460 Division St. (72-56) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME NUCLEAR SERVICES CORP. NAME BENJAMIN B. SMITH 477 DIVISION ST. ADDRESS CAMPBELL 880 STRADA VECCHIA ROAD ADDRESS LOS ANGELES CA 90024 460, 410 & 4~U Dlvlsl0n St. and FOR Parcel Map 73-13 "s" 72-56 Inspection Fees 351-A 493.00 Storm Drain ~61-A 1.6]8.00 Fire Hydrants 374-A 97.50 Lot Split LID #17 374-A 87,fiO Prepare Parcel Map 351-A 38.50 "s" 71-79 & "s" 73-14 FOR 477 Division & 1700 Dell Inspec. Fees 351-A $494.00 Fire Hydrants 374-A 97.50 Lot Split LID #17 374-A 87.50 Prepare Parcel Map 3Sl-A 38.50 $717.50 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~.;j;j4.bU REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. A FUND NUMBER 1Y1r.?484 ~....HECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 1357 CITIZEN COpy A JUN 18-73 1116 ****717.50 0 MONEY ORDER n CASH JUN 18-73 511116Ä ****38.50 FUND NUMBER JUN 18-73 & 1092JÙN 18-73 0 MONEY ORDER JUN 18- 7J DATE 10869 ~HECK JUN 18-73 JUH 18-73 JUN 18-73 JUN 18-73 JUN 18-73 71¡1116A ****97.50 511116 A ***1t91t.OO THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 1115 ***2,331t.50 5111 ~'6.~***38.50 7" 1115 A ****87.50 AMOUNT 7/1111SA ****97.50 61111SA **1,618.00 511115A ***493.00 ~, @>, J / /'"\ / 1 / ( t .,~~ f I' CITY CLERK I c ~You CITY OF CAMPBELL ( / ~ i /~-c-¿./ BY ('L' I- '. ; / CITY CLERK / . . ~k You CITY OF CAMPBELL 1358 BY CITIZEN COpy INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM~ Public Works Department The requirements or the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: >~'?U~:;~';E¿¿' D ¡c'Ok? ¿?I-~_.~' r-¿yZ APPLICANT R E~) ./ ¿ .A¿t / /U 8, :;: //4 /7# BUILDING ADDRESS 4- ~ j) / l//S/¿)Á--) :;;T/ZEE7 x-' COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ~'7/J, .""~'7 /.'1-::;::::>/ 'I //)/J'///, 'j ,.: I(>~'(TCI-/.JEL¿' PARCEL NUMBER ¿Jf -:55 --¿ / J(¿:/ ( /L//¿/ IC/'v ,> ';/ II S" APPROVAL NUMBER II:5'd ~72- ç ~, :~~I~WO: ~ A/2£ M WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC to10RKS ,~ ,8 ?Y¿Û/A-)¿7 /) d.. / I' , If- / By th'-c;,~ . ø~ Date r2¿'1f1'~ L.. í, 19 7<'; / ----' / v' Á,/C/ 4- Új() L Y '. ". ....,""',.-.. - -,'. þ ~~ Coldwell, Banker ~ COM::~~;~ !!i!~~~f~.~I~~~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~~~~~:~~9.~lplp2R~~~~~~ ~~:~6RO~~CE Rea/tors ROBERT M, DAVIS Associate Vice PreSIdent June 8, 1973 ~ -l4 --73Gn~ Mr. Benjamin B. Smith 880 Strada Vecchia Road Los Angeles, California 90024 /ISrI 72- ~6/ ÊEU.J-6A/!/D ß ~ ~ IT H¡ cf.(ç(J/ 4- 7 Û/ ~E!:CJ Dlv/S-/6~ {"'r Dear Ben: The agreement you have with the City of Campbell calls for the following charges to be paid by you. The City has reviewed there figures with the undersigned and with Nuclear Services Corporation, and it appears that the division of these charges are not equal as most of the cost pertains to the storm drain charges which is for your account as Nuclear Services Corporation will pay there portion when they go for their building permit. The following charges are per my meeting with the City of Campbell and per your agreement with the City. Total Ben Smith NSC DE¿L Inspection Fee - Divi~ion $ 819.00 Inspection Fee - ~nOEZ¿ 168.00 )¿ (./:>/2 b $ 987.00 $ 493000 $ 494000 Storm Drain Fee 1,618.00 1,618000 Fire Hydrant 195.00 ' 97050 97.50 Segregation of Assessment 175.00 87050 87050 Preparation of Parcel Map 77 .00 38050 38050 Ben Smith P#7j'--,13 $2,334.50 - Check Received by City of Campbell 1,575.00 Balance Due $ 759.50 Please make your check payable to the City of Campbell and forward to the undersigned. The item that we miss calculated Ben, was the off site storm drain fee. This was for your account as the agreement covers the charges required to obtain your building permit for the 20,000 square foot building. Yours truly, COLDWELL, BANKER & COMPANY Robert M. Davis RMD:cp CALIFORNIA'ARIZONA'TEXAS 'WASHINGTON Nuclear Services Corporation Portion of Fees to the City of Campbell for Dell Avenue Extension L Bond for $14,100 portion of the paving contract. Includes portion of Dell Ave. which may be improved subse~uently when Pollard is extended. 2. Plan Examination and Construction Inspection by Campbell. 3. Rental of fire hydrant total fee $195. (Our portion). 4. Segregation of Assessments total fee $175. (Our portion). 5. Preparation of Parcel Map total fee $77. (Our portion). Total fees $141.00 494.00 97.50 87.50 38.50 $858.50 /4- \.oG 1 \l .Ç[) .. ...- 1 September 20, 1976 Mr. Benjamin B. Smith 880 Strada Vecchia Road Los Angeles, California 90024 SUBJECT: Street Abandonment APN 424-33-93 Dear Mr. Smith: Enclosed please find a copy of the recorded final resolution and order of the City Council finalizing the City's action on the subject abandonment. As we have previously indicated and in accordance with State law, the ownership of the abandoned right-of-way automatically reverts to the abutting property owner~s). The Assessor's office will subsequently show the abandoned right-of-way as a portion of said abutting property, and no further action is required of yourself or the City. Should there be any questions please contact the undersigned at 378-814l, extension 220. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER By Lawrence. Versaw Engineering Technician I LCV:dn TO INITIAL & DATE -,- ---_._--~.- :rt ,-~------! --------------- I BMH ---------- - 1- -----._--~.. -' FTL__--.-- - : RLD ----- - - - f f __-I"., FilE .-.-,-.. ! I I --.- -,- .. ." /,(j., '-I::"- , .l \. (;Pc¡ 1 July 9,1976 Mr. Benjamin B. Smith 880 Strada Vecchia Road Los Angeles, California 90024 SUBJECT: Street Abandonment APN 424-33-93 Dear Mr. Smith: Enclosed please find a copy of the final resolution and order of the City Council finalizing the City's action on subject abandonment. A certified copy has been trans- mitted to the County aecorder's office where, upon record- ation, the abandonment is complete. When a recorded copy of the resolution is returned to this office, a copy thereof will be mailed to you. In accordance with State law, the ownership of the abandoned right-of-way automatically reverts to the abut- ting property owner(s). The Assessor's office will sub- sequently show the abandoned right-of-way as a portion of said abutting property, and no further action is required of yourself or the City. Should there be any questions please contact the under- signed at 378-Bl4l, extension 220. Very truly yours, '. , ( BILL M. HELMS, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Lawrence C. Versaw, Engineering Technician I LCV:dn , ....."""""""'" -. -- /\~ /. cnI OF CAMP¡j1ELL ~ 54081.1.2 73 ¡';ORTH C::::NTRAL AVE. CA¡,7.:J¡;C::LL. CALlF'ORNiA 95008 TO r.¡; K:CORD::D W:mOUT Fc:r: SECTION 6 ¡ C..; GO':i:;X\1ME:H CODE .AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBEll RESOLUTION NO. C ?7 ~4LOêJot2 - 4 PA~r~:) FILED FOf( f :';ORD AT RCQiJ[;;;j OF. e 274 PAGE550 Ó=¡ 1C-...-r,:!.d1.- L1OP/) , SEf YO 9 17 r1:-1 '76 BEING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCITc ?FFI.CV,L ~ECOF{D~. ; OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA .,.~\~.jT-~~Lt~,,~, ~?UN ¡,Yo , 'GL'.':\'Jt../",,¡"',i; STATE OF CALIFORl:nA, VACATING A CERTAIN PORTIONr;l:G;STfìAR ~LCOR;)ER; OF LAND HAVING BEEN DEDICATED AS A FUTURE PUBLIC STREET WITHIN SAID CITY. , ~r,,}'" . y\'~ WHEREA~, the City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara,' State of California, pursuant to the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, did heretofore on April 26, 1976, pass upon and adopt its Resolution of Intention to vacate a certain portion of land having been dedicated as a future public street in the City of Campbell, being Resolution No. 4076; and, WHEREAS, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. of this 24th day of Hay, 1976, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 76 North Central l-ivenue, Campbell, Ca1ifornia, are the time and place set for hearing all persons interested in or having objections tQ said proposed vacation; and, WI~EREAS, at the said hearing all evidence for and against was presented by persons interested in said proposed vacation; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of said City of Campbell finds and detennines from the evidence submitted that the portion of land having been dedicated as a future public street within s~id City described upon said Resolution of Intention is unnecessary for present or for prospective public street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the City Council of said City of Campbell that the portion of land having been dedicated as a future public