours of work, which do not change the cost of the work, may be permitted upon the written request of the Contractor, if in the opinion of the Engineer, the general public will be better served and the work expedited. Such deviations shall not be implemented until the Engineer has provided the Contractor with written approval to do so. All other modifications will be made by contract change order. The Contractor shall pay the City liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per hour(or part of, an hour) for traffic control that is set-up before the designated and approved hours of work. Liquidated damages for failure to open streets by the required time shall be $500.00 per hour. Traffic Control System for Lane Closure A traffic control system shall consist of closing traffic lanes in accordance with the details shown on State Standard Plans T-10, T-10A, T-11,T-12, and T-13 as shown in Appendix A, the provisions of Section 12, "Construction Area Traffic Control Devices" of the SS, and under these Special Provisions. The provisions in this section will not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility to provide additional devices or take measures as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of Section 7-1.09, "Public Safety of the SSS. Each vehicle used to place, maintain and remove components of a traffic control system on multilane roads shall be equipped with a Type II flashing arrow sign which shall be in operation when the vehicle is being used for placing, maintaining, or removing the components. Vehicles equipped with a Type II flashing arrow sign not involved in placing, maintaining, or removing the components when operated within a stationary type lane closure shall only display the caution Special Provisions SP-35 display mode: The sign shall be controllable by the operator of the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion.. If any component of the traffic control system is displaced, or ceases to operate.or function as specified from any cause, during the progress of,the work, the Contractor shall immediately repair the component to its original condition or replace the component, and shall restore the component to its original location. When lane closures are made for work periods 'only, at the end of each work period, all components of the traffic control system, except portable delineators placed along open trenches or excavations adjacent to the traveled way, shall be removed from the traveled way and shoulder. If the Contractor, so elects, the components may be stored at selected central locations, approved by the.Engineer. Temporary Pavement Delineation Temporary pavement delineation shall comply with, the provisions in Section 84 of the CCSS, Section 12-3.01 "General' of the SS, and the California MUTCD. The Contractor shall provide plans for temporary pavement delineation as necessary for the maintenance of traffic throughout the work-site. Plans for temporary delineation shall be submitted to the engineer a minimum of 5 working days.in advance of the proposed.delineation. Trench Plating Conditions A. Wherever traffic is permitted over or adjacent to trenches and other depressions, Contractor shall furnish and maintain steel plating unless other means of protecting the public and the work are accepted by the City. Plates shall be secured against movement including shifting and rocking by use of adjustable cleats, shims and other devices such as anchor and keys. No gaps between plates and other deficiencies hazardous to bicycles shall be allowed; and the existing pavement shall be protected from damage. B. Steel plating shall have a non-skid surface. C. Steel plates used for bridging shall extend.not less than 12 inches beyond the edges of the trench. D.- Steel plate shall conform to the following minimum thickness: Trench Width Minimum Plate Thickness 12 inches (300 mm' ) .5 inches (13 mm) 18 inches (450 mm) .75 inches . (19 mm) 24 inches (600 mm) .87 inches (22 mm) Winches (900 mm) .98 inches (25 mm) 3.9 feet (1.2 m) 1•.5 inches (38 mm) E. Recessed trench plates shall be used at the following locations: all arterial streets, all collector streets, at trench alignments not parallel with or perpendicular to the direction of traffic and locations determined by City Engineer to be necessary. Special Provisions 'SP-36 , i The Contractor shall prepare for placement of plates over trench by grinding a relief 12 inches wide on each side of the trench by the thickness of the steel plate so that the surface of the steel plate is level with the adjacent pavement surface. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved.in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-2, "Traffic Control Requirements," shall be included in the lump sum price paid for: TRAFFIC CONTROL (LUMP SUM) BID ITEM #2 The basis for payment for Bid Item: Traffic Control will be based on the percentage of job completed in each progress payment. 10-3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING LAYOUT AND MONUMENTS General The Contractor shall layout the project by providing all stakes and marks needed to establish the lines and grades required for completion of the work specified on the Plans and in these Special Provisions to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All the stakes and marks shall be set and cut sheets provided by an individual licensed in the State of California to provide such stakes, marks; and cut sheets. The cut sheets shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineer and shall be provided to the Engineer at least three working days prior to the planned start of work. Approval by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors. Horizontal and vertical control at the project site for the construction centerline is shown on the project plans. The Engineer may conduct independent survey checks of the Contractor's construction staking. .The Contractor shall allow.access and provide five working days for the Engineer to conduct survey checks after staking is complete. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, stakes and marks, are not adequate for successful completion of the work, the Engineer may order, at the Engineer's sole discretion, additional stakes and marks to be placed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City. . At a minimum, the survey shall provide grade and Fine of the new centerline, edge of pavement (or TOC), back of sidewalk, ROW, manhole and storm drain location and inverts, high/low points and conform cuts/fills at a min. of 50 foot intervals as measured from the new centerline and at curve locations (BOC, EOC) along centerline, sidewalk and curb line. Staking shall also show the top and toe of all slopes. Stakes and marks shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor. In case such stakes or marks are destroyed or damaged, they shall be replaced immediately by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Finished grades shown on the plans are given in feet and decimals of feet and are to the top of all finish graded 'or paved surfaces. Slope uniformly,between given spot elevations unless otherwise indicated. Special Provisions - SP-37 Transition between changes in vertical gradient of curb and gutter, walks and paving shall be smooth and gradual,with no abrupt or sharp changes. Benchmarks This work will also include the relocating/resetting of an existing bench mark.,located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Hacienda Avenue and Virginia Avenue. The benchmark shall be relocated under the direction of a Licensed Land Surveyor. Resetting the benchmark shall .consist of raising/lowering existing benchmarks to the new finished grade as on the plans. The benchmark shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor prior to the intersection improvements and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filed with the county surveyor. The benchmark shall be reset in the surface of the-new,construction and a licensed surveyor shall 'punch each.reset benchmark. A final corner record or record of survey shall be filed with the county with the county surveyor prior to the acceptance of the project to reflect the new benchmark. Copies of all documents (upon filing with the County and upon approval by the County) shall be submitted to the Engineer as a condition of payment. The Contractor shall abide by all requirements of the County and obtain and pay for all permits and filing fees. The Contractor shall not disturb any benchmarks not indicated for resetting on the plans found Within the area of the work without first procuring written permission from Engineer. The Contractor shall bear all expenses associated with trying out, resetting, and re-documenting any benchmarks which are shown on the plans for resetting and any during :the" course of construction that may be disturbed or damaged. Monuments Monuments shall include reset existing monuments as shown on the Plans, Specifications and these Special Provisions. Reset monuments shall consist of raising/lowering existing monuments to the new finished grade as shown on the plans. Monuments shall be located and referenced by or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor prior to the reconstruction and a corner record or record of survey of the references shall be filed with the county surveyor. The monuments shall be reset in the surface of the new construction and a licensed surveyor shall punch each reset monument. A new monument box shall be placed over the reset monument. A final corner record or record of survey shall be filed with the county surveyor prior to the acceptance of the project to reflect the new monument. Copies of all,documents (upon filing with the County and upon approval by the County) shall be submitted to the Engineer as a condition of payment. The Contractor shall abide by all requirements of the County and obtain and pay for all permits and filing fees. The Contractor shall not disturb any monuments not indicated for resetting on the plans found within the area of the work without first procuring 'written 'permission from the Engineer. The Contractor shall bear all expenses associated with tying out, resetting, and re-documenting any monuments which are shown on the plans for resetting and any during the course of construction,th"at may be disturbed or damaged. Existing monument boxes shall be reused at the sole discretion of the Engineer. Measurement and Payment Special Provisions, SP-38 Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals for doing all the work complete in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-3, "Construction Staking Layout and Monuments," shall be included and paid for in the appropriate item listed below : CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND LAYOUT (LUMP SUM) BID ITEM #3 RESET BENCHMARK (EA) BID ITEM #4 RESET MONUMENTS (EA) BID ITEM#5 10-4 CLEARING, GRUBBING AND REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS General Clearing, grubbing and removal of obstructions shall conform to Section 16, "Clearing and Grubbing, of the CCSS, the Plans and these Special Provisions. Clearing, grubbing and removal of obstructions shall take place only during the dry season (April through. October). No clearing, grubbing and removal activities shall take' place outside of this time period without the written consent of the City. The work consists of the following as noted on the plans: soil excavation and off-haul; removal and disposal of trees and stump grinding; tree trimming; root pruning; removal and disposal of existing thermoplastic striping and pavement markings; removal and disposal of pavement markers; PCC and AC sawcutting; removal and disposal of existing PCC sidewalk, PCC/AC/gravel driveway, PCC/AC/gravel driveway approach, PCC/AC/gravel driveway conform areas, PCC/AC curb and gutter, PCC valley gutter, PCC median island, and miscellaneous asphalt concrete; removal and disposal of abandoned utilities (including but not limited to Manholes, drain inlets; conduit line, wires, valve boxes and concrete kick blocks); removal and disposal of bushes, plants, and vegetation. Work shall also include the removal.and disposal or relocation/replacement of all other existing obstructions in the, way of the improvements indicated on the Plans, Special Provisions or as directed by the Engineer, including, but not limited to, mailboxes, fences (direct attention to Chain Link Fence and Gate section), drain lines, bollards, landscape lighting and hardscape. All existing improvements designated to be removed and replaced shall be replaced with like materials to match the existing private improvements. Improvements designated to be removed and relocated shall not be damaged during the relocation. Those improvements that are damaged during removal and cannot be relocated shall be replaced with like materials to match the existing improvements, at no additional cost.to-the City. Abandoned utilities in the grade shall be removed and disposed of as required.- Utility lines less than 8" in pipe diameter and abandoned kickblocks are not shown on the plans. Utility plans showing the approximate location of these facilities are available for the Contractor's review at the City of Campbell. All existing trees, utility poles, fences and gates, barricades or other improvements not specifically identified on the Plans to be removed, reinstalled, or replaced shall remain in their original condition and location undisturbed. The Contractor shall protect trees and shrubs to remain and their root systems from damage. However, upon written permission by the resident Special Provisions, SP-39 and the Engineer, fences and other improvements may, for the convenience of the Contractor, be removed, stored or temporarily relocated during construction and shall be replaced in their original location in as good or better condition as when the Contractor entered upon the work site. Contractor shall replace any damaged tree, shrub or other existing improvement intended to remain at no expense to the City. See planting section of specifications for additional requirements regarding tree removal. If existing trees or shrubs in the public right of way (or that encroach into the public right of way) threaten to obstruct the Contractor's operations, the Contractor shall request permission to trim existing trees or shrubs, at least five. (5) working days prior to the date of scheduled work, following the Engineer's approval to trim the tree or shrub. The Contractor shall provide written notification to adjacent residents/homeowners 48 hours prior to work. Contractor shall also trim vegetation to one (1) foot behind back of new walk and provide a vertical clearance of seven (7) feet above finished grade of new walk. All tree and shrub trimming must be performed by a Contractor possessing a C-27 license or a C-61 license with the appropriate categories. The Contractor, at no cost to the property owner or City, shall replace any irrigation system on private property that is broken by the Contractor's operation. Replacement or repair shall occur within three (3) calendar days after damage has occurred. Any irrigation lines within the area of new improvements shall be relocated or removed and capped at the right of way line as directed by the Engineer. Tree stumps and large tree or plant roots shall be completely removed in the area of new improvements. Voids created by the removal of tree stumps, and large tree or plant roots shall be backfilled with cement slurry(2-sack mix)where asphalt concrete pavement is to be installed. Voids created by the removal of tree stumps, and large tree or plant roots not in the asphalt concrete pavement area shall be backfilled with soil and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction or as specified by the Engineer. All roots within the structural section and subgrade processing layer or down to a depth of 16 inches below the finished grade shall be exposed by the Contractor.- The Contractor shall notify the City and allow the City 24 hours to obtain the opinion of a specialist as to the exact extent of root pruning necessary. After the 24 hour period, the Contractor shall prune the- roots to the limits directed by the Engineer. Root pruning shall be by vermeer saw. Following approval by the City, roots shall be completely cut to a depth of not less than 16 inches (16") below the finished grade. Roots shall not be torn or ripped. The width of the cut shall be three inches (Y) wide. All severed roots shall be removed and disposed of accordingly. The cut shall be made parallel with, and along the outside of the sidewalk, driveway or curb adjacent to the tree. In the event that there are loose obstructions to the root pruning operations, such as cobblestones, boulders, bricks, decorative blocks, rock, gravel, or other similar obstructions outside the City right of way, the Contractor shall remove the said obstructions from the work area.and neatly pile and/or stack the materials around the tree. The Contractor shall reset these to the location from which they were originally removed upon completion of the new improvements. Asphalt concrete and PCC improvements shall be sawcut full depth and removed to the limits shown on the plans or as marked by the Engineer and all removal section limits shall be neat Special Provisions SP-40 sawcut lines. The sawcuts shall conform to Section 15-3, "Removing Concrete," of the SJSS, the plans and these Special Provisions. Sawcutting shall be done in such a manner that spalling and/or cracking of the existing concrete or asphalt concrete pavement which is to remain in place is avoided. Existing improvements to remain in place that are damaged by the Contractor's operations, shall be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the Contractor. Any previously cracked concrete or asphalt concrete pieces outside of the removal area.that become loose as a result of the sawcutting shall be removed and disposed of at the Contractor's expense and replaced in kind. Sawcutting sludge shall be contained at the work site and shall not be allowed to enter the City's storm drain system. Attention is directed to "Public Safety," under Section 5 of the Special Provisions and to the BMP's for the Construction Industry and the City's Storm Water Pollution Requirements as outlined in Appendix C and D of these Special Provisions. All manhole and storm drain inlets indicated on the project plans to be removed shall be completely removed, including foundation. Voids created by the removal of storm drain facilities shall be backfilled with cement slurry (2-sack mix). If abandoned pipe is broken or cut during construction, the Contractor shall plug the pipe at both ends of the broken or cut sections to the approval of the Engineer. Any storm drain line or other utility lines within the grade or specified on the plans for removal shall be completely removed. Contractor shall patch, plug and/or repair manholes where pipes are removed with concrete. Repair and plugs shall be watertight. During construction operations, existing mailboxes may be temporarily relocated as necessary to clear the way for the Contractor's operations, but at all times shall be accessible for delivery. During construction the mailboxes shall either be installed on posts set in the ground or they may be installed on temporary supports approved by the Engineer. Portable supports consisting of posts set in concrete in 5 gallon buckets shall not be used. When construction'is complete, the mailboxes shall be installed in final position on new 4x4 rough sawn redwood posts at a height of 46" above finish grade. Foundations of the mailbox posts shall be replaced in kind. Groups of mailboxes on single-post or multi-post supports shall be provided with redwood planks as a supporting cross member between posts.. Redwood shall conform to the requirements for sign posts in Section 56-2.02B, "Wood Posts and Braces," of the Standard Specifications. The space around the posts shall be backfilled with native soil or aggregate base. The backfill material shall be placed in layers approximately 0.33-foot thick and each layer shall be moistened and thoroughly compacted. Existing posts and mounts shall become the property of the Contractor and disposed of outside the right-of-way. Newspaper boxes attached to existing mailbox posts shall be removed and fastened to the new mailbox posts. Final locations of mailboxes shall be as shown on plans or as designated by the Engineer. Fences shall be removed completely, including post foundations, or removed and relocated as specified in the contract plans or as directed by the Engineer. Fence removal and replacement shall be coordinated with residents and animal control will be maintained where required. The Contractor shall replace, at no expense to the City, any section of fencing to be relocated that is damaged during removal. These sections of fencing shall be replaced in kind with new fencing material to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Special Provisions SP-41 All items that are to be removed shall be disposed of outside the right of way in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Materials Outside of Project Limits," of the SJSS. Contractor shall relocate all salvaged materials to the City's Corporation Yard on Dillon Avenue as directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall notify the Engineer 5 working days in advance of any proposed delivery of items -to be salvaged to the City Corporation Yard, and shall be responsible for the protection and safe keeping of all such items until delivered to the Yard. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals for doing all the work complete in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-4, "Clearing, Grubbing, and Removal of Obstructions," shall be included in the lump sum price paid for: CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS (LUMP SUM) BID ITEM #6 TREE REMOVAL AND STUMP GRINDING (EA) BID ITEM #7 10-5 EXISTING FACILITIES General Existing Facilities shall conform to Section 7-1.11, "Preservation of Property" of the SJSS, Section 8-1.10 "Utility and Non-Highway Facilities" of the SJSS, and Section 15, "Existing Facilities" of the SJSS and CCSS, the plans and these Special Provisions and all other applicable project specifications. Protect Existing Facilities To Remain The Contractor shall work around and protect all existing improvements to remain, including but not limited to existing utilities, monumentation, storm drainage facilities, street lights and conduit, concrete and asphalt concrete pavement, pavement markings, landscaping and appurtenances that are within or adjacent to the construction areas. The Contractor shall notify Underground Service Alert (USA) (1-800-227-2600) prior to beginning any work. Notification shall be in full compliance with USA requirements. At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor must remove all USA markings from all paved surfaces throughout the job site without damaging said surfaces. Covering markings by painting over them will not be allowed. The locations of the utilities shown on the plans are approximate only and were taken from plans provided by owners of the utilities. The Contractor, prior to beginning any work on or adjacent to the utility, shall verify the exact horizontal and vertical location and size of all utilities. The Contractor is warned that utilities may exist that are not shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall protect existing facilities to stay in place, including existing electroliers, when placing construction signs. Special Provisions SP-42 Much of the existing storm drain system on the project is to remain in place. Contractor shall use special care while working over existing storm drain lines to prevent any damage to the existing system. The Contractor shall install and secure plywood platform-over existing and new manholes to keep dirt and debris out of the storm drain line construction, as indicated on the City of San Jose Standard Detail "D-16", "Cover Plates for Manhole Channels," and Section 1207-20 "Pipeline Structures" of the SJSS. Contractor shall protect and work around existing SJWC water meters. These water meters shall be relocated by SJWC to the utility strip prior to the contractor placing curb and gutter forms. The Contractor shall immediately repair or remove and replace any item damaged or injured by his operations at his sole expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall immediately notify the appropriate owner of the improvement or facility and the Engineer of any damage as a result of his operations to existing improvements or facilities. If the improvement belongs to a private residence and the property owner or occupant is not at home, such notification shall be attached to the front door of the property. Location of Existing Facilities Contractor shall verify the location of all existing utilities, including but not limited to street light conduit, etc. The Contractor shall tie out all existing facilities located within the area to be reconstructed or overlaid, including all manholes (including but not limited to storm, sanitary, AT&T, SJWC, and SCVWD manholes), all pullboxes (including traffic signal, electrical, water and gas valve boxes), all monuments and monument boxes, and all. other miscellaneous boxes .and facilities prior to commencement of the relocation operations. A copy of the ties shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval, at least five (5) working days prior to the planned commencement of the overlay/reconstruct paving operations. The Engineer will check the tie sheets for number of facilities and general locations. It is the Contractor's responsibility to establish and maintain accurate ties on all existing facilities in order to facilitate relocation for adjusting these facilities to grade. Painting tie-outs in the field will not be accepted as an alternate to providing tie-out reference sheets to the Engineer. Painted tie-outs shall be removed at the end of the project. In addition, the Contractor shall pothole to verify the horizontal locations and depth of all existing utilities (mains and laterals) and conduit (street lighting, traffic signal, etc.) to ensure that they do not interfere with the lines and grades indicated on the plans and the Special Provisions, and to verify all locations of any existing utility laterals. The contractor shall pothole prior to the actual commencement of the construction activities. Any discrepancies shall be immediately reported to the Engineer. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5-working days for the City to respond to any discrepancies discovered. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for discrepancies discovered during construction due to utilities, laterals and conduits were shown on the plans or referenced in the specifications, but not verified in advance by the Contractor's potholing operations. Potholing information completed -by the City for utility main lines may be viewed at the City of Campbell Public Works Department. This is for informational purposes only and in no way Special Provisions SP-43 alleviates the Contractor from their responsibility to verify-utility main and lateral locations per this contract. Upon completion of the reconstruct or overlay paving operations, prior to the raising of the facilities, the Contractor shall paint out the location of all facilities as shown on the tie sheets for review by the Engineer. Contractor shall immediately notify Engineer if number of facilities tied out differs from plan quantities. Adjust Facilities to Grade All existing storm manholes including Santa Clara Valley Water District manholes within the asphalt'reconstruct or overlay area, or as shown on the plans, shall be adjusted to grade. Sanitary"sewer manholes and San Jose Water valve boxes and shall also be adjusted to grade if the corresponding additive alternate bid item is awarded. Frames and covers shall be removed, transported, and-stored without damage. Any items damaged shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Pre-existing damage must be brought to the Engineer's attention prior to commencement of any work. All facilities shall be adjusted to grade within seven (7)working days after the final asphalt layer has been placed on each street. The covers shall be raised by excavating the frame and cover in a neat concentric circle with a diameter not greater than necessary to loosen and adjust the frame with the cover and the concrete collar. Care shall be used to prevent debris from entering any facility being adjusted. All work must be done in accordance with requirements set forth by and for each utility. Copies of requirements for WVSD'and SJWC are included in Appendix A for reference. Contractor shall be back charged for any repair or cleaning performed by others for storm line or sanitation line blockages resulting from the Contractors operations. Class A concrete mix (564 pounds cement per cubic yard concrete) shall be used to fill the void to an elevation.one inch (1") below finish grade. At the direction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall use quick set concrete for all collars. After three (3) days of concrete set, a tack coat of undiluted SS-1 H asphalt emulsion shall be applied to all concrete and vertical surfaces. The asphalt concrete surface course to be applied shall be, Type A, 3/8" maximum — medium gradation, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent. Paving asphalt shall be AR4000. Any facilities that are adjusted to grade, but are not to the satisfaction of the Engineer, shall be removed and re-adjusted within four,(4)working days of being notified to do so by the Engineer. All-required asphalt, tack coat and concrete required for raising facilities to grade shall be paid for under this contract item. The existing frames and covers for all other facilities shall be re-used whenever possible. Any required casing extensions, new frames, or new covers for all other facilities not mentioned above shall be obtained by the Contractor from the utility companies involved. Any frames or covers that cannot 'be reused shall first be offered to the appropriate utility company, and if refused shall become the.'property of the Contractor. All manholes and sewer cleanouts must be grouted smooth on the interior after raising. Contractor shall clean all AC debris and tack oil off of covers caused by the Contractor's operation. Contractor shall construct new sewer cleanouts to existing laterals as shown on the plan. The Engineer shall approve locations for cleanouts in the field. These cleanouts shall be placed in Special Provisions e SP-44. accordance with Section 1302, "Pipe Installation," of the SJSS, the Plans, these Special Provisions, and the West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawings in Appendix A. Pull Boxes Any pull box, including the cover that is shown on the plans to be relocated or raised to grade shall be new. Contractor shall provide new City pull boxes and contact associated utility company regarding obtaining new utility boxes for their facilities. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-5, "Existing Facilities — Protect Existing Facilities to Remain and Location of Existing Facilities shall be included in the lump sum price paid for: POTHOLING/EXPOSING UTILITIES (LUMP SUM) BID ITEM # 8 50% of this lump sum item will be paid upon completion of the potholing work. The remaining 50% will become reimbursable upon completion of work specified in Section 10-6 — EARTHWORK and in Section 10-8— DRAINAGE PIPE AND STRUCTURES." Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing ail of the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-5, "Existing Facilities - Adjust Facilities to Grade" shall be included in the per each price paid for the appropriate item listed below: ADJUST STORM DRAIN MANHOLES TO GRADE (EA) BID ITEM #9 ADJUST STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN TO GRADE (EA) BID ITEM #10 ADJUST DETECTOR HANDHOLE TO GRADE (EA) BID ITEM #11 RELOCATE/ADJUST PULL BOX TO GRADE (EA) BID ITEM #12 ADJUST WVSD MANHOLES TO GRADE (EA) ADD ALTERNATE#A1 MODIFY WVSD MANHOLES &ADJUST TO GRADE (EA)ADD ALTERNATE #A2 ADJUST AT&T MANHOLES TO GRADE (EA) ADD ALTERNATE #B1 ADJUST SJWC WATER VALVES TO GRADE (EA) ADD ALTERNATE#C1 RELOCATE SJWC WATER METERS (EA) ADD ALTERNATE#C2 RELOCATE SJWC WATER VALVES (EA) ADD ALTERNATE#C3 10-6 EARTHWORK General Earthwork shall conform to Section 19, "Earthwork" and Section 21, "Subgrade Preparation" of the SJSS, the Plans, and these Special Provisions. Earthwork activities shall take place only during the dry season (April through October). No earthwork activities shall take place outside of this time period without the written consent of the City. Special Provisions 'SP-45 Roadway Excavation Roadway excavation shall be as specified in Section 1972, "Roadway Excavation," of the SJSS, " the Plans, and these Special Provisions (attention directed to Traffic Control Requirements section). Roadway excavation shall include excavating, hauling, placing, grading, and compacting suitable native materials for purposes of completing the following: bio-infiltration areas, roadway reconstruct, median island installation, courtesy strips, edge band, rolled curb, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, driveway approaches, driveway conforms, and accessibility ramps, to the lines and grades shown on the plans, finishing side slopes, park strips, and shoulders in conformance with the lines and grades shown on the plans, conform grading to driveways/parking areas and conform grading inside and outside of the City right-of-way to match new improvements and ensure positive drainage. Additionally, this work consists of removing and disposing of surplus and unsuitable excavated materials, including existing asphalt and PCC pavement, and aggregate base as shown on the plans to an approved offsite location at the Contractor's expense in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-1.13, "Disposal of Material Outside of Project Limits" of the SJSS and placing soil sterilant on subgrade per the manufacturer's directions. " Material for embankment construction shall be suitable material from roadway and structural excavation and shall conform to Section 19-5, "Compaction and Section 19-6, "Embankment Construction," of the SS. This material shall be free of concrete rubble, deleterious or organic material and debris. Roadway embankment shall be placed and compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 95%. All soil surfaces to receive fill shall be scarified to a depth of six inches, water conditioned and compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 95%. Contractor shall grade at all conform locations and side street shoulders to ensure positive drainage. If positive drainage cannot be achieved, the Contractor shall immediately provide the exact location (station, offset)where the drainage problem occurs to the Engineer. Thickness of asphalt concrete pavement on Hacienda Avenue between Winchester Boulevard and Burrows Road varies from 3" to 11.5". Contractor shall pothole to ascertain thickness of asphalt concrete and road bed. It is the Contractor's responsibility to remove all existing AC pavement regardless of actual thickness encountered. It is the Contractor's responsibility to obtain logs of borings and other information necessary to ascertain.current soil conditions on the project. Driveway conforms that are other than. AC or PCC shall be matched in-kind and shall be considered as included in the price paid for "Roadway Excavation." This includes, but is not limited to, gravel, aggregate base, and existing soil. These shall be compacted to. 95%-relative compaction. Subgrade Preparation ' The Contractor shall prepare the following subgrade in accordance with the SJSS Section 21, "Subgrade Preparation"with the following exceptions: 1. Class A subgrade in areas to receive Full Depth Rehabilitation (FDR). Refer to Section 10-14 of these Special Provisions. Special Provisions SP-46 2. Class A subgrade in areas to receive curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveways/parking areas, accessibility ramps, courtesy-strip, edge band, rolled curb, and conform areas shall be 0.5 foot thick, scarified and compacted to not less than 95% relative compaction. 3. Relative compaction, as specified above, ,and water content shall be determined in accordance with Cal Test 216 and 231. Relative compaction of not less than 90 percent shall be obtained in all material between subgrade and 3 feet below finished grade. Subgrade that is too wet to properly compact shall be removed and air-dried for a minimum of four (4) working days or period of time determined by the Engineer. If the critical path' is affected, the Contractor shall receive additional working' days for this process and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Alternatively, the Contractor may sub excavate the wet material and plug with aggregate base or other acceptable material at no cost to the City. Cross sections for this work may be reviewed at the City of Campbell Public Works Department. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, -materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals for doing all the work complete in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-6, "Earthwork," shall be included and paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: ROADWAY EXCAVATION (CY)(FPQ) BID ITEM#13 0.5' THICK SUBGRADE PREPARATION, CL. A(SF)(FPQ) BID ITEM#14 The quantities shown on the bid schedule for these items are.a FINAL PAY QUANTITY (FPQ). This quantity will not be measured separately except in the case of additions or deletions to the plans. 10-7 DRAINAGE PIPE AND STRUCTURES General Drainage pipe, storm drain manholes, drainage inlets, and misc. structures-shall be installed at locations as shown on the plans and shall conform to the requirements of Section 51 "Concrete Structures" of the SJSS, Section 1207, "Pipe and Structures," Section 1302, "Pipe Installation," and Section 1305, "Pipeline Structures," of the SJSS; also Section 1301, "Trench Excavation, Bedding, and Backfill," Section 1307, Section 75 "Miscellaneous Metal' of.the SJSS and Section 1308 "Cleaning Pipelines" of the CCSS, the Plans and these Special Provisions and all other applicable specifications. Contractor shall obtain approval of proposed field connections from the Engineer before cutting into any existing drainage structures. All connections into existing structures shall be watertight. Full compensation for cutting openings for pipe into existing drainage structures and connecting pipe to existing drainage structures by approved water tight method shall be considered as included in the price paid for the pipe and no further compensation will be allowed therefore. Special Provisions SP-47 Full compensation for necessary work to complete the installation of pipe, manholes and drainage `inlets including, but not limited to the trenching, excavation, dewatering, backfilling, grading, compacting, placing asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete and all other work or materials required to conform around new/existing manholes and drainage inlets to existing curb and gutter and surrounding pavement shall be deemed included in the unit price, of each item requiring the work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Trench Excavation, Bedding and Backfill This work shall conform to Section 1301, "Trench Excavation, Bedding and Backfill," of the SJSS, the Standard Details and these Special Provisions. Prior to bidding, the prospective Contractors are encouraged to perform an independent Geotechnical evaluation to satisfy themselves as to the existing soil condition and the status of the water table within the project limits. To obtain a revocable encroachment permit for geotechnical investigation within the City right-of-way, contact the Public Works Department. Trench restoration shall be per the City of Campbell Standard Detail 7 — Method A as found in Appendix A. Bedding material shall be Class I, the Contractor shall shovel-slice the bedding material in the haunch areas below the quarter point of the pipe. Backfill and surface restoration of all underground excavations within existing paved areas shall be as shown on the project construction plans. The backfill shall be compacted in lifts not to exceed 0.75' and shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95%. The Contractor shall be responsible for performing any work necessary to correct any settlement of a restored excavation that may occur within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the project. Any such work shall be performed at the Contractor's sole expense and shall have prior authorization from the Engineer. Full compensation for compliance with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract price'paid per linear foot for installing the new pipes and no additional compensation will be,allowed therefor. Trench Dewatering If during the trenching operation, water starts filling the bottom of the trench, the Contractor shall dewater the trench in accordance with Section 1302-3, "Trench Dewatering" of the SJSS and these Special Provisions. All excavation for concrete structures or trenches, which extend down to or below groundwater shall be dewatered by lowering and keeping the groundwater level 12 inches or more below the bottom of the excavation. Special Provisions SP-48 , If pumping is used to control .and remove water, electric power for pumps shall use PG&E temporary drop service points. Using City power supply for dewatering facilities will not be permitted. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating drop service points with PG&E and shall pay all costs of the required temporary drop service points. Use of electric generators to operate dewatering pumps will be permitted only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Non-contaminated groundwater shall be discharged to the storm drainage system in accordance with the Best Management Practices for the Construction Industry and the City of Campbell's Storm Water Pollution Control Requirements (See Appendix C and D). . Groundwater shall be treated in a sedimentation system providing a minimum'of 30 minutes detention time before discharge. Settled solids shall not be discharged. The rate of discharge for groundwater shall be controlled so as not to cause surcharging of the storm drain system or .erosion of the downstream streambed. Full compensation for compliance with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per Linear foot for installing the new pipes and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) Reinforced Concrete Pipe shall conform to the provisions in Section 65, "Reinforced Concrete Pipe," of the SS and these Special Provisions. All pipe sizes refer to the nominal inside diameter of the pipe. The internal diameter of pipes between 12-inches (305 mm) to 24-inches (610 mm) shall not vary by more than 1.5% from the design diameter. Pipes.larger than 27-inches (685 mm) shall not vary from the design diameter by more than 1% of the'design diameter or 3/8-inch, whichever is larger. Reinforced Concrete Pipe shall have neoprene gasket joints and shall be a flush bell design. Class IV pipe shall be used. Contractor shall obtain approval of proposed field connections from the Engineer before cutting into any existing drainage structures. All connections into existing structures shall be watertight. Full compensation for cutting openings for pipe into existing/new drainage structures (ie. inlets and/or manholes) and connecting pipe to existing/new drainage structures (ie. inlets and/or manholes) by approved water tight method shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per linear foot for installing new pipes and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) shall be Schedule 80 and shall be in accordance with the provisions of SJSS, Section 101-2.02, "Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe". Size, length and locations of this pipe installation are as shown on the plans. Drainage Manholes and Inlets Drainage Manholes and inlets shall be at the locations shown on the Plans and shall.conform to Section 51 "Concrete Structure," of the Plans and these Special Provisions. Miscellaneous iron and steel shall conform to the provisions in Section 75, "Miscellaneous Metal," of the SS. Special Provisions SP-49 Cones for manholes shall be eccentric.and shall.have plastic steps when rim to floor height is greater than three (3) feet. All manhole frames and covers shall conform to the requirements of the City of Campbell_Standard Plans and Specifications. Inlets shall be poured in two parts. The bottom pour shall be low enough to accommodate installation of the hood without bending the hood legs. Inlets shall have plastic steps when.grate to floor height is greater than three (3) feet. Grates. shall be bicycle proof. Hooded drainage inlets shall be flush against the edge of pavement with a consistent flowline along the curb, gutter and inlet. Full compensation for necessary work to complete the installation of manholes and drainage inlets including, but not limited to the trenching, excavation, shoring, dewatering, backfilling, grading, compacting, placing asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete and all other work or materials required to conform around new/existing manholes and drainage inlets to existing curb and gutter and surrounding pavement shall be deemed included in the unit price of each item requiring the work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Modify Manhole &Adiust to Grade Modify Manhole shall include the removal of the necessary existing manhole components and the installation of new Portland cement'concrete barrel section(s), cone section, and/or collar section, as needed. Manhole shall conform to City of San Jose Standard Drawing No;D-11 and to the requirements of the City of Campbell Standard Plans and Specifications. Full compensation for necessary work to complete the modification of manholes including, but not limited to the trenching, excavation, shoring, dewatering, removal of necessary existing ,manhole components, backfilling, grading, compacting, placing asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete and all other work or materials required to conform around manholes to surrounding pavement shall be deemed included in the unit price of each item requiring the work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. SDMH'Covers Contractor shall replace the existing Santa Clara Valley Water District manholes frames and grates with standard frames and covers in accordance with SJSD. Trench Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing Trench bracing requirements shall be as specified in Section 5-1.02A, "Excavation Safety Plans," of the, SS and these Special Provisions. For trench plating requirements, refer to "Trench Plating Conditions"under Section 10-2 "Traffic Control Requirements" of these Special Provisions. A minimum of two we prior to commencement of any excavations, five (5) feet or greater in depth, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a detailed plan showing the design of sheeting, shoring, bracing, or equivalent method as specified in section 5-1.02A of the SJSS. Sloping may be used where feasible in place of sheeting, shoring and bracing, however, payments will only be made under this item of work where sheeting, shoring or bracing is used, and.deemed necessary by the Engineer. Special Provisions SP-50 Additionally, if existing gas, water, telephone, sanitary sewer,storm drain, electricity, :or other underground conduit, pipeline, or cable systems and related structures (e.g., manholes, vaults, etc.) or surface improvements such as curb and gutter, trees, sidewalks, foundations, concrete slabs or pavements are endangered by caving in or sloughing in of the trench side walls, the Contractor shall install shoring, sheeting and/or bracing required to protect said facilities from damage. Any shoring, sheeting, or bracing required to protect said facilities shall be included in the linear foot price paid for "Trench Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing," and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. The Contractor shall provide shoring in accordance with OSHA and the State Division of Industrial Safety requirements. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all associated permits for this work. The cost'for obtaining permits and all other work as described under "Trench Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing," shall be included in the cost paid per lineal foot of 12" RCP pipe installed and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. All existing asphalt shall be sawcut as indicated on the trench section details as noted in the project plans. Cleaning Pipelines Cleaning of pipelines shall be as specified in Section 1308-2, "Cleaning Pipe Lines," of the CCSS. This item shall include new pipeline and existing pipeline within the reconstruction area. Full compensation for cleaning pipelines shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per linear foot for installing the new pipes and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Acceptance for Storm Drain System Television inspection of the new storm drain line and existing storm drain line within the. reconstruction area will be required as specified under Section 1307-3, "Television Inspection," of the CCSS. Television inspection shall be performed no sooner than (10) calendar days after completion of inspection and. backfill of the- newly installed or existing pipe, and prior to the Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR) or overlay paving operations. The television inspection shall be recorded in true color in digital video format with on-screen footage readout on the lower or upper part of the screen. The Contractor shall provide the recording to the Engineer for review a minimum of three working days prior to scheduling paving operations. Full compensation for testing, video inspecting and conducting any necessary repairs for damages to the existing storm drain line shall be considered as included in the contract price paid per linear foot for installing the new pipes and no additional compensation will be allowed- therefor. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-7, "Drainage Pipe and Structures,", including but not limited to concrete, wire mesh, shoring, cleaning pipelines and acceptance for storm drain system, shall be included and paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: Special Provisions SP-51 12" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE, CLASS IV(LF) BID ITEM #15 12" PVC Pipe—Schedule 80 (LF) BID ITEM #16 8" PVC SCHEDULE 80 STORM DRAIN PIPE (LF) BID ITEM #17 6" PVC SCHEDULE 80 STORM DRAIN PIPE (LF) BID ITEM #18 STORM DRAIN MANHOLE (EA) BID ITEM #19 MODIFY STORM,DRAIN MANHOLE &ADJUST TO GRADE (EA) BID ITEM #20 STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN (EA) BID"ITEM #21 STORM DRAIN FIELD INLET (EA) BID ITEM #22 STORM DRAIN OVERFLOW PIPE (LF) BID ITEM #23 TRENCH SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING (LF) BID ITEM #24 WVSD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (EA) BID ITEM #A3 10-8 CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS General Concrete for sidewalks, driveways, conforms to PCC driveways, accessibility ramps, retaining curb, irrigation controller pad, backflow preventer & enclosure pad, concrete encasement, and curb and gutter shall conform to Section 73, "Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks," and Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete", of the SJSS, CCSS, :the Plans, and these Special Provisions,and all other applicable specifications. The PCC mix .design shall replace a minimum of 25 percent of Portland cement(by weight)with flyash. The work includes, but is not limited to the following: the removal and disposal of existing concrete sidewalk, driveway, driveway approach, valley gutter, curb and gutter and adjacent AC- pavement and base material; the installation of class 3 aggregate base, ; grading; compacting; the installation of dowels; installation and. finishing of concrete sidewalk, driveway, driveway approach,valley gutter, curb and gutter improvements; installation of accessibility ramps, which include the installation of adjacent monolithic curb & gutter, necessary retaining curbs, and other . replacement PCC improvements including but not limited to sidewalk, curb and gutter, rolled curb and gutter transitions, etc., abutting new accessibility ramps leading to the next score mark; and the installation of the adjacent AC pavement restoration (next to the adjacent curb and gutter locations, driveway approach locations, and accessibility ramp locations), which includes the installation of sand/cement slurry backfill, as noted in the details found on the plans and in Appendix A. The limits of all PCC removal and replacement shall be taken from score mark to score mark unless otherwise approved by the Engineer or as noted on the plans. Replacement of PCC,sidewalk and curb and gutter that is removed to the score mark from the edges of the curb ramp and/or driveway shall be considered as part of the new curb ramp and/or driveway installation and therefore shall be paid for under the associated curb ramp and/or driveway bid items as specified in these Special Provisions. Subgrade prep for the following concrete improvements shall be paid for under Bid Items #14 — 0.5' Thick Subgrade Preparation: curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway, driveway approach, accessibility ramp, courtesy strip, edge band, rolled curb and conform areas. Subgrade prep for Special Provisions a SP-52 irrigation controller pad and backflow preventer & enclosure pad shall be paid for under their respective bid items. Aggregate base for concrete improvements, including but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, driveway conforms and approaches, valley gutter, accessibility ramps, retaining curb, courtesy strip, edge band, rolled curb, irrigation controller pad, backflow preventer & enclosure pad and. curb and gutter shall be Class 3, W Maximum, and shall conform to the provisions in Section 26, "Aggregate Bases," of the SJSS, the plans and these Special Provisions. Cost for aggregate base shall be included in the individual pay items for concrete improvements. No additional compensation will be allowed therefor. Both subgrade and aggregate base shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95%. New improvements shall not be placed until forms and compaction requirements are inspected and approved by the Engineer. Driveway replacement shall include but not limited to the installation of a new PCC driveway approach,removal and replacement of the sidewalk immediately behind the driveway approach, removal and replacement of adjacent curb &-gutter (or courtesy strip or edge band), and the installation of a 2-sack sand/cement slurry backfill, pavement fabric, and asphalt concrete per City Standard Details found in Appendix A or on the plans. PCC for the driveways and sidewalk immediately behind the driveway approach shall all be six (6) inches thick. Driveway approaches shall have a.fall of not less than 0.5% and a maximum slope of +/ 10% and shall include the replacement of any removed side curb or other adjacent improvement necessary to allow construction of the driveway conform. Driveway removal and replacement shall be paid for per square foot of driveway (which includes the adjacent curb & gutter, courtesy strep, edge band or rolled curb) under the appropriate bid item for Driveway. At locations where driveways, curb, gutter, sidewalk, accessibility ramps, etc. connect with existing improvements, steel dowels shall be installed. Dowels shall be 12" long. #4, grade 60, steel reinforcing bars or as indicated on the plans. Dowels shall be firmly epoxied into existing improvement with a- six inch (6") embedment. Dowels shall be installed prior to placing new concrete improvements Epoxy shall be Type II and conform to Section 95-2.03, "Epoxy Resin Adhesive for Bonding New, Concrete to Old Concrete," of the SS. A certificate of compliance is required for the epoxy. Courtesy strips, edge bands, rolled curb, and curb & gutter shall be poured monolithic with new driveways and accessibility ramps. Courtesy strips, edge bands, rolled curb, and curb & gutter shall be poured as.shown on the plans or with a straight grade between existing improvements to that are to remain. The Engineer shall approve any proposed adjustments to curb and gutter, and-all sidewalk transitions. Contractor shall provide a smooth conform around all curb returns and at sidewalk transitions. Flow-lines for the curb and' gutter, and for curb and gutter/courtesy strip/edge band/rolled curb attached to either a driveway approach and/or an accessibility ramp shall be verified and flow tested by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer and.shall be free from ponding prior to acceptance of the improvements. Contractor shall replace new PCC improvements if the said improvements do not conform to the designed flow-line. Special Provisions SP-53 Following the staking of the curb and gutter and prior to placing forms for the curb and gutter, the Contractor shall coordinate with San Jose Water Company (SJWC), Chester Churchill, at (408) 279-7831, and shall allocate sufficient time and space for SJWC to install new water meter boxes and to relocate water service laterals. Contractor shall also coordinate with AT&T, Laura Wendover, at (408) 635-8835, and PG&E, Serina Oliver, at (408) 725-2146 and shall allocate sufficient time and space to relocate and adjust any utility facilities. Coordination of this work, and all other work regarding utilities, shall be considered as included in other contract items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. Contractor shall supply the City a Certificate of Compliance that the PCC used on the project will meet the minimum strength of 3000 psi on the 28-day for 6-sack design mix. Contractor shall supply the City a Certificate of Compliance that the PCC used on the project will meet the minimum strength of 3500 psi on the 2nd day for high/early mix design. Pavers Paver location(s) are as shown on the plans. The paver specifications shall comply with what is noted in Appendix M — Interlocking Paving Unit and as noted this Section 10-9 "Concrete Improvements". Contractor .shall submit paver sample and color to the Engineer for approval prior to its installation. Accessibility Ramps Layout for the accessibility ramps shall be marked in the field by the Contractor and shall be reviewed by the Engineer prior to its installation. Where rolled curb exists, accessibility ramp installation shall contain curb transitions not less than 10 feet long at both ends of the ramp. Refer to detail shown on the plans or detail found in Appendix A. Detectable warning surface shall be Manufacturer: Wausau Tile, Terra Pavers, ADA compliant Warning Paver, 1' x 1' x 2", Model: ADA 2 — 60, Truncated Dome or approved equal. Wausau Tile Terra Pavers may have a long lead time for procurement. Contractor shall immediately order pavers upon receipt of the contract. The Contractor shall schedule the work for the accessibility ramp installations to accommodate long-lead time as necessary for the pavers. Contractor shall provide a sample paver a minimum of 14 days prior to installation. Asphalt Concrete Pavement Restoration The asphalt concrete pavement restoration for driveways, accessibility ramps, island curb, and curb and gutter shall conform to the detail found in Appendix A. The final/top layer of asphalt concrete adjacent to the curb and gutter shall be Type A % " Max. Medium AC and shall be compacted to 95% compaction. A tack coat of undiluted SS-1 H emulsified asphalt shall be placed on all exposed AC and concrete surfaces prior to the placement of the new asphalt section. