El Patio Dr. (TR 6347) .J .J w-:: al~ '\.0 1-' '"- ~ ::!::::J - .A' <!. W ...... 0 u 'J --i ...J W LL L1J Il: 0 ~ ~ )-<!. 1-0 U .J ..J W-:: mz o..~ ~ ::!: ~ w <( 3 u U--i ...J LL LL L1J Il: 0 ~ ~ )-<!. 1-0 - U <!. Z \0 ~ ~ ~ <!. Z ~ ~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 tJ ') .~ ~ 'J 0:: o LL ~ \ , ~ ~ \Y) o Z f- Z :J o o o <!. L1J :J Z L1J > L1J 0:: \. .J C-) \,,-"'~ c...,.; r- ,-" C~ C=' I- it -It z "" ::> it I 0 0\,; ... (/) ::; * 4: 4: <::: u 0 0 C> 0 0 \.r) a: CD W CO 0 r:- r-;- a: c;, 0 C> I >- I w = ~ Z .,., :.c 0 w ;:;:: ::; I- 4: 0 0 0:: L1J CD ~ :J Z o Z :J LL .~ ~~ ~ 'I ~ U"- ~ ) 0:: L1J CD :2' :J Z o Z :J LL ~. ~ ... '\ l >: ~u'i> ~, ~ ~o~ ....ZZo 2:U<:(.... Ulc(OUl lrl~~llI "''''<:(fil !!!ll)9z ;!:t;;;t!:! i>'" = = 8. ~ = If'\ m CX) '-0 <.:::;? ci\ ..- 1c 1c 1c .. c:x: c:x: (\J N o 0 I (/) 4: U = n. < o ..... \0 0: W o a: o >- w z o ::; co r-;-- r- o '" . ZO~ ....i:ZO !!:Uc(.... "'<:(0", lrl~~ll) "''''c(fil !!!ll)9z J:........C) ....:g~iii ~ ,. 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I 0 -!.: -!< I- IJ) ::;: ~ .J: li 4: (' U 4: 'i' \.J ...;..r (J 0 L:J l" , . ..J 1'-.)1) 0 C) ..J ...J W <!. ~ ("'.J ...J L1J m Z a: CD Il. 0:: N w :> a. I- 0 r1 ~ 0 o ~ ~ LL IJ) a: (0 CO >- <!. 0.. :::J 0 ~() - <( <!. ~ >- ,0 \0 0 LL W w .r::. U () N) Z .... 0 U --i 0 ()- C,_ >- '" W U.' L'J W LL ...J ::; l- v') c..? f- L1J . 4: ,. Il: OJ () 0 CD ~ 0 0 a. 0 ~ Z >- <!. \.'~ f- I- () Z :J N - 0 I'-... w U 0:: Z 0 . () L1J ~~ ~ ....i:Z~ l() >- () CD A.U<O CO A. <!. I U Y;<(C~ 0 L1J :2' --.W ,,",,-, lrl~~ll) ~ U :J I In :J z .........u "'w<:(o Z Z Vtc:Gcw '" L1J 0 ~ i:....:;Z N L1J > Z ...."'<Cl ;:: ~ 0:: L1J :J ~>iii i:i <!. 0 0:: LL Z LL "\ r- I I I (~ITY OF CAMPBELl. 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Horks June 5, 1981 Eilert & Smith, Inc. 12 No. Sunset Avenue San Jose, CA 95116 HELMS ----_.~- D\i'\Z --'-'-"',' CASE ----.,--- Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit #78-122 Storm Drain Location: TR 6347, Pruneyard Villas Maintenance Bond Amount: $3,750.00 Gentlemen: ~e rave made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works puvJ DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: Norm Samson 1m-Pac Development Company, 388 Second Street, Los Altos, CA 94022 C!TV OF CAMPBELL 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 APPLICATION: Application is hereby made for an excavation permit in acco~e with Campb;11 Municipa1~de,Section 1),0~. A. The 10catio~nd n~ture of the work to be ~o~e is: ~~65~- /-f~P'7/~/////f-~? drc ~~/ ---: '/'-'b /.,// '::)-hI'CJ?-7 _ _-...:~_ ~V'.5_ ~~':rU;:-/ ...LCC- .//3..,4, e . z: /;. ~~ . B. Attached ar four copies and dimensions of the work. The drawing shows the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the city engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. C, The applicant hereby agrees by affixing his signature to this application to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees free, safe, and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit, D. The Permit Fee is $25.00. This is to help cover the cost of inspection. Name6'k-/"/ / ;:;;;, /~ , /~A. Address /?-? .. . " ~ 4 c- z EXCAVATION PERMIT Permit No. . "i - i --;} '".)~ Call 378-81k1 x 220 for inspections. PERMIT : This permit to excavate is subject to the follow ng conditions: 1. NOTIFY the city engineer 48 hours before beginning work, 2. MAWTAIN safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access to private driveways, fire hydrants and water valves. 3. Any STREET CLOSING must have prior, specific approval from the city engineer. 4. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the work area shall conform with the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook. 5, REPLACE IN KIND any damaged or removed existing improvements or plantings. 6. SAW CUT for all P,C.C. or A,C, removals, 7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shall conform with current City Standards. 8, A.C. REPLACEMENT shall be either: 4 inches A,C. on 12 inches R-78 base rock or g inches A,C, deep strength; or, RECE\VED fl.UG (. , . '\.,.) , Puw-,>) ,;,j,d\:J ENG \ \~t.\:;( \ I~G g. Miscellaneous conditions: ____ Imported, select backfill is required. The hours of work are limited to between and Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of the cut ---- sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work. ____ Open cutting of pavement will not be allowed; all pipes or conduit shall be jacked under existing pavement, 10, DEPOSIT required to quarantee restoration of public right-of-way, "r?..n ~c (Returnable upon acceptance of the work by the city engineer), S ~L/L/ ~ REQUEST a final inspection and acceptance in writing upon completion of the work, Acceptance of the Permit by the named Permittee constitutes acceptance of any and all conditions upon which this Permit is granted. This Permit does not relieve the Permittee of any obligation to obtain any other Permit required by law. Permit is not transferable. Work must be performed by permittee or permittee's agent, 11, 12, NOTE: TRENCH SAFETY Contact: For "Permit to Excavate" )( PERMIT NOT VALID UNTIL APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER, 4/78 ~Iz,~r (~ Drawing Attached? c;\ '(<2\ \ [i) ::;:::tF::,:~:::, ,!.];~~,l) Business License? I: ,:J 2.>cz-,"/p )/y &e. APPROVED1Ju rt~litfl--. -- 8/2.2/,1 I Dat'e \\l~~ (-'-;\~ t~_ l~{:) IJ l Cj ~ I ) ~ --Y'y) Santa Clara Valley Water Distrid G PERMIT Permittee 1M-PAC Development Company 388 Second Street Los Altos, California 94022 Attention Mr. Paul W. Bosholm President 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, ,. ~IFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265.2600 ~. 1((r-lx01-- . 'Z/ II (' ,/ File Permits, PiPeli~ ~'"\r (,V' Central Pipeline f' '~ y-v- Wly of Arc Road; /P-Z -77 Nly of El Patio Drive. ?~ Date Issued 9/14/79 Permit No. 79931 Stream Central Pipeline Telephone 941-2324 R'ECelVEDRe: Tract 6347, Pruneyard Villas 79A42B, 79P42B Purpose of Permit ~ Encroachment lJl Construction o Temporary SEP 1 7 1979 PUBLIC WORKS tNGINfERING 1) Installation of a precast concrete fence in District right of way. Construction Expiration Date 9/14/80 Encroachment Expiration Date PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: [X] DISTRICT'S CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, TELEPHONE 265-2600, EXTENSION 323 DX~~XXJrnX1CX~1XlXK<>>Jllxm<>>1XlXJ\~JE~~OCX*OO)@~X AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK. EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN. THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT. 1. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 2. All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. The work area must be restored to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 3. The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted. 4. All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216. 5. The District inspector is to be present when work is done within District right of way. 6. The District will not be responsible for the structural design or maintenance of the wall. cc: Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Cit of Cam bell Sierra Precast, Inc. 900 Lonus Street San Jose, California 95126 Approval. FC.GO (7.1.75) DIVISION ENGINEER DESIGN COORDINATION DIVISION \\ \.-\\~) 5anla acra Vo.'-d Water District March 21, 1979 ~J .-:. ~ , (~--_. J "If' d;Il/. l'Y v\ '1 !f];J; ",-{ " c.; V '"'3 ....I:, - ~~ ''';-::.! 1()- 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY .SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 9Si18 TELEPHONE (408) 2&5-2600 ~-"...<P ,- Mr. Paul Bosholm 1M-PAC Company 388 Second Street Los Altos, California 94022 ~Ch\ - -t -~.- Dear Mr. Bosholm: This is regarding our telephone conversation of March 20, 1979 regarding the proposed sound wall for Tract 6347 (Pruneyard Villas). As mentioned in our previous correspondence, precast concrete sound walls crossing over our pipeline at the northerly end of the site and within our right of way at the southerly end must be designed for easy removal (bolted connections). This problem has not been resolved to date. Your suggestion for wooden panelled sound walls is acceptable to us. In fact, it would appear to be more desirable from the standpoint of ease of removal and equipment required should we ever have to replace or repair our pipeline. Please send revised plans and details for the selected type sound wall for our review and issuance of a permit. Sincerely yours, ORIGINAl.. SIGNED B'l. W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coord~nation Division cc: ~JQseph .Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell Mr. Bill Southern Sierra Precast, Inc. 900 Lonus Street San Jose, California 95126 i~ECEIVEQ' i~; ') I~.' 79 {: .'.) I h"u""J ~.UiiKS . ENGlI~ttniNG AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER NOTICE OF COMPLETION ~ iJ-</ ~tfd-# {,31? /11 ~\\ \' \\C\ \ . j?,,~()'V'U ,~/ -to (jJ /) C 5/ 2 7 - NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott Above Space for Recorder the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 12 day of March , 1979 That the name of the Subdivider said owner is 1M-PAC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, TNr for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivisqon improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 6347, El Patio-Poplar and Hawthorne and having the following address: Dated March 16 , 19 79 .~ -/yL.' ~~V ~C' S~H ELL lOTT 1ty Engineer 1 of 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I, Joseph Elliott being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. c1swyL' F:~# SEPH ELL IOTT City Engi neer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /J '~,' ,ilL ><c day of '/Na'LcA , 1979. - 2 ~ ,~ I ,_.-' /,/,> / ~ (',Y[(,?A ;"/}u 7//. 'dAJC Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. I ' - I :(~:IAL SE;L u_\ ,'~"': CL';: :N;:: rvl. CASE 11.. ,.,~. ~ 'j" ..'r ',''''01 'C - CP.LiFORNIA I '-I' ,. . '--'.).' . pR:';:iPAL OFFiCE IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY : My Commission ExPir~s ~::~ 1. 1979 -J ---- - ~L. \ C\) RESOLUTION NO. 5559 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6347 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Cty Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 6347 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into April 13, 197' concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that Tract No. 6347, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. 