CC Ordinance 2254Ordinance No. 2254 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING TITLES 13 AND 20 OF THE CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PARK IMPACT FEES AND PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENTS AND SUBDIVISIONS. After notification and public hearing, as specified by law and after presentation by the Public Works Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all information presented, the City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines that the adoption of this ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 21065 which exempts the adoption of an ordinance by a city or county to implement a fee program. CEQA specifically excludes government fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15378. SECTION 2. The City Council further finds and determines that the proposed ordinance is consistent with the goals, policies, and actions of the General Plan; specifically, the Open Space Element, including but not limited to the goal of providing three (3) acres of park land for every 1,000 residents. SECTION.3. The City Council further finds and determines that the purpose of the fees imposed or land required to be dedicated pursuant to this ordinance is for developing new or rehabilitating existing park or recreational facilities within the City. It is recognized and understood that the City is compact, comprising approximately six square miles, and consequently parks located throughout the City are accessible to, and used by persons residing in all parts of the City. The dedicated land and the fees imposed shall accordingly be used to develop or rehabilitate parks and recreational facilities within the City in accordance with the City's General Plan. Residential development increases the number of residents in the City, and thereby creates a greater demand for park and recreational facilities. The dedication and fee requirements imposed under this ordinance are to provide for three acres of park and recreational facilities for each 1,000 new residents, or proportion thereof, generated by new residential development. The number of residents per unit of new development is determined by the average number of occupants revealed by the most recent census information. The fees are determined by multiplying a number no greater than the fair market value of real property in the City on a per acre basis with number of acres of land necessary to provide three acres for every 1,000 new residents generated by the new development. Where allowed by law, the cost of improving the land with park and recreational facilities is to serve the new residents is then added. Based on these findings, the City Council further finds and concludes: (a) there is a reasonable relationship between the use of the land or fee and the type of development project on which the dedication or fee is imposed; (b) there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the public facilities and the type of development project on which the dedication or fee is imposed; and there is a reasonable relationship Page 1 of 8 between the amount of the dedication or fee and the cost of the public facility or portion of the public facility attributable to the development on which the 'dedication or fee is imposed. SECTION 4. General standard: Campbell Municipal Code Section 13.08.040 (General standard) is 'amended to read as follows with underlining indicating . new -text and strikeouts (s#gut) indicating deleted text: The public interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety require that few three acres of property be devoted and developed for park and recreational purposes for each one thousand persons currently residing or who may in the future reside within the city, as determined in the open space element of the general plan of the city. SECTION 5. Standards and formula for dedication of land: Subsection (a) of Campbell Municipal Code Section 13.08.050 (Acreage Formula) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (StFi eeui) indicating deleted text: (a) Acreage Formula. The formula for determining the amount of acreage to be dedicated and improved for recreation purposes and/or the equivalent fee to be paid shall be as follows: Number of Average number of 4 3.0 acres Additional units x persons per unit x 1,000 population . Example of a single-family dwelling unit: 1 unit x 3442.72 persons per unit x 4:0-3.0 acres per = :83256.0.00816 acres 1,000 persons SECTION 6. Standards and formula for dedication of land: Subsection (b) Campbell Municipal Code Section 13.08.050 (Mixed Use Developments) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (s*��ut) indicating deleted text: (b) Mixed Use Developments. Developments which allow residential units mixed on the same parcel or within the same development with nonresidential uses shall dedicate land and/or pay a fee based on the paFk-aGFeage fr,.AuIa ane the averaaa nu -hp feq. +re ter actual number of residential units and unit types Page 2 of 8. SECTION 7. Persons per unit: Campbell Municipal Code Section 13.08.060 (Persons per unit) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (r*�^et) indicating deleted text: For purposes of the formulas set forth in this code, the number of people per dwelling unit, as established by the most recent available federal census, shall be as follows: J].,.