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be two inches compacted thickness and shall.be placed in one lift over the pavement fabric and existing material (2-sack sand/cement slurry backfill or AC digout) Special Provisions SP-54 Asphalt concrete shall be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 95%. The asphalt concrete pavement restoration for driveways, accessibility ramps, and curb and gutter shall be paid for under the associated Bid Items and shall comply with these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall ensure that connections to existing or previously laid surfacing shall conform to the requirements of surface smoothness or the Contractor shall correct all these deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer's decision whether the Contractor has met the requirements of surface smoothness shall be final. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-8, "Concrete Improvements," shall be included.and paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: CASE,A ACCESSIBILITY RAMP (EA) BID ITEM #25 CASE C (MODIFIED)ACCESSIBILITY RAMP (EA) BID ITEM #26 CASE F (MODIFIED)ACCESSIBILITY RAMP (EA) BID ITEM #27 PCC SIDEWALK (SF) BID ITEM #28 6"PCC/6"AB DRIVEWAY (SF) BID ITEM#29 PCC CURB AND GUTTER (LF) BID ITEM #30 PCC ROLLED CURB(LF) BID ITEM #31 PCC COURTESY STRIP (LF) BID ITEM #32 PCC EDGE BAND (LF) BID ITEM #33 PCC CURB—TYPE 1A(LF) BID ITEM #34 RETAINING CURB (LF) BID ITEM #35 PAVERS (SF) BID ITEM#36 10-9 WEDGE GRINDING General The Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of ten (10)working days prior to any wedge grinding work and/or conform work done within any signalized intersection, which would cause expected interference/interruption to the existing traffic signal system and/or traffic control. Wedge grinds shall be ground into the existing 'asphalt concrete pavement along all existing gutters, bus pads, islands, and valley gutters. Wedge grinds shall include pavement conforms which shall be ground across all side streets and as specified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise care and protect around existing manholes, valve boxes, concrete bus pads, and other facilities located at the lip of gutter or within the wedge grind and conform grind areas when performing wedge grinds. Existing roadway sections contain road paving fabric. All costs associated with the grinding, removing, and disposing of AC including those containing road paving fabric shall be borne by the Contractor. Special Provisions SP-55 At the outset of the project, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a minimum of one week notice prior to the beginning of the wedge/conform grinding operations for marking the limits of work for the overlay in the field. The Contractor shall field verify the paving limits with the Engineer. Prior to any wedge grind or conform work, the Contractor shall provide an updated schedule for the grinding operations''. At the beginning of the wedge/conform grinding operations, the Engineer will then stipulate a certain portion of gutter along which the Contractor shall perform. a test section for the wedge grind. On this test section, the planing equipment and method of operation will be carefully observed by the Engineer to ensure that the equipment proposed to be-used by the Contractor is sufficient to meet all the requirements of this section. If the requirements are not being met, the equipment will either have to be modified to prevent the violation, or be replaced by equipment that does fulfill the requirements. Once suitable equipment and methods of operation have been demonstrated on the test section by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, the work will be allowed to proceed in a normal manner. Once the equipment and methods have been approved by the Engineer, no alteration or modifications shall be made without the permission of the Engineer. Wedge grinding of asphalt concrete pavement shall be performed by the cold planing method. Planing of the asphalt concrete pavement shall not be done by the heater planing method. Cold planing machines shall be equipped with a cutter head not less than 72 inches in width and shall be operated so as not to produce fumes or smoke. The cold planing machine shall be capable of planing the pavement without requiring the use of a heating device to soften the pavement during or prior to the planing operation. At locations where the Contractor will not be able to utilize this specified cold planing machine to accomplish the work, the Contractor will submit alternative equipment to the Engineer for approval. Longitudinal wedge grinds are those wedge grinds that are parallel to the traveled way. These shall be ground two (2") inches below the lip of gutter and shall daylight six (6') feet from the lip of gutter. Any asphalt encountered-above the lip of gutter shall be considered as included in the contract price for wedge grinds and no additional compensation shall be allowed. Any sections of asphalt that become loose after wedge grinding shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Transverse wedge grinds shall be located where the wedge grinds are to be perpendicular to the traveled-way and shall be ground two (2") inches below existing AC pavement and daylight 18 feet from the limit of work or from the existing pavement surface to remain. Where two streets scheduled for overlays intersect,the Engineer shall determine.where the transverse and longitudinal wedge grinds will be made. If the Contractor encounters base material while wedge grinding, the Contractor shall continue to grind until -reaching 2" depth. If the grinding operation begins to pulverize the asphalt concrete to remain or grinds through the existing asphalt, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, immediately. In locations where the grinding operation begins to pulverize the remaining .asphalt ,concrete, the Contractor shall use a smaller grinder to prevent asphalt concrete`damage. The wedge grind depth may be varied in these locations if approved by the Engineer at no additional cost. Special Provisions SP-56 The final cut shall result in a uniform surface. The outside lines of the planed area shall be neat and uniform. Wedge grinding operations shall be performed without damage to the curb, gutter . or,surrounding asphalt and shall provide a uniform and stable base for resurfacing. If the existing curb and gutter is damaged, it shall be repaired or removed and replaced, at the direction of the Engineer, at the Contractor's sole expense. _Where transverse grinds are planed in the pavement, and where longitudinal grinds cross side streets, no drop-off shall remain between the existing pavement and the planed area when the pavement is opened to public traffic, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If asphalt concrete has not been placed to the level of existing pavement before the pavement is to be opened to public traffic, a temporary asphalt concrete taper shall be constructed. Asphalt concrete for temporary tapers shall be placed to the level of the existing pavement and tapered on a slope of 20:1 or flatter, but not less than 20-ft to the level of the planed area at all intersections. Asphalt concrete for temporary tapers shall be commercial quality and shall be spread and compacted to produce a smooth, riding surface at a slope no_.greater than 20:1 (H:V). Temporary asphalt concrete tapers shall be completely removed, including the removal of all loose material from the underlying surface, before placing the permanent surfacing. Such. removed material shall be disposed of outside the public right-of-way on the same day it is-, generated. A materials submittal and certificate of compliance is required for the temporary asphalt concrete for tapers. All materials resulting from the wedge grinding and milling operations.shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of properly. The, material planed from the roadway surface, including material deposited in existing gutters or on the adjacent traveled way, shall be removed and disposed of outside the public right-of-way. Removal operations of cold planed material shall be concurrent with planing operations and follow within 50 feet of the planer, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. " Wedge grind and conform grind shall be allowed to exist a maximum of 3 calendar days prior to paving, and 5 calendar days where new loops are to be installed at intersections prior to paving. Minor street profiling to correct isolated street anomalies may be directed by the Engineer and shall be paid for as additional passes under the bid item for"Wedge Grind /Conform Grind". Measurement and Payment Wedge grinding of asphalt concrete pavement will be measured by the linear foot. The quantity to be paid for will-be the actual length of-wedge grind to obtain the required depth and width as indicated in these Special Provisions (ie. transverse grinds at project limits are to be paid as three -6' passes, and 12 foot longitudinal grinds are to be paid as two - 6' passes, and a 6 foot longitudinal grind is to be paid as one —.6" pass).. Pavement markers, legends, striping and thermoplastic that will be removed as a result of the required wedge grind are considered included in this item of work and no further compensation will be allowed therefore. Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all work involved in compliance with the plans, specifications and Special Provision Section 10-9, . "Wedge Grinds", shall be measured and included in the appropriate bid item as listed on the Bid Schedule and as outlined below: Special Provisions SP-57 2" WEDGE GRIND/CONFORM GRIND (LF) BID ITEM #37 10-10 FULL-DEPTH REHABILITATION (FDR) Description Full-Depth Rehabilitation (FDR) shall consist of reconstructing a distressed pavement by in- place recycling of the pavement materials and chemically stabilizing to enhance the structural properties of the recycled materials. This work shall consist of pulverizing the existing roadway materials and uniformly mixing .with Portland cement and water. Mixture shall then be compacted, finished, and cured in such a manner that the FDR mixture forms a dense, uniform mass conforming to the lines, grades, and cross sections shown on the Plans. General Immediately prior to the FDR process, the grading plane at any point shall be not more than 0.02-foot above or below the grade established and referenced on the construction staking. Contractor.shall review the grading plan with the Engineer a minimum of 5 working prior to the FDR process. Materials Recycled Pavement Materials — Materials to be stabilized with Portland cement shall consist of pulverized asphaltic concrete, existing aggregate.base, and any underlying native subgrade soils incorporated into mix design. Existing materials shall be pulverized so that 100 percent will pass a 2-inch (50-mm) sieve and a minimum of 85 percent will pass a 1-inch (25-mm)sieve. Portland cement — All cement to be used or furnished shall conform to ASTM C150. The cement shall be protected from moisture until used and be sufficiently dry to flow freely when handled. Cement shall be furnished.in bulk and not exposed until applied to prepared grade. Water — Water shall be free from oils, acids, organic matter or other substances deleterious to the cement treatment of materials. The water shall not contain more than 1000 parts per million of chlorides nor more than 1000 parts per million of sulfates as SO4. Water shall be clean and potable and shall be added as needed during mixing, compacting, and finishing operations and during the curing period, as required. Cement Application Rate The cement application rate is based on the laboratory mix design. The percentage of cement is determined at 90-percent of the maximum dry weight of the cement treated material determined in the laboratory by ASTM D1557. Contractor shall use a cement application rate of 5-percent (5%) at 135-pcf-soil weight. The application rate will be expressed as 5 Ibs per sq. ft. of cement. Contractors Qualification The contractor performing the FDR cement stabilization shall document a minimum of five years' experience performing similar stabilization work. The contractor shall submit a list of equipment to be utilized in performance of the stabilization process. The contractor shall submit a detailed Special Provisions SP-58 description of work procedures for approval by the Engineer prior to beginning FDR cement stabilization. The contractor performing FDR cement stabilization shall have a representative on site with a minimum of 5 years' experience in cement stabilization. Their function should include coordinating with other contractors and site representatives. All personnel should be properly trained in the FDR treatment process, including quality control and safety procedures. Protection of Existinq Utilities Where existing underground utilities or utility services lie within the FDR section, the contractor shall verify, by potholing or other means acceptable to and approved by the Engineer, that there is sufficient cover over the utilities to provide clearance for the FDR mixing process without damage to the existing utility facilities. This verification shall be carried out where each utility crosses the boundary of the FDR section, and at a minimum of one location in between. This paragraph shall not relieve the Contractor of conforming to all utility protection requirements contained elsewhere in these special provisions. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of existing pipelines, manholes, catch basins, valve boxes and other utility structures that are to remain within the FDR work area. Any such utility facilities that are damaged from roadway excavation work performed by the Contractor shall be either repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the City, in accordance with Section 15-1.02, "Preservation of Property." of the State Standard Specifications. Equipment FDR section shall be constructed utilizing a combination of equipment that will produce results that meet all the requirements herein. The Engineer prior to use shall approve such machines. Cement Spreader The cement spreader shall be equipped with such instrumentation and equipment to control spread rates over variable travel speeds. The operator shall demonstrate that the instrumentation and equipment is calibrated and capable of controlling the spread rates within specifications. Mixer The mixing equipment shall be capable of mixing the full-specified depth of cement treatment, leaving a relatively smooth plane at the bottom of the FDR section. Mixing equipment shall be equipped with a visible depth indicator showing the mixing depth, and odometer or foot-meter to indicate travel speed, and a controllable water additive system for regulating water added to the mixture. Compactors When compacting cement treated sections greater than eight'(8) inches, a sheepsfoot type compactor capable of compacting the entire section to the project specification shall be used. Special Provisions SP-59 Construction Preparation of Existing Pavement The existing asphaltic concrete (AC) surfacing and the underlying base .material shall be pulverized to a minimum depth of six (6) inches. If the existing AC is greater than 6-inches, the contractor shall pulverize slightly below the depth of the existing AC. The pulverized materials shall be graded to conform to the lines and grade shown on the Plans prior to application of the-cement. Grading operations will require some movement of material along the grade and/or off-hauled to conform to the lines and elevations shown on the Plans and to allow for the new asphalt concrete section to be installed. At the contractor's option, the existing AC section may be removed by other means, if contractor can demonstrate to the Engineer that pre-removal of AC will still allow for new grade requirements to be met with remaining materials. No more of the existing roadway sections shall be pulverized or removed in any working day than can be relayed as specified above in that working day. Pulverized material shall be temporarily compacted.at the end of each day with a smooth drum roller, to allow for traffic. Portland Cement Application The Portland cement shall be applied in one operation to the required width, grade and cross section. Cement shall be evenly spread at the designated rate and shall not vary more than 5 percent on any area. Only a calibrated spreader able to provide a uniform distribution of the cement throughout the treatment area shall spread cement. The cement shall be added in a dry state and every precaution shall be taken to prevent fugitive dust outside the work zone. The spreader truck shall demonstrate the ability to maintain a consistent spread rate over variable travel speeds. The contractor will demonstrate the consistency of the spread rate by conducting multiple pan tests. The pan test consists of placing a 3 square foot pan on the grade in front of the spreader truck. After cement spreader truck has passed over the pan, the cement captured in the pan is weighed to determine the rate of spread in pounds per square foot. Truck tags will be used to verify amount of cement delivered to project. No traffic other than the mixing equipment or other related construction equipment would be allowed to pass over the exposed cement until after completion of mixing. Cement shall not be spread or mixed/hydrated while the atmospheric temperature is below 350 F. At the Engineers discretion, processing will be allowed if temperature is rising. Mixing and Hydrating The thickness of the FDR treatment shall be designated on the Plans or as determined by the Engineer. In areas where mixing equipment cannot access, such as around manholes or curbs, the Contractor can process the mixture, within allowable time constraints, by pulling the recycled material and applied cement away from obstacles and relayed to an area accessible to mixing equipment. Special Provisions SP-60 Cement treatment can be conducted in one lift provided the contractor can demonstrate that the spread rate, particle size, and compaction can be achieved. The mixer shall be capable of automatically adjusting itself to maintain a constant depth. On the initial mix, the.water truck must have a solid connection to the mixer. The water shall be injected directly into the mixing chamber and shall produce a homogenous blend free from streaks or pockets of dry cement. Leakage of water from equipment will not be permitted. Care shall be exercised to avoid the addition of any excessive water into the mixture. When mixed material, exclusive of one inch or larger clods, is sprayed with phenolphthalein alcohol indicator solution, areas showing no color reaction will be considered evidence of inadequate mixing. Contractor is required to complete mixing and initial compaction of the FDR-cement section within 2 hours of initial hydration of cement. Construction Joints When horizontally joining two treated sections, contractor shall overlap the new treated section with previously treated section by 12-inches. When joining two treated sections on same day, care shall be taken to adjust water content along overlapping zone. Compaction Maintain moisture above the optimum moisture content, but within allowable moisture range as determined by the moisture/density relationship of the compaction curve. The FDR-cement section shall be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM 1557. The maximum compacted thickness of a single layer may be any thickness the contractor- can demonstrate to the engineer that his equipment and method of operation will provide the required compacted density throughout the treated layer. Initial Compaction Contractor shall achieve the projects minimum compaction requirement during initial compaction operation. Lift thickness of 8 to 12 inches shall .be compacted by means of a sheepsfoot compactor. Lift thickness greater than 12 inches shall be compacted by a sheepsfoot compactor with an open ring design to prevent bridging of the lower half of the FDR section. Areas inaccessible to rollers shall be compacted to the required compaction by other means satisfactory to the Engineer. Surface Compaction. Surface compaction is defined as the upper 3 inches of the FDR section. Surface compaction shall be by means of steel-tired or pneumatic-tired roller. Final Grading Surface compaction and finish grading shall proceed in such a manner as to produce, in not more than 2 hours from initial compaction, a smooth, closely knit surface conforming to the crown, grade and line indicated and will be free of cracks, ridges or loose material. Maintain moisture content on surface within allowable moisture range during. all grading procedures. Special Provisions SP-61 All excess material above the grade tolerance specified by the plans should be removed from the grade-prior to final surface compaction of the FDR section. This excess material can be used in areas inaccessible to treatment equipment, provided the FDR mixture is used within the allotted time constraints. Minor indentations may remain in the surface of the finished material as long as no loose material remains in the indentations. Traffic Loading Once the FDR section is finished, contractor may be allowed to place subsequent structural layers over the FDR section provided that the following criteria's are met: The FDR section is stable and non-yielding under a minimum 10 ton proof-roll. The FDR section has no evidence-of cracking The FDR section criteria's have been met, including FDR thickness, percentage of cement applied, compaction, and square footage of the treated area confirmed. Curin After FDR section is completed, it shall be protected against drying and traffic for 3-days. The Engineer may reduce the 3-day cure period, based on factors such as degree of traffic, . temperature, and stability. Curing shall be moist (water fogging), bituminous seal, or other method approved by the Engineer. If moist curing is used, exposed surfaces of the FDR section shall be kept continuously moist with a fog spray for 3 days. If a bituminous curing is used, it shall consist of liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt meeting the requirements of CT Section 203. The bituminous curing seal shall be applied in sufficient quantity to provide a continuous membrane over the soil at a rate of between 0.10 and 0.20 gallons per square yard of surface with the exact rate determined by the Engineer. It shall be applied as soon as possible after the completion of final rolling. The surface shall be kept moist while the seal is applied. At the time the bituminous material is applied, the soil surface shall be dense, shall be free of all loose and extraneous material, and shall contain sufficient moisture to prevent excessive penetration of the bituminous material. Repair If the FDR-cement section is damaged, removing and replacing the entire depth of affected layers in the damaged area shall repair it. Feathering will not be permitted for repair of low areas. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment,-and all incidentals, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-10, "Full-Depth Rehabilitation," shall be included in the appropriate per ton price paid for: STREET FINE GRADING (SF) BID ITEM#38 FULL-DEPTH REHABILITATION (SF) BID ITEM #39 Special Provisions SP-62 ,. 10-11 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT General Asphalt concrete shall conform to the CCSS, the plans the specifications and these special provisions. Attention is directed to "Hours of Work" and "Days of,Work" under 10-1, "General Construction Requirements, and 10-2 "Traffic Control" of these Special Provisions. Asphalt concrete (AC) pavement shall be either 2 inches or 4.5 inches thick — Contractor shall refer to project plans for exact locations of compacted AC thickness. Areas that are to receive AC 4.5 inches thick, the Contractor shall place the AC in two separate lifts. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be placed within the project limits as specified,on the plans and as marked in the field in the locations of the road reconstruction and asphalt overlay. Two working days in advance of the paving operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, a description of the proposed paving operation including the pass widths, the establishment of. control to maintain a uniform grade, and the rolling equipment and procedures to be used. The Contractor shall schedule the asphalt concrete overlay work so that the overlay will be completed on the entire pavement width, (from lip of gutter to the lip of gutter or from lip of gutter to face of curb on the median island), at the end of each working day. Contractor shall follow this schedule so that no longitudinal pavement drop-offs between adjacent lanes exist at the end of each working day. Asphalt concrete placed adjacent to any gutter designed to carry water shall be 0 inch to W above the lip of gutter after final compaction, but in no case shall it be more than.Y4". Any areas greater than W shall be repaired by wedge grinding a minimum depth of 1" and repaving as directed by the Engineer. Asphalt concrete placed adjacent to any gutter designed to shed water shall be flush with the gutter lip after final compaction. The asphalt concrete overlay shall be Type A - 3/4" maximum - medium gradation and shall meet the following-gradation: 3/4" Max -Medium, Type A Asphalt Concrete Sieve Size Operating Range Individual Test 1" 100 100 95-100 90-100 3/8" 65-80. 60-85 #4 45-60 40-65 #8 30-45 X± 5 #30 15-25 X±5 #200 3-7 X± 3 Dust shall be kept at 1% unless otherwise approved. Special Provisions SP-63 Asphalt binder shall be AR 8000 / PG 64-16. A tack coat shall be applied to the existing vertical surfaces prior to placement of the overlay, and to all existing pavement surfaces in areas that will not receive pavement fabric. Asphalt concrete aggregate shall meet the SS requirement for the LA Rattler Test. All Asphalt Concrete shall be-compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 95%. Final compaction of the paving shall be tested by the City by nuclear gauge using test method ASTM D2950. The test maximum density shall be derived from the laboratory compacted specimens made in accordance with CTM 304 and tested for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density in accordance with ASTM D1188. Cores may be taken in lieu of nuclear gage testing to determine compaction of asphalt concrete. Cores shall be tested under CTM 308 Method A or ASTM D1188. The test results from coring shall take precedence when determining if the paved areas meet the required relative compaction. Before placing the layer adjacent to cold transverse construction joints, such joints shall be trimmed to a vertical face and to a straight line. Transverse joints shall be tested by the City with a 12-foot straightedge and shall be cut back as required to conform to the requirements for surface smoothness. The Contractor shall provide the 12 foot straightedge as part of their regular paving equipment and shall have it on the job site and readily available during all paving operations. The Contractor shall ensure that connections to existing or previously laid surfacing shall conform to the requirements of surface smoothness or the Contractor shall correct all these deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer's decision whether the Contractor has met the requirements of surface smoothness shall be final. The completed surfacing shall be thoroughly compacted, smooth, and free from ruts, humps, depressions, or surface irregularities. When the 12 foot long straightedge is laid on the finished surface and parallel to the center line, the surface shall not vary more than 0.01-foot from the lower edge of the straightedge. The transverse slope of the finished surface shall be uniform to a degree such that no depressions greater than 0.02-foot are present when tested with a 12 foot straightedge laid in a direction transverse to the center line and extending from edge to edge of the traffic lane. Should these tolerances and smooth surface requirements not be met, the Contractor shall grind all failed pavement sections using abrasive grinding equipment utilizing diamond cutting blades and have the sections'slurry sealed. Attention is directed to Sections . 37-2 and 42-2 of the SS. Should the Contractor fail to perform these requirements, the Engineer may elect to have the City or contract forces perform these requirements, deducting the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due, or to become due, to the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibility to perform these requirements. The Contractor shall water test the entire overlay area in the presence of the Engineer to check the direction of water flow and ponding. Contractor shall repair all areas of ponding and reverse flow. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two competent and qualified flaggers dedicated solely to directing traffic into and out of driveways and cross-streets across overlaid areas during the overlay operations (including the placement of the asphalt binder and pavement fabric). Flaggers shall be equipped with all equipment necessary to properly direct and control traffic. Special Provisions SP-64 Temporary lane line markers (slurry tabs) shall be installed as.required immediately following the paving operation and shall be in place before two adjacent lanes, are opened to public traffic. Temporary pavement markings.(tape only) shall be installed on the same work day as the paving operation and shall delineate all two-way left turn lanes, left turn pockets, right turn pockets, limit lines, and crosswalks. Contractor shall maintain temporary striping and markings until the permanent markings are installed. All temporary markings and striping shall be removed by the Contractor(on the same day) after the permanent markings and,.striping are installed. If the Contractor fails to comply in providing the temporary lane line markers and temporary pavement markings, the Engineer may elect to have the City or contract forces perform all these duties,deducting all the expenses incurred from any moneys that are due or become due to the Contractor. By exercising this option, the Contractor is in no way relieved of the responsibilities to perform these duties. Payment for flagging and providing, installing and, maintaining the temporary lane lines and pavement markings shall be deemed included in the price paid for various items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. Attention is directed to Special Provision Section 10-2, "Traffic Control Requirements." Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision-Section 10-11, "Asphalt Concrete Pavement," shall be included in the per ton price paid for: ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (TON) BID ITEM #40 Contractor shall show proof for payment the AC (Tonnage) tags to the Engineer on the day of or within 3-calendar days of the HMAC being furnished for the job. Payment will be based on the AC tags furnished and installed by the Contractor for the project. 10-12 TRAFFIC STRIPES, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS General Painting traffic stripes (traffic lines) and pavement markings (legends) shall conform to Section 84, "Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings," of the SS, the California MUTCD and these Special Provisions and all other applicable specifications. Traffic stripes and markings shall be installed at the locations and of the type as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Paint Traffic Stripe and Curbs Paint for the traffic stripes, curb painting, and pavement markings shall be Rapid Dry Water Borne paint and shall be applied in two coats. The Contractor shall install the first coat of the paint within 7 calendar days of the final resurfacing. After fourteen (14) calendar days, the second-coat of paint shall be applied after the final resurfacing. Pavement markings shall be installed with stencils belonging to the contractor that are Special Provisions SP-65 determined to be identical to the City's stencils. Raised Pavement Markers Pavement markers shall conform. to Section 85, "Pavement Markers" of the SS, the California MUTCD and these Special Provisions. All non-reflective pavement markers shall be ceramic. Plastic pavement markers shall not be allowed. Adhesive shall be hot-melt bituminous adhesive conforming to Section 85, "Pavement Markers" of the SS and of these Special Provisions. Markers shall not be placed on new asphalt concrete surfacing until the surfacing has been opened to public traffic for a period of not less than seven days when hot melt bituminous adhesive is used, and not less than 14 days when epoxy adhesive is used. Placement of pavement markers shall be completed within three weeks of application of the new resurfacing of the respective roadway. All pavement markers in place (outside the limits of the work) shall be protected from damage and shall be clean and undamaged after completion of the project. Any damage to the newly placed or existing markers due to the failure of the Contractor to protect the work, and correction of errors, shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional cost. Caltrans Type C Red-Clear Reflective marker shall replace all Caltrans Type G One-Way Clear Reflective markers for all Caltrans Standard Striping Details. The clear side"of the reflective marker shall face the on-coming direction of travel. Blue reflective fire hydrant pavement markers shall be installed conforming to the provisions of the California MUTCD Section 3B.11, "Raised Pavement Markers" and.Figure 3B-102 (CA). Example of fire hydrant location pavement markers can be found in Appendix A. A Certificate of Compliance shall be furnished as specified in Section 6-1.07, "Certificates of Compliance" of the SS for reflective pavement markers. Said certificate shall also certify that the reflective pavement markers conform to the prequalified testing and approval of Caltrans, division of Traffic Operations, and were manufactured in accordance with the approved quality control program. Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe and Pavement Marking Thermoplastic .traffic stripes (traffic lines) and pavement markings shall be applied in conformance with the provisions in Section 84, "Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Thermoplastic material shall be free of lead and chromium, and shall conform to the requirements in State Specification PTH-02ALKYD. Retroreflectivity of the thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall conform to the requirements in ASTM Designation: D 6359-99. White thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall have a minimum initial retroreflectivity of 250 mcd m"2 Ix'. Yellow thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall have a minimum initial retroreflectivity of 150 mcd m"2 Ix 1. . Special Provisions SP-66 Where striping joins existing striping, as shown on the plans, the Contractor shall begin and end the transition from the existing striping pattern into or from the new striping pattern a sufficient distance to ensure continuity of the striping pattern. Thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall be free of runs, bubbles, craters, drag marks, stretch marks, and debris. Thermoplastic shall be extruded and placed in one coat and shall be placed five days after the final surfacing. Sprayable thermoplastic is not allowed. Longitudinal limit line shall be white and 12" in width. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing "Bike" symbol and bike lane "Arrow" templates, all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals,, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-12, "Traffic Stripes, Pavement.Markings and Markers," shall be paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: DETAIL 2 STRIPING_(LF) BID ITEM#41. DETAIL 22 STRIPING (LF) BID ITEM #42 DETAIL 27B STRIPING (LF) BID ITEM#43 DETAIL 38 STRIPING —THERMO (LF) BID ITEM #44 DETAIL 39 STRIPING (BIKE) (LF) BID ITEM #45 DETAIL 39A STRIPING (BIKE) (LF) BID ITEM#46 TYPE IV (L)ARROW—THERMO (SF) BID ITEM #47 TYPE IV (R)ARROW—THERMO (SF) , BID ITEM #48 TYPE VII (L)ARROW—THERMO (SF) BID ITEM #49 TYPE VII (R)ARROW—THERMO (SF) BID ITEM #50 TYPE VIII ARROW—THERMO (SF) BID ITEM #51 RAILROAD CROSSING SYMBOL (SF) BID ITEM #52 STOP LEGEND (SF) BID ITEM #53 12 IN. WHITE LIMIT LINE/CROSSWALK—THERMO.(LF) BID ITEM #54 BIKE LANE SYMBOL—THERMO (EA) BID ITEM #55 BIKE LANE ARROW—THERMO (EA) BID ITEM #56 INSTALL BLUE HYDRANT MARKER (EA) BID ITEM#57 PAINT CURBS RED (LF) BID ITEM #58 10-13 SIGNS AND POSTS General Signs shall conform to Section 56, "Signs," of CCSS, the Plans, these Special Provisions and the most recent issue of "Manual'on Uniform Traffic Control Devices," adopted by the State of California Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Work shall include the removal, relocation, and furnishing and installation of traffic signs, sign posts and footing, and related mounting hardware. Special Provisions SP-67 e New sign panels that are to'be provided by.the Contractor shall be Caltrans Type II-A Super Engineering Grade reflectorized sheeting (Seibulite Brand 'or approved equal) on 0.080-inch thick aluminum blanks and shall be solvent resistant. Signs shall be of the State standard size or as noted on the plans. The Contractor shall provide all fasteners required to install all signs as indicated on the plans. Removal and resetting of existing roadside signs and guide signs shall conform to Section 15- 2.05, "Reconstruction," of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Existing street-name, warning, regulatory and guide signs and posts that interfere with construction shall be carefully removed and reset at standard height in temporary locations and, when construction is complete, reset in their final location as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall call the Engineer's attention to all damaged signs prior to removal. Relocated signs shall be placed with a new sign post in their final location, as specified in the project plans. New signs shall be placed with on a new sign post or on an existing pole or street light, as shown on the project plans. Prior to installation, the Engineer shall approve the location of new and relocated .signs. Contractor shall call Underground Service Alert (USA) (1-800-227-2600) prior to digging for the sign pole installation. All newly relocated signs and/or new sign installations will maintain a (7') vertical clearance between the finished grade and bottom of sign, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Sign posts shall be new unistrut sign poles or as specified on the project plans. The Contractor shall neatly core the existing sidewalk, pcc pavement, etc. and shall install the sign posts per the details found on the Plan Sheets. Signs to be installed on street light poles shall be installed with 0.5 inch stainless steel straps with worm-gear clamps. For locations where the Contractor is to remove and/or relocate existing sign posts as shown on the plans, the Contractor shall also remove the existing foundation/footing. Voids created by the removal shall be backfilled with cement slurry (2-sack mix) where concrete pavement is to be installed. Voids created by the removal of the sign posts not in the concrete pavement area shall be backfilled with soil and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction or as specified by the Engineer. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-13, "Signs and Posts," shall be paid for in the appropriate bid item as listed below: RELOCATE SIGNS (EA) BID ITEM #59 INSTALL SIGN POSTS (EA) BID ITEM #60 "BIKE LANE"-W/ SYMBOL 24"X18" (R81) (EA) BID ITEM #61 "BEGIN" SIGN 12"X5" (R81A)(EA) BID ITEM #62 "END" SIGN 12"X5" (R81B) (EA) BID ITEM #63 "ALL WAY" SIGN 18" X6" (R1-4) (EA) BID ITEM#64 Special Provisions SP-68 10-14 TREE PROTECTION AND PRUNING Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and supply all equipment necessary for tree protection and pruning including, but not limited to, removal, protection and pruning of existing trees. Refer to civil drawings for tree removals. B. All work shall be done per the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) tree protection and pruning requirements. 1.2 ACCESS AND STORAGE A. Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall confer with the City's Representative for the purposes of confirming the scope of work to be undertaken. At no time shall materials, soil or equipment be stored or placed within the "dripline" of existing trees to be preserved. At no time shall vehicles be parked within the "dripline" of an existing tree to be preserved. 1.3 CO-ORDINATION AND SCHEDULING OF WORK A. All work shall be scheduled and conducted in a cooperative manner in order to. give the least possible interference with or annoyance to others. Contractors shall work out any cooperative schedules. Construction of drainage and irrigation lines etc., around existing trees, shall receive priority in scheduling in order that trenching, irrigation installation and backfilling can be done in an expedient manner. Part 2— Products 2.1 FENCING A. All trees to be retained shall be temporarily fenced (chain link or orange construction fencing) 5 feet minimum from the trunk and as directed by the Engineer. 1. Orange Construction Fence: Shall be 36" high orange construction fence installed with t-posts per manufacturers recommendations. 'Part 3 - Execution 3.1 PRESERVATION OF EXISTING TREES A. Pruning: 1. Selective Pruning: Pruning consists of reducing the overall foliage and their branches by no more than 20% to 30% of the total tree canopy in Special Provisions SP-69 order to trim canopy up for visibility. Pruning is to be performed by a method called "drop crotch" pruning that permits the preservation of a natural appearing foliage margin and retains the character of the tree. At no time shall the leader of any tree be pruned or removed. Thinning of trees shall include "safety trim". This involves the removal of all dead branches over 1-1/2 inches in diameter, the removal of broken branches and the removal of over burdened or conflicting branches as deemed necessary by the City's Representative. 2. Debris Removal: All trimmings, stumps, roots, logs, sod, or any other form of debris resulting from this work or any work resulting from said operation shall be cleaned up and removed from the site by the Contractor. All laws, ordinances, etc., applicable to the involved locality governing such disposal shall be fully complied with. Stumps shall be ground to 12 inches. below finished grade. 3. Tools: Cutting tools and saws shall be kept sharpened to a condition that will permit leaving an unabraised cambium edge on final cuts and bark tracings. 4. Final Pruning Cuts: Final pruning cuts shall be made without leaving a stub. They shall be made in a manner to favor the earliest possible covering of the wound by callus growth. This requires that the wound be as small as practicable, the cut be within the shoulder ring area, and that the cambial tissues at the edge of the cut be alive and healthy. Extremely flush cuts that produce large wounds and weaken the tree at the cut cannot be made. B. Removal: Shall be per Demolition Plans. C. Excavation, Trenching and Backfill: All trenching which is unavoidable to remain under the drip line of the tree to remain shall be hand dug with no roots over 1 inch diameter being cut or damaged. Where excavation reveals roots greater than 1-inch diameter that will interfere with construction, Contractor shall notify City Arborist for direction prior to proceeding. D. Penalties: Contractor activities under this contract that cause dead or dying trees shown as existing to remain shall incur a penalty. As determined by the City Arborist, the City reserves the right to deduct $2,500 from the contract amount for each protected tree that is dead as a result of contractor activities. E. Root System Repair: All exposed severed root ends are to be cut off smoothly with tools appropriate for the task. F. Watering 1. If trees show stress, as determined by the Engineer, it may become necessary for Contractor to perform deep root watering as required at no extra cost to the City. Part 4— Measurement and Payment Special Provisions. SP-70 4.1 Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved .in compliance with the plans, specifications and Special Provisions Section 10-14 "Tree Protection and Pruning"_shall be included in the lump sum ,price paid for in Section 10-4 "Clearing and Grubbing and Removal of Obstructions" and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. 10-15 IRRIGATION TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Perform all excavation, trenching, and backfilling work as shown. and specified including, but not necessarily limited to, site furnishing footings and irrigation lines. 1.2 STANDARDS A. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all materials and methods shall conform to Section 19 Earthwork of the SS as they reasonably apply to this work, except for measurement and payment requirements. Part 2— Products -2.1 MATERIALS A. Backfill material shall consist of the same material as specified for general fill under Section 10-6 - Earthwork. B. Backfill: Backfill material shall be approved by the City's Representative prior to its use. Excavated material and excess material from site grading may be re-used for backfilling and grading, provided such fill shall be homogeneous, free from rocks, rubbish, organic material, etc., and shall consist of fragments capable of being thoroughly crushed and consolidated into a dense, uniform compact fill, and shall meet the following requirements: Sieve Size Percentage Passing 1 inch 100 3/4 inch 95-100 No. 200 10-75 Plasticity index 12 maximum Part 3— Execution 3.1 EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING FOR TRENCHES Special Provisions SP-71 r, . J A. Perform all necessary excavation, shoring, pumping and dewatering and backfilling required for the proper laying of all underground irrigation pipes, sleeves, and conduits. B. All irrigation piping in ground shall have a minimum cover of 1'-6", except as otherwise shown, and shall be laid in ditches dug true to grade and line, avoiding sharp breaks. Piping shall bear equally over its entire length at bottom of ditch. Rock or unstable material encountered at grade shall be replaced with sand fill to a depth of 6 inches below pipe. C. Backfill (drainage trenches): Drain rock per Section 10-16. D. Backfill (non-drainage trenches): Refer to drawings. E. Backfilling shall be commenced as soon as practical. after subsurface work is installed and reviewed by the Engineer. F. No wood or debris shall be buried in any fill. The fill material shall be non- expansive, meeting the criteria of paragraph 2.1 B of Section 10-6—Earthwork. G. Provide shoring,' excavation pumping and other requirements as necessary at excavations for points of connection. 3.2 STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Structural Excavation: Make all excavation to the grades and elevations shown on the drawings, or to the subgrades required to obtain the finished grades shown thereon. Accurately cut footing trenches. Where footings are to be cut."neat", the trench or excavation width shall be increased by 2 inches from the dimensions shown on the drawings, so as to permit pouring footings against earth banks. If soil type or weather does not permit such excavations, excavate wide enough to, permit full forming of footings. If any excavation is made below proper grade, the City shall be immediately notified, and the grade shall be restored in whatever manner the City directs, at no expense to the .City. All excavation shall be kept free of standing water until concrete work, paving or backfilling is complete. Shore and brace excavations when required to prevent cave-ins. B. Foundations from previous structures, underground utilities or other buried structures shall be removed in their entirety and replaced with compacted engineered fill. C. When zones of soft or saturated soils are encountered at the over-excavated levels during excavation and compaction, deeper excavation shall be required to expose firm soil. This shall be determined in the field by the City's Representative. 3.3 SURPLUS MATERIAL Special Provisions SP-72 A. Any excavated material which proves to be unsuitable or which is not required for backfilling shall be removed from the immediate work area and disposed of off-site. 3.4 CLEANUP B. Upon completion of the work under this Section, remove immediately all surplus materials, rubbish and equipment associated with or used in the performance of this work. Failure to perform such cleanup operations within 24 hours shall be considered adequate grounds for having the work done by others at the Contractor's expense. Part 4—Measurement and Payment 4.1 Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work involved in compliance with the plans, specifications and Special Provisions Section 10-15 "Irrigation Trenching and Backfilling" shall be included in the lump sum price paid for in Section 10-16 "Irrigation and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. 10-16 IRRIGATION Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Work in this section includes installation of a complete automatic irrigation system, including excavation for points of connection, trenching, piping, drip tubing, controllers, backflow preventer, master valve, flow sensor, equipment, electrical components and incidentals related thereto. It is the intention of these specifications to accomplish the work of installing new irrigation equipment to operate in an efficient and satisfactory manner according to the workmanlike standards established for sprinkler operation. The fact that these specifications may not set forth a complete detailed description of the work to be done, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish and install the irrigation system in such a manner that it shall operate efficiently and with full coverage. Work includes all elements relating directly to the irrigation system from the point of connection at.the water meter to the backflow prevention device to the sprinkler heads/bubblers/drip hose, to the point of connection from the irrigation controller to the electric service meter enclosure, and includes furnishing all labor, tools, materials, etc., necessary for the installation as herein specified and shown on the plans. The Contractor shall coordinate his work/efforts to minimize any and. all delays with San Jose Water Company for the 'installation of the main water line and Special Provisions SP-73 water meter for the irrigation. system, with PG&E for the installation of power to run.the irrigation system, and with AT&T for the installation of a phone connection to the irrigation controller cabinet. The. Contractor shall install and maintain all safety guards necessary to protect the-project and improvements: All necessary barricades, guards, lights, warning signs, etc., must be maintained for the protection of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 1.2 QUALITY CONTROL A. Standards: Unless otherwise shown or specified, all materials and methods shall conform to Section 20-5 of the SS as they reasonably apply to this work except .. for measurement and payment requirements. B. Reviews: Contractor shall specifically request the following reviews prior to progressing with the work: 1. Layout of system. 