Fairlands Dr. (TR6503) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT ''/ 15 -,-& '-l Date: __-. - I"$?./ From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- .. The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT WI LLIAri!S DE\!. CD. BUILDING ADDRESS F fl iI~ Ll\ 1',)t)SD ~ . COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4-0'5' - 25- 8 { ~ APPROVAL NUMBER TK ."4 b 'S" o-:S PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER :::.,f\J,cS . it's) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS J ~. I By: Iv) /\ Vi L ~1. 1//'/.-,/1:.......- Date: . -;> ,. IC::-. 7 C) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ~ . \-.j~ti ::::" ~~:;~~:~~ ~~}~~., A ~' \)\J ,,,:/~S ~ .,\\\" '. \;'j_:~, '.~~\\\~ FOR ,-11 A A9 r -if 0S 0 ~\'\\)\\".... ~)~2u~~ ~'.RA_ A --aW.~~5'QQ~ A If-- <,0 ~~~ ~ /?OO;:' ~ ~..d . - '--= ~ / '7...1 .- . ~o~~. -4 ~3~.j~ , REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3.s-/.- .3 bS- - ;;3 7 r:; FUND NUMBER /t 11-.;...1- On] d~ZJ395.00 ~ECK 0 ~El'~R DATft T 17-78 79 o 16 4M~i1r'1t 195.00 THIS RECEIPT OCT 17-78 65 016A ** 1 J 700.00 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND 51 016A ***500.00 SIGNED BELOW. OCT 17-78 18217 Byc::LN CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL @M r..::> = c..::> '--"> ~ C> C> I ,0 ,0 '" @ .;.: .j: 0: f- -<< -I; UJ z ..J I ::J -It ~ Ll 0 .,~ it >- ~l (f) .... <( ::;; * U u <( 4 0 It") (t") .J ~~ c, 0 .J 0 0 W <( c'.j m z 1.., ..J 11. cr ~ ..J I- 0 '~ a:: W Cl. :E LL w CD () III ::J 0 r"-_ 1- ::l a. < <( ~ a:: , o ::E UJ 0 0 (i') L') >-<( U U tv) >- (\oJ (\oJ 10 .J w UJ ..J Z 0_ n~ o LL LL w 0 U~ L.+j ;:0 0:: w (/) C/, 0 III ::;; f- >- a. <( >- I- ::E 0 0 0 lC 0 >- <( z I- 0 I- - Z U :J r-- 0 1&1 0 cr Z 0 . 0") 0 w >-S:z~ <( III ~ !!:vc(O CX) >- ::E r<)~ l&Ic(o;;:l ... w :J lrl:El!!1ll r-- 0 :J I U Z Z \ U ~1&Ic(O Z ~~ tnl:lDlCIll r-f ::E w 0 S:>-:::iZ 1&1 cr > Z N <( 0 >-"'c(Cl j: W :J :J>iii z LL cr LL :E U 0 <:;I 0 C> I . . Lf"\ Lf"\ @ N N '" f- . . 0: UJ ~I z . . ..J I ::J U (f) 0 . . >- <( ::;; ic ic t: \ u <( * u .J 0 <( .J ~ \'1 0 0 W <( 0 0 m z Il. cr \~ I.r) ..J I- 0 \ ..J Cl. :E LL a:: w ::J ') w 0 III UJ < <( a:: CO CO ::l a. 0 10 0 r- ~ o ::E U U , jj .J >- ::r ::r UJ ..J w ..- 0:: LL w \ z o LL 0 III 0 3 :z ", 0 ::;; w :::l a. .... ~ ..... " >- ::E ci <( I- >- . 0 0 >- <( \0 lC 0 I- 0 z - I- J u Z :J 0 cr 1&1 r-- 0 w \ ~ zo . 0 III ~ >-%z~ c.o <( ::E U !!:vc(o U') >- (f) w " w l lllca:om ... (f) :J :J I lrl:El!!1ll (0 0 W w Z Z U '- ~1&Ic(O V ::E a:: w 0 tJ "- "'IlllOI&l r-f Z 0 S:>-:::iZ 1&1 <( 0 > Z >-"'c(Cl N Z <( W :J , i>iii j: cr LL U l:JTY OF CAMPBELL 75 N. Centr.l Avenue Call1pbe 11. CA 95008 APPLICATION: Applic.tion is hereby _cIe for In eac.v.t.lon p':rmit in ICCO A. T'" locltion .nd n.t ... of the WI',rk to be done is: tC' '. " 0 r . , "_ / ,/:r~ " [ICAV^TION PERMIT r .'. ~ 'ermit ;1~A - ~. Clll 378-8~4i I zz~ for inspections. .. Att.ched.re copies of . drawing Showing the loc.tion. eltent and diMensions of the work. The dr.wing shows the rel.tion of the proposed work to elisting surf.ce Ind unclerground illlprov~nts. When IPproved by the city .ngineer. s.id drlwing becomes I p.rt of this permit. C. The applic.nt he...by .grees by .ffilling his sign.ture to this .pplic.tion to hold the City Of Clmobell. its officers. .gents. Ind employees free. slfe. .nd hlrmless from any clli~ or demand for daMages resulting from the work covered by this permi t. D. The Permit Fee is $25.00. This is to help cover the cost of inspection. (~ra.d,' '/1 . (~ :'/i..