street in the City of Campbell, hereinafter described, be, and it is hereby vacated, abandoned and closed to public uses, and that the portion of land having been dedicated as a future public street within said City is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of t,hat certain parcel of land conveyed to the City of Campbell by Benjamin B. Smith, trustee under declaration of trust dated February 26, 1970, by that certain Grant Deed recorded June 29, 1973, and filed in Book 0449 of Official Records, at pages 351 and 352, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along a westerly line of said parcel of land North 10° 321 13" East 6.00 feet to a northwest corner of said parcel of land; c 274 PAGE551 THENCE, along a northerly line of said parcel of land South 79° 27' 47" East 325.00 feet to a point on a tangent curve that is concave northwesterly and has a radius of 40.00 feet; THENCE, northerly along the arc of said curve 67.02 feet through' a central angle of 96° 00' 00" to the point of tangency with a westerly line of said parcel ~f land; , THENCE, along last mentioned westerly line South 4° 32-' 13",,!West 6.03 feet to a point on a tangenJc curve that is concave northwesterly and has a radius of 40.00 feet; THENCE, southerly along the arc of said curve 67.02 feet through a central angle of 96° 00' 00" to the point of tangency with the southerly line of said parcel of land; THENCE, along said southerly line North 79° 27' 47" West 325.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.0509 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the Rancho Rinconada de Los G9toS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 24,th day of May ,1976 NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hamr1er, Paul, Podgorsek, Doetsch Councilmen: None Councilmen: None ~ AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED: ATTEST: '.., ' W ./ ",.), ."", "::""'-,'.,'~-.', : , "::" ... " ",.:' '.t- -~._-j. THE FO!:ŒGO¡f\ G INSTHUMÈNf íi'A~TRU; ,,'" - FAND CORRECT COpy OF THE-ORIGINAL' ON'i ~':'" ,.) ILE iN THIS OFFICE,. 'c",/ '" ' . ' ,., , ') . . . ' ' , 'I" .- ATTEST: Dorothy Trev"H-.",.... C'I"y C', "¡ ',~"',." ',' .. c¡' ,...,...", . ern:l,.¡" ,', 1Y OF, CJ.\M?8':L"~' L""OP""A ' \. -~' '- '7 vH. .¡- ...~, "'y - /' ,") ,// ) / ' IJ !' j,/ '; /' ./ / " /' e--¡; 'Il? ~/~-A~/ V. ~L Sheehy De!,uty Ifity Clerk ¡' ,/ . /...' DATED /- "/' - / ,;y- /( c 274 PAGE552 ~ ~I =---- , I oJ Or", - 'v ST~ R f¡; ì ------- -r- I~ -N- (J) {>. Q (J.! ~ .I.::"" ~ 1< <i n¡ ..", ' G ~ '~I !:~ E:' t~J :.:..:\ A,:' ¡ J~ ::, 1::: j,;' ,"',,' , "" ::i ~.:: : :': ' . ,," , ' , . :"¡ ¡ ,'N 10. :', .. . '.' 'ï' "'j. -:':: "'" ¡ =-- 3Z'/3"E G,Oo' :"::;,::;. 8~:~f ,,~,:'~:'::,,>-:,:'l, ". I . ,;,¡ ¡' ..' :" ," f '" .' .,: ::: ,,:: '~ -;,~ S 79" 2 ' ' i \.. Po B) I.J 7~0 2"'~4::W"£:: ,.J ;:;~:o~~o~}, l~': ¡ ! '. '. ~' L."G?OZ' "'" IJ -- ... --- po ~ / -- -- "OPOScD . . ~b -- --- F'CJTUr~ê -' -- PU8LIC -- --- ~ìRË£::ì : ,/ -- .' ---- ~ -. : fR,..¡.o,()O' '74..96°00'00" l L. '7,02.' ~ c OJ SCALE: I": GO' . " PROPOSED STREE-r FU1-UF~E PUBLalC A B A f\j D 0 f~ [\~ E N ~r E )( I-H BI-r I !A6 i ~ I i ~ ( Dr,ByL,M.S. APRlL,I97G a\.ByL..c..V. APRIL ;197G ~i L.....,..",...)¡LOnd to bo abandoned by the City Conlolni O.O~O9 oc:t PH.par8d by tho Offico of the Cltì' EnglnGer, Colflpboll. C(jIi~Ort11\1 ~ \, t: .. ~ r 0 fL1 r- ¡- ~ t ~ ~ ! I ì ! ¡ ~ f c::: n-í ¡ ! f í I ,~ . ¡ I ¡ " ¡ ~ ~ ~ c 274 PAGE553 EKIIIBIT I1A" ---- BEGINNING at the southwest cbrner of that certain' parcel of land conveyed- to the City of Campbell by Benjamin B. Smith, as trust~e under declaration of trust dated February 26, 1970, by that certain Grant Deed recorded June 29, 1973, and filed in Book 0449 of Official Records, at pages 351 and 352, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, StatB of -California; THENCE, along a westerly line of said parcel of land North 10° 32' 13" East 6.00 feet to a north\vest corner of ,said parcel of landi THENCE, along a northerly line of said parcel of land South 79° 27' 47" Ea~t 325.00 feet to a point on a tangent curve that is concave northwesterly ,and has a radius of 40.00 feeti -THENCE, northerly along the arc of said curve 67.02 feet. through a central angle of 96° 00' 00" to the point of tangency with a westerly line of said parcel of landi THENCE, along las~ mentioned westerly line South 4° 32' 13 II ¡lest 6.03 feet to a point on a tangent curve that is concave northwesterly and has a radius of 40.00 feeti THENCE, southerly along the arc of said curve ~7.02 feet through a central angle of 96° 00' 00" to'the point of tangency with the southerly line of said parcel of landi 'THENCE, along said southerly line North 79° 27' 47" West 325.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CO~TAINING 0.0509 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos. . .. ~ July 21, 1975 Mr. R. L. Warnick, Director of PubJ ic Works Town of Los Gatos P. C. Box 949 Los Gatos, California 95030 Dear Mr. Warnick: Please be advised that I had forwarded to me a Proposed Assessment to a district which is an extension of Pollard Road. A study of this indicates that you intend to include my property in your Assessment District, which is contrary to my understanding with the City of Campbell when I agreed to the extension of Dell Avenue. May I, therefore, at this time, make my opposition known to any expense paid other than that which I contracted for. Would you also, in the future, include me - if you intend to involve me - on any notices sent. Very truly yours, BENJAMIN B. SMITH :Jk I cc. Mr. "'1m. C. V!ren,./ Director of Publ Ic Works " r i ' r-¡--' \ ' I I I Ii! I : I ì 1 : I ì : . I ! I 1,,',-,t-_OO-1,:,. -"~,.-~,'---,.L,.' -"-',f-~ ,,1"_-1,. -" -r _.t-+-'1'.-.-B-,_,i.,_----j--, _fl. -1,,'. .1' ,-+-'j.,-_..,t.",-,r, -+-.'-,',-,1---; ¡- __NOTe. .T:o Ë,~e:_;"""'--+---r-..L-~--,.._- " ----+-+---~- --L+-.~.--L-L : ' I ._L_L_.J~, -.L--l! I ¡ L,l_J-J-_, -U_L_,J--LJu--..l.l_-¡i '_.:_..,J,., r '. ' I ' ! It: ¡ I I I! I" f' _.__~.Pe R.:re.LS?HC)~HS.___.~ð~"e;~1õIA.Tfo~u:_CF\._~š 1\ :He\w\~ en C'TY þ~, C~P\õE.L.L,l;=M~.--\'~\.J¡~():W~E~._Of-_..rO~¡ O,F; , .n_- , ~ s. - ~ ¡""t:o s... : ~ J ~ 11.1 p) . -r-+--+--H--+-++. '-t-, -j ~tt~ ~j,_~W'¡ ~~~~ ¡ -t.We 'Do~1:~_~A~e.- ;"'~-L~~_\J..1~E:._L,tFO~~-t~--_SID~,_I- g ~ >. \~þ.c. e._.'...Eo~~4R- ¡~_e.610A .f-......£A~ e; ,.._¡'_1~.¡ L.1.,., -,-- ~ ~ ~~~-~-_u-...v~_~~~-,e"'1~~: :+- I Iii , I ! ;--_1 () ~ ¡ ; i ¡ tttti!" I I TT , I :.' I. ! . = --;r I I I I ¡---¡ i ,-- -- : mJ ¡Ttrt. +- ~ Î ¡+JCf-- 16~: -t-+ ITTT! i : .- I 4+ I . .. LLI=L ! 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" ~ '0 z ~,' " , I .. . .,-------- ---,,_..._-.,,~, ~"" '», ~.._,",...,,-< ~ ""':"":;'<';,""3!'~~~'~;:"~"""'~"'!>;>'~~,"fr"~"'>~.,..,""'\""<"..'",,,,;, ,.>~""", "'i"'" ", IIIr .. ~ (¿<Yj¡t'l~::u. .- ) Ó (.;;,.:.15-75 'l:;\ '~ I RESOLUTION NO. , BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT OF BENJAMIN B. SMITH, ET me, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 460,470 and 480 DIVISION STREET AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, said Ben1amin B. Smith, et uK, have submitted an Agree- ment to this City council for the development of their real property described upon Exhibit A hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof in accordance with prescribed conditionsr and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the Agreement and concu~~ently herewith said Benjamin B. Smith, et uK, have submitted Grant Deeds of certain portions of their rawl property for public street purposes and related public uses (including public utility easements, public service easements, public pedestrian easements, storm sewer ease- ments): and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said Agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is herebYaumDmrized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell: and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deeds submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and they are hereby accepted for the purposes for which they are offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: day of , 19_, AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. Robert Dempster, City Attorney .. ¡ , ~ JE. NNINGS - McDERM() 1 r - HE~S [M (j:fI.' N 'CIN.. '.EERtNG . LAND PLANNING 1')') EAST CìISH ROAD. ,l J : , In .