2. Points-of-connection excavation. 3. Trenching and pipe assembly. 4. Coverage adjustment of all bubblers, drip irrigation, .and valve box installation. 5. Operation of system. C. Submittals 1. Materials list 2. Manuals 3. As-built drawings of the completed irrigation system 4. Hardware items 5. Precipitation rate for each valve zone 6. Area calculations for each irrigation zone 7. Internet address for watering index information Part 2— Products 2.1 MATERIALS A. Quality: All materials shall be new and the best quality available unless otherwise .specified. All materials shall be clearly marked by manufacturer on all material, containers, or certificates of contents for inspection. B. Plastic Pipe and Fittings: All mainline and lateral pipe shall be as indicated on the drawings. Solvent weld fittings, if used, shall be Schedule 40, or Schedule 80 as called for on details. Solvent for piping shall be as recommended by Special Provisions SP-74 , manufacturer. All pipe shall be clearly labeled with manufacturer type and specification numbers. D. Copper Pipe: Hard-drawn copper piping, type "K". Installed by San Jose Water. E. Control Wire: Type UF, 600 v. insulation, minimum size #14, copper, common to be white, valve control wire to be red or black, U.L. approved for irrigation control use; splices shall be "Scotch-Lok" seal pack, or equal. F. Valve Boxes: Precast concrete or plastic of type and size indicated; free of all cracks, chips or structural defects. Boxes subject to vehicular traffic shall be concrete and have heavy duty steel covers. Boxes shall be sized to provide a 4" minimum clearance around the irrigation equipment inside the box, excluding all pipes and fittings. Valve box lids shall be labeled "Irrigation", except where noted on the 'plans. Valve boxes shall be sized as required for easy access -to equipment, one valve per box, and shall be manufactured by Ametek, Brooks, Carson or equal. In addition to ID tags on solenoid wires, Contractor shall stencil valve numbers.on tops of box lids. G. PVC Schedule 80 Nipples: PVC Schedule.80 nipples shall be used with molded threads. Machine threaded nipples will not be allowed. H. Sprinkler Heads: Sprinkler heads,shall be as specified on the plans or approved equal. I. Sleeves and Conduit: Conduit and sleeve material shall be PVC Schedule 40 pipe and PVC externally coated galvanized rigid steel conduit as specified in SS B62.05A and as indicated on the plans. J. Remote Control Valves: Remote control valves shall be as specified and as indicated on the plans or approved equal. K. Electrical wiring, fittings, and appurtenances shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications: Conductors— Common and control wires shall be solid copper wire, UL approved for direct burial in the ground, minimum gauge No. 14-1 AWG-UF. Common wire shall be white. Control wires shall be minimum No. 14-1 AWG-UF (red). Extra wires shall be minimum No. 14-1 AWG-UF (black). Splicing Materials — shall be Scotchlock No. 3576, Rainbird Pen-Tite connectors, Aqua Splice Heat Shrink Splice or equal. The Contractor shall furnish and install the electric service meter enclosure as shown on the civil plans. Location for the electric service meter enclosure is as noted on the landscaping plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement and installation of 'the point of connection pull box, associated trenching and conduit installation, necessary conductors, wiring, and pull-wire, and the electric meter service enclosure and any incidental work associated with Special Provisions SP-75 the establishment of electrical services and phone services. Refer to Section 10- 23 for electrical requirements. L. Backflow Preventer: Backflow preventer shall be as specified on the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement and installation of the backflow preventer, stainless steel enclosure and weather guard blanket. Backflow preventer shall be mounted on a 8" thick concrete pad. Concrete for pad shall be as specified under Section 10-8 "Concrete Improvements". Payment for the concrete pad shall be included in the lump sum price paid for Irrigation. M. Irrigation Controller: Irrigation Controller shall be Rainmaster Evolution DX2 as shown on the plans or approved equal. Keys for all locks shall be compatible with installed equipment. Contractor shall supply owner with two (2) keys for each controller enclosure. At the time the controllers are delivered for testing, a complete schematic wiring diagram, including any wiring modifications, for each controller shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Prior to completion of the Contract, four (4) copies of each approved wiring diagrams shall be furnished to the Engineer. One additional copy of the approved schematic wiring diagram and a copy of the irrigation plan showing the equipment controlled by the controller, including the installed locations and.correct station numbers for each electric remote control valve, shall be laminated separately in plastic and mounted securely t6o the inside of the controller enclosure door. The installation date and the expiration date of the guaranty for the controllers shall be permanently marked on the inside face of the controller. A complete maintenance and operations manual for each controller shall be submitted to the Engineer when the approved diagram is placed in the controller. Irrigation Controller shall be installed as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer on a 28" x 28" x 8" concrete pad (minimum size) and per manufacturer's installation detail. The controller shall come with a stainless steel pedestal cabinet. Concrete .for the pad shall be specified un Section 10-8 "Concrete Improvements". Payment for the concrete pad shall be included in the lump sum price paid for under Bid.Item #62 for Irrigation. N. Gate Valves: Gate valves shall be as specified on the plans or approved equal. O. Irrigation Equipment: Refer to drawings. Any desired substitutions require submittals in duplicate for specific written approval. P. Thread Sealant: Permatex Thread Sealant, part#14H, white in color, or approved equal. Q. Miscellaneous Installation Material: Solvent weld joints shall be of make and type approved by the manufacturer(s).of pipe and fittings. Solvent cement shall be a proper consistency throughout use. Mixing thinner with solvent will not be allowed. Special Provisions SP-76 Teflon tape shall be designated specifically for use on threaded connections in water carrying pipes. Part 3 — Execution 3.1 GRADING: Contractor shall be responsible for installing all irrigation features to their finished grade and at depths indicated. All rough grading shall be .completed before trenching commences. 3.2 LAYOUT AND TRENCHING: All features of the irrigation system shall be staked and pipe alignments marked prior to trenching for review by the Engineer. 13 BACKFILLING: Do not cover joints until system has been reviewed by the Engineer. Backfill with damaging rocks and debris shall not be permitted. Compact all backfill and eliminate settlement. Previously prepared soil is to be replaced as the top six inches of backfill. In Pavement Areas: After system is operating and required tests and inspection have been made, Contractor shall restore trench per Trench Restoration — Method A as noted on the plans and also found in the CCSS. Bedding material shall be Class I, the Contractor shall shovel-slice the bedding material in the haunch areas below the quarter point of the pipe. Backfill and surface restoration of all underground excavations within existing paved areas shall be as shown on the project construction plans. The backfill shall be compacted in lifts not to exceed 0.75' and shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95%. The Contractor shall be responsible for performing any work necessary to correct any settlement of a restored excavation that may occur within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the project. Any such work shall be performed at the Contractor's sole expense and shall have prior authorization from the Engineer. Full compensation for, compliance with the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the contract price paid by lump sum for Bid Item #43 Install Irrigation and Landscape Planting Material and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. In Non-Pavement Areas: After system is operating and required tests and inspections have been made, Contractor shall backfill excavations and trenches with clean soil, free of rocks, clods or other extraneous materials. Backfill for all trenches, regardless of the type of pipe covered, shall be compacted to a density equivalent to that of surrounding undisturbed soil. Trenches shall be finished.to the level indicated on the plans. Backfill trenches in six inch (6") layers .and tamp backfill as required or directed to achieve the proper compaction, as specified. Special Provisions SP-77 3.4 FABRICATION: Snake pipe from side to side when trench exceeds thirty feet in length. All manifolds shall be neat, orderly, and constructed for ease in maintenance operations. Construct manifolds to allow valve boxes to be parallel to each other and 'to adjacent walls, walks, curbs, and buildings. Cuts and joints shall be free of burrs, smooth, and minimum in quantity. All pipe above finish grade shall be galvanized unless noted otherwise. 3.5 PIPELINES: All pipelines shown parallel on the drawing may be installed in a common trench. Where pipelines are shown parallel or adjacent to shrub or groundcover areas, they shall be installed in these areas. All changes in depth of pipe shall be accomplished using 45-degree'fittings. 3.6 TESTING: Test mainline at 125 psi for six (6) hours. Test and repair as necessary until satisfactory test conditions are obtained. 3.7 CONTROL WIRE: Install control wire in pipe trenches. Tape to underside of pipe every ten feet. Loop wire every 20 feet. Splices shall occur in valve boxes only and shall be accomplished utilizing approved connectors. All wire shall be installed below or level with the bottom of adjacent pipes. All wiring above finish grade shall be enclosed in galvanized steel conduit. Splices shall be installed in junction boxes. 3.8 ADJUSTMENTS: Adjust all drip irrigation to provide uniform distribution and optimum coverage. Such adjustments shall include emitter changes without additional cost to the City. 3.9 FINISH GRADE: Unless otherwise noted, all bubblers and drip tubing shall be set at finish grade and on double or triple swing joints as called for on drawings. The top of all valve boxes shall be flush with finish grade. 3.10 CONTROLLERS: Contractor shall clearly label and sequence stations for ease in maintenance operations. Station valves to operate as they are located around the site. Contractor shall complete all forms and labels shipped with and/or attached to the controllers; attach his own name, address and phone number to the controller via a permanent label; and shall properly execute and file with the City the controller and valve guarantees. 3.11 BACKFLOW PREVENTER: Per plans. 3.12 WATER METER: Supplied and installed by San Jose Water. 3.13 MASTER VALVE AND FLOW SENSOR: Per plans. 3.14 VALVES (GATE AND QUICK COUPLING): Per plans. 3.15 RECORD DRAWING: Contractor shall regularly update a print of the system and any changes made to the system throughout the project. Features below ground shall be indicated with at least two measurements from surface features such as walks,.building, or sprinkler heads. All changes shall be recorded on this plan before trenches are Special Provisions SP-78 backfilled. The record drawing shall be completed and submitted to the City before final payment shall be made for work installed. 3.16 ACCEPTANCE OF IRRIGATION PORTIONS OF WORK: Ten (10) days prior the completion of planting, the Contractor shall request in,writing a review of the work by-the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the irrigation portion of the work to be complete, then written acceptance of the irrigation system shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work are not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punch list" of items to be completed before acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verifications by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. 3.17 -IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall provide maintenance of the entire irrigation system for a period of ninety (90) calendar days, commencing upon the City's written acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work. B. Before beginning the maintenance program, the Contractor shall inspect all systems and report damage or incorrect operation to the City. The Contractor will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system. 1. Specifically, the contractor shall: a. Repair and adjust all drip and bubblers to maintain proper coverages. b. Flush the lines if required.- c. Repair and replace any equipment damaged, at the Contractor's expense. d. Where the installed irrigation system does not cover the area adequately, the Contractor shall adjust the system to provide full coverage, maintaining plant material in a thriving condition. C. Ten (10) days prior to the end of the irrigation maintenance period, the Contractor shall request in writing a final review of the work by the Engineer. Final review shall be held within the final eight(8)days of the irrigation maintenance period. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the work to be complete, then final acceptance shall be given effective at the end of the irrigation maintenance period. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation maintenance period work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "final punch list" of items to be completed before final acceptance is given. Final acceptance shall then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. Part 4—Measurement and Payment 4.1 The contract lump sum price paid for irrigation shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in irrigation including installation of concrete pads beneath irrigation equipment as indicated on the drawings, complete in place, as shown on the plans, and as specified in herein Section 10-17 "Irrigation", and in the Standard Specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. . Special Provisions SP-79 IRRIGATION (LS) BID ITEM #65 10-17 SITE FURNISHINGS PART 'I — General 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and install all site furnishings, including but not necessarily limited to, bench. 1.2 ACCEPTANCE: Prior to the purchase of the items and within five days of the award of the contract, the Contractor shall supply the City's Representative with samples of the finishes for approval by the City. No materials for this section shall be purchased until such approval is granted. 1.3 CERTIFICATION: Delivery schedules shall be verified and certified in writing to the City's Representative within ten days after the project commences. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: Submit catalog information for items: A. Bench Part 2— Products 2.1 MATERIALS A. Bench: Shall be "Lakeside Bench," grass-backed, powdercoated metal "Ivy" color, surface mounted installation as available from Landscape Forms, (800) 521- 2546, 431 Lawndale Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49048, or approved equal. See plans for locations. Part 3— Execution 3.1 LAYOUT: Prior to commencing installation, Contractor shall stake bench layout and request a review by the City's Representative to determine adjustments on site from locations shown on drawings. 3.2 INSTALLATION: A. All site accessories shall be installed per manufacturer's specifications. Part 4— Measurement and Payment 4.1 The contract price paid for each bench shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in Special Provisions SP-80 bench, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 4.2 The contract price for the concrete pad for bench installation shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidental for doing ,all the work involved in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-8 "Concrete Improvements", and shall be included and paid for in the appropriate Bid Item #26 for PCC Sidewalk(SF). BENCH (EA) BID ITEM #66 10-18 LANDSCAPE SOIL PREPARATION Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Furnish and install all landscape soil preparation as shown and specified, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: topsoil placement, organic amendment and fertilizer placement, and finish grading. 1.2 QUALITY CONTROL A. Reviews: Contractor shall specifically request at least five working days in advance the following reviews prior to progressing with the work: 1. Completion of rough grading 2. Verification of amendment incorporation depths 3. Finish grade B. Certification: Written certificates stating quantity, typej--and composition, weight an& origin for all amendments and chemicals shall be delivered to the City's Representative at least five working days before the material is used on the site. C.- Soil Samples: Contractor shall provide a one-quart sample of the import topsoil to Soil'and Plant Laboratory of Santa Clara, (408) 727-0330, for their testing for conformance to this specification. No material shall be delivered to the site, graded on-site, or otherwise modified until the City's Representative approves the material. All testing costs shall be paid for by the Contractor. In addition, a five- gallon representative sample of native soil shall be supplied to the testing laboratory from areas previously covered by paving for contamination testing. Contamination testing requires four to five weeks. Contractor shall allow for sufficient time for such testing prior to construction. Testing costs for the initial samples and costs for any additional samples due to non-compliance shall be paid for by the Contractor. D. Biotreatment Soil Submittals: The applicant must submit to the City for approval: 1. A sample of mixed biotreatment soil. Special Provisions SP-81 2. Certification from the soil supplier or an accredited laboratory that the Biotreatment Soil meets the requirements of this filtration specification. 3. Grain size analysis results of the fine sand component performed in accordance with ASTM D 422, Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils. 4. Quality analysis results for compost performed in accordance with Seal of Testing Assurance (STA)standards. 5. Organic content test results of mixed Biotreatment Soil. Organic content test shall be performed in accordance with Testing Methods for the Examination of Compost and Composting (TMECC) 05.07A, "Loss-On- Ignition Organic Matter Method". 6. Grain size analysis results of compost component performed in accordance with ASTM D 422, Standard Test Method for .Particle Size Analysis of Soils. 7. A description of the equipment and methods used to mix the sand and compost to produce Biotreatment Soil. 8. Provide the following information about the testing laboratory(ies) name of laboratory(ies) including: a. Contact person(s) b. . Address(es) C. Phone contact(s) d. E-mail address(es) e. Qualifications of laboratory(ies) and personnel, including date of current certification by STA, ASTM, or approved equal. E. Amendment Samples: Contractor shall provide a one-quart sample of each proposed amendment to Soil and Plant Laboratory of Santa Clara, (408) 727- 0330, for their testing for conformance to this specification. No material shall be delivered to the site until the City's Representative approves the samples. Testing costs shall be paid for by the Contractor. F. Planting Areas: All areas to be planted, whether in sod, container stock, flats, or otherwise, are defined as planting areas in these documents. Part 2 — Products 2.1 MATERIALS A. Import Topsoil: Shall be a homogeneous mineral soil classified as sandy loam, or fine sand. Particle size data shall be based upon standard USDA methodology. Of the material falling in the sand category, a minimum of 80% shall fall in the fine sand range .05 - 5mm. Gravel content greater than 2.Omm shall be less than Special Provisions SP-82 15%. Import topsoil shall not contain more silt and clay than the on-site native soil. The sum of silt plus clay shall be less than 25%; the soil shall be nonsaline as determined on the saturation extract. Salinity shall not exceed 3.0 mmhos/cm, boron shall not exceed 1.0 ppm and the sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 6.0. Soil reaction as determined on a saturated paste shall fall between 5.5 and 7.5. The soil shall be free of organic herbicides, or .other growth- restricting chemicals. Contamination may be tested by greenhouse trials using rye grass and radish as test crops using the proposed import soil as substrate. These trials require four to five weeks for completion. B. Bioinfiltration Area: Per plans. Bioinfiltration area includes biotreatment soil, drain rock, and impermeable liner. C. Biotreatment Soil: Shall meet the following criteria: 1. General Requirements: Biotreatment soil shall achieve a long-term, in-place infiltration rate of at least 5 inches per hour. Biotreatment soil shall also support vigorous plant growth. a. Biotreatment Soil shall be a mixture of fine sand and compost, measured on a volume basis: 60%-70% Sand 30%-40% Compost Sand for Biotreatment Soil General: Sand shall be free of wood, waste, coating such as clay, stone dust, carbonate, etc., or any other deleterious material. All aggregate passing the No. 200 sieve size shall be non-plastic. Sand for Biotreatment Soil Texture: Sand for Biotreatment Soils shall be analyzed by an accredited lab using #200, #100, #40, #30, #16, #8, #4, and 3/8 inch sieves (ASTM D 422 or as approved by municipality), and meet the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight) Min Max 3/8 inch 100 100 No. 4 90 100 No. 8 70 100 No. 16 40 95 No. 30 15 70 No. 40 5 55 No. 100 0 15 No. 200 0 2 Note: All sands complying with ASTM C33 for fine aggregate comply with the above gradation requirements. Special Provisions SP-83 Composted Material: ,Compost shall be a well decomposed, stable, weed free organic matter source derived from waste materials including yard debris, wood wastes or other organic materials not including manure or biosolids meeting the standards developed by the U.S. Composting Council (USCC). The product shall be certified through the USCC Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) program. Compost Quality Analysis: Before delivery of the soil, the supplier shall submit a copy of lab analysis performed by a laboratory that is enrolled in the US Composting Council's Compost Analysis Proficiency (CAP) program and using approved Test Methods for the Evaluation of Composting and Compost (TMECC). The lab report shall verify: Feedstock Materials: Shall be specified and include one or more of the following: landscape/yard trimmings, grass clippings, food scraps, and agricultural crop residues. Organic Matter Content: 35%-75% by dry wt. Carbon and Nitrogen Ratio: C:N<25:1 and-C:N>15:1 Maturity/Stability: Shall have a dark brown color- and a soil-like odor. Compost exhibiting a sour or putrid smell, containing recognizable grass or leaves, or is hot (120°F) upon delivery or rewetting is not acceptable. In addition, any one of the following is required to indicate stability: Oxygen Test< 1.3 02/unit TS/hr Specific Oxy. Test< 1.5 02/unit BVS Respiration Test < 8 C/unit VS/day Dewar Test< 20 Temp. rise (°C) e. Solvita®> 5 Index value Toxicity: Any one of the following measures is sufficient to indicate non-toxicity. NH4- : NO3-N < 3 Ammonium.< 500 ppm, dry basis Seed Germination > 80% of control Plant Trials > 80% of control Solvita®> 5 Index value Nutrient Content: Provide analysis detailing nutrient content including N-P-K, Ca, Na, Mg, S, and B. Total Nitrogen content 0.9% or above preferred. Boron: Total shall be < 80 ppm; Soluble shall be < 2.5 ppm Salinity: Must be reported; <6.0 mmhos/cm pH shall be between 6.5 and 8. May vary with plant species. Special Provisions SP-84 Compost for Biotreatment Soil Texture: Compost for Biotreatment Soils. shall be . analyzed by an accredited lab using #200, Y inch, Y2 inch, and 1 inch sieves (ASTM D 422 or as"approved by City), and meet the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight) Min Max 1 inch 99 100 '/2 inch 90 100 inch 40 90 No. 200 0 2 Bulk Density: Shall be between 500 and 1,100 dry Ibs/cubic yard. Moisture Content: Shall be between 30%-55% of dry solids. Inerts: Compost shall be relatively free of inert ingredients, including glass, plastic, and paper,-< 1% by weight or volume. Weed Seed/Pathogen Destruction: Provide proof of process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP). For example, turned windows must reach min. 55°C for 15 days with at least 5 turnings during that period. Select Pathogens: Salmonella < 3 MPN/4 grams of TS, or Coliform Bacteria < 10,000 MPN/gram. Trace Contaminants Metals (Lead, Mercury, etc.) Products: Must meet US EPA, 40 CFR 503 regulations. Compost Testing: The compost supplier will test all compost products within 120 calendar days prior to application. Samples will be taken using the STA sample collection protocol (the sample collection protocol can be obtained from the U.S. Composting Council, 4250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 275, Holbrook, NY 11741, (631) 737-4931, www.compostingcouncil.org). The sample shall be sent to an independent STA Program-approved lab. The compost supplier will pay for the test. D. Organic Fertilizer: Shall-be determined from soils analysis results. For purposes of bidding only, assume the use of non-synthetic fertilizers. Synthetic, quick release fertilizers shall not be permitted as listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)., E. Soil Amendments Compost shall be a well decomposed, stable and weed free. It shall be derived from one or more locally sourced organic materials such as: food waste or urban plant debris, agricultural crop residue or herbivore animal manures with a preference-for urban plant debris and food waste. It shall not contain mixed solid waste. The product shall contain no substances toxic to plants, will possess no objectionable odors and shall not resemble the feedstock (the original material from which it was derived). Compost shall be tested through the US Composting Special Provisions SP-85 Councils USCC Seal of Testing Assurance Program (STA). A`lab analysis shall be performed.by a STA certified laboratory using the test methods used in the Seal of Testing Assurance program found in the Test Methods for Examination of Compost and Composting Manual (TMECC). Verifying current participation in the STA program can be confirmed by logging onto the USCC website at www.compostingcouncil.com. The compost lab analysis shall be submitted as part of the "Compost Technical Data Sheet" before delivery of compost. The compost laboratory report shall confirm the following compost parameters: Parameters Reported as General Range units of measure Plant Nutrients: Nitrogen Total N % 0.9 Phosphorus P% < 0.6 Calcium Ca% <3.5 Total NPK Sum % >2.0 Sodium Na% <0.5 Moisture Content - % wet weight basis >35 Organic Matter Content % by dry weight >35 basis pH_ pH units 6.5-8.5 Soluble Salt Concentration dS/m (mmhos/cm) <12 electrical conductivity) Particle Size or Sieve Size % pass in a select 95% < 1/2" or mesh size, dry smaller weight basis Stability Carbon Dioxide Evolution Rate Mg CO2-C/g OM <8 per day Maturity( Bioassay) Seed Emergenceand %, relative to Minimum 80% positive control Seed Vigor %, relative to Minimum 80% positive control Select Pathogens Fecal Coliform MPN per gram per Fecal Coliform Bacteria dry weight <1000 MPN/gram of total solids. Salmonella MPN per 4 grams Salmonella <3 per dry,weight MPN/4grams of total solids Special Provisions SP-86 Trace Metals mg/kg (ppm) Arsenic <16 Chemical Contaminants Cadmium <8 Chromium < 100 Copper<400 Lead <100, Mercury<4 Molybdenum <75ppm Nickel <80 Selenium <5 Zinc <500 Carbon Nitrogen Ratio ratio of Carbon to :525:1 nitrogen Physical Contaminants % dry weight basis <1. inerts Ammonium-N ppm <450 Nitrate-N PPm > 10 Soluble Sodium % of ECE <40 Soluble Chloride % of ECE < 50 Bulk Density dry lbs/cubic yard >500 and <1,100 Boron Porn Soluble shall be <2.5 total shall be <80 Organics Clyopyralid Pass plant test- Organochlorine Pesticides . Non Detect Organophyosphate Pest- Non Detect icides Chlorinated Herbicides Non Detect Non Detect ChlorinatedH drocarbons F. Drain Rock at Bioinfiltration Area: Class 2 permeable rock, per SS Section 68- 1.025, virgin material only, no recycled rock. G. Impermeable Liner at Bioinfiltration Area: Per plans. Part 3— Execution 3.1 LIMITS AND GRADES A. Grade Review: Prior to commencing soil preparation operations, Contractor shall request a review by the City's Representative to verify specified limits and grades of work completed to date and soil preparation work to commence. Contractor shall complete the rough grading as necessary to round the top and toe of all slopes, providing naturalized contouring to integrate newly graded areas with the natural, topography. Finish grading under this section' shall be completed in accordance with the grades indicated on the landscape drawings. 3.2 TOPSOIL PLACEMENT Special Provisions SP-87 A. Topsoil Incorporation: After all planting areas have been excavated, they shall be ripped to a depth of twelve (12) inches. Next, a three-inch layer of topsoil shall be uniformly distributed over these areas and thoroughly incorporated into the top six inches of subsoil by ripping, scraping, or tilling to mix the subsoil with the topsoil into a homogeneous friable mixture. The remaining layer of topsoil shall then be uniformly distributed in the planting areas and compacted in place to 85% compaction. The total depth of topsoil to be placed shall be as indicated on the drawings. B. Existing Topsoil to Remain: In those planting areas where native topsoil is to be left in place, cross rip to a depth of ten inches. Then incorporate the amendments to a homogeneously blended soil depth of six inches. C. Biotreatment Soil Placement: 1. Do not excavate, place soils, or amend soils during wet or saturated conditions. Soil activities shall take place only during the dry season (April through October). No soil activities shall take place outside of this time period without the written consent of the City. 2. Do not park vehicles, equipment or other materials within the biotreatment soil facility. Operate equipment adjacent to (not in) the biotreatment soil facility. If machinery must operate in the facility, use lightweight, low ground-contact pressure equipment. 3. Place soil. in 12" lifts with machinery adjacent to the facility. If working within the facility, to avoid over-compacting, place first lifts at far end from entrance and place backwards toward entrance. 4. Allow biotreatment soil lifts to settle naturally, boot pack (walk around to firm) lifts to achieve 85% compaction effort. After all lifts are placed, wait a few days to check for settlement and add additional media as needed. 5. Verify biotreatment soil elevations before applying topsoil, mulch, or installing plants. 3.3 ORGANIC AMENDMENT AND FERTILIZER INCORPORATION A. Materials and Rates: Compost shall be uniformly distributed throughout all irrigated planting areas and incorporated to a homogeneously blended soil depth of six inches at a rate of 5% by dry weight. Compost shall be sourced from a producer within 50 miles of the project site. 3.4 PLANT PITS A. Plant Pit Preparation: Plant pits shall have their sides and bottoms loosened or otherwise broken to prevent glazed or compacted surfaces, and shall be. as shown on the planting detail. Special Provisions SP-88 3.5 ' BACKFILL A. Backfill Material and Placement: Only unamended soil shall be used beneath the root ball; cultivate bottom of plant pit to improve porosity. Backfill around sides of, rootball shall be the amended, soil taken from adjacent prepared areas. Spread material excavated from plant pits onto adjacent areas as replacement. Should additional backfill , be necessary, a mixture of one-third organic amend ment/fertilizer mix and two-thirds topsoil may be used. 3.6 PLANT TABLETS A. Tablet Quantities: All container plants shall receive "AgSafe Natural Organic", plant fertilizer tablets as follows: one-gallon plants two 21-gram tablets five-gallon plants five 21-gram tablets fifteen-gallon plants twelve 21-gram tablets 24 inch box trees eighteen 21-gram tablets 36-inch box trees twenty-seven 21-gram tablets Space the tablets evenly around the root ball halfway up backfill touching side of root bail. City's Representative may require excavation of up to 5% of all plants selected at random for conformance review. No chemical-fertilizers allowed. 31 FINISH GRADING A. Grading Operations: Contractor shall finish grade all irrigated planting areas unless otherwise-noted, and shall remove all rocks and clods over one cubic inch to a depth of one inch below finish grade. All areas shall be smooth and uniformly graded. All erosion damage during the construction period shall be repaired by the Contractor. B. Finish Grades: Unless otherwise noted, all soil finish grades shall be one inch. below finish grade of walks, pavements, and curbs. The Contractor shall grade the site to establish finish grades of constructed elements, such as pavements, as indicated. Remainder of site shall be as indicated by the contours but may be adjusted on site as directed to meet existing conditions. Finish Surfaces and Drainage — All ground surfaces are to be finished to be finished to uniform grades and slopes as shown in the plans, to drain properly and to be free from depressions, which may cause areas of standing water. Clods are to be broken up and the surface of the ground shall be uniformly pulverized and graded to a relatively smooth surface. All erosion scars are to be repaired. Special Provisions SP-89 Landscape areas - All planting areas shall be filled with topsoil compacted as specified. 1 Continuity of Forms —.As a finish operation, ground surfaces are to be dragged or bladed with the contours as directed to achieve the continuity of landforms as shown in the topographic plan. Cleanup — At the completion of the grading work, the site shall be left in a clean and finished condition conforming to the plans. Part 4— Measurement and Payment 4.1 The contract lump sum price paid for landscape soil preparation shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in landscape soil preparation, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 7.2 The contract price paid per cubic yard for import topsoil,, biotreatment soil and drain rock shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in import topsoil, biotreatment soil and drain rock, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 7.3 The contract price paid per square foot for impermeable liner shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials,.tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in impermeable liner, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. LANDSCAPE SOIL PREPARATION (LS) BID ITEM #67 IMPORT TOPSOIL (CY) (FPQ) BID ITEM #68 BIOTREATMENT SOIL (CY) (FPQ) BID ITEM #69 DRAIN ROCK (CY) (FPQ) BID ITEM #70 IMPERMEABLE LINER (SF) (FPQ) BID ITEM #71 The quantities shown on the bid schedule for these items are a FINAL PAY QUANTITY (FPQ). This quantity will not be measured separately except in the case of additions or deletions to the plans.. 10-19 PLANTING Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE Special Provisions SP-90 A. Furnish all bioinfiltration sod, container plantings, redwood header and related work thereto. California Conservation Corps (CCC)will install all plant material for the project under the City's direction and under separate contract except for bioinfiltration sod and root barriers, which shall be installed by the Contractor. 1.2 BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPE SUMMARY A. This project has been designed as a Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape. Bay- Friendly Landscaping is a whole systems approach to the design, construction and maintenance of landscapes that contributes to the health to the San Francisco Bay Watershed. A Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape is one where the Project Team, including the Landscape Architect, general Contractor and Landscape Contractor are working together to achieve clearly understood Bay-. Friendly goals. A Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape will earn a minimum of 70 points and meet all of the 9 required practices that are on the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard and is verified by a third party, a "Bay-Friendly Rater". The specifications and plans for this project implement the required practices and earn points on the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard. The Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard and Guidelines are based on 7 guiding Principles: 1. Landscape locally 2. Landscape for less to the landfill 3.' Nurture the soil 4. Conserve water 5. Conserve energy 6. Protect water and air quality 7. Create wildlife habitat B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements as shown on the plans and specified herein. C. Bay-Friendly Reference Documents: 1. Bay-Friendly Scorecard for New Commercial and Civic Landscapes for this project. 2. Bay-Friendly Rating Manual for New Civic and Commercial Landscapes: serves as a guide in describing the requirements and verification procedures for each practice in the scorecard. 3. Model Bay-Friendly Landscape Maintenance Specifications: serves as a reference document to provide language as needed to improve the environmental standards of ongoing landscape maintenance contracts. 4. Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines: fully describes the seven Bay- Friendly principles, offering 55 practices in sustainable landscape design, construction, and maintenance. 5. Additional Bay-Friendly resources found at www.BayFriendly.org Special Provisions SP-91 1.3 BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPE A. Many of these submittals are required to verify compliance with the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard, including product data, delivery tags and Accountability Forms. Contractor shall refer to Bay-Friendly Landscaping Requirements in -these specifications for additional information and direction. B. As many of the specified items are required to comply with the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard, no substitutions will be allowed without prior written approval of the City's Representative. C. Submit product information for each of the following: 1. Pesticides and Herbicides . 2. Fertilizers 3. Tree Staking and Tying 4. Mulch verifying recycled content and source of material. D. Samples for Verification: For each of the following: 1. Amendments: 1 pint. minimum volume of each amendment in sealed plastic bag or container. Submittal shall be labeled with weight and source of each item. Each submittal shall represent a true sample of material to be provided at the project site. 2. Imported Planting Soils: 1 pint minimum volume of each imported soil in sealed plastic bag or container. Submittal shall be labeled with weight and source of each item. Each submittal shall represent a true sample of material to be provided at the project site. 3. Mulch: 1 pint minimum volume of each mulch in sealed plastic bag or container. Submittal shall be labeled with weight and source of each item. Each submittal shall represent a true sample of material to be provided at the project site. 4. Tree Staking materials. 5. Root Barrier: Width of panel by 12 inches (300 mm). E. Lab Analysis Reports: For each of the following: 1. Soil analysis report and recommendations 2. Compost technical data sheet including compost.laboratory report. 3. Imported planting topsoil report and recommendations. 1.4 BAY-FRIENDLY QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Preferred Qualifications (the'Contractor will not be disqualified from bidding the project if they're unable to meet the preferred qualifications listed.below) Special Provisions SP-92 1. It is preferred that the Contractor have assigned to the project at least one employee who is a Bay-Friendly Qualified Landscape Professional. 2. It is preferred that the Contractor have assigned,to the project at least one employee who has successfully completed the Pollution Prevention Training & Certification Program For Surface Cleaners issued by the Bay Area StormWater Management Agencies Association_(BASMAA). 3. It is preferred that the Contractor have assigned to the project at least one employee who is a Certified Irrigation Contractor(Irrigation Association). 4. It is preferred that the Contractor have assigned to the project at least one employee who is a . Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker (International Society of Arboriculture). 5. It is preferred that the Contractor have assigned to the project at least one employee who has experience or training in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)techniques. B. Required Qualifications 1. Contractor shall provide evidence of sufficient experience with similar streetscape projects. Provide list including a minimum of five recently installed projects with location, date completed, owner, contact person and phone number. (Note: the projects listed do not have to have been Bay Friendly rated) C. Plant Material 1. Provide plants as specified in the documents including size, genus, species and variety. Any request for substitution must be reviewed and approved by owner for conformance to the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard requirements and points. 2. Reference standards for plant materials include: BFL Landscape Guidelines, American Society of Nurserymen, Manufacturers recommendations, Sunset Western Garden Book, Plants and Landscapes for Summer-Dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Region by EBMUD, California Native Plants for the Garden by Bornstein, Fross& O'Brien. D. Testing Agencies: soil testing must be done by an accredited soils laboratory approved by the Owner's Representative. Laboratories that participate in the North American Proficiency Testing Program (NAPT) are recommended. See www.usual.usu.edu/napt/for participating laboratories 1.5 SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT A. Fuel conservation and low emission equipment. The Contractor will implement strategies in.work operations to reduce fossil fuel consumption and emissions, such as: Special Provisions. SP-93 1. Use hand-powered equipment when feasible. 2. Minimize use of gas-powered blowers, especially on planting beds. 3. Select smallest, most fuel efficient equipment to accomplish task. 4. Consider vehicles that operate on natural gas or biodiesel. 5. Maintain all equipment properly and keep them well tuned. 6. Emphasize employee carpooling to Project Site. B. Use local products and suppliers. Bay-Friendly Rated Landscapes encourage the use of local materials. Points are awarded if 100% of any.stone and non- hardscape material is produced within -500 miles of the project site. _ The Contractor shall source materials as specified and is encouraged to suggest substitutions in favor of local materials,where appropriate to be approved by City's Representative. 'The Contractor shall use local products and suppliers for all other landscape items to the' extent possible to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. C. Use recycled and salvaged materials. Bay-Friendly Rated Landscapes encourage the use of recycled content and salvaged materials. The Contractor shall use salvaged and recycled-content products as specified and is encouraged to suggest substitutions in favor of recycled content or salvaged materials where appropriate to be approved by City's Representative. Materials for reuse may be found by' contacting the CalMax website at www.ciwmb.ca.gov or at www.stopwaste.orq . For recycled content materials visit the Green Product Directory at: http://accessgreen.builditgreeh.org/ 'D. Equipment refueling and repair. The Contractor shall refuel and repair equipment in a safe manner to protect against accidental spills. Limit refueling to specific areas on a site. Measures shall be taken to prevent, control,and clean-up spills. Clean-ups should be immediate, automatic and routine and. performed by a trained staff member or a licensed cleaning company. 1:6 NOT USED. 1.7 - 'QUALITY CONTROL A. Reviews: The Contractor shall specifically request the following reviews prior to progressing with the work: 1. Plant material approval 2. Plant layout: Plants shall be set out in their containers and placed per the Planting Plan. No planting shall be completed without Engineer's review and approval of layout. 3. Finish grade 4. Substantial completion 5. Final completion 1.8 PLANT SUBMITTALS Special Provisions SP-94 E. Plant Material: Within fifteen (15) calendar days after award of. contract, Contractor shall-submit notice to the City's Representative certifying the quantity and species of plant material ordered, the nursery supplying the material, any plant material unavailable at the time, and proposed plant substitutions. No plants shall be ordered or delivered prior to written acceptance by the City's Representative. Plants selected for this project comply with requirements of the Bay-Friendly scorecard. No substitutions will be allowed without written approval from the Landscape Architect. 1.9 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS A. All plant material delivered to the,site shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy .and flourishing condition at the end of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the Engineer for planting work. Dead or dying plants as determined by the Engineer shall be replaced with plants of comparable size, quality, and type at no . additional cost to the City. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Nomenclature and Labels: Plant botanical names shall conform to "Standardized Plant Names", second edition, and secondly, "A Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California", Manual 32, University of California. All plants of each clone, species, and cultivar shall be delivered to the site labeled with their full botanical names. Every plant species shall be labeled with no less than one label for every ten plants of a species. B. 'Quality: Minimum quality of all plant material shall conform to prevailing published specifications of the California Association of Nurserymen and the American Association of Nurserymen's American Standard for Nursery Stock unless otherwise indicated. Additional specifications shall be indicated on the drawings. C. Quantities: The quantities shown on the plant list and in labels are for the City's Representative's use and are not to be construed as the complete and accurate limits of the contract. Contractor shall- furnish and install all plants shown schematically on the drawings. Any unlabelled plants shall be considered as the smaller size shown for that type on the drawings. D. Root Systems: All container-grown stock shall be grown in its container for at least six months prior to its planting. Contractor shall allow one percent of the quantity of plants for removal and inspection. Any plant material, within one year following the final acceptance of the project, determined by the City's Representative to be defective, restricted, declining or otherwise deficient due to abnormal root growth, shall be replaced by Contractor to the equal condition of adjacent plants at the time of replacement. E. Trees: All trees shall have straight trunks of uniform taper, larger at the bottom. Trunks shall be free of damaged bark, with all minor abrasions and cuts showing Special Provisions SP-95 healing tissue. Sucker basal growth and sucker lateral growth shall be removed and treated to eliminate resprouting. Normal lower side branching shall remain. Trees unable to stand upright without support shall be rejected. F. Health: Foliage roots and stems of all plants shall be of vigorous health and normal habit of growth for its species. All plants shall be free of all .diseases, insect stages, burns, or disfiguring characteristics. G. Untrue Species: All plant material, within two years following the final acceptance of the project, determined by the City's Representative to be untrue to the species, clone, and/or variety specified, shall be replaced by.the Contractor, to the equal condition of adjacent plants at the time of replacement. H. Bioinfiltration Sod: Per plans. Shall be minimum 95% purity and 85% germination. Inert matter shall not exceed 2.0% nor weed content 0.00%, with no noxious weeds. Sod type shall be as indicated on the drawings. Sod shall have a well developed root structure sufficiently mature so that it will hold together when held by one end of the roll. Yellowing, brown, diseased, dried, or pest infested sod shall be rejected. Soil thickness of the sod shall be 1/4 inch to 5/8 inch thick excluding top-growth and thatch; size of rolls or slabs shall be consistent to the suppliers standard length and width and is not to vary by more than 2% in either dimension. I. Mulch: See plans. A minimum of 10% of trees to be removed shall be chipped and used as mulch onsite. J. Landscape Boulder: Sonoma Fieldstone boulder as available from Lyngso Garden Materials, 19 Seaport Blvd., Redwood City, CA.94063-2706', (650) 364- 1730. Boulders shall be minimum 4'x4'x4' in size. K. Root Barrier: Per plans. L. Redwood Header: Per plans. Part 3— Execution 3.1 GENERAL A. Plant Material Approvals: Before planting operations commence, all plant material shall� be reviewed at the site by the City's Representative. Defective plants installed without such review shall be removed from the site upon request by the City's Representative and an acceptable plant substituted in its place. B. Layout: Only those plants to be planted in any single day shall be laid out. Locations of all plants shall be reviewed prior to planting. Plants installed without this review shall be transplanted as directed by the City's Representative. C. Protection of Plants: Contractor shall maintain all plant material in a healthy growing condition prior to and during planting operations. Contractor shall be Special Provisions SP-96 responsible for vandalism, theft and damage to plant material until the commencement of the maintenance period. D. Root Systems: Contractor shall be responsible for inspection of all root systems on plant materials. Inspection shall include, but not be limited to, checking for rootbound stock, encircling roots at the perimeter of the container, girdling roots at the top surface of the rootball, and other defective root conditions. Such inspections shall include the complete removal of.soil from one percent of plant material containers, or at least one plant from each nursery and each plant type. Contractor shall cut defective or potentially defective girdling, rootbound, and encircling roots and spread the root system into the surrounding backfill. Plants with excessively defective root systems shall be rejected by the Contractor. E. Pruning: Contractor shall do no pruning without the specific approval of the City's Representative: Plants pruned without approval shall be replaced by the Contractor, if required. F. Basins: Construct basins as necessary to water plants. Remove basins from all plants under a permanent irrigation system prior to final inspection and finish grade the planting area. Basins for plants to be hand-watered shall remain in place. Basin bottoms shall drain to berm away from plant stem. G. Staking: All trees shall be staked as drawn with stakes driven securely into existing soil aligned with the trunk and perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds. A minimum of two figure-eight rubber tree ties required per stake. H. Plant Pits, Backfill and Finish Grading: See Soil Preparation Section 10-18 for materials and installation requirements. I. Cleanup: After completion of all operations, Contractor shall remove all trash, excess soil and other debris. All walks and pavement shall be swept and washed clean, leaving the entire area in a neat, orderly condition. J. Bioinfiltration Sod Installation: Finish grade to smooth even surface allowing for sod thickness at pavement and other structures to leave the sod one-half inch below the finish grade of adjacent structures. The soil surface shall be sufficiently firm to resist impressions over. one-quarter inch deep, and shall be lightly rolled until meeting this firmness. The top six to eight inches of soil shall be watered until this zone has an optimum moisture content for root growth. ., Sod shall be laid in rows with staggered ends neatly and tightly butted on all edges. Sod shall be protected from wind and sun exposure during storage with a maximum storage period of twenty-four hours. No overlap, gaps, ripples, or other uneven pavement will be accepted. Contractor shall lightly roll all sod after installation to insure.optimum contact with the soil. Trimming and cutting around structures shall be completed with sharp tools and carefully fitted so the final appearance is a solid continuous turf. Part 4 Measurement and Payment Special Provisions SP-97 4.1 The contract unit prices paid for trees — 24" box, shrubs, perennials, and grasses — 5 gallon, perennials — 1 gallon, and landscape boulders shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work . involved in trees — 24" box, shrubs, perennials, and grasses 5 gallon, perennials — 1 gallon, and landscape boulders, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 4.2 The contract price paid per square foot for bioinfiltration sod and mulch shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in bioinfiltration sod and mulch, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 4.3 The contract unit price paid' per linear foot for root-barrier and redwood header shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in root barrier and redwood header, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. TREES —24" BOX (EA) BID ITEM #72 SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, AND GRASSES— 5 GALLON (EA) BID,ITEM #73 PERENNIALS—1 GALLON (EA) BID ITEM #74 LANDSCAPE BOULDERS (EA) BID ITEM #75 BIOINFILTRATION SOD (SF) (FPQ) BID ITEM #76 MULCH (SF) (FPQ) BID ITEM #77 ROOT BARRIER (LF) BID ITEM #78 REDWOOD HEADER (LF) BID ITEM #79 The quantities shown on the bid schedule for these items are a FINAL PAY QUANTITY (FPQ). This quantity will not be measured separately except in the case of additions or deletions to the plans. 10-20 90-DAY PLANT ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE Part 1 - General 1.1 SCOPE A. Work in this section includes the growing and maintenance operations necessary to establish the newly planted bioinfiltration area sod, shrubs, trees, and other plantings; to provide insect and disease control, and to maintain the irrigation system, and related construction elements. 1.2 SUBMITTALS Special Provisions SP-98_ A. Soil Testing: Contractor shall collect two (2) one-quart samples in the biofiltration sod areas and two (2) one-quart samples in the container planting areas of the in- place topsoil 20 days after completion of planting and submit to.Soil and Plant Laboratory of Santa Clara, (408) 727-0330, for maintenance period fertilizer recommendation. Test results shall be made available to the City's Representative. Sample shall be a representative composite taken from several planting areas. Cost of soil test shall be paid for by the Contractor. B. Herbicide/Fungicide/Insecticide: Submit a written recommendation from a State of California appropriately licensed individual along with complete product data from proposed manufacturer, for review by City Inspector and/or City's appropriately licensed individual. Part 2 - Products 2.1 MATERIALS A. Organic Fertilizer: Used during the course of the maintenance period shall be based on the following application rates per 1,000 SF, minimum of two applications. 