(7/977 ' / Slgn.ture of Applic.nt PERMIT : This permit to .xClv.te is lssued subj.ct to the followlng conditlons: 1. NOTIFY the clty ",ginter 48 hours befo... beginnlng work. 2. "'lIlTAIII Slf. pedestrian .nd vehicular crossings Ind free ICC'SS to privlte drivewlYs. fire hydr.nts .nd w.ter v.1ves. 3. Ally STREET CLOSING ..st IIIve prior. specific IPprovl1 frQIII the city engineer. .. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in the .crk ..... shall confonn with the Work Are. Tr.ffic Control Handbook. DEe E I V ED 5. REPLACE IN KIND .ny dl.aged or relDved existing 11llprovtMtnts or pl.ntings. ~ " 6, SAWCUT for 111 P.C.C. or A.C. reMOvl1s. 7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shall confol'lll with current City Standards. \ 8. A.C. ItEPLACEMENT Shill be either: [qv7 s,/-c.',,"'-') J,v"u'v) ...f1..-CM~) -.::::... . lnches A.C. on 12 illCheS R-78 base rock or t inches A.C. lItep strength; er, AUG II 1979 PUBUC l~mu\S ENGm.EERltiG t. Misce".neous conditions: _ Illlported, sel.ct backflll 11 Nqulred. _ The hours of work .re U.1ted to bet..en .nd L Work to be staked by . licensed Lind Surveyor or Civil Engineer .nd th.... coples of tile cut sheets sent to the Public Works Dep.rtlent befo... startlng work. _Open cutting of paveMent wl11 not be .llowed; .11 pipes or condult shall be j.cked under Ixistlng pavement. .!::::.- -;~ j ~ II '" / ft.vu.J Cl1 &I " t- .- thAI A 5 C/ f ( A-dA 5 () + j i ~c>t ( 1<. t; - ./ Air l'Z"~{,f ,;" ...J-v(.c,t .-vilLi- hL- d.t- t).{'()"I. ..L 10ft..... 10. DEPOSIT required to qUlr.ntet restor.tlon of publlc r1ght-of-wl1. (Return.b1e upon .eceptance of the work by tile cill Ingineer). S 11. ItEQUEST. fln.l inspectlon .nd .cceptanc. in writing upon COIIIll.tion of the .on. 12. Acceptlnce of the Pennit by the na.ed P.nnittee constitutes .cceptance of .ny .nd 111 condltions upon wh1ch th1s P.rmlt ls grlnted. Thl' P'l'lIIlt does not relieve the P.nnittee of .ny Ob11gation to Obtlin .ny other Permit requ1red by 1.w. "l'lIIit 11 not tr.nsfer.b1e. Mork -.It be perforwd by oennlttet or pennlttH'S .gent. . --- IIOTE: TRENCH SAFETY hn not ....n checked .nd is IIOT I"'LJED with ttlt5 "",it. For ".nnlt to Exc.v.te. Contact: St.te of Callfornl. Dlvis10n of Indu,tri.' Slfett Deplrtltnt of Industrl.1 Rel.tlons (.oa-277-1260) : ACCEPTED I (51gn.ture of "nlittee) , L r-rgenc;y talephone ftIIIbtr _()A~~ ./71 (lilt.) Drawing Attacllld? "f'II1t Fee 'lid? Deposit Itctivtd? 1" \< A BO ~DED lusi..." UCitU., i \. ~ i) -y;)) g--YJJ7 J (', :;'\..) Ji &/g{7V( f .. PERMlT lOT YALJD IIfTJL APPIIOYED IT em _MER. .../, U If' ..iJ ~ ./ ,-7 ~::.--- .~ ~ ~ f bv-''''1 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO~PANY ITD c:Gr ~,;tiIE + 10900 NO, BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 253 - 2-0 1 0 . NOvember 2, 1978 . Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, C8lifornia 95008 v Subject: Easement Approval for Tract # 6503 - Hacienda Avenue, Campbell Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements sho,va on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Hr. Don Dixon at 253-2010. Sincerely, rz 6. oj ~(,., CI'vLA-/ R.E. Turner District Electric Superintendent PT&:T Company Louis M. Bini Associates AFasquinelli Tract File n F .... r- q I!: 0: 1&_.....1>..1 V II.. ! . c .(,' r U j L. ; ,,). . v , '\ I \~ ENGINc.t.f<ING I/?~'j I--IL ..:;::J1f'7 \Y Pacific Telephone 1531 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 October 30, 1978 Mr. Joe Elliott City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 HE: Tract No. 6503 Dear Mr. Elliott: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 6503 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this companyo Very truly yours, d.<!2 . J. Co son Engineering Manager cc: Louis M. Bini Associates RECEIVED' t., '. :: 1 i~78 u , ,," "''1.... r Uu "J .iiiltiltr\.o') EN GI NEffiUf(l , , .~>: ~ t<:. :"::'l . (.\~\ RESOLUTION NO. 5489 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6503 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6503 for approval; and, WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the dpproval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: 23 day of October , 1978 AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Mayor Dean R. Chamberlin, ATTEST: pnyl 11S u. ACker, City Clerk By: V. M. Sheehy, Deputy City Clerk COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 October 17, 1978 City of Campbell Public Works Dept. 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 6503 This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordati.on of subject development. This'District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer cY~~ (J? { ~V1...h;/~ By P. R. Nichols 'Assistant bistrict Engineer PRN: ' CITY ENGINEER I S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CO. - TRACT NO. 6503 FAIRLANDS CUL-DE-SAC 1. Clearing and Grubbing: a. PCC Removal: 3 Sq. Yd. @ 5.00 = 2. Storm Drainage System: a. 1211 RCP, Class 217 Lin. Ft. @ 15.00 1 @ 900.00 1 @ 300.00 = b. Standard Manhole: = c. Break and Enter Manhole: = d. Trench Resurfacing: 180 Lin. Ft. @ 7.00 = 3. Earthwork: 3560 x .67 27 88 Cu. Yds. @ 10.00 = 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC Curb and Gutter 182 Lin. Ft. @ 7.90 = b. Class A, PCC Driveway Approach c. Class A, PCC Wheel Chair Ramp: 5. Street Construction: 24 Sq. Ft. @ 2.75 = 71 Sq. Ft. @ 1.85 = a. Alternate No.1: 1. Class 2 A.B., 1-1/211 Maximum: (3,060 Sq. Ft.)(O.375)(O.07)=80.3 Tons @ 8.00 = 2. AC Pavement, Type B: (3,060 Sq. Ft.)(O.292)(O.075)=67.0 Tons @ 20.00 = b. Alternate No.2: AC Pavement, Type B: (3,060 Sq. Ft.)(O.4l7)(O.075)=95.7 Tons @ 20.00 = $ 15.00 3,255.00 900.00 300.00 1,260.00 880.00 1,437.80 66.00 131.35 642.40 1,340.00 1,914.00 6. Miscellaneous Surface Improvements: a. City Monument Boxes: 2 @ 120.00 = $ 240.00 Sub-Total (based on Alternate No.1): $12,381.55 15% Contingencies: 1,857.23 TOTAL: $14,238.78 F. p. 1. Use $14,300.00 forAbond amount. .. .7. 150. co 'f.L tivl " .. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $500.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $1,700.00. Reimbursement amount is $935.00. 