\:I ',1;] . PHONE 292-1922 . -. , . ,. "'J~ June 29, 1973 Goodwin Steinberg 1737 N. First Street San Jose, Calif. Attn: Mr. Dave Smith Dear Dave: Reference is made to the Benjamin Smith prnperty off Division Street in Campbell. The City of Campbell is in the process of signing off the ment drawings for the project and were concerned with the that at the Southerly portion of Dell Avenue a portion of sanitary sewer leaves the public right of way. The plans reflected this alignment for some months now. improve- fact the have It was called to our attention that our alignment, as we had originally prepared the plans, did not fit with the descriptions and the plats that were being used and in revising the plan to coincide with this data, it did result in a portion of this sewer falling outside the street right of way. The improvement plans for the past several months have reflected this alignment as stated earlier. The City wanted us to make special note of it so Mr. Smith would be aware in the planning of his project that the corner of the property could not be built upon with any structures. As I recall, the area that the sewer would traverse is an area earmarked for landscaping. We have cross hatched the approximate location of the sanitary sewer easement on the improvement plans so that you can ascertain the scope of the area that would not be able to have structures constructed thereon. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, 73L/ William Heiss WH: 11 CC: City Engineers ..,~~ é. :)-.7 . ;;<:--. - ~- (. x:;/ Office Attn: Ctu ck C~ome z .---' JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEIS~I 195 EAST GISH ROAD. dJ NGINEERING - LAND PLANNING :fril~-¡t J.A ! . fiji; t !I:/Uf{.1'f.'...',.. . vSf )hcn, v. , .:/)'~ 95112 PHONE 292-1922 &.2 S--73¿5'Cq June 25, 1973 Mr. ~UCk GomeZJ City nglneers Office 75 N. Central Campbell, Calif. 95008 Dear Chuck: Transmitted herewith are the original tracings for the extension of Dell Avenue off Division Street. As you know, this is the project dealing with the Ben.j~ and the Nuclear Services parcels. There still remains a question regarding location of the most Southerly driveway on the east side of Dell Avenue, which is for Nuclear Services Corporation. Therefore, we have indicated that the location indicated is tentative. All other aspects tion District has since there is no the plans. There existing line. of the plan should now be complete. The Sanita- reviewed the drawings and have informed us that construction required, they will not be signing are only a few laterals to be connected to the If you have any questions' or if there should be any other additional changes at this time, please let me know. Otherwise I will assume the plans are ready for signature. Thanks very much for all your help and cooperation on this rather lengthy and what developed into a complex project. Very truly yours, ~eiSS WH:11 Enc. CC: Goodwin Steinberg Nuclear Services Gilbert & Gould r- .. ... GOODWIN B STEINBERG ASSOCIATES AKCHITECTS 1737 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN juSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 408-295-5446 I / 1/ ~/3 ¿-:{:? July 10, 1973 Mr. BenjamIn B. Smith 880 Strada Vecch I" í\oad Los Aopoles, Cðlifornl~ 90024 Do?)r Ben; Re: eo QJ.~J.!'_...f~'E1J_~~!,~d us !-!:!!..L.f!' rk :CamP!!..ill EnclOSt)d Is l'. latter from Bill Heiss rogðrdrn~l ch~nl')a In al Iqn- ment on drawIngs of existIng søwer 111 :!IccOrdônCf~ wIth lðt~st plats and Information fro"" the fløld. The comer of th'3 property mentioned upon which tha sewer easement tðlls Is as Bill notes, landscðped nnd f~lls within the set backs, so could not be built upon In any event. The on I y prof:; I em cou I d bl¡} that no 18r9~; trees cou I d be r¡rown I n the ~aSðment a~~ ~nd If tho Iln~ was to be rðpl~ced or worked upon In tho futur~, some rGPlantlno over ð small ar9~ mIght be necasSðry. I\lthough unfortun8te, thIs fl~ld condItion doos not appear to me to b~ e serIous problem to any development. SIncerely, TE I ~,mERG~,SSOC I ATES mt TO I & DATE .,---------..-----! ',-, enc. cc: t.:r. ~1I1111tm Heiss CIty En~lneÐrs OffIce Attn: --"...o- ,----- '--"-."'- bÙ';¡-¡ . Chuck Gomoz r---" FTL -- .. - .o" -- ~ ..- ...' '. -.o.. _. - -.o ---- -' '-"".. ""'-.o- ---.,..- , ---------- - t; L,.o-' .o,- --...--.'.------- --..'-- TO \ & DATE , -,j -I,S' <'" ,. 1 7 v'> ,.,: I.l{ WGW ' -.-....- . r;n"H '~~~, Î~ I;.;¡V¡, ------' í ' FTL ,__1- "I/If) OF 'f'I/L F\¡;I 'I.ms S,\\'f'A c/.\/:\ \.\11,1 I' I ,-«'-""---!-,,-,,,,- <""'--- '-/' ----- ---- ~- 1---------- FILE -------..-,..; --- ,--- ,-, -,...-- -..-".. 485 W, SUNNYOAKS AVE, . CA~PBE LL, CALI FORN IA 95008,. TELEPHOi'JE (,10<:;) :,¡(~ ;; ].; 1 "'----, ----'_. ,"f' ..f Frúrntiii,UII:('!,,)f FIRl CHIEF July 24, 1973 .' Mr. Russell D. Forbes Route 3 - Box 397 San Jose, ,Ca. 95121 '"' ---- Dear Mr. Forbes: :"///",< . Re: 470 Division Street I ndustri al bui lding A review was made of the bui ¡ding plans for proposed bui lding at 470 Division Street. Enclosed with this letter you wi 11 find the necessary corrections that must be made for this project. The plans were checked on the basis that this building is to be used as offices and/or warehouse. If, at a later time, the bui lding or portions of it are used for manufacture, additional fi re protection devices may be requi red to comply with the Fi re Prevention Codes. We are also requi ring that fire hydrants be installed on and off the site. One street hydrant is needed on the east side of Dell Avenue 230 feet south of Division Street. This hydrant must be equipped with one 4-inch and two 2~ inch outlets. An on-site hydrant and a fi re department connection are requi red also. The on-site hydrant must have two 2~ inch male outlets with individual wheel valves. The location of this hydrant can be pin- pointed at a later date. The fi re department connection is to be installed on the east side of the new extension of Dell Avenue at Division Street. Would you please contact the San Jose Water Works and initiate the installation of the hydrant and on-site connections. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Since re 1 y , E. W. Borden, Fi re Chief Campbell Fire Department /1/,. ß /4t! 1;ê~~d~d- S. A. Leoaa;;~; Battalion Chief Fire Prevention Bureau EW8:SAL:blh cc: San Jose Water Works & Public Works/Engineering .... .. I BANTA CL.AR..A COUN~ FLOOD CONTROL WATER DISTRICT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265.2600 DONALD K, CURRLlN GENERAL MANAGER March 5, 1973 File: City of Campbell Sub'd Los Gatos Creek Ely of Winchester Blvd. Sly of Division Street Mr. Arthur Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: Site Plan for Benjamin Smith Property 73A20,73S18 Dear Mr. Kee: Reference is made to your letter of January 11, 1973 relative to the Benjamin Smith property adjacent to Los Gatos Creek. District comments pertaining to this development were sent to you by letter dated December 7, 1972 and remain the same. (Copy of letter enclosed.) Any questions regarding these comments can be directed to Mr. Eugene Sullivan at extension 257. Sincerely yours, ORIGINAL SiGNED BY Malcolm E. Burns Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure: 8~" X II" letter cc: ~. William Wren Director of Public Works City of Campbell \ ~1\itrIA'L .,.0 & DAtE 1i8/ :: -- ~_.' I :__? FTl V- i Goodwin B. Steinberg Associates 1737 North First Street San Jose, California 95110 \ FILE J- ¡/ I=~__.:_-- / / , í í ¡ í ~ , .( File: City of Campbell Sub'd. Los Gatos Creek Ely of Winchester Blvd.; Sly of Division Street December 7, 1972 Re: Site Plan for Benjamin B. Smith Property 72A652 Mr. l\rthur:A. Kee PlannIng Iîrector C1t)' of Campbell 75 North Central t-venue Campbell, California 95008 .Mtention: "tv(r. Bruc~ Powell DC'ðr Mr. Kee: . Referencc' i3 mad~ to the site plan for the Benjamin B. Srtlith property adjacent to Los Catos Creek, sent ~':1th your letter of November 9, 1972. The exlsUng creek right-of-way owned by this District has adequat¿ width. The channel along this reach 1s an improved trapezoidal earth section, which ha 5 a 1% flooà capacity. For security reas::ms the channel right-of..way should be fenced. The 1')lstr1ct will mé!lntaln a chain link fence, but only if it 1s lnstalk.d in accordance with the enclosed detail. Site grading is to be such that "overbank II drainage 15 eliminated. The slope to or away from our right-of-way line shòLt be 4:1 or f1attE.'fe The cx1:.1tir.g grùdc ût ~hG r.i~t¡-i;.;t rigb.t~(jf-v,ùY line is to be mal.rltbi::t:.~. if thè depth of any fill, placed adjacent to this rlght-o!