6 lbs. Blood Meal 14 lbs. Feather Meal B. Water: During the course of construction and maintenance period water shall be paid for by'the Contractor. C. Herbicide/Fungicide/Insecticide: Refer to 3.9 Integrated Pest Management. Part 3— Execution 3.1 TIME LIMITS: The maintenance period shall commence from the date of substantial completion of planting as defined in paragraph 3.6 below, and extend for a ninety (90) day period thereafter, or until the acceptance of Final Completion. 3.2 FERTILIZER APPLICATION: Fertilizer(s) shall be applied twice during the maintenance period. For bidding purposes, assume initial application to be four weeks after planting and subsequent applications to be at 45-day intervals. 3.3 HERBICIDE APPLICATION: If allowed by the City, herbicide shall not be used until all plant material has been planted a minimum of 20-days. All planting areas shall be kept weed-free by,non-herbicide methods during this time period. Contractor must apply the material in conformance with the written recommendations of the State appropriately licensed individual. 3.4 BASIC REQUIREMENTS: All planting areas shall be kept weed-free at all times during the maintenance period. All pest and disease control shall be the Contractor's responsibility. All planting areas shall be kept at optimum moisture for plant growth. Settlement of soil and plants and soil erosion shall be repaired and areas replanted as required. Dying or deficient plants shall be replaced as soon as they become apparent. Special Provisions SP-99 3.5 CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY: Work installed under this contract that is damaged or stolen prior to Substantial Completion shall :be repaired or replaced by the Contractor without cost to the City. After Substantial Completion and through the 90-day maintenance period, these damages. 'and similar factors such as extensive litter, abuse and defacement shall be the City's responsibility to repair or replace and shall not be a part of this contract. Planting shall be guaranteed as described in Section 10-6, Planting, Part 1.8. 3.6 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Shall be deemed as the time all plantings are installed, and when all other work is satisfactorily completed (with the exception of minor items to be completed as noted upon a checklist compiled by the City's Representative). In order to qualify for acceptance, the biofiltration sod must be in a healthy, vigorous condition, and completely filled in. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the planting portion of the work to be complete, and the plant material to be in a good, healthy condition, and all landscape areas to be weed-free and in a neat, orderly condition, then written acceptance of the planting portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the planting portions of the work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punch list' of items to be completed before acceptance of the planting portions of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. Maintenance period shall not commence until work is deemed substantially complete by the City's Representative. 3.7 FINAL REVIEW A. Ten (10)days prior to the end of the 90-day plant establishment and maintenance period, the Contractor shall request in writing a final review of the work by the Engineer. Final review shall be held within the final eight (8) days of the plant establishment period. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the plant material to be in a good, healthy condition of active growth, and all landscape areas to be weed- free and in a neat, orderly condition, then final acceptance shall be given effective at the end of the plant establishment and maintenance period. If approval for the plant establishment and maintenance period work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "final punch list" of items to be completed before final acceptance is given. Final acceptance shall then be given upon verification by.the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. 3.8 LIMITED WARRANTY A. Trees, shrubs, bioinfiltration sod, and other plant materials shall be warranted to take root, grow and thrive for a period of one (1) year after final acceptance of work. This will be as determined by the Engineer. 3.9 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Special Provisions SP-100 A. Contractor shall utilize integrated pest management (IPM)" practices during landscape installation and maintenance to control pests and disease in the landscape. IPM uses cultural, mechanical, physical, and .biological control methods before using pesticides. Chemical controls are applied only when monitoring indicates that preventative and non-chemical methods are not keeping pests below acceptable levels. When pesticides are required, the least toxic and the least"persistent pesticide that will provide adequate pest control is applied. No pesticides will be allowed for use on this project that are prohibited by Organic Materials Research Institute. Refer to Bay-Friendly Guidelines and Maintenance Specification for more information. B. Controls 1. Cultural/mechanical/physical methods will .be used as the first choice in weed management. a. Monitor planting areas frequently to identify and eradicate weeds early in the growth stage prior to their setting seed. b. Cut or pull weeds using hand operated equipment where possible. c. Mulches shall be maintained at all times over soil surface that is not covered by vegetation. d. Propane-fueled flamers may be used in winter and spring with required permits and approval by the Fire Marshall to kill early- season, non-grass weeds by heating the cells until they burst. The weed quickly wilts and dies. C. If allowed on this project, Contractor shall apply all chemicals in a safe manner and according to label instructions and Agency, State, and Federal requirements. A California Chemical Applicators license is required by the Contractor for chemical applications. The Contractor shall mix and apply chemicals to protect against accidental spills and drift to non-target areas, and to insure safety of the applicator. Any spilled chemicals, as well as contaminated soil, water, and/or landscape materials must be removed from the Project and disposed of in accordance with the Agency requirements. The Contractor shall maintain applicator's licenses and records of applications as required by the State. D. A Chemical Work Report shall be completed for each chemical application. The Contractor is responsible for submitting chemical usage reports to the County Agricultural Department. 1. Contractor shall maintain records of all pest management activities. Each record shall include the following information: a. Target pest b. Type and quantity of pesticide used C. Site of the pesticide application d. Date the pesticide was used Special Provisions SP-101 e. Name of the pesticide applicator f. Application equipment used g. Prevention and other non-chemical methods of control used 2. Contractor shall submit the pest management record to City on monthly basis E. Herbicides 1. Least toxic herbicides may be employed by Contractor as a last resort. Trade names are used only as examples and are not intended as an endorsement. Examples are: a. Fatty acid potassium salts (herbicidal soaps e.g. Safer's Superfast Weed and Grass Killer® Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Anti-Bacterial Soap) b. Acetic and citric acids (e.g. Nature's Glory Weed and Grass Killer RTU®) C. Clove, citrus, mint, and thyme oil (e.g. Matran II®, Xpress®) d. Corn gluten e. Low-toxic, low-residual herbicide [e.g. glyphosate (Round-up®), glufosinate-ammonium (Finale®), pelargoic acid (Scythe®)] 2. Restricted herbicides that may not be used because they have been identified as ground water contaminants are (trade names in parentheses): a. Atrazine (Aatrex) b. Simazine (Princep) C. Bromacil (Hyvar, Krovar) d. Prometon (Pramito1) e. Bentazon (Basagran) f. Norflurazon (Solicam, Predict, Zorial) 3. Restricted herbicides that may not be used because they have been identified as a compost contaminant are: a. Picloram b. Clopyralid Part 4— Measurement and Payment 4.1 Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in 90-day plant establishment and maintenance, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions Section 10-20 "90 Day Plant Establishment and Special Provisions SP-102 Maintenance", shall be deemed included in the prices contract items noted in Section 10- 19 "Planting" and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. 10-21 METAL AND HARDWARE Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Provide and install complete all metal work as shown and specified. This work includes, but is not limited to, Bay-Friendly Project sign frame, project sign installation, Bay-Friendly Practice signs, and miscellaneous metal fasteners. 1.2 STANDARDS A. The following standards are hereby made a part of this section and miscellaneous metal work shall conform to the applicable requirements therein except as otherwise specified herein or shown on the drawings. Nothing contained herein shall be.construed as permitting work that is contrary to code requirements or governing rules and regulations. 1. Section 75 of the SS. 2. Steel Structures Painting Council Surface Preparation Specifications, Vol. 2, Painting Manual. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings for the following items of work: 1. Bay-Friendly Project sign and frame 2. Bay-Friendly Practice sign Shop drawings shall show dimensions, sizes, thicknesses, gauges, finishes, footings, joining, attachments, and relationship of work to adjoining construction. Where concrete or other materials must be set to exact locations to receive work, furnish assistance and direction necessary to permit other trades to properly locate their work. Catalog work sheets showing illustrated cuts of item to be furnished, scale details and dimensions may be submitted for standard manufactured items. Part 2 - Materials 2.1 MATERIALS A. Sign Frame for Bay-Friendly Project Sign: Shall comply with ASTM B209 for Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate in mill finish. Refer to drawings. Special Provisions SP-103 B. Bay-Friendly Project Sign: Shall be 15"x20" and shall be supplied by the Bay- Friendly Coalition upon certification as a Bay Friendly rated project. Install on sign frame per plans. C. Bay-Friendly Practice Signs: Shall be 4"x13" Eco-Solt' digital vinyl graphic and clear UV over-laminate with graffiti and scratch protection mounted on 100% recycled aluminum, 0.080 thick. Digital artwork will be by Landscape Architect. Install per plans. D. Anti-graffiti coating: Shall be Graffiti Master product#TSW4 as manufactured by TSW, Inc. and available from Kelly-Moore Paints, 710 Auzerais Ave. San Jose, CA 95126, (408) 298-7522, or approved equal. Anti-graffiti coating shall be applied to sign frame, Bay Friendly project sign, Bay Friendly Practice signs and benches. This item shall be paid for as part of.the work involved with Bay Friendly Project Sign, Bay Friendly Practice Sign, Bench type 1, and Bench type 2. No separate payment for anti-graffiti coating will be made. Part 3 - Execution 3.1 GENERAL A. Verify all measurements at site prior to ordering materials. B. Coordinate all metal work with adjoining work for details of attachment, fitting, etc. Do all cutting, shearing, drilling, punching, threading, tapping, etc., required for miscellaneous metal or for attachment of adjacent work. Drill or punch holes;:do not use cutting torch. Shearing and punching shall leave true lines and surfaces. C. Conceal all fastenings where practicable. Thickness of metal and details of assembly and supports shall give ample strength and stiffness. Form joints exposed to weather to exclude water. D. Make all permanent connections in ferrous metal surfaces using welds where at all possible. Do not use bolts or screws where they can be avoided. Regalvanize all welds. E. Provide all lugs, clips, anchors and miscellaneous fastenings necessary for the complete assembly and installation. F. , Set all work plumb, true, rigid, and neatly trimmed out. G. Where items must be incorporated or built into adjacent work, deliver to trade responsible for proper location of such items. 3.2 WELDING A. Perform all welding in accordance with Section 75 of the SS. Special Provisions SP-104 B. Welds shall be made only by operators experienced in performing the type of work indicated. . C. Welds normally exposed to view in the finished work shall be uniformly made and shall be ground smooth. D. _ Where welding is done in proximity to glass or finished surfaces, such surfaces shall be protected from damage due to welds, sparks, spatter, or tramp metal. 3.3 CLEAN UP A. Protection. and Cleaning: Remove all soiled and foreign matter from finished surfaces and apply such protective measures as required to prevent damage or discoloration of any kind until acceptance of project.. B. During construction, keep premises as clear as possible of materials and debris, and at the completion of work remove all tools, appliances, materials, and debris from the premises. Part 4— Measurement and Payment 4.1 The contract unit prices paid for Bay-Friendly Project sign and Bay-Friendly Practice signs shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in Bay-Friendly Project sign and Bay- Friendly Practice signs, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. BAY-FRIENDLY PROJECT SIGN (EA) BID ITEM #80 BAY-FRIENDLY PRACTICE SIGN (EA) BID ITEM #81 10-22 3-YEAR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE Part 1 —General 1.1 SCOPE A. Work in this section includes. routine streetscape maintenance operations compliant with Bay Friendly guidelines for 3 years including litter removal, weeding, graffiti removal, irrigation system inspection, irrigation system repair, spot spray herbicide, apply pre-emergent, fertilizing, vandalism repair, tree pruning, lighting inspection and repair and other miscellaneous maintenance activities. The limits of work are along the north and south sides of Hacienda Ave. between Burrows and Winchester and as shown on the project plans for Project 08-04A and Project 08-04B. B. This item of work, at the discretion of the City, may be revoked. C. The minimum bid amount for this item of work shall be Ninety-Thousand Dollars ($90,000). Bids received for less than the $90,000.00 minimum bid shall render the bid non-responsive. 1.2 BEGINNING OF WORK Special Provisions SP-105, A. Extended maintenance shall commence at the conclusion of the 90-day plant establishment and maintenance period. Final acceptance of the project shall be obtained before extended maintenance commences. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Within fifteen (15.) calendar days after final acceptance, Contractor shall submit a work schedule showing the proposed days of the maintenance work to be performed. Contractor will not be allowed to commence work until- a work schedule is submitted. Should Contractor wish to later modify this schedule, a written request must be submitted to and approved by the City Representative prior to the revised schedule becoming effective. B. Contractor shall provide the following reports attached to the monthly billing: 1. Completed maintenance checklists. A checklist shall be submitted for each day's work at each location. 2. Report of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and/or fungicides applied and shall also submit the report electronically in spreadsheet form. Contractor shall submit a report even if no fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides were applied during the month. 3. Waste disposal report and shall also submit the report electronically in spreadsheet form. Report shall.include the amount of material, type of material and where material was disposed and shall include copies of the disposal tickets/receipts. 4. Report of any problems encountered and recommendations for resolution of problems outside the contracts scope of services. 5. Certified delivery slips for all material(s) required to be supplied with this contract or any change order. An example of material(s) required to be supplied would be fertilizers, irrigation repair components, etc. Certified delivery slips shall be submitted with Contractor's invoice. Materials shall be as specified unless an alternate is approved. Upon request, samples of the material supplied shall be submitted to the Public Works Director or Designee/s for review and approval. 1.4 PAYMENT A. Payment requests shall be submitted monthly. Contract work done for the month will be paid for in arrears. Invoices for the month's service will be approved for payment only once all required reports are received. Contractor shall provide monthly reports as detailed in Part 1.3 Submittals with the monthly billing. Invoices submitted without all reports will not be processed for payment until all reports are received. The City reserves the right to pay only on a prorated basis for the period of time the actual maintenance services are performed and/or for Special Provisions o SP-106 the percentage of work completed ,for the month. Work not performed will be deducted from Contractor's invoice according to Part 1.5 Payments Withheld. 1.5 PAYMENT WITHHELD A. Payment may be withheld to such extent as may be necessary to protect the City from loss including, but not limited to, the following reasons: 1. Work not done to specification 2. Work not performed. 3. Incomplete/partially completed work. 4. Not submitting required reports. 5. Failure of the Contractor to make payments to subcontractors or suppliers for material and labor. B. If part or all of Contractor's monthly payment must be withheld due to defective work, work not performed incomplete work, and/or failure of the Contractor to make payments to subcontractors or suppliers for material and labor, in addition to any deduction for non-performance, an additional $250.00 will be deducted to offset City costs to process the reduction. 1.6 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Qualifications 1. Fingerprinting/Background Check: If selected for this work, Contractor and all Contractors' employees assigned to this work are required to submit fingerprints in a manner authorized by the State of California Department of Justice. Contractor and all Contractors' employees assigned to this work shall submit fingerprints prior to start of work. Contractor is responsible for all costs of fingerprinting and background check. Any Contractor who has been convicted of certain criminal offenses (disqualifiers) as specified in California Public Resources Code Section 5164 is not eligible to submit a bid for this work. Any of Contractor's employees who have been convicted of certain criminal offences (disqualifiers) as specified in California.Public Resources Code Section 5164 are not eligible to perform any work at any of the sites under this contract. Contractor and all of Contractor's employees assigned to this work must be found not have any disqualifying convictions prior to Contractor/Contractor's employees being allowed to commence work under this contract. In addition, if any of Contractor's employee(s) assigned to this work is/are subsequently found to have a disqualifying conviction, that/those employee(s) shall be immediately removed from the work site and shall not be allowed to perform any further work under this contract. If Contractor is subsequently found to have a disqualifying conviction, the contract will be immediately terminated and Contractor shall not perform any further work. Contractor selected to perform this work shall certify in writing to the City that neither the Contractor nor any of Contractor's employees have been Special Provisions SP-107 convicted of any of the offenses specified in California Public Resources Code Section 5164. Certification must be provided prior to Contractor being allowed to start work. 2. Minimum Age Requirement: All employees of the Contractor must be a minimum of 18 years of age. 3. Conflict of Interest: The Contractor shall not employ any person who is an employee of the City if the employment of that person would create a conflict of interest. 4. .Experience a. Contractor shall have at least two (2) years of relevant experience . in landscape/grounds care maintenance of streetscapes and parks for public agencies that are similar in size and type of amenities to those on which Contractor has bid. b. All landscaping services shall be performed by a person(s) with at least one (1) year of relevant landscaping experience, and directly employed and supervised by the Contractor. c. Contractor shall have adequate equipment and employ adequate staff to maintain the facilities. Contractor shall provide a description of equipment proposed to be used for the work, .the number of staff to be assigned to the work and years of experience that staff has.that is pertinent to the work being performed with Contractor's bid submittal. d. Contractor shall submit at least three (3) references with their bid. At least one reference must be a public agency. All"references must be able to confirm contractor is providing service at a satisfactory level or the contractor's bid may be disqualified. B. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager/Account Manager/Supervisor who shall be responsible for the quality and performance of the work and an alternate(s) who shall act for the Contractor when the Project Manager is absent. The names of these persons shall be designated in writing to the City. As used in this contract, the term "Project Manager" shall include the alternate as specified above. The Project Manager, or his/her designee, shall be available twenty-four (24) hours per day; seven (7) days per week, to respond to any emergency call out. Contractor and Project Manager should generally be available during normal working hours to meet with the City Representative to discuss any problem areas. Contractor shall provide City Representative contact information for both the Project Manager and alternate. The Project Manager shall have a telephone/pager to permit timely contact by the City. The Project Manager must respond to a call/page within 30 minutes. Special Provisions SP-108 2. Contractor shall provide at their own risk, all labor, materials, supervision, tools, equipment, insurance, storage, .transportation, hauling, dumping, proper protection and all other items needed, or as directed to perform the work described in these special provisions. .- 3. Contractor shall have a designated person at the work site that has the authority to respond to the City Representative and/or any citizens about work details or priorities. This designated person shall be able to accurately and effectively communicate any essential information. 4. Contractor shall provide supervision of all work crews at all times while performing work under this contract. Contractor shall provide supervision to assure that tasks are performed to the standards set forth herein. Contractor is solely responsible for the day-to-day supervision and control of Contractor's employees. Personal supervision is not required provided that equipment or other means are provided that enables the work crews to communicate with the Contractor at all times. 5. Contractor shall employ a sufficient number of competent and skilled staff to ensure performance of the work described. The Contractor shall provide management and technical supervision through competent supervisors as required to implement modern methods and any newly developed procedures. Contractor shall be responsible for the skills, methods, and actions of Contractor's employees and for all work. 6. The City shall, throughout the life of the -contract, have the right of reasonable rejection and/or approval of staff assigned to the work by the contractor. If the City representative rejects one of Contractor's staff, the Contractor must provide replacement staff satisfactory to the City at no additional- cost to the City. Replacement staff must pass fingerprinting/background check .before being allowed to work on this project. If, in the opinion of the City, any Contractor employee who is incompetent, disorderly, refuses to perform in accordance with the contract specifications,'threatens or uses abusive language while at a work area/site, or is otherwise unsatisfactory, shall be removed immediately from work under this contract upon request of the City. 7. Persons not employees of the Contractor (i.e., spouse, children, brother, sister, friends, etc.) shall not be allowed within the immediate work area during the performance of services under this contract. C. Damage to Improvements and Protection of Property: Most of the areas to be maintained are bounded by, back up to or are in immediate proximity of private property. The Contractor shall take every precaution to protect all public and private property during the performance of this contract. Contractor is responsible for any and all damage to any public or private improvement/property which is a result of Contractor's actions. Contractor shall notify City within 24 hours of any damage to any City or private amenities/improvements/property caused by Contractor. Contractor shall repair or replace any damaged improvement to the Public Works Representative/Project Manager's satisfaction Special Provisions SP-109 and,-if the damage was to private property, also to the private property owner's satisfaction at no cost to the City. Contractor will be responsible for the costs to restore the damaged amenity to the condition existing before the damage or for replacement, as determined by City and, if damage is on private property, the private property owner. City reserves the right to select or approve the person/company,doing the repair and the materials used. To the greatest extent practicable, Contractor shall not enter private property. D. '',.Inventory of Tools, Equipment, and Materials: Contractor shall have adequate inventory of tools, equipment and materials used in the performance of this contract. Contractor shall provide all supplies necessary to accomplish the required services. E. Safety: Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety and welfare of all Contractors' personnel performing work under this contract. Contractor is solely responsible for advising and educating all personnel to the health hazards associated with this work prior to personnel commencing work under this contract. All work shall be performed with the utmost concern for safety of both the public and the workers. Where necessary, contractor shall barricade or temporarily close to the public those areas that are being serviced. Upon completion of service at a site, Contractor is responsible to insure all irrigation controller cabinets and back flow prevention assembly enclosures are secured. F. Illness and Injury Prevention Program: Contractor shall have an Illness and Injury Prevention Program. Contractor shall submit a copy of the Illness and Injury Prevention Program manual with their bid. G. Found Items: Contractor shall ensure that all items of possible personal or monetary value found by Contractor/Contractor's employees are turned in to the City representative. H. Key Control: Contractor shall insure all keys issued to Contractor are not lost or. misplaced and are not used by unauthorized persons. No keys issued to Contractor shall be duplicated. Contractor shall have a written key control program available to the City upon request. 1.7 STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE A. It is the intent of these special provisions that the Contractor provide a level of maintenance and weed control that will present the areas in an attractive, desirable, neat, trim and weed free appearance at all times. It is the intent to call for the highest level of quality in maintenance compatible With standard horticultural practices and modern techniques accepted by the industry. Contractor agrees to maintain all designated areas covered by these special provisions at this level. The Public Works Director or Designee/s shall be the sole judge as to whether Contractor's work conforms to the specifications. B. It is, the intent of these specifications that all work is to be performed by Contractor's forces. Contractor shall obtain City approval before subcontracting any part of this work. Special Provisions SP-110 C. Contractor, Contractor's personnel, and any sub-contractors shall present a neat appearance. Contractor and Contractors employee(s) shall wear a uniform which clearly identifies the Contractor's company and the employee. Personnel not so attired shall not be permitted to work under this contract until properly uniformed. Such uniform shall be consistent for all workers and shall be worn at all times while the performing work as per this contract document. D. All Contractor's and any sub-contractors maintenance vehicles, or vehicles of those persons representing the Contractor, shall.be in proper working order and in. a good state of repair,_and shall clearly present the Contractor's company name, address, and telephone number of local office. E. Contractor shall use equipment of the quality, size, and durability normally used in the industry for the performance of similar services. The City Representative may periodically inspect the Contractor's equipment to ensure its serviceability, safety and performance. Equipment determined not to be in compliance will be removed and replaced with suitable equipment. F. Contractor shall maintain the streetscape by means of regular and scheduled watering, weeding, fertilizing, cultivation, operation and maintenance of the irrigation system, regular trash and debris collection and disposal all as described in Part 3. of'this specification and any other operations necessary to keep the streetscape attractive, desirable, neat, trim,'and weed free appearance at all times. -1.8 INSPECTIONS A. Public Works Department Staff will conduct regular detailed inspections of Contractor's work. Once each month, the streetscape will have detailed inspection with Contractor andVor the Contractor's Senior Manger in attendance. 1.9 TERMINATION A. The City may terminate the resultant contract for convenience by providing a thirty (30) calendar day written notice. If, in the opinion of the City, the Contractor fails to diligently prosecute this contract, the City reserves the right to terminate this contract. After the Contractor has been given a notice of termination the City may hire an interim contractor. The City reserves the right to withhold Contractor's payment as may be necessary to offset all costs of hiring such interim maintenance Contractor. City reserves the right to file a claim with Contractor's insurance to restore any damage to the improvements caused by Contractor's inaction. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City Representative, service is not satisfactory, the Contractor shall be advised of the reasons in writing. Contractor's failure to correct the deficiency/unsatisfactory conditions within the time limit specified can be considered a lack of diligence in prosecuting the contract and grounds for terminating the contract. Special Provisions SPA 11 C. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, City shall have no obligation to give more than three notices of unsatisfactory performance in any calendar year. In,the event two such notices of unsatisfactory performance are given in any calendar year, and in the event that Contractor(s) shall again fail to satisfactorily perform services pursuant to this contract, City may thereupon terminate this contract immediately. D. Should this contract be terminated in case of default by Contractor or due to Contractor's action(s) or lack thereof prior to the completion of the initial term or during any extension, Contractor's prior payments may be forfeited to offset the costs incurred to procure a new service provider. E. Contractor may terminate the resultant contract for convenience by providing a one hundred and twenty (120) calendar day-advance written notice. Should Contractor request termination for convenience, Contractor shall be liable to pay the City for the difference in Contractor's bid cost and the increased cost to retain a contractor for the remainder of the contract .term. Contractor who requests early termination will also be liable for all costs to rebid the work. 1.10 LICENSING A. Contractor shall possess a valid class C-27 specialty license issued by the State of California Contractors State License Board. B. Contractor and all subcontractor/s retained by Contactor shall be licensed in accordance with all statutes, ordinances and/or regulations of the State of California Department of Pesticide Regulation as necessary. At a minimum, Contractor shall posses or have someone in their employ that is assigned to this project that possesses a Qualified Applicators Certificate issued by the State of California Department of Pesticide Regulation, along with the possession of Maintenance Gardener Category (Q), or the Landscape Maintenance Pest Control Category (B) on your certificate. In addition, a written recommendation from a licensed State of California pest control advisor is required for each pesticide application. C. Contractor shall possess a City of Campbell Business License before being allowed to start work and must maintain a City of Campbell Business License for the term of the work and any extension/s. 1.11 MEETINGS A. Upon final acceptance and before initial start of extended maintenance work, the Contractor shall contact the.Engineer for a pre job meeting. B. At least once (1) each month, Contractor shall meet with the Engineer. The purpose of the -meeting is to review the status of maintenance activities, conformance of the work to the specifications, discussing areas to be maintained, contractor's work schedule, areas that need special attention or correction, and any difficulties contractor may be experiencing. Failure to be available to meet with.the Contract Administrator on a monthly basis will constitute a breach of Special Provisions . .SP-112 contract. During this meeting, Contractor is expected to report any and all conditions that may exist or occur which detract from the appearance of the landscaping or site improvements or that pose a potential threat to public health or safety or longevity of site improvements. Said reporting shall be done even if correction of the condition is not within the scope of service required of the Contractor. 1.12 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT A. To the greatest extent practicable, the City expects the Contractor to the use Integrated Pest Management practices, principals, and concepts and least toxic methods of pest control to achieve the expected/specified results. Contractor is encouraged to consult the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources State Wide Integrated Pest Management Program at www.ipm.ucdavis.edu to determine the most effective and least toxic methods of pest control. By July 15 of each year, Contractor shall provide a written report of Integrated Pest Management practices, principals, and concepts and least toxic methods of pest control used during the previous year. Part 2 - Products (Not Used) Part 3— Execution 3.1 EXTENDED MAINTENANCE: The following maintenance tasks and frequencies are required for this contract: A. Litter Removal, weekly: Contractor shall collect, remove and properly dispose of all litter and debris. Litter/debris removal means the collection and proper disposal of all debris including but not limited to paper, cans, bottles, broken glass, rocks, trash, broken limbs, and all fallen leaves and needles regardless of whether the debris are a result of any maintenance activity and any other material or debris that is not part of the landscaping. Removal of litter/debris includes the sweeping or blowing off of all hard surface areas within the project area such as sidewalks and driveways. All litter/debris collected must be removed from the streetscape when leaving the site. Contractor shall report in spreadsheet form with each month's billing showing the amount of material disposed and the location at which it was disposed. B. Weed Control, weekly 1. A regular program of pre- and post-emergent weed control shall be used as often as is necessary to keep planting areas a minimum of ninety (90%) free of weeds. Weeding may be done manually or by using selective herbicides or pre-emergent sprays. Non-restricted chemicals shall be used whenever possible for weed control supplemented by mechanical and/or hand removal of weeds as necessary. Contractor shall exercise extreme care in the use of selective herbicides so application will not damage any other plants. Any herbicide application shall be in full conformance with manufacturer's directions. Special Provisions SP-113 2. Contractor shall have a regular program of pre-emergent chemical application to be used as often as is necessary to maintain all non-planted areas in a weed free condition. Non-restricted chemicals shall be used whenever possible for weed control, supplemented by mechanical and/or hand removal of all weeds or grasses as necessary. 3. Areas at and under fences that border on neighboring property.shall be kept free of weeds. Areas between fence lines and curbs or curb lines and areas between fence lines and roads or walkways, including tree wells, shall be kept free of weeds. 4. All weed/plant growth in cracks, seams and/or joints of paved areas such as sidewalks, curbs including curb gutters and catch basins adjacent to planting areas, seam between gutter and street paving, and driveways shall be cut down to the pavement surface during the completion of each maintenance visit. The use of herbicides to control such growth is also permitted. Herbicide usage must be in compliance with State of California Department of Pesticide Regulations. 5. All bare soil areas and non-turf/undeveloped/unimproved areas within the grounds maintenance project area shall be maintained clean and free of all trash, weeds, and debris. 6. All streetscape areas shall be kept weed free at all times. Weeds are defined as any growth in undeveloped/unlandscaped areas; cracks/joints in sidewalk, curbs, gutters and seam between street paving and gutter; growth other than a tree in tree wells; at the seam between a wall/fence and sidewalk, growth in developed/landscaped planter areas that was not originally or intentionally planted as part of the landscaping. 7. Contractor may use chemical or mechanical methods or a combination thereof to control weeds. Non-restricted chemicals shall be used whenever possible for weed control, supplemented by mechanical and/or had removal of all weeds or grasses as necessary. 8. Contractor shall actively inspect the areas of work for weed growth and shall immediately take action to control or remove the weeds at first sign of growth. Contractor shall not expect City to notify contractor of when action is required. The City notifying Contractor to remove/control weeds can be considered a lack of diligence in performing the contract and subject the Contractor to a reduction in payment. 9. Contractor shall inspect all streetscape areas during the first full week of each month. Contractor shall remove any weeds/unintentional growth found during this inspection by the end of the second full week of each month. 10. Contractor is responsible for any and all damages, resulting from uncontrolled weed growth. Special Provisions SP-114 C. Remove Graffiti, weekly: Contractor shall abate graffiti from all site furnishings, Bay Friendly signs, pavement, irrigation controller cabinets, back flow prevention device enclosures, and electrical pedestals for irrigation _ controllers (all "Cabinets") within the maintenance areas. Graffiti shall be removed from stainless steel and unpainted aluminum cabinets. D. Irrigation System Operation and Maintenance, weekly 1. System check includes activation of all remote control valves, adjusting bubblers and drip system so water is delivered appropriately to the landscape. First operation and inspection shall be completed by January .31 of each year within the maintenance contract. A report of all deficiencies and a cost to repair shall be provided by February 15. Report shall include a description of the problem, location and extent of the damage. Should the system not be operating properly, Contractor shall notify the Engineer. Engineer.may then direct contractor to prepare a repair proposal which shall describe the location of the repairs, the repairs required and the cost. Cost for the monthly system check and report of any damaged, broken, or malfunctioning components is considered as included in Contractor's bid price. In addition to the monthly testing, all irrigation systems shall be tested and inspected as necessary when damage is suspected, observed or reported. No additional compensation will be allowed for such testing. If conditions warrant, Contractor may be asked to perform checks of certain portions of the irrigation system more frequently than once a month. Contractor shall respond to these requests within the time indicated on the request at no additional cost. 2. Irrigation system and controller operation shall be regularly monitored and controlled/adjusted to prevent excessive run-off, pooling, ponding, saturated areas, and over watering. All planted areas shall follow a planned watering schedule differing only as required by the season of the year. The Contractor shall adjust and improve the schedule according to weather conditions and season and should not wait for direction from the City Representative. Contractor shall advise the City Representative when changes are made to the watering schedule. If City requests changes to irrigation programming/scheduling, Contractor shall comply with the request. The Contractor is expected to regularly monitor and adjust the irrigation system as part of regular service and not rely on the City to provide direction. If the City continually has to direct/ask the Contractor to monitor and adjust the irrigation system, this can be considered a lack of diligence in prosecuting the contract and may be considered grounds for terminating the contract. Contractor shall insure controllers are set to the proper time which includes adjusting the controllers for the beginning and end of daylight savings time. Not setting controllers to the correct time shall be considered a lack of diligence in prosecuting the contract. 3. Once each month, contractor shall adjust the water budget considering the season of the year. As a guideline, from November 1 to February 28, irrigation controllers shall either be turned off or shall be set to irrigate Special Provisions SP-115 appropriately as conditions dictate. Controller run times/water budget shall be set to 50% for March, 65% for April, 80% for May, 90% for June, 100% for July and August, 80% for September, 60% for October. Contractor may be asked to make additional adjustments depending on weather conditions and/or water regulations. 4. Contractor shall make all reasonable effort to have all irrigation completed between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following day. 5. Any vandalism of the irrigation system shall be reported to the Engineer. E. Spot Spray Herbicide, weekly: Apply pre-emergent 3 times/year. 1. The Contractor shall analyze plant problems and apply correct types and rates of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers using IPM practices. Any insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers used shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Contractor shall advise the Engineer in writing prior to the application of any insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers. Contractor shall provide City with Material Safety Data Sheets for all insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers proposed for use prior to their actual use. Contractor shall provide a site specific schedule showing where, when and what insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers will be applied at least five (5) working days prior to application. 2. Contractor is solely responsible for any damages due to Contractor's application or misapplication of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers. 3. Each month, the Contractor shall submit a written report with their invoice that shall describe the application date(s), time(s) of application, location(s) of application, size of area treated for each application, brand name of material, concentration, application rate, and amount of material applied, and EPA registration number. Report shall include all applications of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or- fertilizers. Contractor shall also submit the report electronically in an Excel spreadsheet or other program that is compatible with City software. Monthly invoices will not be paid until the report is received. Contractor must submit a report even if no insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and/or fertilizers we applied during the month. F. Fertilize, 2 times/year: Contractor shall fertilize all planting areas two (2) times a year, in March and October, with an organic slow release fertilizer, in accordance with manufacturer's application instructions. Fertilized areas shall be thoroughly watered immediately after fertilizer is broadcast. Burning due to fertilization shall be considered property damage and shall be corrected by the Contractor at no extra cost. G. Tree Services, on-going Special Provisions SP-116 1. The Contractor shall perform tree services in a professional manner consistent with all appropriate rules of safety and in accordance with International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Standards. 2. The contractor should inspect, upon final acceptance, all trees for existing damages prior to conducting any work activity in the assigned project area. Observed tree damage should be documented by Contractor in writing to the City Representative. 3. Tree stakes and ties are to be inspected monthly for correct installation and placement. Contractor shall retie trees as necessary as part of their regular work. Contractor shall reset all loose stakes as necessary to stabilize tree. 4. Contractor shall remove tree stakes from all trees where the tree trunk is greater diameter than the tree stake. Prior to removing stakes, Contractor shall confirm tree is able to stand without staking. Contractor shall properly recycle all stakes removed. 5. Contractor shall inspect all trees after any wind and/or rain storms to determine if any damage has occurred. Broken branches shall be pruned/removed. Stakes shall be straightened and adjusted and broken ties replaced as necessary so that the tree trunk is in a plumb, vertical condition. If the tree stake(s) is/are not broken, Contractor is expected to reset stakes and retie tree. If stakes are broken, Contractor shall contact the Engineer for direction. Contractor shall contact the Public Works Director or the Engineer regarding all observed tree damage and any tree(s)that require restaking. 6. All trees less than 20 feet in height which are downed by either natural or unnatural causes shall be chipped and mulched on-site. Prior to stump grinding, Contractor shall contact the City Representative and arrange a time whereby the site will be inspected for any irrigation system damage that may have been caused by the tree falling. Once irrigation system condition has been verified and agreed upon, Contractor shall grind stumps to 18 inches below grade. The resulting hole shall be filled with a homogeneous mix of 40% wood chips from the stump removal and 60% imported loamy soil that is free of wood chips and debris by volume shall be used to backfill the.hole. The hole shall be backfilled to two (2)to three (3) inches above the surrounding grade to allow for settling. Trees shall be removed within five (5) working days of notice to remove. Contractor is responsible to repair any irrigation system damage resulting from stump grinding operations. 7. All downed branches and limbs shall be removed as needed but not less than once each week as part of this work. 8. All trees greater than 20 feet in height which are downed by natural or unnatural causes and/or all trees, which are still standing but must be removed due to disease or poor structure, shall be handled by a separate Special Provisions SP-117 contract or as Extra Work. The City Representative shall approve all trees that are to be removed prior to performing the work. 9. Contractor may trim or remove branches as necessary to allow passage of Contractor's lawn/turf maintenance equipment. 10. Tree pruning shall be performed once a year during October through March with the intent of developing structurally sound trees, symmetrical in appearance with the proper vertical and horizontal clearances and to maintain the integrity of the tree species. Contractor shall trim fifty percent (50%) of the trees during the period of October to December; the remaining fifty percent (50%) shall be trimmed during the period January to March. 11. All trees shall be trimmed to remove dead wood, hazardous branches, weak, diseased, insect infested, broken, low or crossing limbs, suckers, water shoots and ivy. Branches with an extremely narrow angle of attachment shall be removed. Any structural weakness or decayed trunk or branches shall be reported to the City Representative prior to pruning. City representative will make all determinations when trees are pruned and to what extent. 12. On trees known to be diseased, pruning tools shall be disinfected with 10% chlorine bleach solution or sterilant after each cut and between trees where there is danger of transmitting the disease on tools. The Contractor shall dispose of diseased material off the work site. 13. Trees which have occupied nests of an endangered bird species shall not be pruned or disturbed until the young have permanently vacated the nest. The Contractor shall carefully examine trees to be pruned for the presence of nests with young birds prior to beginning work and shall notify the City Representative of the findings. 14. To the greatest extent practicable, Contractor shall trim trees so no branches/limbs extend over into a resident's yard. Contractor shall take appropriate precautions so no material will fall into resident's yard/property. 15. Contractor shall trim and/or remove any branch(es) over all sidewalks to provide a minimum of seven (7) feet vertical clearance for pedestrian passage. 16. Contractor shall trim and/or remove any branch(es) over all roadways to provide a minimum of fourteen (14) feet vertical clearance for vehicular passage. 17. Tree wells shall be kept weed free at all times. Tree wells are defined as those open areas generally located in the parking bays where trees have been planted. In some instances the tree has been removed and not replanted. Should contractor use herbicides to control weeds in tree Special Provisions SP-118 wells, all suckers shall be removed from the tree prior to treating the tree well. 18. Contractor shall remove all sucker growth from the base of all trees when growth is taller than eight (8) inches. Sucker growth is defined as the incidental, vegetative growth arising from the bases and lower trunk areas of trees which are not essential to the overall well being of the plant. 19. All trees shall be irrigated to maintain a healthy and vigorous appearance at all times. Excessive water run-off or flooded tree wells will not be permitted. Contractor is responsible to adjust irrigation schedule to accommodate changes in seasons and weather conditions. 20. Trees shall be fertilized two times per year with organic fertilizer. Contractor shall follow all manufacturer instructions for application. 21. All trimmings and debris generated by tree maintenance service shall be chipped and mulched and placed on-site. 22. Each month, contractor shall submit a tree service maintenance report With their invoice. The report shall include the number of trees serviced, their locations and the service performed, i.e. trim, remove, remove stakes, retie, etc. H. Shrubs and Groundcover Maintenance, on-going 1. Contractor shall keep the shrubs, grasses, and groundcover in an attractive, desirable, neat, trim and weed free appearance at all times. It is expected that the Contractor will provide that level of maintenance by operations including but not limited to continual and regular trimming and pruning of the shrubs and groundcovers, regular operation and adjustment of the irrigation system, and litter/weed removal/control. Contractor is expected to provide the highest level of quality in maintenance compatible with standard horticultural practices and modern techniques accepted by the industry. 2. Trimming, pruning, and thinning of shrubs is not anticipated .to be required. If it is, all shrubs and ground cover shall be trimmed in the months of January, April, June, August and October. 3. Shrubs and groundcover shall be kept trimmed so they do not at any time interfere with the operation of the irrigation system. 4. Contractor shall maintain all shrub and groundcover in a weed-free state at all times. Weeds shall be removed at the first sign of growth using proper horticultural techniques and weeding tools so that desired plant material is not damaged. All weeds and foreign growth must be removed as soon as it appears. Contractor shall remove/destroy/kill all weeds within the areas to be maintained and from adjoining sidewalk, curb and gutter of the areas maintained. Special Provisions SP-119 5. Contractor shall remove any dead plant material. Contractor shall report removal of dead plants and their opinion as to why the plant died to the Public Works Department. Plants that die due to Contractor's negligence shall be replaced by Contractor with plant of same size as died. 6. All material generated during trimming/pruning operations shall be chipped and mulched and placed on-site. Disposal of diseased or infested specimens, shall be done in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, regulations and these special provisions. 7. Volunteer plant material, including but not limited to shrubs, trees, etc., that exist as a result of natural or volunteer growth and not planted by intent as, part of landscaping material shall be removed. Any of this natural or volunteer growth is to be' pruned, removed and the stump treated with herbicide to prevent re-growth. 8. All shrubs and ground cover shall be irrigated to maintain a healthy plant appearance at all times. Excessive water run-off or saturated/flooded areas will not be permitted. Contractor is expected to modify irrigation schedule to accommodate changes in seasons and weather conditions. The application is to be slow enough for the water to soak in rather than run off. Contractor should ' not wait for direction from the City Representative to modify the irrigation schedule. Should City have to direct contractor to adjust or modify the irrigation schedule that can be considered the Contractor's lack of diligence in prosecuting the contract. 9. Planting Areas shall be shall be fertilized twice each year. General Purpose 5-5-5 organic fertilizer is to be applied in March and October each year with exact dates to be adjusted based upon weather conditions. Follow all manufacturer's instructions. 