601 El Patio Dr. (75-9) /" :, '1v<f'~--'"' . (iov(:J "\ ' , (Y~ ?s,--9~ " it, , "'. (,~ , \\L ,v if ~D. . ORDINANCE NO.1O14 BEING ^N ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR ^ PORTION OF THE PLANNED OEVELOPME~T ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 929 ADOPTED Ot~ JANUARY 28, 1 97/{. (App 1 i ca t.i on of Russe 11 Ferrante) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECT!ON ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed ¿md amended by adopting the attached IIExhibit fI.ll, entitled IIPlans and Elevations':, IIExhibit B", entitled "Development Schedulell and "Exhibit ell entitìcd 1I~\éJp of Said Propertyll, ¿,s per application of Russell Ferrante "to allo'.': the con~1.-uction of a 130 unit housing development for the elderly 0" property kr1own as 601 E! Patio Drive in a Planned Developn,ent Zone. Cop~es of said exhibits are on fi!e in the office of the Planning Departn~nt. Said approval subject to the following conditions: A. Prior to the issuance of a bui lding permit, the appl icant shall provid~ to the Plann¡ng Director a statement from an acoustical engineer certifying that the concern expressed in the Noise Report has been designed into the building and that the building wjll comply with ÜeCityof Campbell Standards and the Californi.:: t~oise Ir.:,ulation Stanòards. 1. Provide a six foot tall barrier along the easterly property 1 ine. 2. Install closed windows along the east and west side of the site. 3. Pïovide air conditioning and mechanical venti lation. 11. Provide other noise mitigation measures as required. B. Applicant to sign an agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney that addition;}! parking ~vi11 be provided if the ~'lanning Conunission determines that a need for the additional parking exists. C. That a definition of a senior citizen be est{jblishcd for this project and be approved by the Planning Commission.On reco~nendation of the Civic Improvement Commission. D. Access to Salmar Avenue shall be provided in the event this project is changed from a senior citizens' r>roject to a project other than for senior citizens. E. Parkinç¡ in accord \-Jith zoning code rcquircn;cnts shall be provided in the event the project is ch¿¡ngcd from ð senior citizens' project to ð project other tlw:1 for senior citizens. F. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in red on plans. G. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, íocation of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building' permit. H. Landscaping shal1 be maintained in accordance \-Jith the approved landscape plan. I. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final buildi~g department clearance. . \ J. Al 1 mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. K. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance ~Jith S"ection 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Al I parking spaces to be pro- vided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. L. Underground uti lities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 11. Plans submitted to the bui Iding department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. N. Sign application to be submi~ted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. O. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garQage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing and construction establishments. P. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in areas approved by the fire department. Unless otherwise noted enclosures shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. Q. Applic¿3nt shal1 meet all state requirements for the handicapped. " PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -----" R. Process and file parcel map. S. Prov!dc evidence of legal access to property satisfactory to the CI t'l Enginecr. T. Agreement and bond for street improvements as required by the City Engineer. u. Sign petition for L.I.D. v. Storm drainage area fee based on $765 per acre. FIRE DEPAr<n'ENT --- W. Provide a manual fire alarm system with annunciator panel at front entrance. x. Provide 2ABC fire extinguishers in metal. cabinets. Y. Provide an on-site fire hydrant system, connected to the street watèr mains. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development ~nd are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th by the fo 1 1 01... í ng ro 11 ca 11 vote: day of April , 1976 , AYES: Counci lmen: Chamberlin, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Doetsch NOES: Counci lmen: None ABSENT: Counci lmen: None APPROVED: Ralph Doetsch, Sr. Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk . . ~ ',' ,~ I ffiCj'" --,--~."CI -"",""J~ c-r~ . "- ' I " . 0 0 . ' . II r2\ \5J. ~ . .' \ ù~~ ~o ; ,1 :" ',', '~I:. -' .~.,..' ~>""", ",,- 'I , ¡. r-C{\L\f. J :f!\i£:" 0 S ';'.' ,<, 1< ~ ~ .' \ 111/5"1, ",,\~o\ I.'~~~~~--,-,;-~I_-~- ~ '1I!.1~ ÐI9[ ~CV ~;r í ./ (, N £. """'f ,. \ -_/~,'jl"? r>. . -Wf!1:.fi'ff.'-""I'",j~ ~ ~I .-~, \ // \. ';iI , - ,o---------ïFóJ.ï--- - ~' ~~ ~ 1<)1' ..t..~, I \:- \~ ~ '< f~\:- ------ "'--.- " @ ,,>') " ')¡'~'ó1 0/"<0\'" D. , ..../~,~\, " '/0""<;' ~~'ambpe 11 / ~~-, -'" \y" -6.d;'~< ~, "r' (,>~ "" ~ t; ">,,0" ""~ '~!';'" Z '<;>6 ~'.¡. ". u '(c'>o ~~.~::-.... <i !/"(-¡. " c:;,ì',~" If) .~ '~f':'-""- ~ ~ ~«1Ÿ' (t'?' «; ~ . .,~,,)~~~x, ~- t~;; D "'// ~ ~~ __í/ Q 'T e" \" 4 \' , f/ ' ~ /. ~~r.. , r ~ (.-";';".. '. ~~, -~'c'-s;"" ~'> <&'~. .9~0' .;>~ - ,.'10 -</t'l~ <:j~,!,- EXH I BIT "ell ~~~~~l'o) ,'~""~ , ' . ',,:'.5'.s- ' ............ ~"... ,~/ ~" . "'-'-....... .{ Ó' () "-~~ " Q'~A. -~~ ""-.. 'v I>- ¿, ~,~ '-". .{ (~~, ....... ~ " :>/ """"~~.~~ t' ~ CI 0.1'/:>¡.. .:...~,>. " - Q' ,~ -tÓ'.;>:~~ò;;:. to{ '-'. ')°8 -""""""'" "" ~<. , of"~ Public hearing held by the P 1 ann ing .Commi ss i.on on February 19, 1976 -------_OO',¡-wi---- 0 ---- ! r. , I ,H: f-o.,. I 1'.- f t-~ -~!!~!?, .",\ : tJV-k':::', ~..._- ...:-, ! 0 1- <t: D. :--- '1-1 10 ., '.. , 0)1 ~' ----.------- ~f ---------- -,' It) Ir>I .., f. 0 ¡:::N <I c,: 0.. 2: I , , --- -- - _0-_' -- - --- -- --- fÑ\' \!.?J "I .J I ., W C'J t- .. °0 I <! I ~a: ~t- -~~~ c' .~, \ \ \ I , ~', (~ ' \..,:: ~ t- '£II , , t"'C>? hro '~Jh- , - ! 0' : .. ,,::' ~ ,.' "', - ". , "'-..,. 