Elam Ave. (TR 3348) SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 1+/ California CYpress +~2S28 In reply please refer to Deoember j, 1962 Myron D. Hawk Ci ty Engineer 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell" California ReI Exca"atioIUJ in Tract 13348 CampbeU (WO 4971-A) Dear Sirs Permission ia requested. to m£ke the nee..Bar¡ excavations on Elan Avenue and various other st.reets in Tract #33hB, in order to lnBtall 75,' of 2" UP gas mainJ u indicated on the en- closed sketch. Ve't'y truly' y-oura, C. E. GINOCHIO District Manager BY: E. E. HYDE mr Encll.ketch X-a;( IKDHAWK (APPROVED BY I ~ ~v"'~ ( , ( . (DATE I . \ ! \) t \-TJ\¡..l -z ,/u '1",,1'/1 - -- ( /~ (p /I, LI Ii : ; ~LB~ II \11 '11 \': 'I ? '~ ~ ^ i?' L. ì ~ ' ~1F ~IJ S . P ~, ~ ~f'- iNS'" (!." Po C.F'HST. Z"PGF' 610,¡;>¡ I~:, 1- I ; I i~\ ~ ¡ , I ^l I' f " 7' r .. II ~ Jl' I S.,r,e ~ ?Ii I! ~ : ,",- ~, 3 ~ .~_-::=-- ~ q: II i -~~ 1 ~ I! :\.,..~- ~- " t; II ,C ¡ A/5fALl.. 'tCf so I Z "{JP) -..1, 1 ~,: II j ~p i ~u ,~\ t ! ~ ,~(ì è~tJ,~:¿ L, ¡~.WE ~ P ,¡ " ',- "-,-~-<'" ",,_._~,~, "~'~"~-'~="""j' a \ i . INWOOD cr. ~ ~ O~.;' ~ ¡Î !'j ¡d n H H ~,! 'i , "+ ¡ L.S' '50('Y mAP~58 EL;9M .4YIi T &.f.O . -L. F 0 Ii! E' It1 /IN C-/;) CJl6CJ::. FOIl:. U.t4. COIVPUIT. P/l.IiS3URff: 20-' /VI!?,P" ¡::-S*I,. 52 NO F.4..IÇ. Et..IiCr. v.~. segVlcG'" /1l..(.OIJJIIHCG 35 ¡ T Z..ct .3 '3 'foB l\-----.-,..""," , ,..,-,-,~,,==,-",> December 9, 1963 Peeleral Hou1n9 AdIIini." at ion 30 Van lie.. San Pranci.co 2, California Gentl-nl The ßW)c:l1vic:lar of Tract No. 3348 ba. CC8plied with all the req\11r~t.8 of the City of CUlpbell 8Ubc:l1vi.ion ordinance _ich inclucle. the c:l841c::at.ion of .traet. r19ht.8-of-way and the acceptance of the -- by the City. "'ere will be no chanC' e. or a....~t. lev1.el 8C' ain8t the property owner. by the City of C8pbe11 for the 1Jnprov~t. a8 covered in 'the plana and specification.. The.. 1mpr~t.. are .. follow.: 1. St.ora Sewer. 2 . san 1 tary sewer . 3. Curb. anel Gutter. 4. Sið8walJc. 5 . 8traet. ..V888ftt. 6. Blect.rol1er. 7 . str.et. 1ft... With the exception of 7. above, all of the.e 1IIprov~t. have baen inata1lad. accordin9 to plan. anel apacifje ation. _4er the aupervi.ion of the Cj:ty Bn91neer. After final inapact.1on aAc:l the correction of any c:laf1cianc1e. .. found by thi. inapaœion,; the Cit.y vil1 accept. t.ha.. 1IIprov88ftta. v1t.h a one-year _1nt~. period by the tbbd1vic:l8r a. apacifieel1ty City ordinance. Aft.8i¡ , the one-year maintenance period by the ltubdivicl&r the City will ..intain the.. 18pro~nta for the duatiOA of t.he1r rea.onab1-8- life. water and 9a. .arvice. have ~~c.tallec:l by private, ut.11it.ie. under City paø1.t... The SUbc:livider by a9re_nt. recor4e4 May 31, 1963, 18 covered by Bonel 110. 406918 of the .ac1fio 1Dd8m1ty C<JIIPAny in the amount of $14,000.00 _1ch 1. 1~ of our e.t.taat.e of the.e 18prov~t... The CC8Plet.ion 4ate aha11 be twelve (12) IDOnth8 ~al Hou.in9 AðJIt1"i.tration -2- December 9, 1963 fr08 date of agr.~t unle.. extended by 'the City Council for valid rea.on.. Should the SUbdivider fa11 to complete 'the.e iapr ovement a , it became. the obligation of the Bonding Co8pany, when .0 ordered by the C1 ty Counc 11. Sincerely yours, MYROH D. 1lA1IIt, CITY BHGIBBD \~.