12th March day of PASSED AND ADOprED this by the following vote: , 1979 AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Podgorsek, chamberlin NOES: Coune i 1 men: None ABSENT: Coune il men Doetsch, Hammer APPROVED: ITea n R:-ChamnerTlrl Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Cl erk R~CEIVEQ Mj~f{ 1 ., 'i979 , ftJJ~iG WORKS ENGINEERING I /. r~Ll - . at I MR. J. ROBERT DEMPSTER City Attorney BILL M. HELMS ~ Engineering Manager November 6, 1978 PROPOSED VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET Please give us your opinion as to whether the owner of Parcel 7 on the attached map has access rights to the strip of road between El Patio and Parcel 9. We intend to abandon that strip to the owner of Parcel 9 to be used as a private road. The owner of~rcel 7 claims access rights to the portion to be abandoned and objects to the abandonment. In 1955 when the State acquired the land for Route 17, Parcel 9 was left without frontage on a street. The State then acquired the strip to El Patio to provide access. In 1963, after the State had installed paving, the strip was relinquished to the City for control and maintenance as a public street. The attached aerial view shows that access to Parcel 7 is provided from El Patio. Access to the strip to be abandoned appears unnecessary for the enjoyment of any property rights. There is presently a townhouse development being built on Parcel 9. We propose to abandon the street and allow it to become a private drive so as to avoid any of the maintenance cost since it will serve only those properties within the new project. BMH:JLP:mkc Enclosures r-' -, ~ I - ,,_~,~~.T.. T-- ',/ '.~~"'~"~'''''-ll.. ~'."~" - . . , ., ,_ 1 , t."" in ).) ~ II C\ j l' {o~\ (0341 ___.---.0-' . i ._~.-..,.~,-",,,,,._._._,..;,......~.,.;,.:&:-..,.~,.....j........-...-:.-.-~....._.,,,~_....-..--._~._-~-..-----...-- --..........-..^-- ',;.. . .,.-....~._..,.~-.-. ---'- .--.-..-'''- ......, ,..--'.-. .-,.."..... -........,...., OF Fie E I,) F CO U N T Y ASS E S SO @ <t-~ ~ , ,,~ f ..::> . o I~. :;, ~. ~",,,. > -.-;' / - - ---- ./ v ,,' c; Q~ r: (0 ~ 19 o f.-. <t- o Q '? ~ ~ "Q:- , r' 105 SANTA CLARA COUNTY, \ / / , , / I / , I /~r." ~.~. v 'J~ '''- q,c... .", '0' .,'" 'p ,~ /$/ tV o )-:: " II) . ~ \1'. ~ 4,25 AC. NET . ., 1(,' "J f:ltv q~ o~ ,\) ~ ':? ..... " ~ "tv ~ '?" 0 ... v ....'\.. Cb tv. ~ " eAl RNI A / o 610 ~7 75 85 I :; I 0 V1 17 16 15 14 13 12 '", ~ ... ~ :PTN : II rn ~I ... 2 ;:!J ~ ~ -I 3 ... (". I - .2.. 5 4 ::>1 F .. -I =fI /:.-} '7 75 66J .'~ (44: \ . /' /' -:0 o c:. .....1, ~ U) - ~ (') <. o ~ '0 VI CI) o - . "" \ . ~ I .,"- ~ o \ cJ' U) "~1(, ~=' ~ - z fD\ ~ o . 01\ rn \ :, -I 0!> \ ~ ,[ -., . l' .' , .... ,w. " 75 // 75 ./ in ///' T N. -- " - ..--.- '\. _. ~...+- -, ',~l~ { :c[;~ 8 -.J ~I~ ! n._' E L PATIO RANCHO DEL PATIO TRACT N~ 2 ;(\ -:0 ~ ~ ~ ~r.. - ,- "waa'IU..L:>>UN a QtKXi. '''Ul ~H""T I (Cl~~--Jd{, _fl.,,,,.. 'F CIVIL ENGINEERS '- filii r.._ \{' ,e ~ Sheet-Lof I ~4SSHERMAN AVE. ~ ~ /? - v~ Dot~ f/~O/71 . ALO ALTO. CALIF. PROJECT' 0prv."r-~ J1'/ Jlon -(\ (Suit. s) 326-2180 DwO No It.~I~ ".r O 800 S.BAYSHORE BLVQ STREET · & ~/lT/tJ (!/,ht ~'<:1~'" -- I b'N . ~AN MATEO. CALIF. T,' vO o. ~42-9585 . ELEVATION Cut Fill Grod. Stake 18'J../.' /8~,J1 t!,z9 /B~..J~ /A..59 ~ UJ /&,~",. /PLIJ ~.gq II?~,S'J /J'7 #~ tJ.;j~ /g/,7S' /B~/t) d, i? /8~,17 /87.Z/ ~.I'; 18~PO /BJ.f/ p,lJ2,. , ~ Station D.lta Chord R.mark, tJ17/ / -i-pl) /I-2S' /1 7tJ 2,t2S' ;!-~.5' 3 :Jot)"- ' ~ f Itqr; , ~/hl'rlJ,t;1!t. /1" '" , ~ 1'.( / A /' / , 4' L ~ 1- 1.5' /it.. /f' J8~11 ~, "t- ...R', 1J1t./.!,..,I. ~ /),J $A /J5',L~ /g,.t/.~~ ",zo ". " / r() D / I,.,]; 'I".~' 1.,,1 ~ Ii )." 18 /86. 49 //1...21 e'),J9 , / I-I'~ /Bt,58 II~,'-? 4,// .. , ~-.j()? IR",7~ 18~,7S ~.Ii .A ,t 2fSD 11'.1.1 14',J. b.I' .. , 2 -rW,o~ /RL 81 /'''18 jj,& / ~ , J-;-"(',~, 18 ;/pl:" /4~~'1 ~.Di' oft , - Kt\:ETllE" (, ','" I~ ftj PlJt..~,,, nJf\t\S C/'HiJ1tl:RJNG r....... IN ';. a, f t '3 L( 7 -\\, L..( \C\ ') -r- ~ ' JONES-TILLSON & ASSOCIATES CALVIN M. JONES. C E GORDON A. TILLSON. C E HENRY R. TOFSTED WILLIAM E. FITCH. C E NORMAN B. HANSEN. C E HERBERT A. ECKLAND. C E CIVIL ENGINEERS REPL.Y TO: Palo Alto 2651-905 August 23. 1978 RECEIVED; City of Campbe 11 75 North Central Avenue Campbell. CA 95008 Attn: Bi 11 M. Helms Engineering Manager Public Works Department Subj: El Patio Drive. Curbs and Drainage AU G 23 1978 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Dear Mr. Helms: Following a series of meetings with you and your staff. we are submitting herewith a revised plan for curb grades and new storm drainage facilities along El Patio Drive. This plan was prepared by our office to revise curb grades which previously did not properly meet the existing topography and driveways along El Patio Drive. This plan also incorporates your design of underground storm drainage which City of Campbell wishes to have constructed at the corner of El Patio Drive and Poplar together with an outfall easterly along El Patio Drive to an existing manhole. In order to expedite the project. our survey crews took topography in the field in order to furnish your office with additional design information for these storm drainage facilities. This information was previously furnished to you. Jones-Tillson assumes no liability for the City of Campbell design and by the incorporation of this design on our plans have assumed no additional responsibility. We have provided two approval spaces for City of Campbell on the enclosed drawing. One space is for the approval of the revised curb grades which were designed by this office and the other space is for approval of storm drainage facilities designed by City of Campbell and incorporated on this drawing at your request. These two approval items are placed on the drawing at the request of our insurance carrier. Would you please sign the enclosed drawing in the two appropriate places provided for your approval in order that we may transmit this information 445 SHERMAN AVENUE' SUITE S . PAL.O AL.TO. CAL.IFORNIA 94306 . (415) 326-2180 2575 FL.ORES STREET . SAN MATEO. CALIFORNIA 94403 . (415) 573"0558 City of Camp be 11 - 2 - August 23, 1978 to the contractor and receive additional unit prices. When we receive these unit prices we will forward them to your office in order that you may make the necessary financial arrangements to pay for the construction of the additional storm drainage facilities. Very truly yours, /~O~~T~~LSON & A;~AT_ES." l < .__ .--- ~~r2.~---- iL'~~ ~kL__=-,-~ Norman B. Hansen NBH/lc Encl. ~ Item ~ No. '" 1. ((){f' 2. ./o/" Approximate Ouantity ,-'/, " 1 96,000 3. -lor 63,000 4. ,; 1:/ 25,000 5. 6. 7. {j 8. [~ 9. .I 10. 11. I 1 6 , 1 00 / ) 30,500 4,200 8,300 1,300 2 7 Unit Lump Sum Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Description of Item With Unit Price Written in Words Clearing and Grubbing Building Pad Grading Complete 11) ''',1/ ' Street Grading Complete ..., !),',' Lot Grading Complete Sq. Ft. Street Paving: El Patio Court and Poplar Avenue, including subgrade preparation, Aggregate Base and Asphaltic Concrete - complete in place. Indicate Alternative Section Selected 2-1/l'A.C. 12 IIA.B. Sq. Ft. Street Paving: Arc Road, Ash Court, Birch Drive and Cypress Lane, including subgrade preparation, Aggregate Base and Asphaltic Concrete - complete in place. Indicate Alternative Section Selected 2"A.C. 8 "A.B. Lin. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. each each Portland Cement Concrete, -:. _ ) Curb and Gutter-including base- .complete in place. Portland Cement Concrete Side- walk-including base-complete in place. Asphalt Concrete Sidewalk with Headers - complete in place. Stop $i9nS, including pole and mounting - complete in place. Street Name Signs, including pole and mounting - complete in place. Unit Price Total 1of( I.' 9,481.00' 9.481.00 0.16'/'11'15:360.00 ..-;~- . O.l~, B,B20.nn O. 11 ~/ O:J' 2,750.00 0.89 14,329.00 0.66 20.130.00 5.50 23,100.00 1.58 1 3 . 114. 00 2.40 3.120.00 75.00 1 50.00 82.00 574.00 P-2 Item No. -"',";1". 12. }. ,Approximate l(uantity 1 13. .,. 509 14. ./ 22 15. , 11 16. /' 2 17. / 1 18. ' 1130 19. . 360 20. 6 21. '. 22. '-; 4 1480 23. . . 1 24. 1 Unit Lump Sum Qes c r;.)t i on of I tom with Unit Price Written in Words Parking Striping Unit P'rice 125.00 Tota 1 -125. ( Lin. Ft. 15" Diumeter Class IV Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Drains - complete in place. Lin. Ft. 15" Diameter 40000 rein- forced concrete pipes Storm Drain - complete in place. Storm Drain Catch Basins - complete in place each each Connections to Existing 48" Diameter R.C.P. Stonn Drain each Connection to Existing Storm Drain Manhole Li n. Ft. 6" VCP Sani tary Sewer Main - complete in place Li n. Ft. 6" 0.1. P. Sanitary Mai n - complete in place. each Sanitary Sewer Manholes - complete in place each Vertical Sanitary Riser Li n. Ft. 4" VCP Sani tary Sewer Later- als; complete in place. each Connection to Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole Lump Sum Street Lighting System - complete TOTAL 9.50 4.835.~ 12.00 264.C 1.400.00 15.400.0 500.00 1.000.0 200.00 200.0 6.80 7.684.0 8.00 2.880.0 650.00 3.900.0 300.00 1.200.0 4.50 6.660.0 200.00 200.01 24.061.00 24.061.01 $ 179,337.50 ALTERNATE 1. At the option of the ow~r.~eiJtJ),the ~~irement for provision of Performance Bond a~d~K9b~r ~ Mat~~~l~V~d J~ t~ Contractor, and reduce the above To~ by the amou~~~ ;Vtl~ $ 1.000.00 P-3 l3IlJ SCHEDULE ..EL PATIO DRI.'LI. .. telll Approxil\lat~ Description of ltelll ~Jith Un it No. Quantity Unit Unit Price Writu::nin WorJs Price Tota 1 - i ( 'i 1- lJ 8.500 Sq. ft. Remove exist pavement and dispose of material. complete 0.30 $ 2,550.00 2. ( 13,800 Sq. ft. Final grade & compact subgrade, complete 0.07 966.00 3. I 12.200 Sq.ft. 7" full depth asphalt concrete in place. complete 0.95 11,590.00 4. , 490 Lin.ft. Std.City of Campbell 6" ( , PCC curb & gutter complete in place (incl.4" Cl.2 Agg. Base Rock). 7.85 3,846.50 5. U 3 each Adjust existing manhole to finish grade. complete 150.00 450.00 6. u each Adjust existing valve box to finish grade. complete 150.00 150.00 7. u 950 Sq. ft. Asphalt Concrete (feather to conform to Exist.). 0.60 570.00 TOTAL $20,122.50 IN-SITE ; 117,- ~ (I ..", 15 000 Cu.yds. Remove & Stockpile on- s ite . )'~ . material. complete 0.95 14,250.00 L ) ,:t'! c.:., 1 2.000 Cu.yds. Replace & Compact on-site material. complete. in place 1. 20 14,400.00 ). .: ,?>.)u 5.500 Tons Import. place & compact se 1 ect backfi 11 material. t' -, (', / ,.. complete 2.25 12,375.00 I / ,"? :- ..:: /., ..../' ) "-'-', " P-3-A . ; DIU selic !JUl [ EL PATIO DRIVE ~ ::111 Approx; 111'-1 tl! ~ (JUiJll t; ty Unit l.h-'~cri[Jtiorl of ILl!1I1 ~Jith U,I; t fly'i cc Wr'i L Lell ; II Wurds Unit Price To ta 1 .SITE (Con't) - , -+ I. 0 500 Cu.yds. Remove and dispose of un- suitable material off-site. complete $5.00 $2.500.00 TOTAL $43,525.00 is understood tha m-Pac DeV~~ny reserves the right to exclude the ..SITE Excavation and Ba / ftl.-l-port~,\r;yqT( th;J~l)1 iS~~ on pages P-3.-A and P-3-B items 8 through ~/~~om t' con\~. Jfl Co~~)twill be notified in 1ting w1t~'(10) working da after commenc~ment of work. ~tZ ~ .s contract and its unit prices excludes "de-watering" of the cut hole of 80ft soil :he S.E. corner of site (approximately extimated @ 15,000 C.Y.t) for amounts of water .t can't be drained by the General Contractor through the use of a 2" pump during a mal 8 hour work day. P-3-B RECEIVE~ CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A (408) 378-8141 AVENUE 95008 JUi,j 2 ,( 1978 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 26, 1978 r---T~'------~ _E~~~_ __... H~~,DLING , I / ' 'j-'" I' "-'T() ~~ _____ '~ 2- '_ .