1089 Florence Way (73-22) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME C'\o (' j¡ ) J-{. C'}¡ ÒJ ~ llfYUJ-L- 'DDR'" r;;c¡ ( ):11:41)1 ~ i'~ Q) þO,j)\) .~c " FOR P .èk ",,) ch ru M ~.~R2 0Ju Q) f Q ~ ~) I 0 ~,C; 1.Q.,.y'cQ/'A.-O 0/ (1)a q- " (:/' 7.~ - :l. .2 Ó \Zjf:< /7, ~ ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3 ~ { FUND NUMBER ß 'f1j10- J '!,SO . 7' CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. J(l19-73 .At. 19-73 003 ****Zl1.Z6 61 oo3A ***Z17.26 <!!>s 1641 w4, r111,~AíY"-<l!W' CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ", ~¡, 7 ~.~ ')' .-") ,.:; './ e><. ""'-' ~~-:' c: 5 (~ "..£l : .' 'ra~ (¡i;ç) , PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: CON D I T I 0 ìl SAT T A C 11 EDT 0 " S " A P PRO V A L 0 F P LAN S ÞÊ!FY 22" 197 3 --'-------.-- 0______-----' FOR CONSTRUCTION OFJaek Cn-i-g.~-- . .0 TO BE LOCATED AT ---wa-J'ßhouse building .-----l-Q ~.e-nçe.,.-W.a. '1-- CONDITIONS: Approval, subject to the attached conditions. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such ~pproval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any' approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE day of ,19 21 !liay 73 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: --- ----'------------ -- -..-------- ARTHUR KEE, SLCRETARY cc: Fire Dept. Engineering Dept. -/ CO )( D T T I 0 F:; 0 r /\ p }'}< (; V A L - "s" 'I 3 .- :; 2 ----""'-_-0_..-_' ""-'-'---------"-"----'-'----- Cr'aif.! J" 1. PrODcrty to be fenced and lan¿scapod a~ indicated and as added J_n tired" OJ) planrò. 2. Land::;c¿;.pc plan inc1icatinz type of plant material. location (; f h (J~; ( b.i))~; 0 l' ~; P r i IJ k 1 c' T' S Y s t e J¡'I i:l n d t Y P e 0 f fen c i 11 g to be sulw,ittccl for ¿'PP~'ovdl of the Planning Director at time of application fa!" building permit. 3 . Landscapin& shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape pIal!. It . Faithful performance hond in tIle amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area Y1 i t h in t 11 r e e C 3) Tn 0 n t 11 S 0 f com p 1 e t ion 0 f con s t r u c t ion> 0 r applicdnt may file wr'ittcn agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to fina1 building depar'tli:ent cle31'ance. 5. Trash containerCs) of a size and quantity necessary to the development shall be locate d in area C G) ¿¡PPl'oved by fire department. Unless other'Hisc noted, enclostll~c(s) consist of a. concrete floor ~}urrou))cied by a solid HalJ. and }¡élVé selt,--closing door's of iJ. S:!é:C specified by the de p ¿¡ r t ¡~I e n t . the f;ha.il or. fence fire serve The applicant is notified as part of this application that h~ i~ l" e qui l' e d tom c e t t h (' f () 11 0 H i 11 [, con d it ion sin ace 0 r d él nee Hit h 0 r din a n c c s of the City of Campbell. A. All parkin~ and driveway areas to be d~velopcd in compliance H:i.th Section 21.50 of tì,C Campbell ¡';unicipul Code. 1\11 piu'k:i.ng spaces to be provided with appropriilte concrete curbs or bumper gl1drds. B. Un d E-; x' g J' 0 tlll d uti 1:~ tie s t 0 b cpr' 0 v i cl e d a r,; r c qui l' e d by S e c t i 011 20.16.070 of t}¡c Campbell ¡'íun3c5pi;1 Code. c. Plal!~; subJalttecl to tJ¡C büiJdilJ['. ÒCl'dl't'T:cnt fop plan check shall in die <l tee J c éU' 1 Y t J! C .1. 0 C D t ion (> fiLl J co ;HI Get ion s fop u 11 cl (~r g Y' 0 u 1H1 uti 1 i t j c:.; j n c.1 \1 ci i 11 g \,'(1 t C)', S e h' U', c 1 c c t l' ie, t G 1 c P hop e an cl tclcvic.ion célbJc~:;, etc. )) . S i g n éJ P F.1 :i. c i1 t i 011 to Ì> c ~,: 11)) n: i t ~t C cJ 5 L .:.1 ceo l" (1 i1 1'1 C C) \,' i t}1 p T' 0 v 5, ;-; i O!l ~; of tì:(' sir~n o:ccl'illiìnce .10)' c:11 ~:,ig!!~,:. Fo :.,jgn to be installed U 1'1 t j J i1 P P .1 i C 3 t i 0 11 i ~ (J p p ) , 0 \' C d ¿ n d l' e )' u i t i ;; ~; u c ,1 b Y the L u i J (1 5- 11 r. tlcp:H,ti.ìcnt. J: . OhLi.ì',;nce ¡:o, '!H:' of t]¡" Cai;\p])cJ.1l.unic5pi:l Cod,,::', stip'..11atc!,: 1',)¡a1' ;:r',/ Cí1 )\1'i,,(,'l: :;'0)' t!Jl cul:!lc'(.:[,¡¡ l)nt.1 61:..:;,0;;;,1 of. )'ciu~'('~ ; ."i ;'J " \) 1 ¡ ¡: : ; i ! " \ , r>,' ,1 ... i, ~:,..;;, l;, .'