10. Dead flower material shall be removed as needed, with care not to remove new buds. 11. At the end of each season, perennials shall be cut back to ground level after the foliage has died back. I. Lighting, weekly: Contractor shall visually inspect the area at each cleaning. Lights that are not working shall be reported to the City representative. Contractor shall be alert to any signs of wire theft such as loose or missing hand hole covers and/or pull box lids that are ajar or missing. When signs of wire theft are discovered, Contractor shall report such signs to the City Representative. J. Blowing, weekly: Paved/hard surface/concrete areas, such as concrete bulb-out areas, sidewalks, and parking bays shall be blown off once a week. At completion of washing, the paved/hard surface/concrete areas shall have a clean, uniform appearance, free of streaks, spots, and other evidence of soil and/or debris. Contractor shall not use any detergents or solvents which are detrimental to the landscaping or paved areas/hard surface areas. Special Provisions SP-120 Appendix A. Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, all street lighting pull boxes shall-be Caltrans #3 Y2 (Christy N9 or equal). Pull Boxes shall have lids marked "CAMPBELL STREET . LIGHTING", "CAMPBELL TELPHONE", or "CAMPBELL SERVICE" per the type of facilities located in the associated conduits. Conduit and Conductor Conduit placed in a trench in paved areas shall be placed at 18" depth, back-filled with 2-sack sand-cement slurry and capped with 1 W A.C. as per Detail 9 of the CCSS. Conduit placed in a trench under future sidewalk, curb, gutter, or driveway shall be installed at a depth.of 18" and back-filled with 6" of 2-sack.sand-cement slurry and the remainder with compacted back-fill per Detail 10 of the CCSS. Conduit placed in a trench in unimproved or landscaped areas shall be placed at 18" depth, back-filled with 6" of 2-sack sand-cement slurry and 12" of compacted native material as per Detail 11 of the CCSS. A bare, stranded #8 AWG copper bond wire shall be placed in all new conduits and shall be tied to the lighting standard's grounding bolt inside the hand hole area, the grounding bushings of the foundation's RGS conduit and to the ground rod in the pull box adjacent to the new lighting standard. Bonding and grounding of street lighting standards and the conduit system shall conform to Details No. E-3 and E-4 in Appendix A. Street lighting conductors between pull boxes shall be #8 AWG stranded copper with type TW or THW insulation for 240 volt street lighting (red and black or black and black). Conductors from lighting fixture down to fuse holder in pull box shall be solid copper #10 AWG with type TW or THW insulation for 240 volt street lighting (red and black or black and black). TWN, THHN or THWN (nylon jacketed) insulation is NOT acceptable for any street lighting conductors. Splicing of conductors shall be performed only in pull boxes and shall be made with crimped copper "C-taps". Wire nuts shall NOT be used. Splice insulation on conductor splices and on fuse holders shall be mastic-lined, heat-shrinkable, heavy wall polyolefin shrink tubing. Self- fusing rubber tape, PVC electrical tape and/or brush-on waterproofing shall NOT be used as fuse holder or splice insulation. The fuse holders for 240 volt street lighting shall be Bussman "HEX" or Littelfuse "LEX" type." The fuses in the "CAMPBELL STREET LIGHTING" pull box shall be "BAF-Y, "OTM-3" or equal_ and the fuses in the "CAMPBELL SERVICE" pull box shall be "BAF-30", "OTM-30" or equal. A 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit stub shall be placed from the "CAMPBELL SERVICE" pull box into the PG&E secondary box. The minimum radius for bends and sweeps used between the "CAMPBELL SERVICE" pull box and the PG&E secondary box shall be 18 inches for a 900 bend and 24 inches for a 450 bend. The street lighting conductors shall be run in this stub from the "CAMPBELL SERVICE" pull box to the PG&E secondary box and the pigtail from the "LINE" side of the fuse holder shall be coiled in the PG&E secondary box left with 3 feet of slack and the loose ends of the conductors shall be waterproofed with PVC tape. Inspection When the Contractor has completed all work as specified in the Plans regarding the street lighting installation and it is the opinion of the Contractor that said installation. is in conformance Special Provisions SP-124 with the applicable City of Campbell Specifications, the City of Campbell's Public Works Inspector shall be notified that the street light installation is ready to be inspected. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-23, "Street Lighting Poles & Fixtures" shall be paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: REMOVE EX. STREETLIGHT POLE, FIXTURE & FOUNDATION (EA) BID ITEM #83 REMOVE EX. STREETLIGHT POLE & FIXTURE (EA) BID ITEM#84 REMOVE EX. STREET LIGHT FIXTURE ON EX.WOOD POLE (EA) BID ITEM#85 REMOVE EX. STREET LIGHT FIXTURE ON EX. METAL POLE (EA) BID ITEM #86 RELOCATE EX. STREETLIGHT (EA) BID ITEM #87 FURNISH & INSTALL NEW TYPE 15 STREETLIGHT AND FIXTURE (EA) BID ITEM #88 FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW STREETLIGHT FIXTURE ON EX.WOODEN POLE (EA) BID ITEM #89 FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW STREELIGHT FIXTURE ON EX. METAL POLE (EA) BID ITEM#90 INSTALL STREETLIGHT PULL BOX (EA) BID ITEM#91 INSTALL 2" SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUIT (LF) BID ITEM #92 INSTALL 2" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (LF) BID ITEM #93 INSTALL BIOINFILTRATION MONITORING STATION (EA) BID ITEM #94 10-24 FENCE AND CHAIN LINK GATE General Work encompassed herein this Section 10-24 "Fence and Chain Link Gate" shall consist of removing the existing wood fence and chain link fence and rolling gate and relocating the fence and gate as shown on the plans. Contractor shall install wood fence and chain link fence and gate no more than 48 hours after removal of existing fence and gate. Gate relocation shall be installed complete with gate post, latch post, wheels, concrete footings, braces, truss rods, and hardware. Elevation of top of relocated fence and gate shall be level. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all of the work in compliance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provision Section 10-24, "Wood Fence and Chain Link Gate" shall be paid for in the appropriate bid item listed below: RELOCATE EX FENCE (LF) BID ITEM #95 Special Provisions SPA 25 RELOCATE EX:CHAIN LINK GATE (EA) BID ITEM #96 10-25 COORDINATION WITH ADJACENT PROJECTS General Two City projects and associated utility relocation work will be under construction in the project area during the same time frame. These projects are listed below: Hacienda Avenue Green Street Improvement Project 08-04A Hacienda Avenue Green Street Improvement Project 08-04B Extensive coordination between the two projects and the contractor for each project is required and shall include the coordination items as specified in these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall furnish to the City at the preconstruction meeting, the name and contact information for the contractor's project superintendent who will be on site during all construction activities. Contractor understands that certain portions of the adjacent contract and certain utility relocation work will need to be completed simultaneously or prior to the Contractor's completion of work included in these contract documents. The Contractor shall work with the utility companies and the adjacent contractor to develop a master schedule and work plan that accommodates all items of work for all adjacent projects in the area. Contractor shall furnish any additional signage, temporary facilities, or other amenities as deemed necessary to allow for the safety and coordination of adjacent projects. The contractors for each project will be required to provide detailed and comprehensive coordination between the work of each project for the duration of the projects. General coordination and communication on a daily basis with the Contractor of the other project will be required by the Contractor. Additional and specific coordination items that will be required are as follows: Master coordination meeting: Following the development of the project schedule, utility relocation schedule, and traffic control plans (attention is directed to sections 10-1 and 10-2)for the project the City shall provide copies of the project schedule, utility relocation and traffic control plans for the adjacent project. The Contractor shall review the schedule, utility relocation and traffic control plans for the adjacent operation, and shall attend a master coordination meeting with the City and the adjacent contractor.to discuss the development of a Master schedule and Master traffic control plan. Following the meeting, the Contractor shall coordinate with the adjacent contractor(s) to modify schedules as necessary and incorporate the activities of the adjacent contractor(s) into one final Master project schedule, including allocation of time as necessary for all utility relocations, and one Master traffic control plan, showing how .all operations can best be coordinated and accomplished. The Master traffic control plan shall provide for safe and continuous traffic flow through both project areas Both Contractors shall sign the Master schedule and the Master' traffic control plan indicating their concurrence with the Master schedules. The Master traffic control plan shall indicate which contractor is responsible for providing and maintaining the traffic control measures shown on the Master traffic control plan. The Master schedules shall be prepared and provided to the City for review within 10 working days following the coordination meeting. Special Provisions SP-126 The contractor shall continue communications with the adjacent contractor and shall update the Master project schedule and Master traffic control plan as necessary throughout the duration of the projects to allow for the seamless completion of both projects. Additional compensation, including costs for remobilization, to accommodate the work schedule as presented in the Master schedules or any updates shall be deemed included in the lump sum price paid for Coordination with Adjacent Projects. Should one contractor be awarded both projects, a Master coordination meeting would not be required, however a Master, schedule and Master traffic control plan incorporating the work of both projects, and updates would be required and deemed included in the lump sum price paid for Coordination with Adjacent Projects. Attendance at weekly meetings: Each contractor shall be required to attend the weekly meeting held by the adjacent contractor and the City, and shall bring to that meeting the Contractors two week look ahead schedule of construction operations, and any proposed revisions to the master project schedule or the master traffic control plan. Any deviations from the Master project schedule and Master traffic control plan shall be allowed only if reviewed and agreed upon by the City and the adjacent contractor. Should one contractor be awarded both projects, only one weekly coordination meeting with the City would be required. Daily coordination meetings: The contractor's project superintendent shall meet with the contractor's superintendent of the adjacent project on a daily basis before the start of any work on either project at an agreed upon location. Topics to be discussed with the adjacent contractors' superintendent on a daily basis include: Scheduled construction operations on each project and resolution of any potential conflicts Scheduled traffic control and utility relocations for the days operations and resolution of any potential conflicts Any potential adjustments necessary to the Master schedule or Master traffic control plan • Discussion of any issues raised by the public or the City and plan-of action for resolution These meetings shall be documented in_writing on a daily basis, and a log of meetings and the documentation shall be submitted to` the adjacent contractor and the City at the end of each week. Failure to resolve coordination issues between projects will not be considered a cause for additional compensation. Failure to hold the daily meetings, or to submit the log of meetings on a weekly basis, will be considered just cause for withholding payment for this item of work. Failure to attend meetings shall be determined just cause to withhold progress payments. Should one contractor be awarded both projects, the daily.coordination.meetings would be conducted internally by the contractor. Documentation of the coordination and logs of these daily meetings would not be required. Coordination of responses to public inquiries: Each contractor shall be required to be an involved party to the response of any issues raised by the public. Written responses from the Contractor to issues raised by a member of the public must also be countersigned by the adjacent contractor. Responses in person must be done with both contractor's superintendents in attendance. Special Provisions SP-127 (J Public Informational Meetings. Contractor shall coordinate with the adjacent contractor to schedule bi-monthly public informational meetings to be held with the community. The City shall make arrangements for the location of the events and shall provide the mailing list for the invitees, however the contractor shall coordinate with the adjacent contractor .to develop the agenda for the meetings, and to make presentations regarding the project progress and schedule. Both contractors shall be required to attend the meetings and respond to questions from the residents. Measurement and Payment Full compensation for furnishing all time, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in compliance with the plans, specifications and special provisions section Coordination with Adjacent Projects,.shall be paid for in the lump sum fixed price for: COORDINATION WITH ADJACENT PROJECTS (LS) BID ITEM#97 Special Provisions SP-128 REMOVE E70STING AC SECTION AND BASE('Ir MIN) EXISTING PAVEMENT REPLACE AS SFIDWN TO REMAIN REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH TO CLEAN, STRAIGHT EDGE NEW POO IMPROVEMENTS GRIND&REPLACE r DEEP PAVEMENT KEY CURB,GUTTER,DRIVEWAY TYPE 1/r MAXMEDAC APPROACH OR ACCESSIBILITY RAMP 12 MIN (95%COMpACTgM e a,; i. " • V-'Ir AS DIRECTED BY THE F1JOMEER e DOWEL TO EXISTING q PCC IMPROVEMENTS WITH 11114 REBAR,W BEEDAIEM O 10"MIN 2 SACK SANDIC13AENT SLURRY BACKFILL,2 SACK 8-CLASS 9 AGGREGATE BASE CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD OF MATERIAL W%RELATIVE COMPACTION) NOTE: APPLY TACK OIL TO ALL COMPACTED NATIVE SURFACES PRIOR TO PLACING (W%RELATIVE COMPACTION) NEW AC. A.C. PAVEMENT REMOVAL & RESTORATION AT NEW PCC IMPROVEMENTS of C 4 YA CITY OF CAMPBELL � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROJECT 08-04: ° ~p � r DRAWN BY: RNA DATE: >o/os/>a HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET ® q$°I - ® CHECKED BY: DATE: Aga �tiR�' CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �Rc$AtN SCALE: NTS 1' —"#4 REBAR DOWEL---- AT 6 EMBEDDMENT gab;°::d.;:•.:;:. •d:4•;a.,:.d.. : .:°:d:4•-, :•a.::••::: d'.q.;a..:•a..: .ra?4;:6.:: .:°:° EX. P.C.C. WALK 24" O.C. NEW P.C.C. WALK :•4'.. •a:q••d.. •68y••$'.. •d:4'. a'.: \:4:_•.l a.i•.a.:C;\. •.a..r .•.a.'r•.a.i•`•;i•' -''1i:r'.�'aq:::r:�?.:yij.•'.;:a.:r PLAN #4 REBAR DOWEL 24" O.C. 1-1/2" CLR. MIN. 3-1/2" MIN. CL A PCC a.•:;::6:•::•.;::•°:a'•d•::NEW6•.:;::`•:•'a.'+::•:::'°:a.•:::.: ,v:.•,a:r.:o:a."�;' . •a'o::. S•q•p: °.e,:...:. •a.. EXISTING 3" MIN. CL II AB, TYP. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE III—I I T�II I—�— I I I SECTION A—A NOTES 1. DRILL & EPDXY DOWEL 6" INTO EXISTING P.C.C. & GREASE OTHER END TO SET 6" INTO NEW CONCRETE, 2. APPLY GREASE TO REBAR END AT NEW WALK ONLY. 3. COMPACT CLASS II AB TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. 2 NEW PCC IMPROVEMENT CONNECTION TO EXISTING og CAAfA CITY OF CAMPBELL ��, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT b "° how r' DRAWN BY: RNA . DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08-04: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET • •:s 0�°s" • CHECKED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT °RoaAIM SCALE: NTS C GUnMn EXISTUyp,gC a ARECONA a NEW OVftAY Do"OF WEDGE The rr O C dAICJYO o �� VftGeGRfMARSA try +,c • •- : . ... , ' ..:., NO'IFg; PROFILE1. FORMFROM!THE UMpR D BE 2'OF DEEpD . sEC7TONq„q Sly DA1'L►pM TO,ZD40 . A"o)(lA(4My IVAWAY 3 LIMIT _ OF VVO�„CONFORM GRIN D 4 p8 CA�A PUBLI0 F �AMPBELL DRA�v 8Y RNA RKS DEPARTMENT • ���� �, • CAD 8Y: DATE: I%8/13 s�� s DATE. HACIENDq q�N�08.p�4: IMPRpVEME yT pR EW g�REE,�, �•►ECT WEDGE GRIND AREA EXISTING CURB&GUTTER EXISTING AC A A ° e PLAN EXISTING CURB&GUTTER EXISTING AC WEDGE GRIND AREA a . V MIN.&VARIES owl PROFILE-SECTION A A NOTES: 1. WEDGE GRIND SHALL BE 2.00 DEEP MEASURED FROM LIP OF PCC GUTTER AND SHALL DAYLIGHT TO ZERO DEPTH AT THE DISTANCE SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS(V MIN do VARIOUS)AWAY FROM THE LIP OF GUTTER. 4 2.00 WEDGE GRIND DETAIL of CANA CITY OF CAMPBELL 6� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT °~ e` DRA1iN BY: RNA DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08.04: ''4so HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET © ' Q�Oj • CHECKED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ORCHA80 SCALE: NTS FRAME,COVER,AND AC LIP STRAIGHT EDGES TO BE WITHIN Iff OF THE ELEVATION OF SURROUNDING PAVEMENT.TO BE DETERMINED WITH STRAIGHT EDGE AS SHOWN. 1/413 112D 1/413 PARALLEL TO DIRECTION SYMMETRICAL ABOUT OF TRAVEL OR AS DIRECTED CENTERLINE BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6"TO 12" EXISTING 1.5"Min.AC AC (3/8"AGG.) a .a 12• — ------------ 180 Mex.Height �IIIIIII i���=� — ----------- CLASS W I CONCRETE COLLAR ADD ADDITIONAL RISER SECTION, OR CUT/REMOVE EXISTING RISER SECTION AND ADJUST UTILITY FRAME TO NEW GRADE. FILL VOID WITH CLASS W CONCRETE.CONSTRUCT CONCRETE COLLAR AS SHOWN. CONE MAY BE CUT AS REQUIRED. GROUT INTERIOR SURFACE TO A GENERAL NOTES: SMOOTH FINISH. 1. ADJUST FRAME AND COVER TO FINISHED GRADE AFTER FINAL LIFT OF PAVING. 5 STORM DRAIN FRAME AND COVER ADJUSTMENT o¢ CAyA CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY: RNA DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08-04: ~4 HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET • ���'• • CHECKED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 0R0RAO SCALE: NTS A A.C. BASIN — 2" MIN. 0 �I H �4 W vvvvvvvvvvvvl Vv C'7 B (GRADERAIN GRADE TO DRAIN Gil 9a 0 PLAN d NOTE 1. INSTALL PHOENIX IRON WORKS P6302 FRAME AND GRATE (OR APPROVED EQUAL). 2. INSTALL A.C. BASIN IN A 5' RADIUS AROUND INLET. 3. GRADE TO DRAIN, 5' MIN. PAST BASIN IN ALL DIRECTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.rwise specified. P.C.C.CLASS A Q. a . 59 G � t..r.'�•.•:•• •`•;.�..!. a e. •are• .e a CO SECTION A—A SECTION B—B REVISED FLAT GRATE INLET DATE: JULY 1994 APp� _c�cl�D BY CITY OF CAMPBELL DETAIL 6 TOP OF PIPE SHALL BE CUT FLUSH WFrH MANHOLE INSIDE WALL PAVEMENT GRADE STANDARD FRAME A COVER 2.-0. FLOW :., Ul •i •.d• ' I I (SEE NOTE) 6-THRU 21- DIA. SECTION B—B Ifl •b d••4. b ' B B SLOPE = 11 PER FOOT MIN. SMOOTH FINISH i.• 3' 3•MIN. ° MIN. 0 � D � i I 6'T 2/3 D 1 HRU � " 21' 4'MIN NOTE: FOR CHANNELIZATION OF INTERCEPTING LINES, PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS (APPROX 1'—B• INSIDE RADIUS)TOWARDS DOWNSTREAM FLOW OF MAIN. APPROVED BY DRAWING 111 i4 � STANDARD MANHOLE �� NO. 21 DIAMETER & SMALLER PIPE 3 QATE D-11 �r- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1Q 2" A.C. TYPE A 3/4" MAXIMUM MEDIUM 95% COMPACTION Q2 GRIND PAVEMENT KEY 9"-12" 2"-4" DEEP x 9"-12" WIDE 6"-10" 2"-4" 02 EXISTING AC SECTION G v (D 2 SACK SAND CEMENT SLURRY ° H CKFILL 4 • v d v v ° ° • ice •• • �� �• 0 •• • • •••0 •' • •.: .• • • �. • •• CLASS 1 BEDDING • (CLEAN SAND BEDDING • 12" (TYPE A BEDDING) SHALL BE USED AROUND GAS CONDUITS) • • q i• o•'�• • •• • • ' •• 1/8 D (4" MIN) TRENCH WIDTH 'D' PLUS 6" MIN. 'D' PLUS 24" MAX CENTER PIPE IN TRENCH NOTES: Q Place permanent pavement within five (5) days after backfilling an excavation. (Steel plating required during curing period of 3 days min. — 5 days max.) © If existing AC section is less than 4 grind AC key to full depth of existing AC and replace full depth AC section (min. 2"). 3O This detail does not apply to electrical conduit installation. ® Recessed trench plates shall be used at the following locations: all arterial streets, all collector streets, at trench alignments not parallel with or perpendicular to the direction of traffic and locations determined by the Engineer to be necessary. O The Contractor shall prepare for placement of plates over trench by grinding a relief 12" wide on each side of the trench by the thickness of the steel plate so that the surface of the steel plate is level with the adjacent pavement surface. TRENCH RESTORATION — METHOD A DATESim MAY 2012 Backfill and Surface Restoration DRAWN BY _CHECKED BY _APPROVED CITY OF CAMPBELL DETAIL 7 __ 1Q 2" A.C. — TYPE A O3 GRIND PAVEMENT KEY 3/4" MAXIMUM MEDIUM 9"-12" 2"-4" DEEP x 9"-12" WIDE 95% COMPACTION 6"-10" 2"-4" 3O 4" MIN — 10" MAX A.C. — TYPE A (3" PLUS THICKNESS 3/4" MAX. MED. OF EXISTING AC SECTION) 95% COMPACTION \/ rAT OP 30" OF BACKFILL \ 95% RELATIVE APPROVED SELECT NATIVE OMPACTION OR STRUCTURAL BACKFILL �2 FILTER FABRIC \\ REMAINING BACKFILL AT 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION r:• :••:•• • 12" (TYPE A BEDDING) CLASS 1 BEDDING .• • .• (CLEAN SAND AROUND •• GAS CONDUITS) • .• .••'. • ' •. 1/8 D (4" MIN) 'D' PLUS 6" MIN. TRENCH WIDTH 'D' PLUS 24" MAX CENTER PIPE IN TRENCH NOTES: 10 Place permanent pavement within thirty (30) days after backfilling. Install temporary AC to finish grade until permanent AC is placed. Backfill shall be compacted by mechanical tamping in 0.75' (max.) lifts. Trench backfill to be compacted to 90% R.C. with top 30" compacted to 95% R.C. O If existing AC section is less than 4", grind AC key to full depth of existing AC and replace full depth AC section (min. 2"). ® If outside traveled way, eliminate AC and replace surface improvements to match existing. 0 This detail does not apply to electrical conduit installation. © Recessed trench plates shall be used at the following locations: all arterial streets, all collector streets, at trench alignments not parallel with or perpendicular to the direction of traffic and locations determined by City Engineer to be necessary. 70 The Contractor shall prepare for placement of plates over trench by grinding a relief 12" wide on each side of the trench by the thickness of the steel plate so that the surface of the steel plate is level with the adjacent pavement surface. TRENCH RESTORATION — METHOD B ]REVISED MAY 2012 Backfill and Surface Restoration DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED CITY OF CAMPBELL DETAIL 8 Z_ MONUMENT BOX ZEMCONST. NT FRAME SHALL BE RISER RING 10 Y/ SURROUND NG PAVEMENT AL �A .° I o x r ° 00°0°o 1.::.. oo°° IN PAVE SURFACE EXI ING MONUMENT C CSC.R ISTING BOX FRAME COVER INSTALLATION SECTION A-A PLAN VIEW STANDARD MONUMENT,RESURFACE WITH EXISTING ROUND BOX z PAVEMENT SEE NOTE 1 .D COVER FRAME+V 1 TYPE IS IANDARD MONUMENT BOX 10 0°00 0 00 o °o 00°°°0°o Z o° o o c BASE MATERIAI. ° ^P°C• :::... T Z — ° n a o6 NON-METALLIC FORM TUBE (MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE) L P.C.CONCRETE—� r:; ; .o>o°° o°n°o �0 ° O°Oo GRANULAR MATERIAL CLEARANCE ALL AROUND 10 BRASS MARKER DISC ;�,;:.6.':a.q:: 6'DIA.e BY CC 1'4'MIN.NON- TUBE BE EFT IN PLACE) z z NOTES: 2 P.C.CONCRETE 1. FRAME SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN P.C.C.A MIN.OF T. 2. KIEN SHALL ENp�ROCNG WHEN ::•.o.. a Z TOP OF •.. S 3UBGRADE SECTION A A STANDARD MONUMENT INITIAL INSTALLATION 9 STANDARD CITY MONUMENT OV C A jfA CITY OF CAMPBELL ;& PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT " DRAWN BY: RNA DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08-04: CHECKED BY: DATE: HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET rd.. • .:o•�8°i • CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 0RogAVO SCALE: NTS NOTES: l MACHINED SURFACE *� RK 1. MARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1 L.S.ACT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3/1S" SIZED LETTERS AND NUMBERS LEGIBLY STAMPED WITHINTHE DESIGNATED"MARKING ZONE". z2. REFERENCE MARK SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN A 1"DIAMETER OF THE a CENTER OF DISC. N 3. SHANK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INA MANNER WHICH PREVENTS REMOVAL OR TURNING ONCE SET IN CONCRETE1/rMIN.—� I�BRASS MARKR DISC • 8 3/4" AREA I'DIAM 7 3/8" 7 3/8" 1/4" TAPER II 1 1/2" I i — >- I� 5" i 1/1 6" RAISED LETTERS I T Y ` I- 8" 1 —3/8" ao i - 10" ! 5/8" DIA. TYPE IIA — Y = 1 1/2" Q HOLE n TYPE IIB — Y = 3" SECTION—FRAME AND COVER MONUMENT TYPE II MONUMENT BOX COVER DETAIL 101/T TAPER // X:X®1 1/r,r OR 21/T �3/4' 9/1S" r e 27/3r — 731/3r \`y MONUMF SECTION-RISER RING 1/32" � /T RECESSED AREA T� FOR LIFTING BOLT 11/4' o0000 � °o°o°00000 — 10 1/ TAPER 1/T NON-SKID TREAD °-O 1/rx2brBOLT f e 31,V a- e"DIA N 114r owl SECTIOPFFRAME AND COVER COVER DETAIL TYPE I MONUMENT BOX O BRASS MARKER DISC& TYPE I MONUMENT BOX OV Ca,yA CITY OF CAMPBELL �-� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT b ~° eo ✓ DRAWN BY: RNA DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08"O4: ''4 = HACIENDA!AVENUE GREEN STREET • �•q�'f$` • CHECKED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 0RogARO SCALE: NTS 1'-4" ❑ ORO NOTES: / \ / \ I B OX OVERLAYS OVER H3L1/E USED FOR 2" ABOVE \ INITIAL ROADWAY SURFACE. D THEN / I 2 EPDXYIF OVERLAY IS I OXY CEMENT SHALL BE USE TO A ` A SECURE THE BOX TO THE PAVEMENT SURFACE. O MONUMENT / I TYPE 1113 STANDARD / I MONUMENT BOX L SEE 10 COVER INSTALLATION SUBSEQUENT PAVEMENT PLAN VIEW z OVERLAYS TYPE IIA STANDARD N iV MONUMENT BOX INITIAL SEE 10 :::e.,�;b: :::.•i. ,�•, PAVEMENT OVERLAY M EPDXY NEW MORTAR P.C.C. COLLAR `'A COLLAR (CLASS A) (CLASS A) :Y •r •r i' • EXISTING PAVEMENT (TO REMAIN) EXISTING MONUMENT (TO REMAIN) EPDXY CEMENT (CLASS D) SEE NOTE 2 :i'D :;•,: SECTION A—A SECTION A—A INITIAL OVERLAY SUBSEQUENT OVERLAYS 11 TYPE II STANDARD MONUMENT BOX INSTALLATION/ADJUSTMENT DETAIL of CA jl CITY OF CAMPBELL j041 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY: RNA DATE: 10/09/13 PROJECT 08.04: bo:� =�• HACIENDA AVENUE GREEN STREET • O�"a • CHECKED BY- DATE: .7�� rSCAfu;s Y: DATE: IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 040HARP WALK CLOSED USE l CRCSSWALX CIS or NCTE This system ww IN use+a oey+ rmen walkway=nm be taoviCaO Q ' ' t>ennd CirD. Sae secaort t t for /,�eesmarts sisal!rtot b,gabs iraa s mavresg!arts of�arllc a + I �raptly,(1X Cta�o�D ' CUR ® 7R 1 ` 1 TYPE Il SARRICACES �� 1 0UT'T�D TOGETk�EA ` r"s 18 BARRICADES L Gii"ri D) I x- FLASHERS CFMNAL �vo�cx Arz Z� 1 z a a �� •.ate / �a " I WALK CLCSED �C 5 - USE ��. ' =CSSWALIC . iA` �'9'� 90 FL YIN. LANE T7PF 11 4'4 LANE TYPE II! BARRICADES Lt,§NT'V0 E/IRRICAOES `UTfED TOG1-ii WEA p v =a or C= In Q r 8 -� WALX CLOSED ' USE CXCSSWALK l . PEDESTRIAN COOL NOTES: } 1. KEEP A MINMUM FOUR(4)FEET OF PATHWAY BETWEEN WORK AREA AND DELINEATORS. 2. PEDESTRIAN DETOURS TO BEGIN AND END AT DRIVEWAYS DETAIL A7,4 CONDUIT LENGTH 'L' TABLE IF 'L' IS LESS THAN 10' - THEN BULL BOX IS NOT REQUIRED AT E-= PROPERTY LINE ELECTR❑LIER IF 'L' IS GREATER THEN 10' - THEN PULL BOX IS REQUIRED AT ELECTR❑LIER, PLACE PULL BOX ADJACENT TO ELECTR❑LIER, PER 'EXTENDED F❑UNDATI❑N CAP' DRAWING E-6 4E- P.G.BE. SEC. BOX F-- U.G. STREETLIGHT SERVICE L` CONDUIT LENGTH ' F - .SIDEWALK �--- PARK STRIP STREETLIGHT CURB E PROPERTY LINE 1 1 . ��--P.G.BE.. SEC. BOX .F---U.G. STREETLIGHT SERVICE .SIDEWALK PULL BOX PARK STRIP r--I 200' MAX. CONDUIT LENGTH STREETLIGHT CURB BETWEEN BOXES oQ CAkA CITY OF CAMPBELL P,G.&E. SECONDARY/U.G. 'PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT v" "•%• �" r DRAWN BY: DATE STREETLIGHT SERVICE DETAIL PULL BOX LOCATION FOR No. • °"�o°� • CHECKED BY: DATE APPROVED BY: NEW U.G. RESIDENTIAL E - 1 CHARO MICHELLE QUINNEY DEVELOPMENT CITY ENGINEER . . 9 LIGHTING STANDARD ALLOW 4 MIN (1/2' TO 8 MAX'(1' OF 3-1/2" PCC CAP THREADS ABOvE NUT LLU WASHERS • ° • • FINISH GROUT �) I 1' MIN-2" MAX ANCHOR BOLTS II 1I PCC d I V/ d I CAPS .. .. i i • . v d a CONDUIT----,, ONDUIT d j I LEVELINPG NUT #13 (1/2") STEEL REBAR N - TIED TO ANCHOR BOLT- WITH 10 GAUGE TIE WIRE AT 3 LOCATIONS AND 24" OVERLAP (TYP.) PCC FOUNDATION I I I a _ �d C d 4" CL. A. f�--- 30"_ TYPE 15 NOTES: 1. STOP FOUNDATION POUR .3-1/2" BELOW GRADE. PLACE FINISH CAP AFTER STANDARD IS SET AND PLUMBED. BUILD UP GROUT UNDER STANDARD BASE ON LOW SIDE, 1" MIN. TO 2" MAX. (TYP.) 2. SURFACE OF FINISH CAP TO BE AT GRADE AND SLOPED TO MATCH EXISTING OR FUTURE SIDEWALK (TYP.). 3. ANCHOR BOLT SIZE AND LENGTH SHALL BE 1"X36"X4" GALVANIZED L ANCHOR BOLT, 4 EACH. ALL NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. 4, SECTION OF ANCHOR BOLT BENT T 90' RIGHT ANGLE (TYP.). 5. STANDARDS TO BE SET AT 30" TO CENTER FROM FACE OF CURB UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 6. SEE DRAWING E-6 FOR PLAN LOCATION AND FOUNDATION CAP DETAIL REQUIREMENTS OF STREET LIGHT. 7. GROUND ROD SET OBLIQUELY THROUGH FOUNDATION IN UNDISTURBED SOIL FOR-STREET LIGHTS FED OVERHEAD AND SET IN PUL BOX FOR STREET LIGHTS FED UNDERGROUND. 8. SEE DRAWING E-3 FOR POLE. BONDING REQUIREMENT. CITY OF CAMPBELL °4 C�k,,ae PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r DRAWN BY: DATE LIGHTING STANDARD — DETAIL . GALVANIZED TYPE 15 NO. po CHECKED BY: I DATE FOUNDATION DETAIL E - 2 1 a APPROVED BY: by .�� TRAFFIC SIGNAL OR STREET LIGHTING POLE: TYPE AS INDICATED GROUNDING LUG V/ NUT AND BOLT HANDHOLE CONDUIT GROUNDING CONTINUOUS #8 AVG BARE BONDING BUSHING (TYP.) CONDUCTOR TO ALL ANCHOR BOLT 33 1/2 PULLBOX INSTALLED AS GROUNDING CLAMPS THEN TO GROUND LUG PER STANDARD PLAN DETAIL E-4 VIA CONDUIT GROUNDING BUSHING RIGID METALLIC GALV. STEEL NIPPLE #8 AVG STRANDED COPPER 10' MAX. BONDING CONDUCTOR (TYP.) FOUNDATION CAP 1/2- G n C r 1 FIN. GRADE PVC END BELL • I UL LISTED GROUND CLAMPS } 1 1/2 SCHED. 40 PVC e a SUITABLE FOR CONCRETE CONDUIT ENCASEMENT OR DIRECT BURIAL. INSTALL CLAMPS/ \ ° ON ALL ANCHOR BOLTS ELIMINATE BOND WIRE IN e ° (TYP.) i THIS CONDUIT IF RUN TO 1 ° ANCHOR BOLT / \\ 'SERVICE' PULLBOX V/EXT-cvSION \� CTYP.) / • • a • ° 8 5/8' Dia. COPPER-CLAD OR a 3/4' DIa. GALV. STEEL X 10' UL LISTED GROUND CLAMP o • LONG GROUND ROD SUITABLE FOR BELOW GRADE • e e APPLICATION (TYP.)(SINGLE c CLAMP MAY BE USED IF • ° CONDUCTOR IS CONTINUOUS) .a RIGID METALLIC GALV. STEEL CONDUIT (1YP.) RIGID METALLIC GALV. STEEL COUPLING (TYP.) FOUNDATION: TYPE AS .INDICATED RIGID METALLIC GALV. STEEL 90' FACTORY ELBOW NOTES: 1. BONDING/ GROUNDING DETAIL FOR USE WITH GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT AND PULL BOX WITHIN 10' FROM POLE. 2. THE GROUND ROD SHALL BE INSERTED AT AN OBLIQUE ANGLE NOT TO EXCEED 45° DEGREES FROM THE VERTICAL. 1 TERMINATE BONDING CONDUCTOR AT POLE GROUNDING LUG WITH UL APPROVED GROUNDING LUG. 4. SEE FOUNDATION DETAILS, DRAWING E-2 5. SEE PULLBOX DETAILS, DRAWING E-4. CITY OF CAMPBELL °V c AAfpa� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r DRAWN BY: DATE DETAIL CHECKED BY: DATE POLE BONDING NO o c.L APPROVED BY: E — 3 utruvt 7 r nntnlnrt.v .�3 1/2 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX MIN., WITH LID MARKED 'CAMPBELL ST. LIGHTING' OR AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS WATERPROOF 2 POLE FUSED SPLICE CONNECTOR RATED 30A, 600V WITH TWO 3A FUSES SIDEWALK OR TOP OF CURB GRADE • � WATERPROOF SPLICE (TYP.)e - • ° #8 AWG BARE, STR GROUND (TYP.) SEAL AROUND A A . CONDUIT W/GROUT °! PVC BELL END (TYP.) 'A BUSHING (TYP.) - A CONDUIT (TYP.) B 6 ROOFING PAPER D o•.... :O zD Z o 0 0 F 0o 0 p Opp pgp L 6' MIN. (TYP.) 240 VOLTS 2 WIRE SERVICE CONDUCTORS IN C❑NDUIT TO 2 UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS TO 'SERVICE' PULL30X (#8 AWG 240V LOAD (#10 AWG MIN. MIN. CONDUCTOR SIZE) CONDUCTOR SIZE) AND ONE GROUNDING CONDUCTOR TO ST. DRAIN ROCK 1' MIN.- 2' MAX. LIGHT AGGREGATE GROUT BOTTOM OF BOX DRAIN HOLE V MIN. - 2' MAX. 1' MIN.- 2' MAX. UL LISTED GROUND CLAMP 5/8' Din. COPPER-CLAD OR 3/4' SUITABLE FOR DIRECT Din. GALV. STEEL X 10' LONG BURIAL/C❑NCRETE ENCASEMENT GROUND ROD GROUNDING BELOW GRADE APPLICATION (TYP.) ELECTRODE DIMENSION A: 1" MIN., 2" MAX. (TYP.— ALL CONDUITS) B: 1 " MIN., 2" MAX. ABOVE GROUT (TYP.- ALL CONDUITS) NOTES: 1. SEE NOTES DRAWINGS E-1, E-3, E-5 2. PR❑VIDE 3' OF SLACK IN ALL CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATI❑NS. (SLACK NOT SHOWN). CITY OF CAMPBELL °f AV CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND DETAIL DRAIYN BY: DATE NO. CHECKED BY: DATE STREETLIGHT PULLBOX, 1`1 APPROVED BY: 2 4 O V E '—4• 11 l(`i7T:i I F �f iiNNRY 3 1/2 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX MIN., WITH LID MARKED 'CAMPBELL SERVICE OR AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS WATERPROOF 2 POLE FUSED SPLICE CONNECTOR RATED 30A, 600V WITH TWO 30A FUSES SIDEWALK OR TOP OF CURB GRADE ": WATERPROOF - ' SPLICE (TYP.) D SEAL AROUND CONDUIT W/GROUT A A CONDUIT. BELL (TYP.) END (TYP.) D 1 1/2' PVC SCH. 40 CONDUIT (TYP.) D , . g e ROOFING PAPER 0 zo Z � O O O O O O OOp Op0 O p 00 �0 i I. I. 6' MIN. (TYP.) PVC SCH. 40 OR 80 SERVICE CONDUIT TO 2 UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS TO P.G.&E. 240V LOAD (#8 AWG MIN. CONDUCTOR SIZE) AT 'ST. 240 VOLT 2 WIRE SERVICE LIGHTING' PULLBOX CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT TO 'PG&E' PULLBOX (#8 AWG MIN. CONDUCTOR SIZE) GROUT BOTTOM OF BOX DRAIN ROCK 1' MIN.- 2' MAX. V MIN. - 2' MAX. AGGREGATE DRAIN HOLE 1' MIN.- 2' MAX. DIMENSION A: 1 " MIN., 2" MAX. (TYP.— ALL CONDUITS) B: 1 " MIN., 2" MAX. ABOVE GROUT (TYP.— ALL CONDUITS) NOTES: 1. SEE NOTES DRAWINGS E-1, E-3, E-4 2. PROVIDE 3' OF SLACK IN ALL CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, (SLACK NOT SHOWN), ) CITY OF CAMPBELL� of ca y PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND DETAIL DRAIN BY: DATE N0. 0 ..•.C��O�,�•. D CHECKED BY: DATE STREETLIGHT SERVICE 1V APPROVED BY: PULLBOX, 240V Ei — 5 MICHEME QUINNEY 1 HANDHOLE TO FACE PULLBOX I 14 52"± i _ 30" DIA. FOUNDATION / TYPE 15 / POLE SHAFT f I ME 15 BASE PLATE = I o cz ___ -- +� o j CONDUIT (TYP.) i BACK OF CURB (OR -BACK OF m WALK IN CASE OF MARGINAL SIDEIIALK) EXTENDED FOUNDATION CAP FACE OF CURB 39"X 52"± X 3-1/2" THICK TO INC;pDE PULLBOX #3-1/2 PULLBOK WITH COVER SUITABLY INSCRIBED, OR SIZED d AS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS w LIP OF GUTTER NOTES: SEE PULLBOX DETAILS, DRAWING E-4 AND FOUNDATION DETAILS DRAWINGS E-2 & E-3. of CAHA CITY OF CAMPBELL e� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r DRANK BY: DATE ELECTROLIER / PULLBOX DETAIL °.4 ;; CHECKED BY: DATE & FOUNDATION CAP NO. - APPROVED BY: DETAIL - 6 ^- �' MICHRLI.R. 011iNNRY D15T CDURTT ROUTC � xo 5!A?SnEETS CENTERLINES LANELINES (CONT) NO PASSING ZONES-TWO DIRECTION TaT.TpECT (2 LANE HIGHWAYS) (MULTILANE HIGHWAYS) DETAIL 1 DETAIL 12 4 '-o" DETAIL 21 RE S�RE/ —aQ..rTtya. 7'-O'• 17'-O.. 7'-4 17'-o" 7'-O• �® ., . .•_ _ _ �_ •` 3—l4 E. a5�ppnov06 DATE a C46402 —r rr.sw.r wmw,r. .rnw. 3-31-07 m DETAIL 2 4g'-0" DETAIL 13 41'- 1 T'-0" T'-0'8'-fi" _r 1 g•-o•• 1 z'-o" 1 g'-o" DETAIL 22 1 24'-0" 24'-0• ro gyro cte cmrD,s wm mAw�WW7wnrLdmgiY 0 0000 ON r-- 144'-0" -D a H: 3 Detail 3 deleted DETAIL. 14 4 '-0" 48'-0" 48'-0" —)♦ ® 19 ® _i rIz'-oy 1B._0„ ® 0000 137 0000 D3 0000 ® DETAIL 23 24'-0" 24'-0" I �Y -4 4'_O'• � 4-0 14 ._O•. DETAIL 4 DETAIL 14A -0" g'-o" ® 606 000 0 117 TYPICAL LANE LINE DELINEATION —► IN ADVANCE OF EXIT RAMP NO PASSING ZONES-ONE DIRECTION LEGEND DETAIL 14 DETAIL 5 MARKERS or 14A (IO 36'-0" 12'_0"1 DETAIL 15 O TYPE A White Non-reflective 17'-0•' 7'-0" 17'-0" 7'-0" mII ® TYPE AY Yellow Non-reflective ► �► y a � ® ® TYPE C Red-clear Retroreflective — —N_ 0 Lin '-0" 6 48'-0" �� ® TYPE D Two-way Yellow Retroreflective 14"-" 144'-O" `afXC ,� 1g'-o" 12'-0" 18'-0" .DETAIL 16 48'-o" TYPE 0 one-way Clear Retroreflective I¢ mile IZ mile 300'-a. ® ® y— B'-6"I7'-U"}8=6� FT'_-0�" r� ® TYPE H One-way Yellow Retroreflective — DETAIL 12 v�r � LINES 144'-0'• or 13 .0 DETAIL 7 Exz4'-o" ® z4'-a" ®� 4"venire NOTE: r . w 1 + Nf a Detail 14 is to be used 'n combination ® ®®®® ® DETAIL 17 - 4"Yellow With Detail 13.Detail 14A is to be used Z in combination with Detail 12. —1• � 4'-0" t '-".8'- ' �-" 4�- " t� Direction Of Travel LANELINES ® 000 IS Goo E J MARKER DETAILS N (MULTILANE HIGHWAYS) ®®®®® ®®®®®®®® DETAIL 8 —► 4'-0" _ a 17'-0" I7'-0y li'-p" 17'-01,• DETAIL 18 3 y,"-4 1/. 3t/� (� E� 1� r— 12'_O'•I 36•_O" 112'_O•' _ n DETAIL 9 _� e'-6'•7•-0" li•-o•' T•-o• e'_e.. DETAIL 19 OA 0 O O 07 �— 1 g._0•. 1 1 z._o. 1 g._a' _ Q M� DETAIL 10 48'-0' —� ® 29•_0• ® 24'_0" ® TYPE A & TYPE AY TYPE C & TYPE D TYPE G & TYPE H STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0 0 0 0 000 17 DETAIL 20 ® DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 12'-0" 7g'-0" Retroreflective Face PAVEMENT MARKERS DETAIL 11 ® 0006 ®J AND TRAFFIC LINES 12'-0 36'-0" z'-o' ®®®®G O M 0 0 0 6 0 4'-0 TYPICAL DETAILS y 0 NO SCALE AZOA LEGEND LINES DWI. G1211441'LkET 5"EET TEETs LEFT EDGELINES MEDIAN ISLANDS MARKERS 4"white (DIVIDED HIGHWAYS) ® TYPE A7 Yellow 4"Yellow DETAIL 24 Nf DETAIL 28 Non-reflective a 1 FE STEREU a1Yll ERGIwEER +, ® TYPE D Two-way �� Direc+io of Travel ``•DDn,ll E. Yell a PLANS 1 2006 nwot Edge of traveled T Ret reflec+i ve EONS.PP�ov.t DATE 3-31-0 9 way ® rro swr.r cwrcw,v>n.drrm.> • 'w'ae1 TYPE H e-waY Yellow ee °w°'°�`,,,.A'„'..•'„ ,.+w^.rwe °m.. ' ��°• Y I low DETAIL 25 H1 E 1 RetroreflectTve INTERSECTION Tu pemlm Cnr Gm"o su4 w b weloww4dmgav y Etlge of traveled Way —► of TREATMENTS ® DETAIL 34 10o'- 24'-0' @�—A DETAIL 25A DETAIL 29 z4._0,. 124`O" -{ i !� ® ®�! ��► 24'-0" ,� 24'-0" 24Q" _I_I 118'-0_��_I12-0"4,16'-0" 1B'-0" I12'-0"I gn � za•-(Y" ,� z4•-o'• I � DETAIL 34A 2'-0" 36'-0" 2'-0' 100'-0" `Etlge of traveled way � ` DETAIL 26 E 100'-0^ 1�2'-a'I 36'-0" z'-o"I I f Edge of traveled way -f� --= B,6, E —�� T�� —► —►,'c IN DETAIL 35 El ® ®�I ® IQ ® ,1 Is DETAIL 27 "j DETAIL 30 Wmwmwmz�jp CO)—► Edge of traveled way DETAIL 35A �a"0„ `I'I 6-6" I 4B'_0. RIGHT EDGELINES ®®®®®®®®®®®®�—{ _�I r 100'-0" 1T'-0" v -1 T_d• TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANES MARKER DETAILS r BST;IEz;4r Detail 27Adeleted DETAIL 31 DETAIL 27B —T o x 3T/e"4�e' 1 )„12.0"} 76•_0" '-0"I 36•_0" Edge Of traveled way - - RIGHT EDGELINE EXTENSION THROUGH DETAIL 32 96'-0' a O^o INTERSECTIONS ® za•o" , 24•-0" za._0" ,} 24'_0^ 24•-0" l 24'-0^ ® DETAIL 27C T� TYPE AY TYPE D TYPE H ® „ _"I 36'-0" 112'-0"I 36,-0" _I12'-0"I 18'-0" 1 ® Retroreflective Face O O jI OMIR= ® ® � DETAIL 33 96'-0'• STATE OF CALIFORNIA 24'0" �, 24'0" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAVEMENT MARKERS AND ® LO" TRAFFIC LINES TYPICAL DETAILS 4'-0" I.- 1, 16=0" 12,_0••1 10,_0„ 18•_0•• 112'-0•'l 781_01• ®®®® ® ®®®® 0000 021—f NO SCALE �� 96'-0" -I --,, AGob SHEET T E[T EXIT RAMP NEUTRAL AREA (GORE) TREATMENT DETAIL 36 RE/5 ERED CIVIL ENOIUEER ApiFS ° �► Edge of traveled way (mainline) Donald E.f 24'-0" May PLINS AP—AL2006 _ C464 DATE a G6<Ot 0 a 01 01 �T w.+r dwi,v e..wr,:ra,fd °r cmL aJ a 8"White See Data-1 27B q"White line �aw.,.wAdamrncomr>.°r mr°°w�° r'to-rwr�" �. Line 5+d Plan A208 � Ta pyro lh CAMrms vsD slk Wla fnp/�dalmPr ^9 0 See Detail 25A Stoll Pion Aloe LANE DROP AT EXI RAMP m D 0 See De+ai 1 36 DI DETAIL 37 Repeat at%x '1e intervals 3•_o" 30'-0" 30'-0" 30'-0"4"Yellow line 30' Edge of traveled way (ramp) —+r u u a ENTRANCE RAMP NEUTRAL AREA (MERGE) TREATMENT 9 O E3 ® CD ® O ® = O ® O a Is DETAIL 36A 4"White line 3'-0' 2'- o•• a"White line see Plan See Edge of traveled ray (mainline) 510 P Plan A20D �! See Details 278 DETAIL 37A Repeat of% mile intervals 31-V" S"31B." Cl) Sid Plan A206 0'-0" - '-0" 30'-0" 6'-0' 6'-0"*300'-O 4"White line y --► .i 'D See Detail 8.9 or 10 Std Plan A20A 88 a 88 88 ® 88 88 ® 88 88 ® 88 88 ® 88 H8aB"White line Type A markers Optional z 4"Yellow line —� 6'-0" ' ' 2' 0' See 4,- Edge of traveled way(ramp) Std Plan A20D 'D a line shown� N� *snort auxiliary elanes9 Where weaving lengthmi ttcrrit cal. w e OR See Details 25A LANE DROP AT INTERSECTIONS .� Std Plan A208 3•-' ENTRANCE RAMP NEUTRAL AREA (ACCELERATION LANE) TREATMENT DETAIL 37B o'-o" r.a DETAIL 36B 4"White line Edge of troveled way (mainline) I I Z y o a o L= a s oI ® o a o o a o a m m e"White line Sea Plan l 38 Sea Details 27B IF-.yam•- See Detail 0 Std Plan A208 a Through traffic�i` n a 6"White line ' DETAIL 37C - e"White line 30'-0" 30'-0" 0•-0" 30'-O" 6'-0• q"Yellow line a Edge of traveled way (ramp) a A"o 88 9 88 88 88 88 88 88 a 88 88 ® 88 A888Q8188 N� MARKER DETAILS 6•_0 �B'-o" /] a �� : II 11 I MI 3'-0' 2'-a' 3'-0' See Detail 38C See Detail 25A a�� 3T�`•-ql `m 3T/a'-q%".`•�m� Through traffic—� Sta Plan a20D Std Plan A203 II^e J~Il-t —,—T- ==1f. —F STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LEGEND PAVEMENT MARKERS MARKERS O c p TYPE A White Non-reflective AND TRAFFIC LINE ® TYPE O Red-clear Retroreflective TYPICAL DETAILS TYPE O one-way Clear Retroreflective TYPE A TYPE C TYPE G NO SCALE —4— Direction of Travel ® Retroreflective Face A"0^ DIST couNrr aourE osT uILEs CHANNELIZING LINE LEGEND TOTAL PRedECt S MARKERS DETAIL 38 8"White Line pX� ,�prG 0 TYPE A White Non-reflective RE sit ENGINEER— °p0"`c'Owr ® TYPE AY Yellow Non-Reflective O`v[—W E. DI 1 Dl —( May 1,2006 - Now: 29'-0" 24'-0" TYPE G One-way Clear Retroreflective PL 5 APPROVAL DATE : nsADz Through Traffic—i rr. c,rm erns w �i3-3� 9 4"Yellow Line wA+r+•ndr n.'A,% �ma,r�+A,�F DETAIL 38A B"White Line !� Direction of Travel h,eh tlr Cd1r=v AfAW f¢W/~&mw MARKER DETAILS Retroreflective pavement Retroreflective pavement marker at either marker at downstream 3 end of recesa O-�IIE",See Note 3 end of recess 0-/,s',See Note 3 i DETAIL 38B e^White Line SECTION A-A >I SECTION B-B -I a u Ell Oo Q I- 24'-0" . Retroreflective pavement Retroreflective pavement marker of either �� marker a+downstream A f end of rece end of recess DETAIL 38C A �F_ _- _ � _ _ O TYPE A & TYPE AY TYPE G —vJ O a B B B B B a B B B B B a y ®Retroreflective Face 2'-0" 11'-0" Finished Min Min Min M Finished Roadway surface PLAN —� - PLAN CO) 24'-0" 24'-0'• Roatlwa Surface 4"to 8" Two-Way Traffic One-Way Traffic (Type 21 (Type 1) Z �0 to% RECESS DETAIL FOR p BIKE LANE LINE RETROREFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKER 8 DETAIL 39 �6"White Line ,,••Thermoplastic Material fir.. DETAIL FOR RECESSED 4r%i 4%" 47.c 4k" RECESSED MARKER NOTES: THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE }— ��� 1.See typical traffic line r INTERSECTION LINE details or ker patterns See Notes A and B. to be used with recessed Z BIKE LANE x pavement markers.Detail 14A RECESSED THERMOPLASTIC NOTES e ® !I ouires a Type 2 recess. .,�� DETAIL 39Q 200'-0" Intersection A.See typical traffic line details for Retroreflective Face� 2.The retroref lect ive a pavement marking patterns- __— O O O N non-recessed installations o B.The top of the thermoplastic installed are not to be us d for White Line (n recessed pavement shall be 0 to%" non-recessed installations. below the pavement surface. 0 3.The top of p vement markers installed in recesses shall be 0-3(6"below the LANE LINE EXTENSIONS TYPE C & TYPE D TYPE G & TYPE H pavement surface. THROUGH INTERSECTIONS See Notes 1 and 2. DETAIL 40 DETAIL 4DA RETROREFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKER 1-0 t r 6°f —i ''-0 FOR RECESSED INSTALLATION ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 00goo000 4"White Line Type A Non-Reflective STATE OF CALIFORNIA CENTER LINE EXTENSIONS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION THROUGH INTERSECTIONS PAVEMENT MARKERS DETAIL 41 DETAIL 41A AND TRAFFIC LINES 1 ; �y ---, r9'-o^ TYPICAL DETAILS ® ® ® ® 0 0�® 0 0 ® NO SCALE 4"Yellow Line Type AY Non-Reflective A GOD DISi CWNTT RWTE TaPoLTPROJEtT sxEET SxEETS NECI CIVIL ENGINEER p„a Duw I E.•�^s May 1,2006 PLAN a PLANS APPROVAL. ATE a [IfiAOt s m T'Pw'ro"w>rv®`v�` e i� 7'-0" io➢1N ik Co7ras m1.4R W fn Ittp1/wrabimgo 10'-0" 10 O a z o v o ) Tao 6 V r a z MY FF71 N W 1'-0"GRID I 1'_0., 1'-0"GRID 1'-0"GRID I 11•_0• 1'-0'•GRID A=42 sq ft A=73 sq ft A=45 sq ft TYPE III M ARROW TYPE III (B) ARROW TYPE II II-) ARROW A=59 sq ft (FOR TYPE III (R) USE MIRROR IMAGE) (FOR TYPE II (R) USE MIRROR IMAGE) TYPE II (B) ARROW STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTE: PAVEMENT MARKINGS MINOR VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS ARROWS MAY BE ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER. NO SCALE A 24B �—JI DI ST COUNTY ROUTE TOTAIT>ROJE LT REGI TEREO GT AlaCIVI R GINEER sse�x t0 L. April 20,200112 - C1077G ft—',vvvovu TE ` 3-3113 /"SYa4��bvNe v!I�Yllre-i v [R l ru6� b To OOGOII mriv p1crw dd d O O ' p � 1 0 1•-C GRID m _�" m 1=14 sq ft TYPE I 10'-0" ARROW 4` N v O I'O"GRID A=36 sq ft TYPE ffi ARROW Z " 1'-0"GRID { ._0 I 1 . p 7'_3„ 2._0" � o A=25 sq ft 1'-0"GRID i v TYPE I 18,-0" ARROW s 1'-0" Z sq it »{ TYPE 4I ARROW A=31 sq ft RIGHT LANE DROP ARROW TYPE I 24'-0" ARROW I'-0"GRID 1'-0" (FOR LEFT LANE, 4761 =15 6 ft USE MIRROR IMAGE) TYPE Ig(U9 ARROW N (FOR TYPE IY(R)ARROW, �1 USE MIRROR IMAGE) A=33 sq ft TYPE Y ARROW STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTEC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MINOR VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS 1'-O"GRID 11 PAVEMENT MARKINGS MAY BE ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER. A=2T sq ft ARROWS 6"GRID 15" 'l f TYPE ARROW NO SCALE A=3.5 sq ft (FOR TYPE➢II(R)ARROW, RSP A24A DATED APRIL 20,2012 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A24A BIKE LANE ARROW USE MIRROR IMAGE) DATED MAY 1,2D06-PAGE 9 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A24A Whit Blue OI ST COUNTY ROUTE TOT�ITPfio.EiECT S Ap SHEETS �. R ISTERED sO 2'-0"x width la'E. of lane = Naoa Pu6.2008 "" _ CO61a2 na s sPP-0 OI ]-3t-09 rro sme I camm°a m mno-.,s o c } ---{ rl Ts--my goal d.W oa r+f A v �D 0 4^ 0 m 1'-0"GRID A=11 sq It y DIAMOND SYMBOL � v I� 4"GRID 3'-4' 6"GRID A=7 sq It A (Waite]=9 sq It ° BIKE LANE SYMBOL A (Blue)=14 sq It Z INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL v OF ACCESSIBILITY MARKING 1-M III, -N I I I I I vn-N I I I I r a z 1'-4e 1"GRID 10" A=2 sq It BICYCLE LOOP � DETECTOR SYMBOL NOTE: 1.Minor variations in dimensions may be accepted 0 by the Engineer. 2'-0"x width of lone I STATE OF CALIFORNIA IL DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -7 1'-O"GRID PAVEMENT MARKINGS A=7DsgIt 4 —{I 4 —I 4, SYMBOLS AND NUMERALS RAILROAD CROSSING SYMBOL m 4-B m 4'-8 I i 4-1, I NO SCALE *70 sq ft DOES NOT INCLUDE THE 2'-0"x VARIABLE A=16.5 eq It A=19.5 sq ft RSP A24C DATED JUNE 6.2008 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A24C WIDTH TRANSVERSE LINES. ^ NUMERALS DATED MAY 1,2006- PAGE 11 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A24C 11►1111111111111�IIIIIII1111111Illetir IIIIII111111i1�11//1111p11111e1/,111 mrr11111111111111[9 /,11\IIIIII//I111111 111111111111111111 ���-� 111►u111111iI1111111111n111'I1111611d 1111110111111 111)kqillllllllulllu 1.II1I;fill 1111111111110 IIIIIIIn1111111111 MUUMUU IIMIll1111111111111111111111111111r1 ll1i111111111111111111111111111r111iC1 IlurlIllunulunulhe 1XI1111111"11111111 1111111111111111111111 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'1'1 11111111111111111111111IM1111111111r1a DD'1111111111111111111 IM11111111111III :.. IIIIIIIIIIIII1111111KI IIII1111 11 1111I RIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1UnIItIJ11 111I111111111IMI Id 111111n111111111 111111111111111111 i 11411111111:1111111111111 gill 111111 191'I'111e11111[IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIl11C1 1111111 911111111111 t '1111111111111111 111r4111111111' IAAI I 11 UIII1111111111I AI 111111 nrlllillill un1.n11i1rinllnlnn{I 1111111111111111111111111111111111►`I If�I�111111111I11111111 11►I1111111111ONE 111111 1111111111111111111111 unununngllnmFlnllllal1111111I1 IIn11111111111111n�111111n1IU111 IIIIIIIIIn111111111111 �11111111111lI11111I 1111111111111111111111 IIIIIIItlluninllrnlinlnlrllrununl 11111111111111111111,1111111111111.V,1 1{{{I 111111111111111r.l IUIII1r1111/11IM l Il11llllul!111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI11r1111111,111I11I1I111u1 III Iin111111111111n11111111[ll1Ul1 1 11111111111111111►I 111111111111111111.111 II clllllllllllllllll 11111►Il�llllllllllllllfll(1111111111111 1111111111111111111111%11111111111\II'I IIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIII;I 11r'/11111111r/llnlll( 1I�1uI11U1111111111 ���\II,1l11111111,1�111,11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIn1111111111191 111111111111i111111 11111[111111►111111 IIIr111111111,111 lllllllllllilllllltnlltlllll 1111111111111111111111111P Illlllllllllllulllll I111111111111►IIInI ldlillllllilllnlll 1'/llll'/►11111111'/1111'11111111 1111111111111111111111►1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIvI IIIIIIIIIIIMIMI n1IIIIII111111IIIIIH I llil l ll�l l it 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 111111111111111111111111 Il 11 111 l 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 l 111 1 1 1 lilt l 11 1 1 1 111 1 1 111 1 1 11 l l l l ll� IJIIII11111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIv11111111111 MIIIrMI11111111t1 1111111111111111111 lilt I1111111111 IIC11111111111111111111111111 1.11111111111111111111111 IIIIIIllt111115111.u11 f11111111111:111111 Iuuutn InIunu 1�111111111111111111111111111 IIII Ill lln l 111lllill1,11 l 11 l 11111111111111 111U/11117 IIII I III II IIIh11111 IIII 11 l l l lll'l l l 111 u►nnunnnnunnnnn unmunnunnullluun mununnrunl�l nnunnnunm uuuununn enunlmuuuuuuunu ulnluuunuulluuuunl lununnunnun nnuuuunum wnuunnm 11r,11111111111111111111,111111 In111111111111'Inllll►,1 111111111/,IIIIIUIIIIIII 11111111111111111111 FIFAIIIIIIIIII1111 11111111111111111111111111111 IIIt1111111111111111III fill 11II111I11111111CIA 111111111111111111111 11111411111111111111111 11 \Ir91►111111111►11/111111r'/1lilt 1111111111111111111111.1 IIIIIIICII'/llllllllll 1111111111111111111 111111111111►117 G11111HORitlnll►ullnlu/,nuuu I,n1111G11lilt11111I11[11111 1111[il[11111111111 11►1111G1111111111111 • IIIIlI11111111111101111i11Ulllllle t111111111111J1111111i111111 11111111111111111n 11N11n1111111111[II 171111111111111111G11111111'/111111111 pul III III�111111111111fill IIIIIIInI1111n(1111 11►11111'111111111111111 11Ia1111111111111111111111111a1111111 ulilnulnitunuunn I11111111111111111111 11111111111111[III(1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 I,�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 uunuunnnr,lulnnumnul acanrinnlullnunu umunuunluul rl.nnunnuu11m1 111111111111111111141116r1111111111111 191111111111i�1'111i1sIJ11111 111111111111111111111 nl►unlnnlulnllll ulununminer,nnnnnnnnluul lnvnllu111ItIIlumnnnI llrnnnnnunuv nrnu nnnuuul{I 111�11111111!�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII �f11111111111N111111111111111 1111111111111111�1111 I111111�11�111111111111 Iarluvnuuul[rllrnlee�rinIA upIIIurnuallrrlunu uluuuuuulunl nluuw umnnul nunnnlnnnuuuuaunmv uunnnnu`Innluuu fill umn[III nuulunmunlnllll Ir%1►11/1111111111111111111'/lll1111 1U'/l l ll'11'JI 1111111111'llll 111111111111111111111 1111'11111FA I III11111111 IN .1 11111.L111n MINIMA 11111Fill /n1111I11/111111`►1 11►111111111`►1 ®®�m�© IN it111ID11I111 Ilillllllllfill11111, Illlllnlllllnl1�11 IIINIIIl111U0 ®well®deem em 11�11111r/llll[[ IIi1111111119 lunrlulnluunl 1111n1I1 IIIIIIIIIIIII II11111t111n1 nnun►unllu nunuuunl m nrnu{Inuuunl u.nnulnlm nunnnln11 11 Innluulllullllll Innllnllnl ���m ulrllmluull nunnul.0 nlIN '1Ic11111111nn1111,1 Ir►,nurlunl 1111111r1.t111111 IIIIIIIgfillI111111111 191111111111111111Di 111r41111[IIII 11►11111111111111 11111111111111111111111 119111 III IIII I Ir41 11�11111111111 ; 111111111{IIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111 11111{{{i11111111111 11111111111111 n:uunmulm unrlrrlvn�num i�rnnmulu11eu1 ununnu�l lnrinulrnul tlnl�n►�nuuun unnumuwlIIn rnumunn, u;unnulml nul m nuuw cvnnmuclrnlul rnnnnunl -1 COUNTY I ROOITE Y05 �jfCT SxEE1 SxCETG all flEGI ERED CIVI NiE GINEER sssoyV July 20,20L 2 e`OT M P 0775 APPROVAL }lf-3 f Yd.d CWfdNs>R�mldr�v ` [Rt mM'evev �rMGY Ica h aap'u M,pm <N'v 100 eI 1 00I TO ao=,wv au dde0 A=24 ft2 A=27 ft2 A=21 ft2 A=22 ft2 A=14 f+2 N JAILIN O o> m m WORD MARKINGS v ITEM ft2 ITEM ftz y LANE 24 NO 14 —I ml 11 POOL F BIKE 21 ""� 1 �- CAR I BUS 20 D CLEAR 27 1 ONLY 22 Z �-T q _I�� I^ Z I�^ KEEP 24 f FWY 16 Q A=23 ft2 A=24 ft2 A=20 f+2 A=16 ft2 A=17 ft2 a v 1.If a message consists of more than one word,it should read"UP", r' I'O"WHITE LINE i.e.,the first word should be nearest the driver. 2.The space between words should De at least four times the height Z of the characters for low speed roods,but not more the n Ten times the height of the eh0racters.The space may De retluced All I W ]:2 �1 oppropr,ately where there is limited space becouse of local conditions. 3.Minor variations in dimensions may be accepted by the Engineer. CA 4.Portions of a letter,number or symbol may be separated by connecting LIMIT LINE (STOP LINE) segments hot to exceed 2"in width. A S•The word 6"NO PARKING"pavement marking is to be used for parking focIIities.For typical locations of markings,see Standard Plans A90A and A90B. III X 11111 1 1 #NI I� I/�1/I 1-0� �-- 6.The words"NO PARKING",shall De painted in white letters no less than m n�� 'Isib high on c enforcement officia and located eo that it le visible to traffic entarcemenT fficIdls. WHITE SERIES OF ISOSCELES TRIANGLES I My STATE Of CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1�'• I•-- DIRECTION TRA L OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS A=2 ft2 WORDS, LIMIT AND YIELD LINES See Not-6 and 7 YIELD LINE NO SCALE RSP A24E DATED JULY 20,2012 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A24E DATED MAY 1,2006-PAGE 17 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 20D6. REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A24E California MUTCD 2012 Edition Page 766 (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition,as amended for use in California) Figure 3B-102(CA). Examples of Fire Hydrant Location Pavement Markers TWO LANE STREET MULTI-LANE STREET 6 in 6 in TWO LANE STREET FOUR LANE STREET WITH AT INTERSECTION TURN LANE AT INTERSECTION 6in 6 in A hh Y Y ■ 6 in 6 in MULTI-LANE STREET FREEWAYS AND WITH TURN LANE EXPRESSWAYS c )-a. 1-d' -6in w -► 6in J V m LEGEND Fire Hydrant ■ Blue Retroreflective Raised Pavement Marker NOT TO SCALE Chapter 3B—Pavement and Curb Markings January 13;2012 Part 3—Markings B Retaining curb C Retaining auroif necessory a+edge if necessary al " r of sidewalk 0.45' IST couRry P 4-.-r etlge W sidewalK _ '� Sidewalk I% 11 I � 6, y'�-" �REG]STEFCa Civil EMGINEEF See Notes 1° Min See I vs 1�10 and 11 ° Note 7 8.33 2%Nax 33Y. sidewalk I Ikcf,r x ease Dip I` Front Nax c Na% 2X Max Sidarolk P a ulssl - Ix I _ O Se seAPPROVAL'o II sadero k ^'Iz - oiler see x Maxy mg 8° w(; BNax% >- Note T x oo °°s m o RAISED TRUNCATED DOME �.."-wry 'v"r „ `` a"s o 0 999S °" NOTES: ro arm Pas pan,;11, 1 OX Max'° 0 1 OX Mox ,�, gym"` at curb : of curb li�'rant Front etl a kO 1111IV71 °" n oa g Note T 1. As site conditions dlctote,Case A Through Cose G curb ram may De °°.tea dge of Of bitlewalk �lJ Sea Notes paetl fOr Corner installations similar to+hose SMwn in Detail A and siaeealk 10 and 11 Detail B.The case of curb ramps u tl in Detail A do not have to De °e" CASE C the same.Case A through Case G curb ramps also may be used at 10Y.Max mitl black locations,os site conditions dictate_ tV N n 10Y.Nab B See Notes at Curb A a4 chop 2. If distance from curb to Dock o4 sidewalk I.too short to 10 and 11 .Sidewalk t 2%1ommodate ramp antl 4'-O"platform (landing)as shown in Case A, CASE A CASE B cox 2X Sidewalk the sidewalk may De depressed longitudinally as in Case B,or C or O> —�—�///w-''�����J see �o Nx I IF edge o cNax may De rldene0 as in Case D. f Note T s of sitlewalK NotSaoe T a �xl ''�� _ 17 10%Max 3. When ramp Is located in_center of curb return,crosswalk .