\\ By John J. Albright, A8s1.tant C1vil Bng1neer JJA:cb eel ...co Corporation Attnl Mr. Clyde ...al f '::j:~":'~"'" . v' " ~'".)" ';1..,' """ . .Clls "~r6r .....'....., CIft . ' '"~"".",, .. "'.,. ~.i9M4.,.. tlty 8ritihek' '....., ~~ot 'IØ~ ....at. ' tð 1"'".~ .. t:h. Jcos-r:tr "'.""ft8 dl8el"DM. ... tIN ~ .M' ' ., , ' JJlp&-O\t III Illata .. aatMåîì, ""'..,*...' .. ' ""-'_0'1_' ,,; '. . ~.'I!J!, .~...". "'~.f.~,"",",,~' fOIr ,....f';'."'þp ,~, "',' , , '<ò -,.. .... , .~.~,c.IIf'",< 'l... . , ,- J , ... ',... --. .. tau. of ~ eiQ to .. 1. tbat ~ ".. 18,.. '8d1p1e, 8M .. .ml. ... ---..... of 811 .....~. ~f _14 PI'OP8ñ1' ..... .... .... . . Clft ,. ea81 .... ~ 8. ". '81 ..UlIII , 11.u, .li""" tba~ the propcz'~Y be&'e.t.a .,.fen8d to aDd OD *1. ..1 ., ---~.... are locat4Þd 1. .1tuaUd 1ft tb8 Clty of ~fll_11, eo..- oJ ..... Clua, a.toe of cali'-.1_. aDd"""'.. fol1ow8, ) t' í~ .... 8. . JMI and having the following addr..., Dat8L.l-- .-'-'- u . 1 t..u.... . '. ',' ...- , ~ ..... 'C'~ --..--- ., ,ty of santa-lara .. I of SA", Â.~~~ 0 ~ r :) Þ <6 l °.. ,to (/POft~ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION 8UILDING 70 WEST HEDDING STREET ROOM .24 SAN JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA 288-2323 Please note Address chan~e 70 WEST HEDDING STREET tro~=4Í~Lli<.r~" 1\ ~61j Mr. Kent Bonney Street Lighting Engineer Pacific Gas and Electric 86 South Third Street San Jos. 14, California Company SubJectl Energizing Street Lights ~ Tract NO. 3348 - Aquino Park Lighting Distr1c~- ,../ J)ear Mr. Bonney I Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors at its regularly scheduled meeting of November 12, 1963, author- ized the energizing of street light. within Tract No. 3348, Aquino Park Lighting District. The faciliti.. in Tract No. 3348 consist of one (1) 250 Watt Mercury Vapor unit and two (2) 4,000 Lumen Incandescent units. Very truly yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mrs. Jean Pullan Clerk of the Board EO ",nv i .~ 1961 1ttCE\V i'V COP Y ENGmF£R flLE copy SIG SANCHEZ. 1ST DISTRICT SAM P, DELLA MAGGIORE. 2ND DISTRICT ED, R, LEVIN. 3RD DISTRICT RALPH H, MEHRKENS. 4TH DISTRICT (CHAIRMAN) MARTIN J, SPANGLER. SR.. 5TH DISTRICT JEAN PULLAN, CLERK OF THE BOARD UOOIbomJb(QJir JIi'Ö)" 1758 j)~îm lA ~OO)1~roJW ~~~"m~ ~ ~o 3)3)~0 ~~Wl! ~;[~d:!:~~ œm~ ~" 3)0 .MJD) ~~~= Qfi~ mœ)Øþ)~" \lAlllŒUMo íÇhg ~11ÇJ'f (Ç@\illm~11 lli@~ ~m æ@\w1¡;¡@@l lb;~ 1Çlhìg iC;fdty JIDTI<g¡ing@g ítlO1/;\îÇ, /;\]JL ~)Ç@w~@¡ru1Ç~ iJTh ~/;\~1Ç ~0 3)3)~o ~ITi\.IT1j~lh@w@¡ru Mcdl1ít!@¡ru \QJ¡ru!~ ~o 3)0 1hJ/;\w@ )OO@¡ru ~~1Lg1Ç@@l !¡ru /;\1~~@)Ç~¡ru~@ wJLtÇ}¡j tla~1Ç æ<g¡)Çg~¡ru1Ç g¡ru{Ç@ç@@l !m1Ç@ ~Jf 13)0 l~l§J3)o 1Ç:@IThœ)ÇITh1mJ<g¡ ~æi@l ~~~1Ç F /;\ffij~ .. ~~I' tÇ}¡jg {:!t.{çJf ~i)]'jJg@)Ç E'(Qcç:IQffillij@LQ\cdl~ @cç:cç:gr~\t~¡ru~@ (O!~ \t~@ ~~~1Ç ~mcdl ~)Ç@W~¡ru\t¡;¡8 IfOOWG 't~~Q>~D Jl\~ ~ ~OO)1,n)Q) ~Jf u}¡Jg ~1\tJf (Ç',@WTII~11 tÇh¡;¡1Ç '2r'JI/;\cç:îÇ, iIDQJc ]3)~o ~EtS'f1hJæw@ITìl Mcdll!,\tl!,@)JjJ íQ!¡ru)\\Ç, ~o 310 îÇ,~@1Ç1hJ@)Ç w:i\,íÇJffi @lUl 1ÇJ}¡l@ ~)Ç@W~iTIJít§ {Ç1!ñ@~í1)) 0 JQG æ¡rucQ! 1Ç,)1il@ ~ /M'@ 1!ñ~)Ç@JbJJf ~~~@lþ1t@cdl ~)(1J<cll 1Ç,)1il<!