4. Fire hydrant rental fee is $195.00. Prepared by: LYNN M. SNYDER Engineering Aide I October 5, 1978 (- -- l-( ~ I ...... j' AV THIS LETTER SENT TO: MR. JOE J. CARNESECCA 725 Hacienda Avenue Campbell, California 95008 and MR. RICHARD A. SLAUTER 705 Hacienda Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: HACIENDA AVENUE DEDICATION ILllOTT "tt,~.. " ,Y,Jl ~'J__. ; D:A.!. CASE )tember 18, 1 gW--J .......- "" "'1' (\ ~, Mr. Don Williams requested us to provide you with written confirmation of the City's position concerning Hacienda Avenue adjacent to your property. As a condition of approval of Tract No. 6503, the City required dedication of the necessary land to widen Hacienda Avenue to 45 feet from the centerline. The installation of street improvements is not being required at this time. Street improvements will be required if you should develop the property beyond it's present use. JP:mkc cc: MR. DON WILLIAMS 2430 Futamase Court San Jose, California 95111 Very truly yours, BILL HELMS Engineering Manager By JAMES PENOYER Engineering Technician .' STRpr-.....URAL SECTION DES IGN WORKS_BEET PROJECT .,..~.'"$I- TI = .~ R = 3~ WI L.-1IAMSDATE AlJ_. 15.. J~"7~ Source: ~. ~ 2-"7,5 ~'LS ecpo~1 AC/ROCK ALTERNATE 5" AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 GEAC . '3S'" ) ~ GfAC ( ~S" ) = . J cq. ft. thick A. c. 3:t It;. '2.~ Rounding up to inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC=. "Z.~Ce.s;= 0.")3 TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI~ (lOO-R)"ry= 1.07 Native material R Value = '3 ~ . '7 '3 1.1 z..z.. (lOO-R) -:: .35 ) - GEAC ( ) ~ Gf~ ( AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: 3 z, "AC on (Do not use if A.B. is less than GETot ( GEAB ( ,.07 0.34-' ) = GEAB ( O. '34- ) = 0.3'7+ ft. thick A.B. I 4z "Cl 2 Agg. Base 4 inches.) -+ DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) --t DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: S "A.C. Port 7-Design PlAt'-!NING MAI--..!UAl 7-60~A G:.c:D.~~~~lWDt:l. ""l'-~k&~.n.:__ _~2:JlP.AIIUWka_ ...,~ Apr" 16. 1<:7C. TAGLE 7.&01;-.3 Gravel Equivalents. of Structural Layars in fGUt ASPHALT CONCHETE Ccrncn l.lrcatod ------ ._- ----- BBSC 'Trs.ffic Indcx (TI) Aggrc- t- nTti CI....., Ar-Rr". gate r.nd 5.5 C..5 7.5 8,5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 ]3,5 l\nd f.ate 8ub- Ix: loVl 6.0 7.0 8,0 9.0 ]0.0 11.0 12.0 ]3.0 14.0 L1'8 A B bssc bs..'oC Actual --- ~-- -_.- thic\:.ncl\II Gravel Equivt'Jcnt Ff>Ctor (Gr)l'l~ Gr Gr G Gr 01 layer ~8 I~t 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.57 1.b2 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 .. . .._--- -- --- 0,10.....,.., 0.25 0,23 0,21 0.20 0,19 0.18 0.17 0,16 0,16 0.15 0.12 . - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ._-_.-.. 0.15..__..___ 0,33 0.35 O,3~ O.~'O 0.28 0.27 0,26 0,2.'; 0.24 0,23 0,18 - - - - - -. . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -------- 0.20..______. 0.50 0,<6 0.43 0.40 0,33 0,3(; 0,31 0,33 0.31 0.30 0.24 - - . - - - - - -... - ~ . - - - . . - - -- - - - - - . - - 0,25. __ .,.._, 0,(;3 O,!,fl 0,54 o . [,.0 0.47 0.45 0.43 0,41 0.39 0,38 0.30 . - - - - - . - -.. - - -- - - - - - - -- --._.--- O,:JO..