� �. —?A _ at curb configuration must Oe similar to that shorn for Detail B. m �yQl 2X ynr Lront Sidewalk xGo 2Y. Sidewalk L ede of 4. AS site conditions dictate,theretaining curb side and the flared1 I I see ide of the Cose G ramp shall be constructed in reversed position. osea Notes see I 10 and 11 I I Note 7 co eining eon` oa�6 I 5. If Ixated on a curve,Tne sitles of the ramp nee0 not be parallel, Note T o I 10%Maz '°°w (bothbut the minimum widhoftheramp shall De4-0". m Front at curw�—. "°: afnoo�aedgeof s°=�°" ) 6. side slope of ramp with vary uniformly from a maximum of 10%at Is t0ewalk 10X.Maz curb to conform with longitudinal sidewalk slope adjacent to top of at curb the ramp,except in Casa C and Co..F. 4'-O"Win I CA see Notes Retaining 4'-0"Nin see Notes 10 x Front 10 11kand 11 Curb —"� and 11 T• The wrD ramp shall De outlined,os shown,pith a 1'-0"ride o°8^x°° Sa�',x„°"° ed of %"9roovea a roximotel y Planting border with ge pp y �/� on center.see tOX Mox [o:o.oo : 10Y.Naz oreo °°o sltleralK .CASE F grooving detail. at curb ° °°: at curb B BPd B° Retaining CASE G 8. Transitions from ramps and landingg to walks,gutters or streets z Curb(waTh Sea Note 4 shall be flush and free of abrupt changes. ISee Notes 10 sides of A Mln and 11 ramp) ZI ter ToD of ramp 8. Maximum slopes of b riming gutters,ble road surface immediately llne \ 4'-D"Yin djacent to the curb ramp or accessible route shell not exceetl4'_0 al 6" _____ oeC5 Mn ��J Typ See No+e 9 -- 7 percent within 4'-0"of the top and bottom of the curb romp. CASE D CASE E 2%Max FI 0_C.r.ramps Shall have a detectable earning surface that extends 8.33%Max the full Idth and 3'-0"depth of the ramp.Detectable Warning .� Where a flared side curs SECTION A-A surfaces moll conform tp the dto ei is on this plan and+he in r provide 2'-O"straight curb requirements the Special Provisions. Y 11.The edge oT the detectable warning surface nearest the street o Gutter Retaining curb shall be between 6"and B"from the gutter flwline. Z f loxline if necessary I 12.S idewalk and romp thickness,"T",shall be 3/x"minimum. r o 0 4 ECR Rountled —"1 13.Utility pull poxes,manholes,vaults and all other utility facilities within the boundaries of the curb romp rill be relocated or Q adjusted to grade by The owner prior to,or in conjunction with, V curb ramp construction. /� �` see Note g SECTION B-B 14.For retrofit conditions,removal and replacement Be chow apron SldewalK t,�a y Depress entire sidewalk as required will at the Contractor's option,unless otherwise shown on D project plans. W RataCID ln curb if g ce ter Gutter to'35" T® ® ® D I necessary center spacing c w• flowl ine ------- $iderolk A 4r( '1��ti ter_______---_ �o Fl BCR /N 2X Mo RAISED TRUNCATED DOME PATTERN (IN-LINE! ore Where a flared Approximately 3i DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE a� de Occurs de Note 9 SECTION C-C provi 2'-O"straight curb �-- t I�•' See Note 10 Crosstalk if provided Limit of pay I �, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4'-0"Min 'D + > + ". DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Crosstalk if rorided DETAIL B Net. 14 Rounded ____---- -1 "GROOVING DETAIL CURB RAMP DETAILS TYPICAL ONE-RAMP Z `T DETAIL A CORNER INSTALLATION see T7 N SCALE ote 9J R$P AeeA DATED SEPTEMBER 1,2006 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A88A N TYPICAL TWO-RAMP CORNER INSTALLATION See Nate. I and 3 RETROFIT DETAIL DATED MAY 1,2006- PAGE 115 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. See Note 1 Existing curb and sidewplk REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A88A DIST CWrvIY R TE vOST xo�i_T SXEEr SxEE L Raised Island Slope passageway to drain 2%Max B REd(STEREO CIVIL ENGINEER p,pv[v See Note 4 �� w•r Moy 1,2006 FwW a 1,111 If necessary,construct retaining Curb romp, Curb ramp, a cetvsr PLAmS aP�OVAL DACE See Note 9 8 o c See Na+e 9 W [' (1� curb at edge of sidewalk �g � $ �A� �n ti.v _ arcaving, wa,•r@a see Note 2 See Note 4 �DetactWarning le To pfiD lit CdlrmS nffi stk Wto 81W/w.vGfnWa' warning surface, NOTES: �S See Note 3 S� 5'-0"Min r 8 T 1.a°y9 $i mini ramp and passageway thickness,"7",snail be 31/,"z�minimum. �888m°°88 2%Mox 8.3% Sidewalk r Ma% 0 2. For details of grooving used with Casa CM curb ramp,see egm° a o m z S}dndard Plan A88A. o 0 NI • F 3. For aetails of detectable warning surfaces,see Standard 88 + a r N Plan A88A. 4. Where an land possage way length is less than 6'-a' Detectable warning the detectable warning surface shall extend the full witl}n surface,See Notes 3 BCR Raised Islan and full depth of the passage way length.Where an ands. Cr.svalk is land passage y length greater than or equal to If provided fi'-0",but less than 8'-a,"each tletectable warthog surface N' A shall extend the full width antl 2'-0"depth of the O TYPE A PASSAGEWAY possage way length.1Thera an island passage way 0 CASE CM CURB RAMP length s greater than or quaI o s'-0 each detectable warning surface she 11 ex+entl that full width and 3'-0" Raised Island depth of the passage ray length. {�4 tea" See Nate 4 r Case CM curb ramp,the edge of the detectable warning (� I ace near In eat the street 6fwll be between 6' and Detectable 8"from the gutter flow line. Raised Island Warning Slope passogeroY Surf.Not B '= 6. Transitions from ramps to wal Ks,gutters or streets shrill to drain 2%mac See Nate 3 —f be fluan and Free of abrupt changes. Z Detectable Curb romp, 1 7. Maximum slopes of adjoining gutters,the road surface 0 Warning '/� Curb ramp, Surface, —'n) 5ee Note 9 o c _ Immediately adjacent to the cuPo romp or accessible route See Note 9 See Note 3 _ Sae Note 4 shall not exceed 5 percent within 4'-0"of the top and _ y '_- '. x• bottom of the cure romp. c E Sea Nate 4 v - v'�p�tC �o� e. Utility pull boxes,manholes,vaults and all other utility D `y a �elac tea ortes tadjusted tohe ndaries of+he curl grade by the owner p for to,be V See Note 4 1^ or in conjunction with,curb ramp construction. 9. For additional curb ramp details,see Standard Plan A88A. A See Note 4 Imo- — oa �` Slope passageway p Zr �Aa4 Y to drain 2% % Oa i m Curb ramp Curb romp, O m See Note 9 x s 5ee Note 9 �? In 0 y` TYPE C PASSAGEWAY TYPE B PASSAGEWAYClear passageway STATE OF M Typ Surface of raised island DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Retaining curb Gutter if necessary f'�1t� CURB RAMP AND �— --- ---- ISLAND PASSAGEWAY DETAILS Retaining curb NO SCALE see Note T SECTION B-B SECTION A-A ASSB ISA Parking Sign, Curb Romp'See S Note 7 �Ir� olsr C011Tr —E rot Pao E.:, sNeErs See Notes 2 and 13 Retaining curb ISA Parking Sign, ISA Parking Sign, if necessary See Notes 2 and 13 See Note 13 fjL Max '° Curb ramp 8.33% 8.33% Sidewalk See Note f Max Max REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER s�OVr, 2'-0 Min N n• Retaining curb If necessary II>tu See Note 3 �som•id taewo area Q June 6.2008 _G19ir1 area L Sidewalk Max ioF 4"White line diagonal. June 6.2008 D.re > 4'^White NIo at 3'-0'Max centers,See Note 8 rm ssa a Gwrcrn° ne ante.:r 3 See line dlagonals at iFx Note 3 3'-0"MOx centers, Nax Max �..aw:,rov°aW.l m.pe:,4�'•aQ°..Na"�♦ See Note e a q"White Curb1 Oe / e 3 Curb q• 4"White I ins To aoGWR'NgY p d" mz line Blue Note 3 \ ii NOTES: line \ ,� Y/ 4°white line See borders alb line a borders 1.Accessible pork ing spaces serving a particular building shall De Note 9 line borders e- located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent •o„ parking to an accessible entrance.]n parking facilities that Co Regular non-acttaeiDle 4.. not serve a particular Duiidfng,ocoesaiDle parking shall be locates PJ ISA Marking White line 4� on the shortest access lot.route of travel to on accessible at rear limit parking stall See Note 9 pedestrian entrance of the parking facility. 0 f shall,See 9'-0"Min Detail A ISA Marking 2.One in every eight accessible off-street porkingo stalls,but not � 5'-0"Yin for regular accessible parking stall at rear limits less than one,shall 1e aerved by an accessible late f 8'-0- 0 'in for van accessible parking stall, p DeinA'See minimum widlh and shall De signed van accessible.TheoR7-8b sign See Notes 2,11 and 12 - shall be mounted below the R99B (CA)plague or the R99C(CA)sign. f•` SINGLE PARKING STALL ISA Marking at �� 3.In each parking stall,a curb or bumper shall be provided and M rear limits of stall, o located to prevent encroachment of vehicles over the required C Curb ramp,Sea Note T See Oe+oil A width of walkways.Parking stalls stall be s loeoted that persons J with 0isabiI+ties are not compelled to wheel or Walk behina parked (a c a q,_0, White ISA cars other Phan thair own. _ 5'-0"Min between regular m Sidewalk x Q a r YTn 7 occeas ible parking stalls 4.Surface slopes of accessible off-street parking stalls shall be the o I ISA Parking Sign, passe percent in any direction. ISA Parking Sign, r % al See Note 17 8'-0'uin to tin right of minimum possible and shall not exceed 2 See Notes 2 and 13 1 each van occet siDle Lv White parking stall, 5.Table A shall be used to determine the requires number of (n h border See Notes 2 and 12 accessible parking stalls in..an parking lot or garage. 2'-0•Min 6.Where Plaque R99B (CA),Sign R99C (CA)or Sign R7-8b are Installed, unobstructed DIAGONAL DOUBLE PARKING STALLS area the bo+tom of ilia sign or plaque panel shall be a minimum of See See Blue nC�_ 7'-0"above the surrounding surface. Z Note 3 Note 3 al.. �/ V _ line l borders 7.Curb tramps M11 conform To the details shown on Revised Standard 0 Pion SP A88A. a I e 8.Blue paint,instead of white may be used for marking accessibility See q"White ISA NARKING aisles In areas where snow may cause white markings to not be Note 9 line did net. see Revisetl 5+d Plan RSP A24C visible. at 3 D Max DETAIL A 9.The words"NO PARKING",shall be pointer in white letters no less cetera,Sea then 1'-0"nigh and locates o that It Is visible to traffic NOTe 8 s enforcement officials.Sea Revised Standard Plan RSP A908 for r ISA Marking• details of the"NO PARKING"pavement marking. at rear limit __ ______ ___ ______ 10.A R100B (CA)sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each Z of stole,See _ - _- UNAUTHORIZED VEIDCLES PARKED _ entrance to off-aTreet rkin facilities or Immediate) od scent Detail A I - - -' po g Y ] _ _ ____ _ -- __-_ IN DESIGNATED ACCESSIBLE to and visible from each stall.The sign shalt include+ha address 9'-0"Min 9'-0"Nin _ _ __ SPACES NOT DISPLAYING where the towed vehicle may be reclaimed and the telephone TV,-0"Yin Daireen regular - -- - -=- DISTINOUISMG PLACARDS OR number of the local traffic low enforcement agency. ccessible parkin stalls Is '-=``_:...__ ��:-= SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES ISSUED tt.Where a single(non-van)accessible 9 :-,,-- .'-" Parkin s is rovided,the -D"N1n to the rl hT of each " "" --_-- -- _g, FOR PERSONS WITS DISADILITIES loading and unloading occeas aisle shall be ointhe passenger sideof an occeseiDle Parking stall, D.:: DlD:: ° Wu RE TOPED AWAYYha vehicle as thevehicleIsgoing forwar0 into the Dork l ng space.ee Notes 2 an0 12 : '�, ;� :� .: AT SE 12 DOUBLE PARKING STALL _:. _ == o drunlo dinaccessible dr ds f tahe e,spa�'Ile wide mtvehicl,eand the lshall <O TABLE A s:O _ O: TOWED YEIBCLEO 9e 9 t passenger parking of e is as he venal e p """' """ MAY BE RECLAIMED AT going forward into thespace. �•�•�g �p �} (Insert Address) _ Total Number of Minimum Number W Disabled pOS p .. _ 13 A 'ble 8 Only Sign shall be Sign R99C(CA)or Sign R99(CA) Parking Spaces Accessible Parking SIGN fl99(CA) :-i withs Plaque PR998(CA). or stalls spaces or Stalls itSYUDA#RIPA OB DT TELEPHONING 1-25 1 ..=--.,-._-:- -_:::_ (Insert Telephone Number) ._.. .. ..................................... 26-50 2 51-75 3 � SIGN R99C (CA) SIGN R1008 (CA) SIGN 7-BD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 76-100 giLUls-�,iili5t:/ See Note 6 See Note 10 R See Notes 2 and 6 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 151-200 s PLAQUE R99B(CA)- .=---•_ ACCESSIBLE PARKING ioi-too i OFF—STREET 301-400 g SIGN R99 (CA)with PLAQUE R99B (CA) ISA=International Symbol of Accessibility 401-500 g See Note 6 NO SCALE 501-1000 2 percent of total OFF-STREET PARKING SIGNS RSP A90A DATED JUNE 6,2008 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A90A 2D plus 1 for each 100 or DATED MAY 1,2006-PAGE 117 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. Greater than 1001 proction thereof over 1001 (Parking lot or garage) See Nate 6 REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A90A DIST COUNTY ROUTE TOTAL PROJECT S T SKEET'S 5'-0"Min Direction of Travel � )SA marking at center See Note 7 rear limits of stall, See Note 5 See Detail A of Revised Standard Plan RSP A90A _ 4"Blue / EOISTEREO CIVIL ENDINEER •.e/ll„ / line bottler - Regular ,a Regular _ omfa Dorewo Parking Space Parking Space Juna 62008 : p1951 Ho PLANS APPROVAL DATE }11-10 D Tb Aam O Cdl/wwR v ee>r/pr.> Curb 4"white Itna 8.33 diagonals a+ Mmc In c k centers See Curb Note 6 in>: 1 w :1 Typ To aavCaDl,Alaw 4llnxi 5'-0"Min Curb flam III ue Painted Curb unobstructe0 area See Note 4 STderalK ISA Parking Sign, see rote 11 NOTES: C CONVENTIONAL 1. Parking spaces shall be so located that persons with d isabllifles are not compelled to wheel or Walk behind parked (see Note 9) Cara other than their own. 2. Surface slopes of accessible on-street parking spaces shall be the minimum feasible. m ISA marking of center Direction of Travel ��� rear limits of stall, See Note 5 3.where Plaque R99B (CA)or Sign R99C (CA)are installed,the bottom Sea Detail A of Revised of The sign or plaque panel shall be a minimum of T'-0"above the C St.Cord Plan RSP A90A m surr_noin9 surface. r T A. Curb ramps shall conform to the details shown on Revised m Standard Plan RSP A88A. v Regular PQr9Ki no Space 5. AccessiDle on-street parking spaces hall not be smaller in 2 length or width than that specified by the local jurisdiction for other parking spaces,but not leas than 20'-O'In length (n and not leas than 8'-0") width. NO PARKING Biue Painted Curb 6.Blue paint instead of white may be used for—king AS REQUIRED ISA Parking Sign, accessibil lty aisles in areas whore snow may cause white a See Note 11 markings to not be visible. Z Sidewalk 7.The words"NO PARKING",shall be painted in white letters no 0 CD - leas than 1'-0"high on a contrasting background and located so that it is visible To traffic enforcement officials.Sae Standard Plan A24E for square foot area for painting the words"NO PARKING". 0 B. There shall be no obstructions on the sidewalk adjacent to and RESTRICTED RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH for the full length of the parking space,except for the ISA parking sin shown. r 9. The Conventional o-at detail should be the primary choice of a ON-STREET PARKING -- --- accesatme on-street parking.However,it the sidewalk locks -_ -=- -- _ -- adequate space to construct o standard curb ramp,tna Z (Parallel parking) --_= _ _=_--- Reairiated Right of May oefai1 ahoulo be used. (see Note 10) 10.If the Restricted Right of way width detail is selected and It conflicts with a Dus stop or other rues,this detail may apply to the other eno of tte Nock. 0) U 1 l =❑ ^iI�U//T-till-T�1 ��� "�n'hhh 11.Accessible Parking Only Sign shall be Sign R99C (CA)or Sign R99 (CA) 3NI with Plaque R99B (CA). SIGN R99(CA) ;` O(IL4WI>u1i1011 SIGN R99C rL (CA) STATE OF CALIFORNIA see Note 3 DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION -- - ACCESS IBLE PARKING PLAGUE R99B (CA) ON-STREET SIGN R99 (CA)with PLAQUE R998(CA) See Note 3 NO SCALE PAVEMENT MARKING RSP A90B DATED JUNE 6.2008 SUPERSEDES STANDARD PLAN A90B See Note 7 GATED MAY 1,2006-PAGE 118 OF THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED NAY 2D06. ISA=International Symbol of Accessibility REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP A90B aI ST [ T07.STewILES Sn,E�EI SHEETS NOTES: Overlay(As appropriate) Unless otherwise specified in the special W20-1 nIW' -2R provisions,all temporary warning signs geclsT s� ctvll.cgclw�En— •p0 �04 ROAD 2 C20(CA)(R+) W4-2R shall have black legend on orange background. •`� sre4 NORK MWf LMiE See Note 15 _` r.Edarac( See Note 1 May 1,2006 AHEAD 0.AIEA� I See Note 16 California ode ore designated by(CA). p�AuS♦fVgov.L D,TE E163M Otherwise,Federal(MUTCD)codes ore shown. 6�=06 o a a o �rnm,dew°'��na dmrry?ac See Note 6 Cones 50'Max spacing Cones 100'11ax spacing _ to Idro m raltrus.N.sne w�mA/�.,we+wau • , • • Median shoulder 0 • r -t —q —• — •— •— —• —• — o— a~ •- ---• —• F •— • • f • • • • • • • • • Shoulder • See Note 8 See Note 12 ❑ 40' 1500 A Yin 3 canes across each closed land Advance yarning signs 1000' Min 1000'taper 1700' Min 1000'to er See Note T LAlE / and shoulder every 2000'.See Note 12. See Notes 3 and 4. `per lane closed Sea Note 1] per lane closetl CLOSED ® LANE CLOSURE C30(cA) A❑ ® N Median shoulder LANE C CLOSED �r Cones 50 Max spacing W4-lR See Note 14 C30(CA) 01 �! -- Median shoulder M shoulder N Optional taper Shoulder -- •--•-s o— — •—a �-• •� — F •� •—• -• — •- y 260' is k' • ° • v WORK AREA Shoulder t C �� S oulaer ❑6 1+ram tfooae rota • 640' R1ili Cones 5o'Max s cin Canes 50'OD Max spacing ® y fn Cones 50'Max spacing v SHCUDFA - [LOSDS W21-SbR G84 (CA)See Note 14 a SHOULDER CLOSURE LANE CLOSURE WDR r NOTES: AT EXIT RAMP AHD LANE CLOSURE Z w20-1 AT ENTRANCE RAMP i,Median lane closures shall conform to the 6. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 2000' 12. Unless otherwise specified in the special details for outside lane closures except of a stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA)"ROAD WORK provisions,a minimum of}cones shall LEGEND J that C20(CA)(Lt)signs shall be used. NEXT MILES",use a C20(CA)sign for be places transversely across each closed SIGN PANEL SIZE (Mltl� O the first advance warning sign. one and shoulder at each location where ® Traffic Cone I.At least one person shall be assigned to o taper across a traffic lane ends and provide full time maintenance of traffic 7. Place a C30(CA)sign every 2000'throughout every 2000'as shown on the"Lone ❑A 46"x 46" O Traffic Cane (optional taper) control devices for lane closures. length of lane closure. Closure"defai1.Two Type E barricades Q 54"x 46" �. Temporary Sign 3. Duplicate sign installations are not 6. One flashin error bi n for each IOne may be used instead of the 3 aonc6.The D 9 9 9, transverse alignment of the cones or required: closed.The first flashing arrow sign barricades on the closed shoulder may be ® Flaming Arrow Sign IFAS) shall be Type 1.A,I others may be shifted from the transverse alignment to 0)On opposite shoulder,if at least either Type for Type II. provide access to the cork. o o FAS Support or Trailer one-half a the traffic-available lanes —� Direction of Travel remain open to traf{ie- 9. A minim )where sight distance shall 13, Unless othervise pecif ie0 the special be provided where passible for vehicles provisions,the 17ao'tangent shown along -- Portable Flashing Beacon b)In the median if the width of the approaching the first flashing arrow Sign. lane lines shall be used between the 1000' I m dian shoulder is less than 8' lane closures mall not begin t top of tapers required for each closed traffic and the outside lanes are to be crest vertical curve or on a horizontal Ian&, closed. curve. 14. Unless otherwise specified'n The special 4.Each advance warning Sign on each Side ,O. 411 cones used for lane clobu re6 during Orovislons�fhe G84 (CA)and W4-1 51gns shall STATE OF CALIFORNIA of the rootivoy shall De equipped with at the hours of darkness shall De fittatl be used as shown. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION least two flags for daytime closure.Each with retroreflective bands be sleeves) flag shall be at least 16"x 16"in as specified in the specifications. 15, when s size and shall be or n r fluorescent peaified In the sDeaiallp�awisiona, TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM orange O o W4-2 LANE ENDS"symbol 99 to De red-orange in color.Floscp beacons 11. Portable delineators,placed at one-holf used In place of the C20(GA) "RIGHT LANE CLOSURE � I� shall be placed at the locations indicated the spacing indicated for traffic canes CLOSED AHEAD"sign. F O R LANE C L O S U R E ON for lane losure during hours of tlamcneSs. Ci�eGusaso instead of cones for daytime 16. FREEWAYS AND EXPRESSWAYS 5.A C14 (CA)"END ROAD WORK"sign,as o roDrioi¢, y The W4-2"LANE ENDS"symbol sign shown of PP thin iodation ib to be used Here the w4-z NO SCALE Shall be mess at the end of the lane sign ;6 Used s advance warning as closure unless the end of work area is described in Note 15. .ov or ends within o larger Project'. T1O D1al [ TOTiiTPRo.CiECT SnEC T EETS NOTES: See Note 5 Unless otherwise specified in the special W20-1 provisjonG,all temporary warning signs R/dt RE—t D clvlENGINEER — Rgpp shall have black legend on orange background. - ' wo,wo`[d+or`r WOPo( California code are deliggnoted by(CA). May 1,2006 a761B6 AHEAD Otherwise,Federal(MUTCD)codes are shown. PPRovrE DATE s-3D-06 ❑A Cones 50'Max Spacing Psrtn rr rwnvila Prfr<r " •-OR— 4 Advance owrrm�nm�rm r<-rm'odwumy e� 1 0' t <mwr.<r m.pm 4o-c..f��•warning signs, Min 280' 1 Min 1000'to 1700' / Min 1000'taper Min 500' Min 500' See Note 3 19'� per lane closed See Note 12 per Iona alosed taper Cones f00'Mox spacing (o It lk fdta wd,.e7A W b hwl—dd p 40' 15DO' 07`�See Nate 7 Soa Note 11 See Note 11 • • • • • • • ® See N e 11 • M i n shoulder • �� — — — - — — — — — — — _ — _� • •_• + e •— �6'Max — — — — — — — s 6'Mox • • •- • • Shoulder �� �` 2 Overlay (As appropriate) C30 (CA) l6T LANE C20(CA)(Lt) LANE CLOSURE WITH PARTIAL SHOULDER USE LANE CLOSED See Note 6 aoSm N Sae Note 1 ®AEAD C30(CA) LANE Q See Note 6 0 See Note 5 CLOSED C30(CA) See Note 6 C W20-1 LANE ❑ CROAD O ES RII0 0) ROAD ® QOSED Wggl ONE LANE AHEAD � PER LANE CA ❑A Cones B.'Max spacing Cones 25'Max s ocln Advance 1 00' \ warning signs, Min 0'\ Min 1000'to 1700' / Min 1000'toner / zw See Note 3 Pe 1700' Min 1000'ta e par lane closed See Note 12 per lone closed See Note i T per lane closetl N 0' 0 _�Sea Note 7 See M n to Itler • —► • • — See Note 11 j Q �1► — — — — — — — — — — — • ® • �f • • y — f — Se_NOf9 11 —See Note 13 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ •— •—• • • - txwlder __ Z overlay (AS appropriate 0E10UR 3 Overlay(As appropriate) OETOIAI w20-2 M4-10R FREEWAY AHEAo ❑B LEGEND i nosm Wzo-3 LEFT(Ats cz0(cA)tu) C aANF�iD COMPLETE CLOSURE ❑A Traffic Cane a See Note 14� ❑A See Note 1 ❑A f Temporary Sign NOTES: 1. Lone closures on the right side using partial median 7.One flashing arrow sign for each lane closed.The 12.Unless otherwise specified in the special j Barricade shoulder as a trait is lane shall conform to the first flashing arrow sign shall be Type L All others provisions,the 1700'tangent lawn long lane Flashing A details for inside lone closure except that C20(CA) may be either Type for Type➢. lines aholl be uses between the 1000'tapers ® 9 crow Sign(FAS) (Rt)signs stroll be used. required for each closed traffic lane. Asa FAS Support or Trailer 8.A in mum 1500'of signs ass tance stroll Da provitle. 2. At least One person shall be assigned t0 provide where.Possible for vehicles approaching the first 13.A minimum of Two Type D barricades shall be placed �� Direction of Travel full time maintenance of traffic control devices flashing arrow sign.Lane closures shall not begin at across each closed lone and shoulder at the for lone closures- the top of treat ve rTical verve or on a horiZonlal location shown and Query 2000'within the complete -�- Portable Flashing Beacon curve. closure area.Within The complete closure area, 3. Each advance warning sign on each side of the the transverse alignment of the barricades on the roadway stall be equipped With a+ least two flags 9.All ones..ad for lane elosurea during the hour.of close.shoulder may me shifted from barricades Transverse the far daytime closure.Each slag shall De at least darkness ahaD be fitted it retroref lective DOntls Alignment to provide access to the work. 16"% 16"in size and shall be orange or (or sleeves)as specified in the specifications. STATE OF CALIFORNIA fluorescent r d-.range In color.Flashing beacons 14.When specified +he special provisions,a DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION shall be placed of the locations indicated for lane 10.Portable delineators,placed aT one-half the spacing W20-2"DETOUR AHEAD"sign is to be uSao in plac0 closure during at of darkness. indicated for traffic cones,moy De used instead of the W20-3"FREEWAY CLOSED AHEAD"Sign. TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM of cones for daytime closures only. 4. A C14 (CA)"END ROAD WORK"sign,cs appropriate,shall F O R LANE A N D be placed at the ens of the tone closure unless the it.Unless otherwise specified in+he special provisions, SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) elld of work area Is obvious or ends within a larger a minimum of 3 cones shall be pl Goad transversely project's limits. across each closed lane and shoulder at each p 48"x 48" COMPLETE CLOSURES ON location where a taper across a traffic lane ends S. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 2000'of a and every,2000'as shown on the"Lane closure EB 48 x 18" FREEWAYS A N D EXPRESSWAYS stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA)"ROAD WORK NEXT—MILES", With Partial Shaul der Use'detail.Two Type D Use a C20(CA)sign for the first advance warning sign. lxlrricades may be used instead of the 3 cones. © 48"x 30" NO SCALE 6. place a C30(CA)signThe Transverse alignment Of the cones or barricades every 2000'throughout length of on the closed shoulder may be shifted from te •7 lone closure. transverse at,gnmen+to provide access to thhe work. T IOA DISTT/CWRTT I WTE Tpi��TvgoLiE[T snEET snEETs R 11ST REDS CIVIL E LEER TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE "pEeiardi May 1, C36366 �` PLANSAPPROVAL DATE " 6Y30-06 9'bVr�INdrtf/omOb a��"- � W'pmvat,r MxxmVr o,Yss n�i pM����?ry�� YrrI. To pw to Ih Cdfras Ref sffA go/a HIN4m,1o101W NOTES: Ativance warning signs, Sae Table 1 See Table 2 Unless otherwise specified in the special Sea Notes 1 &2 • • • • •i • • • • • • provisions,all temporary corning 'gns 500'to 750' 500410 750' S00'to 750' • • WORK AREA • • _� shall have black legend oggn orange background. California code are • ����� • otherwise,Federal(MUTCD)ncodeateds are shorn. Min F �I 100' Soo, I� N See Nate 7 C14 ( 0 ROAD WORK aIT L T L AHEAD CLOSED CLOSED See Note 3 2 0 A TABLE 1 TABLE 2 LEGEND .i W20-1 A❑ C20(CA)(Rt) C20(CA)(Rt) W4-2R xw Max s ocin Downgrade • Traffic Cone Z See Note 4 see Note 10 Approach x Minimum of corpses g Approach Minimum Minimum D x SDeetl L along+.per Speed D _3y -6y _9y I' Temporary sign N mph ft ft mph ft ft fT ft N s— Direction of Travel 0 20 and below 80 20 25 and below 155 158 165 773 25 125 25 3o 200 205 215 227 Flashing Arrow Sign(FAS) 0 30 180 30 35 250 257 271 287 35 245 35 40 305 315 333 354 coo FAS Support or Trailer wo 40 540 40 45 360 446 474 507 Ali Portable Flashing Beacon r" 45 540 45 50 425 446 474 507 iI\ 50 600 50 Over 50 See Note 9 Over 50 See Note 9 x Usa o ustoi nee dawngrcde steeper than-3 Z x Use L for lane widths less Than or percent and longer than 1 mile. equal to 12'. NOTES: NE See Note B. SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) j 1.Where approach speeds are low,advance warning 6.Portable delineators, placed at one-half the spacing �A 36"x 36" 3 signs may be placed at 300'spocing and placed indicated for traffic cones,may be used instead of ❑B 36"x 18" closer in urban areas. canes for daytime closures only. 2.Each advance warning sign shall be equipped With 7.Flashing arrow sign shall be either Type I or Type U. at least two flags for daytime closure.Each flag shall be at least 16"x 16"in aize and shall B.The max m spacing between cones along a tangent be orange or fluorescent red-orange in color. shall be 50'and along a taper Shall De approximately Flashing beacons shall be placed at the locations es shown in Table 1. Indicated for lane closure during hours of darkness. 9.For approach speeds over 50 mph,use the 3.A C14 (CA)"END ROAD WORK"sign,as appropriate, "Traffic Control System for Lane Closure On shall be placed at the end of the lane closure Freeways And Expressways"plan for lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious,or ends details and requirements. within a larger project's limits. STATE DF CALIFORNIA 10.When specified in the special provisions,a DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4.If the W20-1 Sign Would fallow within WORK NEXT Wq-2"LANE a C2o CA")' sign is to be used in TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM a stationary W20-1 or C71 (CA)"ROAD WORK NEXT place of the C20(CA")' LANE CLOSED AHEAD"sign. MILES-,use a C20(CA)sign for the first advance Warning sign' FOR LANE CLOSURE ON 5.All cones used for lane closures during the MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL hours es darkness shall fitted with Wei roreflective bonds (or sleeves)as specified in the specifications. HIGHWAYS NO SCALE TI olst eawrr aoaTE Posr ul Les _ LEGEND TABLE 1 TABLE 2 0 Traffic Cone Approach a Minimum k"'Maz spacing Dorn9rade Of cones Approach Minimum Yinimum 0 k Speed L along taper Speed 0 acclsi ae— o clsccn— ""`O F Temporary Sign -3% -6% -97. �p0Gre9 mph ff ft mph ft ft ft ft • Eaard,` Direction of Travel 20 and below 80 20 25 and below 155 158 165 173 Me v 1.2006 C c>saes ® 25 125 25 30 200 205 215 227 rPLARS APPROVAL DATE Flashing Arrow Sign(FAS) Pr rmndwarrown,wr,w 'w•C 30 180 30 35 250 257 271 287 '^"r'x'%rs,P'^'r°'°r'' •R, 35 245Mtl.. 40 305 315 333 35qM+nm dr— FAS Support or Trailer w.,v. \�� 40 320 45 360 378 400 427 in pllo lh fnYrmu wrD sRc pr l¢M¢/wnrdd a qv ;' Portable Flashing Beacon 45 540 SO 425 446 474 507 50 600 Over 50 See Note 11 Over 50 Use on sustained downgrade steeper than-3C20 (CA)(Lt) C20 (CA)(Lt) W20Use L for lane wi percent and longer than 1 mile. See Note 5 equal to 12'. ROAD itw See Note 10. q1 ,.0 WORSee Note 4 ClO5E0 AHEAD C14 (CA) See Note 8 TYPICAL CLOSING OF HALF ROADWAY W4-2LSee Note • • ���• I 500'10 750' 500'to 750' SOO-to 750' 4 Sea Table 1 $ee/ND}s 12 See 7aele 1 1 See Table 2 See Note 10 See Table 1 See Table 1 F • •T • •—• • T• •� • 0 — �� -- • I`� I • �• � Advance warning signs Q • • • 6 • • See Notes 1 &3 OI Advance warning signs, • '�•—•—• (n See Notes 1 &3 I I • • F • { • WORK AREA 500'to 750' 500'to 750' 500'to 750' • • �� Z • v j ��• a MI C74 (CA) 200'\ Erm ROAD � See Note 4 ® © 0 WORK CLOSED ® w1-4L AHEAD � '� See Note 8 � ® XX SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) wl-4. W20-1 C20(CA)(Rt) W4-2R Mrx NOTES: See Notes 5 See Note 13 W13-1 ® 36"x 36" )(�( Z See Note 9 ❑8 24"x 24" u�x ❑B Unless otherwise specified in the s�eciwl W13-t provisions,all temporary warning signs © 36"x 18" See Nate 9 shall have black legend on orange background. J California code are desiggnoted by (CA). N Otherwise,Federal(MUTCO)codes are shorn. NOTES: 1.Where Approach speeds are low,advance 5.If the W20-1 sign would follow within 2000' 10.The ma imum spacing between cones along a warning signs may be placed of 300'spacing of o stationary W20-1 or C1t (CA)"ROAD WORK NEXT tangent shall be 50 and along a taper shall be and placed el wser in urban areas. MILES" u a L20(CA)sign for the first approximately as shown in Toble 1. advance warning sign. 2.At least one person shall be assigned to provide 11.For approach speeds over 50 mph,use the 4u11+(me maintenance of Traffic antral devices 6.All c se0 for lane be f4ired duf ing the "Traffic Control System Far Lang Closure On for lane closure unless,otherwise directed by he a re of darkness Shall DB fittea with Freeways And Expressways'pl an for lane closure the Engineer. retroreflective bands(or sleeves)as specified details and requlremenis. 'n the specifications. 3.Each advance owning sign in each direction 12.Unless otherwise cif ie0 in the special of travel she t be closured with flog least two 7.spacing le delineators,placed at one-half b e gone sans,the (8rs L)shown between the two(L) STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION flags for daytime closure.Each flag shall o at spading tna,cofetl for traffic cones,may be lane closure tapers shall be used, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA 710N lass+.. x 1e in size Intl shall be wrongs or used Instead of cones far dayT,me d10.5ared only. TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM fluorescent red-orange o color.catio n9 13.When specifietl in the special Droved in,i 14-2 Deacons shall be placed of the locations 8.Flashing error signs Shall be either Type Ior Lane Ends"Symbol sign 5 to ,provisions, in place of FOR LANE CLOSURE ON lndicoteI for lane closure during hours of Type 11. the C20(CA) RIGHT(LEFT)LANE CLOSED AHEAD"sign. de,knees. 9.Advisory speed will be determined by the• MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL 4.A C74 (CA)"END ROAO WORK"sign,ws appropriate, Engineer. The W13-1 Sign will not be require.when shall DB ploded T The end of the lane closure aav,s.",SDaad id mars then the posted or HIGHWAYS unless the end of work area is obvious,or ends maximum speed limit. within a larger project's limits. NO SCALE T12 NOTES: a IST IX C iTY I ROUTE ppjECT S SHEETS Unless otherwise specified in the special provis lOAS,all temporary warning signs shall nave black legend on orange background. RECIST RE—To ctv.E� California code are designated by(CA). Otherwise,Federal(MUTCD)codes are shown. May 1,2006 w c36396 rnA R Aw5 AvvRov6u o4TE 6') Oft Aah of Ca�Mwil°v n�offrm.w '°•on. • �mram�mve d�rwvde fr� r TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE WITH REVERSIBLE CONTROL T°oe r.A-rdl—wm dk pro WW r,redmow C37 (CA) See Note 4 TRAFFIC W3-4. C9A (CA) W20-4 W20-1 CONTROL WAIT AND see Note 3 BE • ROAD FOLLOW PREPARE Bys WORK C14 (CA) PILOT CAR I Tg km DREAD STOP ❑ a See Note 9 I I E3 a a C See Note 7 C29 (CA)Se Cones 50'Mox s Canes 50'Max 6 tin �� XXX FT Note 10 - I_500'to t000 500 To 1000.I 500'to 1o00'I 500't l000'! See able 1 �I Closure: ones or barricades Advance warning signs,See Net.. 1 antl 2 C �• •� •T • f i • T • •� • T • •i o T • 6-0 —• Ativa�warning signs,see Notes 1 and 2 C1 L • Cate cones ..� So,to 1Do, S00'to 1000' S00't0 1000' SOO'to 1000' O F WORK AREA • �� z N <.. \C9A(CA) W3-4 See Note,7E(0BESIGN PANEL SIZE (MINIMUMROAD ERDWORK -4 0 • REPME Max LANE OA 48"x 48"-Speed of 45 mph or more C14 (CA) TO CLOSED 36"x 36"-Speed less than 45 mph AHEAD See Note 11 ❑ TOP ❑ ❑8 ❑8 30"x 30" See Note 3 LEGEND w20See C%%X(C T)See C30(CA)See Note 8 © 36"x 18" • Traffic Cone Z See NOT. 4 ©Note 10 O ❑D 36"x 42" �E 36"x 9" O Traffic Cone(optional taper) i NOTES: F Temporary Sign W F Direction of Travel 1.Where approach speeds are law,advance warning signs 7. Additional Odvance flaggers may be r,,ilea.Flogger TABLE 1 may be placed at 300'spacing,and closer in urban shoultl stand in a conspicuous place,be visible to -- Portable Flashing Beacon areas. approaching traffic as wall o approaching v hill.. Downgrade ' after the first vehicle has stopped.During the hours Approach Minimum Minimum D■ ��.,1 2.Each advance warningsign in each direction of travel of darKness,athe flagging-station and flagger shall be A g Flogger .Hall be equipped with at least two flaps for daytime ll lumineted na learly IDIe to pproacA ng traffic. Speed D -3X -6X -9% 9ge closure.Each flog shall be at least 16' x16" The illumination cfooiprint of the lighting on the ground mph ft ft ft ft In site antl shall be Oro, Or fluorescent red-orange shall be at least 20'in diameter.Place a minimum of 25 and below 755 158 165 173 'n c lor.Flashing beacons shall be placed at the four cones t 50'intervols in advance of flogger loco+ions indicated for lane closure during hours of station as shown. 30 200 205 215 227 darkness. 35 250 257 271 287 B. Place C30(CA)"LANE CLOSED"sign at 500'to 1000'intervals 3.A C14 (CA)"EN ROAD WORK"sign,as appropriate,shall De placed throughout extended work areas.They are optional if 40 305 315 333 354 STATE OF CALIFORNIA at the eAd of the lane control unless the end of work the cork area is visible from the flogger station. 45 360 378 40a 427 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION area is obvious,Or ends within a larger project's limits. 50 425 446 474g 4.]f the w20-1 9. When o Pi lot car 's setl,plots l C37(CA)"TRAFFIC CONTROL-WAIT TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM sign would follow witTtln 2000'of a stationary AND FOLLOW PILOT CAR"sign a+all ntersecTions within 55 495 520 553 W20-1 or C11 (CA) "ROAD WORK NEXT MILES',use a W20-4 traffic control area.Signs shall be clean and visible at 60 570 598 638FOR LANE CLOSURE ON sign for the first advance warning sign. all times. 65 645 682 728 5.All cones used for lane closures during the hours of 10.An optional C29(CA)sign may be placed below the C9A (CAI sign. a Use on sustained downgrade T W O LANE CONVENTIONAL darkness shall be fitted with retroreflective bands (or g ade steeper HIGHWAYS sleeves)as specified In the Specifications. 11.Traffic cones or barricades m0y De placed on the than -3 percent and longer than 1 mile. optional toper as shown,bocci codes shall be Type I,U, 6.Portable delineators,plOcetl at o -Half the spacing or M. NO SCALE indicated for trOff is cones,may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. T13 DIST CWNTY PWTE 1OPoLipu SNECT STnEETS �Lfa'.4S[D L[b5G[[Pcxn[Ci �o JWLPEV� b pua�st�1a5.2008 r a DATE i Drainoge.Inlet ..:,yr„e.,r e. me" y"„"�r q Drainage Inlet Staple Erosion Control Blanket T.D..*.qy a—d.W Erosion Control BlonKet or Ceosynthetic Fabric or Geosynthetic Fabric 3'-0"Min 10'-0"Max Linear Sediment Barrier 3`0"Min Linear Sediment Barrier (Temporary Silt Fence Shorn) NOTES: 70'-0"Max (Temporary Silt Fence Shorn) I 1.See Standard Plan T51 for Temporary Silt Fence. 2.Dimensions may vary to fit field conditions. I � N �yq 1 W I t Staple 6"x 6"Trench Sediment Trap Z m SECTION A—A SECTION B—B o (V �° Rxke (use for `° Rocks/use for ' concentrated flow) m 4 concentrated flow) Z LII sA� Drainage inle °rt s\ Drainage Inlet Co Erosion Control Blanket 1 1 or Geosynthetic Fabric Erosion Control Blanket --— — I 2 or Geosynthetic Fabric 1 — I (Secure rich staples) r /r (Secure with staples( I ) Edge of Sediment Trap S A too Y�I re A A B� I I"� ® ""I I � m fA I Sheet Flow j I j I Sheet Flow STAPLE DETAIL Sheaf Flow Sheet Flow , I I pests for Temporary Posts fo4r Temporary '� I S It F,erlce(Approximate Loeatlon)e (Approximate I 1�1 Location'' I ------- f - I .� Linear Sediment Barrier 1 Linear sediment Barrier (Temporary (Temporary Silt Fence Shown) JJJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPDRTATIDN TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION yX` PLAN ., oA 0 PLAN CONTROL DETAILS TEMPORARY DRAINAGE (TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 1) INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 2) INLET PROTECTION) (EXCAVATED SEDIMENT TRAP) NO SCALE Nsp t61 dated august 15,200B supplement. the ate lard plans book dated may 2006. NEW STANDARD PLAN NSP T61 DISTJ COUNTY I ROUTE I ToT S PRWECT SN T SHEETS Drainage inlet at Gravel Bag Berms placed GRAVEL BAG BERM (TYPE 3A) SPACING TABLE sag w low point f to intercept runoff from I converging directions SLOPE OF ROADWAY (PERCENT) 1 to 3.9 4 to 5.9 6 to 7.9 B to 10 lOt �1 p 1 GUrD or Dike i INTERVAL BETWEEN BERM 100' 75. 50, 25' 12' /�'-'r /e'�+i EtEa+ss[uesc[P[.Hanoi U''°s"r For slope of less than 1X,install barriers only If erosion/setliment is prevalent AUQ A IS.2008 FLOW— r ovaE oArE d FROM Trench and embed erosion rb s.Grp�vne:n. rnv.v 1` J aanirol blanket w geosynihetic Erosion Control Blanket .a�wr.esr ora ".�r'd.:�✓iN.p�r� °+• `Spit lray.J fabric In trelxh adjacent to or Geosynthetic Fabric Drainage inlet Edge of Traveled Way Staple To a- pCw pans ddeP --------------------------------- Drainage Inlet Linear Sediment ROADWAY Barrier(crave)Bag NOTES: PLAN Min Berm Shorn) 4'-0"Max 1. Place safety cones adjacent to drainage CONFIGURATION FOR SAG POINT INLET f inlet protection. Flo.! Dimensions may vary to fit field conditions. (GRAVEL BAG BERM) i 3. Install a minimum of 3 0 gravel Dag berms upstream of each droinoge inlet to be 0 1 6"x 6"Trench protected. Place additional bogs on top of 4. Position erosion control blanket or \ curb and upstream of Gravel Bag geosynthetic fabric of edge of concrete z Berm to prevent over topping. SECTION'A-A apron and secure in trench. m Install gravel-filled bags flush 5. Erosion control blanket or geosynthatic fabric _-- against curb or dike fore. m is not required if the area adjacent to the drainage inlet is vegetated or paved. Construct Gravel Bag Berm ° Spillway with single layer by tightly abutting grav 111led Linear Sediment Barrier of gravel-filled bogs (n pp Dags to ellminate gaps and voids S (Gravel Bog Berm Shorn) oy Drainage]nlet�4`0� a - t N W Spi I lwy "tj Ln - Concrete apron (7 i- ---- '* - -----t (If present.See Note 4) 2" Stack gravel-filled bags 1-layer high End of Gravel Bag Berm for spillway and 2-layers high for remaining berm Construct Grovel Bag Berm Extend as necessary to force Forded runoff over spillway ____�___ Dy tightly abutting gravel-filled _ Instead of out flanking around i be gs to eliminate gaps and voids 16 gauge r m Steel wire PERSPECTIVE end of berm. 1 Z STAPLE DETAIL 4 Z Interval (So.Table) She.+Flor Sheol Flow ( Spillway ' --- -- Secure Erosion Control '4'-0' Gravel Bag Berm Blanket or Geosynttlatl. Typ < Fabric with Staples I I (See Note 5) ---- ---- ---- ---- - Edge of Erosion Control O1 Blanket or Ceosynthletic Fabric N Sidewalk or Shoulder Backing // )N�99 Cum or Dike �Drainage Inlet 4'-0"Min from Edge PLAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA n ~ o DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION of Traveled Way----------- -- -- -- 5 TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION __________________ TEMPORARY DRAINAGE CONTROL DETAILS �—ROADWAY—� INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 38) PLAN (TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION) INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 3A) NO SCALE (GRAVEL BAG BERM) NSP T62 DATED AUGUST IS.2008 SUPPLEMENTS THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. NEW STANDARD PLAN NSP T62 FIST LeaNTY Pg1TE P°STppUjECT N FLEXIBLE SEDIMENT BARRIER SPACING TABLE SLOPE OF ROADWAY (PERCENT) 0 to 0.9 1 1 to 1.9 2 to 2.9 3 To 4 5+ INTERVAL BETWEEN BARRIERS 50' 35' 30' 25' 20' '7 �J ifry,cf ANGLE FROM FACE OF CURB 70° TO- 70° 45° 45° "urcxsLo iuoscuE wPa1TECT +4O`jXO Vg SUGGESTED BARRIER LENGTH 6' 6' 6' 6' 6' Auaustt 5,20085,2008 Trench and embed erosion T' t'POv°L o�Te cons of blanket or eosyntheticfab xis In Curb or Dike " • - 'O°. rr aa behind) mso a�nmro,.=°warn=) Inge tc adjacent to dratna9e .�yvr"ti d d+.aro`.q,.w w�x.avP u[nd° ° Inlet(see Note 5) Erosion Control Blanket or Geosynihetic Fabric Geosynthetic Fabric Cover rs o..*my pk-dsfed Staple Foam Core ITrIarTOWar Shown) Drainage Inlet Concrete Nail NOTES: Linear Sediment Barrier (Fiber Roll Shown) Pavement Surface 1. See Standard Plan T51 for Temporary Silt P rY 10'-O"Max .Mulch or other soil Flow Fence. stabilization practice / 2. Dimensions may vary to fit field conditions. Flow 3. Install o minimum of 3 flexible sediment N SECTION Adhesive Beads barriers upstream of each drainage inlet 0 + I + to oe protected. 0 FLEXIBLE SEDIMENT BARRIER DETAIL 4. Position erosion control blanket or im i (FOAM BARRIER SHOWN) epronnandtsecure in t�enche of concrete Z 5. Erosion central blanket or ge ynthettc fabric M not ruired if the area adjacent to 6"x 6"Trench the drainage inlet is vegeiatetl. SECTION A-A Flexible sediment DOrrier must De installed flush against curb or dike fore. Trim dike as necessary. —T N Adhere leadingg edge of horizontal flop � Linear Sediment Barrier To curb or tlike face with adhesive. inlet r drainage 9 o inlet protection (Gravel Bag Berm Shown) Curb or Dike Install concrete nail with Z N c- washer at leading edge of W S x Drainage Inlet Quo+ Flow horizontal flap. 0 LL Ln �° x c x x RxY xx er xxx O x xx xxx yx Fo x x xx i ca x> Rx xx x x ��a Angle from {sae of curb (See Table) x �. ___r_______________ _ __________ x Concrete apron Adhere to pavement ith(2) (If present,see Note 4) �- beads of adhesive of leod(ng and trolling edges of horizontal flop. ROADWAY V x xx wood stake for fiber rolls Y S x spored 24"on center PERSPECTIVE r- 'x O r O Position jot is % 2� x --- » n aw Z � £ram concenirafed flow E Io'-O"Min I Interval (See Table) Linear Sediment Barrier i 1 I 11 l0ravel Bag Berm Shown) III'^IpI Z A �y ® A -�_0" 3'-0" 3'-0" ` Flexible Sediment Barr(er U I(~-St auge V D D Max A in Nin + (Foam Barrier Shown) V Steel wire Sheet Flow Sheet Flor i 1--- -------- Secure Erosion Control �� STAPLE DETAIL Blanket r Geosyn., t,c O / '� 0 x Fabric rich Staples Curb or Dika 1 ' (See Note 5) Linear Saalment - F��Ow h1`� An91e w Barrier(Temporary �` (See Toble7 x x x x x ix Silt Fence Shawn) x x xxx v Linear Sediment Barrier a xxi xx x � � . (Fiber Roll Shovn) Drainage Inlot 4'0"Min from Edge Mulch or other soil of Traveled Way i stab, zat(on Pract7ce ----------------- PLAN --------------------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA •� j ROADWAY — DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION f�a PLAN x xx s\ �— TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DETAILS TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE (TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 4A) INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 4B) INLET PROTECTION) FLEXIBLE SEDIMENT BARRIER NO SCALE NSP T63 DATED AUGUST 15,2008 SUPPLEMENTS THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. NEW STANDARD PLAN NSP T63 GIST Ga11NTT POUfE IaT�L VFOEiE[i iN�l SN�ETS Drainage Inlet Grote Dump straps(2 each) Lifting loops (2 each) "E lflxYa�vax.rE�PceITEGT �� / PLhNS r • iE Tm m�er�cau�rono P m rnw,o- r Sediment Barrier(Fiber s y .�✓�wm new (Fiber Roll Shorn) ' Sediment Filter Bog Curb or Dike Toa='Awygoesoa>sr Gravel-filled Bag Expansion Restraint (Place one bag at each end) Catch basin Rigid Plastic Barrier .5 (Extends beyond grate) NOTES: SECTION B—B Pwement Surface I 1. See Standard Plan T51 for Temporary Silt Fence. N SEDIMENT FILTER BAG DETAIL —Flor 2. Dimensions may vary to fit field conditions. O O I Linear Sediment Barrier I Catch basin Z (Temporary Silt Fence Shorn) i m Curb or Dike Drainage Inlet Pwement Surface SECTION icatch TEMPORARY DRAINAGE Z � INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 6A)M Sediment Filter Bag (CATCH BASIN WITH GRATE) basin v r SECTION A—A Z ¢ Z 10'-0'Min i 10'-0"Win SiQFT ernlK I j Flo+ I SideralK O) Gravel-filled Bag Linear Seeiment Barrier FLOW (Place one bag at each end) hown)(Temporary Silt Fence S Flezlble Sediment Barrier A F1or Droinage Inlet with (Rigid Plastic Barrier Shown) Curb or Dike Sediment Filter Bag Curb Inlet STATE OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION --ROADWAY PERSPECTIVE TEMPORARY WATER POLLUTION PLAN CONTROL DETAILS (TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION) INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 5) INLET PROTECTION (TYPE 6B) NO SCALE (SEDIMENT FILTER BAG) (CURB INLET WITHOUT GRATE) NSP T64 DATED AUGUST 1S,200B SUPPLEMENTS THE STANDARD PLANS BOOK DATED MAY 2006. NEW STANDARD PLAN NSP T64 SANUARY SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT 1., Genefal _ A. Except as indicated hereon or on the project plans,,manholes shall conform to.West Valley.Sanitation- District's Standard.Drawing 2, STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE. B. Diiitensiori in"D"shall be the same as the size of inarihoIe frame and cover.to be used. b C. The Contractor may-re-rise the existing manhole frame and cover, unless damaged by him during his " construction operation or when otherwise indicated on the project plans. Items damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced with.identical-hew items at no expense to the'City or West Va11ey . Sanitation District. . D.:Existing stegs.located within removal limits shall be replaced. When removal of existing steps beyond.the manhole removal limits is indicsted•on the project plans the steps shall be removed to.a . depth oft inches beyond the inside face of the manhole and the holes shall be filled with Class "A"mortar. 9O` ?: Raising Existi"Brick Manholes A. Brick manholes.to be raised less than I ft.may be extended vertically,provided that at.a depth of 2.5 ft below the top of manhole at its new elevation,-the.inside diameter of the manhole is 30-inches or greater. B. Brick manholes to be raised less than 3.5-inches may be raised by applying Class"A".mortar to the top of the existing brickwork. If the brick manhole is to be raised 3.5 inches or more,a new.course for courses of brickwork shall be placed on top of existing brickwork. 3. Lower Existing Brick'manholes A. Where a brick manhole is to be lowered less than 1.ft.,the frame may be reset on the existing -brickwork-and the 40 inches minimum brickwork reconstruction omitted,provided that the base'ofthe frame does not overhang the brickwork.on tha inside surface of the manhole more than an average of 1.5 inches in any-quadrant nor snore tha 2 inches at any paipt. 4. Raisins Existing Precast Concrete manholes A.- Pre-cast concrete manholes to be raised less than 3 inches.may be raised by applying Class"'A".mortar to the top of the existing manhole,provided the total height of mortar,existing and newly applied"does not exceed 3 inches. B. Where the pre=cast concrete manhole is to be raised 3 •inches or more,or where the total height of mortar, existing and newly applied,would exceed 3 inches; grade rings shall be utilized: Class"A" mortar may be used for final adjustment,but notmore that 3 inches in height. Where raising the _ manhole would result in the upper segment of the shaft being more than 30 inches in height,removal the reducer and the upper segment of the shaft, install additional rings or pipe to the lower segment of. the-shaft,and reinstall the reducer and,grade rings as required. S. AT,owerine Existing Precast Concrete Manholes a A..Removal sufciehi grade to lower the manholes as required.'.A l Class"A"mortar to a • t� l�. q PP Y height not exceeding 3 inches for adjustment to final,grade. B. Where removal of grade rings would result my the upper segment of the shaft being less.than l2 inures in height,remove the"reduces and sufficient sections of the lower segment of the shaft and. reinstall any necessary segment of the lower shaft,the reduger,and the grade rings to conform to the requirements of this Plan... C. Existing grade rings need not be removed if existing mortar is removed,and at least 1.5 inches of mortar may be placed on top of existing grade rings to reseat the frame: 6. Cement Mortar A. Class"A"-mortar shall coafonn to Section 201-5,"C]31s N 'MORTAR". of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition. INSTALL�4AtFIHOLE FRAFitE PROPOSED GRADE OR +k57ALL MMHOLE(RAZE AND PROPOSED GRADE OR COVER (SEE NOTE ICI ' 70P OF UMdLE AND COVER (SEE NOTE Id TOP OF At moH E iA I EXISTING GRADE OR R - TOP-OF E ISTIIIG SEE NOTE IBl 0 \l 610 [mn (24.1 MAX. (SEE NOTE 2A) IS mm-(t12') TOP OF EXISTWG CLASS MORTAR I c BRICKWORKT-L r. REMOVE EXISTING` - A.- � BRICKWORK TO AN 'ELEVATI ON AT r� ' . aEX1STIlG DIAMETER E MANHOLE—fir ! t EXISTING MMHOLE - �I1� IS NOT LESS THAN I — �►z'I I 1 I EXISTING MANHOLE LL__t_JJ. -RAISING -EXISTING PRECAST. ' . CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES-- �.. EXISTING GRADE OR TDP OF EXISTING MMOLE� PROPOSED GRADE OR INSTALL MANHOLE RA"ISING EXISTING BRICK -MANHOLES" TOP'OF MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER tSEE MOTE ICl INSTALL MMMOLE FRAME EXISTING GRADE OR TOP. AND COVER (SEE NOTE 1C) . — — OF EXISTING MANHOLE D TOP OF EXISTING.BRICKWORK E" l5EE NOTE 1BI REMOVE EXISTING L PROPOSED GRADE OR Ir BRICKWORK TO AN — TOP 6F iIANHOLE ELEVATION AT / 1 t n I �nta WHICH UPPER ( ! 1 l PORTION of, r { MANHOLE CAN-BE ) I I 1 ` RECONSTRUCT D ` RECONSTRUCTED• BR I CKWORK. 5 ON.A TAPER NOT I m"(40') MIN. 2TO m HORIZZONTAL TO . I I i I I "' 'u FIVE VERTICAL. I 4' IS mm II I w. I q CEMENT II. I l" EXlST1NO ra PLASTER. I-,� �� MANHOLE J. I�"`" EXISTING �( l N(ANHOLE. LOWERING EXISTING BRICK MANHOLES LOWERING EXISTING PRECAST -CONCRETE. SEWER .NiAA1HOLES. BRICK MANHOLES PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES WEST VALLEY SA - TATION DISTRICT OF.SANTA CLARA COUNTY = .SA NIT A te SEWER MANHOLEADJLTSTI IT 10' TO 19' W V S D 1 1/24 A.C. SURFACE COURSE I FLUSH WITH OVERLAY ; EXISTING FRAME & COVER TO BE REUSED I A.C. OVERLAY ! f�L EXISTING PAVEMENT A.C. OVE AY�JI II • '� �•-i 3rrl:=ate • . _rs��.•, PRECAST { EXISTING ADJUSTING 6' MI CONCRETE ' STRUCTURE RINGS ilg' MA ..b EXISTING MANHOLE RAISED MANH13LE 4' MIN, 1 1/2' A,C. SURFACE COURSE ~" FLUSH WITH OVERLAY A.C. OVCRLAY I I EXTEND PIPE EXISTING FRAME & EXISTING PAVEMENT TO DESIREDHEIGHT COVER TO HE REUSED i1.' t S.1�i•d Y a e • °' ADD CONCRETE TO DESIRED ME ADD FELTING •s o HEIGHT I MATERIAL. a'' FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE DRAWING 5 EXISTING VERTICAL RISER RAISED WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY MANHOLE 1 VERTICAL RISER ADJUSTMENT DETAIL SCALE DRAWN BY- I CHECKED BY. APPROVED BY, DRAWING NONE J. PICADO P. 5EVCIK DATE SEPT. 13L2007 DISTRIC MANAGER ND ENGINEER 12 A" MATER)AL$ USED IN MANWAG'fUid G SHALL CONF'UM TQ A.S.T.M. 48-30 FRAME AND COVER BEARING SURFACES MACHINED TO ASSURE QUIET FIT ? FRAME AND COVER TD BE RAISED I/8' MADE 'DOMESTICALLY. SOUTH BAY FOUNDRY P-1900 OR EQUAL. ' w v S FRAME AND COVER. SHALL - MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS 'F v1 OF H-20 HIGHWAY T.q R.Y. LOADINGS. i - 14ACHINED SURFACES 26-1%4' DIAM. 25-5/16' DIAM.' 25-1/4' DIAM. • f �1-I/2• T 9/16• 24' DIAM. 31-1/2' DIAM. WEST. VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA •COUNTY STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND- COVET SCALE DRAWN BY. CHECKED .BY: APPREIVE.b B'Y, DRA�,,/IhdCi NONE J. PIL`AUb P. SEVCIK , DATE SEPT. 13. 200 - 111STRIC4 WAMd AND ENGINEER CAST IR13N MANH13LE FRAME AND COVER CONCRETE 1RADE 15' MAXIMUM- RINGS 9' 24' MAXIMUM FROM ' MAXIMUM- COVER TO FIRST STEP PS2-PFS MANHOLE STEP " M,a. INDUSTRIES INC. ` 12R EQUIVALENT R ' MOR7AR .POINT E' SPACE STEPS FOR GRADE -12' CLC., LOWEST " ,• '• RINGS. STEP.18* MIN. ABOVE F-LOOR \j tit• 36' PRErI EMR£A ice« i. ECCENTRIC #a MANHOLE CONK • ..�., S•1 Y SEAL. ALL .JOINTS W TH t j FLUIBLE PLASTIC JOINT t. ��;�~ STEP' DETAIL_. � CII1dPUlIND (RAM-NEC[<, - ,.� :.� TAIL QUItR-SEAL, OR EbUAL) E _ (2 LAYERS MAY BE REQUIRED TO SEAL BASE) ANI) PLASTErR WITH MDkTAR. VAR113US HEIGHTS OF'MANHDLE ERTICAL SECTIONS (24' MINIMUM SECTION PREFERRED).REDAR k4 EACH IJAY: PRE^CAST MANHOLE BASE 1.•P.''� r lC�', .;� t,%.,• :'sr,. '~r i: . "? ,r�•!+; 3/4' CRUSHED AGGREGATE PER GREEitiiBEpIEC SECTINV 200-1,2 14NDISTURDE D EARTH WEST VALLEY' SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY STANDARD PRECAST- CONCRM- MA-NH13LE 101 SCAM DRAWN BYE' CHECKED BYi APPRCMD- BY DRAWING NdxE J. PICAnb k sKvClx DATE SEPT, 13, 2007 DISTRICT MANAGER AA ENGINEER EXVALMSOX. CONCRETE TRAFFIC VALVE BOX (NON,65 TYPq•' (CHRISTY G6 OR APPROVED.9QUAQ AC OVERLAY FINISHED .(NEW-AC•PAVEMEN]) GRADE' 1"PAVEMENT F.Ow �n ' MIN NEW PCC .OLD COLLAR SURFACE PCC COLLAR /// j/. NEW CASING EXTENSION. NEW PCC COLLAR EX s-OR:Bw EX 8"OR 8"CASING CASING 8"DIA PVC CL 50PIPE DETAIL 2A DETAIL 213 ... RAISED VALVE BOX RMSED:.VAL.VE-BOX W/O.CASING.EXTENSION WICASWG EXTENSION vaLVE xur T;OP OF VALVE TT SAN J.OSE WATER COMPANY STANDARD VALVE BOX INSTALLATION:&RAISING DETAIL. 