\îÇ, w@ ~JL1ÇJf ~<g¡furu@@)Ç 1¡;¡ Jh\@¿Ç@!§JJf @)Ç~)Ç@@l 1Ç@ )Ç@~@E'@ /;\ ~1Ç1~ @æ ~~l@îÇ,!@ITìl @f ~1cdl ~E'@~mîÇ,¡;¡" ~M~~ MOO> ~~ tla1¡;¡ 14th ~Jf @ff ~Jf îÇ,Jh\@ f@l1L@wfuru<g¡ W@1Ç@g September n l~=~o lAY~~ 8 ~m~~8 ~¡rucç:1~8 OO\illITìlcç:1~¡ru8 Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, Smeed, Rose None h.\.~~~~ 8 (~\)¿1Jj'jJcç:11LMGITìl8 None ,\i\J.lJfr ~ì 8 ~@:Çl@§ ~§@o ~Jf@E' ,~'1r'~)~ ~'; i f Ca bell do hereby certify I, Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the C ty of ~eJ~' /7~-* that the attached is a true and c:orr~ct c~~~hOclty Council of the City of passed and adopted at a regu 1 a r mec;;.-ng. c., ,,€I / ¿.C' , C b 11 on the /v/// day of....:>c' "I 7~'-ý,-.Þ 0,., ý y . amp €I " ',~ , to . I ... ¡- --¡ ¡ 1 I I I ¡ I I I I I I I I STATE OF CALIFORNI~ )~~ COVN'l'Y OF SANTA. CL;\.R.;':~ ) ~,... . I . .MY ROli D - HAWJ( ,--,------- be'~~,':; c'.i.¡,Üj;' s\'.'orn, That I am the Cit:z; Engineer for said City of says; Campbell, the owner of the proper't:y ,j,escribed in the foregoing notice ~ that I have read the foregoinq notice, an:-l know thq., contents thereof, and the facts therein stated are true of my oWû knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ¿¿y):, '(¡.i~ j,~~;;L~ Notary Public in and for s~id County of santa Clara, state of California. CHARLENE M, BARBANO, Notary Public MY Commission Expires October 1, 1967 ~ V\^ ¿~ \J l~w~ ~ron D. Hawk, C1~y Eng1R88*- I I ! I J ./ /' , I , " )-,------ City 0/ Campbell , .., '/5 .dV. C1ntwl-=4vl!Jzu£ . t..,wl!.lLTd1. ClifQ'Witt October 2, 1963 Federal Housing Administratio~ 30 Van Ness Avenue San Fral'.(~j,sco 2, CaV.:f.orn:i.a Veteran's Administration 19 Fourth Street _an Francisco 3, California Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Tract No. 3348, Sunnyhaven Addition Unit No.3 This is to advise that the City Council of the City of Campbell passed Resolution No. 1506 on May 13, 1963 acceptinq the final map for the subj ect tract. Adequate aqreements and bonds have been filed to insure the construction of ~provements including streets (with appropriate street lighting), storm and sanitary sewers, and water distribution system. Extension of utility services including electric power, gas, and telephone is assured. upon satisfactory completion of public ~provements, this work will be accepted and permanently maintained by the City. The area, being within the corporate limits of the City of Campbell will be afforded police and fire protection by the respective City departments and garbage disposal by the scavenger under current City contract. Very truly yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY EN\;INEER By William G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WGW:cb - A ' .