____u. 0.75 0,70 0,&4 0,60 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.'19 0.4.7 0,46 0.36 . - - - . - . - - - -.. -- - - - - - - -- - - - - . - -- 0.35.. __ _____ 0.88 0,81 0.75 0,70 0,60 0,6:1 0.60 0,57 0,55 0.53 0.42 ... --. .. - - -.. -- 0.39 0,35 O,~O__...,._. 1.00 O,!13 0.8G 0.80 0.7& O.7~ O,r>8 0.&6 0,63 0,61 0,41\ - . - - - - - - - .. - - ..- 0.44 0.40 0,45...... __' ------ 1.04 0.96 0,90 0.85 0,81 0,77 0,74 0,71 0.0; 0,[,1 0.77 O,M 0.50 0,45 O.bO....__... - - - - - - ~.16 1,0'1 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.8ft 0,82 0.79 0.711 o,ro 0.8.'> o,ro 0.5'; 0.50 0.55.___.__.. ------------ 1.18 1.11 1.04 0,93 0.94 0,90 0,86 0,84 O,(,l) 0.94 0.&5 O,ft1 0.55 o.W....__.__ -..------- - --_..--- 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.93 0.9.( 0.91 0.7~ 1.02 0.72 O.f,{j O.W 0.65...._.._. ------------------ 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.7S 0,72 0.55 0.70...______ ------------------------ 1.32 \.2~ 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.00 0.8.4 1.19 O,F.-1 0,77 0,70 0.75....___.. ------------------------------ 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.18 1.14 0.9:> 1.23 O.fIG 0,&3 0.75 0.80_.______. -----------------------..------ 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.26 1.22 O.!IlJ 1.36 0.96 0,88 0,80 0.85__._____. --------------..--------------- 1.52 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 I. 02 1.'15 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.00_ . _ _ _.: ., --------------~-----~~-------------- 1.54 1.48 1.41 1.:17 1.00 1.53 LOS O.Og 0,90 0,95_________ ------------~----------------_._--------~. 1.55 1.49 1. 4.~ 1.14 I.G2 1.1-1 1.05 0.95 ) .OO....~.___ ..--~---------_._---~----_._--~------------ 1.G4 1.57 J .~,2 1.20 1. 70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05. _ __ __ __. .-.-------.------------------------------------- 1.65 1.60 1.:..>6 1.79 I.:tG 1.16 1.05 l Gt:: NOTES: 1l'J'1I is hilulIlinous tn'at..tl 10",,(-, LTB il' Jil11l' Ire'll..d hns~. .'or the drsil:1l of rund,mix('(J RSI!hnlt !;ur(udIlJ:. use O,H or the r.rnvrl rqui\,lllt'nt r.<:tOrll (Or) d.o",n nl>o\'c for llsphnll ('(lll('rr!t'. 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Very truly yours, BILL HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER ", ,!)/ " " (cr.M..1 R-r-- I e..-(t 7" 0::::.___..... By James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP:vw Enclosure <:' Jj <d'P;J9 y..~iY'" ...vr CP-f'-~frl J' " 1{J , ~ ;:~'t;' ',t J}-\Or 'IJ)J'" ~ Y) J -,,[ ,0- 0-' oj-\, ,> JJ.,y- , -./' \ IV ,P2l, ,y~). "n,I)~~' .k ~ 't.{}' "/'CL' ~. 'jJ ~" ~ !'" .j~ ,~}- t' . f,,\. '}./ _)J..' '~ ' . :,..,~, ....,.. or.... " . '. .... .....~.... . '....} ." lr ." . <:t.O. .....:..\:" A... ". .J..... ~, ~ ,0).\" '....1. 'C..' <;.::.... -N- l',. " -." I .~" J , :";":<"'~'::: ~.' .,'(..- "\ '".., , ..( "'~ ' . \ ..... .. L..C\ N D ~:: 0 F r. l. i~-:' to..! 1:: ::~ I::: (0' (0, i;.. ........ "' . . . '" s.... .... t... oJ' _..... . t'" 'I.:":;::.: .... :~''''.', ""'~' ..... '. "" ....' ...... \.>-- ... .... . .(:!" \ . \,' (... ,".. 'i' : I . '0, ,.;~.. r.~." '.' fl'" ~. L.,::\NDS OF .... ,. I J .......... r', ~:; ~_ f~ \. l !::: r~:. BK. 1445 O. F:. 13 k. I ~:; G '{. (). f:?. f-;(,. :., .~.f.} r-::::.;. ~) ::~ .