. :, r:; " :-. ;.:;' ..:: ¡:. ,; , (,5¡j)' C.;-~\' of (":,r-:;,(,1.1 1'l " :}c \,51)) (,:nCCTI ViJl.i(;.y D,L: í'C'S,:!.) : : ì (èi :. J c () ¡; j¡ J T I 011 S 0 r I, P P ;,~ C \'i\I, "S!! 7 ::. - ~,' ~) ë-í~ ãl ix:--:r~----- -- ----- - ---.------- Pagt: Two '., Company. This requirement applies to all singJ.e family dHellinl~é;, ¡~ultipj(, apartrnE.nt units, to all co~linercial, business, inrtustrial. manufacturing$ and construction esta:ulishments. F. Storm draingc area fee based on $765 per acre. G. Provide two on-site yard hydrants. H. Pr'ov ide 2/',,\;C fire ext ingui S11 ers as PC gu ired by the r ire depar'tmcnt. 1. Provide 30n pay'apct 'V,'all at south and \-!est property line. J. Roof covering shall be fire retardant. The applicant is notified tl¡at he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. .' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM FROM~ Building Department Public Works Department . TO: The requirements of the Public ~'lorks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT . \ hvt::- c£.-A, (- 'f (0'1/ BUILDING ADDRESS I () 8 $I' ff-L,.-ð¡(é-JuE:.- COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ¿ "A-'-/ ( .. S.. APPROVAL NUMBER 7'~ -77 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER f.~c rK C CJ ç J /' WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By~/ Á ' 1/1-- 7 -18,-7'(' Date VALLEY TITLE CaMPA:r. Escrow # 'oN 29824 Co. Bill # 424-1-65 Code Area 10-012 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I I L ~ MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO I" Name Grant Deed Address JOINT TENANCY City & State L By this instrument dated Transfer Tax Apri130. 1973 . for a valuable consideration, $ ( ) Full Value ( ) Equity JANES D. HAYES and VEU1A HAYES, his wife and DYKE PIPKINS and ~~XINE PIPKINS, his wife hereby GRANT (5) to JACK H. CR.:;IG and FLORENCE CRt1IG, his \Üfe IN JOINT TENANCY The following described Real Property in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara California, described as: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO MID MADE A PART HEREOF x x J ¿:Hnes D. Hayes Dyke Pi'Jkins v "'- x Haxine Pi~kins Velma Hayes STATE of CALIFORNIA COUNTY of { ss On and State, personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County known to me to be tee person_whose n..me same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission ExpirE.s: subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged th..t executed the Notðry Public VTC-102R 10-67 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE - ------------- ____n_--------- -------- -_._----- EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the So......nwest corner of that certaín parcel conveyed by Robert C. Herschòach et ux, to Warren F. Brown, et ux, by Deed dated April 6, 1956, - recorded Ju.l'le 12, 1957 in Book 3819 of Official Records, page 257; thence from said point of begin..'I'J.1.'1g North Oo20'East along the W~sterly line of the above mentione:i parcel 130. 00 feet; thence Easterly at right angles to said Westerly line, to the V/esterly line of L'lat certaiIl parcel conveyed by Warren F. Brown, et ux, to Jack H. Craig, et ux, by Deed recorded May 8, 1959, in Book 4410 of Official Records, page 160 said line also beL'1g the center line of a 40 foot right of way described m said Deed; L1-rence along s2.Ìd last mentioned line Southerly to the Southwest corner of that parcel conveyed to Jack H. Craig above mentioned; thence Westerly along the Westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of the parcel to Craig, 20.00 feet to theWestedy line, of said 40 foot ri;ht of way; thence Southerly along said right of way and parallel with the Westerly H;.e of said lands of Brown, to the Southerly line of said lands of Brown; thence 'Çvesterly along said Southerly line to the point of beginning, being a - po rtion of Section 37 Township 8 Sou~ Range 1 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. ' TOG E'l'l:i.t:.:-'. WITH and as