-v:ay line e:>:c:cf'ds six inches ëJbov~ existing grade, a r~tnforccd concrete or block rE.:tõ1r:lnç wûll will be required to retain such flll. Please send site graå1ng and impro."ernent piano, Inclush'e of details br any storm drain outfalls into the charmer to us for re~/1.ew and issuanCE of the necessary permits prior to the start of any site construction a Mr. Þrthur A. Kee -2- December 1, 1972 If you have any questions r~gðrdlng our comments, please contact Mr. Eugen~ Sullivan on extension 257.- Sincere ly yours, ~ A ~ 9.¡'J 'ft\~ 1,1~~4fr\, ",i t r ~~w~ Malcolm E. Burns Division Engineer Design Coordination Division rnc1osure cc: VlllUam Wren Dlrectc~r of PubHc ',~,rork9 City of Campbell Goodwin Sti? lnberq Associates 90 Lé"st G1sh [toad San J,:)se I C~ lifornia 95112 A. Codiroli J. }{ichardson Eo Sullivan, MEB:EHS:RAL:mmr " I /' /1 'I ! /)f'\ i..' -1("1" '; r ,I ' "J ;1(1(7/' ! ',> ",,:,/ .~ I' ' /",^vt, ') I', : ), í I J '-- ,~'", í-f-I/J S-E / .. 0°-' c- - ZLJ - 7~.>-' L- Ç' (:p All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a 3/4" iron pipe at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Map of the Subdivision of the Mrs. W. J. Parr Tract, Recorded in Volume E of Maps, page 63 records of said County; said point also being the intersection of the centerline of Dell Avenue with the southerly line of Division Street (formerly Parr Avenue) as shown upon that certain map of a Record of Survey for Cascade Research Corporation filed with the recorder of Santa Clara County on March 6,1957 in Book 79 of Maps page 6; thence N 760 33' 00" W along said southerly line of Division Street 37.35 feet; thence leaving said southerly line along the arc of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 810 05' 13" for an arc distance of 28.31 feet; thence S 40 32' 13" W 433.17 feet 170.14 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 40.00 feet, through a central angle of 960 00' 00" for an arc distance of 67.02 feet to a line that lies parallel with and 6.00 feet northerly of the southerly line of said Record of Survey for Cascade Research Corporation; Thence along said parallel line N 790 27' 47" W 325.00 feet; thence at right angles N 100 32' 13" E 248.00 feet; thence S 790 27' 47" E 57.00 feet; thence N 100 32' 13" E 230.55 feet to a point on the southerly line of said Division Street, thence along said southerly line S 760).3' 00" E 284.12 feet to the point of beginning, continuing apprcximately 3.43 AC. Jennings-McDermott-Heiss rebruary 8. 1973 Phase One - Net .. z ~ Z¿> - 7=5 ¿ :>¿ø / \- / i-r-- / / ,<..---"L-,LL I 1]:5 ¿ ¿/J/¿D All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: ¡ i ¡ ~ " ~ Beginning at a 3/4" iron pipe at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Map of the Subdivision of the Mrs. W.J. Parr Tract, Recorded in Volume E of Maps, ,page 63 records of said County; said point also being the intersection of the centerline of Dell Avenue with the southerly line of Division Street (formerly Parr Avenue) as shown upon that certain map of a Record of Survey for Cascade Research Corporation filed with the recorder of Santa Clara Co~nty on March 6, 1957 in Book79 of Maps page 6; thence N 76° 33' ocrw along said southerly line of Division Street 37.35 feet; thence leaving said southerly line along the arc of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 81° 05' 131' for an arc distance of 28.31 feet; thence S 4° 32' 13" W 236.03 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing S 4° 32' 13" W 170.14 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 40.00 feet, through a central angle of 96° 00' 00" for an arc distance of 67.02 feet to a line that lies parallel with and 6.00 feet northerly of the southerly line of said Record of Survey for Cascade Research Corpor- ations Thence along said parallel line N 79° 27' 47" W 325.00 feet; thence at right angles S 10° 32' 13" W 6.00 feet to the above mentioned southerly line; thence along said southerly line S 79°27'47"E 39'-24 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent which bears N 38° 53' 51" E having a radius of 80.00 feet through a central angle of 34° 21' 38" for an arc distance of 47.98 feet; thence N 4° 32' 13" E 178.18 feet; thence at right angles N 85° 27' 47" W 40.00 feet to the true point of beginning. t . ¡ . ¡ t ¡ Jennings-McDermott-Eeiss February 8, 1973 Dell Avpnue dedication (sly portion) R~v - 2/11./..21 t I . ~ ~ t .. All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a 3/4" iron pipe at the southwest corner of Lot 8, Map of the Subdivision of the Mrs. W.J. Parr Tract, Recorded in Volume E of Maps, page 63 records of said County; said point also being the intersection of the centerline of Dell Avenue with the southerly line of Division Street (formerly Parr Avenue) as shown upon that certain map of a Record of Survey for Cascade Research Corporation filed with the recorder of Santa Clara County on March 6, 1957 in Bo~k 79 of Maps page 6; thence N 76° 33' 00 W along said southerly line of Division Street 37.35 feet; thence leaving said southerly line along the arc of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 81° OS' 13" for an arc distance of 28.31 feet; thence S4°32'13"W 236.03 feet; thence at right angles S 85° 27' 47" E 40.00 feet; thence N 4° 32' 13" E 192.33 feet to the beginning of a curve; thence along the arc of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 100.00 feet, through a central angle of 27° 09' 47" for an arc distance of 47.39 feet to a point on the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Dell Avenue; thence along said easterly line N 31° 42' 00" E 7.'23 feet to the intersection thereof with the easterly prolongation of the aforementioned southerly line of Division Street; thence along said southerly line N 76° 33' 00" W 34.15 feet to the point of Beginning. Jennings-McDermott-Heiss February 8, 1973 Dell Avenue dedication (northerly portion) R~ Y. 2. /1" /1.3 #1964 C(,;:,::;,i[~sion(,'T' fllc,,:'!;,,',»:" :~Lated that ¡H' élCl):;j th.1nk th.J.1.: u. one YC(ll' time l.\m::t HGuld l¡(.; in ol'dcc H.it}¡ rcvicH at the (:ì)cl of that t !. ¡.) ~ t 0 see \,;), i.: t p y' c; f, (' é.:~; h ¿H] ]) c (~ n mach,. T 11 ü 1 i.1 ~~ t con cJ i 'L i () 11 C 0 u 1 d r'i,',.'d: lito 1'.,V1C;¡ 11::; j;1'Cg:CC1'S that' hi1~~ LC,;'D ¡¡¡<'Hie on the c>:t(,::~)ion or Pc;J.Jard ¡:,;~,(,d HitL5.'¡: on':.' yci':..r, II All the aHneT of the sul!ject p!' 0 P (: r' t y C <11' (; S a b 0 u Lis H 1'1 e t h Cc r' the rei s go i 1:1 g 1. 0 ], e a s t )' e (: .t: t h \:~ l' e so J:E: çan dc.Jelop his pr'operty. í'r, Hclnc :,-;,.,.:~(>~ that :toeal il::provernclit d5stricts i,::ec quite com- 1',1 :\c,ted c)';(1 i 1,(;1"0 arc' éi nu¡;IL¿;I' of }eg¿ll ~:t('ps to 1';0 thY'OUEr). Be t1jÜtq:;)¡t tl1(¡t tHO years Houlrl be reéJ,;onabl'~ and that in O¡h~ Y(',.~' they ",]¡ould k110.,,' HìE:t 5s going to bappeD. C Co ;;ì;) ~¡ ~; s ion e l' 1\ 1 (~x a 11 de I' a::; k c c1 t 11 e C it y Po t tor 11 c y i f' i1. yea r. 1st :i. me \-'0.,; r(;330nê~¡)lc:. ¡,j y'. 11 a :t g h t h;' i c fly 0 Ü t J i n e d t 11 est e!> ;:; t 0 for m III ú. tea n imp r 0 v (; 1;1 è II t district &Dd he thought there could be a public hearing witJJin a yea.ro's tir;)(;;, CoMmissioner Alexander stated that the Commission could reserve the rig h t tor e vie \-.' t h (~ Tn a t t e r Hit hi 11 'i: h c :1 E. a ran d g Y' êt n tan i1. d d i .. tional time providing sufficient progrc3s has been made. Commissioner Lëlr~;on SU?[;(~stüd that Condition "Hit ;;e êHided t'hat the construction of Pollard Road extension be started within one year s u L j (; c t to a po S sib 1 e 0 D eye a I' e )ct: en f; j I) n de p e 11 din g u 11 0 n t 11 e progress made by the Town of Los Gatos and the proper~y owner to the south. Hr', Hair;ht sugg(~8tcd that l"athél' thðn the \o;ord I1corH;t¡~uct}.on" the condition rei':cljo IIpr'oceedings for the construct1oIl of Pollard R 0 a d be i D it:\. a t ~~ d ,d t J'J1, n on eye ar' , II Cof;jmissioncl.' Larson moved that 1IS!! 72-56 be approved subject to the conditions outlined by staff and ¿:.S added by condition 1Ii,;It, H () t j 0 n see (»)) cl (' d bye 0 !it m i s s j, 0 n e l' S t C \, a ~r tall dun ;) n 5. ¡p 0 U S 1. Y i1 d c, :,")"c '" d , CO11 d it :L 0 n s c>:f I! S 11 '72..:; G a f'-, f 0110 H S : }, . L ¿H1 d sea )J e p 1 a 11 i rl Ò 2, cat }. Xl 13 t Y pc 0 r p 1 C) 1) t maT ex' 3. d 1, 10 cat ion 0 f 11 0 ~; e }} 3.10 :; () r s p r' j n k .1 (; T' S Y s t '" m ,3 11 d t Y P C 0 f fen c in g t 0 lHl suhlOittcd foX' .Jl'p;'oval C'! the Pl,:.nning Directol' at time of a p p.1 i <..: a l :L () n for L t; i J <Ì in G pel ).1 it, AIl P 1 i1 11 t e r a!' e3. S to 1, c 'rrote~ted with ra~~cd curh~, 2, Landscaping shall b~ maintained 111 accordance with the a p pro v (; d 1 ëln d S c ¿; p Co p.1 a 11 . " -' , I'aithful perfon,¡(JYlce }')on;1 );1 1:])f-: a,;)OUJ1t of (::>,000 to be po[:ted ;':0 i)¡~;u.r'e 1.;¡nclscirp3..1!g, fcncij)g and :~tl'.iF.iHg of piJr'}~ing .';í .. If " B. ill' l~ ;; VI .i T h ::;'j t 11 ¡:- c (~ (:)) ,~~ () TJ 'j- ] ¡ ~; 0 f COIn p Jet ion 0 f C 011 S t rue t i 011 , 01' i;ppJ..:(' ¡!.t 1'.,::,' f5.1(; \-II'::"!I.