-{ C-(Ú,-I- -" (1.. {¡, . GRIBALIJO, JACOBS, JONES AND AS;)JCIA TES Civil Engineers. Soil, Foundotion and Geological Engineers I 333 Bayshore Frontage Road, (P.O. Box 669), Mountain View, California. YOrkshire 7-6982 . REgent 9-5823 Oalcland Wafsonville Albert C. Gribaldo, P.E, Myron M. Jacobs, P .E. William F. Jones, P.E. Daniel J. Rhoades File No. E1397-Ml September 3, 1963 Alvin A. Rathbun BESCO Corporation 4725 Thornton Avenue Fremont, California Attention: Mr. Glen DuBois Subject: Pavement Design for Tract 3348, Campbell, California. Gentlemen: As requested our firm has taken samples of the sub grade soils on Elam Avenue and Inwood Drive at Tract 3348, Campbell, California and performed Resistance Value Testson these samples in order to design a pavement sec- tion for these streets. Mr. Bill Wren of the City of Campbell was contacted and he indicated that the design of the pave- ment section should be based on a Traffic Index of 4 with a 2-1/2" P.M.S. cover. Our pavement design was calculated, in accordance to the State of California Division of High- ways Test Method 3010, on this criteria and with a "a" Value of 32 from or laboratory test results shown on the following pages. Based on the above information, the pavement sec- tion should consist of 2-1/2" P.M.S. on 5-1/2" of Base Rock with an "R" Value of 78. If further information is required please contact our firm. Respectfully submitted, GRIBALOO, JACOBS, JONES AND ASSOC. ~- QÜ'Á-Q ~~ ~ b~L Charles R. Silcock tìLL~¡(/ /£~Ló Albert C. Gribaldo CRS:AOG:jl C.E.8412 Copies: 3 to BESCO Corp. 1 to City of Campbell Atten. Mr. Bill Wren Project - I - GRIBALDO, JACOBS, JONES AND ASSOCIATES Civil Engineers. Soil, Foundation and Geological Engineers 333 Bayshore Frontage Road, (P.O. Box 669), Mountain View, California. YOrkshire 7-6982 . REgent 9-5823 Oalcland Wafsonvm. File No. E1397-M1 September 3, 1963 Tract 3348 SUMMARY OF RESIS'lANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS Date Smnpleù 8-29-63 - Sampled by our Representative Sample No.1 Sampling Loc~tio¡¡ E1am ^y~. - a~_Harr.1~~_Àve. E XUDATIOM PRESSURE (PSI) 800 700 600 ~OO 400 300 200 100 24 00 2 I i ! I t V ' ' I 22 V f 20 ¡ i~t/ ~ I . 18 , ì I I /~t ."t f-' " f'. . j : ,- ,.+- I V 16 "" i ; -t --+ 1 f '- 0,.. + ,.-t- I I I , V 14 ~ _:-4 ~ ' ¡ + '-~ I ; I . / 12 ~ j . -+-- + , .." ~'- I 10 ~ --L / -- +- n' , ' ",.. I 8 " , / .., f --, ,-+ .. -~ ---,.. /' 6 I , , -- f" -~- "" + ~, -/- 4 0" -; . I,.." '.-, u,+ 2 : /. "1- t I V .- --' - -.+ .. ". I -~,- I I I 0 22 90 .. to IIJ % U ~ 18 80 10 It ~ 16 III a 0 ::! 14 . .. ~ (It 12 )- . : 10 III Z " ~ 8 :z: ~ ~ fI > 0 u 60 :8 !l0 < þ r c: 40 ... 30 20 4 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 i4 16 18 20 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE -iNCHES 24 22 26 Specimen - . -_.1\,----,+--_..J3 _~l, ---ç- 223 : 334 : 454 ---"~"'.-f+'-"'-----+'---'-'- ,___n_- 0 i 2 5 ,-, ".n--. -----r- -+-"._-,..,- -'+'--- 0 11' ~I__+, 25 36 46 13 . 1 I 12 . 7 12 .2 122.3. 123.5 124.3 I -+~,"'-'- Exudat i on Pr.~::;-~,ll_I'~--'_--nP .s~_i,' - - ~xpans n~eJ.n--ß in1 .0001") , n ,- -- , Expansion Pressure, p.s.f. ----" n' Resi~,tance Value, 'R" _n" -----, ",n - - Moisture ~t Test Dry Den::;ity nt Te::;t. p.c.f. "R" Value ut 300 p.s.i., Exudation Pressure 32 1012 H .. I ... GRIBALDO, JACOBS, JONES AND ASSOCIATES Civil Engineers. Soil, Foundation and Geological Engineers 333 Bayshore Frontage Road, (P.O. Box 669), Mountain View, California' YOrkshire 7-6982 . REgent 9-5823 Oalcland Walson.,;'" File No. El397-Ml September 3, 1963 SUMMARY UF F£SISiANCE VALUE TEST RESUL'~S Date Sampllod 8..29-63 - Sampled by our Representative Proj ect Tract 3348 Sample No.2 ---- Sampl ing Loc;\t ion ~11J.wo~qcl ~D~iy~ ~~_E1am Ave. EXUDATION PRESSURE (PSI) 800 700 600 ~oo 400 300 200 100 24 \ t / I 22 / t y/ 18 I 1/1 -- f- , '. - - V ' 16 -, , t 1- ~ '" - - I , 14' / - - f - ~ - ~ / 12 "" -, f - . -- 0 ~, / - t - . "" -' 8 ~ - - + / I I ~ I - - ,"---- , --f-- / 6 I - . t ' - -- I ¡ 4 -- i~ ~ I - ! - ! '.' '" - - / -- " t - ¡ I 7 . ,- ,. 