Report on the Amended and Restated Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan 11/19900 REPORT ON THE AMENDED AND RESTATED CENTRAL CAMPBELL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN November, 1990 (To be supplemented) 103010.P50 10/23/90 _ 1 _ INTRODUCTION Pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law, the following reports and analyses are submitted by the City of Campbell Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") to the City Council of the City of Campbell (the "City Council") as the Report on the Amended and Restated Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan (the "Report on the Amended Plan"). The original Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan was adopted by the City Council on June 21, 1983 by Ordinance No. 1461 (the "Original Plan").' A Report on the Original Plan was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Health & Safety Code Section 33352. The Original Plan and the Report prepared for the Original Plan are incorporated herein by this -reference. The purpose and reasons for the amendments to the Original Plan contained in the proposed Amended and Restated Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan (the "Amended Plan") are set forth in detail in Part I of this Report on the Amended -Plan. As noted in Part I, the purpose of the Amended Plan is limited. Because of the narrow scope of -the proposed amendments to be implemented through the Amended Plan; only a few of the reports and analyses required by Code Section 33352 are relevant and merit discussion in this Report on the Amended Plan. This Report on the Amended.Plan has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of,the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et sea.). All Code Section references used in this Report on the Amended Plan are to the California Health &-Safety Code unless otherwise specified. In part, this Report on the Amended Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Code Section 33457.1, which states in relevant part, "To the extent warranted by a proposed amendment to a redevelopment plan, ...(2), the reports and information required by Section 33352 shall be prepared and made available to the public prior to the hearing on such amendment." Sections VI, VII, and IX of this Report on the Amended Plan contain missing information. This information will be supplemented prior to approval of the Amended Plan as it becomes available. 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 2 - PART I. DESCRIPTION AND REASONS FOR AMENDMENT The Original Plan calls for comprehensive revitalization of an approximately 260 acre area (the "Project Area"), generally located in and around downtown Campbell, for commercial, residential, industrial and mixed use development. At this time, the Agency is proposing for consideration by the City Council certain technical amendments to the Original Plan. The description of and reasons for the proposed amendments are outlined generally as follows: 1. Update of Goals and Objectives. The redevelopment goals and objectives set forth in the Original Plan would be updated through the proposed amendment to reflect evolving development opportunities and community needs over the past seven years. The update of goals and objectives would not modify the basic purpose of the Original Plan or require the addition of significant new capital improvement projects to the Original Plan or the modification of the fiscal limits set forth in the Original Plan. 2. Update of Owner Participation Process. Consistent with the Agency's adopted Rules for Owner Participation, the proposed amendment would clarify the process for designation of parcels to be assembled for unified development under the Original Plan and the process for selection of master developers to undertake such unified developments. Such clarifications would reflect evolving court decisions regarding owner participation to fairly balance the interests of current property owners in the redevelopment of their own properties with the occasional need for the Agency to assemble adjacent parcels to ensure their effective redevelopment. 3. General Plan Conformance. At the time of adoption of the Original Plan, its goals, objectives, policies and land use designations and standards were consistent with the then existing General Plan for the City of Campbell. The Original Plan is proposed to be modified to maintain conformity with the current General Plan and to provide that subsequent revisions of the land use designations and standards of the General Plan, the City's Zoning Ordinance, and other applicable City land use standards will be automatically incorporated in the Amended Plan, thus ensuring ongoing conformity between the Amended Plan and the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and other applicable City land use standards. Such ongoing conformity will implement the planning objectives of the California Community Redevelopment Law, the California Planning and Zoning Law, and local planning policies. 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 3 - 4. Streamlining the Development Approval Process. The Original Plan currently sets forth an Agency review and approval process for developments in the Project Area that is, in several respects, separate from and in addition to the normal City development review and approval process. The proposed amendment would provide that the normal City development review and approval process will serve as the primary process for developments in the Project Area under the Amended Plan. 5. Eminent Domain Power. The Original Plan grants the Agency the power of eminent domain, under specified circumstances, through June 1995. The proposed amendment would extend such authority to a date that is twelve years after the date of adoption of the proposed amendment (approximately to December 2002), as permitted by the California Community Redevelopment Law through the redevelopment plan amendment process. Following such amendment, all Amended Plan and state law safeguards and requirements with respect to property acquisition and relocation benefits would continue to apply. This extension of time to exercise the power of eminent domain is necessary to enable the Agency to implement its acquisition program in an orderly fashion over the coming decade, without having to make precipitous decisions that may adversely affect property owners in order to meet*a premature acquisition deadline. The proposed amendment to the Original Plan will not expand the Project Area, change any of the financial provisions of the Original Plan (e.g. limits on allocation of tax increment revenue to the Agency or amount of outstanding bonded indebtedness), or modify the basic purpose of the Original Plan and powers of the Agency. Thus, the proposed amendments are not of the type described in Health and Safety Code Section 33354.6 which would require observance of the procedures set forth in the Community Redevelopment Law for the adoption of an initial redevelopment plan. Instead, the Agency and the City Council have complied with all requirements for adoption of an amendment of a redevelopment plan as set forth in Health and Safety Code Sections 33450-33458. 