239 Erie Way ((1963) /}./ ¡/ -1/ J'ì' () /\, , Î---,Q \ _I RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL Address CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ,/I // //. ." Y Date Yd-?Æ.-y , /. é;,' / ..~ /J. ,:t " 1/' /:Y.. ' tf-t /LC ?t ./ ~.f "../. ¿r.j .;? ._~ '; ,/ C If¿:? .;¿fJ ,¿~1"" ft7 ,Jr. ,,- -7 /Í/ /j / U;'1-~.'if¡(~'(/ :/ 19£' Name RECEIVED Dollars ij ~',' t?, ",/ / / {1 .' >, Cents \~~~ CHECK CASH NO. . ./ ,/'. --- Thank yo!!.. <5Ií- ]t1f: Zl 6049 By CITY CLERK / f " . 1/ I 1- /7,,/\ c. & ~ !A..\ /~,.~ 1 ," ') ~-- AT," 7 r l C OF C MPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL; CALIFORNIA Date ~anuarv 9. 1%4 CONDITIONS ATTAC~!ED TO 115:1 APPROVAL OF PLANS OF CALVHl ~ill50N FOR CONSTRUCTION OF two 3-uni t ¿¡partments t TO BE LOCATED AT: 2~J_rje .~cll. Campbe:l. Céiliforw..a COND I ïI ONS: 1\;0 :';U¡'ilTlU~, Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Mtlnicipal Code reads as follows: ,. Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted. unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written app1icaticn for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva I. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtai~ed in the manner provided for in this chapter. ÇRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PlANUING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF January. 1964 w 'Á--~~~""" /' . ',oK ~L...;,'" v l.\U~~- /' /" ' By':~/"t.,,¿. .,/ /. Éve lýn AdaÍi¡~';n. Secretary , .' -,¡¿~, URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR IISII APPROVAL. VARIANCE OR USE PERMITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number. of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: ",;7 , /':~ ~ ç¿.. , ~~ ~1e.-4~"-?J Name (s) as shown on Deed Jt~ t/ V~ Name (s) as shown on Deed # 72 ~4-ð3 Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led by URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CA~PBELL PLANNING COr~iSSION APPLI CATION FOR "511 Affß..C1Ð1. Dec. 11 1963 - tn accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3. Article IX of The Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell. the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: attach legal description.) , (insert or ..;¡,ot '* 76 (se¿; attachecl ¡ lap) 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers In considering his application) 2.::. J Unit Ai;e.rt;.aent s. (see a ttc.cl1ed p1E.lls) 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ 48,000 4.. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plans and elevations of proposed Improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission. one by the City Engineer and one retured to appl icant. d::-~~Lj Calvin Wilson Signature of ApplicaÐt Filed In the Office of the ~rban Development Department /d-;! 19 (.~,3 . L;}9 W Rn~PUl¡:;T'~' " ./! Address of Appl icant ~' E~~tr:Rl~ ) ,// . /' ./ " j /' /I/.:/'i. / I 7~:iJ.~7 ..J ('.p'!iW'}'h p 11 . City - ('.'" 1 ; l' State "7Q-':'¡17() Te rephone , . ¡ ~ " 1 ~ ~ t ¡ ~ ~ ! ,} .. ~ ) , " , ¡., . t tj , . j t: '~ \ ., 'i 1, ,,' <j ,... Ii' t . I .,Þ -. '\ " \ :' ~ ,\ t}.-. (",{) .- ,~, ~ ::~~GC!:Q M~j i V -J. Application No..m,G,!tQZ5.S SJ. ~ ') ,-"¡ AI ¡' ,.I~;} ..., ~ ':í t ';~:~,'-=~~ , """,',' ';','~'~'I ....".-- ¡ i '. ""j.':ì:;.'-~I , ,,:;,;' ';'('~:-;""g , ".' , :\1.";.[ ","'(',.f ll,~f; " ;' - to .ifi¡ ,-~J/~I "~"~<'QI . , ",II , ! ,).'r'.~ ." ~ . . tI.U"Ol' r/ /~~.J .¡. ..,0 U rh_f_-.U f~IG~.j (i Grant ættb 3Joint ~tnancp ,,' . . fiLED Fon RECORD ;,11 JO5e ttLla~l1.~~J~BI~qç~ Co. Sam E. l,Tanfre and Elizabeth A. :i1anfre, his wife, r" ) JUN 8 , 17 ~ 195J do hereby GRANT TO Calvin Wilson and Grace L. ~ilson, h us ba nd a. nd VI if e , OFFII".'A' f'Eh""r".<; ~ ~:IT 1\ cli""" ~li¡~-n' , r'" -¡",~<...,t,((:,i.;.."...-c..<... ¡.:.i,'X,ò,";.J~ -- /q~ j , ;: ... :~¡\\ ,7 .' ""j,,'\ '~~iwj AS JOINT TENANTS all that real propeny situate in the County of Santa aa,., State of California, described as follows: Above s ace for Recorder BeginninG at a point 'on the Westerly line of the San Toraas Aquino Road 40 feet wide, distant thereon S.OO23'\i. 82 feet frlim the point of intersection of SQid line of San Tomas Aquino Rood wi th the \/esterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Tract Ho. 459 Rossotto Tract, a :-ap of which was filed for record December 2,1947 in Boole 15 of :.faps, at !)age 17, Hecords of Sallta Clara County. California; thence ~lonG the ;'esterly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, S.0"23"'¡. 82 feet; thence leaving said line of San Tomas Aquino Roqd Dnd runninG parallel with the Southerly line of said Tract Ho. 459, Rossotto Tract and the Westerly :prolongation thereof, N.89"O2'E. 6G3.6l feet to a 1 inch iron pil)e; thence :)\lr¡:;,llel wi th said line of San Tomas Aquino Roq,d, N.cr 23 'E. 82 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe; thence parallel with the Southerly line of. soid Tract No. 459 Rossotto Tract and the :,jesterly pr olonga tion thereof, S.8go 02 'W. 663.61 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.249 acres of land and being a portion of the Quito Rancho. Surveyed =.:ay, 1951, by lIark Thomas and Co., Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Saving <::nd excepting therefrom all that portion thereof reserved in the Deed executed by Joseph Rossotto et ux to S8om.E. lIanfre et ux, dated FebruÐry 9, 1948 and recorded ilarch.17, 1948 in Book 1582 of qfficial ~ecords, page 239, conveying the premises above described and other pro~erty, as follmvsi Reserving from the lands herein cunveyed an undivided one-half interest in the well~ pumping plant and pipe line situate thereon. '" 1 :~,'~i,g'1>~! ,,' I' /;' ,0:>.."; ~\' 'i~:", ',',",'" " ' '\,;;.:': ,;' , P"., .~"j,.. Ò:,,:(~~~i: . :r,&~,_,:,;.T'ÍiID 3~ WITNESS 0 ur hand 6th June . 19 51 this day of -...................-................................................................................................. .~ ~:~:JHt:,J (0 ",-,>, -, ..........,.t",,_c:.."Y.,..!'.},........¿L.....~J.2/...6.:~ 6:.::(.............................. _,:(t.jd'¡,¡L{L¡2¡.ç,¡.;tÄ:"....,::~.......,... .............................................................................""".....m........................... STATE Of CALIFORNIA' '/l COUNTY Of SANTA:CLARAíSS' . , On this 6th;:' day of June, .1951, before me, a Norary Public in and fot'said County and Stace, per~nally appeared S:>m B. ],<::::n:f,'l',ð,2.nd ElizG.bcth A. L2.nfre " G. E. 1'o.r ley t p<rnm S w""" .,:,. arc , '.' known to me to they executed the same. subscribed to [he foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me th!'Ý ,................, { I ~ 0 « 0 ex: ,----~ ~ ' j I~ 0 z - :) a <{ (j) 1<1: j::2 '0 65060 ~63CI l ~ I' I .. !="~ ~ / I TR1\CT N2 4SQ . ) 0 . ROSSOTTO TRACT . d 63.0 ¡;:; 35Aß ~ ~ S6~6 1.19 AC. c< ... 1',1>.65 1Ø ~,-.,~ -'- LATIMER r---- Sq.G G'1:3 Sq.8 I €III 1 I I I I 1 8 ' I - I I I I I I I I I I I 1 f 1 I 1 : I 4 I I 1 I I GOO.59 6'1.'2 S\"1 (,'1.\ I I I I I I I : I I I 10 ¡ II I 12 I - I - I- I I 1 I I 1 , I I I I I 1 I I : 1 I I I I I 6 t 7 1 8 1 I I I I 1 .., I 1 I I I I 7 I - I I I 1 I 1 I I I I : 1 I I I '2 1 3 1 I 1 I .., 0 :-; 104 13 9 i ~ § 37 ~1---ëïSS - :~ lQ!: ~ 9 5 36 !.IQi- 1: C'< -" II) lOG ItS- 175.0Š" ~:3; wiH -- '92-- 75" 3 ~ [ 1.Q7 :;; !l I I I~ (' If;: Co I 18511 roo 8215 81.31 1",- '2.7 I '2.8 I '29 ; ¡'If ",i 0 I'" .. ;iì 113 I~ 0 /12 :::1 I - ... - I I I I I !r214 ! 8131 I >- q::: 3 7G 0 '" 0 .. 0 ,'" c) '" __!'O8& i 34 I 80 17.54 I 3'2 r- -loõJ+ - I I" 33 10 It>! Is /09 §I~ I I. I I I 185 ~~ 80. 3] 81 30 ùJ - ~ w .., III en ... 2 lIt) /09 //1 80 8017 ~6 56 ONTARIO LANE sAN TOMAS TERRACE ... 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L>::¡.;:<'¿"_:..l...l. ._-- ....:: ..:: \ ,j.. ~ I .4 \' -~ \d \í , -: :- 1::. l'" '- . " , ' .:~n'"c'" i...' ~.'d". P~.c (;~' t.. f:" '- , .. ..., " .~ ., ',,-, ,- [-: ,¡"t';-" ( . .- ,- . VI- 'H:d ì 1 - .,.. ...: ( ~- ,., " -, ,", ",:'. \ :'} ... , MY ',( it: t. ;: , ' '. ~ ¡ ~ . , ., '.:1 . .. ~> ~ ,. <'t :.Ì ",; ... -' , , , ~. . 1: ..' i!