-== I L___ " ---t June Department: Fire Ii '''--II Mr. Paul Wilson Bosholm 388 Second Los Altos, CA 94022 Dear Mr. Bosholm: Re: PruneYard Villas 601 El Patio Drive Plans have been made to install four "Ranger 76" fire hydrants on the above noted project. The locations are known by the Campbell Water Company. A problem has arisen regarding these fire hydrants and a decision must be made by the developer, before they are installed. Being that the development is all private properties and the street is not a dedicated public street, all the cost of the hydrant installations must be borne by the developer. Any rental fees or stand-by charges imposed by the water company must be borne by the developer and/or owners' association. These hydrants become private fire hydrants. If this development was on public dedicated streets, the City would pay the monthly rental fees for the hydrants. This is done after the developer pays the first five years' fees in advance. There are two alternatives. They are: 1. If you elect to keep these fire hydrants private, please arrange to have the rental fees billed directly to the home- owners' association. 2. If you would like the City of Campbell to maintain them and be responsible for them, please contact the City Engineering Office and arrange to have the necessary steps taken. CITY OF CAMPBELL Page 2 601 EI Patio Drive If you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way, please give us a call. EWB: SAL: mm cc: Frank Kukuk Campbell Water Co. Engineering Department Sincerely, E. W. Borden, Fire Chief Campbe 1/ I ,e Depa rtment ,~ li2t Uj!f7{c0f LL.. ~. Le~rdi, Acting Fire Fire Prevention Bureau Chief ..e PUBLI C WORKS Pacific Gas & Electric Company 111 Almaden Blvd. San Jose, CA 95198 Attentton: Mr. Art Pasqunelli Regarding: Tract No. 6347 Gentlemen: ~ 'e"~+-, '''-r= . "..1- ~fJ~ ) _e ,-_:.:Ci " c.:,::. June 9, 197B I r Please remove light No. 695 and delete it from our billing. This light, which is located on El Pati~~ourt, will be replaced by private facilities, owned and maintained by the homeowners association of the referenced tract. JP:ah Very truly yours, a.ILl HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER by James Penoyer Engineering Technician : Fi I e.. r- ~ ~ . . jlzv' rJ-]}-i~' I STATE 0.. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -------- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT IV 150 OAK STREET SAN FRANCISCO 2. CALIFORNIA UN DERHILL 3-0222 July 17, 1963 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO P. O. BOX 3366, RINCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO '" PLEASE REFER IVQ,1e JI'l.5-C mb Relinquishment No. 31319 Honorable City Council City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: Attached for your files is a copy of the resQluti-on of the California Highway Convnission, as recorded on".,July 9, 1963, relinquishing to the City of Campbell of a public' r6ad connection at El Patio Avenue, Road IV-SCl-S-Cmb. Copies of this resolution are also being transmitted to the City Planning Commission, the City Manager, City Clerk and City Engineer. Very truly yours, J. P. SIfCLAIR Assistant State Highway Engineer Ot\H~...~P"f~,;_~ t,{\'"A1L.p ;dO,;: H. B. SMITH Supervising Right of Way Agent *.cd ccaCIty Planning COfIIII'.lon. City Clf~rk CIty Manager, City Eft91n~er BOOK 6096 PC g<J , ',::; T ' . : I' " :'L't OIJ NU" R~/J4 (',. {J ('.i I C'~ 0" \)' , " , :;' I : i ~ . ~ 24a66!~:3 RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, ROAD IV-SCl-5-Cmb RELINQUISHMENT NO. 31319 WHEREAS, the California Highway Commission on November 11, 1951, adopted a resolution declaring certain sections of State highway in the County of Santa Clara on Route 5 between 0.5 mile south of Los Gatos and Hamilton Avenue and on Route 42 between Route 5 (new) and Santa Cruz Avenue, road IV-SCl-5,42-C,LGts,DjLGts, to be a freewaYi and WHEREAS, a portion of said freeway now lies within the City of Campbell; and ' WHEREAS, the State of California has acquired right of way for and has constructed a public road con- nection in the City of Campbell .at E1Patio Drive, road IV-SCl-5-Cmb, in connection with said freewaYi and WHEREAS, by freeway agreement dated June 28, 1954, the City agreed to accept control and maintenance of said road connection upon relinquishment thereof to said City by the State of California; and . WHEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the public interest that said road connection be relinquished to the City of Campbell for use as a city street; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish to the City of Campbell, effective upon recorda- tion of a certified copy hereof, with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, said road connection in said city, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: J/ BOOK 6096 pcl00 A public road lying westerly of the main traveled ways of State freeway, road IV-SCl-5-Cmb, being described as follows: All of that parcel of land described in the Deed No. 15158 to the State of California recorded June 29, 1955 in Volume 3180, Page 317, Official Records of Santa ~lara County. The length of road hereby relinquished is 0.04 of a mile, more or less. The purpose of this resolution is to vest in the City of Campbell as a city street all of the State of California's right, title, and interest in and to the pUblic road hereby relinquished. , :t ,.~., ',> ;~::;:;.'~',.; ~'~:::\. 4' -';l :... ,J i ~" .' .",.. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution passed by the California Highway Com- mission at its meeting regularly called and held on the 27th day QL-h"J!J.D.fL__", 196.3, in the City ofS"g.QX'_Stme n t 9., a majority of the members of said Commission being present and voting fherefor. Dated thiL.~IH1___day ofl----y----_J:1JJ.S:..____.__.u, 196 3 ------tIi~&?(-i7Z<<4!~"4;~___..". ROBERT T. MARTIN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION . : ~ .. ~ ~ ~ , . 'O....',. .. : c:, " (') " ~ ..~. c"'" ". .- . . . ~' \.. ... . '"". ,. .."I" 1 t" r; " \ " \\ .' EST. 1588. S44!fi 12.61 5,.. SPQ (\ f} n ;'1 ,.') h \) ;) ,) GL-t j/ . oCU f)UDfj ;G ~J /' .n' L\ \!;.. f \ le' ,.1 i S , l ! 'f 1 "\ ""'- ( c i'-- ) \ V l ') r 'J ,', ~ " "---- ~ 0 I') q \, i', ,::::,) J I l- ...; \.- ': 1 . Cj:" r' I " .:,'. ._,;-_ " " ::. ~." t~ \ ',. : t \' ';' s ,'\ I ~ -.,. '. ' '. ~ I . ~ .. n_ T-~ +-\-- \ ./ ( , , :_-----~ PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 RECEIVED May 15, 1978 ~~[\' '1 (' '1Q78 I'i\ j.\ ( .L \J ,j PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract #6347-Poplar Avenue ~ear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. Sincerely, ,,"'1 "'....-) ,4/ ~ z:-- ....;'", I, ,. I/Ai/~ __ if 'Iu.' (/!-o '.T'-' J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent AU. ~ m 011 J~-:; ,,:::11 .'1 'l!:~ I @)..' ! I 'CL1 J ,- I.. ,'\ .J /, I ") / / " ,,) \ 1111 TTJ r t- r> \\1 0 '" - .....r(1 ?- -J ~.Jl il ;;l ~ ~ is '" % '" < '" \ \ I o z <fVl ",' , .,j I.\~ t~ I I ;;~ ,,7'- <..( -'" i ~ ~. il JI ~ c. , H 2- ~ LJ ~I - .~ ~ \ ~ ~ '" i '" < - -'" o Z 'n i ~ ~ 1':"._ L ~ " '" ~ =-- ~I y I - J!W T 1 \~j ""'~\! 0 <. !o).?;~~lf'tf) C') ..... :~ ~ '" %.~ c ~ - .~~ p' ~~~- It ~ \ N I f ~'1 ,1 ~ "I.J 1'1 It. '-l -'-__ r'1 - - 111 01 () ~11l---'--------- ~ 1 ~ ~ [f\ rJI " _ n -\ ~_ ~D rv ~~" )> ."UlY r'I ~>7 I" .__ ~ a> -i ".' ~ 't) ~ ~~rY !: ~ r1'I w- Cl::u I" 6\ '1.." ~nl ,.I ~ .gr LJV -:::~ +; '" Z -.J ~ -~ '_ -=~~c: 1~\jfE .~ l\\ I~ ~ 1'\!!5 ... ,- ~ _ z.. "'\!ii ~:!! lJ ~ -< I"' ~ i .- (:) ~ ~ _ D.:l - B- JL ~ I ~a I 1'111111111 '*" . ~ !A ~ ~ ~ I ~ f1 rv i\ I t1 ~ ~\ ~ 1/1 (:. r '3 IfI ct LAI ~ ~ ~ rn :p -1 OJ f R if ?\ 7L.- :- ~ LL. 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" (l 1ft .... ~ ~ ~ :' II' -'I ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ II I I I \ I I I I \ \ QI .~ z: z:- V' II' -\ :-' tJ iT :) r. tJ ~ ~ I' f' tt Z; :z.:: ~ " lI' "^ VI t: :-\:-1 :-' ~ ~ ~ f t: !"! ''IT\~~ ~: ~ ~ ~ rJ c:. b t tJ \ C::. P ::. r1 t:J ; l' a> ' -4 . [J:> -I -1 l'> i'> - - :'> '1J - I r {\l Ij\ ID ~ L [} 1 --i 4 I ~ ~ ~ (; ~ S<:inta Clara Valley Wcle( Dislrid t ~ ~~~itt/LPERMIT ~'.~c..Q') 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSL _IFORNIA 95118 (40iI265-2600 Stream Central Pipeline Date Issued 4/26/78 Permit No. 78922 Permittee Telephone 941-2324 1m-Pac Development Company .- 388 Second Street Los Altos, California 94022 Attention Mr. Paul W. Bosholm Applicant: Jones-Tillson & Associates Civil Engineers 455 Sherman Suites Palo Alto, California 94306 Attention Mr. Pete Meredith Filp. Permits, Pipeline$ Central Pipeline Wly of Highway 17 Nly of El Patio Street X-File: Los Gatos Creek ~yar;-Vi~~--;-~ . ( ~,~. ;;i~69A, 78P172A ".. ""--.,....---.. ,..-..-'-'--. Purpose of Permit ~ Encroachment ~ Construction o Temporary 1. Street improvements over District's 66-inch pipeline. 2. Installation of 15-inch CMP storm drain lines over District's pipe at Ash Court, Birch Drive and Cypress Lane. 3. Installation of 6-inch plastic waterline within District right of way along Arc Road. 4/26/79 Encroachment Expiration Ddte Construction Expiration Date PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: ~ DISTRICT'S CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, TELEPHONE 26~).2GOO X323 o cJMlrN rttltMr/ rirtl/rlT/Y/l r/ I/~~/J;.; i/11/JtJ/!/vtJitll Jf/W:/11J ~ V' p-<frrfJ )' AT LEAST TWO NORMAl. WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. FAII:..URE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK. EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN] HIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT 1. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 2. All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. The work area must be restored to the satisfactioll of the District's Inspector. 3. The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted. 4. All bdckfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California lAst Method #216. 5. The attached special conditions are made part of this permit. 6. The District is not to be held liable or responsible for any damage to the plastic waterline to include that occurring during maintenance, repair, or replacement of our l06-inch pipeline. 7. This permit applies to all work within the Santa Clara Valley Water District right of way. 8. The Santa Clara Valley Water District manhole at the northerly end is not equipped with traffic bearing cover. Exercise care. Cover to be maintained visible. RECEIVED Enclosure: Special Conditions ,', ",;Q'78 "',~ ~,\/ I J , cc: Director of Public Works City of Campbell ApproveJl P:,.; 'i"; c..iGIRt\S v.... __1 ",. OJ. ENGINEERING O~JGINAC SIGNED BY Fe.60 (71 75) DIVISION ENGINEER r RESOLUTION NO. ,-'3;/ ~/ BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6347, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6347 for approval; and, WHEREAS. an agreement. approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor ~e and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: ,:) L/ day of C+ \.