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 4 - PART II. DESCRIPTION OF PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS EXISTING IN THE PROJECT AREA This section of the report on a plan for a new redevelopment plan typically sets forth the conditions which entitle a project, area to qualify for redevelopment (blight analysis). This analysis was completed for the Project Area as Section 1 of the Original Report and served as the basis for the City Council's finding in the ordinance adopting the Original Plan, mandated by Code Section 33367(d)(i), that the Project Area was a blighted area, the redevelopment of which was necessary to effectuate public purposes. Since the basis for the blight finding was definitively established by the adoption of the or Plan, and since the proposed amendments to the Original Plan contained in.the Amended Plan do not change the Project Area boundaries in any way,.no further analysis of the description of the Project Area and blighting conditions therein are required at this time. However, it should be noted that the Project Area continues to contain parcels of inadequate size and shape for modern use, obsolete structures, deteriorating -buildings, and shifting of uses. While the Agency has developed and is implementing an effective owner participation program to promote redevelopment of such properties, the use of eminent domain remains necessary as a last resort to deal with those blighting conditions that continue to characterize the Project Area. In order to allow the Agency maximum ability to revitalize the Project Area, the law provides redevelopment agencies with certain techniques to overcome blighting conditions in redevelopment areas. One of the techniques is the Agency'.s power of eminent domain. Although eminent domain would only be a "last resort" solution to acquisition of properties in the Project Area, the Agency is just beginning to move into the implementation of its redevelopment program. Since the adoption of the Original Plan in 1983, the redevelopment program for the Project Area has been in a formative stage with minimal financial resources (such as tax increments) to enable the Agency to implement the redevelopment program envisioned by the Original Plan. The Agency is now beginning to implement various public improvement activities and to plan for longer -term land development transactions with interested property owners and 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 5 - developers. The process of planning for, negotiating, and implementing a land development transaction typically is a multi- year endeavor. It often involves discussions with, or solicitation of proposals from, existing property owners of parcels that are critical to the overall redevelopment program, to determine if they are interested in and capable of participation in the redevelopment of their own properties or if they are willing to voluntarily sell their properties at fair value to the Agency or a designated developer. Next, the process involves negotiations of detailed development contracts with property owners or selected non -property owner developers, followed by preparation of detailed architectural plans, procurement of all necessary governmental permits and approvals, and procurement of development financing. Only when all these activities have been completed is it typically possible to proceed with land assembly, using condemnation as a last resort to achieve such assembly. This land development process can require two, three, or more years to complete. Since the Agency's current eminent domain power under the Original Plan expires in 4 1/2 years, there is no cushion for orderly implementation even of those land developments that the Agency commences in the coming year. The Agency, in fact, envisions that it may need to initiate several land development transactions for key parcels in the Project Area throughout the decade of the 1990s. Given the limitations on Agency financial.and staff resources and the ebb and flow of the general real estate market, it is not possible or even desirable for the Agency to try to force commencement of all its land development transactions into the next year, so as to ensure that it can complete all necessary land assembly for such transactions within the current deadline for exercise of its eminent domain power. Indeed, some transactions will become feasible and advantageous to the Agency only later in the decade, after improvements and actions undertaken in the next few years have further enhanced the physical and economic environment for Project Area redevelopment. For all these reasons, it is necessary that the time -period for the exercise of the power of eminent domain be extended as provided in the proposed Amended Plan. 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 6 - PART III. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT AREA This section of the report on a plan for a new redevelopment plan typically considers the costs and potential revenue of redevelopment actions in order to determine if there is a financially feasible method to finance the redevelopment project. This analysis was completed for the Project Area as Section 2 of the Original Report and served as the basis for the City Council's finding in the ordinance adopting the Original Plan, mandated by Code Section 33367(d)(3), that the adoption of the Original Plan and the carrying out of the Original Plan, was economically sound and feasible. Since the proposed amendments to the Original Plan contained in the Amended Plan do not add any significant new capital improvement projects, no further analysis of the economic feasibility of the Project Area is required at this time, except for the following observations: 1. The proposed extension of the Agency's eminent domain power will enable the Agency, under specified conditions,.to assemble small properties with marginal economic utility into larger sites for more intensive modern uses, thus, over time, allowing the Project Area to generate additional tax increment revenue for redevelopment activities. Although such acquisition may also involve cost to the Agency, the Agency will work closely with property owners and developers to insure maximum private sector involvement in any acquisition project, so as to minimize the use of eminent domain and the use of public funds. . on balance, the extension of the Agency's eminent domain power will have a neutral or positive impact on the financial feasibility of the Project. 2. By allowing the same development approval process to take place within the Project Area boundaries as within the other areas of the City, developers will not be faced with separate and/or additional steps in the application process for obtaining development approval. By allowing the development approval application process to be simplified from its existing state may create incentives for developers who may have otherwise had a reluctance to apply for development within the Project Area boundaries. Such conformance to the City's normal development approval process may serve as an inducement for potential developers, and thereby may in turn produce new development opportunities, thereby enhancing the financial feasibility of the Project. 703010.P50 _ 10/23/90 - 7 - 3. By streamling the development approval process to bring it into conformance with the normal City development review and approval process, developements will be allowed to occur more cost-effectively and expeditiously. 103010TSO 10/23/90 - 8 - PART IV. METHOD OR PLAN FOR RELOCATION OF FAMILIES AND PERSONS TO BE DISPLACED`FROM HOUSING FACILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA (INCLUDING ASSESSMENT OF HOUSING RESOURCES) Section 3 of the Original Report sets forth the Agency's general policies for the administration of the relocation program and the provision of services and benefits to displaced families, individuals, businesses, and community institutions. Section 3 of the Original Report also provides information about housing stock conditions and availability of housing units to support the anticipated relocation case load from redevelopment activities. Section 3 of the Original Report is incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3 of the Original Report serves as a general plan for relocation services and housing stock availability. As recommended in an October 1982 State Department of Housing and Community Development study entitled "A Study of Relocation and Housing Development in California Redevelopment Agencies," a comprehensive and detailed plan will not be developed until relocation for a particular project is imminent. At those times, more specific analysis will be prepared, pursuant to Title 25, Section 6038 of the California Code of Regulations. The Agency is currently setting aside 20% of its tax increment revenue for affordable low and moderate income housing and is undertaking various activities to stimulate the production and rehabilitation of the affordable housing stock, using both tax increment revenue and other funding sources. Thus, the Agency possesses the resources to ensure affordability of the available housing stock,for any limited number of households that may be displaced by future redevelopment activities. Based on the information set forth above and in the referenced Original Report (Section 3), the Agency is satisfied that there is a comprehensive basis for the City Council to find that: (a) The agency has a feasible method or plan for the relocation of families and persons displaced from the project area, if the redevelopment plan may result in the temporary or permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities in the project area; and (b) There are, or are being provided, in the project area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 9 - rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons displaced from the project area, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to the displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (c) Permanent housing facilities will be available within three years from the time occupants of the project area are displaced and that pending the development of the facilities, there will be available to the displaced occupants adequate temporary housing facilities at rents comparable to those in the community at the time of their displacement. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -1 0 - PART V. ANALYSIS OF PRELIMINARY PLAN Code Section 33450-33458, regarding adoption of redevelopment plan amendments, does not require the adoption of a preliminary plan for the amendment of a redevelopment plan. A Preliminary Plan was prepared for the Original Plan, and the analysis thereon is contained in Section 4 of the Original Report. However, given the fact that preliminary plans are not required to be prepared and adopted for plan amendments, and given the limited nature of the proposed amendments to the Original Plan, no Preliminary Plan was prepared, and therefore, no analysis of the Preliminary Plan is necessary as part of this Report on the Amended Plan. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -11 - PART VI. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Upon receipt of -the Amended Plan,.the Planning Commission will prepare and adopt its report and recommendations regarding the proposed amendments.. Immediately upon receipt of the Planning Commission's report and recommendations, Agency staff will supplement this Report on the Amended Plan with the Planning Commission's report and recommendation. 