(n a¡~Y'C'(;¡;)('ntto COIí:p}ete lanc1[;cdp5.ni'.~ fen c:i Ii i, fl n d ~; t rip j r. íj 0 f p ,n' y i n g ;; r (' éJ P r i 0 r to fin a 1 b u i 1 d j, n g depar'tr::c:1t clciU'c11,ce. T X"' d :;; h c: 0 ¡¡ t cl i n C l' ( ::,) 0 f e. s i :~ e and q u ¡-; :¡ tit Y 11 c C C [: S a r y t 0 S c r v c thG development s11all be located in orea(s) approved by the ri:ee: ])C )iH'tment. Un.lcs:=:, otheI'Hise noted) enclosure(s) shall CO) ::; i ~. '\ c;- a c [; ;: c t' (: t f, f 1 () (;) , :-' u)' r' 0 u ri (1 cd b:l a sol i d ,,' d.ll 0 r fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the [ire ])(,pdrtH:(~nt, Ie oJ . 1111 rooi--:,!Ot:ntE;ù r.:quip;,lcnt to be screr.:;ned in manner approved by the ~lanning Director. The appl i C<lnt is not if led as par't of thi s applicat ion tha t he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinnnces of the City of Campbell. A. A 11 park j ng and dr i ve\\'ay éiX' e a s to- be d eve loped in complianc e with Section 21.~O of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C, Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicðte clearly tIle location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone, and television cable~, etc. D. 'Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. 1: . Ol'din,Ulce No. 78:) of the Cé11np~ell Bunicipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garba~e, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the lilnits of tIle City of Can,pbell s;1al1 be Jné1c;e 'vlith Green VallElY Disposal Com p <3, 11 Y . T his r e qui r> erne n 'l. a P I' 1 i est 0 a 11 sin g 1 e fa mil y d \V e III 11 f;,:; ) multip,lv Úpartment units) to all con:mer'cial) business, industrj,;¡l, manufacturing) and construction estavlishments. F, The applicant is to install yard hydrants as approved hy t11e fire dcp¿n~tmen'~. c. Ydrcl hydrant and fire department connections to be supplied \ú t h 2 :L I 2 11 N S T t 11 y' e ads. ¡¡ . Su f fie ,i en t 11 2!~ Be" fir c c x tin gu ish e1':;; to 11 e pr-ov id ed in (J pprov (' d cabincl~; within 2~-[eet of travel. I . Roof m;;t.'.'ria.1. sh-:.i11 be fir'c r>etar'c1ù.nt. .- G- J. T ¡) c f 011 (¡ \,; ì Ii t; can Ò 5. t .i 0)1:; n p p J. Y for Ph as e I 0 f t h (~ d (: vel 0 p ¡~ e) t : é1 . Dcdic~tion and improvement of Division Street n]on~ the I'hél~;C 1 boundary. b. D Co cl :t C êl L :l 011 a 11 d i I~ pro v erne 11 t fort h C sou the r 1 y (; x t e 11 s j 011 of Dell Avenue for approxiDdtely 250 feet. c.. ) cd Ie u. t ion and po s tin g 0 f a bon d for' the i 111 pro V e f.' en t 0 f Dell Avenue extcn~ion to the southerly Loundary line of Phase T. d. Dcdication and postin8 of é1 bond for the improvement of approxlJfli1tcly f;j;~ feet of the widtL of Pol1ct:cd l~oac: ex ten s ion a 1 (\ n g t h (: sou the r .l y pro pep t y 1 in C 0 f Ph as c I. K. Staff shall contact the Town of Los Gatos and request th3t the p 1 il n 1 i!l e f 0]' Po 11 i] r d (o a d be in i t i ate d for t hat are a v:i t h in the ::jurisdi.ction of Los Gatos in order to clarify the bolu1délPY lines of the sti'eet. L, Building #10 of Phase I shall not be ßeparated from the main pa~t of ttlC development unless the Pollard Road extension is completed. All of the buildings for the area outside of Phase I would come back to the CommiSGion for site and archi- tectu~al approval. H. ProccedinEs for the construction of Pollard Road be Initiated within one year subject to a possible one year extansion depending up::,n the l:rogcss made by the 'foHn of Los Gatos and the property ONner to the south. The applicant is notified that he shall comply .,-rith al1 ¿:pplicabl,~ Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to t)¡is develop ¡~e )t and are not herein specj fied. '1 " ... -/,./. ~ Town of LOB GatoB PO Box 949 Los Gatos, California 95030 II,NII, iA~ & Q.i'\Ti:. !~ « / ," ~ ~- ~~~~=--~= ! ¡:: ; L - ,- : --fT~-"'--"'-, '--,""----"-'-- C II'~~__-=_. ~-, - ---'- ~_._~ TO WGW t",.H 354-6864 February 21,1973 ----'----~ .--.p- ./' fiLE --..-- '...""- Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works Ci ty of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Bill: Ben Smith Property Division-DelI-Pollard Road Extension Bill Heiss left with us a preliminary plan for the Ben Smith project. Several comments are offered for your consideration. They are the following: L The proposed alignment of Dell Avenue is skewed relative to existing sanitary sewer line that crosses the Smith property. If the alignment were adjusted such that the road were more nearly parallel with the existing sewer line, it would reduce future conflicts with underground utilities within the street and would increase the angle between the centerlines of Dell Avenue and the future Pollard Road extension to approximately 90°. Proposed cross sections for Pollard Road appear feasible as long as no parking is proposed on the Campbell side. The grading plan shows building setbacks measured from the exist- ing property line as opposed to the future right-of-way line for Pollard Road. This may have been an oversight. Please note the discrepancy between the street improvement plans and the "Master Plan" relative to street curb-to-curb widths and right-of-way widths. We believe that it would be better to discharge Pollard Road drainage directly into Los Gatos Creek, as opposed to connect- ing to your Division-Dell drainage system. 2. 3. William G. Wren, Page 2 February 21,1973 4. We would like to see water mains extended southerly down Dell Avenue with improvement of the street. It would seem appropriate to provide for fire hydrant service in Division, Dell, and Pollard Road, as opposed to an interior system. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, R. L. WARNICK Director of Public Works By 'V4' ,,? J s F. Van Houten Assistant Director of Public Works JFV/irk/jh cc: Bill Heiss JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISJI 195 EAST GISH ROAD. UJ tFItI~~¡I~~RI~G \ L~Wb~~r:~:~~ I \--.-- WGW rcbL'ud~rt;"-19-'73 8MB - -. ---. ._-- City Engineers Office City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, Calif. 95008 fTL -. ¡ ..........-- I , ...-' . --.--... -- - ._,-,--"" FilE \ -"---'-'- - \ ---- -ì-"~--- I Attn: Ron Cheek Dear Ron: Per your request, we have evaluated the driveway and lateral locations for the Benjamin Smith Industrial Park on Division Street. Based upon our computations taken from the Master Plan provided our office by Goodwin Steinberg's office, we have computed the relative stations for the various facilities needed. It is requested that a 25 foot wide driveway depression be pro- vided in the curb along the south side of Division Street at the following stations: 1+20, 2+74, 3+44,4+69.5, 5+39.5, and 6+80. In addition, it is requested that sanitary sewer laterals be stubbed out to service those buildings fronting on Division Street. Would you please provide for laterals at the following stations: 1+90, 4+07, 5+40, 6+05, and 8+16. These laterals should be 4" in size except for the location at 5+40, where a 6" lateral is requested. This particular lateral at Station 5+40 does not service any specific building at this time. However, if for some reason there is difficulty in providing service to building 7, 8, and 9 off Pollard Road, we felt it might be desirable to have this as an alternate location. It is the ultimate plan to connect these buildings along Pollard Road to a future line in Pollard Road, however, I always like to leave some flexibility in case of problems in the future. If there is any other data that you might need from our office in order to finalize your improvement drawings, please let me know. Very ;;u; ¡ours, WZl~iSS WH:ll CC: Goodwin Steinberg " t' t,. ~ JE. NNINGS - McDERMOTT - HE~S 1M. HIL NGINEERI~G. LAND PLANNING )()5 EAST CISH ROAD. , J(: ~ IF NI ()~]¡2 . PHONE 292-1922 -. - Jebruary 5,1973 Mr. Jim Van Houten Town Engineers Office Town Of Los Gatos Los Gatos, Calif. Dear Jim: Reference is made to the Smith Industrial Park in Campbell which I discussed with you last week. We forwarded to you copies of plans that had been transmitted to the City Engineers Office of Campbell and there have been some changes