00 22 90 .20 ... % <> ~ 18 80 70 8: ~ 16 !oJ 2 0 = 14 . C ~ . 12 ~ . :: 10 \oJ Z ..: ~ 8 % ~ 60 ::8 !l0 < þ ... c: 40 III 30 20 ~ 8 > 0 u 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 '4 If' ,~ 2() COliER THICI(lI¡IESS B' ! >CP"," 5101'1 ~Rt ',51 qt - "'~HfS 22 <4 26 .---- --- ---------,------ Spec ~rt1I:.n,- - ExudatiJ!1 I:'eCi~..re, ;J.~i ;.. R C' 446 ~- - -- 207 '342 - - -- - , + - 8 ' 10 43 54 24 35 13 . 8 13 . 3 118.0 119. 7 - - - - - - - - - ,~- 13 , ------ 70 45 12.9 120.6 32 EXPé\I~l--O!¡ di'l I. 101 . : ExpaI1si,)n : re~, ¡rè, ;,:-" t' Re~,L;t:\!1c(, '1,\. 'Ie 1'." ~ Moi~;ture ¿It ':'<3. t ,,--~--,,' Dry Den:;ity at ':'e, '-. ,).:.:'. ------ "R" VéÜue c,t 300 p.;, j , t C' :' ';,¡Ciurc 1012 R ... .. I RESOLUTION NO. / JOG, BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 3348, SUNNYHAVEN ADDITION UNIT NO.3, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 3348, Sunnyhaven Addition Unit No.3, for approval; WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers eonditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been pre8ented~ and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has signed the map that it conforms; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues ardlpublic ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /'1 day of ~ 1963, by the following vote: ---¿r AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Peter B. Lico, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P,O, Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone 378-2407 May 3,1963 City Council City of Campbell 75 N. Central Campbell, Calif. Re: Tract No. 3348 Sunnyhaven Addn. Unit No.3 Gentlemen: The plans of the sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract have been approved and a copy is on file in this office. All fees due this District have been paid. No bond to in- sure completion of the sanitary sewerage system is necessary since main sewer to serve this development has already been installed. This District will inspect the construction of the sanitary sewers and upon satisfactory completion, the system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman District Manager and Engineer E. Weaver Civil Engineer LEW/ds () . I , ,/ santa clara county ~~ FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT DDNALD K. CURRLIN MANAGE"-COUN8EL 70 WEBT ..OBA BT"EET December 4, 1962 BAN .JOBE ~o. CALIFO..NIA CY",..E8. Ø-203~ Re: NC 20023 Smith Creek Valley Title Co. R/W Your File: Tr. 3348 City Engineer I s Office City of Campbell Campbell, California Gentlemen: Please be advised that the flood control require- ments of the District as to the above concerning right of way have been met. Very truly yours I ,/} í> )t/~ . " '(, /¡.,'J- / !r'!Z."ù>/</'-'/ (/, -y-/ EDvVIN C. MEYER Senior Right of Way Agent cc: R/W File ./ /¿,:/ n {y"--- <...:> I/,-- - r -- -'¡¡----' / ~ ""..