~/ / , 1978 APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ -U (f' r:,:;--c ~( e--(<- F{~OD HAZARD REPORT San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~rict U 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. Fe 59 108-10-77) F;'/ t!: N C (I t:t SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) R April 18, 1978 . A P R 1 ~l 1 ; :-i PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING State of California Division of Real Estate One Hallidie Plaza Suite 200 San Francisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Watershed, The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration, Q The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions, (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) o The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1% flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year, No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1% flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact City of Campbell, Department of Public Works cc: First American Title Guaranty Co. Attention Ms. Mona Loguidice Sincerely yours, f"l ':t . Jones-Tillson and Associates W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division '\ :-;,~v Mr. Joe Elliot Director of Public Works City of Campbell .. A I v' ~(}o.. !~.'~ I j t ,l: ~-_.- ..._---- .,!"'~ '.'~" I ." ,- ". .. I, r ':'_:~~. ..G, . I . ,. , I ." ; . .~._-- -- PUBLI C WORKS D:Al Ct,:,: April 17! 1978 ~ Campbell Water Company Mr. Frank Kukuk P.O. Box 667 Campbell! CA 95008 SUBJECT: Pruneyard Villas ~ Tract No. 6347 v Dear Mr. Kukuk: This letter is to authorize your use of the City of Campbell right of way located east of Sa1mar Avenue and described ~y an instrument recorded in Book 7903 of Official Records at page 724 in the office of the Santa Clara County Recorder. We understand that you plan to use the right of way for water facilities to serve the above-subject subdivision. Restrictions imposed on the construction of the water facilities! if any! will be a part of the excavation permit obtained at the time of construction. Should you have a question! please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours! JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS by Bill ~1. Helms Engineering Manager B~1H: LMS: ah COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS or CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 April 13, 1978 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract No. 6347 pruneyard Villas Project Gentlemen This District's requirements for the recordation of Tract 6347 "pruneyard Villas" have been met. The following has been or is being completed: 1. The plans for the sewering system are satisfactory. They will be signed Friday, April 14, 1978. 2. Frontage and acreage fees have been paid and an inspection deposit posted. 3. Easements have been provided. 4. Mr. Bosholm has deposited with this Sanitation District a Savings Certificate/Account adequate to insure sewer installa- tion. This is satisfactory for this Sanitation District on an interim basis. Mr. Bosholm has agreed to replace this Certificate/ Account with a Bond within the next three weeks. All of this District's requirements for recordation have been met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman @~al1.E~ By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer P RN : kk -- ~ ~~~~1l~) THE PAC I FIe T E LE P H 0 N E AND TEL E G RAP H COM PAN Y 1531 Parkmoor Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 ~ I April 11, 1978 Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 6347 Dear Mr. Elliott: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 6347 have been examined by this office. ~e easements are adequate and satisfactory to this company. Very truly yours, ~ . C)y/~.. . ~( ~jj ~~~~ F. . R0i iel Engineering Manager cc: Jones-Tillson & Associates RECE\VED April 12, 197$ ~rp ~2\':::Jib PUBUC ~~OR\\S ENG\NEER"t-lG City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 9500$ Re : Right s of Ways - Pruneyard Villas. Attn: James L. Penoyer, Engineering Teclmician. 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE POBOX 667 CAMPBELL, CAL IFORNIA 95008 Dear Mr. Penoyer: : The Campbell Water Company has reviewed the utility plans for Pruneyard Villas dated April 6, 197$. The rights of ways as shown on the proposed map are adequate for our purposes if we receive from the City of Campbell permission to use the 20 foot wide easement from Salmar east to the railroad. This right of way was described in our letter dated April 15, 197$, directed to Ms. 4Ynn Snyder of the City of Campbell. Without receiving use of this right of way from the City, the design of the water facilities will have to be completely revised. Very truly yours, The Campbell Water Comp -:r~ Q. FRK: rj cc: H. R. Tofsted of Jones-Tillson & Associates Frank R. Kukuk Assistant General Manager MEMBER AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION , ! i ,} i"J I U April 5, 1978 n cE.. r' r.: t ',l r. 0 L'- ~c~",!l L City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 '., .~dQRKS El'iGIl\lEE.RING 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE P o. BOX 667 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 Attn: Lynn Snyder, Engineering Aide 1 Dear Ms Snyder: This is to confirm our telephone conversation of April 4, 1978. It is the intent of The Campbell Water Company to utilize a portion of the right of way granted to the City of Campbell by the Campbell Union School District. Said right of way was recorded in Book 7903, Page 724 in the official records of the County of Santa Clara on October 24, 1967. We intend to utilize the right of way east of Salmar Avenue for water facilities to serve the Pruneyard Villas Development. Since we are required to bore both Salmar Avenue and the railway crossing, we will have to use the right of way area for both the permanent facilities and the temporary boring pits. Please advise us if we have your permission and what restrictions will be imposed. Very truly yours, j::1t aelZ!:-L Frank R. Kukuk Assistant General Manager FRK:rj MEMBER AMER ICAN WATER WOR KS ASSOCIATION PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY JJ-D ~~~~-tIE + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 -April 6, 1978 ~ {~' f~' ~' i " :_ 4.." "_" \.. ;~ t;j~ r".i.j .Mr. Joseph Elliott .Director of Public Works .75 N. Central Avenue .Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for TraGt # 6347 J;) j:. : :;01/' _ ','" _./, I ~ I t\ J1 ... ",II,. "v'E'1 ,.1...; \ U) It ~ t 11: i\! ~~ The Public Service Easements shown on the final copy of the map presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call our Electric Engineering Department at 225-9450. Sincerely, r/1iJ ~&'ez- J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent cc: 'PT&T Gill Cable, Inc. Jones Tillson J. O'Brien File ....,...l!:.. """. .',..-r,.. .;~. I; - -- U> ~ '-'- sf? Si? CD ~<;) 0 ,.'() ~ ,'- ~ .- - -S;;{- --- ~ cc 1'">___ ::J I"- I\l~ -tlo (\j" B/ lor <\i 1\1;; CD ,..., ~'- '-> '6 7".;.. --- ~- ~ m "\J (\J I" 'IU/ rt') ~...... -.~ +10 ~'- v ~~lf_ '" ~ It) lj ~ \3-)- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~\l(~ ~~~ ~~~ .l, l' " r '~ \, ~ ~\l\ \. '", 0.. '. ~. o.;o\.. "':.~-.'j a...~', ~ -~-~ /"", ;' f . ! ; \,; I'~ iF .. ! ~ ~...... 'I;:)\} "\0 c:).... '" Cl" '" 1'\.. ..." <;)'-' ", + o .. .. I I" l\l~ I ~~I 0". 1'-0 +~ ~'- ... .. 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';".it Il II ).0.:.-_-<7 6 C; 0 -- ')'1;) )N " 1. f,~'~'L.()- 6'L II pq. I ..,1 -,..- : i ~ ~!AL,-i- +-t , ,~ -"'..J tJ ~ 'r1 ~ ~~ 'I ~ V' rJl I~ .... ()I - l> 25 - 201. '8 ;'\ 0'>) II\) - to: I\) CO .-- ~~.9" ~. @ tit> "11tS..o OIY-r- '--1 SS(c- CO,L ,s:S' '"",t::) <'.:? oS & 41,1 r O"t- ^'." f' c>~ &.:::- -r..=> ' './ "'.j oS,'1 '(o~ . . 9._ ;1 %> ' Iy 1<.0 ~ N c.n l> o 2 fT1 -i b'l7 \ 'f'. o~ '5 /091 f1 ~ /.." .6 6~, ~~~ vi ,,~ ~ .~ . IQ) ~l 5 '3~ 1..\ ----- ,,; I.t!. : rJ c... (j!}) COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY r ~ t' ' r ~ ~.,. I SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 3782407 RECEIVED' February 28, 1978 1 1918 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell CA 95008 Attn: James Penoyer RE Proposed Projects Other - Popular & El Patio Extension Tentative Subdivision Map pruneyard Villa APN 279-45-009 Gentlemen We have reviewed the map and request that the necessary acknow- ledgement be included in the owners certificate in the easement for the sanitary sewers. We have reviewed Mr. Bosholm's layout previously submitted for the sanitary sewer main and find it acceptable to this District. The fees due this District prior to recording a map are: Frontage Fee Acreage 4.25 Acs. @ $150/ac None $637.50 6% plan check fee and inspection deposit - 100% performance bond costs based on estimated cost on sanitary sewer construction. We are forwarding a copy of our standard notes to the Engineer which are to be included on the improvement plans. A profile of the sanitary sewer will not be necessary. However, the plan must indicate rim and invert elevations, distance and slope between manholes and vertical risers. Prior to issuance of a connection permit $84.00 plus applicable prorata sewer service charges will be on each unit rates, effective until 7-1-78. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Many) CL- By R. L. Moehle Engineering Services xc: Jones - Tillson Assoc., Im-Pac Development Company ...... ~ I ELLIOTT I' W::JW:G " ~) ~.v' Arthur A. Kee D:A~c -- .--. ruary 24. 1978 Planning Director CA Joseph Elliott r'~:~-~ - I Oi rector of Pub 1i c Works -\ II TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP ~ ",-. P iruneya rd Yill as APN 279-45-9 HEL'.'\S -: :~~J TO__ We recommend the following conditions of approval of the subject subdivision: 1. Install sanitary sewers to the tract as required by Santa Clara County Sanitation District No.4. 2. Install water facilities a~ required by Campbell Water Company. 3. Install fire fighting facilities as required by the Fire Chief of the City of Campbell. 4. Dedicate public service easements as required by the Director of Public Works. 5. Obtain approval of Santa Clara Valley Water District for any work within their right-of-way. 6. Pay storm drain area fee of $9,690.00. 7. Execute an agreement to improve E1 Patio Drive Court and E1 Patio Drive Street as required by the Director of Public Works and pawt the necessary surety. 8. The street names shown on the map are subject to theapprova~ of the Santa Clara County Communications Center. 9. Submit the Conditions, Covenants. and Restrictions of the Homeowner Association to the Director of Public Works for approval. 10. Execute an agreement to participate in a local Improvement District for improvement of those streets in the geographical area bounded by Campbell Avenue to the South, S.P.P.R. to the Northwest and Highway 17 to the Northeast. ;ah ri/~' fl ~<!