appurtenant to the above parcel, a non-exclusive right of way for- h1g'ress and egress and for the installation and ,mainternnce of public: utilities over and along and under two strips of land, one 20 feet wide, the Westerly liœ of ïhich. is the Westerly line of the 2.156 acre parcel conr eyed by Warren F. Brown, et~ to ack H. Cra.iq~ e~ by Deed hereina1:ove referred to; and running from the North- ,we~ corner of the 2.156 acre parcel to the Southwest corner, also a strip 20 feet : wide, the Easterly line of which is the Westerly line of the 2,156 acre parcel and running from the Northwest corner of the 2.156 acre parcel to the Northeasterly corner of the parcel hereinabove described. -- - , . - -,--- , , TOG ETHER 'vVITH and as appurtenant to the above described parcel of land, a non-exclusive right of way for road purposes, over and along a strip 60 feet wide as granted by Deed from Warren F. Brown, et ux, to Jack H. Craig, et ux, herehlab~ve referred to. - - - , - - - ,- :. C'L " - - '- '---, - - " -' - , -. '-, '-' , - DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 424-01-65' for JACK H. CRAIG All that certain parcel of land! situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of that certain parcel conveyed by Robert C. Herschbach, et ux, to Warren F. Brown, et ux, by deed dated April 6,1956, recorded June 12,1957, in Book 3819 of Official Records, page 257; thence, from said point of beginning, North 0° 20' East along the westerly line of the above-mentioned parcel 130.00 feet; thence, easterly at right angles to said westerly line, South 89° 40' East 97.90 feet to the westerly line of that certain parcel con- veyed by Warren F. Brown, et ux, to Jack H. Craig, et ux, by deed recorded Maya, 1959, in Book 4410 of Official Records, page 160, said line also being the center line of a 40-foot right of way described in said deed; thence, along said last- mentioned line, South 0020' West 98.80 feet to the southwest corner of that parcel conveyed to Jack H. Craig, above-men- tioned; thence North 84° 26' West 20.08 feet along the west- erly,pro1ongation of the southerly line of the parcel con~ veyed to Craig to the westerly line of said 40-foot right of way; thence South 0° 20' West and parallel to the westerly line of said lands conveyed to Brown 40.17 feet to the south- erly line of said lands conveyed to Brown; thence North 84° 26',West 78.23 feet along said southerly line to the point of beginning, being a portion of Section 3, Township 8 South, Range 1 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. Prepared April 26,1973, by M1\;roC.'!'HOMA ~'\~ & CO. INC. o-~ . G ,/ -----. . ^~G ¡J ¡) ------- ... " Y' ' ~---------- oþ;$ , ---~----- s u ¡J tJ Ý \. . " " " . ~ \ Þ¿ \ \~\ \ \~ \ \ '/-0' ZO'\ ~ ~ \ "\\i~~B9'4f)'N 979 . ,~ \ \ ~ .~. \ 1 ~ " ... .¡.~ ",\" \ " ~~ \ ~I~ \ ~ % (), 'Zð4 Ac \ ~ \ ~ () t ~ ,~' ~ \ '1.0.08 \ < + o~ ~ I ~\t/. ~ 'Ç) t-.. f \.~. 1>' ~ ~ ": \/;1 '<~ 0' ~Ç:) ~ Ò 'J ) 78.28 IJ) ~~ . G 84 0 Zcõ 'f: c," Þ' ,<,(J ( 'V. 'V' ~ .~ oQ, (0 ,0 V ~t( NB482cø 'w SURVEY Fe\<. , JACK H. CQAtG CITY OF CAM P~El.\.. CAL\F, '5cAL.E \-.~. A P\Z\\.. 1«31'3 , MARK T\-\OMA~ s.. Co, \NC, " CIVIl.. ENGII\lEer¿~ s.. MUN\C'PA\... PlAN~~Rc:, '5A I..) JO5E CAL.lFO\'2.~\b. -; :; ,..." . , - ..... ~ '- . "¡- .-- -- .. r I ; ¡ , / W,. p'.' --- - ,--. ~,'-,-_. "--'-~---'_.'-"---"- . -....-- ."- . ...- -..--..------ .--..- ~ " .-.' 11 r ," - , ..¡ . S C-,/ " (/.--// ,.././ .....",,/ /~'- ..... ,-/' '¡ ". -" ' '. '-- \ \ \ ','-, ' I / ¡ ., ' ~, ; f. ~, .':'1.1 J f" I I ¡ I ,', ,'" i 1 -.( '1 I' , i '>r . ,." -l.li.,;,...ì' , : ',II <f.'.. r - A. h I;"~ '/',;' "'L' ,:' ... . "~I ~:. I:TA ( ;' \ ;1 '/ -¡ \, ¡ ~ .' ¡ , \ t, .. . -j t... :1 II, I!i II: I! f 'IlL ,! ' ii . '. ~I."'" I!~" n' ' \: i " j ¡.:/,~.¡ \i, .'¡ .. <"/ /.' ... ¡.'" '" -4';--:- ... .:, " , . 1','<_'7':° ~'e,;./::.;,':'; ..- j , ",/ .../\/ // \ ,~ [I " ", " " 27/ r ,1,'l'; " " .. /'~',Þ"""':~/: " " "', ~ . " ."" 0 ". Hì','::::~~ ,r-; -----.. 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