Downing Ave. (Tr 6739) CITV OF SAN .JOSE, CALIFORNIA 601 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN ..JOSE. CA 95110 (406) 277-4000 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS October 30, 1979 RECEIVED City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 NOV 1 h79 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Attn: David N. Va1kenaar Subject: Tract No. 6739 - Street Improvements Within The City of Campbell Gentlemen: In response to your letter of October 25, 1979, we would like to have our inspectors provide inspection for this project. Please take whatever action necessary to insure that we have authority to allow inspection on this tract by the City of San Jose inspectors. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please contact us. Very truly yours, A. R. TURTURICI Director of Public Works ¿~<- ~ \~~- E. R. TOSCHI Principal Civil Engineer Engineering Services Division {6./1( ERT :JH:mw <i-'O"OCU"O~ .,. -< <;, J " ~ :; '>. ß '""",.' r' .,....--' . ~ -- , I- .,- , ,.::-. .-' .r UCAVATION PERMJi Pe""it N~~ n " f\ \ f}.- tl11 378:è~ for in$p~ct10ns. \.!TY Of CAMPBELL 75 N. tentrl' Av~nue ~~bt". CA 95008 APPLlCATJON: Appl1clt1on 15 hereby Mdt for an tXcI"et1on permit in accordlnc~ with C~btll A. (~IO<.tI'" "d. ~"': of tho ~,. ~o .. d,," ", Do uO N~ ,.. (;. / t2.ACT FF "" 73"1) CiTY 01-:: :::,;Qj¡ ,10St'2 Municipil CocI~, Sect10n 11.04. AIlF Co c.. t. AttlCh~d '" cop1es of I draw1ng showing the locat10n. tXt~nt Ind dimens10ns of the work. Th~ dra,,1 ng shows there lit I on of the proposed "prk to e.1 s t 1 ng surface Ind underground i~rov_nB. When approved by the city engineer, Slid drl"ing becomes a part of th15 permit. C. The appl1cant hereby agrees by affixing his signature to this applicltion to hold the City of Campbell. its officers. agents, and fll'C)loyees free. Slfe. and ha""l"s from any c1lill\ or dtmand for damlg~s result1ng from the work covered by this permit. D. The Permit Fee 15 $25.00. This Is to help cover the cost of inspect1on. MIme ¡-to D I A. D î-=.í2.. i <::...¡-.l Tele. 110. 29'7 - 3J 00 ::::::"~;:\:~;t~/ ~.:;;it~þ~ ýSI/L PERMJi : This pennit to excavate is issued subject to the following conditions: ~ ~) ~ 1. I8OTIFY the city engineer .e hours before beginning work. 2. MJ.WTAIII safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access to private driveways. fire hydrants and water valves. 3. Any STREET CLOSING IllUst ha"e prior, specific approva1 froll the city engineer. 4. CONTROL OF TRAFfIC in the work area shan confo"" with the WOrk Area Traffic Contro1 Handbook. S. REPLACE IN KIND any daNged or rellOved existing illProYl!!IIents or plantings. 6. SAWCUi for all P.C.C. or A.C. retnOva1s. 7. P.C.C. R£PLACnIENTS shall conform with current City Standards. B. A.C. REPLACEMENT slllll be either: - 4 inches A.C. on 12 incheS R-7B base rock or 9 inches A.C. cltep strength; or. Date ;t /28/7 9 , , - ~ LLI > 0") ........ n ~c:." :::t::z:2 ?ä:: .::: LJ..I :..:.J r..) ..."..' - 9. Misce1laneous conditions: - IlIPorted. se1ect backfill is I"8Quired. - The hours of work are Hllited to between and - WOrk to be staked by a 11censed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and thl"8t CO ies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Departlllent before starting work. - Open cutting of pavtlllent w111 not be a11owed; a11 pipes or conduit slllll be jacked under ~ existing pavement. L.U U LLI at. .../ ~ ~;¡ L - ~ ., -':;" :, ::¡¡ ....... 10. DEPOSIT reQuired to Quarantee restoration of public r1ght-of-1lllY. (Returnab1e upon acceptance of the .;lrk by the city engineer). S ". REQUEST a final inspection and acceptance in writing upon COIIP11tion of the wort. 12. Acceptance of the Permit by the nailed Pena1ttte constitutes acceptance of any and a11 conditions ,",on 1Id11ch this """it is granted. This PeMlllt does not relieve the Pe""ittee of any obligation to obtain any other Pemit reQuired by 1Iw. Pennit is not transferab1e. IIork 811St be perlorwd by "nalttee or penaiUH's event. . II)TE: TRENCH SAFETY illS not been checked and is I«>T UI'LIED with thi' Pe!'Wlt. For "ena1t to bc."ate" Contact: State of t.l1fornh Division of Industria1 Safetr Deparu.nt of Industria1 Re1at1ons (4OB-Z77-1Z60) -- : ACCEPTED I (Signature of Pe,..ittee) I L EIR"9In(J ta1ephone tlUllber , )1/'1 / ii" /n .,PIIOYED: '1~' 'tl~ EIliIHEER lJ . Ii ð ;te PERMIT lIlT VALID UWTIL .,PROVED IY em OIGtIlEER. (Date) Drawing Attached? Pe...lt Fee 'aill1 Deposit -.c.hH' luStlllSS UC8IIse,rro-\¡ (ll~ 1'0\7'\ not' C)~J.. ~~;\~ç\ ~ '\ '-4 v\.-~ --\-. l \ Yì ~. ( ~ J~) Jk..~ e. ~~&.,~ -178 , (\i t J / U i~{) j /6 - "3 ~ Ii 1'~ ':\ .. -r-r-,- ~~{".Q.../'l : r é. t: