1063 Fewtrell Drive (67-48) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPi3ELL. CALIFORNIA /I ¿: .' NAME ø-~ - //; Qt¿Z;;;-~ c;4¿9/k . FOR ¡Ji-~ A~ ~~ ,;/ t'J-c/!'O /0 tPj. ~~U ¿Q.t,' ADDRESS ..;: / tf.j O~¡ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ t 6 FUND NUMBER e DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. AUG 11-67 Aœ 11-67 005 *** * 1 85.00 66 005A ***185.00 '-Y ó '6lb.-- ~ ëj::¡~~~'?7 B D MONEY ORDER D CASH Titanic You CITY OF CAMPBELL No. 512 2 ~ ~ 7 CITY CLERK ~/ ' I (,~ O? 9- ß~' O't/ BY , ! PLANNING DEPART:-lENT CI'~Y OF CAHPBELL 75 ¡WRTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMlJBBLL, CAL I FORN IA ~' , Date July 7, 1967 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF SANTOS/MONTANARI__- , POR COliJSTRUCT10N OF NURSERY SCHOOL . , TO liE LOC,:.:,"ED AT: CONDITIONS: 1063 FpWTRELL DßJVE~ CAMP~~. CALIFORNIA . . 2. 'Landscaping and fencing to be previded as shown on plan. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure fencing and landscaping within three (3) months of complet- ion of building, or applicant may file written Agreement to complete landscaping and fencing prior to final Building Depart- ment clearance. 1. 3. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material ~o be submitted for approval of Planning Director at time of application for Building Permit. O-V-E-R Section 9316.1 of the Campbell l\lunicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tfie date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 3rçl DAY OF .J 111 y, 1 q n 7 CITY OF CM4PBELL PLANNING CO~~ISSION By: - R. V. HOGANl~ 't) . V. !'(1(T:1ñ ' ecretary 4. An enclosure, censisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence, shall be constructed te house trash container. Location of enclosure to be approved by Fire and Planning Departments,.,. "',~!.( " The applicant is notified that as a part of th~~ ~J1pr~y~i, he 'is ,required to meet the followi,~gcondi tions in accordance wi..b q;r:;è!i~~l\ce.~ .J~£ tile Ci ty: ' ,,' 5. Undergreund utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell municipal Code. ,,:,' ":'~'I, '1' '..~';'.)i" Parking area to be pave&, ,~1lo '~~D1p¡i,ance,~i1:h Section 9319 of the Cam,bell-MunicipalCode~' ..,' "," , - '.." "'" 6. 7 . , ' ( , . Subject tocemþlianceowith'all-condition's e£"Us-e 'Permit 6.7:-l~,., .. , .'j The applicant is also notified that he shall comply with all'Ðther applicable codes or ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertai~ to this development and are not herein specified. , ' ,> ",' . ¡ , " '; , ':'j,!, I ";, ,',0 .. ,i , ; !.' ;.' , , "i, :, -""',' ""::t:\(;,, ," " , ',:'..~",;".. "L ",":':;.'r,¡; ,",\'; ,',," i: ,,;:,~":."':.¡ ,i,.\"f:, ,j.,:., " ""."""";);1:-;1'",":: ,,:";,:!;"";;':;: . ~ ",'J; ;,:,/';:1;; i:';':;~,>" ","':j';:""'.' ;:~" ',r r' ," ,"", ,;!::: ,', ,,", ,:':, , ';'" ,'," ,", ,,: .',' , ":. ¡ ".""., ~ ':,.; , .: ," "'.' ',i .; '.. . ' , , : ,¡ ,', ,: ;", ; , ' " ; ",¡ :, ' , . . , ,j;, :' ~ :,', ' , :',' '::," :,' 0, :,' "" ' : .. " '>,', ,', , ,.., 'to' " " J,':: ,-: '.. r,i;' , , , :' :' "',, , , ,", " \", ' ", 'j "", ,", I, "'" , , ; " :, , " i', ' "~ ~ . :' , ;;;',,', .' ".G;?; ; " " '( ¡, ;':1:' ,: ..' I ; ,,, ,. (' . .:: ;; '0' " ',' .., -'-'.. , ' 'i , t', 'I .; ,:,' : '. .., ¡ " , !' , ,.' , " .' ',;' , " " ' ;', ','::" ,r--- Application ~o. 5.1-309232 LXI!TßIT A All that certain real property situate in the City of r.ampbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PC1RT1(")!\ or LOT 3, <15 shown uron that certain tl<1T' entitled, "~':1p of the Subdivision of the [state of ^. Johnson", which Map ,,;as fi led for record in the off ice of the Recorder ()f the County of Santa Clara, State of Ca1iforni?, on r,!arch 26, 1881 in nook ^ of }Iaps, at p<1f-e 37, and more particularly described as £0110\..,5: p,rGII\I\TM; at the ~ortl1\\'esterly cC"rner of Lot 1, as said Lot is shO\m upon thflt cf'rtain ~4aT' C'ntitled, "Tract No. 301 .'\rden 1!omesites", \...hich ~'!dP ,,'as filed f()r record in the office of the Recorder of the County of ~anta Clara, State of California, on ~1ay 13, 1946 in Boo],: 10 of ~¡aT's, at page 24; thence from said point of her-inning true Kest along the Paster1y rrolon~ation of the Nortl1erly line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 65.00 feet to the true point of bcrinnin~ of the tract of land to he descrihed; thence from said true T'.oint of be?,inning true Fast a1on?, said last'rnentioncd nrolonration f(\r a distance of 65.00 feet; thence true South a ] () n g the 1',' cst e r 1 vIi n C 0 f sa i è !. 0 t 1 f (\ r a cl is tan ceo f 1 57 . 3 ] feet to t};e no int of inter see t i on the-reo f ,.: i th the Northerl v 1 ine of Fe\"trell Drive, as said I1rive is shO\m upon the }'ap of ' said Trac;t No. 301 a1><"I,ve referred to; tlience \':esterly <11onp. said lnst ~entioncd line for a distance of 65 feet, m()re or 1e5s, to a point which bears true South from the said true point of beg i nn ing; thence true ;.Jorth and pa raIl e 1 wi th the "Yes ter 1 y 1 ine of said Lot 1 for a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to the true roint of beginning. ~\-E. \I'=\~' VTN. ì~Î~' I I ~I ~i "Ì:' I \1\ ':) K \{ \j \1\ f) 'I I '-U ?3 ') '< ~I LðT "'""" ~ I B'(' t E /-fS7 ~ '::> ~O'\ ;I. ~ ð.. ('. '-.N E.<;'T CO c:; "-.. N 'V\/. CO{¿. '1", F fl ~ ìO ()'-.') vî /' ~6,t R.= S?<J' , :t L ñ) I-- aT r¿Þ<- ì\ ~, I ?-.:r~h"'" Ii) ~~~ ~- ,-", r-...~ '-..',.J" ~-~7 'r~1i" 11 f:ot A ,,1l~:"Y' d the bnd but is '(W~p¡j~'J ' I"':"':-:;,!¡on:'-:;¡ :t'¡ó!:,..,.,l';r;¡",':rj"i . ",()' J, 1 '.' ~:.1~ Tf""'r~!'-~ ,'-- ; ~'", , r""", "", Q "-t) ¡::EW T£ELL DR.,/VE 3 ~I4NSON TO !lZII.IC 430 la.ea' ~ @ .- x37 Tr. 10-24 ' '1 IMrolTAHT rUMf ADDIESS All COIIUroNDfNCf TO, ¡l:J 66 Norlh F ¡..I St" Son' Jo.e 13 n l::; 3275 S,eveno C'ee~ Blvd" San jail lJ168MoinSt"LosAItoo , i 257 Cos..o 51" Mounlo;n Vi.w [J 248 Hom,lton Ave., Polo Alto [j 348 S, Murphy Ave., Sunnyval. D 495 No, P"ncevolle 51" Grtroy 0 32B Sora logo Ave" Lao ~olas ~ Title Insurance and Trust Company SANTA CLAIA COUNTY IMPORTANT When replying refer to Our No. SJ 309 2 3 2 T. J. Johnson Realty 707 ~~. 1st. ~t. San Jose, California Your No. The following is a report of the title to the land described in your application for a Policy of Title Insurance, and is made without liability and without obligation to issue such policy. In addition to any exceptions shown herein, and not cleared, the policy, if issued, will contain conditions and stipulations and also exceptions from its coveragt' as may be required by the particular form of policy issued. Dated as of -.1:av 23. 1967 at 7:30 a,m, R I CHAR11T:r. ~ ILL E R Title Officer( D) Vcstee: SAN .Josr f~Or, CO., a Co-Partnership Exceptions: 1 . Taxes for the fiscal year 1967-6R R lien not yet payable. 