^Iv�rcTRi +Rit crRs;g; A . Ar_'reage_ o.,....:a..... eRt ^, Ae a A,/g42+sefis Less 6 less tha 13 less than 21 4.N A 8Fe than 21 aR ^ : I'. _. d Mi*ed use d^ ^I^^ eRt (See c^..t: 73 08 nrn(h)), Acreage Requirements by Unit Type Persons Acreage Requirement Dwelling Unit Type per Unit per Unit Based on 3 Acres/1,000 Persons Single-family 2.72 0.00816 Page 3 of 8 M u Iti-fa m i Iv 1.93 0.00579 SECTION 8: Park Impact Fee Definition: Campbell Municipal Code section 20.24.020 (Definitions) is amended to read as follows, with underlining indicating. new text and strikeouts (c*Fi'outs) indicating deleted text: 20.24.020 - Definitions. (a) "Apartment conversions" means any project involving the conversion of existing apartment units into stock cooperatives, condominiums or townhouses which consists of the subdivision of air space. (b) "Children's play apparatus area" means an area which encompasses children play facilities such as swings, slides, sandboxes, climbing structures and associated open areas. (c) "Dependent care facility" means a building or facility designed for the care of persons that require hospitalization, are not independently mobile and are unable to use park facilities unassisted. A convalescent hospital is an example of a dependent care facility. (d) "Developer" means any person, individual, owner or applicant that seeks to obtain building permits to construct added residential units on any parcel within the city. (e) "Developments" means building projects which include the construction of residential units for which building permits are required. (f) "Fair market value" means the monetary value of the land based on the sales price of comparable residential and commercial land, using accepted professional appraisal practices. (g) "Family picnic area" means an outdoor eating area which encompasses facilities such as barbecues, tables and benches, covered eating areas, and associated lawn and tree areas of sufficient size and distance. from other activities to avoid conflicts between uses. (h) "Game court area" means an area consisting of built-in facilities on hardscape and landscape surfaces to accommodate activities or games, such as, lawn -bowling, basketball, shuffleboard, volleyball and badminton. (i) "Improvements" means any and all improvements necessary to render a site functional for park purposes including irrigation systems, turfed areas, hardscape areas, plant materials, play apparatus, fencing, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, play surfaces such as basketball courts, tennis courts and other similar improvements, as deemed appropriate by the city. (j) "Junior accessory dwelling unit" means the same as "Junior accessory dwelling unit" as defined in Title 21 of this code. Page 4of8 (}k) "Landscape park -like and quiet areas" means landscaped areas typically consisting of turf and expansive trees of sufficient size and location to be reasonably isolated from the noise or activity of other areas of the development and adjacent uses. (kl) "Legally constructed unit" means any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation as required by the Uniform Building Code and for which building permits were issued, inspections conducted and approved and a final certificate of occupancy issued, in accordance with the building codes then in effect, and the ordinances of the city. Legally constructed units shall include those demolished units that met the above definition when constructed, provided they existed within two years of dedication of park land or payment of the park fee required under this chapter. (m) "Multi -family dwelling" means the same as "Multi -family dwelling" as defined in Title 21 of this code. For the purposes of this Chapter, any residential unit type not considered to be a Single-family dwelling or a Secondary living unit will be considered a Multi -family dwelling (i.e. "Duplex" "Triplex" ''Fourplex" etc.) (tn) "Non-residential building(s) or structures(s)" means any building or structure which is not used or intended to be used for residential occupancies as permitted by the Uniform Building Code and the residential zones of the city. (a o) "Park land obligation" means the amount of land dedication or park fees in lieu thereof that is required by this chapter to serve the open space needs of the development project or subdivision. (p) "Primary dwelling unit" means the same as "Primary dwelling unit" as defined in Title 21 of this code. (+kg) "Recreation center building" means a building of sufficient size and a reasonably central location to residents of the development and which provides meeting rooms, activity rooms, and indoor active and passive recreation activities such as sitting or reading areas, pool tables, game rooms, and other similar facilities. (er) "Secondary living units" means any accessory dwelling units and caretaker or employee housing units as so defined in Title 21 of this