1 G5 VALVEBgX,INSTALLATION' > *P. J�CHIM A-1&109A c•c.w,. MAIN:VB, S ." NUNS • . r' APPENDIX A Miscellaneous Details and Asphalt Concrete Pavement Thickness Log Appendix . App A-1 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Thickness Log is available for viewing at the City of Campbell Public Works Department: 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 APPENDIX B Construction Workday Calendar Appendix App B-1 CONSTRUCTION WORKDAY CALENDAR Year2013 JANUARY JULY SUN MON TUE WED THU ' FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT -7,951 952 953 75 76 77 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 o4 5 6 954 955 956 957 958 78 79 80 81 82 0 7 8 9 10 11 -112 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .959 960 961 962 963 83 84 85 86 67 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 ;z,20 964 965 966 967 88 89 90 91 92 27 21, 22, 23, 24, 251. 26 22 23 24, 25 26 1968 1969 970 29 30971 77- 93 94 95 _27 28 11 311 1 311 FEBRUARY AUGUST 972 96 97 1 2 973 974 975 976 977 98 99 100 101 102 9 �4 5 6 7 8 10,3 1 4 5 6 7 8 978 -979 980 981 103 104 105 106 107 12 0 13 14 15 1 A 12 13 14 15 16 982 983 984 985 108 log 110 111 112 17 1.8. 19, 20, 21, 22 1 23 18, 191 20, 21, 22, 23 24 1986 987 988 1989 1 113 114 115 116 11 24 2526 27 28 261 271 281 2911 1 25 1 MARCH SEPTEMBER 990 118 119 120 121 2 3 41 5 6 :-r.:::''7 991 992 993 994 995 122 123 124 12,5 126 1 :.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .:::-.8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .996 997 998 999 1000 127 128 129 130 131 -10 11 12 13 14 15 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 132 133 134 135 136 -F- 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, .23, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6 7 8 9 10 137 . ,24 25 26 27 28 29 .,A0 29 30 APRIL OCTOBER 11 12 13 14 138 139 140 141 1 2 3 4 5 .6 1 2 3 4 ::5 15 16 17 18 19 142 143 144 145 146 8 9 10 11 12 13 A 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 24 147 148 149 Iyo 19 Z 0�114 15 16 17 18 13 1-4 15 16 17 20 18 9 25 26 27 28 29 151 152 153 154 155 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,;-` 27 20 21 22, 23 24 25 26 -130 31 27 156 157 158 159 28 29 30 1 1 1 1 28 291 30 3 MAY NOVEMBER 32 33 34 1 11 2 3 1 d; 4 160 1 z2 35 36 37 38 39 63 161 164 165 162 1 6 7 8 9 10 1 a3 4 5 6 7 8 40 41 42 43 44 166 167 168 169 2 13 14 15 16 17 '10 11. 12 13 14 151, -W 48 49 45 46 170 171 172 173 174 19, 20 21 22 23, 24 25 7 18 19 20 21, 22,; 23 51 52 1176 177 261 291 .-3 261 281 291 3or 31 271 11281. , - 6 JUNE DECEMBER 1 180 178 178 2 3 41181 5 182 6 7 54 55 56 157 58 183 184 185 186 187 4 5 6 7 8 3 [36 8 9 10 11 12 13 -14 4 1 46 50 59 60 61 62 63 188 189 190 191 192 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 64 65 66 67 66 193 194 195 196 16 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 69 70 71 72 73 23 24 25 26 27 281 '29 30 ........ ... CONSTRUCTION WORKDAY CALENDAR Year2014 JANUARY JULY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 199 200 322 323 324 „j 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 201 202 203 204 205 325 326 327 328 329 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 ll :;-12 206 207 208 209 210 330 331 332 333 334 12 �l 3 14 15 16 17 -19 13 14 15 16 17 .18 18 211 212 213 21 335 336 33 4 7 338 339 19 2 25 :-:,20 21 22, 23, 24 11i 21 1 22 1 23 1 24.' 25, 215 216 1217 1218 1219 31[11 .. 340 341 342 343 =26 27 30 28 29 27. 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY AUGUST 344 220 221 222 223 224 345 346 347 348 349 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 225 226 227 228 350 351 352 353 354 14 16 16 9 10 11 13 14 15 2 11 12 13 229 230 231 232 355 356 357 358 359 16 7. 18, 19, 20, 21,`- 20. 21, 22 23 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 360 36i 362 363 364 23 24 25 26 27 281 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MARCH SEPTEMBER 1365 36 6 367 368 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 238 239 240 241 242 69 370 371 372 373 3 4 5 6 7 8 —7 8 9 10 11 12 :13 243 244 245 246 247 374 375 376 377 378 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 248 249 250 251 252 379 380 381 382 383 6, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21 22 21 22 _23 24 25 26 =27 253 254 255 256 257 384 385 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 30 -.,31: APRIL OCTOBER 258 259 260 261 386 387 388 1 2 3 4 q 1 2 3 J.262 263 264 265 266 389 390 391 392 393 ,6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 267 268 269 270 271 394 395 396 397 —13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 272 273 274 275 276 398 399 400 401 402 20 21, 22, 23, 24 25 -26 1920, 21, 22, 23 24 25 --1277 1 1278 279 403 404 405 406 407 27 28 29 301 1 1:;, 27 28 29 30 31 MAY NOVEMBER 280 261 1 2 3 282 21813 284 285 286 408 409 410 411 412 `4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 81 287 288 289 290 291 413 414 415 416 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 292 293 294 295 296 417 418 419 420 421 18 19 20 21 22 23, 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22 9. 297 298 299 30n 422 423 424 "'26 27 28 29 301.-.. 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 JUNE DECEMBER -301 '03 304 305 302 3 425 426 427 428 429 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 306 307 308 309 310 430 431 432 433 434 9 10 Ill 12 13 d4 ='7 8 9 10 11 12 13 311 312 313 314 315 435 436 437 438 439 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 316 317 318 319 320 440 441 442 443 22, 23, 241 25 261 27 28 1;:.; '21 22 23, 24 251 26 27 321 1444 1445 44 6 --291 301 !8 29 301 31 248 Working Days Rev.2-08 CONSTRUCTION WORKDAY CALENDAR Year 2015 JANUARY JULY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 447 570 571 572 1 2 3 =1 1 2 3 4 448 449 450 451 452 573 574 575 576 577 A 5 6 7 8 9 -1'0 5 6 7 8 9 10 1;1 453 454 455 456 457 578 579 580 581 582 - —.4 12 13 14 15 16 17 ;1.2 13 14 15 16 17 -.,18 458 459 460 461 583 584 585 586 587 V. 18 19 20 21 22 23, "-.24 =19 20 21 22 23 24 =s 462 463 464 465 466 588 589 590 591 592 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 311, FEBRUARY AUGUST y- 467 468 469 470 471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : 1 472 473 474 475 593 594 595 596 597 9 12 13 10 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 476 477 478 479 598 599 600 601 602 17 18 19 20 Z1 9 10 11 12 13 14 :15 480 461 482 483 484 603 604 605 606 607 22 23 24 25 26 27 286 17 18 19 20, 21 22 r 608 609 610 611 612 in s 231 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH SEPTEMBER 485 486 467 488 469 :;;; 614 615 616 617 ,: 1 2 3 4 5 6 " 7 1 2 3 4 --s=. _5 490 491 492 493 494 "''618 619 620 621 :a8 9 10 11 12 13 1..: ;'1'4 "`..6 .:i7 8 9 10 11 495 496 497 498 499 622 623 624 625 626 - '-15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 -19 500 501 502 503 504 iiis 627 628 629 630 631 ` 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 ':'` 26 505 632 633 634 29 30 31 27 28 291 30 APRIL OCTOBER 506 507 508 "' "., 635 636 - , u: 509 510 511 512 513 a;637 638 639 640 641 5 6 7 8 9 10 :11 4 5 6 7 8 9 v:etl0 514 515 516 517 518 " 642 643 644 645 12 13 14 15 16 17...; '"18 Al 12 13 14 15 16 17. 519 520 521 522 523 646 647 648 649 650 is 91 20 21 22 23 24 25 '8 19 20 21 22 23 24 ;1 524 525 526 527 :::3 651 652 653 654 655 =26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 " _ 31 MAY NOVEMBER 528 -:656 1657 658 659 660 21 3 4 5 6 529 530 531 532 533 661 662 663 664 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 9 10 A1 12 13 534 535 536 537 538 _'s 665 666 667 668 669 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 539 540 541 542 543 670 671 672 t 17 18 19 20 21 22 :23 -22 23 24 25 26 27 28 544 545 546 547 673 24 25 26 27 28 29 ::<`30 '`:29 30 41 JUNE DECEMBER 548 549 550 551 552 674 675 676 677 :;, .....s- 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 553 554 555 656 557 678 679 680 681 682 7 8 9 10 11 12 :::: 13 ..6 7 8 9 10 11 = :12 558 559 560 561 562 „683 684 685 686 687 14 15 16 17 18 19 ;20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 563 564 565 566 567 688 689 690 691 -; -2i 22 23 24 25 26 ;.< 2Z 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 568 569 692 693 694 695 28 291 0 27 28 29 30 31 = 249 Working Days Rev.2-08 APPENDIX C Best Management Practices for the Construction Industry Appendix App C-1 Spill Response Agencies: EarthmMoving Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call(408) 984-3080. eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. n Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information 3. In the City of San Jose, dial 9-1-1 if hazardous or guidance on disposal. materials enter the storm drain system. For non-hazardous spills, call (408) 945-3000. Dewatering Palo Alto operates a similar program, with monthly 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 collection, for small businesses. Call the City of 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . 1-800-862-7550 Activities Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to schedule an appointment. 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 Best Management Practices for This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets the Construction Industry describing storm drain pollution prevention Local Pollution Control Agencies measures for specific types of construction County of Santa Clara industry activities. Other pamphlets include: Pollution Prevention Program. . (408)441-1195 General Construction and Site Supervision County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste Management Program. . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool 4 Maintenance County of Santa Clara District Attorney Environmental Crimes Hotline. . (408)299-TIPS Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application Santa Clara County Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-533-8414 Painting and Application of Solvents and Santa Clara Valley Water D Adhesives District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 Santa Clara Valley Water ) �- Roadwork and Paving District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 San Jose/Santa Clara Water Heavy Equipment Operation Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . (408) 945-3000 Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Who should use this brochure? Home Repair and Remodeling Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga • Bulldozer, back hoe, and grading For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482 Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant machine operators Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . (408) 730-7270 0 Dump truck drivers Regional Water Quality Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 329-2598 • Site supervisors Santa Clara Valley Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los . General contractors Urban Runoff Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Pollution Prevention Program Alto, Stanford • Home builders Regional Water Quality Control Board • Developers San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . (510) 622-2300 June 2001 Preventing Pollution: Dewatering Operations It's V t U Storm Drain Pollution 1. Check for Toxic Pollutants p0 S from Earth-Moving Activities ❑ Check for odors,.discoloration, or an oily In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport and Dewatering sheen on groundwater. water directly to local creeks and San Francisco ❑ Call your local wastewater treatment agency Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a Soil excavation and grading operations loosen and ask whether the groundwater must be serious problem for wildlife dependent on our large amounts of soil that can flow or blow into tested. storm drains when handled improperly. waterways and for the people who live near Sediments in runoff can clog storm drains, ❑ If contamination is suspected, have the water polluted streams or baylands. Some common smother aquatic life, and destroy habitats in tested by a certified laboratory. sources of this pollution include spilled oil, fuel, ❑ Depending on the test results, you may be creeks and the Bay. Effective erosion control and fluids from vehicles and heavy equipment; practices reduce the amount of runoff crossing a allowed to discharge pumped groundwater to construction debris; sediment created by erosion, site and slow the flow with check dams or the storm drain (if no sediments present)or landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed roughened ground surfaces. sanitary sewer. OR, you may be required to killers; and materials such as used motor oil, collect and haul pumped groundwater offsite antifreeze, and paint products that people pour or Contaminated groundwater is a common for treatment and disposal at an appropriate spill into a street or storm drain. problem in the Santa Clara Valley. Depending treatment facility. on soil types and site history, groundwater Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together pumped from construction sites may be 2. Check for Sediment Levels with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara contaminated with toxics (such as oil or ❑ If the water is clear, the pumping time is less Valley Water District to educate local residents and solvents) or laden with sediments. Any of these than 24 hours, and the flow rate is less than businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, pollutants can harm wildlife in creeks or the Bay, by following the practices described in this or interfere with wastewater treatment plant to gallons per minute, you may pump water pamphlet. operation. to the street or storm drain. .. ❑ If the pumping time is more than 24 hours and Discharging sediment-laden water from a the flow rate greater than 20 gpm, call your Doing the Job Right dewatering site into any water of the state local wastewater treatment plant for guidance. without treatment is prohibited. ❑ If the water is not clear, solids must be filtered General Business Practices or settled out by pumping to a settling tank ❑ Schedule excavation and grading work during prior to discharge. Options for filtering include: dry weather. Practices During Construction — Pumping through a perforated pipe sunk ❑ Remove existing vegetation only when part way into a small pit filled with gravel; ❑ Perform major equipment repairs away from the absolutely necessary. Plant temporary — Pumping from a bucket placed below job site. vegetation for erosion control on slopes or water level using a submersible pump; where construction is not immediately planned. — Pumping through a filtering device such as ❑ When refueling or vehicle/equipment ❑ Protect downslope drainage courses, streams, a swimming pool filter or filter fabric wrapped around end of suction pipe. maintenance must be done on site,designate a and storm drains with wattles, or temporary ❑ When discharging to a storm drain, protect the location away from storm drains. drainage swales. Use check dams or ditches inlet using a barrier of burlap bags filled with to divert runoff around excavations. Refer to drain rock, or cover inlet with filter fabric ❑ Do not use diesel oil to lubricate equipment the Regional Water Quality Control Board's anchored under the grate. OR pump water parts,or clean equipment. Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual for through a grassy Swale prior to discharge. proper erosion and sediment control measures. ❑ Cover stockpiles and excavated soil with Small Business Hazardous Waste secured tarps or plastic sheeting. Disposal Program Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Disposal Program Fresh Concrete 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408) 984-3080. Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 3. In the City of San Jose, dial 9-1-1 if hazardous a, n d Mortar eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small materials enter the storm drain system. For Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, call (408)945-3000. Application Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information or guidance on disposal. 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Best Management Practices for Palo Alto operates a similar program,with monthly Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . .1-800-852-7550 the Construction Industry collection,for small businesses. Call the City of 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services -,-- -- Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 schedule an appointment. Local Pollution Control Agencies This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets Count of Santa Clara describingstorm drain pollution prevention y p p Pollution Prevention Program. . . . .(408)441-1195 measures for specific types of construction industry activities. Other pamphlets include: County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste M1 Management Program. . . . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 Home Repair and Remodeling County of Santa Clara District Attorney Environmental Crimes Hotline. . . . (408)299-TIPS General Construction and Site Supervision - Santa Clara County Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-533-8414 �. Maintenance Santa Clara Valley Water _ °---- District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 Painting and Application of Solvents and ---— - Adhesives Santa Clara Valley Water District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . . . .1-888-510-5151 Roadwork and Paving San Jose/Santa Clara Water Who should use this brochure? Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . .. . . .(408) 945-3000 . Masons and bricklayers Earth Moving Activities and Dewatering Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Activities Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa • Sidewalk construction crews Heavy Equipment Operation Clara, Saratoga • Patio construction workers Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant • Construction inspectors For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482 Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . .. . (408)730-7270 Regional Water Quality • General contractors Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 329-2598[" Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los • Home builders J Santa Clara Valley Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo • Developers Urban Runoff Alto, Stanford Pollution Prevention Program Regional Water Quality Control Board • Concrete delivery/pumping workers San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . (510)622-2300 June 2001 Preventing Pollution: Storm Drain Pollution It's Up t0 US from Fresh Concrete and Mortar Applications A�In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport water directly to local creeks and San Francisco Fresh concrete and cement-related Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a mortars that wash into lakes, streams, During Construction serious problem for wildlife dependent on our or estuaries are toxic to fish and the creeks and bays and for the people who live near ❑ Don't mix u more fresh concrete or cement polluted streams or baylands. Common sources of aquatic environment. Disposing of P this pollution include spilled oil,fuel, and fluids from these materials to the storm drains or than you will use in a two-hour period. vehicles and heavy equipment; construction debris; creeks can block storm drains, causes ❑ Set up and operate small mixers on tarps or sediment created by erosion; landscaping runoff serious problems, and is prohibited by heavy plastic drop cloths. containing pesticides or weed killers; and materials law such as used motor oil, antifreeze, and paint ❑ When cleaning up after driveway or sidewalk products that people pour or spill into a street or construction, wash fines onto dirt areas, not storm drain. down the driveway or into the street or storm Doing the Job Right drain. Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together General Business Practices ❑ Protect applications of fresh concrete andmortar from rainfall and runoff until the material with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara has dried. Valley Water District to educate local residents and ❑ Wash out concrete mixers only in designated businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, wash-out areas in your yard, away from storm ❑ Wash down exposed aggregate concrete only by following the practices described in this drains and waterways, where the water will when the wash water can (1)flow onto a dirt pamphlet. flow into a temporary waste pit in a dirt area. area; (2)drain onto a bermed surface from Let water percolate through soil and dispose of which it can be pumped and disposed of settled, hardened concrete as garbage. properly; or(3) be vacuumed from a catchment Whenever possible, recycle washout by created by blocking a storm drain inlet. If pumping back into mixers for reuse. necessary, divert runoff with temporary berms. <, Make sure runoff does not reach gutters or ❑ Wash out chutes onto dirt areas at site that do storm drains. B not flow to streets or drains. ❑ When breaking up pavement, be sure to pick ❑ Always store both dry and wet materials under up all the pieces and dispose of properly. cover, protected from rainfall and runoff and Recycle large chunks of broken concrete at a away from storm drains or waterways. Protect landfill. " dry materials from wind. ❑ Never bury waste material. Dispose of small ❑ Secure bags of cement after they are open. Be amounts of excess dry concrete, grout, and sure to keep wind-blown cement powder away mortar in the trash. from streets, gutters, storm drains, rainfall, and runoff. ❑ Never dispose of washout into the street, storm drains, drainage ditches, or streams. ❑ Do not use diesel fuel as a lubricant on concrete forms, tools, or trailers. Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Disposal Program 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408) 984-3080. Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. General 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 3. In the City of San Jose dial 9-1-1 if hazardous eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small materials enter the storm drain system. For Construction Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, call (408) 945-3000. Call(408)299-7300 for a quote, more information and Site or guidance on disposal. 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning ■ ■ Palo Alto operates a similar program,with monthly Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . 1-800-852-7550 Supervision collection,for small businesses. Call the City of Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 schedule an appointment. Best Management Practices Local Pollution Control Agencies for Construction This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets County of Santa Clara describing storm drain pollution prevention Pollution Prevention Program. . (408)441-1195 measures for specific types of construction industry activities. Other pamphlets include: County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste Management Program. . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 General Construction and Site Supervision County of Santa Clara District Attorney Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Environmental Crimes Hotline. . (408)299-TIPS \ Maintenance Santa Clara County Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-533-8414 \ Painting and Application of Solvents and Santa Clara Valley Water Adhesives District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 a Santa Clara Valley Water Roadwork and Paving District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 San Jose/Santa Clara Water Who should use this brochure? Earth-Moving Activities and Dewatering Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . (408) 945-3000 Activities Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, • General contractors Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Heavy Equipment Operation Clara, Saratoga • Site supervisors Home Repair and Remodeling Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . (408)730-7270 • Inspectors For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482 Regional Water Quality Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 329-2598 • Home builders �G Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los WSanta Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo • Developers Clara Valley Alto, Stanford Urban Runoff Regional Water Quality Control Board Pollution Prevention Program San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . (510)622-2300 June 2001 Preventing Pollution: Storm Drain Pollution from ❑ Clean up leaks, drips and other spills immediately so they do not contaminate soil or It's Up to Us Construction Activities groundwater or leave residue on paved surfaces. In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport Construction sites are common sources of Use dry cleanup methods whenever possible. If water directly to local creeks and San Francisco storm water pollution. Materials and wastes you must use water, use just enough to keep the 'Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a that blow or wash into a storm drain, gutter, or dust down. serious problem for wildlife dependent on our street have a direct impact on local creeks and ❑ Cover and maintain dumpsters. Check frequently waterways and for the people who live near the Bay. for leaks. Place dumpsters under roofs or cover polluted streams or baylands. Some common As a contractor, or site supervisor,owner with tarps or plastic sheeting secured around the sources of this pollution include spilled oil, fuel, and or operator of a site,you may be outside of the dumpster. Never clean out a fluids from vehicles and heavy equipment; responsible for any environmental damage dumpster by hosing it down on the construction construction debris; sediment created by erosion; caused by your subcontractors or site. landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed employees. ❑ Place portable toilets away from storm drains. killers; and materials such as used motor oil, Make sure portable toilets are in good working antifreeze, and paint products that people pour or stormwater runoff velocities by constructing order. Check frequently for leaks. spill into a street or storm drain. ttemporarry check dams or berms where Materials/Waste Handling Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together appropriate. with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara ❑ Train your employees and subcontractors. Make ❑ Practice Source Reduction—minimize waste Valley Water District to educate local residents and these brochures available to everyone who works when you order materials.Order only the amount businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, on the construction site. Inform subcontractors you need to finish the job. by following the practices described in this about the stormwater requirements and their own ❑ Use recyclable materials whenever possible. responsibilities. Use Blueprint fora Clean Bay, a pamphlet. Arrange for pick-up of recyclable materials such as Doing the Job Right construction best management practices guide concrete, asphalt, scrap metal, solvents, 9 9 available from the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff degreasers, cleared vegetation,paper, rock, and General Principles Pollution Prevention Program,as a reference. vehicle maintenance materials such as used oil, ❑ Keep an orderly site and ensure good Good Housekeeping Practices antifreeze, batteries, and tires. housekeeping practices are used. ❑ Designate one area of the site for auto parking, ❑ Dispose of all wastes properly. Many ❑ Maintain equipment properly. vehicle refueling, and routine equipment construction materials and wastes, including ❑ Cover materials when they are not in use. maintenance.The designated area should be well solvents,water-based paints,vehicle fluids, broken ❑ Keep materials away from streets, storm drains away from streams or storm drain inlets, bermed if asphalt and concrete,wood, and cleared necessa or repairs off site. and drainage channels. necessary. Make major p vegetation can be recycled. (See the reference list ❑ Ensure dust control water doesn't leave site or ❑ Keep materials out of the rain—prevent runoff of recyclers in Blueprint for a Clean Bay.)Materials discharge to storm drains. contamination at the source. Cover exposed piles that cannot be recycled must be taken to an of soil or construction materials with plastic appropriate landfill or disposed of as hazardous Advance Planning To Prevent Pollution sheeting or temporary roofs. Before it rains, sweep waste. Never bury waste materials or leave them in ❑ Schedule excavation and grading activities for and remove materials from surfaces that drain to the street or near a creek or stream bed. dry weather periods.To reduce soil erosion, plant storm drains, creeks, or channels. Permits temporary vegetation or place other erosion ❑ Keep pollutants off exposed surfaces. Place ❑ In addition to local grading and building permits, controls before rain begins. Use the Erosion and trash cans and recycling receptacles around the you will need to obtain coverage under the State's Sediment Control Manual, available form the site to minimize litter. General Construction Activity Stormwater Permit if Regional Water Quality Control Board,as a your construction site's disturbed area totals 1 acre reference. or more. Information on the General Permit can be ❑ Control the amount of runoff crossing your site obtained from the Regional Water Quality Control (especially during excavation!)by using berms or Board. temporary or permanent drainage ditches to divert Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Heav Disposal Programy 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408)984-3080. Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call(650) 329-2413. Equipment 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 3. In the City of San Jose, dial 9-1-1 if hazardous eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small materials enter the storm drain system. For Operation Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, call (408)945-3000. Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information or guidance on disposal. 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Best Management Practices for Palo Alto operates a similar program, with monthly Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . 1-800-852-7550 t I ti trucon n the Construction collection,for small businesses. Call the City of Industry Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to Services. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 schedule an appointment. Local Pollution Control Agencies • This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets County of Santa Clara /► describing storm drain pollution prevention �Q Pollution Prevention Program. . . . .(408)441-1195 measures for specific types of construction industry activities. Other pamphlets include: County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste Management Program. . . . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 Home Repair and Remodeling County of Santa Clara District Attorney General Construction and Site Supervision Environmental Crimes Hotline. .. . (408)299-TIPS O Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Santa Clara County �:� Maintenance Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-533-8414 Santa Clara Valley Water Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application District. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 - -------- -— � Painting and Application of Solvents and Santa Clara Valley Water Adhesives District Pollution Hotline. . : . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 Roadwork and Paving San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . (408)945-3000 Who should use this brochure? V/ Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Vehicle and equipment.operators Santa Clara Valley Clara, Saratoga Urban Runoff Site supervisors Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant Pollution Prevention Program Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . . . (408)730-7270 • General contractors Regional Water Quality Home builders Earth-Moving Activities and Dewatering Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 329-2598 • Developers Activities Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482. Altos,Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Stanford Regional Water Quality Control Board San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . (510)622-2300 June 2001 Preventing Pollution: Spill Cleanup . It's Up to Us Stormwater Pollution s In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport from Heavy Equipment on ❑ Clean up Pills 4W water directly to local creeks and San Francisco Construction Sites immediately : Bay, without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a when they �66 serious problem for wildlife dependent on our happen. ! a waterways and for people who live near polluted Poorly maintained vehicles and heavy streams or baylands. Some common sources of equipment that leak fuel oil antifreeze this pollution include spilled oil,fuel, and fluids from or other fluids on the construction site ❑ Never hose down"dirty" pavement or impermeable surfaces where fluids have vehicles and heavy equipment; construction debris; are common sources of storm drain spilled. Use dry cleanup methods(absorbent sediment created by erosion, landscaping runoff pollution. Prevent spills and leaks by materials, cat litter, and/or rags)whenever containing pesticides or weed killers; and materials isolating equipment from runoff possible and properly dispose of absorbent such as used motor oil, antifreeze, and paint channels, and by watching for leaks and materials. products that people pour or spill into streets or other maintenance problems. Remove storm drains. construction equipment from the site as ❑ Sweep up spilled dry materials immediately. Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together soon as possible. Never attempt to"wash them away"with water, with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara or bury them. Valley Water District to educate local residents and businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, by following the practices described in this ❑ Maintain all vehicles and heavy equipment. ❑ Use as little water as possible for dust control. pamphlet. Inspect frequently for and repair leaks. Ensure water used doesn't leave silt or discharge to storm drains. ❑ Perform major maintenance, repair jobs, and Doing the Job Right vehicle and equipment washing off site where ❑ Clean up spills on dirt areas by digging up and cleanup is easier. properly disposing of contaminated soil. Site Planning and Preventive Vehicle Maintenance ❑ If you must drain and replace motor oil, radiator ❑ Report significant spills to the appropriate local coolant, or other fluids on site, use drip pans or spill response agencies immediately. (See ❑ Designate one area of the construction site, drop cloths to catch drips and spills. Collect all reverse side of brochure for telephone well away from streams or storm drain inlets, spent fluids, store in separate containers, and numbers.) for auto and equipment parking, refueling, and properly dispose as hazardous waste(recycle routine vehicle and equipment maintenance. whenever possible). ❑ If the spill poses a significant hazard to human Contain the area with berms, sand bags, or health and safety, property or the environment, other barriers. ❑ Do not use diesel oil to lubricate equipment you must also report it to the State Office of parts, or clean equipment. Use only water for Emergency Services(see reverse). any onsite cleaning. ❑ Cover exposed fifth wheel hitches and other oily or greasy equipment during rain events. Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Roadwork Disposal Program 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408) 984-3080. Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. and 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 3. In the City of San Jose, dial 9-1-1 if hazardous eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small materials enter the storm drain system. For Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, call (408) 945-3000. Paving Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 or guidance on disposal. 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Best Management Practices for 1-800-852-7650 Palo Alto operates a similar program,with monthly Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . . the Construction Industry collection,for small businesses. Call the City of 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to schedule an appointment. Local Pollution Control Agencies This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets County of Santa Clara describing storm drain pollution prevention Pollution Prevention Program. . . .(408)441-1195 measures for specific types of construction industry County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste activities. Other pamphlets include: Management Program. . . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 County of Santa Clara District Attorney General Construction and Site Supervision Environmental Crimes Hotline. . .(408)299-TIPS Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Santa Clara County Maintenance Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-533-8414 Painting and Application of Solvents and Santa Clara Valley Water Adhesives District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)265-2600 Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application Santa Clara Valley Water Who should use this brochure? District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 Earth-Moving Activities and Dewatering San Jose/Santa Clara Water Road crews Activities Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . . .(408) 945-3000 Driveway/sidewalk/parking lot Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, construction crews Heavy Equipment Operation Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga Seal coat contractors Home Repair and Remodeling Operators of grading equipment, Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant For additional brochures call 1-800-794-2482. Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . . .(408)730-7270 paving machines, dump trucks, Regional Water Quality concrete mixers Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 329-2598 • Construction inspectors Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los %%% g '�' General contractors .-� Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Home builders Alto, Stanford • Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff g y Regional Water Quality Control Board • Developers Pollution Prevention Program San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . (510)622-2300 June 2001 Preventing Pollution. Cover stockpiles(asphalt, sand, etc.)and other Storm Drain Pollution construction materials with plastic tarps. Protect It's Up to US from rainfall and prevent runoff with temporary from Roadwork roofs or plastic sheets and berms. In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport ❑ Park paving machines over drip pans or water directly to local creeks and San Francisco Road paving, surfacing, and pavement removal absorbent material (cloth, rags, etc.)to catch Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a happen right in the street,where there are drips when not in use. serious problem for wildlife dependent on our numerous opportunities for asphalt, saw-cut ❑ Clean up all spills and leaks using "dry" creeks and bay and th e he people who live near polluted streams or for ds. Common sources of slurry, or excavated material to illegally enter methods(with absorbent materials and/or this pollution include spilled oil, fuel, and fluids from storm drains. Extra planning is required to store rags), or dig up, remove, and properly dispose vehicles and heavy equipment; construction debris; and dispose of materials properly and guard of contaminated soil. against pollution of storm drains, creeks, and the sediment created by erosion; landscaping runoff ❑ Collect and recycle or appropriately dispose of containing pesticides or weed killers; and materials Bay' excess abrasive gravel or sand. such as used motor oil, antifreeze, and paint I ❑ Avoid over-application by water trucks for dust products that people pour or spill into a street or control. storm drain. ❑ When refueling or when vehicle/equipment maintenance must be done on site, designate Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together a location away from storm drains and creeks. with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara ❑ Do not use diesel oil to lubricate equipment Asphalt/Concrete Removal Valley Water District to educate local residents and parts or clean equipment. businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, by following the practices described in this ❑ Recycle used oil, concrete, broken asphalt, ❑ Avoid creating excess dust when breaking pamphlet. etc.whenever possible, or dispose of properly. asphalt or concrete. ❑ After breaking up old pavement, be sure to During Construction remove all chunks and pieces. Make sure Doing the Job Right broken pavement does not come in contact with rainfall or runoff. ❑ Avoid paving and seal coating in wet weather, ❑ When making saw cuts, use as little water as General Business Practices or when rain is forecast, to prevent fresh possible. Shovel or vacuum saw-cut slurry and materials from contacting stormwater runoff. remove from the site. Cover or protect storm ❑ Develop and implement erosion/sediment ❑ Cover and seal catch basins and manholes drain inlets during saw-cutting. Sweep up, and control plans for roadway embankments. when applying seal coat, slurry seal, fog seal, properly dispose of, all residues. ❑ Schedule excavation and grading work during or similar materials. ❑ Sweep, never hose down streets to clean up dry weather. ❑ Protect drainage ways by using earth dikes, tracked dirt. Use a street sweeper or vacuum ❑ Check for and repair leaking equipment. sand bags, or other controls to divert or trap truck. Do not dump vacuumed liquor in storm p gand filter runoff. drains. ❑ Perform major equipment repairs at designated ❑ Never wash excess material from exposed- areas in your maintenance yard,where aggregate concrete or similar treatments into a cleanup is easier.Avoid performing equipment street or storm drain. Collect and recycle, or repairs at construction sites. dispose to dirt area. Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Disposal Program 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408) 984-3080. Painting a n d month are 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. 220 pounds of hazardous waste per m Businesses that generate less than gallons or 3. In the City of San Jose, dial 9-1-1 if hazardous Application of materials enter the storm drain system. For eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small 945-3000 408 call ( ) . Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, Solvents a n d Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 or guidance on disposal. 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning ■ Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . .1-800-852-7550 Adhesives Palo Alto operates a similar program, with monthly 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health collection,for small businesses. Call the City of Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 Best Management Practices for Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services g Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to Local Pollution Control Agencies the Construction Industry schedule an appointment. g County of Santa Clara This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets Pollution Prevention Program. . . . (408)441-1195 describing storm drain pollution prevention County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste measures for specific types of construction industry activities. Other pamphlets include: Management Program. . . . . . . . . .(408)441-1198 County of Santa Clara District Attorney General Construction and Site Supervision Environmental Crimes Hotline. . . . (408)299-TIPS A Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Santa Clara County Maintenance Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-533-8414 t' Santa Clara Valley Water Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 Roadwork and Paving Santa Clara Valley Water R y Earth Moving Activities and Dewatering District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 San Jose/Santa Clara Water Activities Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . (408)945-3000 Heavy Equipment Operation Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Who should use this brochure? Home Repair and Remodeling Clara, Saratoga Homeowners Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant Serving SunnyvalePainters For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482 gunn a� le. . . . . . . . . (408)730-7270 • Paperhangers Regional Water Quality Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 329-2598 Plasterers Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District Los Graphic artists L J Santa Clara Valley Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Dry wall crews Urban Runoff Alto, Stanford . Floor covering installers Pollution Prevention Program Regional Water Quality Control Board 0 General contractors San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . (510)622-2300 . Home builders Developers June 2001 PreventingPollution' Painting Cleanup Storm Drain Pollution from ❑ Never clean brushes or rinse paint It's U n to Us Paints, Solvents, and containers into a street,gutter,storm drain, M Adhesives French drain, or stream.In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport All paints, solvents, and adhesives contain ❑ For water-based paints, paint out brushes to the extent possible, and rinse into a drain that water directly to local creeks and San Francisco chemicals that are harmful to wildlife in local goes to the sanitary sewer. Never pour paint Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a creeks, San Francisco Bay, and the Pacific down storm drain. serious problem for wildlife dependent on our Ocean.Toxic chemicals may come from waterways and for the people who live near liquid or solid products or from cleaning ❑ For oil-based paints, paint out brushes to the polluted streams or baylands. Some common residues or rags. Paint material and wastes, extent possible and clean with thinner or sources of this pollution include spilled oil,fuel, and adhesives and cleaning fluids should be solvent in a proper container. Filter and reuse fluids from vehicles and heavy equipment; recycled when possible, or disposed of thinners and solvents. Dispose of excess construction debris; sediment created by erosion; properly to prevent these materials from liquids and residue as hazardous waste. landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed flowing into storm drains and watercourses. Paint Removal killers; and materials such as used motor oil, antifreeze, and paint products that people pour or ❑ Paint chips and dust from non-hazardous spill into a street or storm drain. Doing the Job Right dry stripping and sand blasting may be swept up or collected in plastic drop cloths and Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together Handling Paint Products disposed of as trash. with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara ❑ Keep all liquid paint products and wastes ❑ Chemical paint stripping residue and chips Valley Water District to educate local residents and away from the gutter,street,and storm and dust from marine paints or paints businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, drains. Liquid residues from paints,thinners, containing lead, mercury or tributyl tin must by following the practices described in this solvents, glues, and cleaning fluids are be disposed of as hazardous wastes. Lead pamphlet. hazardous wastes and must be disposed of at based paint removal requires a state-certified a hazardous waste collection facility(contact contractor. your local stormwater program listed on the ❑ When stripping or cleaning building exteriors back of this brochure). with high-pressure water, block storm drains. A ❑ When thoroughly dry, empty paint cans, used Direct wash water onto a dirt area and spade brushes, rags, and drop cloths may be into soil. Or, check with the local wastewater disposed of as garbage in a sanitary landfill. treatment authority to find out if you can collect Empty, dry paint cans also may be recycled as (mop or vacuum) building cleaning water and metal. dispose to the sanitary sewer. Sampling of the ❑ Wash water from painted buildings constructed water may be required to assist the wastewater before 1978 can contain high amounts of lead, treatment authority in making its decision. even if paint chips are not present. Before you Recycle/Reuse Leftover Paints begin stripping paint or cleaning pre-1978 building exteriors with water under high Whenever Possible. L 0 pressure, test paint for lead by taking paint ❑ Recycle or donate excess water-based (latex) scrapings to a local laboratory. See Yellow paint,or return to supplier. Pages for a state-certified laboratory. ❑ Reuse leftover oil-based paint. Dispose of ❑ If there is loose paint on the building, or if the non-recyclable thinners, sludge and unwanted paint tests positive for lead, block storm drains. paint, as hazardous waste. Check with the wastewater treatment plant to ❑ Unopened cans of paint may be able to be determine whether you may discharge water to returned to the paint vendor. Check with the the sanitary sewer, or if you must send it offsite vendor regarding its"buy-back" policy. for disposal as hazardous waste. Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Disposal Program 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408) 984-3080. Landscaping, Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. Gardening, 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are 3. In the City of San Jose, Dial 9-1-1 if hazardous eligible to use Santa Clara County's Small materials enter the storm drain system. For Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. non-hazardous spills, call (408)945-3000. Pool Maintenance Call (408)299-7300 for a quote, more information 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 or guidance on disposal. 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Best Management Practices for Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . 1-800-852-7550 Palo Alto operates a similar program,with monthly 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health the Construction Industry collection,for small businesses. Call the City of Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 Palo Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to Local Pollution Control Agencies schedule an appointment. County of Santa Clara This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets Pollution Prevention Program. . . . .(408)441-1195 I describing storm drain pollution prevention measures for specific types of construction industry County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste activities. Other pamphlets include: Management Program. . . . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 County of Santa Clara District Attorney General Construction and Site Supervision Environmental Crimes Hotline. . . . (408)299-TIPS Santa Clara County Painting and Application of Solvents and Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-533-8414 Adhesives Santa Clara Valley Water f District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (408)265-2600 Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application �..:, Santa Clara Valley Water Roadwork and Paving District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . . . 1-888-510-5151 San Jose/Santa Clara Water Earth-Moving Activities and Dewatering Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . (408)945-3000 Who should use this brochure? Activities Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Heavy Equipment Operation Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa . Landscapers Clara, Saratoga Home Repair and Remodeling Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant • Gardeners Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . . . (408)730-7270 . Swimming pool/spa service For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482. Regional Water Quality and repair workers Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 329-2598 Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District Los • General contractors Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Home builders Alto, Stanford Regional Water Quality Control Board . Developers San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . (510)622-2300 • Homeowners Santa Clara V alley Urban Runoff June 2001 Pollution Prevention Program Preventing Pollution: Storm Drain Pollution It's Up to Us from Landscaping and J In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport Swimming Pool Maintenance -� water directly to local creeks and San Francisco Many landscaping activities expose soils and Bay without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a increase the likelihood that earth and garden serious problem for wildlife dependent on our chemicals will run off into the storm drains waterways and for the people who live near during irrigation or when it rains. Swimming polluted streams or baylands. Some common pool water containing chlorine and copper- odg sources of this pollution include spilled oil,fuel, and based algaecides should never be discharged fluids from vehicles and heavy equipment; to storm drains. These chemicals are toxic to Pool/Fountain/Spa Maintenance construction debris; sediment created by erosion; aquatic life. landscaping runoff containing pesticides or weed Draining pools or spas killers; and materials such as used motor oil, When it's time to drain a pool, spa, or fountain, antifreeze, and paint products that people pour or Landscaping/Garden Maintenance please be sure to call your local wastewater spill into a street or storm drain. ❑ Use pesticides sparingly, according to treatment plant before you start for further instructions on the label. Rinse empty guidance on flow rate restrictions, backflow Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together containers, and use rinsewater as product. prevention, and handling special cleaning waste with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara Dispose of rinsed, empty containers in the (such as acid wash). Discharge flows should be Valley Water District to educate local residents and trash. Dispose of unused pesticides as kept to the low levels typically possible through a businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, hazardous waste. garden hose. Higher flow rates may be prohibited by following the practices described in this ❑ Collect lawn and garden clippings, pruning by local ordinance. pamphlet. waste, and tree trimmings. Chip if necessary, ❑ Never discharge pool or spa water to a street Doing the Job Right and compost. or storm drain; discharge to a sanitary sewer ❑ In communities with curbside pick-up of yard cleanout. General Business Practices waste, place clippings and pruning waste at ❑ If possible, when emptying a pool or spa, let the curb in approved bags or containers. Or, chlorine dissipate for a few days and then ❑ Protect stockpiles and landscaping materials take to a landfill that composts yard waste. No recycle/reuse water by draining it gradually from wind and rain by storing them under tarps curbside pickup of yard waste is available for onto a landscaped area. or secured plastic sheeting. commercial properties. ❑ Store pesticides, fertilizers, and other ❑ Do not use copper-based algaecides. Control p ❑ Do not blow or rake leaves, etc. into the street, algae with chlorine or other alternatives, such chemicals indoors or in a shed or storage or place yard waste in gutters or as sodium bromide. cabinet. on dirt shoulders, unless you ❑ Schedule grading and excavation projects are piling them for recycling Filter Cleaning during dry weather. (allowed by San Jose and ❑ Never clean a filter in the street or near a storm unincorporated County only). in drain. Rinse cartridge and diatomaceous earth ❑ Use temporary check dams or ditches to divert Sweep up any leaves, litter or g runoff away from storm drains. filters onto a dirt area, and spade filter residue residue in gutters or on street. into soil. Dispose of spent diatomaceous earth ❑ Protect storm drains with sandbags or other ❑ In San Jose, leave yard wastein the garbage. sediment controls. for curbside recycling pickup i ❑ Revegetation is an excellent form of erosion piles in the street, 18 inches ❑ If there is suitable dirt area, call your local wastewaterr treatment plant for instructions on control for any site. from the curb and discharging filter backwash or rinsewater to the completely out of the flow — - sanitary sewer. line to any storm drain. Small Business Hazardous Waste Spill Response Agencies: Disposal Program 1. In the City of Santa Clara, call (408)984-3080. Home Repair Businesses that generate less than 27 gallons or 220 2. In the City of Palo Alto, call (650) 329-2413. pounds of hazardous waste per month are eligible to 3. In the City of San Jose, Dial 9-1-1 if hazardous use Santa Clara County's Small Business Hazardous materials the storm drain system. For non- and RemodelingWaste Disposal Program. Call (408)299-7300 for a hazardous spills, call (408) 945-3000. quote. 