made to these plans in the meantime. Transmitted herewith is the new set of the revised plans which the City has requested be forwarded to you for approval. Speci- fically, the City Engineer of Campbell would like the Towns approv- al of the proposed grade shown for Dell Avenue. As you will note we project a one percent future grade southerly to Pollard Road. On the plan I have noted some future top of curb grades which also provide for a one percent centerline grade around the return on Pollard Road. It would seem that this grade accomodates the ex- isting terrain and would provide for an extension of Pollard Road with a minimal amount of grading or disruption of the local ter- rain. By projecting one percent grade westerly on Pollard Road, it seems to fit the terrain very closely also. The futu~e pro- jection along Pollard, of cour~e, could be varied to accomodate the needs of the owner in that area since it will not materially affect the Smith Industrial Park. We will hold all of the im- provements at least 20 feet away from Pollard Road to accomodate any grades that might be created on Pollard Road. After you have reviewed the drawings, I would appreciate either a letter to the City Engineer or advising our office of any changes or revisions that you might require. Thanks very much for your anticipated help and cooperation. Very truly yours, ß¿fJ William Heiss WH:ll Ene. CC: City Engineers Jffice, Campbell ~ File: , City of Campbell Sub'd. Los Gatos Creek Ely of Winchester Blvd.; Sly of Division Street Re: Site Plan for Benjamin B. Smith Propp..rty 72A652 December 7, 1972 ,-- 1/ 'û~'-._- .~ L~~- Mr. Arthur 'too Kc ~ Plonntnq r lrector City of Campbell 7S North Central J\venue Campbell, CaUforn1a 9500B \'. --, '" -- -,--, - ---- - ' --,--------- Attention: Mr. Bruce powel1 -------;;- ------..- D('õr Mr. Kee: Hdcrcncc is mad~ to the site plðn for the Benjamln B.. Smith propertY ad'ac(mt to Los CalO3 Creel<, sent ~rilth your letter of November 9, ) 912. The existing crp.ck right-af-way ovm(~d by this District hag ðdt:,t),uate width. The channe l ð long this r~ûch j,5 8n improved traper.olda \ èarth section, which hðS ð 1% flood CðpðC1ty. ... rot' r:ecurity r(;li) ~:)ns the channell'ir.ht-of-wôY should b~ h:i1.ced. The Dir.tr1ct will mnintaln ~ chl'11n link fence, but only if it is io!JtaUed in accord<3l1r.:e with the enclosed de\'~il. Site qmding 15 to bl? SUGh that "o\?crbonk II drainDÇ1\1 l!1 ehm1mltcd. 'i'h(~ rilope to or. awflY iro!}) I)llf right-of-way line 9i'wll be 4:1 Of íh)tter. Th~ exl3ting gmdC' at the r:',strict right-of-"lðY l1n~ i!~ to be maint-ûlned If llv! dt'pth of dny Hli. placed adjûccnt to this right-of-way Bne cxI:':!2eda ::!~X lnchf's éJbov~ ey'~gtlng grade, ð reinforced con':.:rete or block retr.lln1ng VIa II wilt bc' f2qulr£d t:) retain 9u(~h flll. Pkil r,c s(-md site grading ;!)nd bT\i"n.:.,vement plans, Inclu~h'c of. dctt:lU~ lor ¿my utOI'm clnÜn outfaU.a into i:b(~ c~1ðnnel to us for r~v1ew rmd !f;sunnce ?1 the necessary permits prior to the start of any sUa construction. ,.' " "ì .. Mr. Arthur A. Kee ~2- December 7. 1972 If you hove any questions regarding our comments, please contact Mr. Eugene SulUvan on extension 257.. Sincere \y yours, OR1GIN/\L SiGNED BY Malcolm E. Burns Division Engineer Design CoorcHnatlon Division Enclosure co: Vll1liam Vlren Director or Public Works City of Campbell Goodwin nt~ lob erg Associates 90 E~st Glsh Road San Jc)se, Ca Ufomia 95112 A. Coàtroli J. Richardson E. Sullivan .,/' MEB:EHS:RAL:mmr .. . '/ , "r, , Î ;¿.~5fo ~ ~ f'<s- C-c~ !.-c"J' PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIfORNIA DATE ;. ",;a:w;..ry 1/;, 1"1: CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF .;.:. å. ,;I,it.¡J FOR' CONSTRUCTION OF ~ Íftl..hi&tri:Ü ~)~dinf~S TO BE LOCATED AT '~l.;". 47['\ a'H1 4'.:, T .. ..... ( ..lvunon 5:tret-..~r CONDITIONS: HPPToval s\Jb j'ect to at. tac:¡cd coHIll tio1is. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. ' GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE J :: day of J~nu(i.r)' , 19 7:'). CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: .(2;RÇ¿Htf ~E ~;RY C:C, "nt" iflocC in ¡ire ,,'era!' j",:,¡:iI'L:'.:,').t \,/att. / to'; at t . " Conditions of "SP '12-:"6 a~: Jo.llo¡.¡s: .1 . L ¿¡ 1l d ,c: C iJ(' (: p 1 ¿J): :\ TJ die i1 t i )):~ t y P e 0 f P 1 ant Tn ai, u:' i ill" .l 0 C Q t 5. 0 n 0 '[ ho~:.c ¡'3))~; OJ' ~:},l':;¡;klel' ~\'~.:t(;:m ;.':~H1 type of tcncir:f, to be SUbr.íit't.cÔ fO:ê' ;,~'pr'ov¿:¡l of the PI,"¡¡ì)ing Director at time of ðP))J;cat:ion f~,r' lJuildi):¿:~ permit. /\11 planter arei1~è to be P):'ot,'ctcd <Iii[; :r,¿¡jfiCd cuY'b:~. ? . Lë{ncJ~:cap:ing ,,},;-J..1 be ¡¡;C¡iì¡tained 5n élCCOl'Ô;¡nce ¡lith t))C ¡:.ppi.'ovccl lanr;cc;"pc pJnn. 3. J'¡,i-I:':U}. pcrfr:,)' i",))CC bc\rJd Ìì: tJH; ,:ìilOunt of $?~OOO to be;: Fu (,' tI.J ilJ:.:\1)'C .1'.nc1ó;c;¡)-,inr., f,,'~':ciIJg and ::,tl"ip5.ng of pa1'};in:; apc. ',:_!.t),5n I.h:':c (:3) ';:l)Jjth::; of co];1plction of con:::truc¡:jor:, ('1' ,.j' .;ca;,1: ¡,~ y 1'5.1<.: In"j_tted ¡lgl'Cc.;:;cnt tc' con;plet(; .lë.nc1scóp:i:¡!", f (' n c .i ); g (;, n d :-; t ::-l, I' i JJ g 0 f par k i. n gay C éJ P P ::. 0 l' L 0 f.i n ü 1 b U :L }l; i. n g J C j) ,l}, t Fi ':; 11 tel (' '0; l' d n c (~ . l¡ . Tr¿l~;l) containcr'(:::) of è: ,;.í:~(: and qué',ntity Dccessary to SC:J'VE: the d(~vclopment ~;h'--iJ.l i_,e located in ar'.o'-&(,3) app1'oved by the F .i p « ] ) cpa 1't Hi C n t . U n .1. c s :; c the r H j :;~ (: not e d) C: ]) G 1 0 S U l' C ( S) E h a 11 consis~ of a ¿oncrete floor surrG~n¿cd by a ~olid WÐll or fence dnd have ~elf-closirlg doors of a size specified by the ripE: D(;pa:r'tm(~nt. ,- ;) . All roof-mounted equipment to be screcn~d in manncp approved by ',- JJ~ 1'1. a n 11 i n [; J) ire c tor. The appJ.j.ci;nt i,s notified as par'l of t];is appl,tcation tÌ1éJt he is :r'cqu.ir~cì to meet tIle folloHinL> cond.i1'ions in accordance pith Ordinnnce~ of the City of Ca~phell. A. A 11 P a j' k i 11 g él)) d dl' i v C 1-1 it,Y' éi rea s to be cl eve 1. Co P e din com p J i an c c with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municip~J, Code, ^ll parking space,'; to be provided \-lith appropriate concrete ct1:r'bs or bumpcr' g u a l' d ~~ . D. Underfround utilities to be provided as required by Section 2 0 . 1 f¡ . 0 7 0 0 f t 11 c C am 1-1 t. e 11 ~j u n i c :i. P cd C 0 (¡ e . c. Plan", ~~~ubmittcd to the building depart¡ncnt f,~)r pIe,n check s h a 1 J. i 1') d::' cat c c.1 (: a r]. y t]¡ e .1. 0 C é1, t j '-' L 0 f 0. 11 (; 0 T1 Y; C c t .:ì () n::: f () x' u n del' [, l' 0 U :1 cl uti 1. i tic s i 11 C J u. c1 :i. n [, ¡,? iJ ,¡ (; ;.-', ~3 c I,' C i' > e 1. e c t l' 5. c ) telc)¡)¡one, and televisiC';;-, cé,bl(;;~~ etc. D. S i g n a Ii p.1 i cat 5 0 n t 0 b e 8 \.d JÍrì 5 t t c à :i n ¿, c C v l' d a n c e \'-1 t 11 P 1" 0 v i ::d 0 ['¡ :. of th(; é;iì':n o)'dinallce fer all f;J.gr:,:;. )Jo sign to 11(: :ínst¡::lJcc1 U 11 t 1..1. ii P P 1 .i c (J '~ j 0 n i:3 a p pro v e d a. n d p e X' m j t i :~ ::; u e d by t 11 c' bui.ld_ing d¿cp3.i't¡)ent, L. O)'c]ij"'f'CC 1'0 70') 0':- tl~ /".. 11'1 l' , , " )' , "."", ,,' ,<.J,: ,.I, ,i',' '-dJ;:P'C'h ,:UrJ.1,Clpa.l. COCC ;::t;,\>u.1i'J1:CS t¡-¡aL iiny (:o:':t:<,'"cl: £OJ' t)jC, col.1cclic;)} dnd dj.~l'OS3.J 0+' r'ci'l,c,e 0",-'\,.,(, I'" ,.,,',., ,,'I )"J .,'" 0 '.u, t:Y"-"':'-',:'(:' [,:",'j)<'I,;: dL( J'Ü)J):i.S¡ »"'oèuccc, i!,1.thin the limits O,f tJ:i.' CJ,'i.:Y o,f Cd.I,,),l)p}ì ;,:1,,';11 i,l;' J,,;'èc ',it') ('y,('<", V",'J1c" ')', 'I , '-..,^" ,.,.., ,f' 1 '.,"-J: '"--,,,:) J,SP~)~dt COJ,:}',,; ~)'. 'fbi:: J'cqt::¡)"~¡,(~nt i::'DT)lic:.: to nIl f~in~'l(. i<::¡";l~" dpell.;Jj:'c L,U::;; ,..1 c i;Pi,"-';"'1!: un} f': > to' (;11 (:('o1<1:1('.1'('..1"J, ~:u~;,:.nc',;:;, 3nc;u~~;; L~~;;': Hlanui,":ctul'inL" and consl:j'uctiorl c:;'i.;,})1:;~h¡:1cnts. r. The ij1,'-"",J.:\CdT¡'L .is to in~.,'~,',i),i,,'I, \l'c',',l,'.' (1 \.'I:'C1"'J~,';'r,'t~',. , 1 J' ~,a:; vpprovco ,y the fipe (:cp¿'),'t¡::'n'~~, G. y,p'(l L',I,'¡';'iiY,'t <',1'(1 fir'c di',.):,r+",',E',11t .' b ' L , CODneC~],ons to e supplied i-li¡;¡ , ,,/;!" liS'!' 'tÌ1;'('é;ès.' II. Sufficient' "~:/,hC1! fir!:' e>:ti.:1,c:,ui,,",;.ì,,- ¡-",: -'-',C',', J,\,n", 1')',:""\'1',c1"c') , . . ~ --. in appro\'c(¡ c a), 5. n t s \': i t 11 Íil 25 fee t (u Lr. ¿, vel, 1 . Roof );"lteI',1al Shilll }Jc :',',"C' )'c't¿,j,(1,-,n'l. J. The fo:lol-ling cc¡:dii,:j,(';¡S apply foI' I'liase ::: of the deveJopr:,eDt: a. Dedication Finc; iF1pToVCT~eDt of Divj,sion Street aloI'r: the J'ho,s,? I bo1.