code_ O esideetial (ps) "Specialized housing development" means any housing development which allows limited occupancies which have specialized open space needs that would not be adequately served by the open space amenities described in Section 20.24.110(b), with occupancy controlled via a covenant with the city named as a third party beneficiary. Examples of specialized housing developments could include senior or handicapped housing projects. (t) "Single-family dwelling" means the same as "Single-family dwellings" as defined in Title 21 of this code. Page 5of8 (qu) "Subdivider" means the same as set forth in California Government Code Section 66423 or its successor. (fv_) "Subdivision" means the same as set forth in California Government Code Section 66424 or its successor. (sw) "Swim pool and adjacent areas" means a pool with dimensions of forty-two feet by seventy-five feet, with adjacent decks and fenced or enclosed areas, or such dimensions as determined by the city manager or his/her designee meet the recreation demands of the subdivision or development. (tx) "Turf playfield" means an expansive and unobstructed lawn area of sufficient size to accommodate team play activities for such sports as football, soccer or baseball and which is landscaped around the perimeter with extensive trees and shrub materials to buffer the activities from adjacent residential units. SECTION 9. General standard: Campbell Municipal Code Section 20.24.040 (General standard) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (ctFkeout) indicating deleted text: 20.24.040 - General standard. The public interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety require that fGW three acres of property be devoted and developed for park and recreational purposes for each one thousand persons currently residing or who may in the future reside within the city, as determined in the open space element of the general plan of the city. SECTION 10. Standards and formula for dedication of land: Subsection (b) of Campbell Municipal Code Section 20.24.050 (Acreage Formula) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (strikeou ) indicating deleted text: (b) Acreage Formula. The formula for determining the amount of acreage to be dedicated and improved for recreation purposes or the equivalent fee to be paid shall be as follows: Number of Average number of 3 acres additional units x persons per unit x 1,000 population Example of a six -lot single-family subdivision: 6 x parcels P � 2•72 Persons x per parcel 3.0 acres per 1,000 persons = .0961P 0.04896 acres Page-6 of 8 SECTION 11. Standards and formula for dedication of land: Subsection (d) of Campbell Municipal Code Section. 20.24.050. (Mixed Use Subdivisions) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (t-�) indicating deleted text: Mixed Use Subdivisions. Subdivisions which allow residential units mixed on the same parcel with nonresidential units shall dedicate land and/or pay a fee based on the park acreage .formula using the .ayeFag w ^f exoeGtedin the F%iW in 4hi.+een V - -__ I _ ,___ _"_J, ._...J�1 �.....vvv •. V MVI.cIV1_I the Gity G8UF;eil at the Aime of tentative Fnap appFeval that. 41he unit size and GhaFaeteFiS it... .. 1 ea'Gulate the acreage . actual number of residential units and unit types SECTION 12. Persons per unit: Campbell Municipal Code Section 20.24.060 (Persons per unit) is amended to read as follows with underlining indicating new text and strikeouts (seeut) indicating deleted text: For purposes of the formulas set forth in this chapter, the number of people projected to occupy the subdivision and the resulting acreage requirement per dwelling unit, as established by the most recent available federal census, is as follows: Page 7 of 8 .00483 Acreage Requirements by Unit Type Acreage Requirement Persons Dwelling Unit Type er Unit per Unit Based on 3 Acres/1,000 Persons Single-family 2.72 0.00816 Multi -family F_ 1.93 0.00579 SECTION 13. Secondary living units: New Subsection (e) (Secondary living units) is hereby added to Section 20.24.080 (Amount of fee in lieu of land dedication) of the Campbell Municipal Code to read as follows: (e) Secondary living units. The in -lieu fee for secondary living units shall be calculated in accordance with State law. SECTION 14. Junior accessory dwelling units: New. Subsection (f) (Junior accessory dwelling units) is hereby added to Section 20.24.080 (Amount of fee in lieu of land dedication) of the Campbell Municipal Code to read as follows: (f) Junior accessory dwelling units. Junior accessory dwelling units shall be exempt from the payment of in -lieu fees. SECTION 15. This Ordinance shall become effective sixty (60) days following its passage and adoption and shall be published, one time within fifteen (15) days upon passage and adoption in the Campbell Express, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of November, 2019 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers: Resnikoff, Bybee, Gibbons, Landry, Waterman NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None Page 8 of 8 ATTEST: Wendy ITV od, City Clerk APPR , VE Richard M. aterman, Mayor Page 9 of 8