4. In other cities, DIAL 9-1-1 Palo Alto operates a similar program,with monthly 5. State Office of Emergency Services Warning Best Management Practices for collection,for small businesses. Call the City of Palo Center(24 hours). . . . . . . . . . 1-800-852-7650 Construction Activities Alto, (650)496-6980, or Greenfield Services 6. Santa Clara County Environmental Health Corporation, 1-800-433-5060 for information or to _ Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)299-6930 • Landscaping/Foundation Work schedule an appointment. Painting and Paint Cleanup This brochure is one in a series of pamphlets Local Pollution Control Agencies Count of Santa Clara Concrete, Masonry, and Tile Work describing storm drain pollution prevention measures Y for specific types of construction industry activities. Pollution Prevention Program. . . . . . .(408)441-1195 . General Construction Other pamphlets include: County of Santa Clara Integrated Waste General Construction and Site Supervision Management Program. . . . . . . . . . . . (408)441-1198 County of Santa Clara-District Attorney Landscaping, Gardening, and Pool Environmental Crimes Hotline. . . . . . .(408)299-TIPS Maintenance Santa Clara County Painting and Application of Solvents and Recycling Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-533-8414 Adhesives Santa Clara Valley Water Q District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(408)265-2600 o o Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application Santa Clara Valley Water E [I District Pollution Hotline. . . . . . . . . . .1-888-510-5151 0r Roadwork and Paving San Jose/Santa Clara Water . Earth-Moving Activities and Dewatering Pollution Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . (408) 945-3000 .f= I Activities Serving Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Heavy Equipment Operation Clara, Saratoga Home repair and Remodeling Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant Serving Sunnyvale. . . . . . . . . . . 408) 730-7270 For additional brochures, call 1-800-794-2482. Regional Water Quality Control Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 329-2598 Who should use this brochure? Serving East Palo Alto Sanitary District, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Stanford Homeowners Regional Water Quality Control Board • Do-it yourself remodelers Santa Clara Valley San Francisco Bay Region. . . . . . . . . (510)622-2300 Urban Runoff • General contractors Pollution Prevention Program June 2001 Landscaping/Foundation Work ❑ Chemical paint stripping residues, including recycle: saturated rags, are a hazardous waste and Intensive gardening, landscaping, and all excavation should be taken to a household hazardous Plant material/tree branches, leaves, etc. projects such as foundation repair or pool waste event. Wood, broken asphalt, and concrete(check with your construction expose soils and increase the likelihood that garden chemicals and earth will wash into the ❑ local landfill Chips and dust from marine paints or paints ) storm drains. Be careful to control erosion and containing lead, mercury or tributyl-tin are Water-based paints (in some communities) minimize runoff to all driveways, gutters, and storm hazardous wastes. Sweep up paint chips and Used motor oil (curbside pickup in most communities) drains. properly store for Antifreeze(in some communities) household hazardous ❑ Schedule grading and excavation projects waste event. during dry weather. Take to a household hazardous ❑ Cover excavated material and stockpiles of Reuse/recycle leftover waste drop-off event: asphalt, sand, etc.with plastic tarps during the rainy season. paints whenever possible Unused garden and household chemicals ❑ Replant as soon as possible,with temporary ❑ Use up excess Leftover paint vegetation such as annual grass seed if \t paint or give it to Used solvents necessary. Revegetation provides excellent a neighbor, or take Paint stripping residue and rags erosion control. it to a household Used antifreeze ❑ Take care not to over apply pesticides, and use hazardous waste up leftover supply. Rinse empty containers, and event. Mosthousehold Dispose as trash: use rinsewater as you would use the product. hazardous waste Dispose of empty rinsed containers in the trash. collection programs Construction debris from small projects ❑ Dispose of unused pesticide as hazardous can recycle latex Dry, empty paint cans, spent brushes, rags, and drop waste. (water-based) cloths ❑ Collect lawn and garden clippings, pruning paint. Small amounts of dry mortar, grout, etc. waste, and tree trimmings. Many cities and landfills have yard waste collection and composting programs. Check with your municipality to see if yard waste pickup is Clean up all available and what the collection requirements spills when they are. happen. Do not ❑ In areas with curbside pickup of yard waste flush spills into place clippings and pruning waste in approved storm bags or containers. drains. If ❑ Do not blow or rake leaves, etc. into the construction street, or place yard waste in gutters or on materials or dirt shoulders, unless you are piling them for other wastes get recycling (San Jose and unincorporated County into a gutter, storm onl . drain, or creek, call your ❑ In San Jose, leave yard waste for curbside local spill response agency recycling in piles in the street, 18 inches from immediately! (See list on back of brochure.) the curb and completely out of the flow line of any storm drain. Or, take to a landfill that composts yard waste. Household Hazardous Waste Recycling�--Buy and sell building C&M Diversified 330 Disposal materials, concrete, asphalt, yard (40 ) Montgomery St., San Jose (408)294-5185 waste Doors,filing cabinets, kitchen cabinets, plumbing For information, contact your City's program or the fixtures, windows Santa Clara County Household Hazardous Waste ABC Recycling Industries Santa Clara Granite Rock Program, (408)299-7300. (408)732-9253 San Jose Pallets, cardboard (408)574-3000 For Palo Alto residents, household hazardous waste Asphalt, concrete, concrete with rebar is collected monthly at the Regional Water Quality BFI—Waste Systems of North America,Inc. Los Altos Garbage Company/Stevens Creek Control Plant, 2501 Embarcadero Way. Most events San Jose Disposal&Recycling are on the first Saturday of the month,from 9 a.m. (408)432-1234 Santa Clara until noon. For information, call (650)496-6980. Construction demolition materials, concrete with/without rebar, asphalt and untreated wood (408)970-5100 City of Santa Clara collection events are held twice a (separation of these materials at the source of Wood, toilets, construction demolition materials year. Call(408) 984-3080. generation required) Raish Products Recycling Yard Butterick Enterprises 143 Carl Road., Sunnyvale San Jose (408)734-4245 Construction Materials & (408)292-5687 Asphalt, concrete Equipment Reuse and Exchange Asphalt, concrete, mixed asphalt, rock,wood, Recycle West construction demolition materials; on-site pickup Santa Clara CALMAX available (888)366-7228 Sacramento Concrete, untreated wood, construction debris; on- (916)255-2369 site pickup available Bi-monthly listing of available and wanted materials: The Recyclery www.ciwmb.ca.gov/CaIMAX/ San Jose (408)262-1401 Urban Ore,Inc. Clean wood waste, clean concrete(<1'), asphalt 7t'Street at Ashby, Berkeley SRDC (510)2354172 199 Seaport Blvd., Redwood City Building materials exchange, household goods, office (650)961-2742 furniture Brick, concrete, rock San Martin Transfer and Recycling San Martin (408)842-3358 Asphalt, concrete, rocks, wood/demolition debris, ? ;< untreated wood only; on-site pickup available �� * Valley Recycling /x San Jose K (408)297-5352 Construction demolition debris Zanker Resource Management 705 Los Esteros Road, San Jose (408)263-2383 Preventing Pollution: Painting and Concrete, Masonry, and Tile Work Paint Cleanup ❑ Don't mix up more fresh concrete or cement It's Up to US All paints, solvents, and adhesives contain chemicals than you need for each project. In the Santa Clara Valley, storm drains transport that are harmful to aquatic animals and other wildlife ❑ Cover and protect bags of cement and plaster water directly to local creeks and San Francisco Bay, in our creeks and Bay. Toxic chemicals may come after they are open. Be sure to keep wind-blown without treatment. Stormwater pollution is a serious from liquid or solid products or from cleaning residues cement powder away from gutters, storm drains, problem for wildlife dependent on our waterways and on rags. It is especially important not to clean rainfall, and runoff. for people who live near polluted streams or brushes or painting equipment(buckets, pans, hoses, ❑ Wash down exposed aggregate concrete only baylands.Some common sources of this pollution etc.) in an area where paint or paint cleanup water when wash water can flow onto a dirt area, or be include spilled oil, fuel, and fluids from vehicles and can flow to a gutter, street, or storm drain. collected, pumped, and disposed of properly. heavy equipment; construction debris; sediment Paint Cleanup Make sure runoff does not reach gutters or created by erosion, landscaping runoff containing storm drains. pesticides or weed killers; and materials such as ❑ Never clean brushes or rinse paint ❑ Never wash excess material from bricklaying or used motor oil, antifreeze, and paint products that containers into a street, gutter, storm patio or driveway construction into a street or people pour or spill into streets or storm drains. drain, or stream. storm drain. Empty mixing container onto a dirt Thirteen valley municipalities have joined together ❑ For water-based paints, paint out area, or allow material to dry and put in trash. brushes on scrap material to the ❑ Dispose of small amounts of excess d with Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara Valley ��- ,.- extent possible, and rinse into a p dry Water District to educate local residents and p concrete, grout, and mortar in the trash. Call businesses and fight stormwater pollution. Join us, by \ drain that goes to the sanitary your local refuse hauler for weight and size following the practices described in this pamphlet. sewer(i.e. indoor plumbing). limits. ❑ For oil-based paints, paint out ❑ Collect and reuse excess abrasive gravel and brushes to the extent possible before sand. Doing the Job Right soaking in paint thinner to clean. Filter and reuse ❑ Never hose down driveways, sidewalk, or thinner and solvents. Dispose of unwanted oil- This brochure is for homeowners, and do-it- based paint, used thinner, and paint residue at a streets. yourself remodelers who have access to residential hazardous waste collection event. household hazardous waste disposal programs. Contractors and other professionals should refer to ❑ When they are thoroughly dry, empty paint cans, General Construction the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution spent brushes, rags, and drop cloths may be Prevention Program's other publications in this series disposed of as trash. Leave the lids off paint ❑ Keep all construction debris away from the of brochures, and to Blueprint for a Clean Bay, a cans so the refuse collector can see that they street, gutter, and storm drain. manual of best-management practices for are empty. ❑ During cleanup, check the street and gutters for construction-related industries. ❑ Dispose of empty aerosol paint cans as sediment, refuse, or debris. Look around the household hazardous waste. corner or downstream for material that may have Keep waterway protection in mind whenever you or already traveled away from your property. people you hire work on your house or property. The Paint Removal property owner is ultimately responsible for correcting S ❑ If you or your contractor keep a dumpster at any pollution problems caused by construction ❑ Buildings constructed your site, be sure it is securely covered with a lid activities. Penalties may be more severe if storm before 1978 may have �� or tarp when it is not in use. drain pollution is not reported promptly. lead paint. Test paint � � ❑ Place portable toilets away from storm drains. for lead by taking paint �.�- F Make sure toilets are in working order. Check scrapings to a local frequently for leaks. laboratory. APPENDIX D City's Storm Water Pollution Control Requirements Appendix App D-1 CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE Chapter 14.02 STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL SECTIONS: 14.02.010 Purpose. 14.02.020 Definitions. 14.02.030 Requirements. 14.02.040 Enforcement--Violation--Penalties. 14.02.050 Inspection 14.02.010 Purpose. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified urban stormwater runoff as the leading cause of water pollution in the United States. Furthermore, both federal and state agencies have identified stormwater runoff from the city as a major source of pollution adversely impacting the beneficial uses of the South San Francisco Bay. As a result, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, has issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") permit requiring the city to establish legal authorities sufficient to protect its municipal storm drain system from certain prohibited discharges. The city is also required to implement a stormwater management program to assure that stormwater runoff from the city does not cause or contribute to a violation of the water quality standards of South San Francisco Bay. The purpose of this chapter is therefore to provide minimum requirements designed to control the discharge of pollutants into the city municipal storm drain system and to assure that discharges from the city municipal storm drain system comply with applicable provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. CA0029718 including amendments and California Regional Water Quality Control Board approvals. Enactment of this chapter falls within the scope of the city police power to protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents. Nothing in this chapter is intended to preclude more stringent federal or state regulation of any activity covered by this chapter. 14.02.020 Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall be as defined herein. Words and phrases used in this chapter and not otherwise defined shall be as defined in the regulations promulgated by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency to implement the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act, or as defined by the State Water Resources Control Board to implement the California Water Code: A. "Applicable materials" means all materials used in industrial or commercial establishments that are stored outdoors,that may be exposed to stormwater, and that have the reasonable potential to degrade the quality of runoff from the site. These include, but JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 1 are not limited to, all materials containing cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver and zinc, which are pollutants that have specifically been identified as known to contribute to impairment of applicable water quality standards. B. "Deemed complete" means that a project applicant has submitted a development application package for discretionary approval that is determined to be a complete and acceptable application by the Community Development Director. Public projects are deemed complete if funding has been approved by the City Council and construction has been scheduled. C. "Discharge" means the discharge, addition, placement, deposit, release or dumping of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to surface waters from any point source. This definition includes, but is not limited to, additions of pollutants into waters, from: surface runoff and discharges through pipes, sewers, channels or other conveyances owned by a state, municipality or other person which do not lead to a treatment works. 'Discharge," within the meaning of this chapter, shall also mean any discharge on public on private property which results or will reasonably result in a discharge into any and all watercourses. Such discharges represent a process whereby pollutants, debris and chemicals are placed or otherwise deposited on streets, construction sites, parking lots and other exposed surfaces and are subsequently washed off and carried away by stormwater runoff into watercourses. D. "Grease" means, and includes, fats, oils, waxes or other related constituents. Grease may be of mineral origin, including kerosene, lubricating oil and road oil. Grease may also be of vegetable or animal origin, including butter, lard,margarine, vegetable fats and oils, fats in meats, cereals, seeds, nuts and certain fruits. Grease is generally present as, but need not be, a floatable solid, a liquid, a colloid, an emulsion, or in a solution. E. "Grease generatinga ctivity" means any commercial or industrial activity that uses or produces grease on an ongoing basis. F. "Grease removal device" means an interceptor or other mechanical device designed, constructed and intended to remove, hold or otherwise prevent the passage of grease to the (sanitary sewer or)municipal storm drain system. G. "Impervious surface" means a constructed or modified surface that does not allow rainfall to percolate through to the subsoil and thus creates stormwater runoff. Impervious surface includes, but is not limited to, building rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, patios, driveways or other hardscape where such surfaces are not constructed with pervious materials and/or are not designed so as to have zero stormwater discharge. H. "Interceptor" means a receptacle or trap designed and constructed to intercept, separate and prevent the passage of prohibited substances into the (sanitary sewer or) municipal storm drain system. JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 2 I. "Major development or redevelopment project" means a project that creates, adds, or replaces an amount of impervious surface as defined in the current NPDES permit. I "Municipal storm drains sue" means and includes, but shall not be limited to, those facilities.within the municipality by which stormwater may be conveyed to waters of the United States, including any roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels or storm drains, which are not part of a publicly owned treatment works(POTW). K. "NPDES permit" means a valid National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act. L. "Pollutants" means and includes all sewage, sewage sludge, garbage, biological materials, radioactive materials, and chemical, industrial and agricultural waste discharge into water. M. "Project with significant pollution potential" means any project determined by the city to be likely to have sources of pollutants on-site and/or to contribute pollutants to stormwater after project completion, based on a review of the proposed uses of or activities planned for the site. N. "Stormwater"means all rainfall runoff, surface runoff and drainage. O. "Watercourses" mean and include all natural waterways and definite channels and depressions in the earth that carry water, even though such waterways may only carry water during rains and storms and may not carry stormwater at and during all times and seasons. Watercourses include facilities owned and operated by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. 14.02.030 Requirements. A. Non-stormwater dischar es. 1. Discharge Prohibition. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the municipal storm drain system or watercourses any materials other than stormwater. In addition, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the municipal storm drain system or watercourses, any pollutants or waters containing any pollutants that cause or threaten to contribute to a violation of applicable water quality standards. It is also unlawful to discharge, or cause to be discharged into any storm drain or natural outlet or channel, any sewage, industrial waste or other polluted waters or materials without a valid NPDES permit or written authority from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or its designated enforcement agent. JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stonnwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 3 2. Exceptions to Discharge Prohibition. The preceding discharge prohibition in subsection A.I. shall not apply to any discharge that is specifically authorized by an NPDES permit to flow to a storm drain or natural outlet or channel. In addition, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, has determined that the discharge prohibition shall not apply to the following "permissible" activities: water line flushing, landscape irrigation/lawn watering, uncontaminated foundation drains, uncontaminated nonindustrial roof drains, irrigation water, uncontaminated groundwater infiltration, residential car washings, flows from firefighting, flows from potable water sources, and dechlorinated swimming pool waters. 3. Protection Against Accident Discharge. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide reasonable protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes into the municipal storm drain system or watercourses. Facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes shall be provided and maintained at the owner or operator's expense. 4. Report of Accidental Discharges. Where an accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes has entered the municipal storm drain system or a watercourse, such incident shall be reported to city or designated agent as soon as possible, but in no event later than twenty-four hours after such a discharge. If the accidental discharge or prohibited materials or other wastes emanates from a commercial or industrial establishment, the owner or operator of such establishment shall also retain an on-site written record of the discharge and the actions taken to prevent its recurrence. Such records shall be retained for at least three years. A notice shall be permanently posted in a conspicuous place on the premises of each commercial or industrial establishment advising employees of the department or agency to call in case of such an accidental discharge. 5. Abatement of Prohibited Discharge by Responsible Party. The prohibited discharges are declared.to constitute a public nuisance. Remediation and abatement of prohibited discharges shall be the responsibility of persons causing such discharge. The city shall be advised of the abatement and shall inspect the discharge site to insure that the nuisance has in fact been abated. B. Watercourse protection. 1. Watercourse Protection-Requirements. Every person owning property through which a watercourse passes, or such person's lessee, shall keep and maintain that part of the Watercourse within the property reasonably free of trash, debris, excessive vegetation, and other obstacles that would pollute, contaminate or significantly retard the flow of water through the watercourse. In addition, the owner or lessee shall maintain existing privately owned structures within or adjacent to a watercourse, so that such structures will not become a hazard to the use, function or physical integrity of the watercourse. The owner or lessee shall not remove healthy bank vegetation beyond that JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 4 actually necessary for maintenance, nor remove the vegetation in such a manner as to increase the vulnerability of the watercourse to erosion. 2. Acts Requiring Permit. No person shall commit or cause to be committed any of the following acts, unless a written permit has first been obtained from the city or designated agent: (a) Discharge into or connect any pipe or channel to a watercourse; (b) Modify the natural flow of water in a watercourse. (c) Carry out development within a setback designed in whole or in part to protect a watercourse; (d) Deposit in,plant in, or remove any material from a watercourse, including its banks, except as required for necessary maintenance; (e) Construct, alter, enlarge, connect to, change or remove any structure in a watercourse; or (f) Place any loose or unconsolidated material along the side of or within a watercourse or so close to a side as to cause a diversion of the flow, or to cause a probability of such material being carried away by stormwater passing through such watercourse. C. Outdoor Storage of Materials. 1. Proper Outdoor Storage of Materials Required. All applicable materials stored outdoors at a commercial or industrial establishment shall be managed in a manner that minimizes the discharge of pollutants to stormwater and as is required to meet water quality standards. Establishments covered by the general NPDES permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities that has been promulgated for Santa Clara County by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, shall address this requirement in applicable provisions of their stormwater pollution prevention plan. 2. Protection Against Accidental Discharge. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide reasonable protection from accidental discharge of applicable materials to the municipal storm drain system or watercourses. Specifically, secondary containment systems or equivalent measures approved.by the fire department shall be provided for all applicable materials that are liquids. All facilities to prevent the accidental discharge of applicable materials to the municipal storm drain system and watercourses shall be provided and maintained at the owner or operator's expense. JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 5 3. Report of Accidental Discharge to the Storm Drain. Where applicable materials have entered the municipal storm drain system or a watercourse due to an accidental discharge at a commercial or industrial establishment, the owner or operator of such establishment shall report such incident to public works department as soon as possible, but in no event later than twenty-four hours after such a discharge. The owner or operator of such establishment shall also retain an on-site written record of all accidental discharges of applicable materials (whether or not such discharge actually entered the municipal storm drain system or a watercourse) and the actions taken to prevent their recurrence. Such records shall be retained for at least five years. A notice shall be permanently posted in a conspicuous place on the premises of each commercial or industrial establishment advising employees of the department or agency to call in case of such an accidental discharge. D. Grease Disposal and Control. 1. Grease Disposal Prohibited. No person shall dispose of any grease, or cause any grease to be disposed, by discharge into any drainage piping, (any public or private sanitary sewer), any part of the municipal storm drain system, or any land, street, public way, river, stream or other watercourse. 2. Grease Removal Device Required. The owner or operator of every newly constructed, remodeled or converted commercial or industrial establishment with one or more grease generating activities shall install or cause to be installed for each grease generating activity, a grease removal device (of an approved design) for preventing the passage of grease to the municipal storm drain system and watercourses. 3. Maintenance of Grease Removal Devices Required. The contents of all grease removal devices shall be removed periodically as necessary to prevent a violation of this chapter. At a minimum, the contents shall be removed every ninety days. All grease removal devices shall be kept in good repair, and shall be maintained in continuous operation at the owner or operator's expense. E. New Development/Redevelopment. 1. Stormwater Management Required for Major Projects. Every applicant for a building permit for a major development or redevelopment project shall identify the potential for stormwater to be discharged from the project site following completion of construction activity and shall demonstrate that the plans, drawings or specifications for such project include the installation of management techniques, practices, and control measures designed to mitigate the potential adverse impacts of stormwater that may be discharged from the project site on an ongoing basis including stormwater treatment measures. In addition, applicants for building and/or grading permits for projects with significant pollution potential may be required to demonstrate that sources of pollutants will be controlled onsite with appropriate measures. The stormwater management techniques,practices, and control measures shall be selected, designed, and maintained in J:\FORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 6 accordance with the city's current NPDES permit requirements and the city's Stormwater Management Manual. 2. Issuance of Permits. The city shall not issue a building permit and/or grading permit for a major development or redevelopment project or a project with significant pollution potential until it has reviewed the mitigation measures proposed by the applicant pursuant to the preceding paragraph, where appropriate, and determined that they are sufficient to address the potential adverse impacts of stormwater that may be discharged from the project site on an ongoing basis. 3. Occupancy. The building official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy or other equivalent permit for a major development or redevelopment project or a project with significant pollution potential until it has determined that the mitigation measures identified in the building permit and/or grading permit issued for such project have been adequately implemented and that appropriate arrangements have been made to ensure that these management techniques, practices and control measures will be maintained on an ongoing basis in accordance with the city's current NPDES permit requirements and the city's Stormwater Management Manual. 14.02.040 Enforcement--Violation--Penalties. A. Criminal Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or by both. Each and every violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense. Every day each such violation continues shall be an additional offense. B. Civil Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be civilly liable to the city in a sum not to exceed one thousand dollars per day for each day in which the violation occurs. Each and every violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense. Every day each such violation continues shall be an additional offense. C. Civil Liability. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be civilly liable to the city for all costs, including attorney's fees, associated with the investigation and remediation of environmental conditions caused by the discharge of pollutants into the municipal storm drain system or watercourse in violation of this chapter. D. Remedies Cumulative. The remedies provided for in this chapter are cumulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to any and all other remedies available to the city under state and federal law. E. Public Nuisance. The discharge of pollutants and related applicable materials into any municipal storm drain system or other watercourses, in violation of any provision of this chapter, is declared to be a public nuisance and shall be subject to any and all remedies available, pursuant to city, state and federal law, including but not limited to injunctive J:\FORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stonnwater Ordinance 7_04.doc(Rev.03/08) 7 relief. The director of public works may record with the county recorder's office a declaration of nuisance for the particular parcel so noticed. 14.02.050 Inspection A. During Regular Business Hours. Every business establishment that is open to the public shall permit agents of the city to inspect their premises for compliance with this chapter at any time.the business is open to the public. B. Other Times. Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, agents of the city may inspect any property for compliance with this chapter upon providing the owner and occupants of the property at least twenty-four hours' advance notice of the inspection in the following manner: 1. A notice shall be conspicuously posted on the property to be inspected, specifying the date, time and reason for the proposed inspection and setting forth a telephone number with directions for the residents or property owners to call.for further information; and 2. If the identity and address of the owner is known, such owner shall be notified of the proposed inspection by first class mail, setting forth the same information required by subsection B.1.of this section. C. Provisions Supplemental. The inspection provisions set forth in this section are intended to supplement, and not supersede, any existing authority for inspection by city officials. In the event that any provision of this section is found by a.court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. JAFORMS\Templates\Storm Water Requirements\Stormwater Ordinance 7_04.doe(Rev.03/08) 8 RIGHT OF ENTRY I, the undersigned, owner of that certain real property commonly known as Address: Campbell, California, do hereby grant unto the City of Campbell, its agents, employees and contractors the right to enter and engage in construction along the frontage of said property. This right of entry is intended to allow the Contractor(s) hired by the City of Campbell for: Project 08-04: Hacienda Avenue Green Street Improvement Project to complete necessary modifications on said property to make existing improvements on said property meet and conform to those improvements installed by the project. This right of entry is granted with the following understandings and conditions: • All existing improvements on said property that need to be removed and replaced . will be replaced with like materials to match the existing private improvements. • The City's contractor will meet with the owner and discuss all work to be done on private property prior to any work beginning. • A 48 hour advanced notice shall be given to the owner prior to the beginning any work on private property. • The City's contractor shall protect all existing private improvements located in the private right-of-way that are to remain. Any damages that are caused by the City's contractor to existing private improvements shall be repaired to the pre-existing condition. • This right of entry shall be temporary in nature, and shall terminate upon acceptance of the above referenced project by the City Council of the City of Campbell. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I place my name this day of , 2014. BY: (PROPERTY OWNER) BY: (PROPERTY OWNER) Phone Number: Phone Number: ( ) - Quality Control Plan The prime contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a formal construction Quality Control Plan (QCP). The QCP must address the following quality control elements: 1. Key quality control personnel, their responsibilities and their qualifications (resumes, certifications, etc.).. 2. Procedures used to control quality during construction including (as a minimum): a.. Items to be monitored (including pavement mix designs) b. Testing to be done (including testing standards and frequency) c. When corrective action is required (action limits) d. Procedures to implement corrective action e. Procedures to modify QCP if ineffective or when modifications are necessary Resource: http://www.cflhd.gov/resources/construction/documents/qc plans.pdf Appendix App F-2 APPENDIX G Noise Mitigation Plan Appendix App G-1 Noise Mitigation Plan The prime contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a formal Noise Mitigation Plan (NMP). The NMP must address, at minimum, the'following elements: 1. Responsible party for noise mitigation activities, contact information, their responsibilities and their qualifications. Include information,for NMP preparer, if applicable or completed by an outside party. 2. Project location and distance to closest receptor of noise. Include a description of the surrounding zoning and parcel information (i.e., commercial, residential, hospitals, schools, parks, sensitive habitat). 3. A list of'proposed construction activities (e.g. demolition, excavation, paving, bridge foundations, finishing). 4. Dates and working hours of proposed construction activities. -5. A list of noise-generating devices used during each construction activity listed in #3. 6. A list of noise-mitigating devices used during each construction activity listed in #3, including personal safety equipment requirements,for all site employees. 7. Noise permit numbers, agency or local authority policies associated with construction work, as applicable. 8. Description of noise monitoring standards, methods, and acceptable levels. 9. Description of correction procedures for non-compliant noise levels. 10. Signature of responsible party. Resources: City of Campbell Municipal Code 18.04.052 http://www.cityofcampbell.com/Planning/Resources.htm Appendix App G-2 , Waste Management Plan The prime contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a formal Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan (CWMP. The CWMP should identify, at minimum, these items: 1. Type of construction waste 2. Expected (or actual)tonnage 3. Costs and fees for landfills, recovery facilities, and hauling 4. Contact information of responsible party for hauling 5. Destination of waste (e.g. recycling facility, landfill, contractor's backyard) 6. Contact information of responsible party for disposal site 7. Management strategy for waste generated from mobile office activities and personal worker(household)waste Appendix App H-2 Environmental Training Plan The prime contractor shall provide an environmental training plan that is customized to the project, including: 1. List of'the types of project personnel to be trained. This may be a list by job type or by employer, need not contain actual employee names. 2. Description of the types, goals and objectives of training to be given. 3. A process to track training efforts, including dates, means (e.g., online, classroom, field training), topics, the identification of those participating in training, and attendance numbers. 4. A process to measure of training effectiveness such as self assessment, pre test and post test, and productivity measurement. The environmental awareness training plan shall address the following training elements, or state why any are inappropriate: 1. Permit conditions, performance standards, environmental commitments, and environmental regulations related to the project. 2. Overall importance of environmental issues (i.e., ecological impact of actions) 3. Identifying work activities that present the greatest risk for compliance (i.e., specific environmental sensitivities of the project) 4. Required environmental qualifications and certifications 5. Environmental records management 6. Environmental compliance monitoring and reporting procedures 7. Unanticipated historic resource or archaeological discoveries 8. Environmental notification triggers and emergency response procedures 9. Oil spill prevention and response procedures 10. Construction stormwater management (including monitoring sites and monitoring and reporting procedures) 11. Erosion and sediment control procedures (including dust mitigation) 12. In-water work 13. Reduction.of air pollution 14. Management of known or suspected contamination 15. Waste management and recycling 16. Hazardous materials management 17. Management of noise impacts 18. Littering and good housekeeping 19. Plan for training subcontractors and field personnel not immediately involved at project start or planning. These personnel must also receive training. Appendix App 1-2 Site Recycling Plan The prime contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a formal Site Recycling Plan. The Site Recycling Plan must clearly describe the plan for implementing, communicating, monitoring and maintaining appropriate recycling and diversion practices on site. The following topics must be specifically addressed. 1. Expected types, quantities, processing or disposal facilities, locations of receptacles and proper handling for recyclable (or reusable) roadway materials generated from roadway construction processes such as (but not limited to): a. Paving process waste (e.g. hot mix asphalt, concrete) b. Milling waste, concrete slough and grindings, cobble c. Excess steel rebar and other metal products or scraps d. Excess plastic pipes and packaging e. Excavated soil cuttings and boulders f. Land clearing debris and topsoil g. Wood and paper products (e.g. packaging materials, cardboard and pallets). 2. Expected types, quantities, processing or disposal facilities, locations of receptacles and proper handling for recyclable (or reusable) materials generated from mobile office (e.g. job trailer, site office) activities and personal worker (household) waste such as (but not limited to): a. Paper, copier paper, paper products b. Plastic c. Aluminum and various household metals d. Glass e. Household trash or compostables 3. Communication expectations for jobsite housekeeping practices for the general contractor(also intended for any subcontractors) regarding: a. Litter control b. Expected types of site-and worker-generated recyclables. c. Collection practices for site-and worker-generated recyclables. d. Locations of recycling receptacles. e. Training requirements for all site employees and means of corrective action. Appendix App J-2 Water Use Tracking The prime contractor shall create a spreadsheet that records total water use during construction. This spreadsheet should identify, at minimum: 1. Dates of use. 2. Amounts of use. 3. Locations and sources of water used. 4. Potability of water source(s). 5. Each construction activity requiring water use. 6. Total water quantity used in each construction activity. 7. Method of measurement to determine total quantity used. 8. Disposal practice for unused water. 9. Type of water use permit, if any. 10. Total cost of water used from each source, if any. Appendix App K-2 APPENDIX L Construction Equipment Emissions Information Appendix App L-1 Construction Equipment Emissions Information 1. The prime contractor shall submit, in writing, the percentage of nonroad construction equipment in the contractor's fleet that run on biofuel or biofuel blends as a replacement for fossil fuel. If biofuel or biofuel blends are used during the project, then a spreadsheet summarizing all receipts for all fuel used in nonroad equipment for the project shall also be submitted. The spreadsheet should indicate (and receipts should show) associated biofuel blend (e.g., B5, B20, B100) used. 2. If using nonroad construction equipment with installed emission reduction exhaust retrofits and add on fuel efficiency technologies that achieve the EPA Tier 4 emission standard, the .prime contractor shall submit a' list of all nonroad construction equipment used on the project that contains the following information for each piece of equipment: a. Make and model of each piece of equipment. b. Operating hours associated with the project. c. For equipment achieving Tier 4 emissions standards, documented evidence that the equipment either (a) meets EPA Tier 4 emissions standards, or (b) has installed emission reduction exhaust retrofits and add on fuel efficiency technologies that achieve the EPA Tier 4 standard.. 3. The prime contractor shall submit, in writing, information as.to whether or not the hot mix asphalt was placed using a paver that is certified to have met National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) emission guidelines as set forth in Engineering Control Guidelines for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavers, Part 1: New Highway- Class Pavers (Department of Health and Human Services (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-105, April 1997 printing). If the above conditions were met, submit a copy of.the manufacturing certification provided with the paver(s)when purchased. Appendix App L-2 INTERLOCKING PAVING UNITS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Provisions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and service to complete all interlocking paving units and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein, including aggregate base, filter fabric and sand setting bed. B. Work Included: Subgrade preparation and•the,general extent of installing the interlocking paving units as shown on the Drawings complete and in place. 1.03 GENERAL: A. Verification: Contractor to check the conditions including elevations of existing structures to which connections are to be made and report any discrepancies to the Engineer. B. Samples: Submit sample panel minimum two (2) square feet showing texture, finish, and color specified, ten (10) days before schedule of work. See Drawings for color and finish required. C. Delivery and Storage: Manufactured materials: delivered in original packages, 'containers, bundles, bearing the manufacturer's name and brand. D. Protection: Materials shall be stored free of contact with ground. Storage pile and tops of unfinished walls .shall be protected with waterproof covering in inclement weather. E. Craftsman: The craftsman doing this work must be skilled in the application of this type of work and shall submit a list of five comparable jobs completed which _ are satisfactory to the Engineer. Observations: In all cases where observation of the work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or inspection of the Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days in advance of the time such inspection and/or'direction is required. Reinforcing shall be observed and approved prior to bedding the units. Contractor shall ensure size, shape, design, color, material, quality of pavers. The Engineer reserves the right to reject inconsistent materials. PART 2 - MATERIALS Appendix App M-2 , 2.01 All concrete interlocking paving units shall conform to the following specifications: A. Pavers shall have a minimum compressive strength of 7,000 psi in accordance with testing procedures as ASTM C140. B. Materials used to manufacture interlocking concrete paving stones shall conform to the following: 1. Cement-ASTM C150 (Portland Cement). 2. Aggregates - ASTM C33 (washed, graded sand and rock, no expanded shale or lightweight aggregates). 3. Size, shape, design and colors shall be in accordance with details as noted on plans. 2.02 All concrete interlocking paving units shall be placed in accordance with the patterns as shown on the drawings. 2.03 All concrete interlocking paving units shall be 4"x8" as manufactured and supplied by Calstone, 1155 Aster Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94086, phone: 408-984-8800, or approved equal. 2.04 Substitutions of materials specified in the drawings and specifications must meet the requirements of Section 8 of these Special Provisions. 2.05 SAND LAYING COURSE: A. Sand Laying Course: Shall be a clean, washed sand with 100% passing a No. 4 sieve size and a maximum 3% passing a No. 200 sieve size. This is commonly known as a plaster sand. B. Thickness of sand laying course shall be uniform to insure an even surface. The sand layer thickness shall be as shown on the plans. SUBGRADE: A. Preparation of the subgrade shall conform to Section 21 of the SJSS and shall comply with the Drawings. AGGREGATE BASE: Aggregate base shall conform to Section 26 of the SJSS and shall comply with the Drawings. FILTER FABRIC: Shall be Mirafi 140N or approved equal and shall be placed in.accordance with the Plans. Appendix App M-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Paving units shall be clean and free of foreign materials before installation. 3.02 Installation shall start from a corner or straight edge and proceed forward over the undisturbed sand laying course. 3.03 Paving work shall be plumb, level and true to line and grade; shall be installed to properly coincide and align with adjacent work and elevations. (All edges must be retained to secure the perimeter stones and the sand laying course.) A. Paving units shall be installed hand-tight and level on the undisturbed sand laying course. String lines should be used to hold pattern lines true. B. A roller vibrator or plate vibration shall be used to compact the units and to vibrate the sand up into the joints between the units. C. Plaster sand should be spread over the installed paving units so that it may be vibrated into the joints between the units. D. Excess sand should be swept into the joints or disposed of from surface area. E. The completed paving unit installation shall be washed down and cleaned to provide a clean finished workmanlike installation. F. Lay stones so that all surfaces have,positive drainage -- no.bird baths, etc. to be excepted: 3.04 Cutting of paving units can be done with either a double bladed breaker or a masonry saw. However, when cutting is required in roadways or precision designed areas, a masonry saw is recommended. Appendix App M-4 Debris Recovery Statement and Plan 1. The contractor shall identify the types and quantities of materials generated at the job site and reuse or recycle an average of at least fifty (50) percent, by weight, of all landscaping construction and demolition debris. The contractor shall submit a completed Debris Recovery Statement two days prior to the pre-construction meeting. The contractor shall submit a completed Debris Recovery Plan immediately following, final completion of all planting along with documentation (i.e. hauler or recycling facility gate tags) showing that the fifty percent by weight diversion was achieved. The contractor shall submit the calculated diversion rate from all recycling facilities used with documentation stating the percentage of materials recycled at that facility. 2. Identify the types and quantities of heavy and inert materials generated at the job site and where local facilities, are available for heavy and inert materials, divert one hundred (100) percent, by weight, of the asphalt concrete and one hundred (100) percent, by weight, Portland cement concrete construction debris, AND sixty five (65) percent or more of all other waste, including green waste. The contractor shall submit a completed 'Debris Recovery Statement two days prior to the pre-construction meeting.,The contractor shall submit a completed Debris Recovery Plan immediately following final completion of all clearing, grubbing, offhaul, excavation, and all other demolition work with documentation (i.e. hauler or recycling facility gate tags) showing that the one hundred percent by weight'diversion was achieved for asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete and that sixty five percent by weight was achieved for all other waste. The contractor shall submit the calculated diversion rate from all recycling facilities used with documentation stating the percentage of materials recycled at that facility. Appendix App N-2 0 CD DEBRIS RECONTRY PLAN Pre-Demolition/Pre-Construction GRCIO NG x. Project Address: City.Zip: Date: Contractor: Contact: Title: Phone: Email: Project Type: SF Residential-New SF Residential-Remodel _Conunercial-New _Conmiercial-TI _ Multifamily Specify whether materials will be reused,recycled or disposed by completing the table below.You inust recycle at least 50%of all waste generated. Check the designated box and provide the n.une of each facility or service provider to be used. If the materials are to be reused on site,describe under the facilities/service providers column. For example,wood waste chipped on site for mulch in plant beds.Salvaged materials fi-om deconstruction should be designated as reuse. Material Reuse Recycle Dispose Facility/Service Provider to be used* Asphalt Brick Cardboard Carpet Concrete Dirt/Clean Fill Dry ZVall Metal Pallets Plant Debris Plastics Roofing—asphalt composition shingle,tile, wood shake.tar or gravel Wood -clean Wood- treated Other Other For assistance in recovering materials at the jobsite,visit the following websites for a Builders Guide to Reuse and Recycling. Alameda Corurry,• 877/Stopwaste naviv.stopsvaste.ore/docslbuilderserride-05.pdf Contra Costa Connty� 925/335-1225 iNaNzv co contra-costa.ca.us/deR.ut/cd/recycle/e-n-d/Builders 2005-screeandf 31arlu Countr 415/499-6647 navir eo marin.ca.us/depts/CDhriaiii/pdD'BESTPdf/CrD Resource Matrix.ndf Napa Count)! 707/257-9292 zrtii2v eo.napa.ca.its livinolappshecvcle/ D San Francisco Cotugy 415/554-7329 -,,6ai1y sfellyironlileiit cotii/abolttiis/imiov.itlye/Pgreenbldv/resource prude/guide.udf San linteo Connp• 8SS/442-2666 iNirlv.recycleworks.org pdf/CD office 2tlide.ydf Z Santa Clarn CoantP 408/924-5453 http://reoyelesttiff.ore/Giiides/BuildersGtiide.pdf Solaro Cortrrtr 707Y421-6765 «aviv.reg cle-guide.conr/ Sonoma County 707/565-3375 nm it recyclenow.org/BuildersCniide Reuse&Recy.pdf D C 0 m GREEN BUILDING DEBRIS RECOVERY ST ATE-NIENT—Post Demolition/Construction Project Address: City,Zip: Date: Contractor: Contact: Title: Phone: Email: Project Type: _SF Residential-New _SF Residential-Remodel Connlrercial-New Colnnlercial-TI _ \-Iultifamily Identify which materials were reused,recycled or disposed by completing the table below. Check the desigrmted box and provide the name of each facility or service provider and weight of raterials. If the naterials were reused on site,describe the reuse application under the facilitiestser ice providers column.Salvaged materials froun deconstruction should be designated as reuse. Attach copies of receipts,gate tags.or other verifying documentation. Material Reuse Recycle Dispose FacHity/Service Provider titieiglrt(tons) Asphalt Brick Cardboard Carpet Concrete Dirt/Clean Fill Dry Wall tiletal Pallets Plastics Plant Debris ROOirllg-asphalt composition shingle,tile, Rood shake.tar or:ravel Wood-clean Rood-treated Other Other Al—ITERI4L GENER4TIONSPNORSYS A. Total tons of nnaterials generated for the project: D B. Total toils of materials disposed(not recycled): -0 C. Total tons of materials salvaged,reused.or recycled: 0 D. Percentage of materials recycled/reused(divide C by A): 40 Z