~ RECEIVED F [R 2:t "1978 Sanla Clara Valley Waler Oislricl PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 February 23, 1978 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. James Penoyer Gentlemen: This is in reference to the tentative subdivision map for pruneyard Villas, drawing dated February 1978 from Jones- Tillson, Civil Engineers, sent with your letter of February 8, 1978. We have reviewed the tentative map and request as a condition of tentative map approval that our District have the opportunity to review and approve any work on the existing District Central Pipeline right of way. We will need to see the detailed location of any undergronnd pipes, etc. in this right of way in relation to the Central Pipeline as well as any surface improvements. Detailed plans should be furnished for our review and issuance of a permit as much in advance of construction as possible. d/?curs, W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division cc: Mr. Paul Bosholm 1m-Pac Development Company 388 State Street Los Altos, California 94022 Mr. Frederick Ebner Jones-Tillson & Associates 445 Sherman Avenue, Suite S Palo Alto, California 94306 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER RECEIVED F U3 ; ~1'j18 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING February 14, 1978 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Elliott: Fi/~.. He (j:J) Sanla Clara Valley Waler Oislricl 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 We are reviewing the Tentative Map of Lands of Errington and Ferrante (Pruneyard Villas) sent with your letter of February 8, 1978. A preliminary check of your submittal indicates that our review cannot be completed in time to forward our comments by February 22, 1978, and we request that you postpone action on this matter. Any questions may be directed to me at Extension 257. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER _~. ely You.rsj / ;)fiJ c.~ /0v~tJ~ Eugenk1H. Sulllvan Head, Permits Section Design Coordination Division ~ECEIVED File: N.C. (") FE:_~ 1~, 1978 February 14, 1978 PUBLIC VJORKS ENGINEERING City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: James Penoyer, Engineering Technician Re : Tentative Subdivision Map of Pnmeyard Villas. 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE P o. BOX 667 CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 Dear Sir: We have received your letter dated February 8, 1978 and attached map regarding the proposed Pruneyard Villas development. To properly supply water to the development, it will be necessary to come from Salmar Avenue to a point on the southwest corner of the tract and thence along the P.G.&E. right of way to El Patio Drive Court. To do this, we must have a right of way. Also, we must have either a right of way on Arc Road or permission to use the Santa Clara Valley Water District's right of way. Please do not hesitate to contact us if further clarification of our rights of way are needed. Very truly yours, Th~(20mp Frank R. Kukuk, Assistant General Manager FRK: r j Attachment: 2 Maps MEMBER AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (30'\ - (\j I , "-.J rn, ',;, .. . '~~'il ' ~, n 70 'to -l (28) . - I \~ I"T) r<) -- ~..__.-J ~V 70' .. 0') N") " (;'1 \LIo, "J cr ....; ; '25\ -NI ~/ - --~ ~ I ('\.,II ('f), ." ,l~ ,", " 1, I '-./ ~ ~~i '--~--'-~'- --"..J I -~I I -------1 , 22'- o -....\ N Z If (T)' ., / I -r: J 1: '0' 2(J) >S. -'1 V)->', '~ '"" """ ", f" f'.. Ul aJ If', ,~1.'''\ " \ ~ \ '-, j /)'~ , J. 1\ '.,........) --.-, 1. I I ~'1 """/1 ........~ 'LL: ---1 1, 1 I. .1.- _. LLOYD N 8 DOPO....~1 y ( , HI! CHMAN Propo5ed Pn vn 1(, POPLAR AVE. : ~t -~ ~. .. Wi\~q~.'. ~J '\' 1'Jf r r. ( ) I~~ '. I 0, n 01 ,:) _'U) c... .2: /) 1--, L, , ---'-' G) _1.-, ", ~_._-~. i ) ........1 "- /' "'l -~ .. /' '~ ...., <~'I "1 ';'"'\...-/1 LL, "u,':, ~ l-L, r "~._'+- " ~ ? w . l.L n:: ~ en 0 ~ <:4: 0.. -1 W ,--' 1- _.80 ,-t : C\J ~ , I ,_. i' ~----'~-~_____L , ... ~- o:r / :<\J ~ <( ...J i \',j J f ~~-_..- . ~ l;t (~. ~"'-_.~- I>+- /----.. [~ __'~. ''\- C\ 1('-' 10, r---~ .~ (II) ~\\ t'---~2.~J- cr N '.', Q' I ",' ,LU \ ,ll1.- .___..______..______..~_____._o r \,..'t - U '~(I31 ~ " r~ '---- () 'II;;---@-- - ~ I ~_ ~ (I:t:~:~ ~ ,> 1.~ .. '1=' Z W ::E ,U; 'n .<<{' ..., w .... ,I) 11: 'f', I I \ \ (\j '1' . ,. , ,- , , JOHN F B EC,ITH MORl :~y : : ( EL PATIO DRIVE iI, CT r~ - r, ")80 45' \~\ (0 /: ~ ~, i I i3', C'-J ,,~ t.~--~-_u 80~' 06' ~ ~ ..., 00 '. - " , i1~ J" ". ... '-., ~"- ... ...... 'I.... ' ~ ' , , ., " ',,- "~ ' " .'",,- -", ".'''''' ...." ". " . '-I : ~-:'I WALTER B()STON ef 01 1 (</vJ / "ttlei . -J.:~ - <::.. -"", " ... ,/'/ /' / ./',/ /),,~J>/ " 'J . .' 071(' ",., / r_ ~I;i':- /' ,: ':/ / / 09'"3"1/t/f _ -- /// ~'}'O~/ /", _/ / ~/ / /:' <t\? ~"" x . ~ / 1~9' . ~' /~ / 101., ):<:10 1'\.:;-,""/ ,,/ / t-I'" (~ / <;. /---> /s'(" 4S ./' / // .' 2:;,,-......, Ii " / ( >..J r L // (;;0; :v ~ j. / );;;...... C">- /" '-/0' <) ~ ...? I, 9~\1f;l 1</,'/---'.....6 I > GEt I " /~1'. ~/ / ,'" I '~ , ; "-'V f ~~ 4\ I '" ''''II............. / / / ~? ?~:X< 'j I~> ~\i' I II, \0,J vi """ 0 / ~,- n, 0/ / .......~/ I ,/ ~ :';'i' ~\' 1]1_ j @ / ! ~ / ','- ;~v ~ ,: '" "J / 'rl; / "I ,/ '~')~~' r '<1 ~ ""-3' / ,~/ /.......~,; "- "Jl> i i , '. / /" . ; '. ,\ ," . ~ &/'" ....."''..i'. ~/ '<<J o~/ / ' I ... ,y"" .~~, I~ CIy , , / /0'(4\ I'" ~I\''l.i I p '...".<< . / / - ~I / {'6" ',!,\?t ~ .c" . ,J&./ / (~?f / (~o ~ '-.......-:!3 I Vi /CY> ", \'tI,~ ,~ '" I" J) . ~ to '" "-" ! 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J5 Vi , ~ Q.. )U ./' -/.', ///~/" ,/ # /' '1/ /~. /' ',-1."/' //' / - - /" ,/ /' ~ /./--/ Y)'tj,\ . ,/'/ _/~ / ' -: //"/,' / // /' ./ /' / .. \ ,/' '-1:/' ',14 ,~ F; ...... ...... - I c.n I'\) ~ o I\) lJ.} v... t., :r: ~ :' -'-'" " ... , -3;',,' . /''-., / .3</. i ""'. "- .'........, -..J ~ ~ ~' ~ "- ~ ~ -\ "'", ~ ~. ',.:", D tY/V (' .'G......' ~) ;' i , /";' ~, / -3 "~ ' , ~ / ~ l>-, l --, /~; ~ ( " ) \,J / .-------- !l> .., ~s: e 5;>' " .?<jl /. i f y,~/ / -- -;bA'V / //~ / i -A'\ / \".-J/ ' 1- / //4,') . I /\.': -j ~ J \ '\J /1 I / / / / I / .l::.~ .~ ~ .1) r } Sj/ " . , , \..~.' ~? } <" '.c~ ) "'" 1\' , \ , , ~. '- , .~ '\ ..... " \.\ ~ .. ! . ,,' Q' ..( ~ " "IO\...UTlOil; ~<<;~~'0 ~ ~ <( -l (J m a:. ~ ~ ~ 7-~ ,,-4 '??6-191~ - Santa Clara Valk ~ Water District 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 July 26, 1977 File: 9225-50 " "" ~ r~ \::J I. < IE ':': ~ ':..', :. . Mr. Arthur Kee Director of Planning City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 JUl 2 7 1977 ""~..". " AI' WI, \'iIISm\ l'.' .,' t' .. Dear Mr. Kee: Paul W. Bosholm of Im-Pac Development Company states that he will be requesting the City of Campbell to review a "Patio Horne" residential subdivision plan development proposal and that he is submitting this proposal to you. The development plan proposes to use all or portions of a strip of land owned by this District which contains a high- pressure water pipeline facility (Central Pipelinel.' This letter is to advise that the Grantors reserved to themselves (and thus to Bosholm as their successor) certain rights to the surface of said strip of land. The reservation, as stated on the deed to the District, is as follows: "Reserving, however, to Grantors, their successors or assigns the right to cross over said land to other property of Grantors and to use the surface of said land for commer- cial or industrial purposes; provided, that no trees or shrubs are planted thereon, no structures are placed there- on, and the location and the grades of any paving, lawns or other types of improvement placed thereon shall be first approved by the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District." It is our request and my understanding that plans for this development will be forwarded to the District for review and comment prior to the City of Campbell's approval. We have, at this point, no comment on the proposed change in zoning. Very truly yours, ~, "~'-:""L S!GN~d 9~~ J. W. Simons Senior Real Estate Agent Real Estate Division cc: Mr. Paul W. Bosholm /' Im-Pac Development Company AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER .. -- ~-~-~-'Jl.,,-.~---..~------:---~--:r-;-.,~--, . ------- --~~-~ ----------.-- ----,------~--------_.__._---------- ~.f- ~ _' .;'/ ., ,..' ,,' -' J- ,..:<..../ AGREEMENT This agreement made this / ~ of April, 1977, by and between Warren W. Turner, and/or Alice M. Turner, as First Party~ and Russell Ferrante, Jacqueline Ferrante, Jack T. Errington and Fern Erringlon, as Second Parties, or their assignee9~ WITNESSETH $' That in consideration of cheir mutual promises and agreemertts, the parties hereto do hereby agtee as follows: I First Party agrees to grant to second parties an exclusive eascmcut across that certain real property of First Party, situaced in the City of Campbell, County of Sant~ Clara, ~tate' of Calitornia, more particularly described in the attached Exhibit itA" referred to and by such reference incorporated herein. 11 .. Sdid eascment ~hdll be of the wid~h of sixty feet (60 feet), i1t,d the eastern bourtdary of sc11d easemertt shall be co-Uirmlnous with th~ eaSt~rrl property line bf the property ovet which said easement id given. In addition, on the Western Boundary, said easement shall include a small triartgular area at the Southern end and Northern end of said casement, extending lS-feet West from 60-foot line, then from the most Westerly point extending at a 45-degtee angle back to 60~foot line. Refer to Attached Exhibit HAil, 111 ,~ That in consideration of said easement, Second Parties agree to _. pay tD First Party monthly payments for a period of twenty (20) years. For the first five-year period the monthly payment rate will be $150. due and payable on the tenth day of each calendat month. The first payment will become due on the tenth day of the first month after the City of~ampbe11 gives final approva1 for a building program for the property o~1~d at present by Second Parties, which property is adjoining the said easement. The monthly payment rate of $150. will be revised at the end of stlccessive five year periods, to correspond to the change in the Federal government's "Cost of Living Index". Thus, beginning on the tenth day of the sixty-first month after the $150. payments start, the payment rate wi1l be changed by the same percentage as the Federl11 government IS "ebst df Living h1dex" has cht1rtged front the.month irt which the firBt payment became due. This new rat~ ~il1 continue for the next five years. I Agairt at the end of ten yeaLs, and at the end of fifteen years ~fter the payments start, the monthly rate will be changed by the Bame' percentage as the "Cost of Living lndex" has changed ,~ince the first monthly payment became due. Each revised rate ? ;':':i~,;"~Q~lMi11 cdntit1\1l=! for thQ SlIbseqtient five year veriod. Jr. <.{t'~"~'''," "."'." r:--. r;-' ((\1' r? ~;~.-~~('ij'(~'dt~t;,':t';'.