541 Division St. (66-38) Copies: TO: PROM: DA'l'E: RZ: ;(" ~'1 ,.7/??71~~ File 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 l7 / \ / tf-'_Av ( .5,> ì ./ INTER-DEPAR~ïENTAL RZLEASE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC \mRKS DEPART:,iENT EclGINEERING DIVISION íÍ1/JAL ¿;? t5; I í b 6, ;1' ./ ~/, j/I-:?v í L1k:'_ð (Subject) //.//./..<> / 1-?~f,i.Ø-;YJ i/ (Owner I s Name) --- -- ", . ,." ,/ .....!) 'l,l /..,/;{/Ufk¿.6)-7jJ...:-Ÿ- (Address of Property) The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be compU.ed with before or as a condition to i.ssuance of a build:ì.ng permit. I ' /1~'¿~~ /6-- ~;:<;., ,z:;;, " '.¿/;/,>,'/Lj' ,~/.,/.I>J;/'¿';- /;'~ J' " . ';;' , :/F ,;.l-t, ,--) J A~,) -,.,:!;/ /- /, ,.J/' / //1/;-' i/j,/ / /j/' () /;' " h,.., /!/¿l' ./.-'1.'/' t; '1/, ;/;1;" 'I ,".. !-t/... CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION ," , /-/ ,i By '){:Ù)J..,?"I I)) f!./'jfC/J.h"Jj../ 1 0 f 1 #/ ß/JU (1'/ (7JÆn1A~ (/ . .... - J7~ "'--3/-tob ßr11{) l U80LVI'IOII 81)... , HI. A U8OLUfIOil AVf8)aDDII auctrIIOIl 0' JIO&L J. Mf.)1I¡II ........... ...... " tJaue baa -- ...1"" ~o tiN Ct. ~ ("CJl8aC11 by -.1 J. kØitIID - ap...." ~ tM ....t...'t ol ..18 ....1 prope&'Cf 18 aCWlOJ:"'ft08 "J.*h ....._Ü11e4 conU~""', U ft nar"_IIGLWÞ ~t ü&e MayOI' be ... be "'8 Mn'by ..t.bocl... ~ 8UCM't8 _ü ~~ 08 bùa1f of the C1~7 of OI8pMl1. 1t ...u. UÞ AJ)Qpf8D tiaia_--,. of_-- " . . by t.be follow"" vot.. a . ATU. CcN.ao118ea: BOD J Cowaei.a-a a A888Ø I Couac 1.... : APPaov8Þ s iäi¡b 'i.M"i8êti~...:-. 'iãþì:' - A ftZ8'1' . ! ¿//a¡Í() ¡)N'oÜy ~tàaa# 'êf-y Cl.'Ít CITy E^ dGl!vEER ' ", FILE ~ COpy I -"",..- .c ,-"'d>tz.) :i S) l April 7, 1966 Mr. Noel J. Brown 541 Division Street Campbell, California RE: "s" 66-38 Application Dear Mr. Brown: 'nle Planning Commission of the City of Campbell granted approval to your application for a warehouse to be located at 541 Division Street subject to several conditions. 'nle City Engineer's requirement is that you enter into an agreement with the City for payment of a portion of costs for construction of water line facilities to service your property. upon notification of your intent to proceed, this office will prepare the agreement for execution by yourself and the City. If any question should arise in this regard, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS '/ üJ>~) /\YfL- By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH: ir i\J! I(l D t ~ 1'/ 7 (7 '".) c; t.,- ."> ð , .' J-e: rPaJvu (5-5-) PLANNING DBPARLlENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 4-5-66 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liSt! APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Noel J. Brown , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF warehouse and manufacturing building TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: '4J DivisiGA St. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: ~ 1. Applicant to enter into Agreement to pay for his share of water line to be installed in Division Street. 2. Parking area to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Ca~pbel1 Municipal Code. RBCOM~ENDATIONS ~. Appíicant to enter into Agreement to participate with adjacent property owners to share in cost of installing wa*er line to the rear of the property in question. and for fi~e hydrants, when requested by tho City of Camlhell, at such time when it becomes necessaTY. 4. Developer shall construct an enclosure to house metal trash container for occupants. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon whic;l such approval was granted, unless rn pykC.~sl.on f~r S'uc¡~ a~9J¥ova1 l°S obtalOnød hy ~aki"a ~r~.tnn a"n'~-~~ior U-H ""' - ,S; 1 - . éS;"'~ (, " .' .., - _uv " ..- L _,,1 ç.l J. ' J,. - --- <- for same to the Planning Commisc-ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cfu~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 4th DAY OF April 1966 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: XIliIJIXXl~X~», Secretary R.V. Hogan bt cc - Engineering Dept. I.'\) tlJ ,..) ',.)- .:- (:") ,"" PLANNING DEPARniENT CITY OF CAtW~ELL. C^LIPnR~I^ TO: "~PPLICANTS FOR ~'~" APPRQV J\L ~ V ARIA,~C~- O~IJ?E p"~ g~n TS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject p::Oi)erty must be supplied as part of application. A photo cc,;:' (' c: deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: Ii òE L J" ß 12 0 uJ tJ Nãiñe ( s) a"s"STlo\:in-õn--De-e-d---------- --- NaJJe (s) as shown on Deed ~ /21 3/) 2o~ ,~ecorder s Numb..... r i 1:'2- J3° ó,(.. :3 {Oû P/:..-6r {Ç 5""tP{- For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Filed by .. ... It I t. , ~ . . PESCR1PTIOtJ ~ PM.ÇEL "B" Of SURVf,'i fOR MR. NUf.L _L~,ßROWN at the most southerly corner of p~Tc@l.l No.3 a!; show!' en thf' R~9innlr)g at a point in thê cfilntÞrline of East Parr Aver1UP Record of Survey Map recorded in Book 80 of ~aps, at paqe ?~, Records of Santa Clara County, California: thence alorlo thE' s?i~ centerline of East Pinr Avenue North 76° 35' 30" West ?J:J)"; f<>e+: thence North 31° 41' East ~~3.37 feet to the northeastørly linø of said Parcel No.3; thence along !aid northeasterly Ur1P ~o\lth 580 19' ?O" East ?l9.nO feet to the easterly corner of s?i1 P~rcøl No.3; thence along the s.outheasterly line of saià Parcel '10. ~~ South 31" 41' Wes t 381. 06 feet to the poin t of beg inn ino. containing 2.097 acr.., More or lesi. SURVEYED SEPTEMBER 13, 1960,RY fIlA Rt( n«JMA S &. CO. INC. Henry D. G11.ert - LLS 2693 of ,....-"--......-- ,.. ,.. ..- .._-_.._-~,~--_...-