~Lcli',ry. ):-,. Dedication and improvement for the southerly extension of Dcll tvenuc for approxim~tcly 250 feet. c. Dcd:icù.t:ion i'\,d poStil¡g of c; bond f'or the i¡npl"Overnént of DE-,ll ¡\venup extension to th(ò so1.1theJ.'J.y bc)undal"Y :1 iDe of Pho.so I. d. Ded:icdtioll i'\nd posting of él bond for the impl'o\'crnent of appr-o;<i¡:1atcly si>; feet of t11C' \7.-iclth 0: Pollard I\oad extension a1ong t))C sou'\: )eT'ly pr'c)perty line of l'hilse I. K. S t l'ii' f s h =~ 11 con t é1 C t t h € To v: n 0 f Los C a 1: 0 s (] 11 d r e q '.:' C :; t t h (~ t the pI (j 11 l:i n e f c: r PoLL (-~ r d R () d d be 5, )'¡ 5.. t 5 {'l., t e d f 0 l' t 11 a t éŒ' (> a hit h i 11 the jurisdiction of Los Gatos in order to clarify the bouDd~ry lines of the street. 1.. Bui2di!J.[', #10 of Phase I shall not b(; separ'eted. b"'om the J'naJ.i1 part of tile rlevclopment unless the Pollard Road extension is completed. All of the builrlings for the area outside of Phase I wouJd come back to the Coffi~ission for site and archi~ tcct1Jl~ê\l appl"ov¿,I. 1-5. Proceedings for the const1'!lction of Pollard Road ba initiat~J wit}¡in one ye~r subject to a pos~ibJe one year extension clepc'Dding u},on t;1e progc~:s made by the Tcn,;:) of Lo~~ Gat~):; aLd the property O\'!l1C): to '['he :,;outlJ. The 0. P P J .i. c (! n tis 11 0 t i fie d 1: Ì1 a the 0',1: ¿¡ 11 cor" p ). y '.1 1. i: h ,:¡ 1], a p p J i c a)' ,: C C 0 cJ c S 0 r (\}' d 5 n an c (~ ~; c i the C i t Y () f c: d r:1}'t 1H' .~, 1 I,{ h :i c h p e ): t a 5 'J) 1: 0 t h:i ;; devc.lop¡:¡cnt and i'YC not berei,:l ~~pc(;i:rJ('d. ,.' .00, ;,00 ,,-,' n. ~',' :..:'~""";. , " I, , , . '~':' ,"',:' "," '"" ... " ",'",:":"';',Li,;. " ,.. 0' U" " ..', ,'::;;':1 ~""i !:',,:C';':::: c, ., :::1':':", :.:'~ "."::'Z; , ",,",y o! 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'( c :.:::"" ',c, '""" ',:::, "". n ;,,1'; j ':', " , i ',(] """, ':' Lc; "1\ " ",' " '",,' ;. ^ " "', ,,'1 '7'1 , ' ',,1" 1,',' ì ,',: : 1 ,.,'", 'I " ,,',.. .ì """.. ,..,', \ ;, , , .;:", . ,. '" , ; "^ ", ~ ':' ": ¡ ;. '; ,",t 'c " . . e, ", ¡, ," (, f '.. .' ': :ut""":,,,c\' ",,"'... ,'l"",,¡(, ,," .d"" ¡;' ',;"" '" ,'..' , ,;,' I'] ';' 'L'i,'i" ,.., :1 C;' ';,,:.~. ..,:'::;-;: 0:' (,,~" ""Cd, , ".. , '" ;~ (!' ,...' y;~:) '",U, ;) \'," "'.:,: ., , "," ""', " (', ',:;;;"" ,! :', '", :,,::, :', ",' ;.., .",) ,'" '~[::,: :.:1 .:., (,~ :..' ":,:; C~ , "'," "~C,, ,. , """" " , """",,] , ,.." 1 , " , "" " !. ,. :. ,.> " I, Ji "I, .' .,. ;" i" ,: ."" , y '"" , '7 ' , :. ~: ., ' !". ,. ,,- , ", '--' ".' ,,' '"", ,', , /'/ J ' ,., " u ,__,'n ..,."" ",-, - -, .,. co ,":_~,,-c,---'-"'=-...;c... !"C,','.,,: .00 .. ..,1 ," r' ,.,' " ' , ; I t , I \ , ¡ I \ I I ! JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEIS 195 EAST GISH ROAD NGINEERING - LAND PLANNING . PHONE 292-1922 February 1,1973 Mr. Bill Helms City Engineers Office Campbell, Calif. Dear Bill: Transmitted herewith are two copies each of the Improvement Plan for Dell Avenue extension, Grading Plan and Master Plan for the Benjamin Smith Industrial Park on Division Street. As you know, we have been working on this project and have discussed it with you pre- viously. We would appreciate your review of the Improvement Plan and ad- vising us of any changes or revisions that might be required. There are several specific items that I would like to call to your attention regarding the plan and the plans the City has pre- pared for LID #17 which are affected by this drawing; 1. We have revised the intersection of Dell and Division to pro- vide for the Dell Avenue extension. Please review the radii and the intersection design to see if it is satisfactory to the City. 2. Would you please revise the LID #17 plans to provide for the 12" and 18" stub out of your manhole to accomodate the line shown on our plan. 3. Would you please lower the storm water inlet at Station 6+10 on Division Street to an elevation of 245.5 to accomodate our onsite drain as noted on the Grading Plan. 4. Would you please adjust the location of the e1ectrolier at 4+61 on Division Street to miss the driveway noted on the Master Plan. 5. Would you please provide for the laterals and driveways to accomodate the locations noted for the buildings and driveways on the Master Plan. We would appreciate your review of the intersection design so that we could proceed with the description of Dell Avenue extension. In regards to the Dell Avenue extension, we did meet with Jim Van Houten at the Town of Los Gatos regarding the Town's require- ments. As you will note on the plan, there is a typical section shown for Pollard Road which is per Jim's instructions. We will write the description to accomodate this transmition. Upon February 1, 1973 reviewing the drainage with Jim, it appeared that in all likely- hood the Town of Los Gatos would run their own seperate system to Los Gatos Creek. This was considering the required oversizing of the line on Dell Avenue to the creek vs. the shorter distance to the creek from the Los Gatos-Pollard Road site. Jim will be reviewing this more thoroughly but that was his preliminary opin- lon. The architect has contacted San Jose Water Works and they are presently reviewing the area. We are also going to forward to them these drawings to aid in their review to assertain what size main should be extended along Dell Avenue. Per Section J of the Site and Architectural Approval of the project, we have prepared various bond estimates. They involve, first of all, the initial extension of Dell Avenue to 250 feet from Division Street plus the future extension of Dell Avenue to the south boundary line and finally the Pollard Road portion of the Phase 1 frontage. It is requested that the bond amounts be utilized to pr~pare the required agreements dealing with this project. We would also request that the required fees be determined. In regards to Section J of the conditions, we would assume that the requirements dealing with Division Street would be met by Mr. Smith's participation in the Assessment District and that no further work would be required on this phase by our office. Please let us know if there is any additional data that your office might need in order to proceed with this review of the plan and bond forms. We are preparing a sheet 1 of the Improvement Plans which is your standard note and cross-section sheet and will forward that to your office as soon as it's available. In the interest of time, however, I felt that the Improvement Plan Sheet would be more important to transmit to your office so that the review could begin. This is particularly important when one considers the inter-relationship between the Assessment District and this project and the need for finalizing the intersection so that we can prepare the descriptions. Thanks very much for your anticipated help and cooperation. ve"M. yours, William Heiss WH:ll Enc. CC: Goodwin Steinberg Town of Los Gatos JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC . CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING January 1::., 1973 ADDEl'¡DU~1 NO.1 - "S" 72-56 B. B. Smith by Goodwin Steinberg Associates H. N. !2.ui}d~_~BS 7 ~~_: 1. Dedication and construction of entire north-south extension of Dell Avenue. 2. Dedication of area of proposed Pollard Road extension that lies within the limits of the sub- ject property and provide guaranty of construction of entire roadway from Dell Avenue Axtension to Winchester Boulevard within one year of issuance of building permit. 3. Storm drain fees for that area at $765 per acre. Bu~}dinß,.£,.1° and 11: L Dedication and agreement with bond for the con- struction of Dell Avenue to the southerly boundary of the property and for the east-w~st porrion of the Pollard Road extension. 2. The area attributed to the development of building #10 shall not be subdivided until such time as the com- pletion of the Pollard Road ext~nsion from Dell Avenu~ to Winchester Blvd. 3. Storm drain fees for tha~ area at $765 per acre. January II, 1973 MEMO TO: Art Kee, Planning Director William G. Wren, Director of and City Engineer. City Engineer's Comments for Smith Property, 460 Division Street FROM: Pub.lic. Works SUBJECT: Buildinqs I, 2, 3 and 4: 1. Construction of one-half street improvements on existing Division Street frontage. 2. Storm drain fees for that area at $765 per acre. Buildinqs 5, 6 and 12: 1. Dedication and construction of northerly 250 feet of proposed north-south extension of Dell Avenue. 2. Storm drain fees for that area at $765 per acre. Buildinqs 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11: 1. Dedication and construction of entire north-south extension of Dell Avenue. 