2. A deed herein Dated Amount Trustor of trust to secure an and any other amounts : ~-1:1y 3, 1960 : $40,825.00 : Fen Zah1e, a single man and San Jose flog Co., 3 r.o-Partnershin : California Paci~ic Tit1~ Insurance Company, a corporation Beneficiary: Helen r'. Whistler Recorded: May 4, 1960 in hook 4784 page 53 Official Records Instru~ent No.: 1810368 indebtedness of the amount stated payable under the terms thereof Trustee Said ~Iatter Affects This and Other Property The Trustee under the above Deed of Trust is now Title Insurance and Trust Cornnany, a corporation. Note 1: This Report includes an examination of Municipal Records as to Taxes, ^ssess~cnts, and Bonds of the City of Campbell. . L .., --- .. Application ~o. SJ 309232 Par.e 1"'0 r\otc 2: c.cneral and ~peci:ll County and Ci tv Taxes for the fiscal ye~r 1966-67, including r~rson~l nroper~y tax. if any ¡\ ~ s C'S S 111 en t ~ 0 . Cot\e :'-'0. : 280-58-511 : 10-41 first Installment (Includes Personal Property of $6.72) : $689.74 Paid SeconcJ Installment (Includes Personal Property of $6.73) : $689.74 Paid ì\ote 3: The Rec('lrd~ of Santa Clara County disclose that a Statement of Partnership has been recorded as follows: ~<ame : San J()~C J:og Co., a Co-Partnershir Recorded: Auf'ust 26, 1955 in Rook 3265 Official Records, r3~C 1124 GenerAl Partners: A. TIandoni and Pruna Pandoni By instrument dated Hay 1, 19S() rC'corned ¡.!ay 17, 1956 in Bool-- 3498 Official pecords, ]1é1Qe 210. The C1bove st<1tement of u?rtnershir ,,'as revised to include the name of Fda Randonit a partller in s;¡id Co-Partnershir. ~:ote 4: Tit 1 c of the Ves tee }lere in was ;:¡cau i rE'd by Deed recorded pd(1r to ,six months from the date hereof. m:SCR I PT I O~: For description of the real nroperty referred to herein, 5ee rXJ!IBIT At attached hereto and made a Dart hereof. Pr./C{! 3 conies to applicant 2 copies to Ray Montanari - .,. LABORATORY CERTI FICATE .. .. u LABORATORIES OAKLAND 5AN JOSE MONTEREY SAN FRANCISCO HALES TESTING LABORATORIES REPLY TO TESTING M INSPECTION SERVICES CHEMISTS' METALLURGISTS San Jose, California (tJ) P. o. #1685 November 10, 1967 LAB NO: PROJECT: SJ-3392-S CITY OF CAMPBELL Bascom & Fewtrell Stations 0+10 and 0+75 SAMPLE: DATE RECEIVED: Composite Sample November 6, 1967 SAMP LED BY: REPORT TO: R. Sinclair TESTED BY: M. Sivil City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Mr. Frank T. Lewis REPORT SIEVE ANALYSIS (" Sieve Size 2" 1-1/2" 1" 3/4" lj2" ¡(811 118 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 (by wash) SAND EQUIVALENT TEST (California Method No. 217-D) Percent Passing 100.0 99.1 92.5 82.2 69.4 61.0 41.0 34.5 26.1 20.2 15.7 11.0 8.3 S. E. equals average of 3: 20.0 Respectfully submitted, MSi vil/ js HALES TESTING LABORATORY 5 cc: City of Campbell f V!/} CBoY N S ;?:!::~N A?f1~~I(D'" U S T R I A L INSPECTING. TESTING, ANALYSES OF MATERIALS 103 ,20M 2-66 ~ f i n~!,l" r "E~t;<.,.'" / /'., Lvi ( / I ',I t ./ I lV" ----, t A . h' .., '7 r,'í..A //' USE PERMIT a . I 'UP 67-12 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 19 June 1967 In accordance with Section 9328, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, California, Mr./Mrs. F. M. Santos Mr./Mrs. Romano Montanari are hereby granted a use permit to operate a pre-school day-care nursery school on property known as l063 Fewtre1l Drive, subject to the following conditions: 1. Plans of the proposed building to be submitted for liS" approval. 2. Use Permit to become invalid if plans for building are not submitted and construction begun within one (1) year from date of approval. Parcel Map to be processed and filed with County Recorder t s Office. Divis ion of property to assure that no unusable parcel remains. 3. 4. Storm Drainage Fee in the amount of $l8S.00. Hours of operation to be limited to 7:00 AM to 6:00 P.M. 5. PASSED and ADOPTED by the City of Campbell Planning Commission in regular session, on the 19th day of June, 1967. SAID USE PERMIT to become effective on the 29th day~of June~ 19 67. RVH:bt CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: . . //"., / ,/ > / ,¿</', r/ "--"!:'"""~"¿'-"'/" ~ R. V" Hogan ,"Secretary