~ f ' 'tl'~ '~l .,~',:_-~,~1 ---~_ -- ".:-:~_ -' '. ~t,;. ~ ,'''::1 ~ :<,>:C O:::P.',::TM:::',:T ,f ~ ...f .' -.lO,' .-'Hi...{1, \, " ,,'! lB R EALTOR@ ~\ ' AGREEMEt~. TO PURCHASE AND SELL - DEP",,~IT RECEIPT SAN JOSE REAL EST A TE BOARD STANDARD FORM Received from TH!c L ;"--1-1) ~(:. i-J i:..r L"' 1-1 ,..--;1..1--, cJ~" l /"J,....f'-' i,"L" J. /I/,r!- Lc.., /..-:r "'-/::"."1 \'t :,.. herein called Buyer, the sum of T~.,..i "rrf-Ci..-'_~ +r\.{n ;"?<'''.J.-~A:z.S ----~--~ -.--- Oc~rs ($ / C <.~ ,-,~' /, '". . Avic1AnC"Art hv l'"A..h n ~A,....nnAI ('"hA(,"~ l3<J r""c;.hiAr'c; rhprk n ~ - .... dAoosit on ourchase orice of . h h f ,CI-I~' tor t e pure ase 0 property, ,n , California, described as follows: /~ -' c:::. 1-......( ,~]? ,::--L,...,- ,County of >/Ij\""J, ("....,;i<:..;.. "'7 ...... -f'e R J.;:S ,,- r i- ,ci j ..ti>"-vZD ,.--., r-- ~D ,'Y..;," i.: ,-ff .:,c I ~J 1--1 <.:' J ).,:- I 'i~: ,.....,.;..,..'; J~ ...;;~-- Ci>c-~- i> !I\~r/l''='- ,Nft'u'c> ~';:"- ri--;l;::,,-N/,'''- ~1~i /1 "-:~i: II'//' .'. /r " -;, ;. j ~.,Alr' /, Nt:: i.;, _ ""/ 4~' ,..._"';;/ ,;.. hCi:c I;,~,./? 7 ~~;.::,;.;.-y.::s /' "'/-C...l.. ~' ^/. /_ 7-( -;I :>- - C. (,'j :"'/'t [, V/.::1. Buyer will deposit in escrow the balance of the purchase price as follows: /,' , ) " 7., '1'- - ^, ..' '.' " ... ~?- /:I.l,(,i~ j',,:.,: ~\"'"'l r ,;..it;.. /Y 1', /,-:'-L.{..- ,,;,'-(,,-_. /ii'_'~t: ? , ;::; A- l.-i. .!iri3h /r-t. 7/.1 ti/?5/"rJ' //'tf7I;.';r;';:;'> I ,tV iJ Ff{-;', 7 /'v,'~~"v' ,,,,"t /',7- V "'::-/'/7 i .z~' j. i : 7 if- 3;11 r...~1<. /.,..-~ ;.')lr5.t:::;< Ilrrf'/"''''' ;/i.:":';"f r ,.}... "" '-ic:.",.... "r -.~ A. '7 y;. (-;-f-L I i? f Ci:: '?uQ" 't' .'Z - !-::.." L ..~.. 4. _ ". ~.(",< l1-:'i(") .'~~-.,~l-7, '''.;'. I_-,jf,: f!l!r' , \,7"/-, , ~;,. .-/vr "'''!..P /!/~'7?~.t;JvC I~;"J-:.--- .~ ,J,. ( / /7-; /'-1' - ,:- /~/~v" .;. ;'-7~ / ,<,J ~ /<~ r:: 7 ",~ ~ c / '- ,.//v 1'7 .:; ?v ~~ /~. .~~ !71 7 _:,"Y .s ;7,::~" ; 7.r " ~--f /~ /'/>_ I: " /r- 1,).:.~j/~J/ ,/v:. -r;..)(..-,~;:-"rl>, n. L;" 'I ~"J/;J '"/':~'I''''' ',' ::'r: ~,",>_ y / ......,.f ~ ...-- / ,7j...f_ ",':', I:'> .') ^'~t:: ;.. ~TI_'I-/ ~. ;. ,l",., , r ./).,1 __/V ( " 11 /,.c.. {Iv _ " ,~LA) / -~'-... :/ /:"T;.."- C,.: ..~:'c./:"'""7r)-,:'r~'c..,..- /",=- "/'n-;. ;-i--';;~-lC' ! ,'.. - , ,-' - - 2. \ I...~'- it, l , !:., ~.. i ~'r-Y ....:>.,..-I-.,,~" 7- I ,. ) (') Escrow shall be closed within /;"- days from date of acceptance by Seller. (21 If Buyer fails to complete said purchase as herein provided, Seller, because of difficulty in ascertaining damages, may retain said deposit as liquidated damages and same shall constitute Sellers sole money remedy for Buyers default. (3) Title' is to be free of liens and encumbrances, other than (a) easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions, set back lines, assessments, ~nd current taxes of record, (b) zoning regulations, and (c) other items herein set forth, Seller shall ccnvey tiHe to Buyer by Grant Deed insured by a standard California Land Title Association form policy of title i~surance the fee therefor and the charge for escrow service to be paid by Seller. If Seller is unable to ~onvey a marketable title, except as herein provided, within 90 days after acceptance by Seller, or if the improvements on said property be destroyed or ma. terially damaged prior to 'ransfer of title, then at option of Buyer, said deposit and ail other sums paid by Buyer shall be returned to Buyer, and this agree- ment as between Buyer and Seller shall be of no further effect. Sel!er 'hereupon shall pay all expenses incurred in connection with examination of tide. If loss is covered by insurance. Buyer may at his option consummate the pur~hase and require Seller to assign ~ny existing insurance policy covering said loss to Buyer, (4) Taxes for the fiscal year, interest on any loan assumed by Buyer, rents and premiums on insurance acceptable to Buyer shall be prorated from date of closing transachon ,~, ( 5) Assessments for improvements now in construc~ion or recently completed or now a lien ~re to be " ., -r, ~ . Cou nty transfer tax to be paid by ?,/ ,I.r::. r.:...) .-,;' /jJ ,., ! t. "-:,1:-~ f' --.. J '-t City transfer tax to be paid h:l' ;;-::: Il.l\'.... - ~ -"i.' 5 ;';.-;',"4.... :...;.~ /;<.."~ (6) Possession of property and occupancy thereof shdil be upon recordation of deed9/; , (7) This offer shall be deemed revoked unless accepted In writing on or before , J1/1-7:: - 2. ,y "/ 77 1'( '/ f") ;1 and such accepronce Is communicated to Buyerw,thin said period, A copy of this agreement signed by Seiler shail be delivered forthwith to Buyer, (8) Time is of the essence. (91 This agreement is binding upon the heirs. executors, ~dministrators, successors and assigns of the Buyer and Seller, dnd shail survive the recordation of Grant Deed and close of escrow. 1101 If any party to this agreement, including broker, shail insHute any legal dction against ~ny other party to 'his agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees 'n dddition '0 any other judgment of the court. " ~)/-"Lrr Z::..'r"il.,./)- r;":.,",.'j.,I.' ;~-"--Ir 4.T;-f_'::(~l-;~ ~, -;>~ ~" - 1'- ,\(,) , --,fL', i ,"./ i- l/:.--),-( 7 .',-/~::)? /'-t_ /'::-.~-~_ <j.;"-/..~(' /.rl>14..'t~:"/} "'. /- .."........-- '...., /', .~.v~, /" Reai Estate Firm I -' i '; ~/ I -' I / "_J' l.._ l "'" '.. Real Estate Agent and ac'nowledge receipt of ~ copy hereof. DATE: dgree to purchase the above described property on the 'erms dnd conditions stated herein ;-7,-'7 '___. C"'____. ! I ,\', ~.,.- - Buyer DATE: Buyer ACCEPTANCE I dgree to sell the above described property on the terms and ~onditions stated herein. and agree to pay the above named broker as commission , ,.~I _. percent of the above purchase price, or one-,"a1f 'he amount retdined as liquidated damages, provided same shail not exceed the full dmount of -h~ commiss,ion. I hereby assign to the dbove named broker sufficient sums out of proceed~of this sale to pay said brokers commission, but same shall not conslitute a walYer of dny fight to a commission under a :isring aqreement, I dcknowledge receipf of d copy hereof, f I "i.-' DATE: 3/')., /1'7 7(:, ~~{/'()'<:..L.LL~_(:- It '... Seller .... DATE: / / " Seller; .' IV The prop(~rty taxes on said property for the year 1976-77 were ,):;9/+. Fcor y ;11:'. If the t.:1xes are increased during the life of 'Ilis agrcC'i'lulC, Second Party shall pay to First Party such increase in Llxes, for the term of this agreement. V At the end of 20 years (240 months) after said monthly payments hC8,in, Fir s t Pen" ty or the ir he ir s or as s ignees sha 11 iml1lediace ly del Lver to Second P:n"ties or their heirs or i1ssignees a deed ritle upon ihe land of said casement, free and clear of any l'11CUlllbl-;1I1C('S. VI Second Parties or their assignees, at their sole cost and expense, shall install a fence along the westerly boundary of said casement, and along the northerly boundary of the western [,nl[ nf thl:' lot now o\vned by Turner, over which the said e.:1se- 'j,<1 t is hC' i 11g r.',}" an ted; said fenc e is to be extended a long tbe nuri:l1en1 houndary tmvard the west to also fence the northern bOlinclar ies 0 f the two 10 t s immediate ly to the wes t of sa id Tunler lot. (See Exhibit A attached.) The said three lots are currently identified as Assessors Parcel Numbers 279-45-04, -05, nnd -"06. Said fc'nce shall not exceed the height 1 imits set by the City of C.:1111pbell, and shall be constructed of the same m;1tedals and design as the fencing "vhich Second Parties or their assignees install elsewhere along the southern boundary of Second P;n-l i c s' proper ty, adj oining said cas emen t . VII First Party reserves an easement in gross for the right to use the i,;1VC'd driveway '-vhich Second Parties will install on said easement, :-U1- l~!iC purpose of en tt-ance and exit by rubber - tired vell ic les ; ,) i 0 the remainder of the lot identified as the "Turner Lot" (\'.:;:.:;c'sors PdTcel Number 279-45-01'+). ~aid entrance and exit will be through a gateway to be proveded by ,Sc'ccmd Pal~ties or their assignees, to be located either on 111C~ \.Jesterly boundary of the said casement, or on the Northerly ndary of the said ';Turn~r Lot", at the choice of the Second P;p"Lics or their assignees;,t Said gate is to remain closed ~nd locked except for brief period of cime needed for passage uf vL~hic les. Second Parties will also provide a paved driveway from said gntcday to the concrete slab alrearly in place in front of the huilc1ing located adjacent to the northerly property line of t~l(, :;aid "Turner Lot." This said right of entrance and exit will cease at such time :15 First Parties sellar otherwise transfer title to western half of said "Turner Lot", or upon the death of both Harren and Alice Turner (First Parties). l Gate for Turner use is to be 12 feet wide. Fifteen foot triangular extension on northern end of easement described in Section II, will be permitted only on condition that gate allows access !2 ~~s~~ent driveway. --', . Co . ~ ,.' r . .~ ~ , ., VIII The gt-an t ing of th is exc 1u s i vc cas cment is sub j ec t to ap prov3 1 by the City of C.1111pbe11 [OJ: a building P'roj ect on the laud 11lY\'1 ()\\Tli.::d by Second Parties, adjoining said easuI~c:)nt. Said caSClI1,_'nt starts on thc day on which the City of Campbell grants such appl"oval, and the document granting said casell1ent is to be recorded by the County Recorder of Santa Clara County. If said easement is not recorded by September 10, 1978 then this agreement becomes null and void on that date at 5:00 P.M. IN T,n {NESS \.JlIEREOF the parties have set their hands this day of April, 1977. _i "/ .I ./_- ,-,?~~~~"- L~IRs'r I:>ARTY ./ ,.". "- I r : _-"""'.:J.c:..L~~3.._'3L\d..:-:;"c~LL~~. Ll-c),c_j,~L:\.___ /' '. \ _~_L,-..S..,_~-2_!_)__:_~c.-'-_L_:'~.~_, .':c_ SECOND PARTIES: '10'} ,)- , -tX--(/,H'f-! /;cti.(~~\-{'--', .~,: ('.~' ',.k,-,:",l, }}.2~Z=,;tE:; ,>.~~:/-:" :~y::_ r ,'-'- !~. ru-' ,. _. '-~ r~~: ;..., L" r:-~ t ~I~ll' )"---11 ,r'0'>'1 '. I I 7r-- U (\j; I . i I" JII L.t~:-D ": ... - z a: o LL .J ... u ,. >- z => o u <l oc ... ..J U ... ... ... V1 w '" '" .. )- I- Z ::> o '-" U- o w u U- ... o , " r ... '. ... ...../'. ~ >< l-tJ ~ I "';::-1-'.-.'" J, -- 'I ~.j [ -~.=,c:c.::JI \,),E. ",0 f- cq --L ... :'~ o o ~ po. '< ~"'~~'\ 51"'1€. '.4....-:=, ~I " "':.':;;:;"~' IN 'n ":: F " '"c . '..____'-- .~ . ~ ~-;;-,,') "~"I ',----.---,,-0<,---- ..~~. -I "I \1 ,.,,~/ "::'~ / 0' ........---.'," .' . r- w L , ',- ~ " -.;,,. (?~. U ~"ry'.)6' ~0 ' . <l: "'r"0.'~ ~~ ~ [''', ~"'r.~ <i "<&. "-,.!.:>; < .)~./~ "~:~" ';>.9". ~~ <>' -:O-{;'V/>- ~'" ;::,:::::,:; "~ b- O'S-1; ~ l-~ tr <!:; &''- " .{ ", ""'. ;~ Q~':3~9tl 1- ~ .:1/.:; tr 0' ~.o" .',-"-. . .1 "00, "-., \" '~0 OIl @ '. I'~;":r~~:~ , r \- ~ '" ~ <::> t:>:: '\.. ~ '=\ W ~ Cl ....J '.11 > 'lJ e:. ~ ..... LlJ r ~ ~ '" z. 3 l.u V) I..., r!"-l " ,__ ... 101 "'I pi .- -- t' --' I . :1 ~ \ \1 ~I :!I -: ~ ! I t. \ \ \..:( '" I....,.. '''K '~~ : ,:1\ ~.,,- :: o I- <t CL .~ ....J W o f=N -::: 01 C"_ Z W~ C;'J 4.:: I u' " , .