~. EASTERL.Y eo.oo' ~ ~ Ul :I: ... :> o CI) .f... : \ '...,:-0 """ b o iii N "" .2 WESTERLY 80.00' .......G~. ~ HACIENDA AVENUE (FORMERLY SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD) t\;A ., r. I'" \... ..,.: \ 1'- r-, I!l. \ ~ : '" .". .. :, I" I .t.i.:..,':- '.., 11'." I '.-l.I'_" .... \, j'.1 '\1 ~: 1:.1 t' '" . '.,1 ",.':' . I .... /'-". ".': BK "H\' M PG. 149 ..... ::') I'. ,.... "r I \ (~ ,.:, ....' , SCALE: I" =40' LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Land to be granted to City Contains O.046~ ac. Dr. by L.M.5. Ck.by J. P. AUG. t 1978 AU G. , 1978 I ...... , \ .... ....... . ~, :...~~_.:""" -..:." .:.-=:\ :~: Prepared by tht Office ot the City Engineer, CampbpII. California .- - I DiAZ HUon '! il H",NDLI~;G .. --.' HELMS I~ l RETURN TO_ jl (YCARD - ~,..~"~ r(.f '--r:~L - 5 . Arthur A. Kee Planning Director Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Williams APN 405-25-8 & 9 July 7 t 1978 CASE The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative map submitted by Louis M. Bini Associates. 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said Sanitation District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service is to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief of the City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any Public Service Easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as maybe necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4. Camp1iance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivision, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee of $1,700.00. 6. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post bonds to install street improvements on Fairlands Avenue." 7. Subdivider shall dedicate right-of-way to widen Hacienda Avenue to feet from centerline and create a 33-foot-radius cul-de-sac at the easterly end of Bairlands Avenue. 8. C.C. & R.1s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and cmmmon area. jas attachment RECEIVED f;{~ : Snk!; Qr) Santa Clara Valle~ Nater District JUL C; 1978 PUBLIC WORKS .ENGINEERING 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 July 5, 1978 Mr. Arthur Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. Richard L. Schneider Planner II Dear Mr. Kee: We have reviewed the tentative map for Lands of Williams, on West Hacienda Avenue, sent to us on June 15. Comments contained in our letter of May 11, 1978 still apply (copy of letter enclosed) . Sincerely yours, .,:. ';~ '4 ~ ;2~-:X t' ~,' ", r, ; ~;I .. ;Ii Eugene H. Sullivan Supervisor, Permits Section Design Coordination Division Enclosure cc: t/Director of Public Works, wjenclosure City of Campbell Attention Mr. Joe Elliott Louis M. Bini Associates, wjenclosure Civil Engineers 2785 Park Avenue Santa Clara, California 95050 AN AFFIRMA riVE ACTION EMPLOYER f .' f <_ ".i'. l. r't J_. May 11, 1978 File: City of Campbell, Subd. Page Ditch Nly of Hacienda Avenue Ely of Virginia Avenue Re: Site Plan - Lands of Williams (ZC 78-5) 705 and 725 W. Hacienda Avenue 78A476, 788476 Mr. Arthur Ree Planning Director City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. Richard L. Schneider Planner II Dear Mr. Kee: We have reviewed the site plan for the Lands of