( ..., "'" ¡. ,~ ---, ' ~ '7 c,~ ¿..... ¿~. ~ .. ¡"co " . ~- ~ ' , " :. \ l..::. .1 ::. i...', \. '. ..;~vil .-~. . . .. , - --' -. " ," ',' ,- ;::>'... _. ~ .. .. '. -- , . 'c'-: t c, .¡ r ~ ' , . ,. '.;,;~':r~J_ng tr: . , < ' . ;;;r.-:, in~er '. , 19f>3, , 'me, ", 1 , , ) ~t~ "-'/. ~,{, L/ . . /i'- // ' ., 7/ (a..l!otn it.. !tétfL£,}( I' ~ . C' ¡./ / (./":;'-(..";- Jt.L . ";. CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNiA Date AUQUS t 22. 1 %1 CONDITIONS ATTAC'tED TO "Sil APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Earl J~ Me.ssi~ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF two 4-unit apartment houses 228 Erie Way. Campbell. CalifornL! --, TO BE LOCATED AT: COND InONS: NONE Section 9316.1 of the Campbell MI.lni ci pal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted. unless an extension for such approva 1 is obta i ned by makl ng wr i tten app 1 i cat i en for" same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva 1. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtai~ed in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD-ON THE 20th DAY OF August I 1~3 . W. L. MORSER, DIRECTOR URBAN D LOPMENT DEP T By 'Ii. M. 5.. / c¡ (.¡,' "3 /) URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~l, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL. VAR lANCE OR USE PERMITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: C..Jc'-d~ -VV\ i;~¿..- ~.....-vÎ Name (s) as shown on Deed /... /. ~ . /./ J/'l¿--c:~ L. ::P~.&:z-y'"\ Name (s) as shown on Deed # 2295879 ,,' Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led by URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION APPLI CATS ON FOR 11511 APPROVAL 1~11iJ]S-t 5 19~ In accordance with Section 9316. Chapter 3. Artic1e IX of The Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell. the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: attach legal description.) Legal description attached (insert or 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in considering his application) I plan on building an eight unit apt. house on the property. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ 52. 5()O 00 4.. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plana and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one retured to applicant. c( ;) ¿://}1'l.e~ Signat~of ~pplicant Filed tn the Office of the Urban Development Department j(;,/ "') 19 ¿ J . I I /~-/ // , / .-y /7) 1 -,- l/L ¿/- <--..- ) . .-;, r: / I J 4&9 ali~-tan San ~se. Calir. Adà.ess of Applicant --6." L-<' SECRETARY State City Telephone ,~ Coun(:~l.men ; .Mene :"}~/,,~,~~ ' ~í.':.:. ~ , fì. tIP, Ltc:. .' . ' . !,\:, .:J~-ts.cbi McrJroy, . COun ci'lIMn a NOM . ,,' .uP~ : )eter B.' Lieo, Mayor '. A'ftB81' & 'v Ðor'O'dy Trevethan,' C1tyclerk \ \~'.\ \\J--- '.,¡ It.JIIi')- , ' . '/ {e.!>! ¿ é.c ().c'y) GEORGE <'y---l;¡¡~,dó}{ ,i S. NOLTE CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 1103 E. EL CAMINO REAL SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA CHerry 8-5665 May 14,1963 Job No. 683-60 City of Campbell Engineering Department 571 Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California At tn : Re: Mr. Bill Wren Lands of Calvin Wilson Dear Mr. Wren: The following is a breakdown of quantities at the actual contract prices that our client installed over and above the City of Campbell's requirements on San Tomas Aquino Road: Grading @ $0.05 2i" Plant Mix Surfacing @ 0.12 8" Aggregate Base Rock @ 0.11 0.28/sq.ft. 131 x 82 ft. . 1,066 sq.ft. @ 0.28 = $ 298.48 It is our understanding that this will be the amount paid to the developer at the time the subdivision is accepted. If there are any questions pertaining to this job, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, GEORGE S. NOLTE, CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. ) /', -- 'i" ' ///1 ..:/., ',p- , I , ' .;:::...Jtt",>.:ð;>.!.-t- ,.-.V ' , " ... ,.-/" '-', Bý Robert C. Falconi RCF : af cc: Mr. Calvin Wilson PALO ALTO ~'A N R A F A E l WALNUT CREEK IIr . .. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY Carbon Copy 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone 378-2407 MAY 14,1963 City Council City of Campbell 75 H. Centræ!l CalDpbell, Cat ifom!a Rea Erie Way Læ!nds of Calvin Wilson Gentlemen: '!'he sanitary sewerage system for subject Tract has been installed, inspected and tested and found acceptable to this District. Upon transfer of title the system will be accepted by this District for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer By L. E. Weaver Ass't. Civil Engineer LBWI~ CCI/Campbell City Engineer Developer.. Calvin Wilson I \V\t~... /J, -1-' f¡ -1 I' ) ! 7" I r- , , Bj-Y'7/ '" / /1 /H{)JI\ ;- -,j"',,"<'" ,/]../-' /,', ¡L-<-"I' , ' I /. /r"--L",' ',L' (' ~.,Lr " ,¡ . / it' Ii~ ~~~t(v-d /tC)! ú . .~.. ,',.t ( /, n / . 7(' (7"';/: " ,-' l(' <-, ' / I' / / , ! - URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Campbel1. California ./ Date ¿,,-;9 ~. / FROM: Campbell Planning Commission 75 North Central Avenue Campbell. California TO: ç;:~ 7LCl1.~~ SUBJECT: Tentative Subdivision Hap of: G ~ ,-;-~./ &~j, ~~ , Dear Sir: The enclosed tentative subdivision map has been fi1ed with the Campbell Planning I Commission for approval. A copy is being sent to you for the purpose of obtaining any comments or suggestions ~ou may have with respect to it. map will be acted upon by this Commission at its regular meeting of 196~ Your comments or suggestions prior to that time will be If possible. please return comments to this office prior to f¡éZ 7 6~ Very truly yours. Campbell Planning Commission W. L. Horser. Urban Development Director By: Secretary I' - " I RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP OF THE MINOR SUBDIVISION OF CALVIN WILSON, NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO TRACT 2631, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a tentative map of the minor subdivision of Calvin Wilson for approva11 and WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map has been presented1 and WHEREAS, certain deeds of land are offered for dedication of streets and roads: and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has recommended approval of the tentative map and acceptance of the deeds: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the City Clerk shall accept the offered deed for streets and roads: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1962, by the following vote: - ~.-day of -.,,' -,' \' AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: J APPROVED: Peter B. Lico, Mayor ATTEST: "-~~'-' --;' Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk í ! " ì ./ /' . . r, J t! ", i v' " I A G R E E MEN T In favor of the City of Campbell r , JoseDh L. Talamante hereby agree to accept the drainage waters from the north- erly end of the curb and gutter fronting Lots 2 and 3 as shown upon the enclosed unrecorded record of survey and allow the developer. Calvin Wilson, to construct a ditch to allow the waters to flow from the end of said curb and gutter. \ fÞ Ir ..1 ... l CORDITIORS A TTACHiD TO APftOYAL or RICOI.D C1I SUl.VIY .. or CALVIN WILSON AS APftOVED BY THE CAHnELL PtAIRI1IG CCIMlS8 lOR AT A UGULAB. ADJOOI1ŒD HBEtDtG HELD ON THE 13th I».Y or S&Pl'amER., 1960 : cœPLIAIICE WITH œ.DIMNCI 1260. AU ~ 1. Coofom1ty with Maater P1ø Dedication of 25' .tr1p fer full width OD San T,... Aquino B.oad and entire 60 foot 00 Erie Way. 2. .Adequate ......t. for public utility. unitary pd . tom dr8:1.naae. J. eonetruct1cm of 1IIprOV.IDt8 in accordance with the City Stndar4e _4 the requir888Dte of the Callpbe11 Mun1c1pe1 Code, 1øc1udiDl: 8 ) ,...,... t b) Vertical curb aad ¡utter c) Sidewalk d) All _1D l1De utl11t1ee and ..nice. e) Sanitary ..,.1:." .,..te8 f) Electrol1era end wi.riD1 circuit (in coafomnce with Tract #2631) ¡) Stcma draiDap syet.. h) Street cr... 4. lIIpr ov_en t Plan 5. Improv8tl8Þt Aar...lI11t (1nc luc:liøl cbeek1oa 8nd 1ø_pectioo fee) 6. IrIprO'l8D8t load 7. Storm Sewer o.po.lt CAMrBILL PLADDIC CCllM1SSIOli -~) - ."" "/';7 í "' /1'"/ . ~ :/