0", '<\' '-..... ,." "'-- .', ., ,\ .... ", ',', " " ~ '....... " ',' .', ). L-öJ., APPLICANT f!.US5ELL FERR..ANTE ADDRESS ~O I E.L PAT' 0' DR.. "S II ~UMBER pj) 7 S ~'?J A. P . N. G 7~ - <:¡-5 - ~ x . x x ,x x x x /X x RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Process and file a Pf1t<..CEL map DediC3.te right of way POSS I BLE. Al...DNG 5 I "DeD} CATION cL PATIo Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee úY ~c;,S I Ne, AG. Provide copy of Preliminary Title Report Ente~ into agreement for construction of street improvements ALoNG EXI STINf:, so \ R-/w f'tN"D A-GR..EE TO S (QN ANY FcJT<..JR..E PETIDoN FoR. FoRMA-TION DF AN L \ , D. Pay fees as noted in agreement ~.t plan examination and construction inspection lp . 7 - r Post bond as noted in agreement Provide gr~jing aDd dr~inage plan Obtain excavation permit SEe: A TTA C t-\ ED -me PLOT PL-A N P f!-o ßA B'-1 l)oe'.s NoT R.EE FlEe.. -r 11+6 \ DEVe wpe:R..S I NT£NTloN S IN Il-tAí II .sHowS A ST£EET COm tV (;. iNTO ît\E PAR..C,£L. 50 FEeT TO TH~ w651 of WHE"R..6 îl-t 6" R\6i-tT of wAY fK- TV A u.... Y exlSIS , /+l-So) -nt6 ,OTItER. A<..G€ 55 Ti-H::'f Dð.sIG NATE. Its "PoPLAR, AVE. d UJTS ï1-IR.DLJ6H AN E::X/STJN<i> HOlJ.s€.j HoWEVER) MOViNG TH-E fTCCESS ROAD SLl6I-+T'---Y TO Il-t E EAST WDULD PUT IT THRDUGH A VAGAHT t-.D T. IF TttIS WOULD ߣ Ttt €} f?. lNT6NTION) IT WC>()LD BE" THe poR-TION NEE DED -n:> FII£ A PARCEL mAP .:sPLiTTING:> OF~ FRom PAR.cEL 2:1~'-4-5--T PDR. lifE .4<::c.eSS" ANP ftC<¥UIR.f3" I1-+A-T NE~essAR"I FoR. T1-\ 6rf) PofZTIDN' íJ+¡S (r POPL-AR. AVe." ftCC£,SS COULD 6(5 IN me; FoRm OF A f/?.J V ATE: DR.I IJEwA,,/ mft/NTA-IN€J) ß'ý -nt€P6 VELD P fl\5NT. A PA~L m~P of !He L.AR.6e PftR.C£L (2.79-<¡-5-~) WOVL..P <!../-I+R. I FY EXISTING Pf¿opeR-TY i-INE.S Its TltR-éE PAf<..c,f:.LS {-tA-\le- .B6éN SPLIT oFF OF THe- oR.\6INA-L PAR C-6L. 1> U E. -ro -n+e POOR- CDN D¡ TI oN of SURRoUNDING sTReETS (EL fAno) PoPLAR-) pooT6¡ e:r AL) íRf\-FFlc.. Ge:NERATE:D BY TItl5 DEvELOpmENT MAY NEGE:SS¡TATE: ~t:::CDNSTR.Uc..TION oR. RESURFACING of ANY oR... ALL or::: -rn e-SE STR. SETS. IT IS sù6~e:STED I1tAT T1+E ÞEVELDPER.. PAR-TICI PATE: IN TME C£t5 TOP T1-t e:s e: I (Y) PR.OVE.WlENTS TO AN ¡;;:)(--rc:N T DelER.fY\ I rJe1> BY -n+€ C-I T'f TO 6e: E(¡;>ù¡TAßL£, IF imP R..o V 6fY\ €NT 0 P --n+E AA6ft \ S A-CL.Dtn P LI SH- ED BY AN J-.¡,Do¡ TH-IS DE\fEl.DfmeNT S t-\-Oul-D PARTICIPATE ID A J...PrR1:£!.?- LJc6R.E£ -mAN 'I1JDULD NoRJY\ALJ...Y ߣ INvlC-fHë1) is yme- R. FRoNTA6e" . SHOULD --¡eA-FFL c.... R.€"RDUîIN6 o{:.. R.t:SîRICTIDN ßEcome: N~ce:SSAK Y O PR..ESE~\Je:. îitE 1i\fTE G R.\ Ti DP me R.f55 t D€N \A~ NÇ-\G;,HBOKt-\OOD) --n+£ --'------"'M 'DEV e-Lo Pmt::NT SitouJ...þ BUT__-NOT--L..INHTEP TO) - -,- __0,-- t(TRA- FFI '- SoJ....lJT1 ONß' \ PA-R.T1CIPAiE iN -me:.CDST OE --Þc\'l~C:'- JNGLVDJNb.;_- ~eQ-\ANNe:l-1 2.A-TIDN coi- -þç-.,sI9:Ç/N6 -) ISl..-ANDS_) ~JGN£tLS}/JA:NÞlOR BM&16R.S, -, -- - . -,- OFFICE OF COUNTY ;"SSE;; SANTA CLARA COUNTY, \. / ;' / ",'<> / .../ ,"\ (j ,"I I « ," '- / "'~ \-; /~" ., / ~ Q ..../ t>- 1\'" ~ 'v \ Q-) -.;1- C:I ~~ ~ O~ <:)~ 'I:,.y"" "'- <vl:,.y Q'X I:,.yCJ ~ \"?uO 8 ~OJ '~ ! 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