Williams, your file ZC 78-5 at 70S"and 725 West Hacienda Avenue, received with your letter of April 26, 1978. The site would not be subject to flooding from the l' flood on any District facility. The site is located about 14 feet southerly of Page Ditch which is a trapezoidal section earth channel contained within 3S feet of the right of way as shown on the enolosed copy of the site plan. .f" OVerbank drainage would have an undesirable effect on the opera- tion and maintenance of the ditch. Please design the site grading to prevent such drainage. Details of the grading should include the oros8.-sectional view at the property line and should be shown on the improvement plans. This site is part of an area planned by the City of Campbell to drain into Page Ditch. Under existing conditions, the area should not be drained into Page Ditch because it would result in flows exceeding the Page Ditch (42-inch pipe) capacity at San Tomas Aquino Road. The installation of an additional 42-inch pipe down Lovell Avenue would provide the additional capacity needed. The ditch may be a potential hazard to small children that may be in the proposed development. We, therefore, recommend that for the safety and privacy of the people in the development, the site be fenced off from the ditch. Any fencing alonq the ditch right of way would require the property owner' s approval and the sub- mittal of topography showing the looation of the top and toe of the ditch bank and about three cross-sections of the ditch along the site. ~'., ~ :- , .'~ - , ,., ,-'.r.",' ,_.r --'!', '.. ,i".: . '1.,,;,;.,.: ~--.. ""f'i""~ r: ". r~ '. !",".4i ..j.,,,- , ., 'f"-; ol-.' 1'> t ~~r~' ;~f.?:><. " :;'t ", !- ~' 1:" $.;' (' Mr. Arthur Kee -2- !olay 11, 1978 In accordance with District Ordinance 75-6, the owner should show any existing well(s) on the plans and inform us regardinq their proposed use. Please contaot Mr.Nichols on extension' 259 .for information about well permits. Please furnish ~provement plans for our review and issuance of a permit prior to construction. . ~ t; , '':.'~ Very trUly yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY w. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure: Marked Site Plan cc: Mr. Joe Elliot Director of Public Works City of Campbell .:r.Richardson W. Carlsen A. Codiroli E. Sullivan R. Pardini AC:JDN:lt ~-'- ./" '" :- ',' .:l'~. < _J,- ....... '4-' .~'A . I ;} 'l .... . " .". ~ __~ - :v.' ',. .~. " . t. ,. .- ...... ~.~_._,,_.~.....__...._ ...._'A____~.___....."_ Environmental Management Agency Environmental Health Services 2220 Moorpark Avenue San Jose. California 95128 297-1636 Area Code 408 County of Santa Clara California Sl RECE1VED I ,., '.,' !,: . \..' .'. :~H8 '((' Pu l.U,-, ,;U,{l\v ENGINEERING TO: City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: Donald Williams Hacienda and Fairlands Ave. Campbe 11, CA FROM : Lee E. Esquibel, Supervising Environmental Health Sanitarian DATE: June 22, 1978 Sewage disposal for proposed development to be provided by sanitary sewer and domestic water furnished by the San Jose Water Works Com- pany. This department has no additional recommendations or require- ments for above application. LEE:hpp An Equal Opportunity Employer