2. Dedication of area of proposed Pollard Road extension that lies within the limits of the subject property and provide guaranty of construction of entire roadway from Dell Avenue extension to Winchester Boulevard within one year of issuanc'e of Building Permit. 3. Storm drain fees for that area at $765 per acre. BMH:ls WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND CITY ENGINEER At://n. j?~ ~ M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer . ... A8IM I )ODWIN B. STEINBERG ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 1737 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN jvSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 408-295-5446 \~ t~/.. ~.~ December 22, 1972 Mr. Benjamin ß. Smith 880 Strada Vecchla Road Los Angeles, California 90024 Dear Ben: Re: Campbell Industrial Park We met yesterday morning with Mr. Bill Wren and Mr. Bill Helms of the Public Works Department of the City of Campbell. Following are the results of our discussion and notes confirming our conversation. I . We will be on the Planning Commission agenda the 15th of January. If approved, we can proceed Immediately after to complete drawings to get a building permit. There could be a two week delay at the Planning COmmission and drawing completion will be approximately one month. 2. Terms are: (a) That Ben Smith will dedicate Dell through his property and Kronzer will dedicate land for Dell Road continua- tion parallel to Ben Smith property. (b) Improvements of property on Kronzer land will be paid for by Kronzer. Improvements on Ben Smith's property to be paid for by Ben Smith. (c) Financing would be through an assessment district where Kronzer and Smith would both pay proportionate cost based on 2a and 2b. In additIon, there oowld be added cost to Ben Smith for sldewal ks and Ilghtollers on 6'-0" easement on Ben Smith's property. City of Los Gatos to accomplish this assessment work In 3 years or less. In the event Ben Smith needs road and utilities sooner, Ben has the option to put In road and be relmb~rsed through the assessment district but In no event later than 3 years after the approval of the Planning Commission. Mr. Benjamin B. SmIth -2- December 22, '912 3. Planning staff had suggested plan as It existed be limited to 3 lot subdivision. With this revised program, Ben can have 40,000 square foot lots that wi" be flexible for sa'e, rental, etc. With 0." Avenue as part of the project, this wi" require a minor revision In the site plan. There wit' be no architec- tural charge for this work. 4. We heve met with Mr. Arthur Kee, Campbell Planning Director, to ~yl~ dn.I~S.~ MY. ~c~ . ~n und.rrl.ndlng ~nslrleM .Ith the Information In this letter. Sincerely, Steinberg my cc: Mr. WI' I lam Wrent/ Mr. Arthur Kee . ...... ..... >- ¿ Cc .. ...cvc..d.- . . .' '- , SA-NT A- CL..A.R.A. COUNT"'!It FLOOD CONTROL WATER DISTRICT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265-2600 DONALD K. CURRLIN GENERAL MANAGER December 7, 1972 ~ ¡y p< vé- rt ---- ~ <s,..,..,J Mr. Arthur A. Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Bruce Powell Dear Mr. Kee: Reference is made to the site plan for the Benjamin B. Smith property adjacent to Los Gatos Creek, sent with your letter of November 9, 1972. The existing creek right-of-way owned by this District has adequate width. The channel along this reach is an improved trapezoidal earth section, which has a 1% flood capacity. For security reasons the channel right-of-way should be fenced. The District will maintain a chain link fence, but only if it is installed in accordance with the enclosed detail. Site grading is to be such that "overbank" drainage is eliminated. The slope to or away from our right-of-way line shall be 4:1 or flatter. The existing grade at the District right-of-way line is to be maintained if the depth of any fill, placed adjacent to this right-of-way line exceeds six inches above existing grade, a reinforced concrete or block retaining wall will be required to retain such fill. Please send site grading and improvement plans, inclusive of details for any storm drain outfalls into the channel to us for review and issuance of the necessary permits prior to the start of any site construction. ...-.. ... Mr. Arthur A. Kee -2- December 7, 1972 If you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact Mr. Eugene Sullivan on extension 257. Sincerely yours, QmGINAl.. ~¡GNED BY Malcolm E. Burns Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure cc: /' 'William Wren v' Director of Public ",rorks City of Campbell Goodwin Steinberg Associates 90 East Gish Road San Jose, California 95112 i &". I'" ,. \.. . Ft c';' ' ¡, <)'¡ri" Town of Los Gatos PO Box 949 Los Galas, California 95030 ~1 354-6863 October 18, 1972 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Smith Property - Division Street Dear Bill: We recently reviewed, in your office, a plan proposing approximately twelve industrial buildings on the l6t acres owned by Smith on the south side of Division Street easterly of Winchester Boulevard. The buildings are shown in such locations as to preclude the southerly extension of Dell Avenue. We have discussed with members of the Campbell staff, over an extended period of time, the possibility of extending Dell Avenue southerly from Division Street to the southerly line of the Smith property (the boundary between Los Gatos and Campbell), to connect to a street which would be approximately centered on the City Limit Line and be the easterly extension of the realigned Pollard Road. Pollard Road will be cut by the proposed West Valley Freeway. The approved Freeway Agreement calls for the State to realign Pollard Road. The new section begins in front of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Hospital and intersects Capri at the County Cour~ Complex, and extends on to Winchester Boulevard, intersecting Winchester at about the southerly line of the Smith property. In our opinion, the Dell-Pollard connection is highly desirable, for the following reasons: 1. It provides better circulation into the industrial area on both sides of the Campbell/Los Gatos line. 2. It reduces the number of crossings of the S.P. Railroad tracks and locates the crossings at signalized intersections where grade crossing protection can be provided. The Hacienda Avenue/Winchester Boulevard intersection is being signalized, and we plan to signalize the new Pollard/Winchester intersection. Mr. William G. Wren October 18, 1972 Page 2 3. Development of the Smith property to its ultimate potential requires additional street frontage. (In our opinion, develop- ment to the degree shown requires better access.) The depth of the property from Division Street is a limiting factor. As can be seen from the proposed development plan, the site is a1most entirely asphalt paving or building. The building and the parking lots are inter-connected by driveways, many of which would serve better as streets. 4. The Kronzer property, adjacent to and southerly of the Smith property, has approximately 300 feet of frontage on Winchester (across the S.P.R.R. r/o/w) and is approximately 1,300 feet deep at its farthest point from Winchester. This property needs street access if it is to develop to its maximum potential. 5. As a part of a recent expansion, Bard-Parker was required to enter into a contract to participate in future railroad grade crossing protection and intersection improvements, if access were provided to Winchester Boulevard across the Kronzer property. The Site Plan suggests a type of development that is particularly flexible--numerous, relatively small, detached buildings. It therefore appears that the plan could be adjusted in a number of different ways to allow for a better street pattern. The consequences of approving the proposed plan without the recommended street extensions are as follows: 1. Mediocre access to the Smith property (a particularly intense development proposal). 2. Poor access to the Kronzer property, which will limit its develop- ment potential. 3. Numerous at-grade crossings of the railroad tracks. 4. A greater number of intersections along Winchester Boulevard, a street whose capacity is most important as a major thoroughfare. We, therefore, strongly recommend that these factors be considered by the Campbell Planning Commission at their hearing on this matter on November 6th, and hope that you will strongly support these comments. Very truly yours, æt~~ R. L. WARNICK Director of Public Works RLW/irk cc: Town Manager