~, -~-. . ~ .A!~',,'~i' ""', ~ -- '\ \ ,I -. ..l '1 II m , .~~~. AGREEME~~. TO PURCHASE AND SELL - DEP",.i1T RECEIPT SAN JOSE REAL ESTATE BOARD STANDARD FORM R EALTOR@ Received from T~~!c L ~'H"';'( i.J !...r 1...', J-l ~-I"'i~ ....'1:: , "J '~f '.,' I, 'I L' J /i/;!- Lc !-:.r, ..,-r..'. _ ,.J '<t~, herein c~lIed Buyer, the sum of T t( '.1 "rH-C i.-' ..~ +r\.( (") ;.--,<..".....~~<s - -----.- '- --~---~ Oclbrs ($ / <! '"~ ,~,~' /. ..' . p.,vic1AnrArt hv rA..h n ~Ar"nnAI rh.r~ l3<J ("~,hiAr', ("hArk n ...-.- - ... df>oosit on ourch~se orice of for the purch~se of property, in C~liforni~, described ~s follows: C if~' ....,~ ..:"- -' L 1'-.-( p;?~",-J.._ , County of. 5/1;" T ,'I.. ''-v. '_ l... t- ,'f"-{(.,,. ."j ...... -;-c;? j.::s :r,- i.-.~ll "'!;"'''~'~'iCi) i/y,';,r--- ~l) /'1,--, t-ff iF / ~J I-I ~ 1)~"'I\ji;.-: ,'-"'\,,/~ ,;z..: ~ . C,':>:: /> ! N i/r.:.- /Vft'lU:'> ~';:'- ~7.'il/::. ;-/'''7>''- ;J-.fl..i l' ;,..;;,- ;,,,,t: I /'1.."-; ;/~-./Y I /),..~~t;, /\ he i.-,;. -~'1 4~..: d... _co:;',' .1-;::;''''' {.~".I? '7 4)'~:''>;'7:::S /."'/-c..../-_ .' Ai /" 7-/ - '1:;;>-- C. (..:j :"/'t t.' c/ ;:::-" Buyer will deposit in escrow the b~lance of the purch~se price dS follows: ,4. itllr+P:.'t,~r'( ?'~/'i-/t--rf'. f/\((L,,:;'\,'i-;'; /Ji'/.',,/., P~:R';'f7 ? , ;:r A- !.-(.'!i,J;;:,., /rf..T/.Iq?5/'/(j' ,Itf//;::;'i'":.::>! ,'/v ,/V;~-:-,,'" ,,,CI/',7- \ 1- 1 I; ;.... i'! I <t:.' : " iil 3(/ leI<. /f- ,/ ,.')lr5<.i< , h~;.p /I'y' T: ..):'.. ~ '-'<::',N' r, A. 7--7, , _ t/I--L i I\! (. i:.;.. JJ-r, ,J.:.U''1.:;!J ,..k'l!-' -f>lVr! ,7c/ i/,':.;:G:;- /lL-':'j4.-f T l '. f" ? 1ft'.,. :i-rFCI? t~: ,I li~"'t;I'"i..-/j~ji/5/~<-Z-/'" -r;;- (~I-t_-l-;:..- L '-4"" -< I.(~: il..,,/rL ,L" .~",.-.,'l-7i '''''.~ f_-',I(., e;. j' , \,7/1 ;-j".;,.'(/V ...,.... fJ) /-1 / --~., ?~. -, ; /V C I~ jJ-~:: ? ,j. C- / /7-; ",',( ~ ,:' I~/"V'~ --;--;.-, ? ;.: Y::':-L ,- , , 1;::/_ i ..)( .,_lx' :?'.'J.:../'-:r:7'r A? ,-- c/_,'_,,//'II! .::;~/V,c.~/2. ,~:'TIZ._~..."") :'71.::;'~ - ~ r ;"1'~'# 1'/>. I,',,' I~ 1.."l..:::~'I.:..:t/ ,/.,/:.. -r;..J~-~-.~;;~/1>, M s L, ";' '/ ;.^~ 1'7 f'~,.a://,. .' ~:',....' . ":>_ 't ! ..-:~ :..:'/ 7/..1._ -'~_"~::> n C' ) ^ . f3;':;- ~_ /-I. 71 ~~ ;"-.< >.- ,; fl'L'" ') !! -- 'f- ';,.t. Y1v _ :, /-=,:.:? :-'{ /-:;'/71-.-- C-,": 'h;~ ::.-::cr',-"fN C;::- ,... ,=--r tn -;, '-r __.:,~"~ I," " _ , ,_' ~ ;, i... '" /f' f / ! ~ ~... i C~'^V --5;-i---.r ~- 7- /- c-. ~ ) (1) Escrow sh~1I be closed within /'->'- days from date of acceptance by Seller. (2) If Buyer f~ils to complete said purchase dS herein provided, Seller, because of difficulty in ascert~ininq damages, m~y retain said deposit as liquid~ted damages dnd Sdme sh~11 constitute Seller's sole money remedy for Buyer's def~ult. (3) Title is to be free of liens and encumbrances, other th~n (d) edsements, covendnts, conditions, restrictions, set back lines, assessments, and current raxes .~f record, (b) zoning regulations. dnd Ic) other items herein set forth, Seller shall ccnvey title to Buyer by Grant Deed insured by d stand~rd Cdlifornid Ldnd Title Association form policy of title insuronce the fee therefor and the chdfge for escrow service to be paid by Seller. If Seller is undble to convey d mdfketable title, except as herein provided, within 90 days dfter acceptance by Seller, or if the improvements on sdid property be destroyed or md' terially damaged prior to transfer of title, then at option of Buyer, sdid deposit and dil other sums pdid by Buyer shdll be returned to Buyer, and this agree- ment dS between Buyer dnd Seller shall be of no further effect. Seller thereupon shdll pay all expenses incurred in connection with examindtion of title. If loss is covered by insurdnce. Buyer may at his option consummate the purchdse and require Seller to assign any existing insurdnce policy covering sdid loss to Buyer. (4) Tdxes for the fiscal year, interest on any 10dn assumed by Buyer, rents dnd premiums on insurance accept~ble to Buyer shdll be prorated from ddte of dosing transact;on~~... ( 5) Assessments for improvements now in construc;ion or recently completed or now ~ lien Me to be -' =^l~ . County transfer tax to be paid by :1 ,/ (fZ. ;-..:.',,) ;'f'. /1' .'" !: '-:r:..~ f' -.' L t City transfer tax to be paid boy ;:-=: /1-1'" , ,I Pi t .5 ~'-;'~.4_.C~ /:?\" 16} Possession of property dnd occupdncy thereof ,hail be upon recorddtion of deed9/; (7) This offer shall be deemed revoked unless dccepted in writing on or before ,,;)./,.-;:: < ., ."1' . CI 77 is communicated to Buye...within s~id period. A copy of this dgreement signed by Seller shall be delivered forthwith to (81 Time is of rhe essence, (9) This dgreement is binding upon the heirs, executors, ddministrators, successors dnd assigns of the Buyer and Seller. dnd shdll survive ,he recordation of Grant Deed dnd close of escrow. (10) If dny p~rty to this dgreement, including broker, shall insHute dny legdl delion dg~inst dny other pdrty to this agreement, the prevdiling pdfty shall be entitled to court costs dnd redsonabie drtorney's fees in dddition '0 dny other judgment of the court. f _'/~":.[ '-:)/-"l.,:r r Z c.-'r 'Tit!) r~(('.L~' /i-./--If ~4~T7:-'::I,rL-;"; i . , , '-.'-f....:.. 1":'-// f'.J.:..~/ ..~(. / fI:=;; Buyer. ? "J ,..- ~ and such dcceptance 1>-'),( /) , __'(." //'-It- //i,..-'/( 7 ,'//Z'? ;'-:: ..,::'.....''.4._ --.., ,'- /.......- ',r, /', By '--'--.. i, I ! -1 Reai Estate Firm , 'I. '/ .// i,,__~ _."'- .... Real Estate Agent and dunowledge receipt of d copy hereof, agree to purchase the dbove described property on the terms and conditions stdted herein DATE: ;_?C_'7 e-.J) ;--- \', ~-- ... Buyer DATE: 8uyer ACCEPTANCE I dgree to sell the dbove described property on the terms dnd condi/'ons stated herein, dnd dgree fO p~y the dbove ndmed broker as commission '- /~l _.. percent of the above purch~se price, or one-,:'dif 'he dmount rerained dS Iiquiddted damdqes, provided same shall not exceed the full dmount of 'he commiSSion. I hereby dsslgn to the dbove named broker suff Clent sums out of proceed~of thiS sale to pay sdld broker s commISsion, but Sdme ,hdll not conshtute a WdlYer of any fight to d commiSSion under d 'Istlng dqreement I dcknowledge receipt of d copy hereof DATE 3,/) <7 /7 "7 '7 (: ---J<. ( (-(;\ .'-U~ ~ C:~ ?' "-. Sellec .., DATE: /' ...... Selle" r'" AGREE}ffiNT TO PURCHASE AND SELL - continued (sheet 2) March 25, 1977 BUYER: THE Hi-PAC DEVELOP~1ENT COMPANY C. Contingencies (Cont'd): II. Subject to buyer determining feasibility of financing the subject property within four weeks from date of acceptance of this offer. III. Subject to buyer obtaining financing and final City of Campbell approval for a 90-unit senior citizens condominium project (with- out railroad crossing and/or access being required), along with any other governmental or utility agency approvals, within six months or less from date of acceptance of this offer. D. All parties agree that in the event buyer does not remove or waive the contin- gency items within the time specified, that this agreement shall be terminated, become null and void, and that the Realtor and Seller agree that Realtor is authorized to return the total deposit of $10,000. to the buyer within two business days after receiving such request from the buyer. In such event: all the marketing, cost and feasibility studies, architectural plans, engineering data, and presentation drawings produced or secured for this property by buyer or his agents will be given to sellers as their property, at no cost to sellers, as compensation for time allowed to buyer under contingencies I, II, and III above. E. Sellers will cooperate with buyer in obtaining necessary zoning changes and map approval from City or utility agencies, to the extent of signing required applications and allowing buyer or his agents to have access to property for surveying or other required work, and attempt to secure an acceptable easement over the railroad for entrace to property and easement for entrance to site at northerly end of Poplar Street. (.) l. . ;~ '_'<'-'- \,.-,c,_ BUYER - Paul W. Bosholm, President THE 1M-PAC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY :l / i - l. ~ ~)_ ? I" "7 / .: ""...... '-~. ) - ( - ',/..- Date '/; ! j. i, ACCEPTED: ~~~/~ /77 Date . /f ". '---.... / -'<-- ) / / . > / / c' / \.---t }.-...... ~ ;"_-:1 -" , . Seller / Date l~ldst Anlerican Title Guaruuty COlltpany MAIN OfFICE L.I 67~ Nurlh For" 51. ~.Jn Jose, C.ll1l. PIlnn. 286.6353 PMO ALTO [J 5~O Hamilton Ave. Pain Alto. C"ltl. Phon. 326.50~0 SUNNYVALE [l 363 Soulh Tullo 51. Sunnv.ol.. Caltl. Phnnt 245 9661 ClJPERfIIo.OK!X 10310 So. fl. ",,'a Hlv~, Cu~ertlnl!. e.l111 "hno.252,1000 SOUTU COUNTY 0 11420 Snuth MOllto"v 51. MorQan Hill. Cail/. PIlon. 119-4181 SARATOGArJ 14440 BiQ ~a,ill Wev Sara109ll. Caltf. Phone 867.0567 CAMPBelL U 2020 Snulh Ba"om Ave. Campbell, CallI, Phone 377-2992 BLO$SOMIlILLO 495 Blussom HIli Rd. San Jnse. Coltl. Pltone 221-5111 PRELIMINARY REPORT Issued tor Sole Use of BUYER: Impac Develo~ent Company, Inc. Subject to R minimum cb.arp rl"Quired by Section 12404 of the Insurance Code. Your No, Our Order No. CU 12-0661 Form of PolicyCoverllge Requested: CLTA Standard Coverage Policy: ALTA Loan Policy Form 1970 In response to the IIbove referenced IIppliclltion for II policy of title insurance, this Compllny hereby reports !'hilt it is prepared to issue, or clIuse to be issued, liS of the dllte hereof, II Policy of Title Insurllnce in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which mllY be sustained by rellson of any defect, lien or encum brllnce not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipullltions of said policy form. This report (end IIny supplements or IImendments thereto) is issued solely for the PJJrpose of flIcilitllting th~ issuance of II policy of title insurance IInd no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issullnce of a policy of t.itle insurllnce, II Binder of Commitment should be requested. Dated liS of l1arch 16, 1977 at 7:30 8.m. JUDY H. HART ESCROH OFFICER JOANNE GALLOtvAY Title to said estate or interest lit the date hereof is vested in: TITlE OFFICER RUSSELL FERRANTE and JACQUALINE A. FERRANTE, his wife, as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided 1/2 interest and JACK ERRINGTON and FERN ERRINGTON, his wife, as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided 1/2 interest The estllte or interest in the IlInd hereinllfter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee as to Parcel One; An Easement as to Parcel Two At the dllte hereof exceptions to coverllge in IIddition to the printed exceptions IInd exclusions contained in said policy forrn would be liS follows: 1. General and Special County Taxes for the fiscal year 1977-78, a lien, not yet due or payable. 2. Second Installment of General and Special County Taxes for the fiscal year 1976-77. Amount $1,772.30, A,P. 279-45-009, Code Area 10-041. The above includes Campbell Weed Abatement charges amounting to $85.99. 