103010.P50 10/23/90 PART VII. SUMMARY OF MEETINGS AND CONSULTATIONS REGARDING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS On October 5, 1982, the City Council called for the creation of a Project Area Committee ("PAC") pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33385-. Copies of the minutes of meetings of this PAC are contained in Seciton 6 of the Original Report. Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33386, the existence of the Project Area Committee created for a redevelopment project expires three years after the adoption of the redevelopment plan, unless it is extended by the legislative body. The PAC created for the Original Plan is no longer in existence. The proposed Amended Plan will -not lead to the displacement of a substantial number of.low- and moderate income families, and therefore, a PAC pursuant to California Health & Safety Code Section 33385 was not created for the proposed Amended Plan. However, the Agency desires to continue to pursue the underlined alternative provided in Health & Safety Code Section 33385 to obtain community input on the proposed amendments. On September 18, 1990, by Resolution Nos. and , the Agency and City Council, respectively, determined that the proposed Amended Plan will not cause the displacement of a substantial number of low- and moderate -income families and therefore authorized the Executive Director of the Agency to consult with and obtain the advice of residents, businesses, and community organizations within the Project Area as provided in Health & Safety Code Section 33385 for plan amendments not requiring formation of a statutory PAC. Code Section 33385 states in part: "If the project will not displace a substantial number of low- and moderate -income families, the agency shall either call upon the residents and existing community organizations to form a project area committee or the agency shall consult with, and obtain the advice of, residents and community organizations ...and provide such persons and organizations with the redevelopment plan prior to submitting it to the legislative body." (emphasis added) 103010.P50 10/23/90 -13 - The Agency has pursued the underlined alternative provided in Code Section 33385 to obtain community input on the proposed Amended Plan as further evidenced in the attached materials. {to be supplemented with documentation of community consultations) 103010.P50 10/23/90 -14 - PART VIII. REPORT REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65402 The report required by Government Code Section 65402 is contained as part of the Planning Commission report and recommendations on the Amended Plan (see Part VI of this Report). 103010.P50 10/23/90 -15 - PART. IX. REPORT REQUIRED BY SECTION 21151 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE The proposed amendments to the Original Plan incorporated in the Amended Plan have been the subject of an Initial Study and a proposed Negative Declaration (the "Negative Declaration"), a copy of which is attached to this Part IX of the Report on the Amended Plan, and by this reference incorporated herein. Notice of the proposed intention to adopt a Negative Declaration was published in the San Jose Mercury News on November , 1990 and was mailed to all property owners within the Project Area, all affected taxing entities, entities on the City's local environmental document distribution list and other interested parties. A copy of the Notice is attached to this Part IX of the Report on the Amended Plan. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider the proposed Negative Declaration at its meeting on November 27, 1990. The results of .the Planning Commission's action on November 27 will be attached to Part IV of this Report on the Amended Plan. It is anticipated that the Negative Declaration will be considered for adoption by the City Council on December 10, 1990 at the time of consideration of the adoption of the Amended Plan. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -16 - PART X. REPORT OF COUNTY FISCAL OFFICER As described in Part I of this Report on the Amended Plan, the proposed amendments to the Original Plan incorporated in the Amended Plan do not add any territory to the Project Area or change any.of the.other fiscal parameters of the Original Plan. Consequently, no report of the County Fiscal Officer was required and none has been obtained in connection with the preparation of the Amended Plan. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -17- PART XI. REPORT OF THE FISCAL REVIEW COMMITTEE As described in Part I of this Report on the Amended Plan, the proposed amendments to the Original Plan do not add any territory to the Project Area'or change any of the other fiscal parameters of the Original Plan. Consequently, no Fiscal Review Committee was authorized or formed and no report of.a Fiscal Review Committee was prepared in connection with the preparation of the Amended Plan. However, by Resolution No. adopted on November 5, 1990, the Agency authorized its staff to transmit copies of the proposed Amended Plan, Notice of Intent to -Adopt Negative Declaration, and Negative Declaration to all affected taxing entities for their information and review. Such transmittal occurred on November _, 1990 by certified mail, return receipt requested. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -1$ - PART XII. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT REPORT The public purposes and scope of the proposed Amended Plan have not changed as a result of the proposed amendments. A Neighborhood Impact Report was prepared for the Original Plan and contained in Section 11 of the Original Report. A more detailed discussion of the general neighborhood impacts as a result of the proposed amendments is contained in the Negative Declaration prepared for the Amended Plan, which is contained in Part IX herein. 103010.P50 10/23/90 -19 - PART XIII. ANALYSIS OF COUNTY FISCAL OFFICER'S REPORT As discussed in Parts X and XI of this Report on the Amended Plan, because of the limited nature of the proposed amendments, no Fiscal Review Committee was authorized or created nor was a Fiscal Officer's Report required or prepared in conjunction with this proposed Amended Plan. Consequently, no analysis of the Fiscal Officer's Report, nor a response to the report of the Fiscal Review Committee is required to be included in this Part XIII of the Report on the Amended Plan. 103010.P50 10/23/90 - 2 0 -