\.. - \. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Sunnyvale, October 18, 1962 Mr. N. Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, California Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for SUNNTIìAVEN ADDITION UNIT ~O~, Tract No. ~, have been examined by this office. The easements are ade- quate and satisfactory to this company. Very truly yours, -? J/ --I . / ,//j> ~ ~/~--Cf""~~ ' ¡tV]/ District Plant Engin~" ¿. 494 South Bernardo Avenue Sunnyvale, California 'l/ .l. ~ ~! ,I):. /1.)'0 -'>' ¡ 0' SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Thírd Street San Jose 1+1 California CYpress +~2828 In reply please refer to October 17,1962 Hr. M~rron Hawk, City Engineer 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Subject.: Tract #3348 Sunnyhaven Addition lTIit #3 Dear Mr. Hawk: The Public Utility Easements shom1 on the final copy of the tract presented are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this comparw I s electric distribution radIi ties. Sincerely, C.B. GHJOCHIO DISTHICT HJI..i\JAGER BY (d ~~ C. A. Carlson ~\'~ cb cc: TPT&T Co., San Jose, Attn: Plant Engineer V~lley Title Co., 38 North First, San Jose HacKay & Samra, 1003 {Jest El Camino, Surmyvle. '11 II , ~ 't.O , '). 'A., \1/',;>- - - - ..... ~ 1 SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT DONALD K, CURRLIN MANAGIER. C:OUN8IEL COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING5eptember 7, lféÍ>RGE H. PRIME SUPERVISING ENGINEER 70 YVest Rosa Street San JoSPi1:Pe ~ali_l.. of Campbell CYpress 9-2031Sub~1ivision' Sn1ith Creek E!ly of Harriet Avenue at Elan¡ .\venue Ret Sunnyhaven Addition Unit #, ,'-Ir. W. L. \,forser Urhanh~velop!':1ent ìl1rector Campbe11 Planning Commission Ci ty of Carnpbe 11 75 'orth Central Av~nue Campbell, California lJear ~lr: Th. nistrict has reviewed the subject plans and 1-JAS the following comwents to make. 1. The portion of Smith Creek right of way (SO') should be dedicated to the District. Kindly have the developers engineers contact the )lstrict's Right of Way Acent, Mr. Edwin C. Meyer for uistrict approved procedure in handling the title transferral. 2. l.'he portion of channel rif~ht of way shown on the map as part of Unit ~2 Tract 3138, should be labele~ lAnds of 'tood Control District with record.r~ book and "ago. Very truly yours, GEORGE H. PRDŒ District £ngineer EUGENE Ii. i~ssistant /¥ SULl.IVì\N' Civ1l Engineer Gnp I F;HS I pam ecl MacKay ~ Somps ~ Sunnyvale Myron 0. Hawk, City Engineer c.B.COPY ! I I ~- '.. CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION HAP OF TRACT #3348 (Sunnyhaven AddItion #3) AS APPROVED BY CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1962: 1. Owner to comply with all sections of Artic1e IX, Chapter I, Part I of the Campbell Municipa1 Code. 2. Dedication of the u1tlmate SmIth Creek R/W to the Santa C1ara County Flood Contro1 and Water Conservation District. 3. Design and construction of the Smith Creek crossing at Elam Avenue concurrent with the deve1opment of this tract as per City Councl1 Instructions of 6/25/62. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: æ~ ~.kL-/ - ..~~~ ~son, Secretary