3. Second Installment of General and Special County taxes for the fiscal year 1976-77. Amount $8.78, A.P. 279-45-010, Code Area 10-041. 1 ell 1:!-OhllL EXHIBIT "A" ~ . All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described :IS follows: PARCEL ONE Eleven and 45/100 acres of land bounded on the North and West by Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right of way, on the East by the 22.15 acre tract deeded to Chns. F. A. Helliesen, recorded Septemher 8, l8R2 in Book 611 of Deeds, page 400, South by the land of F. M. Righter whose North line is the South line of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26, being the same land as deeded to A.C. Keesling by the San Jose Brick Company and recorded on August 31, 1910, in Book 362 of Deeds, page 187, Santa Clara County Records. EXCEPTING l~EREFROM so much of the above described parcel of land lying Easterly of the Westerly line of that certain parcel of land descrihed as Parcel 1 in that certain Deed to the State of California recorded June 11, 1957, in Book 3817 of Official Records, at page 578. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM Parcel No. 2 of the above Deed to the State of California more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING for reference at the Northwesterly corner of 'that 22.15 acre tract of land described as Parcell in the Deed to Mervyn S. Keesling, recorded December 6, 1947 in Book 1537 of Official Records, at page 281, Santa Clara County, said corner being at the intersection of the center line of Hamilton Avenue with the South- easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's 50 foot right of way; thence along said Southeasterly line, South 42020'22" West 514.28 feet and along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 5704.75 feet, through an angle of 4006'30.2", an arc length of 409.06 feet to the TRUE POINT OF COMHENCEMENT; thence continuing along said Southeasterly line from a tangent that bears South 38013' 51. 8" West along a curve to the left with a radius of 5704.75 feet, through an angle of 5Q37'51.8", an arc length of 560.67 feet and South 32036'00" West 19.94 feet; thence North 36052' 29" East 571. 50 feet; thence North 24022'38" West 17.97 feet to the true point of commencement. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof deeded to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, by Deed recorded May I, 1964 in Book 6487 of Official Records, at page 34, and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 as shown on a Record of Survey recorded in Book 171 of Maps, page 54, in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, California. PARCEL TWO Rights and Privileges over that certain parcel of land conveyed to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District by Deed Recorded May 1, 1964 in Book 6487 at Page 34, as reserved in said Deed and recited as follows: The right to cross over said land to other property of Grantors and to use the surface of said land for commercial or industrial purposes; provided, that no trees or shrubs are planted thereon, no structures are placed thereon, and the location and the grades of any paving, lawns or other types of improvement placed thereon shall be first approved by the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. ell 12-0hhl. I'i I )..\,' l.. 4. Lack of ^hutter's rights in :lIld to the freeway adjil('('nt t.o t:1H' NorthC'rl.y and E:lsterly line of said premises, said ri~hts having he en released and relinquished by OeuJ from M. S. Keesllug, et a1, to I he State of California, recorded June 11, 1957, Book 3817, page 578, Official Records. 5. The right to excavate for, install, replace, (of the initial, or any other size) maIntain, and use for conveying storm drainage, such pipe line or lines over the Northeasterly 15 feet of the premises, as granted in the Deed from Walter R. Keesling, et aI, to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, recorded November 5, 1959, Book 4598, page 383, Official Records. 6. The right to erect, maintain, replace, remove and use a line of poles with all necessary and proper crossarms, braces, anchors, guys and other appliances and fixtures for use in connection therewith, and to suspend therefrom, maintain and use such wires as second party shall from time to time deem necessary for the transmission and distribution of electric energy, together with a right of way along said line of poles over and across the Southerly 10 feet of the premises, as granted in the Deed executed by Mervyn S. Keesling, et a1, to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation, recorded August 24, 1962, Book 5697 page 293, Official Records. 7. Easement for General Public Utilities over the Southerly 10 feet of premises as granted to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation by deed recorded March 23, 1970, Book 8866, page 599, Series No. 3780741, Official Records. 8. Any and all su~sisting Leases. NOTES (A) According to the public records, there have been no deeds conveying the property described in this report recorded within a period of six months prior to the date of this report except as follows: NONE LEGAL D~SCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED LENDERS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Any facts, rights, easements, interest or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by making inquiry of persons in possession of said land and disclosed by a physical inspection thereof. . ~ ... .....------.-- ~It) l": :v ' , I I . . 0 " EB 0 I :lC(7) @ o~ 1 mQ') ~N II N I : ....I ~ "( ~~~~~ r.r: CALif, S"~"E:',, vr : \. ~ ;..... .c CL ....., c -- - - - - Ii :e EI - - - on N :CD _ ~I \ \ ocr z a:: o ~ ..J ocr U ,1 u~~ ~O ". ~. .. ~-------"""'--- - ~ @ .- ~ ~I ~ r--~------ ..iO.-- ---~ .,. on ,liill ... r'...~ ~ .... z ::> o u t- ILl Z U c:{ 10 (\J q- 8 ~-- : ~ on . - ... ~~------------------- ~__~m _ :__~ __ _ __ __~ ~I 3nN31 : \1 'ide . I, .-'" v" ocr a:: cr -J U o I- ~ a.. ..: .... z <( CI) 8/'101 on ... ~ LtJ a:: o U) CI) \oJ U) CI) cr ,... ~I ~ .... z ::> o u on ~(I) N .,.,- \oJ U ~ ~ o "I @ ~ o ~a :J I "a~1 ..;y I;; P-ct :8 en @ . . ,fill III ~ ~; . It_ I Ii ..Jf · 1 ....... ,;;,,"Ji,. 11fT ..- ". l'" , I '-.......- nUIA_1II ~ , m n.lO ""vII.. Idea flll. I....... Ce. 39269\ 6CA5-, · ,ltolO 80019164 t\U417 """", -- rw;...... ....11 r.,..... ., d .. _ ...... hi.,. . ~...... Cle1U.rala MAIL TAX ....A~ TO r .. ...... akYe .L --.J "I Ii . fX ~ ....0. ~ TM. U'" POR ..~ we-:-~ = -..J ...... II till ,...... of Ti_ l-a TIll...... CI. DEe Z 2 l~/U .. MI .... L ,...., .... .... an..... 0llldIl.... A.- ..... 'WI[ ~ R'" MAlI. TO --.J "', TRAHepSIlI TAX ...lI8.70 lULL VAIJIR GRANT DEED (....... No,.~!~~_) .,................ .n...........__._.__~_4!!.~!..~~~J__.~'~_h_..__Uh......u_.__n___uau. 10<<........ t" ...&oa. 1flL!D L III8LDII ... AIIDII!' B. IIISLING, h1. wif., JIDN. MU 1lIZ8LIItQ, & 11..1. .-a, ItIlYD II. IDSLDII ... ~RILl"'" J. 1118LD1J, Jab wife, IIOIIDl' L. DZSLIR8," .....1.. ... oN-. I. "fU!'III[ ... JIB'nT .. vona, 11I1. wif. """GIANI'IID IOl!ISELL I'IIlILUftI ... JACQ1IlLINZ A. n:RIWft'B, Jah wif., .. Jeb. ....... .. .. .. atirl... 1/1 iatu.et ... J1CI[ 1RIlI1IJ'!'0If ... lZIIIf ~, tal. wil.. .. J.1.. te..te, .. te .. ...b1.... 1/1 bte...et ..,............ 1M( ........, .. ...... 01 CaIlIomie, eo." oI.___..._.._.~,~,_~~..___._.._......_......._........ 0Ir" _._... ~!!_.....___.___._......_m.._....._...._ roa IlIBCIJPfICII 811 "EIIIIBn A- A'I'UCIIFl) IlEBETO AMI) MADE A P.dr IIERBOP. ~" (W~~uoi"~ L DD.Ai~ ~B!I~. ~V) Q DlVID M. ~~7-~d:!~~ ,-.....- ......7~_..~~m:........_------_.--_........_...- } ~ De.....r 16u. om U._ . .'-iiE~~if.~ an ~1D..wilW.---~.t>a:...~~ ~ -, '.. ........... ~ C- ..1a I Ow.. /.. fn i ITAB or CAUPODIIA J aurn orlluta Cl... ......... ..... - . I . @ omCtAL nAIl ~ I. OWERS J . . ,;' ..., ."al( tlll~ . . S'fl'. ClAU COUII1l .. ~ ~" .... za. 1'74 .,.-.. lIAR. TAX nATIIMQITa A8 DIMCTKD ~va 117-67-001 &IIlI OM ~IO~ \~~i ... .. " . . . ...'. ,.... ," ."" --:- ~ .. l-:X {I\ L'r ^" . I 100I9164 r.\\oL 418 Elelfen ftl"ld 4~/100 acrePl of land h')llndod on the !JOI th And ~;('~;t: hy Southern I'octfic Rl.Iilroed CO'llp"n' 11 rl.t,lht oC w"y, on tho r.\1t by the 22.1') acre tract deedoc1 tf') Chao. F. ^. Hnll1":Icn. le<':IJLdfld September 8, 1882, Doolc. 64 of Deud:J, paqe 400, :~o'lth hy I.h(' I..nd ot F. H. lU~htor whoRe North line 1s the South l1nt) ..)f tl'l: ll"o:-th 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of S'~ct; ton 26, beinQ tho <iame ),'n.:1 "lr, dfleded to A. C. KeeslinQ by the ~lln Jose Uriclc. Company and (<:'- corded on August 31, 1910 1n Doole. 362 of Deods, page 181. Santo Cl~ra County Record~. EXCEPTING ,,4ERC:FROM tlO much of the above described parcf!1 ;:d' ~ '.\110 1~'inQ Easterly of the \.;esterly line of that proporty as r;or,vo~'f!"l to the Stato of CaUfornia by DetJd recorded June 11, 1951 in Uook 3917 of Official Records, at page 318. ;\\...50 EXCEP1'ING THEREFROM Parcel No. 2 of the above Deed to tho State of California, more particularly descr.ibed as folh'H:.J: HEGINNHKl for reference at the Northwesterly corner ~f that V.15 acre tract of land descL"ibed as Parcel 1 in tho Dec<'j to I';<:)rvyn S. KcesllnQ, recorded December 6, 1947 in BOOK 1537 of Off 1-::1." 1 Recl)rds, at page 281, Santa Clara County. said corner bel ng at the lnternection of tho center line of Hamilton Avenue wi Ul the Southeastorly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Compuny'a 50 fool: right of way, thence along said Southeasterly Une,. SOllth 42" 20' 22" West 514.28 feet and along a tangent curve to t hn 1n [t with a radius of 5104.15 feet, tllrough an angle of 1" 06: 30.2", 1111 ~l'C length of 409.06 feet to the TRUE POINT OF cm'::1VNCEMENT. th.1nce continuinQ along said Sontheasterly line from a tangent that bOilra South 3uO 13' 51.8" \~est along a CUL ve to I:h", 1,'1ft with a radiuG of 5701.75 feet, through an anglo of :','; 37; ~jl, ,8", an 'lrc 1el"qt:h of 560.G1 feet and South 320 :i6' 00" IIfCflt lq..'~4 f~At, ~henc~ Harth 36" 52' ~)" E~st 571.50 feet, th~n~c ~orlh ;'4" 22' 3fl" Weat 17.97 feet to the true point of. c....m)'l1cncr.;"vJnt. COti'rAINING 0,169 of an ncre, more or less. ,>,;,;':0 F.Y.CEt'1'l~IG 'I~Ir.REFHOM all th.,,: po.rt~on tlwl"cof c].-.J::I-=d I'G Sunta Clara County F'ic:-" <:ol1trol <:-nd 1.:....ll'L. r'0,'l',cr:.;;otlol1 Ut.".Li...;t:, by DCfd l.ucordc-'.l May 1, J964 in lJOO~{ 64( of OffJ.cl."'l l<.~O::(Olr~3, nt pago J4.. and morc plJrtJ.cularly dellertbed ilS folJ.0w,~: PI.Reer... 1 (\S :;ho"7Tl on a P.l!cord of Survey rcconlrJu in Ik:(l;~ 1.'/;. of M3pa, pago 54, "n the office of lhe !1ccorder of Can.:<, ':':1.:, ,.,' County, Callforn1.,. 'f'GGE.l1IER vit:h L'igl,tfl and p['lvl.1'~G')3 over Q,ljdccnt' pJ.1 c.;1 ,:~ ,-:.' dcor:~d to ;3,lnl.'l Clara COllnty FI'JOcl C<.:l.t:rol 'll1d ~Iau ':',/I';ur.',,':.iCrl llistrtct 1\6 cont~:l.ned III de,"'.1 c.-canted 1:.:'Y I, i'1~1.1 'l,;ok b.\91 of Offi,;ial Rel.:on.ls, pag~~ )4. Pi!fJL' 3/210""\70 C)..29-70 .M &Cf",; ~ ,." I ' CO) , ...: .: "~ ! US, 'C!t